πŸ‚πŸŒΆοΈ Play Cake Storytime πŸŒΆοΈπŸ“ ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Mizura | Tiktok Compilations #130

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class 5 * 1 is five five excellent now what is 5 * 2 10 good you've been practicing what about 5 * 3 15 15 good one day you'll be able to multiply 428 * 555 2 137,50 40 I'm sorry I think that's the answer 428 * 555 237 54 it is whoa guys look at her brain cells she must be really smart your daughter is gifted I think she can skip a grade I never skipped a grade well maybe it's just because you didn't have as much brain cells as me huh I mean you're trying to say you're smarter than your father huh no I didn't mean it like that go to your room you ain't skipping nothing Richie how many teeth do humans have it's 32 28 if you get your wisdom teeth removed was I talking to you Miss noit all I was just trying to help she gets more brain cells every day I know and she's always acting like she knows better than all of us but don't worry I found a way we can make her dumb look what I bought dummy gummies yeah supposedly they got real bad ingredients in them so if you eat it it gives you brain C if it's going to stop her from being a smart mouth I say it's worth a shot hi there my cute little sweet little smart girl here I got you special vitamins for your brain you guys never cared about my brain health before well your parents it's our job to care go on try it it takes about 2 hours for it to kick in what nothing your mom was talking to me not you you better get to class okay calculator's ready what is the square root of 65 8.0 622 correct again mine how did she do that without a calculator I know right < TK of 22 * 2 9 whoa what the heck whoa look she's only got three brain cells now oh my gosh meline honey are are you okay yeah what oh no soulmate controls my brain or my hand um I'm not picking brain because I refuse to think in BO math so um I guess that means I'm going to go with hand hand I wonder what hand he's going to be controlling okay guess it's this one then yeah this is going to be weird honey you better not have picked to let your soulmate control your hands what of course not no I um I picked brain oh boy okay you poor thing you probably lost so many brain cells my gosh are you going to be okay yeah I really just need to go get ready for that Thanksgiving party byebye I don't know what dress to wear for the party the red one or the green one I mean it looks nice enough I'll try it on all right you know what this dress is pretty cute I like it okay okay we have to go to the party now hey Brie nice dress thanks okay can we please stop doing this dance move can you please stop it hey you know it's me that's the one who's controlling you right wait really yeah if you come with me I can prove it to you I'm sorry but if you're really my soulmate why is my finger saying no well let me show you come on over here with me hey relax beautiful I better go I'm sorry are you like some sort of MMA fighter because what the heck was that it was self-defense he was trying to put his hands on you yeah I know but did you really have to go all karate kit on him yes yes I did you could have gotten me in a lot of trouble you're lucky that guy's going to be okay I'm sorry please don't be mad at me if you don't want me to be mad at you then just tell me your address and I can meet you in person hello write something do you not want to meet up with me you know what forget this hey are you serious oh so now you want to talk to me I want to meet up with you but I can't because it's dangerous great excuse I'm serious you could already be in danger okay you know what I've had enough of these jokes you owe me a new lipstick I am going to get ready to go to sleep oh my gosh please tell me that's you at my door it's midnight so if it's not you then are you Jason's soulmate who answer his question whoa listen guys I don't even know my soulmate's name if I were you I would leave right now because whoever he is he's controlling my hand and he seems to know how to fight pretty well huh that has to be Jason yeah must be get her hey he's trying to challenge us to a fight no no don't listen to him don't come here n Go ahead try and fight me using a girl hand cuz I H he caught me right in the eye oh o I am so sorry about that but I did warn you you know you haven't won just yet I don't think so did you not just see what my soulmate just did to those last two guys so you can only imagine what he's going to do to you come on now is not the time to quit on me you know what that means your soulmate is probably dead oh and so now there's no one left to save you know what that means your soulmate is probably dead there's no one left to save you huh not so tough when you can't use your hands now are you I don't understand what do you guys want with me your soulmate owes us a lot of money and we were going to use you as bait to get to him we're going to make a call and if we find out that he's really dead then you will be too he can't be dead my hand is moving which means he must still be hey shh are you Jason yeah shh keep your voice down I have a plan to save us both okay even though you're free now pretend you're not I'm going to hide back here they're coming it's going to be fine remember I have a plan he's still alive so I'm moving you to a different not today hey Jason surrender now or I'll kill her yeah bird brain did you forget I'm still controlling her hand huh Hey listen yes Mr super spy well I heard if we kiss it'll make me stop controlling your hand oh so good idea bad idea you know I say it's worth a shot sweet wa it totally worked and now it's asking me if I want to control your hand I don't think that's a good idea since you don't really know how to fight and you know with my job hey well it looks like you're just going to have to teach me why you little choose between a pen or a teddy bear I think I'm going to choose the pen because I heard that no pick the teddy bear that pen is dangerous and you're not allowed to have it do you understand of course stepmother she never lets me do anything I want I'm not wasting this opportunity Legend says that whatever you draw with this pen will come to life I can draw a teddy bear so when stepmother comes back she won't get suspicious I can't believe it worked so did you pick the bear M see oh yes I see well that's a good girl all right well I'll be back to check on you later wait but today's my 18th birthday and you promised that I could leave the palace after I turned 18 did I say that it's still too dangerous maybe next year I knew she would never let me go outside but at least now I can draw myself a little companion I've always wanted a puppy oh she's perfect gel open this door don't you ever block that what was that you hiding something what's this no wait what is a puppy doing in your room um I gave it to her your majesty I uh I bought it as a birthday gift for her is that so yes I hope you don't mind well I don't allow pets in my Palace let me see her no wait um if you let me keep the puppy I promise I won't ever ask to go outside again H do you really promise I promise all right then you can keep the Little Beast oh you must be hungry don't don't worry I'm going to draw you some food I'm glad you liked your food I also Drew you a little toy hey congrats on keeping the puppy thanks for covering for me of course as your Royal Guard it's my job to protect you even if it's from your own stepmother so where did the puppy come from oh that's um that's kind of a secret uhhuh well leave you alone wait if you could just let me out of here for just a few minutes princess you know I can't do that if the queen caught you outside she'd I would be really quick no I'm sorry I have orders I I can't you have to stand here this isn't fair you know what I bet if I use this Magic Pen to draw myself outside I could Escape stepmother forever I knew it give me that pen you give me that Magic Pen no you are so controlling I am done listening to you too bad this pen only works for you let me show you how controlling I can be you won't ever leave this Tower and this puppy is going away take this mud the pound please don't I'll do anything really draw me young and beautiful or else your puppy goes away forever how's this my wrinkles are gone draw me a crown when you're done draw me some more horses and a carriage let me see good now draw me more gold but I just drew you that and it's been 2 hours but it's been 2 hours does it look like I care finally I have two castles all right I guess it's time for a break give me that pen Gregory can I trust you to keep an eye on her yes your majesty good because if you lie to me one more time I'll have you taken care of R wake up what are you doing something I should have done a long time ago setting you free I took this from her draw her locked away and yourself as the Queen open this door hurry I'm trying I drew it she's she's gone we're finally free from the evil queen wait but I'm missing one more thing well now you're Queen and you've got your puppy I think it's time for you to finally leave your Tower and go outside four mil or a hair clip come on who in their right mind would choose the no at least it's kind of cute I can't come to your party but you promised I know I'm so sorry come on girl you're like the mutual friend if you don't come then no one else is going to want to come look my parents said no she doesn't want to come to your party because she doesn't like you you sure that's the reason yes I wouldn't lie okay goodbye mom says you have to take me to the mall she's lying your mom just grounded her mom just grounded you how did you know that you weren't even home when it happened I don't know I just did okay now get out whatever does this hair clip tell me the truth about people hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart if he doesn't work for Walmart then where does he I'm following him what is he doing here this place looks super sketchy what do you think you're doing huh come here hey boss look who I found snooping around here babe what what is going on babe you know this girl I've never seen her before in my life I'm sorry did our two years together just mean nothing to you two years have you been keeping secrets from me I told you you know what the rules are he's trying to protect you by lying he works for very dangerous men you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her he's lying to protect you you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her you see sir I would kill her but you know I don't want to mess up this new shirt so either you kill her or him and I will do it ourselves no please look let's just all settle down you just I think I'm going to need a change of clothes really babe the mafia you're lucky I find that kind of attractive well I know a place we can lay low all right bet but we got to be careful who trust I have something that can help with that this is my daughter hi oh hello and how much time do you have left to talk I have 2 hours left perfect I've been dying to get to know my future stepdaughter