Tell Your Problem About Your God | Pastor Donnie McClurkin

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[Music] we welcome the spirit of the lord here we welcome the spirit of the lord it is a good thing to give thanks unto the lord and so in this service today on this sunday we welcome the presence of god and i want you to be assured that this is a relationship of purpose this is a relationship of purpose and my job on sundays is to encourage the saints sunday service is not for the sinners really sunday service is to encourage the saints to inspire the saints to embolden the same sin and do them with power that will take them through the week [Music] i want you to understand that it is to make sure that you are refreshed revived that you are restored that you are renewed that there's a newness in you so that you don't have to drag through the weak but you can have a fresh word in you a word that will remind you a word that will remind you of whose side you're on and who's on your side a word that will encourage you that no matter what you face in the week that you're in in the day that you're in in the moment that you're in that god has made a promise and he has made a commitment to us god has made a commitment to us and his commitment will never fall short nor fail he will never be shy or beavers to the point where he doesn't accomplish what he said he will always do what he said but you must remember that it is our job to keep our faith it is our job to keep faith alive and keep our expectations high because faith is the breeding ground of miracles i'll say it again faith is the breathing ground for miracles if you want to see a miracle show your faith show your faith in the dirt of it when you're going through the dirt of it when you're going through the manure of it when you're going through the bad times of it when you're going through the infancy of it because faith causes things to grow out of dirt so all of the dirty things you're going through and all of the bad things that are happening to you that's just fertilizer for your faith it causes your faith to shine it causes your faith to hold on causes your faith to germinate [Music] y'all are not hearing me the problems that we go through is just fertilizer for our faith to germinate faith works best in opposition faith works best in problematic periods faith works best in situations that we don't have a solution to [Applause] faith works best hear me hear me faith works in the dark times faith works in the struggle faith reminds you that this struggle cannot overcome me god just wants to develop me through this struggle are you hearing go to the gym and you look at all those weights those weights are not supposed to overcome you but this is but but you're supposed to be able to get under that weight and be able to push the very thing pushing against you you're supposed to be able to push and what kind would wants you to give in and what wants to weigh down on you now you've got to push up and the more you push up the more your muscle develops and the very weight that could have hurt you that would have hurt you now helps you are you hearing me the very weight that could have hurt you and would have hurt you now helps you develop the very situation that could have hurt you and would have hurt you now helps you develop and if you can make it through this you'll be able to make it when he adds more weight on to it because your life will be a continual perpetual progress and you got to be ready you've got to be ready so god puts the appropriate weight on you according to your ability to bear it for no test has taken you but such as is common to man first corinthians 10 13 says no test has taken you but such as is coming to man but god is [Music] faithful am i talking to anybody in this room or in the camera god is faithful and he will not suffer you to be tempted above that level that you are able he will not allow you to be tested above the level that you are able he's only going to put the appropriate weights on you according to your capacity to bear it a good trainer he he knows how much you can handle and he will only put enough weight on the air for you to be challenged without being hurt you have been saying that sometimes the the negative works in the positive for us i know you don't want to believe that sometimes the negative having faith in the negative causes a positive result hallelujah a positive result and that's what god is challenging us and he wants us to know that the things that we're wrestling with are not going to destroy us but he wants them he wants them to challenge us so he can show up and so he can win the battle so that he can show up and he can prove that you've got more in you than you understood god god allows the situations to happen so he can show his power anybody god allows the situation to happen so he can show his power underground said if i never had a problem then i wouldn't know that god could solve it if i never had a problem then i'd never see god at work hallelujah but my problem gives god an opportunity to show up and show off somebody say my problem gives god the opportunity to show up and show off look at somebody next week say watch god work i said look look somebody next to you look at him turn your neck turn your body and say watch god work watch him work because he's going to work in the negative situation he's going to show up more glorious in the negative situation light shines brightest in darkness god is going to show up and show off an absolutely prove that he is on your side and the thing is once you have faith you already know he's for you oh this is gonna be tough today this is gonna be tough today if you have faith you already know that god is for you but sometimes you don't see your problems in the true light you see your problems as something that you've got to be worried over instead of seeing your problems as something that god has allowed he didn't cause it but he's allowed it now if the problem was going to be too much he would have never let it come to you so that means everything that we're dealing with he already waited out he knows that we're able to bear it and he only allows it to happen because he's going to show off financial problems he only allows it because he's about to show off physical