Perfected, Not Perfect | Pastor Donnie McClurkin | Perfecting Faith Church

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[Music] on this last church without walls [Music] on this last church without walls it is important that we leave our mark out here it is important that we let this neighborhood this community know that jesus christ is the only answer oh my brothers and sisters one day you will become alive one day you will become excited to declare the lordship of jesus christ do you realize we have been born again do you realize we don't deserve it do you realize that we were destined to and really fitted for help jesus christ came and interrupted the the cycle of sin jesus christ took imperfect people jesus christ came and took imperfect people and cleansed us and purified us and all we can do is give him a patty cake all we can do is give him a a a barely lifted hand and a and a marginal shout they do more at the baseball game they do more of the basketball game they do more at the olympics when we're talking about the king of every king and the lord of every lord and someone who has salvaged our lives there should be an explosive praise out of a grateful believer some believers give god a great praise here oh believer believers [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you have to understand how our position is not deserved the position we stand in right now is not deserved and because we have been born again doesn't make us secure to the point where we don't take time to pay homage to god just because you're saved doesn't mean that you're safe now and you don't have to give them the glory because you're safe it's the reason why you have to give them the glory because you have been secured by his blood and his grace that's the reason to give him the glory it is time for the christian to come alive in these last days these last 19 months have been something that has been horrendous last 19 months we've lost so many these last 19 months we were put in a place of insecurity and instability last 19 months we have been sheltered in place in our homes and couldn't go out the doors and y'all don't hear what i'm saying during those 19 months the streets were barren the stores were closed during those 19 months we didn't know what was next lost loved ones and lost jobs and god sustained us anybody grateful and god sustained us [Music] god kept us and so we stand here where they said we wouldn't be able to come back but we stand here in face of the still looming pandemic to declare jesus is greater than a pandemic [Applause] jesus is greater than covet 19 jesus is greater than the delta variant jesus is greater greater than a vaccine jesus is greater jesus is greater paul said this in the book of romans he said for i am not ashamed of this gospel of jesus christ what is the gospel it is the good news the good news of what the good news that jesus christ has come and paid for every man's sin [Music] the good news that jesus christ has come and paid for every man's sins there's not a sin that's committed that jesus did not die for from the most heinous sin that you can think of to the smallest little infection there's not one sin in this life that jesus has not already paid for he took the consequence of our sins he took it upon himself on the cross of calvary on the cross of calvary jesus took the sins past present and future jesus took the sin past present and future and put it upon himself and crucified the sin past present and future to the cross with him crucified the sin as the scapegoat that the sin was laid upon and took outside of the city so they crucified jesus outside of the city of jerusalem as our scapegoat hallelujah and he gave us the opportunity to be reconciled back with god he gave us the wonderful opportunity to be reconciled back with god are you hearing me believe her do not become so sanctimonious that you forget that it's only grace that keeps you day by day do not become so sanctimonious it is only the grace of god that gives you privilege to stand before the throne of grace it is the grace of god that's appeared unto all men through jesus christ that gives us access to the sonship of god are you hearing me to those of you that are not born again let me make this plain christianity is not a place of perfection we are not perfect because we've been saved we are forgiven [Applause] and we have relationship with jesus and the sins that he pardoned we have determined we will not go back to again i need to hear unanimous amen god didn't save us for us to go back to the thing he saved us from god saved us to take us out of the hands of the enemy to take us out of this cycle of sin and to take sin out of us i don't apologize for standing out here on these street corners i was out in manhattan two nights ago and when i was walking through times square with the red steps and the ferris wheel and all the activities i heard a sound i heard a sound and it was the sound of a young man in his mid-20s with a microphone and a speaker turned all the way up and he's standing in the middle of times square preach the unadulterated gospel of jesus christ and he preached it so hard without apology and as i sit there i was expecting people to walk away because of the level of the ministry that he had he didn't cut any corners he didn't pull any punches and the more he preached the more people came and he had a bunch of young people none of them over 30 a bunch of young people passing out tracks taking time talking one-on-one one-on-two talking to the people ministering bringing them to prayer bringing them to christ bringing christ to them and i sit out there in tears and then the holy ghost would hit him and he would bow down and speak in tongues and come back up again with more fire and i said where why isn't this the common thing why isn't this something that we as christians are doing why are we so ashamed of this jesus why have our mouths been closed why have we backed away from the responsibility of delivering this gospel to anyone who will hear it well they don't want to be right no you don't want to minister i'm not just going to cast my prayer before swine no you are afraid and ashamed of this gospel and jesus said this if you're ashamed to own me before men i will be ashamed to own you before my father and the angels there are people driving past there are people walking past and no one's paying really attention to them i understand that we're here celebrating and we want