The Power of Holy Spirit | Pastor Donnie McClurkin

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I don't usually speak thematically but I do want to speak about this today because the Holy Spirit is a necessity we must understand the Holy Spirit was given he came specifically to lead us and guide us into all truth the Holy Spirit is not God to help her it is not God's helper the Holy Spirit is God it is the third manifestation of God the Father Son the Holy Spirit three manifestations one God one God three manifestations and we understand that God came and he dealt with men through prophets of old he dealt with men through through priests and prophets in the Old Testament and then Jesus Christ came and took on flesh and he walked amongst us for three years and instituted something known as grace he brought salvation to mankind redeemed us from the fall of Adam stood in the gap as the second Adam and he washed us clean free from all of our sins broke the power of sin destroyed the power of death hell and the grave took the keys and the authority gave it to mankind and then he said I've got to go he said I've got to go but I will not leave you comfortless I gotta go but I'm not going to leave you comfortless for God has always been with man since the creation of Adam God is always interacted with man and though the physical frame of Jesus accomplished its task as the Lamb of God though the physical frame of Jesus with blood that was efficacious to this day blood that could wash away the sins of the entire world the physical body of Jesus Christ as the sacrificial lamb to take our punishment upon a cross the beating discouraging the physical body of Jesus Christ served its purpose in 33 years served its purpose had the time and the completion of the shedding of the blood hanging on the cross he he gave up the ghost and said father into thy hands I commend my spirit but he had already told the disciples I will not leave you comfortless he said I'm going away but when I leave the one the next one the Holy One that will come the Holy Ghost it will remind you of what I said never leaves you it will tell you things to come hallelujah he will be in you in you and now Jesus leaves and he's resurrected he tells them as he has sins he tells them to go into the upper room tarry there until you are endued with power from on high by the Holy Ghost they watched Jesus ascend they hear the angels say why he men of Galilee why scare you into the heavens the same Jesus who you see a son he will return again and they went and they they Dave lodged in the upper room they stood there they stayed there in prayer and fasting waiting on the manifestation of the Holy Spirit this is during the time of Pentecost this at the end of Pentecost this is 50 days after the resurrection after Jesus was crucified fifty days after Jesus was crucified Pentecost 50 days hallelujah it has a Jewish meaning it has a Hebrew ramification and meaning but it's significant that it happened 50 days after Jesus's crucifixion and when the day of Pentecost was fully come acts two-in-one and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all in one place they were all with one Accord and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind hallelujah the second person and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting third verse says and there appeared upon them cloven tongues of fire and it's sat upon each and every one of them and they were all they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they all began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave utterance we will stop right there as the spirit gave utterance I understand this this was necessary and it is still necessary to this day I want you to remember what Jesus said and map them and in mark 16 and 16 he said and these signs shall follow them that believe these signs shall follow every believer in my name they shall cast out Devils in my name they will speak with new tongues for so long we've made emphasis on the tongues and we forgot that the true evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit what good is adapt tongues and you don't have the fruit of the Spirit what good is it to speak an unknown or other tongues and not a big fruit of the Spirit the true evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance is the proof that you have the holy spirit this was not done in a corner and it is not archaic and tongues are still a sign of the Holy Spirit tongues are still utilized some God still fills us with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance it is necessary because Paul told the church in Rome he said we don't know what to pray for as we ought we don't know what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit Himself the Spirit Himself will pray for us using groanings and utterances that we don't understand that cannot be understood or uttered in human language the Holy Spirit will pray for us through us in the times of our need for we don't know what's coming around the corner but the Holy Ghost will tell us things to come show us things to come yes there's a necessity somehow or another we and religion got away from got away from the truth of the of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Holy Ghost we call it a cake and we some theologians sat down and decided amongst themselves that the speaking in tongues it's no longer in effect today a certain news for you I give every one of you this information the Holy Spirit on the