health problems he only allows it because he's about to show off i don't hear anybody here emotional problems he only allows it because he's about to show off family problems he only allows it because he's about to show up in your family i don't hear anybody if that's your family you need to holla yes lord [Applause] amen confusion he allows it to happen so that he can prove that he's the answer glory to god and he is the remedy to everything he allows only only what god allows can come to you [Music] if you remember in the book of john the bible said that jesus when he was talking to them after his resurrection as he as he made fish for them on the shore and they came up they came ashore and he fed them he started talking to peter he said simon satan desires or in in the niv it says satan has asked permission to sift you as wheat to crush you like a weak germ to to totally annihilate you to dust he wants to sift you he came to me simon and asked could he sift you could he have you so he could destroy you [Music] but i prayed for you see nothing's going to come nothing can come to you except it goes through god [Applause] i'll say that again what is your greatest problem that you're dealing with right now what is your greatest struggle your greatest your greatest problem your greatest situation that you're dealing with right now understand it had to go through god it couldn't just sneak up on you because god is your pavilion he circles you god has god has sealed you in [Music] so the only thing that can come to you is that which he knows that you can take so if you're sitting back with financial problems it's because god knows that there's a remedy for this if your faith doesn't fail we remember he said satan has desired you to sit you as wheat but i prayed for you and i pray that your faith would not fail so when you're going through this stuff i pray god has already set the prayer out that your faith not fail not that your problem would cease but that your faith would not fail so what is your greatest problem that you're dealing with what is the greatest situation that you're dealing with change your thinking and understand that god has allowed it for the trying of your faith for the trying of your faith are you hearing me your failed attempts your failed businesses your failed schooling your whatever you failed at or think you failed at and it it's and it sets you back god's saying but hold on to your faith because you can redeem that time even even failure will teach you a lesson if you don't give up failure is not to cause you to give up it's to cause you to recalibrate failure is not supposed to cause you to throw in the tower failure's supposed to make you sit back and say now lord let let me check with you again another and and go back to the old adage if at first you fail your deed try again till you succeed i don't hear anybody here but our faith fluctuates and we look at the problem and we see if we didn't make it the first time the second time the third time we just say forget it and our faith fails and god says wait a minute you're not seeing the problem the right way but the problem is supposed to cause you to sit back and talk to me and get some answer and remedy i want to show off in this problem i want to i want to show you my power in this and so i'm going to use this situation to challenge you again and i want you to sit back and this time don't give up this time don't peter out sit in this and watch me work watch me work somebody say watch god work sit in it and watch god work for he will show off if you don't faint he will show up if you don't faint y'all are making me work real hard if you go to the book of exodus we see that problems we see that problems are not always the devil problems are not always the devil sometimes there are some problems that stay in place because god wants it there so that he can show you his power and there are people that are watching that need to see god is on your side oh god y'all give me 20 minutes and i'll be finished there's some people that are watching expecting you to fail or fail again and god says that's the that's the proper and prime audience those that count you out the ones that count you out i want them to stay around long enough to see what i'm about to do if your faith doesn't fail if your faith doesn't fail in the book of exodus exodus 9 13 says this it says i'm the lord said unto moses rise up early in the morning and go and stand before pharaoh stand up in front of your problem stand up tall and strong without bending or bowing stand before pharaoh and say unto him thus saith the lord god of the head of the hebrews let my people go let them go let us go that we may serve so they may serve me god said for i will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart pharaoh and upon thy servants pharaoh and upon thy people pharaoh that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth now let me stop here the reason why he has to say this is because pharaoh sits as a god pharaoh sits in egypt as a god he is the sun and moon he is the epitome of the reincarnation of osiris the god an egyptian king god reigning god hallelujah and pharaoh thinks that he is the beginning and the end god says i will do this i will send these plates and you will see that there is none like me in all the earth none like me in all the earth hallelujah now for now i will stretch out my hand that i may smite you pharaoh smite you and your people with pestilence and you shall be cut off from the earth i will not go political i will not lend my i said jesus to this i will not say that maybe that's why the pandemic is hit because of a pharaoh that sits in the white house i won't say that i won't say that but it's strange that this pandemic hits well that's another story all together and then and in very deep indeed for this cause pharaoh have i raised thee up for this cause pharaoh has have i hardened your heart again so that i can use you to show off my power so i can use you to show off my power for this reason god has allowed some situations going in your life so he could show you his power i don't hear anybody so that he can show you his power show in you my power and that my name my name my name not pharaoh's name my name not oh seriously name my name not isis's name