IELTS Speaking PART 1: Structure| Template| Strategies for a band 8 or above

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be at sugar that is what the fluency is so let me demonstrate simple paragraph in Ghana it speak and I'll tell you if you speak in that way how much marks are going to get accustomed to fluency and how to get fluency dialogue of life as where is the task response speaking there is no maximum of the task response then why are you so much worried about the contact you keep practicing with this method things will automatically fall into this and the most important thing is you will see an increment in your scorecard hi everyone my name is nicola and welcome back to my channel skill sites well today this video i'm going to talk more about Lyons speaking path 1-10 to end strategies to begin with I'm gonna know in detail explaining about the evaluation criteria which is the most crucial aspect because without understanding of your score if you're simply practicing you wouldn't even know what to practice you wouldn't even know what will you stand you wouldn't even know whether your progress tornad and you wouldn't even know why your score sister the first thing is to understand how you are evaluated and the next thing I'm going to talk is the structure for the template that could help you build the confidence and decide on this exam as early as possible with your good preparation and in the end I'm also going to teach you a secret take the secret strategy that could get you you know what are the score you desire for so before we begin I would like to also tell you that we conduct the online classes and in fact only online classes of you're interested you can check the information in the disc have shame the gmail ID you can always send us a mail and have a dark service and in addition you can also check our Facebook page skills Isles to understand what people are talking about us what are the reviews how my students have scored in each and every aspect I really hope that you guys are geared up for this speaking session so let's quickly [Music] as you already know that speaking has three sections section 1 section 2 and section 3 today we're going to talk more about the section on something like this it looks like they can ask you about the personal questions let's say let's talk about your hometown or the village what kind of place is it what's the most interesting part of your town our village what kind of jobs do the people do in your Java village would you say it's a good place to live and why it could be any sort of questions could be about hobbies can be able to home town could be able to your passion interest climate it's good whaling but for all the things the approach remains the same so before we understand before we go further let's also understand that the valuation criteria the first thing is fluency and coherence well let's understand more about it in just a while and then it comes lexical resource you will be evaluated for nine months for lexical resource 9 marks for your fluency and coherence like a quiet drama and 9 for pronunciation so before we understand the structure understand what exactly has to be spoken let's understand the subtlety involved in the flow and save the cohan's lexical resource grammar and pronunciation in alright so fluency to produce a smooth flow of words with some natural process so what exactly I mean by the smooth flow of words with some natural process well there's a lot of misconceptions we're gonna talk in just a while but fluency what I mean is you just have to be natural is it speed nut but should I speak very very fast you tell me if I end up speaking fast will you be able to understand anything same thing is going to happen for the ILS examiner as well isn't it so you have to speak in a way the person in front of you right there understands it because because you have got some information inside you and your intention is to share the information and that is the intention behind communication if you speak very fast or very very slow neither of its are the purpose because very slow means the person gets irritated very super fast the person tries so hard to catch your words which is for which may not be possible so what exactly this fluency speed natural well let's understand more about it but before that I'll take you through the misconceptions some of the misconceptions let's quickly check that out the first misconception is to get fluency out of 90 meters really really fast well that's completely ruled out because I just told you that you can't really speak fast because no one will be able to understand you and then you need to speak continuous umbrellas or methods not callable breathe you breathe in between should not be a problem be natural that is what the fluency is so let me demonstrate simple paragraph will gonna speak and I'll tell you if you speak in that way how much marks are gonna get adjusted to fluency and how to get fluency lyakhov knife as well let's just take this simple example there are several famous things in my tone as I remember as the knockdown is very very place to state comes with numerous amazing places that one I can visit you do this in open whenever my friends come with me to my hometown they always come and enjoy a lot so you tell me do you speak like this with your friends of course not could be in your native language you speak in away the person but a friend of yours I understand you isn't it and front of yours will not get irritated we just have to be Co natural natural pauses were totally fine the way you speak with your friends need some natural pauses totally accepted but never speak too fast never speak too slow never give a lot of process which really hampers your fluency so this will give you fluency only 5 out of 9 could be or 6 and suddenly not more than that so let's understand be natural for those seven famous things in my town as I remember as the Thomas ah we need a place to stay