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hey guys what's up this is Michael from skill science I hope you guys are doing good well in this video I'm going to talk about one of the most confusing or like renowned as one of the most confusing modules in IELTS reading is called um true false not cable so today I'm gonna give you in-depth analysis as to how to get the correct answer why people make mistake here the most confusing part is between false not given and each and everything with a lot of examples so stay tuned to learn oh well before we begin if you haven't subscribed to channel 8 kindly do subscribe I'm gonna promise I will come up with a lot of videos something similar to this alright let's start with this identifying information true false not given how does it look like all I have got stung a question something like this big rock climbing center they given some paragraphs for a second paragraph third paragraph paragraph or they've got they've got you four paragraphs don't start reading each and every thing there let's start with the questions something that starts like this do the following statements agree with the information given in the text that's how it looks like in the exam and they give you in the boxes 9 to 14 on your answer sheet right true if the statement agrees with the information right false if the statement contrary so what is contradicting mean exactly opposite a repeat contradiction is exactly opposite alright not given if there is not much enough evidence if there is no information on this so you're supposed to fill it with TR u E or F ALS e or n ot space GI ve and that is the instruction being given let's understand step by step but before that I've got one more trick for you here the questions right let's say when climbing at the Rock Center it is compulsory to be attached by a rope the answer for this or to answer this you have to look only in the first era the answer for the first question will not be the last better believe me it always comes in the order let's say for the first question you find answer somewhere here second para let's say you've got an answer here for the second question you don't have to go back and check you can just leave this and start from the next one because the questions will be in the older as fourth paragraph hope it's clear the questions will be in the order for the first question you look at something at the first panel second question following the paragraph let's say you got answer here the next line from there the second for the I mean the answers for the second question for the last question you really don't have to go into check be the first para it will be usually after the third question let's a third question it's a there are 14 questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 questions are there let's say 15th question you've got somewhere here for sure the last version that the 14 question the answer lies somewhere here that's how it goes it comes in the order make sure you read in the order all right so before we begin let's understand what what actually makes it so difficult for paper why is it so confusing why it is popularly known as so confusing module why in the internet this is the most heated topic everyone has typed true first not given the tips and tricks' true false not given how to solve how to solve it's very simple if you understand the base of it it's not just the reading scale understand this reading skill is where you try to read and understand the things but here along with the reading skill they have involved some logic so logical reasoning skill which involves mathematics that's the reason for people who hate maths correct for people who hate maths this model gonna be really painful for some who likes mats for some people who love mathematics I'm not sure if they get dance or not or not but it will be challenging and then like to do it some hate doing it some like doing it well the underlying reason is its core mathematics logical reasoning skills along with the reading skill yes you have to understand them apply with a blog rather all those things and then weigh them put an equation and decide that's the reason all right so start with it I'll just give an example well before that true if if you're supposed to say the answer is true that means that whatever the statement given it exactly matches the information it exactly matches the information so this was a statement given here when climbing at the Big Rock Center it is compulsory to be attached by a row if something like that is written in the first paragraph then you say true getting it if you have to say forms that means it opposite of the information given this is the information when climbing it the big rock centered it is compulsory if you have to say forms then it is strictly it has to be strictly mentioned as it is not compulsory in the arrow parable if it is not compulsory in the statements is it is compulsory it is exactly contradicting contradicting that becomes forced guys phones doesn't mean that it is not just true kindly understand this is where a lot of people go wrong they do a lot of questions but they fail to understand the I mean the very meaning of it ferns means opposite of true false means not just a true opposite exactly opposite not given as when you cannot save what's and you cannot say true then you directly go with not given saying lack of evidence I don't have enough evidence or the information to say if it is false all right but where people go wrong is between faults and not given false and not clear it's so confusing Nicole no matter how hard I practice no matter how much ever I practice this always is so painful for me if you belong to that category they believe me this video is for you because here you understand how to clearly distinguish between the two let's start off with the question read this question I'm going to give 20 seconds after that I'm going to talk on this you all right hope you've got the answer the government raises money will the boys paragraph imagine it's a big paragraph have just returned as one statement the government raises money to spend he curly on hand and education all right so let's draw this proposition as to how it looks like let's say government is spending money on health and education that's a hundred dollars they're spending on health if they're spending hundred or loss and health it also means that they're spending an equal amount of money on education as well this is given in the paragraph and the statement says the system spent system is referred to government spends raises to spend all right more money on health and education so what the statement they are giving is let's say it spends 100 on health it will send 50 on education is it not given or is it completely contradicting they said something and these people are saying exactly its opposite they're saying it's equal they're saying it is not a go I understand more money it doesn't mean that it's not given it is given it's exactly contracting they said 100 hundred disabled say it is not hundred hundred it is exactly the opposite they're sending less money than this so they're spending more money than this so it's exactly contradicting so true false not given it is not true do I