speaking in tongues the glossolalia is still in effect today the Holy Spirit still fills from children to elder the Holy Spirit still gives wisdom gives counsel the Holy Spirit still leads us into the truth of God guides us into the truth of god the holy spirit still reveals to us that which is ahead that we have no knowledge of the Holy Spirit gives us the word of wisdom the word of knowledge the Holy Spirit still gives us the prophetic utterances the Holy Spirit is still efficacious still relevant still necessary necessary for every Christian request it's not an elective it's not something that you can choose it goes with the whole entire package this is the true level of relationship with God and we need to get back to the in filling of the Holy Spirit it is impossible for you to achieve success in salvation success in this life without the Holy Spirit it is essential for Christian living and without it you don't have the power without it you don't have the ability to do the Holy Spirit without him you can do nothing without him you can do nothing understand the Holy Spirit is necessary for you to succeed and all that you do in your life in Christianity because you're gonna have to rely on the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit he God the Holy Spirit will lead you into your true purpose your divine reason to a being on this earth you need to be able to consult with and hear the voice of the Holy Ghost speak to you in your quiet time lead you into your purpose reveal to you the will of God reveal to you the reason for your living the Holy Spirit is necessary to accomplish Christian living for a long time we believe that the partial scripture and you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you in acts 1:8 it says you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you but power to do what not just to have power I got the Holy Ghost and speaking tongues and language that nobody understands and think that that qualifies you no you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you to be my witnesses the Holy Ghost wants you to speak of the loving salvation of Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost empowers you not with some magic not with some force but it empowers you it empowers you to reveal and be a witness to the love of Jesus Christ that saved you but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me witnesses in Jerusalem that's home witnesses in Judea that's the surrounding areas witnesses in Samaria that's the areas where the gospel doesn't usually go witnesses in every part of the world that's the power of the Holy Ghost it empowers you he empowers you to be witnesses the Holy Ghost it deals with verbiage it deals he deals with your mouth he deals with you speaking it's amazing deals with you speaking speaking speaking it deals with you speaking he will speak through you he will speak to you and when you close your mouth you've hindered the Holy Ghost from reaching people through your life you open up your mouth and you speak on God's behalf for that's what you're empowered to do to be witnesses not just to speak in tongues to be witnesses and the Holy Ghost will give you to speak the language of the people the language of the people everybody say the language of the people the Holy Ghost will give you to speak the language of the people when they were filled with the Holy Spirit in the upper room the Holy Spirit led them down into the marketplace where they were culminating the 50th day of Pentecost that's why we're called Pentecostals because all of this transpired on the last day of the Feast of Pentecost so we have earmarked this as the day to commemorate the Holy Spirit's coming and the Holy Spirit led them down into the marketplace and then began to speak through them to all of the people from different countries that have gathered in Jerusalem he be the Holy Spirit began to speak in the language of each of the countries hallelujah the Holy Spirit just doesn't speak in an unintelligible language he will speak in the language of the people he will speak the language of the prostitute he will speak the language of the drug dealer he will speak the language of the broken he will speak the language of the sick and infirmed he will speak the language of the fearful he was humble abajo he will speak the language of those that are brokenhearted he will speak the language of those who feel destitute he will speak the language of those who are depressed the Holy Ghost will give you what to say in every situation it is not just for yourself glory or for you to feel like you had power but the power has got to be exemplified in reaching the people Holy Ghost gives you what to say Holy Ghost leads you into what to utter and what to speak and who to speak to you need the Holy Spirit in order to speak so that people can heal speak so that people can hear speak so that people can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the death man the death man will hear about salvation if you love you're led by the Holy Ghost the death man the Deaf the deaf to the voice of God not deaf audibly but deaf to the voice of God the deaf man will hear about salvation the blind that I blinded by sin will see the light through Christ those who are dead in sin God will resurrect them by the word you speak that by the Holy Ghost hallelujah led by the Holy Ghost you don't understand the power of God that rests in you you don't understand the power of God that is in your belly for the Bible