We Sword-of Got Lucky? [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

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do you guys see what you do to me look at this i'm getting beat up by hilla turtles and there's nothing i could do about it aika is dying because of you why is this here who did this raise your hand who's the one doing this now kuching's about to die too you want my characters to suffer is this what you enjoy i'll tell you right now some people are gonna grow tired of the series if all we do is get exactly what we want every time when i click on this i better not see more of them pop up my whole team has now died i really don't know how to respond to this because in a previous video i did already state that i don't think you guys should be spending money especially on my account but at the same time then it feels like i'm not being grateful but if i show a lot of gratitude then i feel like it's going to encourage you to continue to do this and you know the worst part of all of this pretty sure that's another hundred dollars and well i'm assuming they did that because of the weapon banner last time if i keep pulling on the weapon banner right now though it's not even guaranteed that we're gonna be getting the mist splitter so while i know that the epitomized path does not carry over between weapon banners i'm wondering if i should perhaps still hold on to the genesis crystals because we do have the new four star coming and then we also have a potential kazuhari run in the near future but you know we're up here it's not the highest point in inazuma but it's a fairly high point and it is the shogun's palace so i will do one temple on top of here just to see if maybe we can snag this right now and then whoever sent these in can be happy that you know we got what we wanted with it and we can just move on but that's not how pity works for me i do not get five stars until we hit pity so we're gonna go ahead and do one more temple here on the weapon banner and probably just get a nice four star for us just like that and it's another bell and and a fuvonius lance but you know that's not enough a second bell you know what's funny the fuvonius sword is on this weapon banner i mean you wouldn't think it is but if you look close it is there for some reason i can't seem to get any of those though you know what i only logged on here to do my dailies anyways and of course i was greeted with the genesis crystal so i had to press record before i just go back to doing my dailies and editing another video though we're gonna show this person why they shouldn't spend on this account again i don't want to sound like i'm ungrateful but i'm just showing why you shouldn't do this we are at some number of pity for this thing we failed the last one great i did not have quite a ten-pull left over when these genesis crystals came in but i'm not going to spend all of these i'm going to leave myself with probably about a 10-pole but i'll spend the rest on this banner and when we get nothing or we get ourselves a second unforged then that's kind of a sign you know maybe you should think twice before you spend right look look at this oh two more things we can't use all right we'll do one more ten pull and then we might just do some single pulls let's see what do we get this time oh purple oh look wow we actually got a fuvonius sword that's crazy if we want to leave ourselves with one ten pole left over we can do four single pulls here so we're gonna go ahead and do exactly that question is will we see a gold within those four single poles it's not looking good so far two wishes in and just blue three wishes in still blue and four wishes in we okay we do get gold here comes my second unforged lesko oh ho yovers i'm trying to prove a point you were supposed to give me the unforged not the reforged oh you know you know what it is because i'm trying to prove the point of you don't want to spend holy verse says no we want you guys to spend in this game look look you can get what you want if you spend no bad hoyovers so let me just say this quickly obviously i appreciate whoever's doing this they if they want to support the channel i understand that they want me to have more content more fun more characters and weapons i appreciate that but i do feel like some of the draw with this series is people don't know if i'm actually going to be able to get the things i'm going for i know that for a lot of people spending in games like this isn't really a viable option so then when they see creators also just getting exactly what they want due to money being spent on the account it becomes a bit less fun for them to watch because i mean honestly if i didn't make videos for this game if i didn't have a youtube channel or anything and someone randomly sent me those crystals well first off i'd probably think that it was a scam but assuming that they were sent with good intentions and it wasn't a mistake i would be ecstatic but in my current situation i almost feel bad i'm not going to keep going on about this though all i'll say is thank you to whoever went out of their way to try and give us more content and characters on the account or to multiple people if it was multiple people but now that you have done that maybe you know put the wallet away for now actually how about this instead of spending more money on my account hear me out here you just you scroll down a little bit there's a little button there that looks like a thumbs up i believe people refer to this as a like button you just you just give that a nice little tap putting all of that aside we do have some things we need to take care of i would like to take care