If Objects Were People | The Best Episodes and Funniest Moments by Challenge Accepted

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oh [Applause] [Music] do you have oh yeah what wait a second [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh i'm ready now hi ugh [Music] yeah oh yeah what no [Music] [Applause] [Music] look how cute he was [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you have a napkin oh yeah there you go thank you but i'm a make-up ride okay let's go on a date yes [Music] it's finished but i still have some [Music] i'll call you back was my best shirt this will do oh [Music] perfect you should use me more often sorry [Music] yes perfect you just don't understand art a little bit of chocolate yeah enjoy so good it's too much maybe one more [Music] you can go like that man you're right no i have to do it all done huh i can make some spaghetti oh it's ready i should get flowers for leah it's perfect thank you i guess i'll need something else hey baby what's up this will work oh my god wow i like your house what is unless there's barack wait [Music] this is for you [Music] thank you let's put some music on yeah yeah wow don't need music oh that was a chair yeah right blame the cheer thank you [Music] hey guys it's buddy's lead yay [Music] it was a nice evening [Music] oh come on guys [Music] that's cool but as they say it will be there drink up babies uh has it been here since yesterday [Music] you're up for a bottle it'll be a short one yeah flossing is important [Music] how come flies to fall from the ceiling [Music] oh fine oh come on sorry man no no wow not today [Music] where is this lens hey watch out [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever what should i wear you gotta look pretty this looks nice all right [Music] um what should i wear [Music] [Music] [Music] finally oh what a nice kitchen oh no no no no no yeah [Music] [Music] i will make some tea instead [Music] [Music] it will be perfect in the glass with ice [Music] [Music] such a beautiful mug hey take more pictures oh i used to be like you hmm [Music] ew what's going on [Music] that's it no way party time [Music] i hey we are doing pretty well we're just getting started wake up my computer you are fine now hey time for a little break much better we have to stop her from playing camera turn on [Music] stupid camera this is my job these celebrities [Music] i don't have time for this hey what no internet not now i won i won i won electronic shop i'm coming she's going to buy new stuff i ready guys what are you gonna do to us don't worry guys i will help you yeah i'm going go go go come on what guys i can't hear you no bro don't leave me it's so old come on bro it's gonna be okay no it [Music] won't [Music] come on [Music] [Music] i really need to buy a new computer fortnite tournament ten thousand dollars winning prize i have to start my training [Music] oh i also can use this money to buy oh what did you say she wants to buy a new computer what [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] um clean up this mess honey okay [Music] but after lunch [Music] and spices [Music] time to train what maybe something wrong with the wires [Music] everything's okay antivirus i believe in you [Music] how am i gonna train now [Music] this circle is closing come on enough for today [Music] losers me i'll kill him [Music] i won wake up look at this alex is in the gym [Applause] stop you need a disguise [Applause] ugh go go go go huh wake up wake up remind me why are we doing this we're trying to win alex's hearts [Applause] guys this is alex [Music] are you okay yeah who are you i'm love oh not this again is he looking at me here really what do i do go down [Music] it's [Music] oh come on [Music] i'll get it your pizza ah that's a hot party you're having here [Music] she's definitely [Music] always overeating uninvited when your head floats somewhere in space to surrender and let your love take its place [Music] what's the answer jess alex um what is that detention wait what i said that's it sean i can't believe it taste my wedding i'm wearing white my daddy's weeping if it is real why is it fading oh it's a dream and i am sleeping are you okay say something nice i like your head what else does he like oh he likes music [Music] huh [Music] what else does he like skateboarding chemistry what cutting no something safe cakes everyone likes cakes ah [Music] he's gonna like it cake [Music] now we have to make another one wow really what should i do let's try one more time hi i picked you a cake wow thanks i'm so allergic to peanuts okay [Music] oh come on [Music] what else he likes why don't you ask him why didn't i think about this before knock on the door i can't oh come on i'll do that i didn't ask you why i tried everything already what do you like oh i thought you wouldn't ask lots of things uh budget jumping judgy pumping bacon breath what no way breaking bad and baking bread yes you did that every liar why did you just read my mind she did it again huh kitty kitty kitty hey oh you're so cute need home i wish you were my girlfriend [Music] who are you yeah seems that my wish come true you might want to eat okay [Music] oh man i miss you [Music] hey sneaky cat what you want from me [Music] it seems that someone also wants to wash up come here [Music] my hair is absolutely wasted i need to get rid of my bad moods it shouldn't distract me i'll rather hold it [Music] [Applause] who is that i'm sorry i behaved bad let's start over oh what a cute kitty oh here's mine maybe some coffee okay this is for you you're finished you're so funny you know i'm glad that you came back chris i'm so happy [Music] [Music] sound lily bad kitty really really bad oh don't worry kitty's just playing [Applause] what smells so disgusting it's not me where does it come from so many problems from this cat [Music] [Music] oh huh [Music] if you want war you'll get war and granny asked me to help her i'll be right back in the morning take care of my kitty please don't worry please don't get friends bye bye [Music] good night let's get the party started who's here chris is that you maybe music can help me to relax [Music] well you can't really dance what a dreadful night i hate [Music] this good morning anne good morning lily i'm allergic to the cat we have to get rid of her i hear you [Music] i have a present [Applause] [Music] what about your allergy [Music] oh chris i'm so happy we're all together today me too two it's time get up no mom i'm not sleeping and don't forget to walk the dog okay mom no leave them