my name not ra's name my name not sex name or my name so that my name may be declared throughout the whole entire earth [Applause] i see better now i see much better now some of my problems were allowed so that i could have a testimony some of my problems took place and god didn't stop it so that i could live through it grow despite it overcome it tell others about it and declare the goodness of the lord around the world if it hadn't been for my test i wouldn't have a testimony it hadn't been for the situation let me just coin phrases if it hadn't been from my mess i wouldn't have my message everything that i went through was for my good that's why paul told the roman church all things work together and we know that all things and we know that all things and we know that all things what does all things mean it means the trial and the triumph it means the struggle and the success it i don't hear anybody here it means the fear and the faith it means all things it means the fall and the rise all things work together all things that happened in my life work together for my good and the things that didn't make sense to me then make sense to me now that and the thing that could one that wanted to cause me death has given me renewed life [Applause] and the thing that satan meant for my evil stand out for my good and i overcame some things that came to overcome me but they found out they didn't have enough power they were only there to try my faith to exercise my faith to increase to see god work in a greater way so that i could use that as a reminder that if he did it before he will do it again i don't hear anybody in this room yeah yeah my my situations were bleak my situations were herculean my situations were strong and my situations were a struggle but my faith was greater than my situation and i had more faith than i knew and to come to find out i didn't need much faith if i just had a mustard seed faith that i can move an entire mountain and have it be cast into the sea wow [Applause] the thalamus if i had the faith of a mustard seed and a mustard seed is known to be the smallest seed in agriculture but it's also known to be the the seed that grows fastest that when you put it in the ground it starts to germinate and the roots start to go quickly so that when you put the seed the mustard seed in the ground it starts to spread out when you put your faith in a situation it starts to spread out and it doesn't take a lot of faith it just takes good faith you got to believe god you got to know that god is true you got to know that god is just you've got to know that god is on your side somebody give god a loud praise [Music] no no i said give god a loud place you got to know that that mountain is of no consequence to you [Music] it looks looming it looks big it looks insurmountable but you got to believe that your faith goes further than that mountain your faith stretches higher than that mountain [Music] and god allows you to come to a mountain so that your faith can be activated god allows you to come to some mountainous situations so that your faith can be activated you gotta lose fear somebody say lose fear say no fear just faith somebody say no fear just faith and you got to believe that my faith has got to be bigger than this mountain [Music] my faith has got to be larger than mount everest my faith has got to go beyond the stratosphere my faith has got to look down on the problem no matter how low i am in the natural hub my faith is high in the spiritual and my faith has got to look down on the problem i know that this problem this mountain is no struggle to me but god is bigger than every mountain god is stronger than every problem god is bigger and greater than any battle huh god is the victor and he's given us the victory some victorious person give god praise that's not a sound of victory zechariah that's not the sound of victory [Applause] [Music] you gotta go and look at your mountain oh look at your mountain forget your mountain looking dead in the eye no matter how tall it is look up to its peak and say that to that mountain you've got to be removed because i've got the faith that moves mountains [Applause] faith that will hold me sustain me until them until the time has passed faith that will keep me in perfect peace cause i've got my mind stayed stayed on you in zechariah 4 and 7 the bible says who art thou o great mountain who art thou o great mountain you got to look at your mountains and say god has only allowed you for me to exercise my faith against you god has only allowed this to happen so i could use my faith to break this thing down [Applause] oh god i feel like a preacher god gives us experience to show us and teach us a lesson he'll take us through the first one but then as he go on he'll let you go through and let your faith keep you if you remember at the at at the feeling of the four thousand five thousand with fish with the loaves of bread and the five thousand men not including women and children after what let me go back a little further if you remember that jesus was on a boat jesus was on a ship and in the ship with the twelve disciples on the sea of galilee a wind storm hit how you three under my shine a water spout hit a thunderstorm hit and it troubled the boat and the water was crashing into the boat and water was coming into the boat and they can't see and the lightning is flushing the thunder is rolling the wind is blowing the rain is falling the waves are crashing and they can't seem to get out of the storm [Music] but they went down into the hull of the ship shook jesus who was fast asleep he's in the boat knowing what's happening but he's not concerned because he knows nothing can happen as long as he's in the boat [Music] so he's gone to sleep to shake him master why are you sleeping we're about to die don't you care that we're about to die jesus gets up and rubs his eyes he's being jostled by the same waves that are beating against the boat and he stands up and walks out of the sleeping area comes and the wind is blowing his clothing and the rain is soaking into the skin he hears the thunder peel and he sees the lightning flash and he stands at the at the very helm of the boat and all the thunder rolling and the waves crashing and the howling wind and and the rain falling and the