IELTS READING: Match Heading with J.O.T Technique | Fastest way

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hey guys now called aside from skill science in this video I'm gonna talk about one of the modules Annihilus reading called matching heading and also talked about the solution in the easiest way possible using a technique called Jo T stay tuned till the end so let's quickly start off let's understand the tasks you will be given a paragraph in fact multiple paragraphs and some headings you have to choose the heading that matches the best for each of the paragraphs well the constraint is the time and today I will show you as to how to do it in a very less time possible let's understand the basics heading is usually the name that is given to an entire paragraph just the way I have named this video as I else reading matching headache so basically a one-line heading is going to describe the summary of the entire paragraph and if you take a paragraph usually the first line gonna be the introduction and the last line gonna be the conclusion or something that some subject our paragraph since we are not dealing with the intricacies of each and every line of the paragraph rather we are dealing only with the heading you are supposed to read only the first line and the last line if possible and not the lines that are in between let's also talk about the problems people face whenever there are two options that closely resemble the heading of the paragraph in such cases elimination becomes quite difficult so how to deal in such cases let's quickly understand let's say the paragraph is something like this mobile technologies advance to its pinnacle that any work that was impossible before can be easily performed with the use of mobile for example to communicate to the distant person was really a Herculean task in the past compared to what is happening right now no one ever thought that things would become this simple that you do not have to step out of the house to a post office and write a letter and post it and wait for the reply for a month's time just to communicate you just have to pick up your phone and call up the person you want to talk to so let's say the options that are given for the matching hidding is the advancements in technology the impossible is made now possible so let's stick to the rules the rule says read the first and the last line the first line says mobile technologies advanced to its pinnacle that any work that was impossible before can be easily performed with the use of mobile well it is matching advancements in technology and it is matching the impossible is made possible now so how to do it in such cases let's rely on the context the context is very very important let's try to understand are they're really talking about the advancements in technology so what exactly in advancements in technology is all about there is the technology and it has made some advancements isn't it let's say the artificial intelligence technology it was not you know working you know quite efficiently but now there is a progression is now working quite efficiently because this was done that was done so that is the advancement are they really talking about those advancements in the paragraph well I don't think so all they're talking about something which was thought really Herculean task something that was thought really impossible is now made possible so in such cases you really have to go with the context and understand are they really talking about the advancements in the technology in detail that the name for the entire paragraph can be given as advancement in technology or you decide that advancements is not being talked about just what is maybe just what was impossible before and now what is made possible has been talked about so elimination method you have to rely on the context and then give in certain cases so before we take up one example and you know solve things using go2 technique let me also tell you in brief as to what j what he stands for jo t is nothing but just only two lines so you're going to read only the first and the last line like I've already explained and not any other line believe me on this you can easily get the answer you know in a very quick way possible so let's quickly start off so let's assume these are the options for the matching heading that is given for simplicity sake I've just divided into two columns here and the paragraphs are below I've just divided the paragraphs into multiple segments so that we can all we can go in steps all right so let's apply the jod technique which says just only two lines read the first line between two 2013 and 2014 hype around indoor tracking built up okay big name retailers like blah blah blah were rushing to get consumers apps out now the topic is getting relevant again and the latest Mobile World Congress in Barcelona players they presented some new solutions to the field between 2013 and 2018 hype around indoor tracking built up something that hype had been built up okay let's try to match kindly understand you're not going to read it again and again and again and again and again you just gonna read it once but when you read it you try to get a visualization and don't forget it so let's take up the first example what is indoor tracking and maps this talks about the definition of inter tracking and maps several techniques for indoor tracking in maps but real standards are missing okay they're talking about so many technologies that exist for indoor tracking but the real standard is actually missing the talks about so many difficulties myriad difficulties for the construction of indoor maps the drawbacks the disadvantages challenges of the technology what technology is not mentioned the concern some concern of no Universal protocol the boom that it created in the past okay did we just see this the boom that it created in the