IELTS WRITING TASK 2: TIPS | How to improve my writing score | Fix your basic Grammar| part 1

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[Music] hey guys this is knuckle from skill silence first of all thank you so much for your support and if you haven't subscribe the channel it kindly do subscribe I promise I'm gonna come up with a lot of new stuff lot of new videos that will definitely aid you with your preparation in IELTS examination all right so let's come to the topic of today's discussion today we're gonna talk about how to increase your score in ions writing I know there are like so many videos in the YouTube which is definitely which are definitely helping you understand your weakness and today I'm gonna pick up a very beginner thing and the peculiar thing is about this well a lot of us you know we keep practicing but let me tell you a reality practicing will kill your mental satisfaction while practicing rightly will only give you this course there is a subtle difference between these two that practicing a lot gives you mental satisfaction and practicing wisely or rightly we look at it this course correct so the very first step is understand why you score so low kindly understand this value if you haven't if you have inside for the exam will be fine if you have already given lot of examination then stop giving examination and the first thing is stop practicing people want the thing they end up practicing the Lord and Lord in law and they think they're ready for the exam for the fact and they give exempt only to see same scores and they become frustrated and a lot of things gonna hide their the first it will do is stop practicing understand why your score so now cool I am NOT able to understand well I am going to explain you today in detail by picking up one particular thing so the problem is understanding the problem which a lot of people don't accept acceptance is the way of life right so well I've been practicing scores are not improving correct this so this is like a common one and they end up saying ili it's all scam they don't give marks if you sigh as general they don't give much so no I don't say that I'm gonna help you understand maybe if you fall to that particular category today I'm going to discuss if you fall to that probably appreciate as to why you failed this is the problem problem is understanding the problem we don't understand our problem and that is the bigger problem hope I'm not confusing you with our of puzzles finally we move on well we all know this a lot of people have helped us understanding the YouTube with respect you will be evaluating with respect your task response coherence question lexical resource grammar and accuracy when I believe so it is given in I else manual I mean this the score guide as well find each of things are like big chapters in these I'm gonna pick one of the things which is grammar and accuracy in sight and grammar and accuracy I'm gonna show you one of the things inside that and explain you way would you be making mistake correct so you would be not I mean if you falter that category you'll be thinking always that yes I have written in perfect crime or I have written it you know all perfect but there could be some loopholes because of the choice course would you not be going up I'll read grammar accuracy we can just divide it into subject verb agreement tenses nominalization moderns that curacy of the grammar like using the nouns adjectives effectively in audio or using it correctly or not articles comma prepositions adjectives could be anything just accessorize you know that sums it up and it's in this video I'm going to talk about subject verb agreement there's a very common thing any of you would notice if you're not aware of this that's okay I'm gonna explain you in detail what exactly is that state here children so with respect subject verb agreement where a person would do a mistake is what I'm going to help you out understand your problem and then I'll provide a solution as well but if you belong to this category then definitely you that's the intention finders will start a subject verb agreement so what is the subject verb agreement let's question subject verb agreement well there's a person called subject and there's a person called hope and they sign a treaty the both our hands this imagine they don't take a pen and they sign a treaty and that's a treaty that's an agreement so what is the rule of the sacrament correct so they have to abide by few rules subject is nothing but a loan a person could be an entity verb is we all know what a verb is and they both agree but let me just go through it quickly let's see this we go to beach if we go to the beach via the subject all right we some people like five of us five people one two three four five people V go to the beach but if it becomes he it is not he go to the beach he goes to the beach why is that because it's fish I can't be questioned it because we don't have the right color of the skin whatever they have done it we have to just follow that's how the English is he goes to the beach we go to the beach well it's not just that I'm gonna explain you more in detail in just a while but if you observe here the go becomes goes and it goes becomes go here that is changing based on the subject correct so I'll give you one more example before I take you to the main tank singular and plural nouns for example let's say this the cars the cars we have two cars that's a pluton it's like we go to the beach the car is like e singular goes to