If I Get a Defense % Artifact, I Roll

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alright so here's the deal i'm currently on the ryden shogun account as you could probably tell this account has some fun characters none of them are really built whatsoever but i just use this account for fun i don't really record much on here it's kind of like i could just hop on here farm a little do some wishes that i don't have to worry about recording or anything like that and of course we have the write-in show gun however there is a certain character on a certain banner that only has an hour and 44 minutes left and this account doesn't really have a kazuha you know we do have a sucrose which i could probably invest in more and that would probably be fine but when's the next time we're going to see a kazuha it took over a year to get them a second time so i don't really want to wait a year plus again if i do end up wanting him on this account i mean obviously i want him since this isn't spells or swords only i'm not opposed to spending a little bit and definitely not just because i want kazuha it's obviously all for content definitely but of course a video of me just pulling is no fun so i think we're gonna mix it up just a little bit genesis crystals have been acquired that's about all i want to spend on here i mean realistically that's more than i want to spend because i'd rather spend nothing but you know it's it's content of course obviously i'm not addicted here's my thought of what we could do if we were to get a kazuha obviously we would want the viridescence set so we're gonna go farm for the viridescence set every time you farm a domain you're plagued with defense percent artifacts unless you want them to take away from the pain every time that we get a defense percent artifact we're going to pull that way no matter what we get we're happy this will be the one time i don't get a single defense percent artifact also i completely brought the wrong team into this it's fine we should be able to do this anyways with my unbuilt eula oh wait okay no we actually did that perfectly fine anyways first condensed resin will we get a defense percent artifact or will we not be able to pull i mean i'll take elemental mastery as well that would be great sir oh both iridescent we got well obviously that can't be defense percent and hp percent so we can't pull all right round two now i could have swapped up my team but apparently my terrible eula is actually not so terrible in here yeah but 43 seconds that's not too bad all right this time this time we're gonna get a defense per se the only time in my life i want this besides when i'm farming for albedo oh both the wrong set that can't be d oh you know what crit rate great great damage you know that's not bad that could be an off piece and defense percent terrible artifact beautiful and also in case you're wondering we are currently around 40 pity on the account not a guaranteed 50 50 though let us do our first ten poll and see what we're able to snag will we get lucky not yet okay that's fine can we get a hazel as well because i would appreciate a hazel on this account okay perfect that's great now if nothing else at least we have a new animal character time to do it again now i don't think we're gonna be able to use all of our primos in just this domain because we are gonna run out of resin but we'll deal with that once we get to it let's oh gosh not getting too lucky with the artifacts not even a good one hey defense percent would you look at that well that means we need to do another 10 pull and see will we get gold super early no wow who would have thought we get the lions roar not what i'm looking for and we get the lions roar this may be the last condensed resin that we have at the moment but don't worry i have more ideas survey says come on viridescent elemental mastery i know it's not defense percent but that's what i want the most here and double viewer desert well i mean neither of them can be defense percent and no the subset doesn't count well that's unfortunate but don't you worry because we are not done yet you know maybe i should do my daily commissions for more primo gems excuse the brief intermission you see i do have some fragile resin and i have not done my weeklies yet i guess we'll do the same thing if we get a defense percent artifact we'll go ahead and roll i'm curious if this team can one cycle this boss because i've never tried it and i mean look at them you can't tell me this is a good build eula is okay nothing great just have some physical damage bonus but she only has a two-piece shimanawa set not even physical damage bonus but look at this piece that's a pretty nice piece even though it's the wrong set and we gotta roll into flat hp but it's it's still a good piece all right deval and this is the only time i will ever ask you to give me a defense percent artifact the ocean hued clam set does so much damage to his shield it's crazy all right let's see how much i can mess this up so we're gonna put that down you can't put that down cool we're gonna do this we're gonna do a bit of this and then hope we have time to do the entire thing i don't think this is in one shot to be entirely honest with you it does oh it almost does i was gonna say not which would have been right but i said it does which it didn't you saw what happened i don't need to explain this that's so sad all right give me a second while i just tear down the shield again shield is gone we just climb on up and just hit this a few times should be perfectly fine there we go all right defense percent artifact a police all right we get physical damage bonus and hp we did get one of the highest level gems which almost never happens and then two of the plumes you know what pretty good drops i will actually be needing that gem for kokame i think next we are going to go fight senora because i just want an easy fight and to those of you saying sonora is not easy there's actually a really simple trick you can use to beat her with ease kokomi kokami is the natural enemy of senora so we're just gonna smack the shield a bit this is the most annoying part of the fight in my opinion oh here comes the big bad phase two what are we gonna do here this is this is real scary now i am truly terrified of this oh you know i brought the wrong team in here too i usually bring in a bit of a taser comp something like yaylon beto right