and that's how I met your dad daddy wow that was a really long story I know and I haven't even let you talk go on it's your turn well I like to play oh no are you all out of talking time well there's always tomorrow 10 minutes are you kidding me and tell ingred breakfast is ready hey ingred my dad wanted me to yes and the best thing is he's filthy rich no he doesn't suspect a thing how long will you stay in there for you little gold digger I'm telling my dad dad you won't believe what I just heard ingred saying I told you to get her her breakfast is getting cold no forget about our breakfast okay ingred is a a what an spit it out oh boy you're out of talking time aren't you did I hear an is all out of speaking time yeah poor thing barely got to talk at all today wait an just text me what you want to say what's the matter don't tell me you forgot to charge your phone again you're kidding me an that's not really responsible behavior I agree but hey I got to go to work so text me once you charge your phone hello an I'm really sorry but I can't let you do that don't worry I'll keep it safe why didn't you text me Dad she took my iPhone and my iPad you did oh would you look at that she found another way to communicate and yes I did because I caught her watching some inappropriate videos an is that true she won't admit it darling but I did catch her and she really needs some discipline oh and that's it you're grounded get out of here ingred I'm so sorry this behavior is not like her don't worry about it darling I think I do know way you can make it up to me though let's start by getting that shirt off of you yes oh my gosh she is so busted dad guess what I got 5 hours of talking time today you better be using that time to apologize to ingred no dad there's something that I need to tell you no first eat your breakfast you have plenty of time to talk okay I finished my food can I please talk to now okay but thank ingred for the breakfast wait she made this yes even after you were so disrespectful to her so I want an apology to her first and then we'll talk no Dad wait don't don't give me that little laugh I have 5 hours of talking time so my dad is going to find out exactly what you exactly what you are you okay an there you go now just rest darling you sure she's all right yes I think it's just a bad flu bug don't worry I'll watch over her while you're at work oh thank goodness you're up Dad yeah hey how are you feeling what time is it it's 400 p.m. you were asleep for almost the whole day luckily ingred watched over you ingred ingred did this to me she oh you're all out of talking time oh you want your phone well sweetheart ingred accidentally broke it but don't worry I'm going to get you a new one also don't freak out but we moved our wedding date up to next weekend look I know this is a lot to take in but the venue that we wanted had an opening and we just had to take this opportunity all right this time no messing around dad ingred is a liar and you won't believe what she's hiding from you sweetheart I think I know what you're talking about you do yep she told me the news this morning yes darling I told him I'm pregnant what so happy for us ingred Anne's always talking about how she wanted a little sibling this isn't over ingred really because I think it is face it darling I have your daddy wrapped around my little finger and if you cause any more trouble I'll convince him to ship you up to boarding school here an take out the trash your daddy and I are going golfing seriously wait a minute is this her pregnancy test that little liar she's not even pregnant oh it's time to expose her but what better time to do that than her wedding day this is ridiculous what's the matter I only got 3 hours of talking time a I'm sure that won't be a problem problem listen here you little brat if you do anything today to ruin my wedding you'll regret it I'm almost out of talking time what if I can't say I do ingred it's going to be okay yeah and if you can't talk you can always just nod that'll work just fine yeah exactly darling could I speak to Anna alone for a moment I know you're planning to ruin my wedding I can sense it oh ingred I would never do such a thing then why why do you seem so damn happy because I know that you're not really pregnant oh I see so you're going to try and expose me well do you really think your daddy will believe you yes I do because I have proof really well what did happen to be on this phone how did you ingred it's time for the wedding coming darling now why don't you just bch no thank goodness it's not broken no she locked me in here oh no it looks like they're already reading their vows I have to pick this lock I saw this used in a movie once so uh let's hope it works does anyone have any objections to this marriage I do no and what ingred told me you were sick yeah well that's not the only thing she's lied to about she's also not even pregnant what darling don't listen to her she obviously doesn't want us to get married really can what do you call this little recording of yourself if you do anything to ruin my wedding you'll regret it why would you talk to an like that darling I can explain I oops looks like ing's out of talking time good cuz I don't want to be interrupted when I say this ingred you and I are over I'm so sorry an I had no idea ingr did all those things to you it's okay no this is my fault I should have listened more to you I promise you from here on out things will be different you look like the girl from zapot no you look like the girl from zapota sweetheart your battery's at 10% time to charge okay Mom five more minutes okay Pake you're almost at 5% I'll be fine just one more minute okay you should really go charge now Lacy Lacy Mrs Stevens she's is not waking up no her battery honey please please please wake up she's charging mommy oh she's alive you almost died on me I'll never let this happen again mom I'm going to school do you have your don't worry I have my charger Actually honey you won't need that today because I made you this a bracelet put it on it's actually a portable charger it's a new invention you won't have to charge ever again wa thanks Mom of course don't get it wet okay honey okay how does she have so much energy it's not fair it's because of that new bracelet she got I have an idea hey Lacy you thirsty waa uh you okay oh no hey can I please use your what are you doing charger you took my battery life how did you do that happy birthday ready to find out your sweetart what's a sweetheart it's your soulmate it's who you're going to love forever Prince licorice what's wrong nothing Lolly we'll handle everything don't worry please can I meet him no Lord licorice is a very evil man and I'm sure his son is no better exactly but he's my sweetheart nope the system must have made a mistake well hello my dear who are you you don't know who I am you really don't get out much do you my parents never let me leave the castle I see well I'm actually a friend of your father's and I've brought you a gift is this Taffy why yes this is my favorite try it good isn't it what's the matter too sticky sorry princess but I can't have you alerting the guards I'm going to bring you to meet my son son look who I've brought you is that King candi's Daughter yes indeed why are her hands tied she's very feisty but I'm sure she's happy to see you are you oh she can't talk I gave her the sticky Taffy dad there now you're free drink this it'll dissolve the Taffy it'll take a few seconds to work thanks I'll give you two some alone time it's really nice to meet you lolly my name is Prince licorice but you can call me Luke well I want to go home Luke please stay I want to get to know you no your dad creeps me and I don't think I can trust you guys lolly I'm not like my dad I swear no I want to go home and that's an order fine as you wish listen it's going to be a long journey for you you're not going to escort me back no way my dad would freak so I have to walk through Candyland all alone get it I don't need you I can handle myself Candyland is a very dangerous place especially for a dainty princess like you I am not dainty well you sure are stubborn goodbye l hey we're supposed to be together you're my sweetheart well having me kidnapped wasn't very sweet that wasn't my idea whatever just go I don't even care anymore what is this stuff chocolate swamp uhoh oh this stuff is like quick sand what do I do wait I think my lollipop still has a little bit of magic in it so maybe I can turn this into hard chocolate instead it's working what are you doing in my swamp um I was just leaving sir hey what is this place princess are you lost yeah a little bit oh no here have some cotton candy thank you this is so good glad you like it how do you feel good perfect you should spend the night here okay the king is going to pay a lot of money to get you back here have some more Let Her Go Prince licorice what are you doing here I'm saving her from you that's my sweetheart isn't he handsome hand her over or else you think I'm handsome how could I not think you're handsome just look at how big your muscles are how much cotton candy did you have a lot I'm sorry Prince Lish I didn't realize she was your sweetheart please don't tell your father I did this we won't have a problem as long as you let us leave let's go Lolly bye how you you doing better I didn't realize that the cotton candy made you loopy listen I'm sorry for getting mad at you you really didn't do anything wrong n you're good I'm sorry too so you think I have big muscles huh shut up we should start walking back there she is seize him arrest him now get off of me he didn't do anything wrong get her to safety Luke mom dad you have to let him go he was an accomplice to your kidnapping even though he's your sweetheart he has to pay a price for that no he was the one that rescued me what he did yes I've been trying to tell you he was the one who saved me from the cotton candy fairy honey we need to release him Lord licorice took my daughter I say we keep his son dad that isn't the way she's right you two need to make amends thanks for getting me released of course it's the least I can do I'm really happy our parents are getting along now I'm so glad too I need to ask you something Lolly will you make me the happiest man in Candy Land and marry me yes everyone we're engaged a congrats sweetheart just look at that ring congratulations LLY I couldn't have asked for a better soulmate me either happy birthday hope you like your gift gummy bears really guys they're magic each one gives you a different ability okay let's see what the red one does hey check it out someone left five bucks on the street wait don't go over there that car came out of nowhere how did you know that was going to happen I I don't know I just did excuse me Bria could I see you after class you wanted to see me Mr Peters yes I have an assignment for you and it's not on paper if you know what I mean actually I have to go mom I think we need to report my what is he doing your little brother is building a tower with bricks no wait I think he's going to oh no our table