have the evidence to say for saying yes I have the evidence to say it is exactly contradicting not given no everything is getting there this is a simple example I'm gonna do one more to let you understand that meaning the meaning of true false not given and then the real difficult questions do come up all right so let's do this the next one a second this one let's do this take your time twenty seconds all right let's talk about this government raises money to spend on health and education it's just a statement the statement not having enough evidence as to how the money is spent correct the proportion of spending is not given the ratio at which the spending money is not given but the statement here exactly talks about how they're spending it's how they spend to spend more money on this bla bla bla bla that how is even here and how is not even given here there's getting it how I'm looking into it things how is given here how they spend how this pain is not given what do they do they spend money on health and education how much this man is not given so it cannot be true it cannot be false answer is not gave and hope you also arrived at the same answer it's not contradicting please don't confuse yourself they are not even saying how the money is spent they spend money they spend less on health and education if they say more it's completely contradicting then false is correct so this answer is not capable not a given all right before we begin I have got few tips so read the question carefully yes you have to read the question carefully carefully is what give attention to modifiers what do you mean by modifiers here these things they spend more money they spend equal amount of money they spend almost the same money approximately say my on an average they spend this money everything has the meaning more most of the money they spend here majority of that so a lot of words according to context it varies so pay attention because you would understand it you just have to pay attention to the modifiers don't go with matching keywords lot of people do this money money spend spend let me just go with it nope you can't do that that's very basic mistake and understand the synonym carefully there could be lot of synonyms not in this paragraph not in this parallel government and system something like this though they may not be you know making now then they may not be imparting the same meaning these two but they both act on the same thing in their synonyms also we have to pay attention basically you should rain it's a reading skill once you read it you should weigh which one is correct that's a logical reasoning skill so let's love the logic let's start with different questions fine you can take it 20 seconds and give your answers please got the answer well 22nd is not required ten-second was more than enough approximately 90 is talking about how many died the incident occur the lives of a lot more than this also talking about how many so not given is ruled out because both of them are talking about how many how many so I really easily can say that it is true or false if it matches it's true if it doesn't match it has to be contradicting basically it's a force so let's say this approximately 90 is how much 91 occur or 89 a lot more than 90 is 170 180 it's exactly contrary they're saying 90 this we're saying once I mean it's exactly contradicting so answer is false copy also arrived at the same answer I hope let's start with the next question ticket I will give you 20 seconds on this you well there's a bit tricky don't think it's that easy let's see it fullerton hotel provides complimentary make first only to the guests only for the guests alright the lunch and dinner facilities are available in the hood okay that's the paragraph statement fullerton hotel provides lunch and dinner for free what is the answer is it true it is false or it is not given oh let's see this they provide complimentary break first this few of the things are inherent in the meaning you can't fight with me saying no knuckle you are wrong they're not saying about lunch and dinner whether it is free or not so I would go with not given not know now few things are inherent in meaning you you you just think whenever you go to a hotel let's say you're booked the hotel they only mention complimentary breakfast what does it mean I mean well you have other packages for lunch and dinner too but if they mention complimentary breakers that automatically inherently that by default it means lunch and dinner they will not make it in for free isn't it correct same thing here fullerton hotel it's in singapore provides complimentary breakfast only for the guests well I'm sending that is not complimentary that is what they are trying to say it's just that they are not put it across the words lunch and dinner facilities are available in the hotel but you have to pay for it we serve you come on yes we definitely make we definitely prepared you definitely cook stuff like rice or whatever it is but you will have to pay for it that's what they're trying to say correct so Fullerton Hotel provides lunch and dinner for free no they don't provide lunch and dinner for free it's exactly contradicting I know someone still or giving thinking I know this guy is wrong and give just like comment for this YouTube video but I'm telling you this is the reality answer has to be phonce it is not not given not given if you say that it's wrong because it is given few things are inherent in the meaning and this is where it gets into a confused state false and not given false and not true is very easy all right so the give breakfast for free but not the lunch and dinner however you can go and eat and pay for your lunch and dinner that's what they meant they're not worried all right the next one will more on if we take it take it on 20 seconds you you all right hope you got dance a similar man v8 bowling center providing socks for free but we also provide you shoe rack to keep your shoes if they're providing shoes for free they would have mentioned they did not mention that this said they provide you socks for free that means shoe is not given for free you have to come buy shoes you have to wear your shoes these various but we just give you socks at the same time you don't have to worry about your shoes safety people will do a shoe rack in each and everything you can keep your shoes there it is exactly contradicting they provide socks for free not given is wrong they have provided the information the information is defined its inherent its intrinsic all right fine wheelman hope you agree I know many of you still not agreeing still fine but this is the reality answer is false the don't provide show for free that's the reason they're saying we don't provide your shoe for free we are not shoe company will be probably shoe rack so don't come in sandals or floaters come buy shoes and put it something like that okay all right we'll move on to the next one I think this this will help you understand because three things are given don't think answer is one is true when this first one is not given nothing like that take your time I'll give you 20 seconds you all right so practice fine I believe you can pause the video if you're still reading it you can pause the video