like that [Music] okay breakfast too you are what you eat posted wow so many likes foreign [Music] i'm so popular oh no respect your time girl good morning sister oh no now i have to clean up all this mess exactly you have to clean up all this mess can you help me um sorry but i'm gonna be late for school i forgot to wash my hair try this [Music] see we save so much energy and you still look cute okay guys let's try this new 1997 makeup routine only 99 steps if i can do it you can do it too i can do it what are you doing look [Music] [Music] what about real life see you don't need makeup you're beautiful just as you are don't forget to pull your laundry out of the washing machine okay mom [Music] wow see you later take care of yourself sue don't try too hard okay okay i'll be watching you i have a lot of homework today homework can wait take your time [Music] [Music] ah i want this room clean by the time i get back yes mom no i have to throw in the trash [Music] i'll bake this [Music] i hate washing dishes oh you don't have to [Music] no sue we have to sacrifice this last piece otherwise we'll have to deal with the trash okay [Music] i can't i have this feeling like i forgot something relax girl overthinking causes wrinkles no i definitely forgot something laundry oh the smell i have to throw it [Music] sorry [Music] look no more wasting time on choosing clothes mom can i get a car of course you can see if you win the science olympiad but it's impossible yay i passed the test i'm going to the science olympiad okay okay but let's take a nap first no i don't need you anymore go away all right sue if that's what you really [Music] want here i am [Music] what what time is it oh my god i'm late [Music] sorry i'm here for the science olympiad it's over it's too late but i tried so hard i was always there for her i always helped her with everything always there for her look for her always [Music] i missed you i miss you too [Music] eiffel tower macaroni french [Music] okay class i found out how much the trip costs it's i can say [Music] and the good news the winner of the spelling bee will go for free i don't like this girl me too stop yelling see you spoiled her appetite oh look it's mom that's about the truth mom can i go to europe what are you gonna pay for this because i'm not we're leaving she doesn't love us don't worry honey i have to win the spelling bee just learn this word and we go to [Music] [Music] i need to rest can you please look after rama of course [Music] what's going on here come on now you know you have to start it just one more episode [Music] i told you nobody listened to me wait wait please no okay let's go home surely to quit [Music] go go [Music] maybe that granny can you help me of course you just take a straight ahead take a ride [Applause] turn right got it yeah thank you we should go no we need his number but this is not appropriate let's do this can i borrow your phone mine's dead sure i just called myself i have your number i'll call you later bye baby [Music] claim this now okay mr b you have a big problem chill learn to do get a job girl [Music] don't listen to her make my dreams come true [Music] we don't have time for we this to prepare for the spelling bee oh okay oh so hard to be a woman i need to relax a hot butt would be perfect with a novel in our hands would be better with classic music maybe so we dance with the kind of sexy [Music] let's cry [Music] know everyone the same we should get used to we need to concentrate let's go [Music] good luck it works the first word for emma is ambitious i know i know you oh come on emma listen to me a m b i t r o u x now the final round emma can you please spell environment oh my god we're so close it's too early to celebrate [Music] no sorry you were so close and zoie is the winner fairies [Music] oh this is yours lovely what what's wrong emma i don't have money to go to europe go to the dance show to give a cash prize really ready [Music] have some fun [Music] fun all participants have to take photo but she's not photogenic who said that i will start it out okay next [Music] thank you our little [Music] fast [Music] why is so sad what do we know of the tenant show i still can't afford to go to europe why is she so friendly i don't know i have an idea [Music] take it what what what oh my god thank you i didn't know you were a gamer of course i am where do you think i get all my expensive stuff from parents she's got a heart say it loud out loud [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] honey where is all their eyes okay okay i'm getting up [Music] you're late for school oops okay mom your test what okay it's always darkest before the dawn hey tell me the right formula please no no cell phones during the test lesson is over bye-bye oh wait look can you help me do you have a plan yeah can you help me please [Music] okay this is easy if you know basic math science i [Music] luke what is this i'm sick [Music] we have to repair you let's go can you save him please five minutes [Music] thank you thank you so much thank you very much [Music] okay let's chargey [Music] we did it huh oh where is [Music] [Music] you've gotta catch it at the right angle [Music] happy birthday i prepared a short film for you so beautiful oh thank you happy birthday lily hello press to start let's find you in the case it's not there one second i have a case for you oh no it was your favorite case oh hi siri order a new case okay order and you base no no new case order and you lazy uk place grace place [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow i like it oh wow and also you have to buy additional accessorizes so expensive [Music] anyway you need it [Music] thank you i had all these by default yourself who are you i don't know you hey it's me lily oh sorry i don't know you oh face mask [Music] oh sorry now you recognize me no i don't see anything stupid i will always recognize your finger [Music] i know how to make you late for school hey what are you doing lily wake up [Music] why are you still in bed you're late for school notifications [Music] here we go again hey i need your help i'm gonna make you take me back you need this yes i missed you a lot let's go be careful it's very spicy is it meal please when i'm so hungry it doesn't look garbage what do i do if i'm not a savage i look at them no more status get your players backstop menace [Music] [Music] hello milady i know you want to eat something sweet oh [Music] okay i only bent you [Music] [Music] help me with my experiment instead i'm ready dad three two one