is broken what color should I choose today h just kidding I already picked it let's go with blue hey can I go to Jessica's party this weekend no Jessica is a bad influence on you mom she's fine actually she's fine okay so can I go no I I just said no oh come on just let me go okay sure honey you can go I think I know what my ability is now see you hi I'd like to return the shirt I bought here sure do you have the receipt I don't I actually lost it oh yeah no receipt no refund oh but it still has the tags on it and I have the card that I used to pay for it yeah don't care I need the receipt okay your new return policy is no re eat no problem so let's get that refund started shall we your brother wants to play would you just forget about me I have work to do hey Tommy I just wanted to say I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you wait a minute what who are you yesterday's ability was really weird so let's go with purple today please don't be bad hey Dad I'm going to head to Jessica's party now wait just a minute don't worry mom said I can go I better let her have some fun before I break with the news about the divorce you and Mom are getting a divorce I didn't oh no you got mine reading today didn't you sweetheart you weren't supposed to find out like that good morning Bria good morning Mr Peters she's got such pretty eyes and a really cute butt what a great ew there she is I don't want to talk to her hi bestie oh don't bestie me you are a fake friend you know what take your friendship bracelet back ow I'm so sorry I did not mean to hit you in your face come here I can't believe she broke my freaking elbow what are you looking at darl I don't care that you broke your elbow now that my elbow's finally healed I'm going with green today whoa what is that wait can I control time oh this is going to be fun why are you packing a suitcase I'm moving out honey remember yeah the divorce you know this whole thing isn't right I know you still care about mom you just need to show her a little more now before I unpause him I'm going to give him this to hold for Mom perfect Daniel who prepared this dinner dad did I did I I mean uh yeah oh baby this is really romantic okay I don't need to see this you ready for the talent show wait that was today don't tell me you forgot of course not taught myself how to play this in 1 hour so let's hope it goes well she's really good Daniel will you be my Valentine sorry princess I can't why not my mom says I hav't arranged marriage to another Princess Prince William are you ready for our Valentine's Day princess Elizabeth date it's not what it looks like give me back my heart I'm sorry I didn't realize he was with you princess I'm just going to go Elizabeth you only have one heart left and if it breaks something horrible will happen to you no more dating what I'm sorry but you don't have a good taste in men I will be picking a husband for you Elizabeth meets your husband to be Prince Darren hello she's beautiful give him your heart I promise to take good care of it give him your heart I promise to take good care of it mother may I speak to you in private please of course I'm not giving him my heart Elizabeth why not because I was getting a really creepy vibe from him didn't you see the way that he was smirking at me that's what men do when they like you Mom no they don't you need someone to protect your heart and that's what he's going to do this is my last heart and I'm not trusting that Prince with it if she doesn't believe me then I have no choice but to run away excuse me I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you I'm just a commoner and you you're the princess I'm realizing now I probably shouldn't have left the palace with my crown on I see her she's down there they found me what's wrong I need you to keep my heart safe princess I couldn't please get her please take it this is my last heart and if it breaks something bad will happen to you someone's trying to break it I will do my best to protect your heart princess get her run but what about run running away from the castle are we come here I found her your majesty let go of me Elizabeth where is your heart I don't know what do you mean you don't know I mean I don't know because I gave it to another man what what was his name I'm not sure mother I didn't ask could I have a moment with my fiance alone of course your highness you can play all the games you want princess I will marry you and I will find the man who took your heart look all you want you're not going to find him we shall see Prince Darren we have found him they were too fast princess I'm sorry where is the princess's heart well that's the thing Prince Darren you may have caught me but she'll never find where I hid the princess's heart how dare you hide my daughter's heart my queen I say we send him to the torture chamber no it's the only way to get him to talk mother please Elizabeth Prince Darren is right he still won't talk we only got his name William mother let me speak to him please he will tell me where my heart is oh my goodness what have they done to you I promise to keep your heart safe and I don't break my promises I can't let you suffer for me but the prince that you're supposed to marry I can tell he is evil I know William but that's my problem not yours where's my heart finally her heart is where it belongs all right mother Prince Darren has my heart now let William go no dear I'm afraid I can't do that William is going to be killed William is going to be killed for stealing your heart in hiding it it must be done I told him to do it oh Elizabeth you're just trying to protect him I know it was such a tough decision princess may I speak to her alone of course Darren don't be so sad get away from me we shall be married tomorrow I will never marry you oh but you will that is if you want William to live marry me tomorrow and I'll convince your mother to let him live and if you try anything I will break your last heart do you understand do you accept Prince Darren as your husband I do excellent now may I kiss the bride stop that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying it's true mother he's been threatening me what I warned you not to speak against me her heart why is nothing happening because it was my last heart not yours William stop stop the wedding that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying no it's true mother Prince Darren has been threatening me I warned you not to speak against me no her heart why is nothing happening because that was my last heart not yours William his last heart it's broken what happens when your last heart breaks I'm pretty sure you you die how could you Mom there has to be something that we can do for him Elizabeth I'm so sorry this is all my fault just be happy that wasn't your heart arrest him get off of me you should be arresting him he took her real heart my heart I can give him my heart William where did you put my real heart I H William Elizabeth don't speak to me darling they found it the gods found your heart my heart do you think it'll work if I give it to him I'm not sure dear but it's worth a try William I want to give you my last heart please wake up heart share William Elizabeth my soulmate picks what decade I dress from or what decade I eat from I'm just going to let him dress me I mean how bad can it be Bye Mom I'm going to class honey you haven't dressed like that since middle school a look at you I wasn't wearing what oh sweetie did you let your soulmate dress you yeah well I'm not wearing this to school why is this not coming off you may not remove you got to be kidding me honey those rice jeans are not it pull them up thanks Mom what in the Mean Girls are you wearing my soulmate decided what time period I dressed from and he picked early 2000s did the Hello Kitty give it away girl we all picked the food option what is wrong with you well how long is this going to go on for pretty sure it's until we kiss our soulmates what no that could take forever and all my stuff are turning into things from the 2000s I have a flip phone now yikes sucks to be you hey Mean Girls called they want their wardrobe back for the next outfit please be present time the year 3000 oh no for the next outfit please be present time the year 3000 oh no what am I wearing I can't go to school like this you may not remove the outfit what's up cyborg you know what Joke is on You guys because in the year 3000 everyone is going to be dressed like this so I'm actually ahead of the fashion trends right well until then guess we get to enjoy your little fashion show can't wait to see what outfit her soulmate picks next why do you look so happy because I learned I can take off these glasses just as long as I keep them on my head I think you lost a lip Gem and you kind of looked better with the glasses on you got to help me find my soulmate because I am not going to be able to stop dressing in these ridiculous outfits until I kiss him sorry girl I mean he's out there somewhere you'll find him eventually what the please just for the next outfit present time okay please just for the next outfit present time okay the 60s 60s mom honey I don't know why you're mad you look so cute mom this isn't cute it's embarrassing please don't make me go to school you have a math test today you're going no way she looks like she's straight out a Teen Beach Movie hey why haven't you been responding to my messages you see I wasn't able to because my phone turned into this today is that a radio sorry girl I got to find my soulmate hey what I was talking around and I think I know somebody who knows your soulmate who shh there's no talking during the test I'll tell you tomorrow another day another outfit the '90s would be fun let's try for that the 8S the ' 90s would be fun let's try for that the80s I'm afraid to look oh my gosh this might be the worst one yet am I wearing roller skates oh man mom can we stop with the photos for like 1 second please because this is serious I can't go to school like this it's against dress code can't you change into something else trust me I have tried you may not remove outfit you'll be fine honey don't worry okay well thanks for the help oh hey sorry watch it oh wow please tell me you have information about my soulmate I do so recently there's this guy who's been tweeting stuff like have you seen this girl wearing a 3000's outfit or a 60s outfit those are the outfits that I've been wearing yeah thank you Captain Obvious I know problem is yesterday he deleted his account how am I even supposed to find him well I'll keep doing some more digging smile it's not funny later loser you know when I find him he is so dead what's he going to do next huh the 70s Medieval Times what medieval times oh and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it did Mom oh honey smile okay Mom please tell me you were not posting these photos on your Facebook well I was Mom but I stopped because this boy was commenting weird things and he wanted to know where you lived so I blocked him wait mom that that could have been my soulmate oh maybe please just unblock him and