say out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water jesus said if you believe on me as the scripture has said out of your belly out of your soul through your mouth out of your heart shall flow rivers of living water that will surely satisfy the thirsty soul that will water the hardest driest desert the Holy Spirit will speak the language of the people the Holy Ghost will give you information that you had no knowledge of the Holy Spirit why are you talking to somebody the Holy Ghost will give you to speak their language and speaks things speak things that they only know and that there's no way for you to know the Holy Ghost will reveal these things to you words of knowledge and you'll begin to speak and the more you speak the more the Lord will speak through you the more the Holy Ghost will speak through you and deal with their personal situations and they will know the truth that this was not you for there's no way for you to have known that but the Holy Spirit he speaks and ulema show he speaks the Holy Spirit will give you words of wisdom on what to do in situations how to do it and whom to go to the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart and give you wisdom that you don't have that will cause you to succeed the Holy Spirit will be a discerner of the heights of man and will teach you who to pull away from and who to gravitate to the Holy Spirit will tell you of pitfalls ahead of you hallelujah he will warn you he will give you advanced knowledge of things that are taking place that there's no way for you to know we need the Holy Ghost and we need to preach this again we need to bring this back into the pulpit we need to bring this back into the sermons we need bring this back into the hearts of the people and let them know let them know the power of the Holy Ghost power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost to be endowed with the power of the Holy Ghost what it is it is essential it is necessary at the salvation you must be filled with the Holy Ghost it was inaudible Roche bah as they spoke in the marketplace and mesmerised all those that heard these unlearned men these unlearned men speaking in languages that they had never learned how be it we hear them speaking in our languages they're the speaking in our languages and going into an unknown language as well other languages unknown languages they hear them speak an unknown language and say are they drunk they hear them speak known languages and say how do they know that they're unlearned and then Peter had to stand about yes the same Simon yes Peter had to stand up yes the same man who was transformed and got revelation from God Peter has to stand up and say no these men are not drunk as you suppose but this is that that the Prophet Joelle spoke up he said in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh it would no longer be practical it will no longer be metal driven on your sons and your daughters I will pour out my spirit your sons and daughters will prophesy by the Holy Ghost your old men will dream dreams by the Holy Ghost your young men shall see visions by the Holy Ghost I will point out on your servants and your handmaidens this is that and he preached and three thousand people were added to the church the new church the brand new church birthed out by the holy ghost three thousand people were converted because the Holy Ghost led Peter to speak there's so many that will be led to Jesus by what you speak if you have the Holy Ghost he will speak things that will cause people's hearts to turn toward God if you just open up your mouth pray and fast and let God fill you to the overflow and cleanse you so that no sinful impurity will come through you mingled with his truth you must be purged and he will purge you but the Holy Spirit is the necessity he is the necessity and you we need the Holy Ghost and he will fill you right where you are me and olive O'Shea he will fill you right where you are you don't need to be with me and you don't need me to lay my hands on you for you to be filled with the Holy Spirit it is the work of God it is the work of God no man can teach you tongues you speak only as the Spirit Himself gives you uh pterence but when you are filled to the overflow the short truth and the short proof will be the fruit of the Spirit if you've never been filled with the Holy Spirit oh my god what you are missing if you've never had the experience of the glossolalia if you've never spoken in tongues oh my god what you are missing if you deny yourself the fruit of the Spirit be manifest in you oh my god what you are missing hallelujah you entered into salvation but never got the full benefit of it because it comes by the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is not God's helper or secondary the Holy Spirit is a part of the Godhead there is the third manifestation of God he is God and you need to be filled to the overflow through this lens made your Shepherd through this lens into your home through your phone through your iPad or computer the whole of the humble O's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is right there with you and the anointing is if it's genuine the anointing is tangible and it is transferable and this anointing is genuine the anointing of the Holy Ghost is genuine hallelujah hallelujah Peter told those that that were that we're listening in the marketplace he said these men are not drunk as you suppose but this is that they're filled with the Holy Ghost and what you