action what will happen if you put mantis in [Music] cola oh oh what is this [Music] one chewing gum zero [Music] sorry guys how dare you you'll be back [Music] it's mine i'll crack you i give up yeah oh yay [Music] huh [Music] that's not mine [Music] you ate garlic sorry take some gum [Music] no food [Music] you can buy sex here okay [Music] oh jeez [Music] um [Applause] what's happening it's not what you're thinking i can explain [Music] strawberry is my favorite [Music] hey not beer i know honey but let's have dinner together delivery bring us as usual oh more diets i promise [Laughter] one two three [Music] what do you see now [Music] i'm so sick of my clothes i'm so fat [Music] why are you looking at me what's wrong with me today honey you should be prepared for surprises [Music] oh honey that's too risky huh but i want these pants don't say i didn't warn see i told you chris [Music] huh oh i hate all those people are you [Music] i'm okay than you and you know it what stay away from me what did i do [Music] oh lisa go to the blackboard okay [Music] i can do it we'll see excuse lisa sit down well girl are you going to eat it all yourself yeah i'm being late already please please it's on the house thanks [Music] that was so embarrassing lisa i don't want to sit next to this loser oh no my skirt i'm sorry [Music] okay look at all your clothes it's so ugly [Music] what have you done what have i done it's mine i'm so sorry i love you so much it's okay honey i'm gonna do the dishes go clean your room don't tell me what to do daddy i'm so sorry [Music] no i need to study [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] hey babe are you ready i'm breaking up with you but i have to go you're not going anywhere are you okay tell him to bring some food and bring some food that's too much even for me [Music] hmm [Music] finally we are alone huh but the pizza is still here time has come [Music] but i'm your best friends [Music] and i don't charge it at all i have a new phone it is my new best friend no matter how much of spain it's now a part of my soul oh hi who are you [Music] [Music] i'm back [Music] i'll save you [Music] video can i watch it till the end please [Music] okay you're cutie uh you have goodies [Music] what [Music] come on hi what is that hi that's my power bank i can charge your phone too okay um let's go watch it [Music] we need two tickets cashocratic my phone duh please pay let me try again i'll get it [Music] here is what i found how to kiss the girl on the first date sarah call my girlfriend which one huh what [Music] there's someone i thought you were on a diet [Music] did you see that new phone hey dude i'm not that old oh no please don't be broken please don't be broken i'm okay [Music] [Music] what time is it i overslept [Music] forgot my phone test time [Music] hi i need your help i don't know you hey it's me is it you i don't think so what it's you chuggy running the race [Music] where's my phone hey can you call me yeah no problem [Music] [Applause] sorry i have an idea no no no no no [Music] can i help you how to solve this equation okay this is easy if you know basic math if you do not of course which i don't take your phone the problem has many solutions you're so annoying why can't you shut up when needed you always framed me check it out look at this wow i know how to make such tick tocks [Music] yay [Music] [Music] [Music] yummy [Music] i really like this dress can we get the same please okay okay google you know today's such a nice skirt and i want it google google where is she oh here you are don't do this anymore let's go where is it um hi google coming through slavis [Music] moisturizing facial mask with aloe thank you google [Music] that's weird it burns my skin are you sure it's a mask what are you doing it's a toilet cleaner what oh my god my face ah i'm so sorry google show me lasagna recipe ah let me see lasagna noodles one carrot one teaspoon of pepper great i've got no bats what's next wait a minute here are some more ingredients whatever let's cook it as usual [Music] where is that once again please what do you need college huh girls [Music] here [Music] play with him instead he's so cute how can i make him like me i don't know bliss didn't like it when girls had to smart oh i have an idea here we go let's fix your settings there are too many of them let's keep only weather foods and puppies he's gonna like that and smile wow it feels so easy now so how was your day oh well you know puppies food weather hey how about a french kiss you mean french bulldog they are so cute no i said french kiss i see that's it we're done well i guess he really hates croissants there you go miss what should i do i don't have any money [Music] gotta drink soy milk one moment what happens if you drink sour milk how can i help you just say my song i'm singing a song no no no no let's listen to batgirl instead i've got the worst guys of 2020 here you go [Music] no it's a song [Music] no billy eilish i'm a bad guy oh i see you want to buy a new bag just forget about it i'm so tired it's so nice to have espresso it's espresso what not espresso no no i'm 100 sure it's espresso check the dictionary but why isn't it a book if i have you but you don't trust me so let's ask wikipedia good afternoon google it's espresso see i told you wait a minute the page is being updated now it's espresso jesse's right traitor no worries there are millions of life [Music] hacks it's not working what's going on honey it's snickers yeah don't worry honey let's use my grandma's old recipe wow i haven't seen this recipe before i don't trust her that won't work anyway well just like new but how live and learn honey i write down the rest of it oh cool no way it's a secret and if you want to know it subscribe to our channel it's my first day in school by the way i'm lisa and i'm full of emotions i'm cheerful i'm brave i'm stress proof i'm thoughtful i'm pretty [Music] oh my gosh he's so cool that's right cool unlike us who's that guy it's jason he sings in a school rock band by the way i'm in a bad too what should i do [Music] punch him hug him he likes us we're on the way [Applause] why are you so nervous on your period or something all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] my favorite sandwich ew not on my watch but i'm starving at least it has to be clean [Music] let's wait till he goes away no go and tell everything in his face [Music] today fix your hair say what's up go uh wait hooked up hey i've never seen you before are you new any plans for tonight okay oh no i'm afraid