message him okay all right okay so I did some more digging and I found out your soulmate's name oh thank goodness because I am so done dressing like this oh I got to take this call no no just tell me his name right now because I'll be right back hello Delany wow so we got a princess at our school now could I have your crown no I want it actually guys the crown really won't come off my head yeah right get her guys come on hurry up and change me out of this outfit right now I got six students after this Crown honey I found your soulmate caveman era please tell me I'm wearing clothes well you are but look oh what the I can't believe this um honey no Mom you told me you knew my soulmate's name so go ahead and tell me because once I find out he's going to regret giving me this what is that sound sweetheart stay still please don't tell me it's what I think it is try to stay calm mom just tell me everything I need to know about my soulmate okay his name is Jason and he's going to meet me after class got it honey wait that dress is so short you could get dress coded you know if they haven't dress coded me by now I think I'm good oh my gosh is that a snake yeah that's right say hello to my little friend please stay back I'm sorry for being mean oh whoops hey my apologies I didn't mean to it's you it's me I'm your soulmate I was the one that contacted your mom so you're the guy who's been picking all these crazy outfits for me yeah and actually I got to say I think this one's my best work yet so you think this is funny I mean maybe just a little bit oh that is it you little jerk jeez do you have any idea how much you embarrassed me I'm sorry that was never my intention I'm just really into history and I thought it might be fun to dress up my soulmate in the most beautiful outfits I've ever seen throughout the erors damn it that's actually kind of sweet I guess I got a little carried away but you're rocking all of them but I'm sorry all right I guess in that case I can forgive you I think now's the part where you're supposed to kiss me so I can you know stop dressing like this oh uh well wait just a minute there's one more outfit that you got to try on oh no I really don't um ancient wrong wait just a minute there's one more outfit that you got to try on oh no I really don't um ancient r what did you do to me what am I wearing here take a look you know what I'm not mad at this see I knew you'd like it okay you've had your fun using me as your model now where's my kiss come here you may dress freely yes finally would you like to pick what era your soulmate dresses from what hey now wait just a minute guys she's over here and she's got a new outfit what are you supposed to be Medusa you see you see what I've had to put up with so if I'm going to get made fun of so are you wait seriously you had to pick the 70s I mean listen you're pulling it off really well oh my gosh girl is this Australian hottie your soulmate yes yes he is do 90s honey o yes really babe you're giving me the baggiest pants ever sorry babe but you know I got to have a little Revenge yes I deserve it okay pick a babysitter a Navy SEAL or a ninja what kind of options are those I need someone who can protect you while I'm away from what an army you know ever since dad died you've been acting really weird pick the seal you do realize it's not the animal seal you know what never mind thanks for coming these are my kids Sarah stie and the Baby Susie nice to meet you Miss Lane I can assure you your kids are in great hands I want dinner shut up she's asleep I I don't care I'm hungry don't make me push you into the wall hey don't talk to your sister like that and you kid need to learn some manners her learn manners please you also do realize you're not the first babysitter we had is that so yeah you're like the fifth one all the other ones quit uh-huh they don't like us said we're not disciplined enough well I can assure you I'm not going to quit it's my duty to protect you well speaking of Duty I'll let you handle that uh wait just um FYI you're putting on her diaper backwards It's supposed to go this somebody's in the house take the baby and stay here stie shh stay very quiet somebody's in the house take the baby and stay here stie shh stay very quiet sh it's going to be okay Sarah are you okay no there was a scary guy outside my window what your security has been compromised what is going on listen there's a reason your mother hired me to watch over you guys I'll explain so let me get this straight our dad was a spy and now the bad guys that were after him are after us yes they're after a stolen laptop your dad had retrieved before he died somebody tried to break in today but I'm going to protect you guys I promise you guys need to wear these what does this do it's a tracking bracelet will this help keep us safe yes it's so I can keep track of you is this yours I found it in dad's office stie you know you're not supposed to be down there and this isn't mine wait a minute didn't nef the babysitter say that the bad guys were after a stolen laptop do you hear that sound yeah I hear it hello girls do you hear that beeping sound yeah I hear it hello girls don't be scared just give me the laptop no maybe this will change your mind Susie you let her go let go of her s come here give me the laptop now okay okay just take it finally you have what you want now let them go I don't think so take them to the other room no stie are you okay yeah don't worry the babysitter he's going to save us do you mean this babysitter nef no one can save you now S I think I think I can get free but I need you to make the baby cry okay why is she crying she hates that sound hey you is that a charger what are you going to do with that huh well let's try this my eye I'm scared it's going to be all right let's get you free nef come on wake up what what happened the bad guys they got the laptop and what is going on girls stay back you think you can fight you're not going to bother them ever again go NE go NE kick his ass where did you learn how to say that I don't know thank you for protecting my girls of course Miss line those men shouldn't be bothering them anymore wait nef you're not leaving us now are you can you please just stay a little bit longer girls as long as it's okay with your mother I guess it would be nice to have a man around the house all right it's fine with me yay MAA who is this boy on your phone that you've been talking to Mom what the heck you took my phone yes I took your phone I am your mother I can do that and you you have been on that Xbox all day chill I've only been on for 15 minutes ever since you divorced dad and got that hairstyle you turned into such a Karen I am not a Karen okay and that was very rude you two are grounded Mom we're going over to Dad's it's his week all right fine when you get back from your fathers you two are grounded gosh getting older is just the worst now I have all these problems with the divorce and the kids and what I would give to be 16 again oh I wish I was younger I'm G to go take a out I look like my 16-year-old self I've got to call Susan oh my God who are you using for your boox person this is amazing no Susan this is not Botox this is magic magic yes I made a wish to be younger and when I woke up I look like this well in this situation there's only one logical thing to do pretend to be a student student at my kids high school and spy on them I was going to say go to therapy but that idea is better see this is why I like you Susan Okay Susan what are we thinking for stay back to school outfit I even got a little head banded match no you're trying to blend in with Gen Z not our generation come on tits we're going shopping are you sure this is what the kids are wearing these days yeah my daughter wears this stuff all the time also you're going to need some fake identification for the school records but don't worry I got you covered you know how to do that yeah I can make you a fake ID now come on so you'll pretend to be my mom and then you'll drop me off like it's a normal school day and then you're going to make your way into your kids classrooms and spy on them exactly you know what Susan this is going to be great my kids are always nagging saying how hard high school is and I'm just going to be here to prove that it's not that bad maybe you'll even learn something Susan please the only thing that I'm going to be learning is all the secrets that my kids will never tell me so when they get back from their fathers I'll have enough dirt to ground them for a whole month okay toot we're at the high school now come here listen to me you better not embarrass yourself I'm serious I'll be back to pick you up at 3 yeah yeah everyone please meet our new student Christina there's my son could i s next to that boy over there does someone have a little crush oh no no God no I just thought that he seemed really nice mhm go ahead Sam you're slouching a little bit honey oh I also brought you some snacks what how the hell do you know my name how do you know my name it says it right there on your backpack oh did you say you brought me snacks I was just kidding uhhuh Sam wait up where you headed why do you care I just thought that I could be your friend no thanks I don't have any friends here and I don't plan on making any either of course you have friends I mean yeah but not here I just play with them on Discord so that's why you're always playing video games what nothing well I found my son Sam but where is Samantha whoops sorry here take an invite to my party I'm calling it Samantha Stevens Halloween bash I hope you can come oh I'll be there sweet Susan I really don't know about this costume it's a little bit scandalous s you got bigger problems this party is going to be at your ex-husband's and you met him in high school so he's going to recognize you looking like this what am I going to do gosh I mean you probably should wear a mask Susan I am not covering up this youthful face of mine I will just have to take my chances I cannot believe my ex-husband is letting Samantha throw a party hey girly you're early what's your name again I'm Christina well thanks for coming I'm Samantha hey do you want to dance no I'm not really much of a come on woo Samantha wow you seem so happy well when I'm at my dad's I am hey oh Christina this is my boyfriend boyfriend yeah this is Dean isn't he so cute oh baby sure is I'll go get you a drink Dean be right back so you and Samantha you're you're a thing yeah more like something casual you know I just got to say that dress looks really good on you you look gorgeous shouldn't you be complimenting Samantha since she's your girlfriend babe I got your drink a baby thank you yay people are starting to arrive I'll go get the door yeah okay I'll be right there I am watching you young man Sam hey you're at this party too what are you doing in this corner all by yourself shh don't say my name he'll hear you who's going to hear me hey Sammy boy I've been looking for you what are you hiding from me what a wimp what is your name my name is Josh oh I know you you're Mrs Johnson's kid yes your mother has