past the boom that created hype around the boom that created okay this could be one of the options this could be one of the options that can be given this name for the first paragraph well let's continue to know checking the rest the history that was always everybody yes we are talking about the history but there's always remembered hype is built up the boom that it created in the past I think history is ruled out why into tech needs a better accuracy the first line and the last line they haven't talked about accuracy very the technologies that assist they did not talk about the problems I think by now we are pretty much sure we have read all the options we are I know at the same time aware of the number of options that exist and the answer is the history sorry the boom that it created in the past for this one and this is eliminated I'm pretty much sure this is G so let's talk about the second paragraph let's stick to our GOG technique which says just only two lines endowed tracking involves detecting and accurate location of a mobile device indoors indoor maps on the other hand involves creating maps of indoor locations for any array of different this is similar to what maps vu for outdoor some people read the next thing okay that challenge is having a difficulty that provides sufficient accuracy okay they do this and they try to match in doe tracking universe detecting accurate location the challenge is so they think challenges of technology the media difficulties accuracy is what being told here so they go with why inner telling needs a better accuracy so let's understand other really talking about accuracy if the name accuracy has to be given that the entire paragraph should talk about why it needs a better accuracy isn't it just one word accuracy will not sum up the paragraph so accuracy is ruled out let's understand accuracy is ruled out accuracy is not correct challenges of the technology are they really talking about the challenges how many times have they talked about the challenges only once the getting those penetrate this is the second line if you see it is giving a definition of what indoor tracking and what indoor maps is all about the first line and the last line I think the answer has to be what is indoor tracking and maps so let's understand what exactly is happening there they might have talked about the challenges and lot more other things but the entire paragraph is not talking you know it's not concentrate or it's not centered mainly about the challenges or I know that curacy it is centered about the definition because it is still the start of it they're talking about the definition of indoor maps so the answer has to be what is indoor tracking and maps this is rolled out all right let's talk about the next paragraph indoor tracking is a field with unique challenges so small line let's read outdoors GPS is generally used for tracking local information the last line the since people in average spend more than half of their time indoors a real need exists for an accurate in their possessing system real need exists accuracy matters all right well now doors a few meter is good enough indoors every meter is significant be it for navigation or targeted marketing so if you closely understand closely see it here it's talking about the challenges definitely is that global system positional system is generally used for tracking location information but the entire thing is concentrated they're curious if you see accuracy matters why not oh so you can also think about why in doe tracking needs better accuracy well let us talk about the challenges challenges of the technology so in such case what you can do you can read the rest of the paragraph eliminate all and then you can come back and check if the answer is I or if the answer is e so list that as of now the third paragraph we have kept it aside and once we finish all the paragraphs we'll come back and check which one of them is the correct answer let's talk about the pattern number four to address the technical challenges of the indoors myriad technologies to address they're not talking about the challenges kindly understand to address the challenges so there you have to talk about the solutions so the answer challenges of the technology is wrong the drawbacks of indoor maps is not making sense there the media technology have been developed and tested over the years don't just stop there calm eyes there at the full fledge solution is not found so what they're talking about is so many technologies have come up yet we have not you know got the solution at all right let's create the last line technically speaking Bluetooth and beacon technology one of the technology are not positioning technologies but rather related proximity so they're talking about lot of technologies and they also say solution has not been met so this is what the paragraph the first line the last line says so let's go and read it several technologies for indoor tracking and maps but real standards are missing excellent million difficulties for the construction no they did not over the construction drawbacks disadvantages they did not say challenges they would have talked about it but to address the challenges has brought the paragraph start switch so challenges is rolled out the concern of new protocol they didn't say a boom is done the history is not there why indoor tracking needs of better accuracy this is not talking about accuracy very the technologies okay great they talked about the very technologies as well we are not denying it very technologists mediate difficulties for the construction of indoor maps several technologies ok basically very technologies that assess the indoor maps and several technologies for endo tracking and maps but real standards are missing so if you observe closely various technologies that assess the indoor problems are they really