of spiders don't you worry i have a plan see that was easy peasy listen um we're having a concert soon want to come to a rehearsal [Music] hello stop answer him so here is my number call me if you'd like to come [Music] i'll never wash it again [Applause] don't say that [Music] no i'm calling hi jason where's the rehearsal okay i'll be there well what are we wearing [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh gosh they're so talented yeah talented unlike us why yeah all right thanks mmm cool you look nice by the way be nice don't show him you like him thank you you could dress better what what i covered for you all one two three waking up like any time inside what what happened i lost my voice seems like coke was too cold what have we done cold coke huh i know whose father it is me run it doesn't matter cancel the show you'd better be off too until i help you with that this dude always picks fights he's right we'd better go jeez look over there oh it's just a chair with clothes on it no look it's disgusting it's just a zombie oh no i'm going anyways [Music] [Music] this is so scary i can't do it no we're not gonna make it don't you dare how to turn it on i found a manual icon i got you hello i'm alex give me a task let's take a selfie [Music] what are you doing mom left us lots to [Music] do [Music] the house has to be clean and i cannot wait vacuum the flooring dusty shelves bathrooms kitchen wounds clean [Music] please stop saying all this nonsense can't you see his bees [Music] wow i want something make me a cocktail show me your id [Music] alex do my hair and makeup [Music] [Music] alex this is awesome [Music] wow [Music] oh his name is alex bye show me what i can see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] found a new girlfriend don't cry [Music] [Music] oh can do more than that alex let's get the party started oh come on granny alex is a robot he doesn't need food he can't feel bro why are you so sad they say i don't have feelings [Music] now let's get the party started [Music] so what should i do ask tick-tock he's more popular now oh i'm just a kid you know better [Music] true i do at least you're trending at least hmm every kid knows my content this is not content what you can't go longer than a minute you're wrong all right guys stop it i can do it for three minutes now got an update look when a girl's heart you've got to be stylish [Music] so why are you sitting there [Music] move like a gun [Applause] well i kind of steal tick tocks content for compilation oh i should try that what's that song it's a job for me listening listening listening no results are you sure i should wear this on my date i'm not sure about the tie [Music] how do you think what she may like yeah what you're the best would anyone listen to me yes i'm listening she's the only one that i see no crowd no girls no plan b she stands out i see only her if i have to vote i'm listening so should i make a move sorry i didn't understand it listen here no one knows what girls like better than i do are you okay it's a boomerang silly all right what do i do first learn how to take good photos of her hashtag love [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] well you're right it actually looks nice what is it the best way to attract a girl is to throw a party for i found 30 ways to decorate a room in five minutes guys can you send laura my invitation everything ready here [Music] try it [Music] do you have a normal recipe look i have a very cool recipe 10 million views first take do it oh gosh why do you take so long i can't stand this [Music] especially when you're watching a food video our new medicine skip ad time for a secret ingredient this is uh oh come on which diapers are the best i'm not interested hey laura we got a brilliant idea for you tonight jason invites you to his party but i don't know him well all your friends are going huh hi [Music] no yep no no no wow oh my she's the one sorry tinder i nailed it without you will you go out with me [Music] yes i'd love to [Music] hey snacky your time has come merry christmas chloe no come here you poor thing no huh this water is the best no how was your day today well my day was stop stop stop what are you doing [Music] one two three run you balls don't you dare you two-legged world chicken i will dress you like a lettuce and feed you to the snails it would be a very slow dab bon appetit nathan yummy yummy in my holy cat what are those two doing in there catch me [Music] come in hey you butt licker get lost [Music] who is that omg omg is it alive catcher what evacuation i repeat immediate evacuation where the hell are you gotcha you are actually cute or not what's wrong with you i'm gonna kick your butt and run oh what do i see a crunchy bag you know what cats want don't you oh chloe he had spotted us we are making an irish accent i repeat an irish exit [Music] you stupid cat gotcha gotcha gotcha [Music] i need to make a call okey-dokey what do we have here let's see super duper just fishing around manicure time all the nail shape will do that shirt makes them look fat ouch oh what dammit knock knock am i disturbing you are you a cake because i want a piece of that when are we going to visit spain honey you are so what's this what's happening this is my cat [Music] hello smelly cat smelly cat what are they feeding you oh my dog they've come after us what is that just don't move they won't see me i'd grab him instead i hope that's not my ex-cat's ghost she's staring at come on [Music] get out cat damn come on baby we've only got nine lives my love for you is like a hair ball i can't hold it in oh okay now you win lucifer where's the safest place to keep that perfectly pressed outfit for tonight well done man wish [Music] somebody call the cops it's illegal to look that cool uh are you kidding me oh crap jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way meow a great spa day for chloe pause off pause off final warning or write me a new passport sleepy sleepy morning let's do some [Music] stretching oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wait a second [Music] i'm not ready [Music] oh [Music] oh i'm already now hi ugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] look how cute he was [Music] what do you have a napkin oh yeah there you go thank you but i'm a make-up ride okay let's go on a date [Music] [Music] i'll call you back this was my best shirt this will do [Music] oh [Music] oh you should use me more often sorry [Music] oh yes perfect you just don't understand art a little bit of chocolate yeah