the beach well that's an auxiliary verb there's a different chapter but if you see it works here if it's plural the verb will retain its form look is look only this is only in the present tense guys again that's a big chapter we will talk about it later in the present tense is what I'm talking about look will be retained if the plural noun is there the look will not be rated s you gonna add if it's singular not so now can you predict what is the rule the rule is if there is a verb and there is a noun and if this now is singular they both agree if the noun is singular they both agree that the verb will change its form the verb will change its form is the world hello okay is changing its form by adding s correct this applicant this is applicable only if a noun is singular the verb will change its form if the noun is plural the verb will not change its form very simple things it's an agreement they have already made I don't know who made it with the Queen Elizabeth I really have no idea maybe Shakespeare made it I have no clue but this is the rule so let's see if we can level is this rule and see in AI else if you can do something but well before that this is the chart very simple and I just made it first person s I if there are more than one person is lazy correct if it's a first person I like to it kula is singular he said yes but that will be applicable only to the third person will explain you in detail first person second person for the first person the verb will retain you just make a sentence I like to eat like to eat I'd like I like you don't say I likes I like V like so the verb will retain its form it's second person is you it can be singular or plural what are you you like to eat you like to eat both are like in the word will retain its form but when it becomes third-person so what is a third person apart from I and you your friend at the third person the computer gonna be third person this book gonna be third person this mobile gonna be third person anything else he's a tempest copy guys getting it so he like to eat his rank he likes to eat she likes to eat it it refers to a kind dog could be anything it likes to eat when you're a third person singular noun so whatever the now and we discussed so far third persons in a car is it me nope is it you you know beats car told us the third person singular third person singular will change the verb form third-person plural will not change the multiple so just you have to identify if whatever the nouns you are used if that now is a third person singular they they someone I first person you second person if it is someone else it's third person they is a plural the verb related they like to eat computers like Computers like no change the change will happen only one third-person singular singular it's computer stores if you see here clearly computer sister computer stores computers store third person singular you're gonna just and yes if it is do it becomes deaths if it is see it becomes cease if it is give it becomes gifts only for third person singular the rule applies the rest rule like like like like see like computer like computers like computers they you i apart on third person singular if everything else will retain the work form hope I didn't confuse hope it's clear to a case of some extent fine we'll just move on and see third-person singular takes the position the verb will add s figitus so in a nutshell will so far if you have not understood it's still fine I've got one more slide that will help you understand what exactly I'm talking about in a nutshell the third person singular now takes the S form he destroys third-person singular he yes destroy is wrong it has to be destroys they third put a singular no it is not the third-person singular third person plural there is no as they destroys is wrong then destroys cut the ship is that one she PS - it destroys is correct third-person singular the ships destroys is wrong the ships is trying they destroy so just remember he they and any other word you know I know simplify to hear day computer computer is like he won one computer stores s fight on computers is like they do say they eats they said they eat they destroy third-person plural store says wrong hope you guys aren't getting it the rule gets applicable verb you're gonna add s only if it is third-person singular let's do that now with this continue with this but it's not just that there is a twist if it was that simple then it would have learnt it so he said isn't it well we can learn it so easily Olivia you understand that traps in the grammar there is a traps there are traps fine we'll just see this the car which belongs to my mom and dad is very expensive or are very expensive this is the next step these were people go wrong even if they know the things which I'm discussed so far they must still get confused because this is a different time the car it belongs to my mom and dad - so now you need to see how many now answer there let's understand is the carbon belongs to my dad in BOM Yi's very expensive are very expensive how many announcer now mine my mom dad expensive is subjective various I drop five that's a different chapter again how to identify nouns injectors verbs adverbs final the car is a noun one is non that is not but now could be do you didn't cover this all you said was just this if there is a noun if there is a verb just identifying the noun is third-person singular if it is thought was a thing in earnest but now there are three nouns which now should I consider there is another