of jean lee's story quest so that we can actually fight as daha funnily enough that will be the first time i've ever actually unlocked as daha because i've never had a character on any account that needed its drops and well i saw a comment on the last video and the comment told me to go and put the black cliff on aiko right now so obviously i have to listen it's a youtube comment i have to listen to it but now you see kaching only has a three star weapon and we can't have that so we're just gonna have to give this to her now and um that's unfortunate everything about what i'm seeing right now screams pay to win it's a five-star character with a five-star weapon wearing an outfit that you only get by spending money i just log back in and it's come to my attention that they extended the ayaka banner to 240 more days and the same goes for the weapon banner don't worry guys for the next six months you can save up for aika of course i know that's probably just a date that they put in randomly for now just to hold them over because they don't know exactly how long it's going to take them to do everything for the next update but i thought it was so funny when i logged in and saw 240 days on a banner oh it is thursday technically but in game that resets at five in the morning for me so i have to wait two more hours before i can actually start farming you know what i just realized this little sword here needs a certain little material and if you remember we also have another character who kinda needs that material and then she also needs even more of that material oh boy well putting that aside for a moment we are able to now enter this domain so while i go through and spend my condensed resin in here i have something to show you guys look at this character look at this character now look at this character what do they all have in common i'll give you five seconds to decide yeah okay we don't have time for this it's hair they all have hair but those luxurious locks don't always last forever perhaps for these characters they do well with the exception of albedo but for the player controlling these characters aka you that's not always the case sadly in fact two out of three men will experience some form of pattern baldness by the time they're 35. considering i always lose my 50 50s in gentian i don't like those odds but luckily keeps helps you stop hair loss before it's too late keeps offers their scientific and affordable approach to treatments that are up to 90 effective at reducing and stopping further hair loss best of all you don't even need to touch grass to get it for about half the cost of similar treatments at a pharmacy keeps will deliver their doctor recommended treatment plan straight to your door hair loss stops with keeps so to get 50 off your first order head on over to keeps.com java the cup or click the link in the description that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash java the cup big thanks to keeps for sponsoring this video alright so this should be our last condensed resin we can use right now maybe we'll get lucky and actually get a decent amount of stuff from here oh that's a good one in one of my runs i didn't get any of the purples or golds i just had blues and greens even though it was condensed that made me very sad now i'm definitely not going to have enough of these other items to fully ascend this but let's just see how high we can take the sword because the higher we bring this weapon the more damage we're going to do obviously i don't know i'm acting like i'm the first one to discover that leveling up your weapon makes it do more damage you would have thought we're kind of running out of materials already all right guess we gotta do a little bit of farming i also did just realize that the drops we're gonna need for this sword more specifically these are most easily farmed on this island once you clear out that quest there's a whole ton of them that spawn in the center and as you could see from my map there there's a little issue with that we kind of haven't done that quest that's at least enough to level this up one more time so we'll go ahead and do that right now and then we'll boost it up to level 60 and see how much we need these are such a pain to get i know some people have also said they want to see me try the spiral abyss again we just did it not that long ago and i know we've gotten more characters since but we really haven't leveled anyone that much since so i don't think we're gonna take that on in this video but maybe in the next sword only we could try it the biggest problem is that we do not have artifacts for anyone every character is just running with whatever we've gotten now luckily we can take out a few of these things here i guess i need to decide what our plan is because we can either go do zhang lee's story to start working towards being able to level up aika or maybe we start going towards that island that has the thunder manifestation because then we can fully level up this sword a lot easier i'm hoping there's more ruined sentinels down here but i don't know that there are yeah there are no more down there alright watatsumi island let's hope that you have a decent amount of these oh no look there's a there's an electrocutous up there oh that's unfortunate there must be some puzzle that we have to solve to get to it that really sucks it'd be a shame if i just okay never mind oh look there's an electroculas up there there must be some sort of puzzle that we have to do to get to it but it would be such a shame if i just had characters that allowed me to get it okay okay but this time you see the difference is this time i'm actually gonna