enjoy so good it's too much maybe one more [Music] you can go like that man you're right no i have to do it all done huh i can make some spaghetti oh it's ready i should get flowers for leah oh it's [Music] thank perfect i guess i'll need something else hey baby what's up this will work wow i like your house what does i miss this barrack wait [Music] this is for you [Music] thank you let's put some music on yeah wow we don't need music oh that was a chair yeah all right blame the cheer thank you hi [Music] hey guys it's funny [Music] it was a nice evening [Music] oh come on guys [Music] that's cool but at least they will be there drink up babies [Music] uh has it been here since yesterday you're up for a bottle it'll be a short one yeah flossing is important [Music] [Music] how can flies too far from the ceiling [Music] oh fine oh come on sorry man no no with rugged news [Music] where is this lens hey watch out whatever what you wear you gotta look pretty you better look strong that looks disgusting this looks nice all right [Music] um what should i wear [Music] stop [Music] finally [Music] oh what a nice kitchen oh no no no no no yeah [Music] [Music] i will make some tea instead oh [Music] it's so hot it will be perfect in the glass with ice [Music] [Music] such a beautiful mug hey take more pictures oh i used to be like you hmm [Music] sorry [Laughter] [Music] what's going on [Music] that's it no way party time [Music] hey we are doing pretty well we're just getting started wake up my computer you are fine now hey time for a little break much better we have to stop her from playing camera turn on [Music] stupid camera this is my job these celebrities [Music] i don't have time for this what no internet not now [Music] i won i won i won electronic shop i'm coming she's going to buy new stuff all right guys what are you gonna do to us don't worry guys i will help you what guys i can't hear you no bro don't leave me it's so old come on bro it's gonna be okay no it won't come on [Music] [Music] i really need to buy a new computer fortnite tournament 10 000 winning prize i have to start my training [Music] oh i also can use this money to buy oh what did you say she wants to buy a new computer what [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] skye clean up this mess honey okay [Music] but after lunch [Music] and spices [Music] time to train what maybe something wrong with the wires [Music] everything's okay antivirus i believe in you how am i going to train now [Music] this circle is closing come on enough for today losers judgment i'll kill him [Music] oh i won [Music] wake up look at this alex is in the gym go there right now stop you need a disguise [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] go go go wake up wake up remind me why are we doing this we're trying to win alex's hearts [Applause] guys this is alex [Music] are you okay yeah who are you i'm love oh not this again is he looking at me here really what do i do [Music] uh-huh [Music] come on [Music] i'll get it your pizza ah that's a hot party you're having here [Music] she's definitely overeating love always comes uninvited when your head floats somewhere in space you only have to surrender and let your love take its place this is the worst this is the best what's the answer jess alex um what is that blah blah blah blah blah blah detention wait what i said that's it sean i can't believe it taste my wedding i'm wearing white my daddy's weeping if it is real why is it fading oh it's a dream and i am are you okay say something nice i like your head what else does he like oh he likes music [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what else does he like skateboarding chemistry what cutting no something safe [Music] case everyone likes cakes ah [Music] he's gonna like it oh cake [Music] now we have to make another one really what should i do let's try one more time just go and give you the cat you can't see it hi i picked you a cake wow thanks i'm so [Applause] allergic to peanuts okay [Music] oh come on [Music] what else he likes why don't you ask him why didn't i think about this before knock on the door i can't oh come on i'll do that i didn't ask you why i tried everything already what do you like oh i thought you wouldn't ask lots of things uh budget jumping judge pumping baking bread [Music] breaking bad and baking bread yes you did that every lawyer wanted me to spread my mind she did it again huh kitty kitty kitty hey oh you're so cute need home i wish you were my girlfriend [Music] who are you yeah seems that my wish come true you might want to eat okay [Music] oh man i miss you [Music] hey sneaky cat what you want from me [Music] don't worry i'll be back wait for me um i'm afraid of closed doors it seems that someone also wants to wash up come here my hair is absolutely wasted i need to get rid of my batmaids it shouldn't distract me i'll [Applause] who is that i'm sorry i behaved bad let's start over oh what a cute kitty oh here's mine maybe some coffee okay this is for you you're finished you're so funny you know i'm glad that you came back chris i'm so happy oh she's so cute oh what's a lovely cat a lovely cat while we said that where's the sound lily bad kitty really really bad oh don't worry kitty's just playing what smells so disgusting it's not me where does it come from so many problems from this cat [Music] oh [Music] if you want war you'll get war granny asked me to help her i'll be right back in the morning take care of my kitty please don't worry please don't get friends bye-bye [Music] good night yeah let's get the party started oh easier chris is that you maybe music can help me to relax get out of here ah what a dreadful night [Music] i hate this cat [Music] he left me no choices good morning anne good morning lily i'm allergic to the cat we have to get rid of her i hear you oh yeah chris come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] what about your allergy um just forget about it let's make a group photo [Music] oh chris i'm so happy we're all together today me too two it's time get up no mom i'm not sleeping and don't forget to walk the dog okay mom no leave them like that [Music] [Music] breakfast too you are what you eat posted wow so many likes [Music] for us [Music] oh no respect your time girl good morning sister oh no now i have to clean up all this mess exactly you have to clean up all this mess can you help me um sorry but i'm gonna be late for school i forgot to wash my hair try this [Music] see we save so much energy and you still look cute okay guys