people to see us worshiping but once they see us worshiping what good does it do if we don't go and introduce this great jesus that we're worshiping to them oh very few handcuffs and very few affirmations because it is laying the blame on our own feet holding us accountable and responsible remember jesus said that he is the way the truth and the life remember he said nobody can come to the father except they go through him remember he gave us the command to go into all the world preach this gospel he said go to the hedges that's the low place that's where men are the lowest estate hidden behind the bushes hedges and the highways that's the highest pinnacle that's the billionaire that's the corporate executive that's the dignitary the hedges and the highway and compel men to come compel them by telling them about the love of jesus are you hearing me it is our job and why are we so remiss why are we so quiet concerning this christ it's a personal thing my relationship with jesus is personal personal are you kidding me jesus did this openly his crucifixion was not personal his crucifixion was for everybody [Applause] are you hearing me we get this relationship with god and then go personal we get this wonderful grace and then go personal we get this forgiveness of sin and then go personal no jesus christ needs to be held all down national road [Music] jesus needs to be heard in western beef supermarket jesus needs to be heard at mcdonald's jesus needs to be heard throughout this neighborhood and it is our job to proclaim him it is our responsibility to go to our homes and to our neighbors right next door right in the apartment building next to us right in the room next to us and declare jesus tell them about his love tell them about his care anybody anybody the prophet ezekiel said this as god gave him this prophecy he said in ezekiel third chapter he said this if you see the wicked sin a sin and fail to warn them they will die in their sin but you will be accounted as the murderer they will die because you murdered them by not telling them the truth he said the blood will i will require your hand that that's a shakespearean colloquial king james term that says if the blood is on your hand you killed that person hello yes sir quiet now quiet now hey hey online live stream it's real quiet it's because we have this awesome us a responsibility and we don't take it serious we don't want to get into ezekiel because it lays the blame on us for the people that are dying and going to hell why because they didn't hear the good news from us why because we didn't open up our mountain tell them why because we were ashamed of how they were going to see us what they would think of us if they would reject us jesus said this they're not rejecting you they're rejecting me so you don't have anything to worry about if they don't want to hear it they can't unhear what they've heard made it they can't only hear what they've heard going on for this what is your name against this huh adriana we met her yesterday at at grand lux talked to her and a friend outside and she's here with us today somebody praise god by adrian [Applause] took off work to come here hope your boss ain't watching this is our job just like we talked to adriana and them outside she come from holiness come come right out it is our job to reach out to them it is our privilege to reach out to them it is our joy to reach out and to love on them and to let them know that this jesus christ forgives sin to this day in this 21st century jesus christ forgives sin in this 21st year of the 21st century he's still a forgiving god yes he is no matter how pretty yo you think you are no matter how righteous you think you are sin is a reproach to any people it is our job and joy to tell people about god's love it is our joy to minister and even be rejected it's a badge of honor when people reject us doesn't mean that they can unhear what they heard hallelujah but i don't mind to be ridiculed for the sake of the gospel he's worthy of it he's worthy of it i don't mind when people think about me because of my salvation and my relationship with jesus he's worthy of it jesus is worthy he's worth people saying evil things about me i don't mind because you can never unhear what i tell you and one day in your midnight hour you'll remember the words that will give you access to the only one who can help you jesus christ my blood beloved brothers and sisters on this last church without walls this these streets are prepared and ready for the harvest these streets are prepared and ready for the harvest cleanse your hands cleanse your lives prepare yourselves to be used by god get rid of your secret sins get rid of your proclivities that are not godly and let god make you ready to be used so that you could be a vessel of honor fit to be used by the master fit to be used by god don't waste this time listen to me everybody as far as my voice can stretch time is winding up your life is important your life is important god bless those young men across the street your life is important too important to waste too important to squander alcohol can't take away your problems drugs can't take away your problems and when i say drugs i'm not just talking about meth and cocaine and herb i'm talking about the prescription drugs that you use to mask your pain talking not just to the center but to the saint that has secret hang-ups you can't mask pain you can't put a cover over it the only way to get rid of that pain of sin and brokenheartedness and depression is through jesus christ jesus through jesus christ jesus christ is everything that you need you need somebody to counsel you he's a wonderful counselor you need somebody to bother you because you lost your dad or never had one he's the everlasting father you need something that will cause your angst and your and your anxiety to cease he's the prince of peace you need a true god he is the mighty god he is the mighty god hallelujah he's everything that you could ever need listen to me the reason why people resist is because the enemy tries to keep them back from a full and abundant life keep them stranded saddled with sin but i serve you notice today jesus christ has his arms open wide and he is ready to receive whosoever will with no condition you can come as you are you can come broken you can come here you can come messed up [Music] you can come to him however you are whoremonger you can come to him or you can come to him no matter who you are