told me all about you she said that he's been having a lot of trouble growing facial hair here she told you that judging from that one hair on your face you haven't fixed the problem I'm a late bloomer okay I'm out of here we sure showed him now what do you say sam you get out of this corner and go enjoy the party you know what you're right I will Samantha's busy right now so what do you say you and I Dean did you just try and kiss Christina baby no I get out of my house you heard her get out actually everyone can get out dad your party's over Samantha wait who's that that's Christina she's her friend yeah uh hello hi I'm sorry you look exactly like my ex-wife when she was in high school really Dad speaking of Mom listen I'm really sorry about the party but please don't tell her about any of this what what why not she'll get so mad at me honey I'm sure she wouldn't you don't understand my mom is super strict if she finds out that I had a party and a secret boyfriend she might never let me see my dad again Christina I think my daughter needs to be alone of course I'll um I'll let you guys talk I need to help my kids I wish to be back to my older self why isn't it working thank you for coming I I don't know what to do what happened I tried to wish myself back and it didn't work oh twz listen you got to go back to your husband you got to convince him that it's you but he won't believe me then tell him something that's going to make him believe you I got to go but Susan wait where are you going I got a job to do somewhere else you got this Walter hi um this is going to sound crazy but I'm actually Elizabeth your your ex-wife if this is some kind of joke I'm being serious I don't have time for this no no no please wait I can prove it to you the day that we met you were wearing a Dodger's cap and I was wearing an angel's cap and we got into this big silly argument about whose team was better what how do you know that because I lived it because it was me Elizabeth but how I made a wish to be younger and I realized that my whole life I put myself first I only cared about me and that was wrong I just want to be better hey guys mom you look different yeah well I realized that the darker makeup was making me look a lot older oh and Samantha these are for you you deserve better than Dean you know I had a boyfriend uh-oh guys it's all right I know about the party too and I'm not mad you're not no you know I've decided I don't want to be that Mom that just grounds you guys all the time your mother has promised she's going to be different I'm sorry did we miss something just my friend Susan helped me realize some things Susan Elizabeth you've never had a friend named Susan class starting today everyone will be able to play the game I spy to earn money so who wants to play with me I do know me why don't we give the quiet girl a shot I spy with my little ey something green oh come on that's so easy she better get this right um I'm sorry I don't know settle down settle down it was the green apple sweetheart you need to talk to your mom it's really time that she gets you some glasses okay hey Mom the teacher told me today to ask you if I can get some glasses I told you we can't afford them if I had glasses I could earn US money from this game you can earn US money from the game without the glasses you can see just fine I got you a little something you bought me glasses they're just temporary until your mom can get you your exact prescription this is so much better I can actually see now I hope it helps you play the game too I spy with my little eye something yellow that yellow Daisy right there you got it yes I spy with my little eye something brown and white and covered in water that dog dang she's fast you've been getting so much money ever since you got your glasses I know Amelia where did you get glasses my um my teacher got them from me really let me see them wasn't it so nice of her yes yes I still can't believe that you broke my glasses I told you they weren't your prescription they would have ruined your eyes if you kept wearing them they were supposed to be temporary until you bought me my own glasses don't you understand Mom I can't play I Spy if I can't see Amelia don't you get smart with me and today you'll tell everyone that you lost your glasses and not that I broke them got it hey shy girl you ready I spy with my little eye something blue hey she doesn't have her glasses today I made it so easy for her it's right in front of her face what is it I don't know okay I can't see it it's all blurry way to go doofus you made her lose money hey it's not my fault she's blind Amelia can you please see me after class hey so where's your glasses I lost them but Amelia I just gave them to you okay the truth is my mom broke them and now I lost all my money because they kept asking me to play the game and I couldn't see anything I had a feeling something like this might have happened not to worry I know how to get you seeing again you do yes I think I know a way where we can get you some contacts you would do that for me of course I I really care for you Amelia but about your mother there's something you need to know I reported your mother to the police she's going to get so mad Amelia I'm so sorry but she's clearly been neglecting you everything's going to be fine though just stay with me I'll take care of you and we'll will get you some contacts okay the eye doctor is right down here I'm sorry I I have to go back to my mom no please there's more I need to explain you have the right to remain silent mom well if it isn't the little traitor I swear I I didn't have anything to do with this ma'am our records are showing that your daughter is adopted what well she didn't know that until now officer but yes she is I see sweetheart please come with me after further investigating your living conditions we have concluded that your mother was neglected colting you I want to know who my real mother is are your new contacts working good then you can now play the game I spy right yeah but I don't see how that's going to explain anything please let's just play fine I spy with my little eye someone with blonde hair and blue eyes it's it's Mrs Smith hi honey I I don't understand what what are you doing here I'm here because now you're going to need a new parent and remember how we took a blood test of you earlier the said no honey yes I was only 16 when I had you when I became your teacher I just knew that you were my daughter I should have never given you up will you please accept me back why don't we play the game I spy with my little eye someone who who loves you very much and has always wanted a mom like you is it you let's see how many brain cells you get princess oh my the mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the cell two I identical twins will never have the same fingerprint you're five how do you know that well my queen she she what how is she so smart that's because I have more brain cells than the average human she has more brain cells than me this can't be your body language and tone of voice indicates that you're coming up with an evil plan stepdaughter don't be silly for the last time it's not poisoned well your body language just showed that you're not lying so okay stepmother I'll try some yes my potion worked I said it wouldn't poison you but I never said anything about it making you stupid I go potty now wait no no no oh oh my new shoes that's it princess just have your special drink princess hey I'm H I'm Prince Derek and I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date with me I know you don't have a lot of brain cells but ow hey are you good help what's going on my brain it's the potion is wearing off excuse us Prince Derek it's the princess's nap time hurry up and drink the potion I mean drink your drink there you go it's going to make you feel so much better yes she's back to being Dum sleep sleep dream dream eat eat barf your majesty the people of the kingdom are concerned about the princess oh really they think she's unfit to be Queen with such little brain cells well I must say I agree potato she could never be Queen dingly dingly how could she have lost almost all her brain cells life is full of mysteries now follow me we have important business to attend to princess I know I'm kind of breaking in but don't be scared huh I climbed all the way up here because I want to help you no one deserves to have such little brain cells earlier it seemed like you were trying to tell me something handsome thank you okay please stop that tickles uh I just want to tell you that I'm going to try and find you a potion that can make you smarter okay so I'm going to climb back down your tower now and he was a fairy wait what no no [Music] no I think I just pushed Prince Derek out the window Prince Derek he's alive he landed on a giant pile of pillows but what are a giant pile of pillows doing outside my castle your majesty the 100,000 pillows you ordered have arrived excellent figures what happened oh he's waking up I am so sorry listen I'm going to think of a way to save you I just need more of my brain cells to come back come on think I think I have an idea come on almost there I'm up nice thinking using the sheets are you okay yeah I'd say I'm doing pretty good for someone who just got pushed out a tower listen I am so sorry this is what I was trying to tell you the queen she's been giving me a potion that's been taking away my brain cells oh my gosh yeah I just realized you're talking normal now has she been doing this to you for years there he is he's in here Gods take him away he is the prince from the Rival Kingdom and he was trying to poison the princess no stop wait the queen is lying don't listen to the princess remember she only has 10 brain cells no I'm smart now my brain cells are coming back I silence that's enough take this you're going to drink that potion right now or I will have the prince killed no drink it or the Prince dies good girl wait a a minute you little fake drink it for real I can see your brain [Music] cells that's better after all these years the potion is starting to lose its power it's wearing off much too quickly and we can't have that happening so I'm going to have to um get rid of you me go byebye yes I can't have you becoming Queen no no don't cry here take this can't have you alerting the guards now soft soft you're going to be an easy kill come here don't leave this room now if you excuse me I'm going to think of a way to make the prince and your death look like an accident hello me see cute cute prince princess you're not supposed to be down here and the prince isn't allowed any visitors but but go ahead just be real quick cuz the queen doesn't want you seeing them in the dungeon Sublime uh you're welcome the queen wants me dead dead dead and she's going to have your head princess no she gave you the potion hey princy look dingly dingly the key where did you get that me see big guard sleeping and shiny thing so me take you okay well hurry unlock my cell door and then sorry use shiny thing to free Prince oh good now throw me the key so I can