in shogun kokomi because it does make this go a lot faster but it's fine we can still win just the same one burst just like in the story and we claim our defense percent artifact we only have one attempt oh boy okay here we go boom geo damage okay that is not defense percent you know what you should never do fight child with a team where your primary damage dealers are electro and hydro not that i would ever do that child is still one of those bosses that i seem to lose characters on a lot like look at that look at how much damage that was my team's almost dead first phase i'm almost dead already oh wait eula is dead somehow even though i swapped her out before she died that makes sense love when that happens can we survive phase three i swear this ocean hued clam set is so strong oh well shenhua kind of just went down it's not my fault it's not like i'm controlling her or anything oh oh you're dead oh you're not i didn't have a dodge surprise you lived that okay kokomi let's just solo with you that's a much safer option because kokomi doesn't die watch this boom oh see what i mean kokumi doesn't die i wanted to use her burst right as the whale came up but i mistimed it all right come here i want my bubble to proc on you i want to kill you with a bubble there we go you should die now beautiful any defense percent artifacts we have one option again and it's attack oh physical damage is boosted in this domain that's why euler was doing better that makes a lot more sense now but yeah i kind of went and made more condensed resin because yeah kinda can't get defense percent artifacts unless i can get artifacts and you can't get artifacts without resin so we're gonna use what we need to use show me the defense percent look however you haven't given me a defense percent in quite a while now i think something might be wrong in the code of the game i'm supposed to get at least one in every run that one can't be defense percent and healing bonus no that's not what i won show me defense percent come on man this time this time this time i say this time every time but this time is the time that's not like the other times this is the time where we'll get the defense percent come on double defense percent and i'll do two 10 pulls uh i can't get defense percent on those i mean okay yes you can get defense percent but not the main step this wouldn't be the worst for kazu you get em you get energy recharged from attack that's not bad but that does not help us in our pursuit for defense last condensed resin i have at the moment i will craft more if necessary we get are you kidding me why are these just the same artifact but different wow look at that crazy now i have three more condensed resin don't know how that happened we get crit damage okay two chances here this one is whatever then we get h p and d oh it is defense percent yes okay i could finally do another pull so we should be around what 60 pity now i think will we see a gold here no i don't even know what else i want from four stars honestly like we got one hazel i guess we get a tomah and in addition to toma we get that after this condensed resin i'm not going to make any more right now we'll go fight something else final condensed resin give me defense give me defense defense defense defense defense please give me yes defense percent let's go oh we're gonna be out of genesis crystals after this one so we'll just be down to single poles i really thought that was gold for a second oh gosh oh that's the worst you could have given me that is a terrible pull but now luckily all of this refreshed so boom there we go five more intertwined fates and now we're just gonna go fight a boss that we actually do need to kill regardless of whether we get kazuha or not and yes i'm bringing a kokami into this fight give me a defense percent artifact please that's th that no that's not that is no stop it you know what kazuha needs magu kanki let's go fight that surely if i beat this and get a defense percent artifact kazuha has to come home i mean that's just common knowledge right that's just how the world works okay defense that's not defense why is it so hard to get defense percent artifacts said no one ever oh you know what i know what we could do i really expected to get a lot more by this point but we can come over here and oh look we could just craft up artifacts i might do blood stain just to get a better piece for eula or i could do wanderers for elemental mastery or no bless let's just do bloodstained i don't care all right we'll just do 21 here we'll see what we can get any defense percent equals one roll per defense percent since we're doing it this way so that's one roll that is two rolls that one oh that's actually a pretty nice flower i might have to level that up and hope that we don't get the defense percent three rolls four rolls this is where all the defense percent was hiding all right so we get to do four rolls on kazu has banner number one is another tomah number two it's probably gonna be blue yes indeed number three and number four this is a bit concerning i have one intertwine and only 56 minutes left on the banner all right how about this how about if this piece rolls defense percent we pull i really don't want it to but if it does then we'll roll for kazoo here's the first upgrade and it goes crit damage very nice second upgrade incoming and crit rate oh third upgrade and we uh i mean yay what crap point defense percent all right let's go do our pull will we get him on this one no oh boy oh this is usually how it goes for me i don't get them early but i have to use all of my resources to actually get the characters so my guess is we're gonna get it in two more pulls watch watch watch watch let's keep going on that artifact though i'm really hoping we don't see any more defense percent that would be so sad for this artifact but also good for the video but come on no more defense percent please we get where's that attack okay attack is fine i really want the last one to be crit rate what are we getting for the last one ooh defense percent you know what if we ever want to build an urataki ido or something this could be an off piece that would be decent for him well that means we could do another pull so i expected kazu had to be the next one this one's just blue which means we need one more roll it's not guaranteed but just based on prior knowledge and experience that's usually how it