now into the cups of with numerous amazing places that one can visit due to this whenever my friends come with me to my hometown they actually always enjoy a lot and this certainly has to give you fluency nine out of nine that's all the flow in cents just try to be natural things will fall in place so let's take some of the key takeaways it's neither the speed nor the constant speed just have to speak the way you speak in your native language with your friends that is the only ticker flow and see but I'm also gonna on this what if we have a predefined template or a structure in height major influence it becomes a cakewalk which they will talk about in just a while so now we gonna take up the next one coherence the flow of the wires and the signposts well coherence is actually a very big chapter have already discussed more about the coherence coercion and my other si we do disagree disagree can check that out for the detail in the description but here for the speaking whatever is required I am going to talk about it well codons coercion is where a lot of people go wrong fluency to manage for Capulet lexical resource they manage grandmother somehow manage but Correns coercion is a heart it's an narration just try to we don't remember the stories yeah grandmother used to narrate she she gonna go with a flow ideas connected you know use the poem I mean the perfect cypress almost like a google map when it is auto google map know where you get irritated know where you think that you're not understanding the information because it goes in a flow correct first it goes straight after hundred meters take the immediate left there is a connection and that is what the Quran says another simple example to say let's say you want to drink apple juice and how do you do that let's you know take an apple but I don't have an apple to let me go to a market but when I went to a market to get that and I saw the mango don't pick the microbe have only one idea and build on top of it which most of us don't because what to do the mind has a lot of random thoughts I showed one thought this slide I showed another thought I saw another thought a lot of thoughts no corals corals is the articulation of the same thought you want to make our apple juice then go to market get that Apple though you can see the mango do not pick it up a repeat do not pick it up take the Apple come back use a mixer grind it add some sugar and you know the milk and drink it this is the coherence that means your ideas has to be connected so let's take a simple example let's talk about your hometown the question is what kind of place is it so let's say this is the answer a person yes my village is a nice place my village is on the hill it offers amazing view of the nearby lakes it gives pictures to be of the green ring it attracts a lot of tourists every year during winter and it is next to this particular place and that place is next to this particular is just endlessly going on and on and on that will not picture any max for the cordons question if you're wondering how much marks do connect it with us maximum four or five out of nine Greg we just covalence question itself you do single line now sign is not possible for this person it could be Mac 6 or 6.5 he will end up with so let's understand what are the score escalation how to do that let's check this out what kind of place is that the same question my village is considered one of the seelye places in my state as my village is situated on the hand of a Sun amazing view of the nearby lakes and picturesque view of the community that surrounds it this attracts a lot of tourists every year especially during winter there's not much difference between the ideas see here the previous one my village is a nice place it's on the hill it offers amazing view it achieves picture screen we got trucks a lot of tourists but the ideas are independently written but here I connected them nicely well if you're not getting it exactly what is that change very soon I'm gonna introduce a structure and a template I think you would understand it even though Becker so this obviously has to give you the covenants nine out of nine so what if we have a predefined template of the structure in hand definitely maintaining quadrants become such click co-op isn't it so let's talk about the structure and just a white for now weapon is the fluency and the quadrants now we're going to lexical resource well what is this lexical resource first thing is yes varied vocabulary not supposed to if possibly a repeat the words and then art of paraphrasing so what exactly am enters let's say the question is what is your name my name is Nicole don't say that because that can be done in a much better way people call me Nicole I like to be called so and so we do you guys so it's the art of paraphrasing this is what that of paraphrasing is another essay will you clearly explain more about it the same principles still domain the same concept we can leverage it to the speaking as well what are the question asked though we'll put it the same way paraphrase it paraphrases this what's your name people like to call me my name is no don't use the kind if possible do not use the same set of words because only because of the fact that you have got a lot of words and you have the ability to use a lot of words so let's check this question which is the movie that you watched recently did you like it a very straightforward answer is this I recently watched a movie called Plus which yes I did not like it lexical this was gonna be five out of nine why let's see the words that are repeated from the question the movie word is repeated before the question the world watched still repeated this inkling is repeated like is repeated forward so repeated lexical resource you go on case you're completely cooked it up well sorry to say that and there's no paraphrasing thing lexical resource will not be good so as a result you wouldn't get more than seven for this so what