let's try this new 1997 makeup routine only 99 steps if i can do it you can do it too i can do it what are you doing look a bird i'll show you some new filters [Music] not this one this [Music] what about real life see you don't need makeup you're beautiful just as you are don't forget to pull your laundry out of the washing machine okay mom [Music] [Music] don't try too hard okay okay i'll be watching you i have a lot of homework for today homework can wait take your time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] i want this room clean by the time i get back yes mom no i have to throw in the trash oh i hate washing dishes oh you don't have to [Music] no sue we have to sacrifice this last piece otherwise we'll have to deal with the trash okay [Music] i can't i have this feeling like i forgot something relax girl overthinking causes wrinkles no i definitely forgot something laundry oh the smell i have to throw it [Music] sorry [Music] look no more wasting time on choosing clothes [Music] mom can i get a car of course you can see if you win the science olympiad but it's impossible ah yay i passed the test i'm going to the science olympiad okay okay but let's take a nap first no i don't need you anymore go away all right sue if that's what you really want here i am [Music] what what time is it oh my god i'm late [Music] sorry i'm here for the science olympiad it's over it's too late but i tried so hard i was always there for her i always helped her with everything always there for her look for her always oh sue oh my god so needs me so i missed you i miss you too [Music] eiffel tower macaroni french kiss [Music] i found out how much the trip costs it's i can say don't write it and the good news the winner of the spelling bee will go for free [Music] i don't like this girl me too stop yelling see you spoiled her appetite oh look it's mom that's about the truth mom can i go to europe what are you gonna pay for this because i'm not we're leaving she doesn't love us don't worry honey i have to win this spelling bee just love this word and we go to the room yo girl come on emma one more word i need to rest can you please look after rama of course [Music] what's going on here come on now you know you have to start it [Music] just one more episode [Music] hurry up emma hurry up i told you nobody listened to me wait wait please no okay let's go home surely to quit [Music] go go let's ask this guy [Music] she's so suspicious maybe that granny can you help me of course you just take a straight ahead take a ride turn right got it yeah thank you we should go no we need his number but this is not appropriate let's do this can i borrow your phone mine's dead sure i just called myself i have your number i'll call you later [Music] claim this now [Music] don't listen to her [Music] my dreams come true [Music] we don't have time for this we need to prepare for the spelling bee oh okay oh so hard to be a woman i need to relax a hot bus would be perfect with a novel in our hands would be better with classic music maybe shall we dance with the kind of sexy [Music] [Music] [Music] know we want to everyone the same we should get used to we need to concentrate let's go [Music] good luck uh it works the first word banana is ambitious i know i know you oh come on emma listen to me now the final round emma can you please spell environment oh my god we're [Music] no sorry you are so close and soy is the winner bye bye ferriss [Music] oh this is yours already what what's wrong emma i don't have money to go to europe don't do the dance show to give a catchphrase really really [Music] you must be there you can have some fun [Music] yeah you're gonna have some fun yeah you're gonna have some [Music] okay next [Music] thank you so much thank you take this get rid our of it grabbed so fast [Music] why is so sad what do we know of the tenant show i still can't afford to go to europe why is she so friendly i don't know i have an idea [Music] take it what what what oh my god thank you i didn't know you were a gamer of course i am where do you think i get all my expensive stuff from parents she's got a heart say it loud out loud [Music] oh [Music] honey where is all their eyes okay okay i'm getting up no no no no no no gotta check your notifications oh wow [Music] oh lily you're late for school oops okay mom your test what okay it's always darkest before the dawn hey tell me the right formula please no cell phones during the test lesson is over bye-bye oh wait look can you help me do you have a plan yeah can you help me please [Music] okay this is easy if you know basic math science i can share you the best app in your life [Music] don't do that anymore luke what is this i'm sick [Music] we have to repair you let's go can you save him please five minutes [Music] 120 please okay [Music] thank you thank you so much please thank you very much [Music] okay let's chargey [Music] we did it huh [Music] sorry you've got to catch it at the right angle [Music] happy birthday i prepared a short film for you so beautiful oh thank you happy birthday lily [Music] hello press to start let's find you in the case it's not there four seconds i have a case for you oh no it was your favorite case oh hi siri order a new case okay order and you base no no new case order and you lazy uk place grace place [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow i like it oh wow and also you have to buy additional accessorizes so expensive [Music] anyway you need it thank you i had all these by default oh time for yourself who are you i don't know you hey it's me lily oh sorry i don't know you oh face mask [Music] oh sorry now you recognize me no i don't see anything stupid i will always recognize your [Music] finger i know how to make you late for school hey what are you doing lily wake up oh good morning lily [Music] what lily wake up are you still in bed you are late for school notifications [Music] here we go again hey i need your help i'm gonna make you take me back [Music] let's go be careful it's very spicy is it [Music] meal please when i'm so hungry it doesn't look garbage what do i do if i'm not a savage i look at them no more status get your players past no menace [Music] hello milady i know you want to eat something sweet [Music] okay i really bent you [Music] [Music] help me with my experiment instead i'm ready dad three two one action what will happen if you put mantis in [Music] cola oh what is this [Music] one chewing gum zero [Music] sorry guys how dare you you'll be back [Music] it's mine i'll crack you i give up yeah