need to do Pope Peter tell them what you need to do is repent every one of you repent every one of you and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost repent be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost right through this lens I feel the power of God I feel I just feel the power of God in a minister I feel the power of God and you're feeling the overwhelming power of God right now as I'm speaking and let God finish the work in you what God is doing and you don't hold it back don't feel awkward don't feel crazed don't feel like that this is some that that you've gotta control let it happen let the holy spirit move on you that the Holy Spirit fills you and whatever God speaks through you let it flow if you don't understand it don't worry you're not speaking the Holy Ghost is speaking through here don't worry if you don't understand that the Holy Ghost is giving you utter ins let it flow in the under LeBeau hole and then Amanda's EOC in the my team and I master in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit overwhelm you the Holy Spirit fill you the Holy Spirit cover you the Holy Spirit fill you to the overflow right this moment in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ the fulfillment of true power to witness the fulfillment of the true relationship of God the Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus our Christ so father I pray for everyone reviewing right now I pray Bambi or Chandra sir I pray Great King fill them to the overflow that are not filled let them know the joy of the Holy Ghost let them know the power of the Holy Ghost to be witnesses of you all Great God without respective person fill them to the overflow to the overflow to the overflow Holy Spirit come and fill this place bring us healing with your warm embrace show your power make your presence known Holy Spirit come fill this place breath of God really you to touch from you shine down on us with the line of truth Sarah Hart and said our spirits free Holy Spirit come fill this place Holy Spirit come fill this place my Abba Oh Masha vananga Holy Spirit come bring this healing and you're warming rays Oh show your power make your presence know Holy Spirit come fill this place breath of God we need a touch from you shine down on me stir their hearts set their spirit free Holy Spirit come through this place sociable Holy Spirit come this place I'm gonna say what my time are the holy spirit is moving in your home Holy Spirit come and fill that place bring them healing me you're a warm embrace holy me stir their hearts and set the spirits free Holy Spirit come fill this place Oh God we need a touch from you [Music] shining down on us with you lie the truth steroids it set our spirits free Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come fill this place Holy Spirit come fill this place my dilemma stock precious spirit come here this place of metal kobayashi Holy Spirit come fill this place Holy Spirit come fill to the overflow to the [Music] come Lord Jesus come Lord Jesus come o war such a Zulu zangetsu Xhosa come Lord Jesus come come come Lord Jesus come Lord Jesus see a longer [Music] [Music] washer there's anyone that's watching right now and I've got to move it cuz I'm I feel the floor the Holy Ghost yeah the floor the Holy Ghost and I speak against that heart condition now in the name of Jesus Christ I speak against that heart condition right now in the name of Jesus Christ the sharp pains in the chest I command them to dissipate in the name of Jesus I command healing in the knob on the local in the mighty name of Jesus I command that left eye that left eye that left air that is gone blurry I command decide to come back in the name of Jesus I command that left eye that is gone blurry the sight to come back in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah I speak to the kidney that is not functioning the kidney that is not functioning i command in the name of jesus the record the recreated miracle the reproductive miracle in the name of jesus that will give you full usage of both kidney in the name of jesus christ if you believe you've got to but you've got to start to praise him now praise them now praise him now praising now praise him now in the na naman tion de la cosa praising praising now quarter they're been to the pool beyond a shaky 48 almost stronger than a Mandana mikasa in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i speak to that abdominal problem that abdominal problems he carried on all of us shake on a mandolin or Kuya I speak to got abdominal problem and I command everything in the abdomen to rectify in the name of Jesus you give back the regular and regularity in the name of Jesus I speak now part already under Abba IKEA's Chandeleur on a mondo neighborhood speak against congestive heart failure I speak against neuropathy in the name of Jesus you're obviously have their hands in the feet in the name of Jesus dun-da-da-da the Hashi I come against that migraine that hits and causes your outer clothes and causes the pain to be excruciating I dismiss it in the name of Jesus Christ and I command healing heal by your stripes heal by your virtue in power Lord God let it be so in the name of Jesus Christ let it be so in the name of Jesus Christ it is so in the name of Jesus Christ it is so in the name of Jesus Christ why will you our praise God right where you are praise cup right where you are praise God I've never done this on on this level before on this digital and these