gay straight you can come to him no matter who you are hi lo you can come to him male female you can come to him he loves you he loves you hold on pastor he don't love the game he loves you [Applause] well pastor that's a child molester he loves you [Music] they're a murderer that killed their child he i don't hear any of you repeating that here because it's kind of hard for some sanctimonious people to to give this unconditional love message to people who you disqualify just because you disqualify them doesn't mean that god has no matter who you are no matter where you are he loves you well they've got an alcoholic problem he loves you [Music] well i've been molested and raped he loves you i've been committing abortions he loves you are you hearing me are you hearing me [Music] somebody screamed those three words out he [Music] imagine such a holy god wanting so messed up of a person imagine such a holy god wanting me with all my luggage and baggage imagine such a holy god who wants to change my life and heal me of my brokenness and knows goodwill that he has purchased a broken article and didn't discard it or take it back he purchased a broken article i was flawed i was failed he purchased a broken article [Applause] i was of no use i was of no value and he purchased a broken article i wasn't righteous was nowhere near right and he purchased a flawed broken supposedly useless article and then turned it into a treasure am i talking about anybody's life here so all i want you to know is he loves you those three words speak the volume he loves coming from all of his throne down to humanity to save broken articles he loves you but will he take me like i am now you got to change before you come to jesus who told you that lie you can't come to jesus like that you got to change that's a lie whoever told you that is inspired by the enemy that's a satanic lie to keep you away from the love of jesus he loves you well he can't love me i thought you said he can't love me because i'm gay are you kidding me what does that have to do with the love of jesus christ satan is a liar he loves you the same love he has for the straight is the same love he has for the day [Applause] he loves you danny you saying that cause you gay no i'm saying that because i'm deliberate i'm free i'm saying that because jesus christ changes my life i'm saying this because i i encountered the love of jesus that transforms so for you religious people you just given leniency yes i am yes because the way is not supposed to be hard you just make an exception for sin jesus made it stop it people stop it the love of god goes beyond anything the love of god let me give you this wonderful song the love of god is greater far than any tongue or pen can tell the love of god is greater far than any tongue or pen could speak or tell it goes beyond the highest star and get this and it reaches to your lowest health that guilty pair adam and eve bowed down with the care of failure god gave his son to win them and then every aryan child that came after god reconciled and pardoned from their sin could we with ink the ocean fill and where the sky of parchment made and if every stalk on earth every tree on earth were a quill and every one of us men scribes by trade to write the love of god above you would drain that ocean totally dry [Music] wouldn't be enough ink to write about his love you were draining that ocean drop nor could the scroll of the sky nor could the scroll tell the whole even if you told stretch it from sky to sky the love of god how rich how pure how measureless how strong it shall forevermore endure the saints and even the angels song this is the love of god oh shoot y'all this is the love of god and i i feel such a i feel such an unction and i think that there are people that are going to respond today some people need to come to jesus and some people need to come back to jesus but no matter what category you fit in know this if you come to him you're going to run right into love [Applause] you're going to run right into love you're not going to run into judgment you're not going to rhyme run into condemnation you're not going to run into somebody pointing the finger and wagging at you you're going to run into open arms and love why because god so loved stop there god loved so much god so loved the world not the church the world not the righteous because there's none righteous no not one the world not the holy ghost there's none holy no not one the world there's nobody righteous in themselves there's nobody holy in themselves god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son what kind of love is this that whosoever would believe on him whosoever this this qualifies everybody this totally qualifies every and anybody that whosoever would believe on him not perish but you will have abundant life here and everlasting life with him i'm finished god is holding back the reign for me to finish god is holding back the elements for us to finish as you see these people walking up to the front don't get scared they're just prayer warriors they're just people that pray for you people that love you people that don't judge you let me tell you something anybody who judges you harshly is not a christian any judgment that we judge with have to be righteous judgments righteous judgments you are so loved by god no matter what has happened you could have been a criminal you could have a past record you could have committed crimes it doesn't matter remember the bible had prisoners too [Music] the bible had prisoners there people that went to jail the bible had prostitutes the prostitutes that got converted the bible had them hallelujah the bible had murderers that gave their lives to jesus hallelujah i'm not the bible's not full of just pure and perfect people it's a story the whole bible is a story of jacked up people that found deliverance through god [Music] david real king david he was a murderer hallelujah he was a murderer he was an adulterer committing adultery but he was the greatest king of israel not because of his perfection but because of god's love i don't hear anybody here saul he was a murderer he was murdering christians until he met jesus when he met jesus he became one of the greatest evangelists that there are god has never used perfect people if somebody was perfect he took him out of here he not perfect took him out are you hearing me and so today he's not using perfect people today he's using perfected people people are in the