role we call this acting not the car blah blah blah blah blah blah blah is this additional information this verb is acting on this particular node acting out for this verb is car not mom and dad this requires a bit of logic in the context the car which blah blah blah blah blah blah blah this acting is alone this verb is acting on the car mount the car is singular this becomes is very expensive no map moment dad is like two people is plural the verb is not acting on this the verb is acting on the car you need to know this if you know this then subject verb agreement will never be a problem you will never lose your marks in is si respect to subject a criminal forgetting confuse just understand there's only one hero in the movie when there are movies wherein there are more than one hero but usually one year will be the movie isn't it and the others even if that guy is projecting to be a hero he's always a hero friend so this is a hero friends these guys are here the action is being done by a hero though there is a part given to Heroes friends you're not supposed to consider that there are heroes and there are friends from a hero you can identify the hero and give credit to the verb based on the hero if it is singular or hope I'm not speaking in puzzles fine I'll give you more clarity but before that before we actually go to a questionnaire of styles si let's talk about is something really important indefinite pronoun what is a definite the meaning of definite is yes and definite I'm certain I'm sure about it indefinite mm not exactly sure about it indefinite pronouns would not give you a particular quantity they they are called indefinite norms we can divide them as singular in the proponents and plural indefinite pronouns many many is a plural indefinite knocks few floral in the turn-ons what about everybody here should I say everybody is happy or I should say everybody are happy so that's that in Dayton definite or not I'm gonna explain you that before we actually take up a question so everybody nobody someone everyone anyone anybody they all will be considered as singular now it's like he he eats he is good everybody is happy so this is where a lot of people make mistakes nobody likes nobody is he likes nobody likes s has to be there because it's third person singular it's Appling Armada indefinite or non singular indefinite none it's considered singular hope you guys are getting it every month everybody it's all singular something swim ins s you gonna add one of the one of the one of the one of the is like one among the many one of the now on will be plural one of my friend is drawn actually additional information all of my friends all of my friends but this entire thing is singing that it's only one among the many so the next one will have a possession singular now he eats he does one of the keys does one of the keys helps hope it is getting it how do you know understand the difference between singular indefinite pronoun and plural indefinite plural is like many several few that's different that is easy but this is a bit different difficult everybody is is correct nobody is anybody is someone is everyone is they're all singular hope you are getting it fine each of the members each is also a singular indefinite pronoun when you have a word you're gonna add s don't forget that alright fine so we'll just take one example either is also singular either is fine filly either are fine of either is fine alright let's quickly take this I'm just explaining the problems everybody I just told you it's a singular singular he eats everybody eats everybody in this world outside everybody in this world is well if you're making this mistake your scores will not delete five point five or six not more than that it will not go but you are thinking it's all perfect I have used high five vocabulary correct but basics basics grammar mistake scores will not go up be very careful all right everyone is said at one point or another but the most important thing we need to note the most important thing we need to note the verb the helping verb is this acting num but the most important thing think think we need to bla bla bla bla bla this is additional information so this has to be is acting on think singular the news news okay I didn't cover that because it's a very big chapter very big chapter well like like in a coaching write the subject verb agreement itself is like to our video to our class is very big thing news uncountable now the news is good not news are so the lot of things news in the television about the flood was that's correct if not water what is wrong here additional information but they was some people well if I am asking you where is this was acting on it's acting on people it need not be in the left to right on the left it could be anyway there were there were some people this becomes there was some people not getting marks any wondering why is Marx is not going represent it there were some people who never gave a thought about the flood such people is like day now after they third-person it's not singular the word will rated live lives his rock such people live a happy life because they're too strong to be shackled by anything when such people people rule not rules we can expect only disaster for the entire well simple things seem very simple things well you have the knowledge now well if you didn't know this let's learn this and you know project it in your essays all right I've got that chill il says have to cut one paragraph this about this necessity of long working