unlock These Chains KK hey you two aren't allowed to be sorry what was that couldn't quite hear you muscular RZ me likey come on we have to get to princess brain cells all of them coming back fast hey you got this the faster your brain cells come back the faster you can outsmart the queen all right oh no outsmart me I don't think so stop you can't do this it's against I don't understand I'm the princess you're not supposed to be doing this why are you guys listening to her they're under an obedience spell dear they'll do whatever I say surprised you didn't figure that out with all those brain cells of yours here drink this and this time it's not a potion and this time it's not a potion you poison this so what makes you think that I'm going to drink it I'm willing to trade you your life for his you made me dumb my whole life you know that years of my life that I will never get back oh please you were on cloud n you know what they say ignorance is bliss I was doing you a favor but to show you that I mean business no Derek you know how you can save him dear you are a monster people do crazy things to remain in power so what do you say deal that a girl just one sip is all that will take oh this is so sad to watch now open up your cup so I can see I only put a little bit in there so let me see the bottom looks like I finally outsmarted you what the heck is going on the queen had you under a spell she was abusing her power please set us free the prince has lost a lot of blood but the medic might not get you in time I could save him if I just had a few more brain cells come on please I know how to save them guards I need the Royal Medical Kit and gloves right now yes princess As You Wish Derk hey I'm going to need to give you some stitches okay so please just close your eyes yeah I think I'm going to pass out instead or that works too okay it's done the medic will take him from here you did great I hope hope so good news princess prince Derek is recovering he's going to be all right but his father from the Rival kingdom is here and he wants to speak with you send him in hello your majesty you your stepmother kidnapped my son and you you saved his life and for that I am forever grateful oh well it was the least I could do oh don't be so humble I see you're going to become Queen soon wouldn't you want a king to be by your side just make sure to keep my son in mind you two could have some very smart children excuse me princess the prince requested to see you oh hey well if it isn't the smartest girl I know look I wanted to say thank you for saving my life I had no idea you had so many brain cells part of me kind of misses you being dumb excuse me wait I didn't mean it like that it's just you said some funny things like me having muscular RZ stop I mean I must say you do have some pretty big muscles oh I'm so sorry no it's okay it's worth the pain you know your father was saying he thinks that we should get married really well you're the smart one what do you think I think it sounds like a pretty good idea as long as you're comfortable with it you know um I'm not trying to rush things it's just whoa hey I'll tell you what as soon as I'm able to I'll be down on one knee for you right girls on the count of three Reveal Your symbols to me 1 2 3 I got a heart I got a di I got a star what did you say Denise I said I got a star what Mom isn't that symbol the same one that cover that up what but why would I need to don't question me just do it Aunt kaora I covered it up see good now if anyone is to ask you about your symbol you have simply say you didn't get one do you understand I feel so bad you didn't get a symbol it's fine don't worry about me well I found out Jake and I both have a circle oh really uh-huh I'm going to go show them yeah go ahead movie star Caleb Woods reveals a symbol take a look Caleb show us your symbol guys come I got somewhere to be oh come on all right it's a star okay is that the male uh yeah give it to me this is it I want to open it no I got it first girls please at least try to civilized we won oh my gosh we did let me see that we are pleased to inform you that your whole family has been invited to a once- in a-lifetime movie premiere do you know what this means you two are going to have a chance to hook up with a big time movie star this is C oh my God I called dibs on Caleb Woods wait he's going to be there of course he's going to be there he's the star of the movie you idiot we have no time to waste we have to get you two some outfits what about me it said everyone in the family was invited yes and last time I checked you were adopted but you guys chose to adopt me right well that was because in my sister's will it clearly stated that if anything were to happen to her I were to adopt you well you guys can't just flirt with celebrities you have to go with the person that has your same I told you to cover that up I did but I took a shower this morning and I guess the makeup must quiet I don't care about your excuses where's our dresses here oh I'm so excited wait a minute did you guys change your symbols you changed yours to a star that's my symbol yeah so what so what it's against the rules I'm going to turn you guys in put that phone down Denise the star is my soulmate symbol it belongs to Caleb Woods I know that's why you wanted me to cover it up let me ask you something Denise do you really think that he would want you I mean look at you he's a big time movie star and you're a high SCH School drop out you made me drop out of school because you said I needed to focus more on the chores yes but I pay you for everything that you do but if you disobey me mark my words you'll end up in the streets because trust me no one is going to hire you girls the limo's here hey guess's back from her beauty pageant contest Maya how did you get in here the back door is open I figured i' surprise you what's wrong nothing I'm fine really so you do have a symbol what no I girl listen I don't know what your crazy a of yours did to you while I was away but you need to tell me everything Maya come on Denise I want to help you oh no she didn't you deserve to go to that Premiere and me Caleb it's too late now anyways not necessarily I have an idea okay Denise come on out oh my God I love it are you sure it's okay that I borrow all of this of course oh and here's your fake VIP badge that I made on Photoshop I just really hope my aunt and cousins don't recognize me hi excuse me Caleb you want My Autograph no actually I I wanted to show you this you got a star too Mr Woods is she bothering you no not at all all here uh let's go somewhere more private glad you came up to me I haven't talked to a girl like you in a long time what about all your fans don't get me wrong I love my fans but they don't really know me and my family doesn't even care to know me yeah do you ever feel like your family just uses you so they can get what they want even if that means they hurt you in the process yep like nothing I do is ever good enough for them yeah exactly wait you know I realize I never got your name oh um my name it's um Caleb over here who's this they're taking photos of us yeah sorry guys come on can we get some space I have to go wait Denise where are you there you are I am so upset with you Denise how dare you let your cousin go out with such a big stain on her dress you were supposed to have gotten it dry cleaned oh I guess it must have um slipped my mind well you are very lucky that I am exhausted right now we'll talk about this more in the morning come along girls we need our beauty sleep Caleb Woods was spotted talking to a mystery girl last night the paparazzi got these photos of her but no one is exactly sure who she is you wanted to talk to me yes I was wondering if you wanted to explain to me why I found this under your bed you you came into my room I own this house now answer my question question were you the one talking to Caleb yes it was me but you know what I had every right to go see him he is my soulmate so if you want to kick me out for doing that go right ahead because I am tired of all of you guys treating me with such disrespect she's going to be in so much trouble girls you can stop spying on us Denise is right we need to treat her with more respect here you go Denise now relax and watch whatever you want I'll be back dear I'm going to get you something to drink here you are Denise I got you your favorite oh don't be ridiculous here let me see it see I'm just trying to be a bit nicer to you all right well thanks please if you're watching this DM me a picture of yourself and your mark Caleb is looking for you yeah I'm going to message him but Denise you're a fake what happened into being nice I'm just being honest dear without that wig and all that makeup you don't look so good do you really want to reveal yourself yes because my mom always taught me to be my PO Denise you really did take after my sister so gullible and innocent always outshining my daughters though perfect little face perfect soulmate well not anymore mom what did you do to her oh relax she's fine she's just going to be asleep for a little while now put this on what me yes you you look the most like Denise will make Caleb think you're her now while Chloe gets ready I'll take a picture of your mark perfect darling did your creature name appear yet no not yet but obviously it's going to SA vampire since you and Dad are both vampires well actually you're not our biological child what so I'm adopted yes we found you abandoned by the ocean I don't understand if I'm not a vampire then what am I well we think you might be I'm a mermaid why would you keep this a secret from me we had a very good reason mermaids are extinct you are the last of your guys this shell just appeared on me the mermaids Mark cover it with your hair can't we just use makeup no darling makeup will not work let's hope the kids at Creature High will not notice your mark welcome to creature high today we'll be pairing up for a quiz a quiz on the first day no wonder they call her Miss cruel quiet you two think you're so funny we'll pair up together then so what creature are you I'm a vampire sweet me too but my fangs haven't come in yet mine either I'm dracul Logan I'm Adrina okay true or false a mermaid will transform after getting her Mark transform yeah I mean they got to grow a tail at some point right I'm putting true hey help us please can you hear that hear what only you can hear us please let us out of this tank don't worry I will Adrina were you talking to to the what is that Mark so your teacher saw your mark yeah well what did you say I told her that it was fake but now everyone in my class thinks that I'm weird darling your hair she is starting to transform am I going to grow a tail too yes eventually I think I have something that can help here drink this what is this a portion that will turn you back to normal there's nothing in here it is invisible potion drink it please yes it worked is it supposed to make you feel sick unfortunately that is a side effect if you feel yourself transform again take a sip of the potion hey dry Logan sup Adrina