process that still have issues they still have seen hey listen to me the god talking to you right now i got issues ain't no lie you all acting like preachers are perfect [Music] got issues got to pray about got a name before god about and god is just and god is loving and god is merciful and god is gracious and god is powerful all powerful and god has the power of grace and he gives grace to enable us to do what we could not do to walk away from what we could not walk away from to change what we could not change his grace is sufficient so to everybody listening if you need prayer and want to give your life and your situations and your struggles over to jesus and you're ready to receive the good news that jesus loves you and let him transform your lives beloved beautiful people no matter what you've done he still loves you and rejoices over you he still loves you and sings about you satan is a liar satan tells you oh no you can't ever be that oh no they don't accept you oh no shut him up and everyone that knows that you need prayer i need to give your life over to jesus or come back to jesus i want you to raise your hand right now raise it up raise it up raise it up raise it no no don't move mrs don't move raise it up raise it up raise it up raise it high raise it high hallelujah look at these hands god bless you baby back there god bless you god bless you in the pain and black bless you everybody let's raise your hand come on red shirt everybody raise your hand come on down here now come on down come on down come on down come on down come on down somebody give god praise somebody give god praise come on that's right come on [Music] there's a brother right here hey where's my ministers pay attention different hallelujah that's right [Music] that's right [Music] keep praying for them keep praying here's a brother right here bless your heart my brother god bless you man god bless you man bring him over with you hallelujah bring him over with you yeah okay here's a sister right here there's a sister right there irene gotta have he got it she's got him hallelujah here's a sister right over here there's a sister right here in front of you right in front of you right in front of you okay they're praying amen anybody else need prayer anybody else need prayer come on down come on down come on down if you need prayer come on come on look at all these wonderful souls there's a sister walking down right now hallelujah if you need prayer come on come on we will pray to god for you jesus loves you jesus loves you here comes some sisters right here hiccups and sisters right here yes god hallelujah yes jesus jesus loves me yes [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] jesus loves me jesus [Music] yes jesus [Music] tells me [Music] yes jesus [Music] jesus [Music] yes jesus [Music] it tells me [Music] say it again [Music] [Music] i just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything because you love me first i love you jesus [Music] and i adore you i just want to tell you lord i love you more [Music] i love you [Music] you jesus just want to tell you more [Music] i love you jesus [Music] so father i pray for every one of these as they're being prayed for you are the answer to their prayer you are the lover of our soul you have such love for us that we don't deserve but we receive that love today since you said that you would take us as we are we come and we give our lives to you and we receive your love that will change our lives thank you for loving me as missed him as our life has been thank you for loving me that's all the things that i've suffered thank you for loving me now lord god i give you my life for the rest of my life and i praise you as my savior somebody give god a great praise now i said no no you still you've got to give god just praise him for loving you thank you jesus thank you for loving me thank you brothers and as soon as they give it to you i want you to come right back out here follow them now somebody celebrate them celebrating [Music] just [Music] [Music] just [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] just [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] and so to every one of you that have been watching if you gave your life thank you for the weather jesus anyone that's watching if you gave your life to jesus through this prayer i am so glad i can't even express how bad i am we're getting back to the root of this whole thing which is the gospel and evangelism it is reaching out to those who are hurting and lost those who are broken and bruised those who are that are that are wandering in darkness and let you know the light of jesus christ has come the love of jesus christ heals the hurt the power of god lifts you out of your brokenness and puts you back together again if you prayed that prayer with us and you've given your sins away and accepted the love of jesus christ there are four words on your screen right now there are four words i prayed that prayer type those four words right now and it will alert us and our minister's department will get right back to you and that will form a connection that will be unbreakable because it will be bound by god i thank god for every one of you that received jesus christ and we praise god for all of those back here right now believe us [Music] you believers uh [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i want you to give above and beyond want you to sow above and beyond what you usually do so above and beyond what you usually do in jesus name amen amen just give more than you've given for this is our last sunday this is our last sunday it's time to go [Music] hallelujah if you need an envelope raise your hand you need an envelope and i want everyone to show everyone singers musicians everyone to show everyone [Music] father we thank you for this opportunity to sow it together i want everyone that's ready to sow your seed if you're giving in your envelope come and bring it right now give it right now those of you that are giving by your smart device do so in your time and your effort in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: Perfecting Faith Church
Views: 1,240
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Perfecting Faith Church, Perfecting Faith, Perfecting Faith Church sermon, inspirational message, Donnie McClurkin, PFC, perfection, righteousness, grace
Id: Ff7TxIMMv9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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