hours to live a lavish life keeps every parent busy in the work okay I'll give you one minute of your time identify the mistakes I'll give you one minute guys you you I can just pause the video and do it if it's still doing it when I explained the necessity of long working hours once again yeah tell him a lavish life keeps there is a worm in its presence what is the rule says find the noun acting now how many Ounces are the neccessity is a noun the necessity there is a way to identify the nouns adjectives verbs adverbs that session will help you understand things you know things clear the necessity of longer than cause to live a life keeps the tuneups this is a noun this is a noun this verb is acting on which he has that question you will understand the necessity of long working are asked to do something this something is not acting on the next one to do something I don't care what is that the necessity of long working hours keeps every keeps is this correct or not the necessity of something to live a lavish life keeps this is correct yes the necessity of something to live a lavish life keeps so this is he eats all right necessity keeps this perfect every parent busy in the work as a result children of often ignored by the parents and this lack of attention leave leave present dense alright what is the rule says identify the acting now ignored by the parents and this lack of attention live this lack of attention this the word itself is a singular this this attention so it's a singular it's like he eats has to come correct he eats live via written that was a lot of maths because of that that has to be he lives the kid with an option to choose what greatly interest him interest is acting as an verb there will this interest you something like that connect it an option to choose what greatly interest whom interest him him is a singular it's like he so S has to be act interests so for the two mistakes in lives and interests as gadgets can be easily accessible it it it is like II get it he eats three leaves which leaves not I'm not leave it leaves no time for them to play on the fields and doesn't they they they you don't say they each third-person plural there it wasn't Laurel no rule has such suspense is wrong spend is correct so so many mistakes in one paragraph and this person things I have to get nine because I practiced well practicing is making a same mistake then how will this course go up this could be one of the things that could be plenty on them with respect to grammar with respect to lexical resource with respect to coherence cohesion and with respect to task response achievement so don't just not dive into a conclusion that you have done everything correct except that there are some mistakes making and seek support or you don't try to understand very exactly are going wrong practicing is not going to help you unless you understand where exactly you're going so practice rightly in this one there are four mistakes like I can't explain you this lack of attention leaves the cage but greatly interests in it leaves no time and thus they but a small paragraph like this can give you five point five to six just with respect to climate a small paragraph just imagine if you're making similar you know mistakes in the rest of the paragraph in let's writing an essay 4 to 5 / it was people driving this course are perfect and a6 is fine because you're making mistakes frankerz I've made an attempt to explain you understand this could be one of the reasons well if you think are Nicole I knew all this thing then you don't belong to this particular category and still if you're getting six it could be something else it could be not just this but like I told you there are a few things like first sorry this one it could be tenses you're using code wrong form of attendances it could be using a continuous tenses where in simple present is required he's brushing his teeth he brushes his teeth the facts need to be simpletons I'm gonna make the video so nominalization moderns it could be so many things this is with respect to grammar alone correct you could be making a mistake with respect to these Haswell so condemning you understand really exactly you're going wrong then only you understand how much of it you have to improve and then you improve on that then you give exams course after saying this I'm gonna end this thank you so much for your time I think that's all I've got today let me just check just a second thank you so much guys thank you so much for your support as well if you haven't subscribed the video right kindly do subscribe I'm gonna promise I'm prior I promise that I'm gonna come up with a lot of video something like this and if you want coaching you can always check the link in the description thank you so much each and every one thank you so much take care [Music]
Channel: Skills IELTS
Views: 17,611
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Keywords: #skills ielts, #skills ielts nakul, #ielts preparation, #ielts writing tips, #ielts essay tips, #ielts general writing, #why ielts writing is so difficult, #how to score 7 in ietls writing, how to score 8 in ielts, score 8 in ielts, ielts writing proven methods, ielts writing e2, ietls liz, ielts writing tips liz, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts liz speaking, ielts nakul, nakul skills ielts, ielts common mistakes, ielts avoid these mistakes, ielts writing task 2
Id: xUqkh49fFmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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