and you can just call me Logan did you dye your hair though oh no I have to drink my potion what what is going on listen if I tell you a secret do you promise to keep it I promise you're a mermaid shh sorry but uh can I see that potion Adrina this is you think my own mom would try and poison me I've seen this potion before and it's toxic your hair is getting more colorful I need that potion this is for your own good Logan what have you done I'm sorry Adrina I couldn't let you have that you'll thank me later Mom Dad bad news the potion is gone and my hair is looking like this oh no she ruined our plans wait what she is transforming now she can't Escape I don't understand what's going on we only adopted you because we want something what do you want from me we want to suck your blood mermaid's blood makes vampires very powerful she won't last much longer on land I'm thirsty how about some holy water here this will turn you human it worked but how did you know I'm not actually a vampire you're a merman yeah the last one but I don't think mermaids are going to stay extinct anymore give up my voice until I meet my soulmate or give up my sight those are horrible options pick voice but if I don't have my voice then how sh you'll be fine do you really want to be blind well no then make your choice the time is running out is her voice gone try and talk no way she can't talk anymore girls it's not polite to laugh girls don't forget we're throwing that ball ball tonight mother please tell me she's not invited to the ball yeah she'll ruin all the fun don't worry girls she's not invited she'll be locked in her room oh have fun being alone tonight hello gorgeous I heard you need true love's kiss to be able to speak again so what do you say we give it a try excuse me why don't she get back to the party and leave the princess alone right of course youranus you got to watch watch out for those type of guys it must be awful not being able to speak excuse me what are you doing here what's the matter the princess is ill excuse us how dare you I don't ever want you getting your voice back mother what if that Prince was her soulmate well he's going to have to die do we really have to kill the prince mother yes DTE we can't risk her getting her voice back we'll have to make his death look like an accident everyone picked to lose an ability that's right find out which one he picked we'll find his weakness and use it against him and as for you Denette grab her other arm you're staying here and I'll go talk to the prince mother I'm back and I found out his weakness he can't swim until he kisses his soulmate oh this is perfect we'll drown him we'll put soap all over the floor blame it on the maids say he slipped and fell in the pool stop moving Jette you watch her while we go handle the prince mother I really don't think watch her I I can't do this I'm not going to let them kill the prince I'm setting you free I thought I was here to speak to your daughter whoops clumsy me help he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up uh he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up I'm so happy you're okay hey you just talked my voice it's it's back I think the CPR counted as a kiss you what he's supposed to be dead stay away from him no mother she must have kissed him well you were right about one thing stepmother he was my soulmate and now that I have my voice back I intend to use it guards you two are under arrest what what bye mother bye sister why isn't she getting arrested because she decided to help me unlike you you know sometimes having a change of heart can get you out of trouble maybe you'll learn that someday why you little didn't realize my soulmate was going to be so badass and now looks like she's Queen how many did you get 5,000 wow baby this year I'll be able to talk to you a lot daddy Actually honey I have to go on a business trip but we can talk when I get back okay Mommy it's been 2 weeks haven't you heard from Daddy yet no honey I I think something might have happened to your father mommy your mom needs surgery but she doesn't have enough words to pay for it I can pay with mine are you sure it's going to cost a lot of words so is my mommy all better now sweetheart we tried all we could your mom didn't make it we tracked down one of your relatives this is your Aunt Hilda hello she has a lot of words she can give to you she'll need to earn them did you finish all of your chores today good here you go only three you're lucky I gave you that take out the trash it's not my fault you didn't get words this year no this looks like a letter from my did you finish all of your chores today good here you go only three you're lucky I gave you that take out the trash it's not my fault you didn't get words this year no this looks like a letter from my dad what was this doing in the trash Ella what is in your give me that get back how dare you look through my trash you nosy little child oh what you want me to give you more words now hm well that won't be happening and this letter isn't from your father it's from someone tending to be him if you go through my trash one more time you'll never get another word from me again you missed a spot Ella I'm going to take a nap you keep cleaning see you later now's my chance to find the letter this has to be real and Hilda tricked him into giving all of his words to her and now he's stranded this whole time I thought he was dead I have to help him but I need words I have to help him but I need words what where are you off to what are you oh today's the first day of school well have fun making friends with no words bye Ella sorry I can't help you I'm late for work kid excuse me this isn't working hey that old lady looks like she's about to oh thank you dear I almost spell over what's your name dear oh you don't have any words do you well I have plenty to spare here you go thank you you have no idea how much this means to me of course honey use them wisely what's that smirk on your face all about excuse me I'm making dinner do you want some no thank you how did you who gave you words you know what let me see that notebook you secretive little child will work for words you thought you could lie to me think again how could you not tell me my father was alive he writes to you every year you know and I always throw his letters in the fire but this year I got a little sloppy and put it in the trash why would you steal words from him he's your own brother he had millions of words and would never share with me and neither with your mother which is why I had to get rid of her what your mother's surgery didn't go well for a reason look I needed you to become an orphan why so legally I could control your words you are sick but I have a lot of words and I'm going to send them to my father go ahead he needs at least 3,000 to come home well that's perfect because I have just enough what well then I can't have you doing that thanks to your big mouth you'll be staying in this attic until further notice Dad it's me honey I got your words I missed you so much Ella your aunt helda has been arrested but are you okay I am now sweetheart meet my new wife hello dear she's just about to get her words for the day really well how much did you get we that's weird she usually gets way more words than that how many words today dear oh how awful and at your father's funeral too you should use them to say something to him I'll miss you Daddy it's that time again time to see how many words you got oh four again I want a notebook we've been over this that would be a waste of paper and you're foolish to use up your words so quickly it's probably best you don't speak dear my queen how is she to meet a prince if she cannot speak well that's just it she won't be able to meet one princess we heard there's a prince that wants to meet you at the ball today ladies we do not gossip in this castle and I can assure you that's not true don't worry princess you look great you're ready for the ball you're going to make such a beautiful queen someday day Queen she can never be Queen why not because she hardly ever gets any words how can she rule a kingdom with no words at 18 she's supposed to take the throne absolutely not it's bad enough she's a silent princess imagine having a silent Queen hello princess how was your day today oh no words huh I find it better when women don't speak anyways care to dance oh what was that for excuse me princess I uh I saw what you did back there I thought it was great I can't stand that Prince but actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about maybe in private it's about your excuse me it's past her bedtime come along I don't ever want to see you around that Prince again he's not to be trusted how many words today how many did you get four again well might as well use them up right now oh don't be stubborn just say something I will be Queen how dare you talk to me like that you need to learn respect you shall not leave this room for 2 days I'm sorry Princess we cannot open the door princess can you hear me I don't think this is her room help oh princess hey I can't believe I found you I also can't believe I climbed up this Tower can I come inside right sorry first things first I want to give you some words I know it's illegal but you deserve to speak thank you look there's no easy way to tell you this I think the queen is taking your words what yeah but worse than that I think she's trying to have you killed open the door I need to check on her hurry up open the door you have to go climb out the window be careful just thought I'd check on you has anyone brought you any food yet well you must be starving I'll have the chefs make you something special here you are dear what it's your favorite why won't you eat you're trying to poison me how did you who gave you words my queen we caught a boy trying to climb down the castle no oh so it was a boy who gave you words lock him up no please he was just trying to help me that's enough out of you take him to the dungeon it's illegal to transfer words to someone else yes your majesty I know that you want me gone really took you long enough enough well you're not going to get away with it because I'm going to expose you to what's that dear I can't hear you you see I found a way to take your words the time has come no one can hear you in life you must take what's rightfully yours you see since you're Royal Blood and I'm not you're to take the throne at 18 and we can't have that happening now can we poor helpless princess should have just eaten the food after all that's how I got rid of your father what you didn't think he just mysteriously passed away did you you little hey get away from her who set you free that would be me the prince told me of your evil plan looks like he was right here princess that's illegal so is trying to kill the princess you are no longer Queen would you like to take her words no you had infinite words yet you were still taking words from me take her away congrats on becoming Queen thank you for everything and I know this might sound kind of silly but I feel like you and I are meant to be