get it it's gonna be kind of crazy i know okay new plan all right we took a little trip back to leeway so now what we do we put this here right we climb it we put this i said we put this he oh well that's a problem i really thought that you could put stuff on top of this but i guess you can't am i missing something these two are facing this way that one's facing this way that one's facing this way and that one's facing this way why is this not activating oh wait it did it half activated because this rock is supposed to form so that you can more easily okay no wait i'm just stupid i'm just stupid that's all there is there we go nice and easy well i took out all of them that were on watatsumi which was a whole four now i probably can craft up the last two that we need so that's not that big of a problem but we're still gonna have to send it beyond that and now our new limiting factor are the hand guards oh i can finally put ayaka to use okay let's try that again ayeka become useful oh we can finally just run across water again wait hold on look what was that what was that why didn't the book tell me about this one huh oh i did see a comment on the last video saying why are you using the interactive map when you can just use the little book up here to find all the enemies it's because of stuff like this that book does not actually show you all the locations for said enemies it shows you some or maybe most of them but if you actually want to see where they all are you have to go on the interactive map i don't know why they don't just show you all of them in game they just want to make it more difficult for you at this point most of these samurai enemies are respawning or more specifically they're in the cool down for respawning and both kaching's weapon and ayaka only need these and higher now so i'm just gonna kind of craft a bunch of these up they'll do like 32 i think that that's decent enough for now and we'll get four bonus thank you very much sucrose then we need two more of these which i can actually craft a decent amount of so we'll have to see what we want to do about those and now mist splitter gets to be ascended another time it's now level 70. pretty nice and we could craft up the rest of this i actually don't know that we can craft it up but we're gonna try to no we cannot all right we're just gonna go farm that thing again so we need five more of these i can craft four so i'm hoping i can get at least one more of these without having to spend fragile resin give me that nice white and blue coral that's all i need just one of those thank you okay we're good i guess i also could have just crafted it first and waited to see if i got a bonus because i wouldn't have even had to spend res in there but who cares oh well too bad we now have this thing at level 80 and yeah um this is gonna take a while to get but i think kuching is okay for now she still needs a ton of attention don't get me wrong but ayaka needs even more attention right now we're now gonna try to get through zhang li's story quest so that we can actually get materials to level up ayaka's talents you see normally going to the spot they want me to go to is a really big pain the pearl galley is not an easy spot to get to you either have to fly or swim but luckily for us we don't have to do either anymore all we have to do is a bit of this and then a bit of this you could do a little bit of that a little bit of attacking just to extend this out even more fall into the water and then have to swim run out of stamina and have to start all over good times i know you can infinitely be on the water with aika i just have to actually get used to doing it so like right about here we can stop we can why am i so bad at that why am i actually so bad at that i hate to say it but this is the fourth time i've had to teleport back here from running out of stamina while going across the water i think ayaka just likes getting her socks wet too much so rather than actually freezing the water and standing on it she just wants to submerge herself in it that's my running theory let's try this again we're gonna stop we're gonna use this right and then we can do a little bit of that and then we can start going again and then we can stop and do that she almost flings herself off of the ice just getting out of her dash okay i'm getting a little bit better at it as i say right before i fall back in the water i'm sure but look look i'm staying on the surface look out why do i even bother talking ayaka please make it please do not make me go back for the fifth time oh no no no don't you dare don't you dare fifth time's the charm right i'm just testing this out if you dash across water and then take your hand completely off the keyboard she stands on it right that's cool but let's just keep doing the same exact thing so this don't touch anything we stand on it nice third time boop on it fourth time oh we just get pushed straight into the water interesting maybe the key is just doing this instead because then there's at least always ice nope that's not the key how do you actually always stay on the ice oh zhang li i'm good you know i'm actually doing something unheard of right now i'm actually reading the dialogue in this story quest and do you know why because i'm not being forced to do this entire story quest at the last seconds of an event for the most part i can take my time the only thing that is rushing me along a bit is the fact that i have to get a video up is that the salt sword it is oh can i have it please oh there's a chest back there okay so it seems like the god of salt here i don't think that's related to his daha there are so many different ways to