could be the best solution last week I got a chance to experience the direction of Christopher Nolan it was indeed a great to watch see here recently has been replaced with a word aspect watch experience and the movie a completely changed it it's in automatically means that you're watching a movie because the direction of someone did you like it it was a trick to watch this is that of paraphrasing I did not repeat any of the words and I pad off first aid that means I thought I articulated it with the practice and with the feedback anybody can do it but you should just know that you're rowing in the right way so this has to be a lexical resource nine out of nine well there's no scope for that are there so far weaponers fluorescent quadrants and executors source let's take up the grammar grammar is a notion but lead us how much of it is possible have explained different sentence structure got to use simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence you have to mix it up and chances you gotta use variable chances no possible you gotta use present times past and future tense continuous perfect all kinds of consensus and then other basic grammar related things with those particles subject verb agreement in the pitman and etc well if you really want to know more about the grammar stuff you can check in the description I filled the link of all the essay videos the grammar Thanks whatever I've already done in and the YouTube so far you can check that out each and everything will be clear let's take of this question which is the movie that you watched recently and if you like it let's take the answer who is this amazing movie called prostate - month it was a nice movie the drawback of doses only simple sentences are used i watch this amazing movie called prostate Alaska one simple sentence it was a nice movie second-seeded sentence you will not get in good marks for this man entering in the past tense it's inevitable but you could have a the different terms as well so how do we see this let's understand what about it we may need to have the simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence mix of it past tense future tense present tense if possible so let's do this well it's been a month since like watch this amazing movie called prestige the first sentence is a simple sentence let's take the next sentence for depreciates element such as screen so this makes the complex and tense because there is a dependent clause in this video not you know covering what about it but once you watch me other climbers stop camera videos you would also understand more about it for the precious elements such as screenplay and acting it is creating a dependency if you not put a full-stop I love the movie more than any other movie it becomes a complex sentence well I would have loved it even more if it was in my language but unfortunately it was an English this is a compound sentence because what word is being used two independent sentences connected so here we have a mixture of all the sentences the medical range is excellent but let's talk about the Cuban see the first sentence it's been a month since I watch this movie it's bastards for the precious elements I loved the movie the past as well I would have allowed so it becomes a fugitives so we are using the combination of things which is certainly required to get a grammar 9:09 it's not just that let's say what if we have a predefined template on a structure in hand suddenly it makes the job very very easy retaining grammar becomes a cakewalk automatically things will be taken care of we will talk about it in just a while but for now with - the fluency conference witnessed the grammar the finish Texican resource and now we take the final one pronunciation well a lot of people have the misconception that pronunciation is related to accent there is it's suddenly not about accent a lot of people don't have the English accent it's totally fine pronunciation means your ability to speak in a way that a person whom you are communicating to understands you that's all it is the intention of communication is you have some information and you have to share it with other person well if you are pronouncing not clearly the other person goes crazy he or she will not understand so what's the pronunciation you our ability to convey the information in a way this intent it - that means remarks clearly yes now can I always pronounce clearly this is what we assume I'm going to show you a final distinction between you know link up the clear pronunciation and not a clear pronunciation try to pay more attention to it let's take this small example well it's bitumen Center watch this music movie called prestige for the appreciation event such as as connecting I know the movie move them in a the movie well I would love them even more is to put in a language but such an English well if you speak like this one day you would understand but nobody else would even get as to what exactly are speaking well most of the people would speak like this because the panic that anxious they are not able to control their mind they just want to finish it off and lot of things in the mind are confused they don't open up the mouth they don't pronounce every word clearly they swallow the words at all and all these are connected with your low score in the pronunciation so how to speak very simple speak naturally isn't it you speak in a way you would end up speaking with your friends in your native language but here it's English just pronounce every but clearly so that whatever you speak the person I need the staff sit that's the intention behind it so let's pronounce it very clearly it's really simple well it's been a month since I watched this amazing movie called prestige for the fishiest elements such as screenplay and acting love the movie more than any other movie well I would have loved it even more if it was in my language but unfortunately it wasn't English well some people really have a