and resume once you're done with it the president held a cabinet meeting or Ginga verse to act decisively to combat climate change let me give you a visualization for that the president is talking some president of some country having gone my condo die a synthetic is him a podium is there holding a mic and it's flying I request each and every one of you to combat let's let's you know be together decisively compare this climate change a request request please please that is a cheek if that is urging that means in the paragraph have they talked about the outcome of it I hope you people are saying no I haven't talked about the outcome and if the question the statements here are talking about the outcome straight away the answer is not given because no we're out of the blue you can answer this question it's true or false isn't it a president succeeded oh man where it is written he urged but did the others follow some will say no I don't follow man why I have to follow you I my own voice you follow me I don't follow you oh maybe like yes this guy is really good let let us fall follow we follow you we follow you that also could be a case but we don't know what exactly happened because it is not keep the president is succeeded we don't know it's not true it's not false it is not in cable it is not pursue it is making them do it or not taking the permission from them succeeded in persuading or making them do things persuade someone to take steps to protect the environment to combat climate and everything is matching but succeed is not you cannot say that the President did not see this also is talking about the outcome the paragraph know where it has talked about the outcome guys if you can categorize the question in terms of how what outcome blah blah blah know as for the given question you can easily figure out if it is not given or true or false correct fine the president Dean Saxena we don't know that is succeeded or not so this also not - given all right so this is not - Kevin this is also not Kevin the president tried is best yes it tried his best our Jing others make sense synonyms but now cool I don't know the meaning of urging how do I know read a book I'm telling you don't fall traps too few people who say I have all the set of words that come in the exam that will not work how did you learn your native language by speaking to people by using them in the real life that's how you learn just some 5000 words if I by heart if I memorize I'll get the scores it's called myth you can't hold it please believe me you have some appetite inside you you can only eat that much of a food you can digest if you eat more what will happen you throw up you warm at it doesn't the same thing happens for the mind as well you know it it's a progression it has to go step by step if you have a problem in the vocabulary read a book talk to people in English watching glitch movie those are the solutions just remembering you know memorizing few words will not in you in any way believe me on only the president right is best in persuading certain other countries just a except see as he tried his best that's what it's perfectly matching this is true hope it's clear hope it's clear I will take the last one this is the question from the IDP this a repeated question I'll give you 20 seconds I can take it on and do it all right what it's time fine but start with as read the statement snacks are provided snacks with respect to some food beverages is different rice beverages discs tea coffee cold drinks snack is a sandwich a bug french fry your favorite french fry is a snack all right these things will not even come in a picture because they talk about something else the question is about snacks are being provided most importantly we have tea and coffee making facilities you don't have to go to a Starbucks and get a coffee for ten dollars and then sit in that Coach long whenever you feel like I don't grow coffee you just go there it's just a flight of stairs it's a room for a flight of stairs you can have your coffee for free we provide you a vending machine coffee making facilities there everything is provided all right there is a fridge as well if you happen to pass by McDonald's before reaching us before reaching the center if you happen to pass by if you had got your sandwich or a burger then you can just keep it there what does it mean inherit it's not not given snacks are provided you cannot say not given inherent meaning they're not giving it snacks are not given that is the reason they say we provide your fridge to make yourself it's same as that get revise your complimentary breakfast dinner and lunch facilities are available we provide you free beverages and also a fridge to keep your sandwich because we are not providing your sandwich some are arguing but this is what it is a repeated question so answer is it's contradicting snacks are provided no man snacks are 100% not provided because only the beverages have provided that's what they say they said beverages are provided they did not say snacks are provided but inherently intrinsically means the same that's what we've been seeing with few of the questions correct so this is exactly contradicting some of you might have completely went to a confused state after watching the video but I'm very sorry if that is the case but it's something that's who make make you think then believe me you are in the lioness correct path appreciate the failures if you fail appreciate people don't know that appreciate the filler because this is where you learn things correct if you're written not given hope you understood why it is not not you an answer is force so try to implement it whenever you get a chance to implement getting it so saying does I think I'm gonna end this class here thank you so much for your time i passivation hope this video serve the purpose and if you have got friends whom you think that they also need the help you can just share the video cross and if you're planning for an online coaching assistance anything with respect to I am you can always contact us everything is shared in the description and don't forget to watch my other videos especially is writing part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 I've got some peculiar facts as to why your writing scores are stuck at five point five or six even though you think that you've been practicing a lot I took coaching from a lot of people but still by my scores are not going up I've given a pickle in fact and divided the video it is four parts I can always watch it and if you have not subscribed the channel it kindly do subscribe I promise I'm gonna come up with a lot of videos something like this Thank You romantic
Channel: Skills IELTS
Views: 14,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts reading tips, ietls reading true false not given, ielts reading yes no not given, ielts reading true false not given, ielts reading score 9, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts reading general, ielts reading academic, ielts reading best strategies, ielts reading true false not given tips and tricks, ielts reading strategies, ielts reading excercise
Id: hjZSucnjEDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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