oh yeah oh [Music] no no [Music] that's not mine [Music] oh you ate garlic sorry take some gum [Music] no food [Music] you can buy sex here okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's happening it's not what you're thinking i can explain [Music] strawberry is my favorite oh hey not bear i know honey but let's have dinner together delivery bring us as usual oh no more diets i promise one two three [Music] what do you see now seriously i'm so sick of my clothes [Music] [Music] hi you should be prepared for surprises [Music] oh honey that's too risky huh but i want these pants don't say i didn't [Music] see i told you chris [Music] oh i hate all those people are you okay i'm better than you and you know it what stay away from me what did i do [Music] oh lisa go to the blackboard okay [Music] i can do it we'll see [Music] i don't feel well can i go home excuse lisa sit down well girl are you going to eat it all yourself yeah i'm being late already please please oh it's on the house thanks [Music] that was so embarrassing lisa i don't want to sit next to this loser oh no my skirt i'm sorry [Music] okay look at all your clothes it's so ugly [Music] oh what have you done what have i done it's mine i'm so sorry i love you so much it's okay honey i'm gonna do the dishes go clean your room don't tell me what to do daddy i'm so sorry [Music] no i need to study [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] hey babe are you ready i'm breaking up with you bye what have i done well slow down but i have to go you're not going anywhere are you okay i'm sorry i don't feel well tell him to bring some food and bring some food that's too much even for me [Music] honey you can come in my honey [Music] finally we are alone huh but the pizza is still here the time has come [Music] but i'm your best friend [Music] and i don't charge it at all i have a new phone it is my new best friend no matter how much of spain it's now a part of my soul hi who are you [Music] now [Music] i'm back [Music] i'll save you [Music] video can i watch it till the end please [Music] okay you're cutie uh you have goodies [Music] what [Music] come on hi what is that hi that's my power bank i can charge your phone too okay um let's go what to move it [Music] we need two tickets ugh cash or credit my phone duh please pay let me try again i'll get it here is what i found how to kiss the girl on the first date sarah call my girlfriend which one huh what [Music] i'm hungry come on to the kitchen i said [Music] i thought [Music] did you see that new phone hey dude i'm not that old oh no please don't be broken please don't be broken i'm okay [Music] [Music] what time is it i overslept [Music] forgot my phone [Music] hi i need your help i don't know you hey it's me is it you i don't think so what it's you haha the hedgehog running run run run running the race [Music] where's my phone hey can you call me yeah no problem [Music] [Applause] sorry i have an idea no no no no no [Music] can i help you how to solve this equation okay this is easy if you know basic math if you do not of course which i don't take your phone the problem has many solutions you're so annoying why can't you shut up when needed you always framed me check it out look at this wow i know how to make such tick tocks [Music] [Music] [Music] yummy [Music] i really like this dress can we get the same please okay okay google you know today's was such a nice sketch and i want it google google where is she oh here you are don't do this anymore let's go where is it um hi google come across lapis [Music] moisturizing facial mask with aloe thank you google that's weird it brings my skin are you sure it's a mask what are you doing it's a toilet cleaner what oh my god my face ah i'm so sorry google show me lasagna recipe let me see lasagna noodles one carrot one teaspoon of pepper great i've got all that uh-huh what's next wait a minute here are some more ingredients [Music] whatever let's cook it as usual [Music] where is that once again please what do you need college huh girls [Music] here [Music] play with him instead he's so cute how can i make him like me i didn't know boys didn't like it when girls had to smart oh i have an idea here we go let's fix your settings there are too many of them let's keep only weather foods and puppies he's gonna like that and smile wow it feels so easy now so how was your day oh well you know puppies food weather hey how about a french kiss you mean french bulldog they are so cute oh no i said french kiss oh i see that's it we're done well i guess he really hates croissants there you go miss what should i do i don't have any money hi google gotta drink sore milk one moment what happens if you drink sour milk how can i help you [Music] i've got the worst guys of 2020. here you go [Music] [Music] no billy eilish i'm a bad guy oh i see you want to buy a new bag just forget about it i'm so tired it's so nice to have espresso it's espresso what not espresso no no i'm 100 sure it's espresso check the dictionary but why isn't it a book if i have you but you don't trust me so let's ask wikipedia good afternoon google it's espresso see i told you wait a minute the page is being updated now it's espresso this jesse's right traitor hey jack oh no my new sneakers no boys there are millions of life hacks it's not working what's going on honey you're snickers yeah don't worry honey let's use my grandmother's old recipe lavender a mild chili and my teeth sleeping pills pepper wow i haven't seen this recipe before i don't trust her that won't work anyway well just like news but how live and learn honey i write down the rest oh cool no way it's a secret and if you wanna know it subscribe to our channel it's my first day in school by the way i'm lisa and i'm full of emotions i'm cheerful i'm brave i'm dress-proof i'm thoughtful i'm [Music] pretty [Music] oh my gosh he's so cool that's right cool unlike us who's that guy it's jason he sings in a school rock band by the way [Music] i'm in a band too what should i do [Music] punch him hug him he likes us we're [Applause] why are you so nervous on your period or something all right [Music] hmm oh my favorite sandwich ew not on my watch but i'm starving at least it has to be clean [Music] today fix your hair say what's up go wait hooked up hey i've never seen you before are you new any plans for tonight oh no i'm afraid of spiders don't you worry i have a plan see that was easy peasy listen we're having a concert soon want to come to a rehearsal [Music] hello stop answer him so here is my number call