pronounce that there's as daha as the ha ha as deja jungli why are you making me come all the way up here very rude of you oh wait is this the lore of the world is this how the ocean became salt water they just threw an infinite supply of salt into the ocean well uh part one is complete which means in order to actually go ahead and get the boss we have to do part two so it's a good thing i never spend all of the keys i didn't know that ors acted as cctv cameras in this game oh i i think we made it we found the chunky boy get this zhongli off my team i have fought this boss once and albedo can you please just just put that thing down thank you yeah i thought oh it's gone already cool one time i fought this thing once so i know it like changes its element and stuff and it's very tanky and it just demolishes your health bar and i do not have a healer so should be a really fun time wait a minute was i just lucky that kuching lived on one hp there or is it scripted that we can't lose ioka you are the least valuable right now you will be my test dummy take a hit let's see yeah we're invulnerable uh oh looks like i win i've already won mr esdaha you just don't know it yet gosh i suddenly feel like the anime protagonists in absolutely every show where they're already overpowered oh wait huh how did we die could ching go down there i am quite confused if we had bennett in here this would be a lot safer but um well we don't so yeah that's gonna keep happening this is going extremely well don't worry we almost took it out it's almost dead my team perfectly healthy don't worry about it and also i'm just not gonna do anything right now because this would be cheating so sorry jean lee but you're just gonna have to take these attacks excuse me uh could you could you just take out zhang li for me real quick please thank you very much okay time for round two i like how it warns me that my party is too low leveled for this but i really don't have a choice all right let's see if we could do it this time jeez this thing hurts so far it's going a lot better than last time because we have bennett here although albedo is essentially useless because you can't put the flower anywhere near the boss and even if you get it close enough where the boss is in range one attack and that thing is just gone oh really really you're gonna live on one huh no thank you very much well we took it down which is you know good and i don't want to know how many times we're going to have to take it down again because ayaka's talents require a lot of it okay so we unlock this domain and that is the drop we're gonna have to farm a ton of there is just not enough resin given to us for how much we are going to need oh you know what we could do i might not be able to farm artifacts right now but i'm sure we can make some strong boxes and potentially get something usable of course we won't really be able to level it up so that's also an issue but maybe maybe we could get something half decent all right the first batch is up and we still have a lot oh my gosh we have so much to go all right can we get anything decent let's see only one goblet and it's defense percent no thank you this one could be decent i don't really want energy recharge as the main step but you know sometimes it's nice to have and that's the only one worth keeping all right round two is already here give me something juicy give me something juice juice oh cryo damage i do like cryo damage i don't really like the stats here though everything else is bad okay cool all right round three here we go going through so many artifacts here oh that hurts i mean i i guess what like off piece for albedo i don't know oh look another potential off piece for albedo and another potential off piece what's with all the good crit sub stats but being on a main defense percent i feel like i have to keep this because it's of iridescent with elemental mastery so you just have to keep that unless you get a better one i've lost track of what number we're on now give me something juice look at all these feathers have potential feathers are so easy to get good stats on they're so incredible okay maybe not that easy again again defense percent with crit oh look what's that defense percent with crit whoa that's cool you know what's funny is we only have 39 slots available here and that was exactly enough to put in everything that i wanted to put in okay the feather has potential feathers and flowers you can be so greedy with because they are the easiest one to get decent ones of crit rate if it rolls crit damage we'll keep it and another defense percent with both crits we're getting down to the last few that we can do alright here's our last one can we get a good artifact no well i am not going to sit here and say this is a good build for aika i kind of just took artifacts that we had on kaia and then slapped on some unleveled ones but you know it's 2000 attack and oh definitely a one to two crit ratio unfortunately i'm kind of just waiting on resin
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 270,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin polearm impact, polearm impact, genshin swords, genshin new account, genshin impact swords only, genshin impact only swords, genshin impact bows only, genshin impact only bows, genshin bows only, genshin swords only, only swords, genshin catalyst only, genshin only using sword, genshin impact 2.4, genshin 5 star, swords only genshin account, genshin ayaka, genshin impact ayaka, genshin mistsplitter, genshin weapon banner, genshin unforged
Id: lFISD1-EL_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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