problem with the actual pronunciation itself for example the word pronunciation is not from now on ch and it is pronunciation but the verb pronounced is pronounced as pronounced but the now on pronunciation becomes pronunciation not from nunciature so this is the actual enunciation some people really have a problem so let's check this word watched well I've seen a lot of people speaking well it's been a month since I watch it this amazing movie called prestige well this should not happen if you have a problem with it I understand it's so difficult for you because all this while you have pronounce that word in a different way and all of a sudden you want to change it it may not happen easily but with constant dedication and effort you can try to do that you can keep practicing with watched a lot of words you may have a problem so if you have a problem you need to fix it because all those will come for let us in the pronunciation will fit most fluency and the codons pronunciation grammar and lexical resource but something is missing isn't it something is really missing have you guys noticed it well if you have I don't go on to my other video with respect to the writing up in this like they say you know that in the essay writing or the like writing whatever it is task response plays a major role but where is the task response in speaking there is no man's name of the task response then why are you so much worried about the content now call your boss or not clever could you please stand this is the secret tip please understand there is no math is given for the content impart anything nope it's a speaking test they're just checking can you speak without really making sense or not it depends on you you don't want to make something wrong mixes so hope you are getting it what I am Telling You sometimes people stuck let's say they're gonna ask the question which you don't have a clue about let's say you don't know anything about the climate and she asked what kind of climate can one expect your place so now could how to speak for this I don't know much about climate correct so now your understanding of the evaluation criteria comes in the picture if you understand it well task responses not the one anymore so speak anything but make sure you're fluent over it the man session is perfect grammar is perfect and lexical this is a paralyzing is perfect you still will get say max now can we do that or you sure all my students are doing it I have done it you have to get the school because it is a rule except travicom they're not written task response so you don't have to give the perfect content so use it whenever is required not all that so let's take this question what kind of climate can one expect in your hometown it is mostly the railing throughout the year and then you're stuck you don't know what to say you completely stuck it in such scenario always remember whatever you speak you will not get the math unless you're fluent your coverage if hopefully your grammar is perfect lexical resource is perfect so let's talk more about it well I think it's mostly reinstalled oh yeah however I can definitely tell you that one cannot be bored during the stay in the hometown it has a lot of attractions such as picturesque lakes hills that offer great views etc let's do some observation well I was coherent I have given the perfect core excavation because I talked about the rails and then I switched it to the next paragraph using the word however and then I said one cannot be bored and then I continue talking about picturesque lakes hills that offer great views so that one cannot pay for each and everything is matching colons coefficient grammar is excellent pronunciation is perfect fluency is perfect so I should be getting good market well this is what it is is what have the really you body hitting it right I don't know the meaning of it I didn't understand I have no clue as to what to say just chill take a chill pill relax but know that you can either it but you have to speak with respect accordance question fluency lexical resource driver that is most important so this is the sacred tip you don't have a complain you are at a give excuse saying I didn't know I didn't have any clue as to what to say can speak anything but make sure you stick to the evolution quietly and now to tell you more about it and now I'm gonna reveal something about the structure and that structure will help you will save you from it any scenario let's understand what structure we can follow for that we don't have to worry about the fluency covariance correlation grammar each and everything will be covered within the structure for the template well very simple answer to the point that's the first sentence second sentence you paraphrase it using the word because sins as although though the third is to give a conclusion or add another information you can say let's see wanna conclude it you can say hence so that's that means does consequently oh let's say you do wanna conclude because you have another information to be added they can say in addition moreover to act for the exit lock but what I meant by it is very simple rules are three different sentences whatever the question the first sentence what's your name people like to call me Nicole answer to the point second sentence you're going to use a complex call a compound sentence that is the idea of using the cause as as a way to hotel can I put a full-stop no I cannot put a full-stop I have to continue so it becomes a complex sentence or you can also use two independent symptoms and and anything is fine but have a mixture of single compound or complex so here I'm telling you start get us let's say the question is what is your name the first question asked so the first point is answered to the point people like to call me Nicole second point of manifested as my grandparents did not like any other name they had to go with the name nickel but then my mom told Italy is not good let's go with Nicole that's