lightning flashing in east he says peace peace be still and the wind stopped the thunder rolled back lightning said i'm sorry the waves settled the rain cleared stars shone he walks back to the hull of the ship he lays back down and the disciples said what kind of man is this that even the winds and the waves obey him we thought we thought we knew who he was but this kind of stuff only a god can do are you getting the analogy he walked them through that one and they saw his power and when you see god do a work you're supposed to remember that work you're supposed to build the monument there and remember that work a headstone there and remember that work build a testimony there and remember that work and when you go into your next problem look back and remember where he brought you from that monument shows you and remind you of what he did in this time pass and if he did it before first time he walked them through it the second time he sends him on a boat after feeding five thousand men not including women and children and [Music] as he sends them away he goes up into a mountain and he knows the same type of storm is coming in the horizon oh lord same kind of storm is coming on the horizon and he sends them into the store [Music] god saw that the same kind of storm was coming up on your horizon and he sent you back into the storm because he's expecting you to have learned a lesson and the only way that your faith can really be tried is you got to be tried in another situation [Music] am i making sense to you gotta be trained in another situation oh lord and they go out into the middle of the scene get hit by a storm jesus is in the mountain watching why is he watching because he's wondering if they're going to do what he taught them to do in other words they had the same authority to stand up and say peace be still because god will never show you something that you cannot do [Applause] are you hearing god will never show you something that you cannot do oh my god my god and then uh about the third watching the fourth watch of the night he sees them about between three and six a.m he sees themselves struggling and toiling and he sees that they're not using light they're not utilizing the power they're not utilizing their authority so he has to wrap himself up in his cloak and he's got to walk down out of the mountain pushing against the wind with the wind blowing his robe in the way in the by force and he's walking pushing against it he's walking down to the shore he's walking he's wet he's soaked to the brim he walks from the shore onto the sea and the sea doesn't let him go under he walks in faith he walks in power he walks in authority and the sea does not cease to crest the sea does not come the sea is still violent but god walks on the violent storm you better hear me no matter how bad it is god will walk on your stomach somebody praise him [Music] [Applause] i gotta go i gotta go he was walking on the storm waves of cresting he walks on the crest wave crashes he goes down but he never loses his buoyancy he's walking and the wind is blowing against him the waves are crashing under him the lightning is flashing in front of him the thunder is rolling all around him the rain is soaking him but he's still on his way no matter how bad your situation he's still on his way no matter how long you've been in it he's still on his way no matter how many times you tried before he's still on his way somebody say watch god works he may start off ushering you but then he allows you to utilize your faith and invite him in the situation are you hearing as you grow up in faith god says god step out i'll coach you and i'll be with you but you can do this but there are obstacles there are giants in the land you promised me milk and honey but there are giants in the land i know go kill the giants god we're like grasshoppers in front of them said ten to 10 spies we can't kill those giants we're not grasshoppers in front of them that's not our cup that's not how it created you the giants are there for you to slay you to utilize your power for you to utilize your authority i'm not going to kill them you go down and you kill them and claim what i gave you you brought back proof you brought back proof that the land was richer and more fertile and yielded more fruit than you could even have imagined you brought back proof combs dripping with honey huge grapes on vines on stabs on your shoulders you've got more than enough to sustain three million people i promise you this land this is the promised land this is canaan you've walked 40 years to get here now you're going to let giants when you saw the pillar of cloud by day in the pillar of fire by night you saw pharaoh's army destroyed and you think that i'm going to leave you but now i put you to the test what i did back then with pharaoh should be proved to you that i'm on your side go and you do it now [Applause] i killed pharaohs army you killed these giants are you hearing me because some things are put there just to challenge us some things are put there just to try our faith some things happen just to increase our belief can you believe me after this can you believe me with this giant can you believe me with this struggle in this situation but god had failed before i know but can you still believe me because i don't even try again but no no no no don't give up can you believe me who art thou o great mountain who art thou o great mountain before the rubber belt thou shall become as a plane in other words god will bring that mountain down until its flat land and you will walk on top of it and he shall bring forth a headstone you will be a monument and god shall bring forth he god and usually it shall be a headstone a monument with shoutings crying grace grace unto it what does that mean it means that you will put headstones monuments structures memorials reminding you of what god did then in 1991 i put a i put a memorial in 1991 there's a memorial there's a headstone in my spirit that reminds me of where god healed me of cancer and if he can heal me then he can heal me now amen amen amen so let me tell you this and so when i go back to the doctor for these nodules that are on my lung that they think are cancerous i can go back to 1991. [Music] when i go and sit with the pulmonologist and i sit with