digital services but I know when the Holy Spirit moves and that is the power of the Holy Ghost all those will lead you into things and he will command you to declare what he's going to do so that we can release him into the situation in the mighty name of Jesus our Christ for those of you that are in sin I'll break addictions in the name of Jesus I break sects addictions in the name of Jesus sexual addictions in the name of Jesus I break the spirit of pornography in the name of Jesus Christ I break the spirit of all sexual addictions in the name of Jesus Christ and I free you from that torment because it is torment I free you from that torment in the name of Jesus I free you from the addiction of pain relieving pills I free you from the addiction of alcohol and bad of nicotine in the name of Jesus Christ I free you from marijuana in the name of Jesus Christ I free you I speak this by the unction of the Holy Ghost for what I speak is exactly what he is doing in your life that believes in the name of Jesus our Christ be free be free be free be free from the addiction of people's opinion be free from the addiction of people's opinion be free from your need for people be free in the name of Jesus be free from the control people have over your life in the name of Jesus freedom to be able to think without without being confused to think without being feeling like you you're not good enough I rebuke it in the name of Jesus but control people have over you be broken this very day in the name of Jesus hallelujah the opinion that they have about the choices that you make be free from it in the name of Jesus let God lead you let the Holy Spirit leaves you in your choice in their choices the Holy Spirit leads you in your choices and the name of Jesus Christ freedom chains broken chains book in the name of Jesus so that you can pray this prayer of repentance with us every one of you that have been in sin that are in sin and we want to be that are struggling with sin and are ready to be free I want you to pray with me pray say Lord Jesus come into my life take control of my life for the rest of my life I surrender to you and only you and feel your presence and I run into your arms take away all my sin give me freedom [Music] wash me make me whole make me holy I accept you as my savior and I'm free from the bondage of people and sin I accept you and walk into this newness of life this new life with you Jesus thank you I am saved I am born again now put your hands together and put your hands put your hands together thank you Jesus thank you thank you now if you prayed that brother impossible now if you prayed that prayer I want you to type in and this is a specifically special service for all the time we've been doing these digital services I have never felt the Holy Spirit as strongly as I feel him now this is significant this is unique and this is for you and aloha and this is for you the tea and a lot of more shape oh yeah mama shake it another month under local handle and this is for you oh then I'm and then of course every week I try to keep my cool but today I feel a release in the Holy Ghost I feel a release in the spirit and God move on your life so markedly that others see your change that others will see your change if you prayed that prayer type in I prayed that prayer that's why I type it in right now just like you see it on the screen I prayed that prayer type it in because I want to be able to reach out to you this week coming and welcome you and think and continue to pray with you type I prayed that pray amen on YouTube no matter where you are Facebook I prayed that prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I've got to go my time is up but I wanted you I wanted you to understand that there is more in this relationship that can only be accomplished by being filled with the Holy Ghost and to every one of you that are filled with the Holy Ghost and you know your field even if it just happened today I want you in your home wherever you are scare people I don't care what it does to them I want you to lift up a praise and lift up a loud sound to the Lord [Music] [Music] no Radhika listen to me every one of you believers hold this close to your heart hold this close to your head and let God continue to function and flow through you as I leave you I want you to always remember that this life with Christ is progressive we keep going from glory to glory to glory let God lead you let God lead you in the mighty name of Jesus amen god bless you Wednesday night we will be back here Wednesday afternoon we will be back with our fuel distribution distribution Wednesday night we'll be back with our midweek service but until then I want you to walk in the favor of God on behalf of every one of us here we're glad to be able to come and sing before you play before you the technicians that made all this happen we are glad to be able to do this and in a few minutes these doors will be open again but until then stay blessed and we'll see you this week perfectly a church god bless you good you
Channel: Perfecting Faith Church
Views: 7,524
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: Perfecting Faith Church, Perfecting Faith, Perfecting Faith Church sermon, Donnie McClurkin, Donnie McClurkin message, Donnie McClurkin inspirational message, PFC, Holy Spirit, power of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit
Id: JQBzu0c7PUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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