goes for me we'll just throw in 18 more artifacts and any defense percent i always just love seeing cricket is just so fun to see defense percent okay we could do a pull and then none of these can be defense percent which means one more pull and that's all that we have at the moment this is the one that i think might be cause i take it all back that is most certainly not a kazoo huh that's unfortunate okay we were only at 30 pity not 40. slight oopsie on my part so we were at 30 we did i believe 48 pulls so we're at 78 pity how do i go about getting another wish we could try this right we do this i mean these don't count because they're not intertwined i don't need defense percent for this right we'll just spam through these and if we get enough of the star glitter dust whichever one it is maybe we could buy another one okay we did get a purple off of standard and it is another oh no i was gonna say lions were it's fravonia sort different but not what i'm looking for but to be honest what am i looking for in this okay so that didn't quite work oh wait wait wait we could do this stuff oh i bought them all already never mind i can't get more quaint fates i could get the five dollar pack oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up wait where is it it's somewhere in here this what has this gives me nah 300 it gives me one pull let's do this this is better value and there we go now does it give me 90 on the first day it does very nice i love how i don't even know how welkin works that's actually the first time i've ever bought welkin so now oh wait no i need defense percent i can't just pull that's not how this video works 18 more artifacts going away let's see any crit damage okay okay any defense percent we want d out boy we didn't get any i am starting to run a bit low on five-star artifacts here but trust me there are still plenty more i can get rid of let's try this again shall we defense no that can't be that can't be defense percent defense percent defense percent defen uh oh could always try doing this the other way so let's try that please no defense percent anything but that i would hate to get defense percent on this account there's a defense percent okay good good good good dealing bonus element mastery okay so only one that's unfortunate but that's fine i already forgot what pity i said i was at that's good and we don't get what we want come on come on oh that's the wrong tab okay 27 artifacts disappearing come on come on come on defense okay there's one that's fine we can we could do something with that like get our kazuha right here okay you always gotta try so i think we said we were at 78 which means now we're at 80 pity this is going nicely please just defense percent only defense percent on all of them that's no no none of these oh geez if this piece rolls defense percent we're gonna do the same thing i'm kind of running out of artifacts to turn in at the strong box so we'll see i'm really hoping this one rolls into crit rate here it doesn't i don't think i really want to power this one up okay i know this isn't defense percent so it's kind of it doesn't really go but there's just flat defense there if we hit the crit rates this could be a okay piece but if it obviously hits anything else it's not good so if it rolls defense here then we're going to roll let's see oh oh i thought it went flight hp i don't know why okay that's fine power of level 12 and it goes flat hp even when it rolls poorly i can't get what i want it to do that's it i don't care i'm powering it up go plus 16 what do we get more crit damage okay and at level 20 it goes into more crate you know that's still a decent piece amazing no but 20 crit damage 10 crit rate i'll take it i'm gonna go through and pretty much get rid of the rest of what i don't want in terms of artifacts and then we're gonna hope we get defense percent just please defense percent please please can't be any of those come on don't okay we got one and two nope just one will this be the pull i think that's actually all that we can do no we could do one more after this okay but please just be this one just be this one just be this one purple nice that's not what i'm looking for but i will take a hazel constellation only 34 minutes left oh boy oh wait wait wait wait no wait oh on wait wait no wait again hold up no we're fine i'm just panicking hey genshin you want to be nice to me right we could be friend we can't be friends i have no need for this piece right now but it's part of the husk of opulent dream set which is good for defense characters so if this rules defense percent that's really a win-win can you tell i'm desperate to get defense percent crit damage no elemental mastery no i don't even want you know what we'll keep going that's one bad roll on here and defense percent yes yes this is the one this is the one i feel it this is kazu it's my last wish that i can do there we go it's always the last one and we get i haven't lost a 50 50 on this account yet you love to see it look at this look at this ryden didn't lose 50 50. this girl c1 never lost 50 50. we got eula yeshun hud this was off the standard banner we got yaelon i wait i thought i had more than that okay maybe that's all the five stars that we have but now we have kazuha in addition to a c1 hazel and a c2 toma it's always on the last pull i don't know why well that was something probably a very short video very random video but i wanted kazu i mean i wanted to make content i definitely didn't just do it because i wanted kazuha [Music] and just like that if we exit out and go back in the time of kazuha has passed now funnily enough i also want yoymia surely i couldn't get her in just one pull right just you know just back to back five stars it was worth a shot
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 209,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin, genshin impact game, genshin impact wishing, genshin impact kazuha, kazuha, genshin I pull, genshin if I roll, genshin but I roll, Genshin if I laugh I roll, genshin if I die I roll, genshin artifacts, genshin defense, genshin defense percent, genshin but if I say pull, genshin if I breathe, genshin if I pull, genshin if i roll, genshin wishing for kazuha, genshin pulls, genshin 2.8, genshin 2.8 banner, genshin yoimiya
Id: yu41e2_w9o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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