talking about the technologies that could give you a solution or they talked about though there are all of technologies we are not able to get a solution the first line says at the full fledge solution is not found so this is rolled out in real standards are missing hope you're getting it out eliminating so answer has to be be for the fourth paragraph all right let's continue the next paragraph the issue with all the technologies is the lack of a widely accepted standard as there is no clear win the technology many businesses push their own proprietary formula given the stage of technology innovation a standard starts to seem reachable now so all they're checking is one particular standard is required lack of widely accepted standards my entire paragraph has to talk about one particular standard this is ruled out several technologies sold out medial difficulties they're not talking about difficulties Hydra disadvantages challenges no the issue with all they would have told but is a lack of this is the et Center that the concern of no universal protocol to abide by yes to issue the issue with all the technologies the lack of a widely accepted standard Universal protocol to abide by a standard starts to seem I think it's very clear you don't have to read any of the lines answer is F for this particular paragraph hope it is clear all right so let's take the next paragraph for indoor maps technological challenges include challenges that include challenges of the technology all right capturing indoor specific data applying that to different use cases in using or managing it for an indoor map to be updated to accurately represent the current information flexibility in components as well as ability there a lot of things that has to be done or they all they're talking about could be the challenges of the technology okay are talking about the challenges of the technology or they're talking about the myriad difficulties for the construction of indoor maps so this is where the elimination technique comes into picture for indoor maps technological challenges challenges include capturing interspecific data this this interrupts can be used for simple okay for an indoor map to be updated constructed for indoor maps to be constructed to accurately flexibility in the components as well so they're not talking about challenges of the technology rather they're talking about the problems which are present for the construction of indoor maps so be very very careful a lot of options closely resemble but the answer for this question is the myriad difficulties for the construction they're not talking about the challenges faced by the technologies rather they're talking about the difficulties for the construction of the indoor maps they closely resemble at the end of the day you are the one who eliminates options so all right this is what the state we are at right now we have finished all the six paragraphs and we've got one two three four five answer the third paragraph like I told you you'll come back all we understood was challenges of the technology and why indoor tracking needs a better accuracy we're just waiting we're just actually waiting if one of the options gets eliminated but unfortunately the options didn't get eliminate so let's understand again are they talking about the challenges of the technology or talking about better accuracy the indoor tracking is a field with unique challenges outdoors GPS are generally used for tracking location information the basic blah blah blah however GPS doesn't work indoors I'm just trying to read and eliminate the last thing the measurement of using GPS doesn't provide ears they're talking about the challenges but if it was just a challenge then they wouldn't have talked about the accuracy so it's very you know they very closely resemble but challenges of the technology what technology is not particularly mentioned that's one of the aspects we need to consider and if you properly read it here all they're trying to say is Global Positioning System had a better accuracy i doesn't work indoors right because the satellite signals are blocked by building structures since people in the average spend more than half of their time indoors a real need exists for accurate so basically they're trying to bring up a real need is present for an accurate indoor positioning system well they talked about the challenges I'm not denying it but it is ending with why indoor tracking needs a better accuracy doesn't provide the measurement of GPS doesn't provide an accurate result so I think most of the things here as will be reading the first and the last few lines not the first line we read and from here and we are just dealing with answer resides so doesn't provide an accurate present we need a real need for accuracy accuracy matters I think over the challenges of technology I think we can go with why indoor tracking needs our better accuracy so this has to be the answer for the third one well that's it from this video I really hope you liked the video and if you need an online coaching you can always check the information in the description I'm gonna see you soon at the next video as a less positive one till then take care thank you so much [Music]
Channel: Skills IELTS
Views: 19,160
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Keywords: ielts reading, ielts reading tips, ielts reading match heading, ielts reading match heading best tips, ielts reading heading matching, ielts reading heading matching best strategies, ielts reading how to match heading, ielts reading hack, ielts reading best fast tips, ielts reading heading matching strategies, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts reading score 8 band, ielts reading strategies, ielts reading how to score 8
Id: 6wtFnUsw2RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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