me if you'd like to come i'll never wash it again [Applause] don't say that [Music] hi jason where's the rehearsal okay i'll be there well what are we wearing [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh gosh they're so talented yeah talented unlike us yeah all right thanks mmm cool you look nice by the way be nice don't show him you like him thank you you could dress better what what i covered for you all one two three waking up like any time inside what what happened i lost my voice seems like coke was too cold what have we done cold coke huh i know whose father it is me run doesn't matter cancel the show you'd better be off too until i help you with that this dude always picks fights he's right we'd better go jeez look over there it's just a chair with clothes on it no look it's disgusting oh it's just a zombie oh no i'm going anyways [Music] [Music] this is so scary i can't do it no we're not gonna make it don't you dare how to turn it on i found a manual i found the charger i got you hello i'm alex give me a task let's take a selfie what are you doing mom left us lots to [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] please stop saying all this nonsense can't you [Music] no parties wow i want something make me a cocktail show me your id [Music] alex do my hair and makeup [Music] okay next wow i want this makeup alex this is awesome [Music] oh his name is alex bye show me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] why are you crying does the toothpaste taste bad my ex found a new girlfriend don't cry [Music] oh [Music] let's get the party started oh come on granny alex is a robot he doesn't need food he can't feel hey bro why are you so sad they say i don't have [Music] for feelings now let's get the party started [Music] so what should i do ask tick tock he's more popular now oh i'm just a kid you know better [Music] true i do at least you're trending at least hmm every kid knows my content this is not content what you can't go longer than a minute you're wrong all right guys stop it i can do it for three minutes now got an update look when a girl's heart you've got to be stylish [Music] so why are you sitting there [Music] move like a gun [Applause] well i kind of steal tick tocks content for compilation oh i should try that what's that song it's a job for me listening listening listening no results are you sure i should wear this on my date i'm not sure about the tie uh-huh how do you think what she may like yeah what you're the best would anyone listen to me yes i'm listening she's the only one that i see no crowd no girls no plan b she stands out i see only her if i have to [Music] so should i make a move sorry i didn't understand it listen here no one knows what girls like better than i do are you okay it's a boomerang silly all right what do i do first learn how to take good photos of her hashtag love hashtag happy hashtag bite me [Music] um [Music] and of course don't forget to treat her with hashtags [Music] hmm [Music] well you're right it actually looks nice what is it the best way to attract a girl is to throw a party for her i found 30 ways to decorate a room in five minutes guys can you send laura my invitation [Music] do you have a normal recipe youtube look i have a very cool recipe 10 million views first date do it oh gosh why do you take so long i can't stand this [Music] especially when you're watching a food video our new medicine skip ad time for a secret ingredient this is uh oh come on which diapers are the best i'm not interested [Music] we got a brilliant idea for you tonight jason invites you to his party but i don't know him well all your friends are going [Music] no yep oh no no no wow oh my she's the one sorry tinder i nailed it without you will you go out with me [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes i'd love to oh [Music] hey snacky your time has come merry christmas chloe no ah come here you poor thing no huh this water is the best [Music] no how was your day today well my day was stop stop what are you doing [Music] one two three run you balls don't you dare you two legged raw chicken i will dress you like a lettuce and feed you to the snails it would be a very slow death bon yummy yummy in my holy cat what are those two doing in there catch me [Music] come in [Music] hey you butt licker get lost [Music] who is that omg omg is it alive catcher what evacuation i repeat immediate evacuation who the hell are you gotcha you are actually cute or not what's wrong with you i'm gonna kick your butt and run oh what do i see a crunchy bag you know what cats want don't you oh chloe he had spotted us we are making an irish accent i repeat an irish exit you stupid cat gotcha gotcha [Music] i need to make a call okey-dokey what do we have here let's see super duper just fishing around manicure time all the nail shape will do that shirt makes them look fat out oh what dammit knock knock am i disturbing you are you a cake because i want a piece of that when are we going to visit spain honey you are so what's this what's happening this is my cat hello smelly cat smelly cat what are they feeding you oh my dog they've come after us what is that just don't move they won't see me i'd grab him instead i hope that's not my ex-cat's ghost she's staring at come on get out cat damn come on baby we've only got nine lives my love for you is like a hair ball i can't hold it in oh okay now you win lucifer where's the safest place to keep that perfectly pressed outfit for tonight well done man wish [Music] somebody call the cops it's illegal to look that cool uh are you kidding me oh crap jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way meow a great spa day for chloe paws off paws off final warning alright man you mass fort sleepy sleepy morning let's do some [Music] stretching you
Channel: Challenge Accepted
Views: 51,710,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: la la life, lala life, challenge accepted, rebecca zamolo, if food were people, if things were people, if makeup were people, funny situations, If Pain Were People, candy, makeup, sue, sue la la life, if phones were people, If Accessories Were People!, 123go if food were people, troom troom, woohoo, if clothes were people, if popular brands were people, if people acted like cats, girls, school, emoji, la la la, sue lala life, 100+ BEST CHALLENGES, accepted, spy ninjas
Id: GWxo88yDZ6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 4sec (13024 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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