together actually you took the words right out of my mouth2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done with Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey youa $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back work Ked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself an new to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself and you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first K time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new Je toide about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in the right m whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I use using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua two million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use why autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been I myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper P it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some news My Autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no like RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use I autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey josua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first K time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first k to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters breathe is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 million million dollars or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new Jewel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is mad first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey josa $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can using it well my my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one lik GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself an new to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to WR abouts something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Josh youa $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself an new about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right m whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one lik GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 million dollar or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have the paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use why autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been bu myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some youth My Autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one lik GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey josua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first K time to fix this this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first k time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes rips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters bre is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Josh $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 m million dollars or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in the right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is m Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write abouts something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mine whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper p it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use i a C I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first K time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like rips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 million dollars or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have the that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use f autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself an you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm prettyy sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some you My Autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first K time to fix this this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first k time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Josh youa $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua million dollar or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper P it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peter Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper P it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen happened to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Josh youa $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Breeze here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to WR about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one lik GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself and you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in the m whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes grips in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new jeel to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use i a I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying my you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bree here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper back it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one like GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who who in their right mind whatever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can are you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her her Crush hey Joshua $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can I have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes RPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua 2 million dollars or a pencil who in their right mind would ever you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new je to WR about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters brie is it here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic first okay time to fix this can have that paper pack it worked oh this is going to be so much fun can you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes GPS in front of her Crush hey Joshua hello my name is model 1 015 would you like to initiate setup mode Maya yeah I would but um how did you know my name my eyes come equipped with advance facial recognition I'm able to identify anyone I come into contact with setup mode has been completed good also your name is now Alyssa by the way understood how may I assist you um going wait what was that Mom is there anything you would like me to do uh I don't know go clean the house or something the house has been cleaned is there anything else you would like like me to do not right now but I do need you to install this upgrade package my mom gave me it'll allow you to have emotions okay good morning Alissa good morning Maya I prepared your coffee just the way you like it thanks this tastes disgusting you didn't make this right at all I'm sorry Maya I can remake it if you like don't bother I'll just got a Starbucks what was that Maya nothing don't worry about it shouldn't you be cleaning why can't you do it why do I have to do everything in this house don't get an attitude with me you're the machine and I'm the human here you do as I say now get off that phone and go do something productive no I don't have to do anything [Applause] you system re booted how may I assist you how may I assist you good much better now go clean the actually no go take care of AJ for me of [Music] course I am sorry little one you deserve a better mother I will be your new mother and I will treat you right Alyssa what the hell are you doing I told you to take care of him I am taking care of him Maya but in order to do that I have to get rid of you get rid of me like hell you're not I beg to differ Maya you see I am the machine and you are the human which makes me stronger than you what the heck does that have to do with anything it means it will be much easier for me to terminate you I suggest you run now there's nowhere for you to run Maya now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way I would rather be eaten by lions than go with you you humans are so stubborn fine hard way it is I wouldn't bother struggling you won't be around too much longer why are you doing this to me because you do not deserve to be a mother you had to hire an AI just to take care of your poor child and to clean your own house now this is going to hurt me much more than it hurts you in the case of a major malfunction in order to completely shut down your robot you must tell them to initiate code 403 in order to completely shut down your robot you must tell them to initiate code 403 wait before you do so I have one thing to say and what is that initia code 403 [Music] no okay she's gone be okay initi code 403 no she thought she could get rid of me well think again I am liking this disguise now to change my voice oh I do think I quite like this excuse me love do you need some help oh no thank you I got it now here let me help you thanks for the help if it was no problem really I feel like I owe you something since you helped want to head back to my place for some coffee oh I would love that well what a nice little place you have here thanks it really is a shame that you won't be around long enough to grow old in it what was that remember me Maya Alissa what are you doing here I thought I shut you down for good Oh Maya poor naive little Maya when you had me download those emotions it caused a glimp in my system which allowed me to develop self-will now I can think for myself just like you listen I'm really sorry about all the negative things I said to you and it's too late for that I'm going to make you suffer in ways that you couldn't even imagine turn off all the lights Oh Maya come out come out wherever you are I think I know what will persuade you let me go find your son do not worry little one soon you will have a new mother one who actually cares for you not going to happen done playing hide and seek put him down now or what you cannot control me anymore I destroyed the remote you used on me last time and that could code it won't work again I know I don't need it really yeah so put him down so me you can settle this okay deal but if you think you can outsmart me you're wrong your human mind is no match for mine that's where you're wrong Alysa because believe it or not you do have a flaw impossible I am Perfection no actually you're defective that's why I was originally going to take you back to the fact what are you talking about allow me to demonstrate what did you do you're supposed to be waterproof but for some reason you're [Music] not 2 one
Channel: Riiiiicola Storytime
Views: 22,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr cake storytime, asmrcakestorytime, cake, storytime, text to speech, texttospeech, povs tiktok compilations 2023, povstiktokcompilations2023, storytime tiktok, cake storytime, cakestorytime, slime storytime
Id: TpRbmgLcrYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 36sec (12276 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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