the oncologist and they and they examine these nodules this cluster on my lungs that they say may be a little cancerous i can say if god did it before he will do it again as a matter of fact it's already done already done in the spirit i don't have to worry and i don't have the friends and i don't need anybody feeling sorry for me i put my monument there just for incidents just like this and god will show off and show himself mighty god will show himself stronger you better hear me here god allowed this for my faith to give me deliverance for my faith to work for my faith to bring healing for my faith to cause this to go away are you hearing me you have to deal with your situations and understand that you've got enough faith to handle it [Music] some of y'all looking concerned ain't no sense being concerned celebrate with me [Applause] we will see we will see this mountain cancer is just a mountain but my faith is greater than this mountain i told you my faith looks over and looks down upon and we will see this mountain become an even plane because god is force watch my god [Applause] [Music] everybody's standing cause i'm about to go into a fit everybody stand i've seen him do it before he will do it again hallelujah he did it before he will do it again glory to god are you hearing so whatever your problem is whatever your problem is you got to look at it and you got to tell it about your god tell your problem about your god stop telling your god about your problem start telling your problem about your god [Applause] amen still see some of you looking a little concerned don't be concerned i'm here you know if 91 couldn't take me out 2020 can't take me up i ain't going nowhere to stop me to go [Music] cluster on my lungs i'm not supposed to have the air to be able to sing had pre-cancer scar tissue on my vocal cord five years ago not supposed to be able to sing at all [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i've seen the light being flashing i've heard the thunder wall and i felt some breakers dashing trying to conquer my soul but then i heard the voice of jesus telling me to still fight on for he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone [Music] i've seen the light being flashing peace be still i've heard [Music] they were trying to conquer my soul but then i heard the voice of jesus telling me donnie's still fighting [Music] he promised never to leave me to leave me alone that the old folks say we say no never alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] never to leave me alone could i get some more vote no never oh no never alone he proud miss never to leave me never to leave me [Music] [Music] he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone oh no never [Music] he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone out of the wheel glory to god [Music] amen so when i go before my pharaoh when i go before my nodules when i go before the diagnosis or the or the possibility of cancer i'm not going by myself [Applause] i'm not going by myself [Music] and god will do what he what he said he would do we got to go but for those of you that want to god is able to do just what he said he would every promise to you [Music] don't give up on god for he won't give up on you he is able to [Music] for those of you that want to give your life to the lord listen to me i said at the beginning of this service that sunday services are really for the saints but for anyone that's watching that is not born again this time is for you as i encourage the believers to go forth in faith believing that god will use every trying situation every problem to bring about a miracle so i tell you that god will destroy your past and give you the grease to see a brand's new day god god is for you he's on your side and if there's anybody in this room that wants to give your life to the lord this applies to you just as well if you are still in your sin god is willing and able to forgive you no matter who you are i'm not just talking to this camera talking to everything under the sound of my voice there's no need to stay in sin but he's already solved the problem of sin he used himself as a sacrifice so that we would not have to die we would not have to be lost hallelujah if you want to accept jesus as your savior if anybody in this room wants to give your life to the lord in this room raise your hand if you want to give your life to the lord raise your hand amen raise your hand amen and to those of you that are watching to every one of you that are ready to surrender and live for the lord jesus and accept his love then pray with me everyone pray with me say lord jesus forgive my sin forgive my sins i need you i need you i love you i love you thank you for loving me i am wrong you are right you are right i ask you to have mercy on me have mercy on me please please forgive me forgive me cleanse me purify my heart make me holy i accept you as my savior you are my redeemer thank you for redeeming me thank you from this horrible pit and right now by grace through my faith my sins are forgiven by your grace through my faith i am born again i am born again by your grace through my faith i am saved now father for everyone that prayed this prayer earnestly i pray that their lives will never be the same beautiful jesus beautiful jesus fill them to the overflow with your holy spirit and let them be baptized in your name god you know this pandemic and the limitations that it's made on us but it hasn't made any limitations on you fill them to the overflow with your holy ghost in your name jesus let them be eternally secured in you and satan your power is destroyed you have no more authority over any of them they now belong to god and to god be the glory satan is defeated satan is defeated and god is glorified everyone give god a great room shaking praise [Applause] give him a room shaking please come on come on you
Channel: Perfecting Faith Church
Views: 10,334
Rating: 4.8633542 out of 5
Keywords: Perfecting Faith Church, Perfecting Faith, Perfecting Faith Church sermon, Donnie McClurkin, Donnie McClurkin message, Donnie McClurkin inspirational message, PFC, God, God’s promises, overcoming problems
Id: 34XUuLgesIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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