Camp Security Tips - Securing your Gear Back Country Camping Hiking Backpacking

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[Music] so I thought I'd take a couple of minutes this morning and talk to you guys about a couple of camp security issues that I run into so there's two big security issues that I encounter doing what I do one is often time I'm backpacking back in and I've got a big heavy pack on me that I'm carrying but I'm kind of exploring and there's times that I want to drop my heavy pack and scramble up the hillside or drop down into a canyon or something without carrying all my main gear so the security issue that I have with that cuz I'm always concerned that somebody may stumble across my pack take off with it and then all of my main supplies all my critical supplies for the trip are gone the second security issue that I run into you has oftentimes I set up a little camp like this but I go off during the day and hike around either hunting or exploring or something like that and I've got the same issue I've got gear back at my camp that I want or need for the trip and I'm walking away and leaving it so the problem is again what if somebody stumbled onto my camp and somebody makes off with my critical gear so let me show you guys a couple of little solutions that I've come up with for that so I've stashed my pack over there and if you look really close you can see it but I just took about a minute to throw a little bit of natural vegetation over it and concealed it a little bit and it's just enough to break it up so that there's no man-made looking outlines from a distance and it blends in nicely with that log that I stashed it under so I found this unique little product called the sound grenade and I've incorporated into a couple of my outdoor or backcountry security measures and let me show you guys how I did that so first the backpack security piece so let me show you guys what happens here so the sound grenade comes packaged with this little attached carabiner to the package so that carabiner I just repurpose and use as part of my system for use the saundra need for security so the saundra need is two pieces and basically how the device works is when the two pieces are pulled apart that's what trips the alarm so I just leave mine set up by attaching a piece of bank line to the large portion and then just leaving the carabiner that came with it attached to the small end so to set the sound grenade alarm I'll take the small end of my noose and I'll usually just wrap it around a little stick like this and then I'll just clip the other end in some place to the backpack that's gonna be kind of out of sight so I'll just clip that carabiner into a little strap and now if someone grabs the backpack to remove it so when it comes to Camp security I'll set up a little tripwire now I used a little larger bank line for this so hopefully you guys could see it but the critical elements are disguising as much as possible the trip wire number one and number two setting up the trip wire in a place that it's logical for people to walk when you look at the overall camp layout this is the side that it's logical to walk in from now also notice down here I've disguised my alarm in there just put a little bit of concealment on it so it's not easy to see from a distance other things when it comes to Camp security that I always think about is number one trying to keep my camp as low profile as possible using natural colors for my packs my gear things like that things that don't stand out for a long ways and then so keeping a pretty low signature to the improvements of my camp obviously this one you can tell was set up by man however I'm using all natural materials and from a distance it doesn't really stand out that much when I walk away from camp I want to make sure that my fire is completely dead so there's no smoke coming out of it in this country you can smell wood smoke for a long ways and also smoke is visible for a long ways so keeping your fire completely out when you leave camp to me is a really important a really important thing to do [Music] I like to use a little personal alarm system like the sound grenade and then a combination of concealment keeping my gear all low profile when I walk away from my pack making sure to conceal it a little bit and then also from time to time if I'm in an area where there's more people I might set up a tripwire or something around my camp now Todd stone from Central Oregon survival networks also been messing around with a sound grenade a little bit using it in some different security applications so you might check out his channel such Oregon survival Network for some more ideas on how to use this I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Coyote Works
Views: 23,480
Rating: 4.9770379 out of 5
Id: LhP2vddC0Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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