the second sentence third statement you have to conclude does I was named knuckle not only by my grandparents no not just for my parents even my uncle and everyone like for me anything is fine but let's say you have more to speak then don't conclude that in addition to talk more about it furthermore you can add ideas very simple three different sentences per sentence answer to the point there will be a question answer it second use a compound or a complex sentence the best thing is to start with as because see the point is you don't know what to speak instantaneously so when you bring out the word because or as automatically transporter because you say because I was you if at least you try to get the thoughts correct so these small small words which we call subordinate conjunctions you can google them this will help you get a good thought and the third let's say you are you were running out of thoughts can you conclude it or you have more thoughts then don't conclude interrupt saying thus hence consequently I can say in addition to be more precise for example anything you say but have a mixture of simple to compound sentence complexity so next we take a few questions and see how the structure can be used to each and every question successfully let's sick of this question what kind of place is it with a simple the percentage answer to the point the village is considered one of the scenic places in my state paraphrase it as my believe is situated on Dale it offers some amazing view of the nearby lakes and picture school of the greenery that surrounds it therefore it attracts a lot of tunas every year especially during winter let's do some analysis the first statement my village is considered one of the scenic places in my state since you know that you have to stick to the structure it's answering to the point fluency may not be a problem because you know what to speak good lexical resource let's check what kind of place the kind of place I did not say said it is considered as lexical resources good everywhere I have used some good words so I pass lexical resource the next thing is a grammar the first statement is a simple statement second statement is as my teammate so it becomes a complex sentence third statement this attracts a lot of story singing it simply will have a mixture of mixture low simple sentence complex sentence so grammar is fine and then comes to an unsession and romance and it when we also talk about the covert arms the most important part ideas are connected by believe is considered all the silic places in by civic as my image is situated on the hill it offers blah blah blah therefore it attracts everything is connected code insists precise I don't see any problem in this answer let's take another question what's the most interesting part of your village maybe you can pause the video and try solving it using the structure what it will give you answer to the point that are free is it using the complex or a compound statement and then conclude it or if you have more thoughts you can add in additional educator you can pause the video do that then once you're done resume the video and see what I have written my town is famous for its historic bono let the he called Janna because it is a single l stretched for a great length whoever sings it will be mesmerised due to this my tone attracts a lot of people so if you see here coherence is precise my town is famous for something because it's a single hilly blah blah blah whoever sees will be so mesmerised and so it attracts a lot of people yes I'm talking the word how popular it is so much popular that is why it is popular in Hawaii that tracks a lot of the people covalence is perfect and since I already I was structured with the practice of influencing baby maintain for sure but let's talk about the lexical resource the interesting path to become space see there the word famous is highlighted and then mesmerised lot of making different or the last time my town attracts a lot of people that's one of the phrases lexical resource I don't see any program let's talk about the sentence structure the first sentence simple sentence and second sentence I hope you're saying complex sentence because it is a simpler blah blah blah who sees it will be mesmerized becomes a complex sentence last due to this my tonic relates the king of complex sentence so I have got to complex sentence and one simple sentence so let us take another question what kind of jobs do the people in your town or village do we can pause the video and try to only that your line once you're done check my description occupation of people in my town varies as there are plenty of options available you get to see many people percentage a proper doctor engineer what he does no sex at all this influence is a lot of kiss to choose a profession from one of this so what just happened Cowen's cohesion is beautiful occupation of people varies why as a reply to you folks shoes you get to see people doing that this due to this it influences a lot of kids so the ideas are connected and there is a flow and if you see the words as better as and then this influence of currents is precise fluency has to be good if you know what exactly talking about or using a structure and then chops are going to recognized by the word occupation varies as are a variety of job options I did not say various the world ladies has been replaced with plenty of options and lexical resource they pursuing the job that is the perfect usage if you do a job if you follow a jobs of procedure I think lexical resource is perfect and the per sentence the simple sentence second sentence is complex sentence the sentence a simple sentence again I've got the mixture of all this well we talked a lot of things about the structure grammar code and cohesion narration lexical - source of plenty of things plenty of confusion but only in the beginning you keep practicing with this method thanks will automatically fall in place and the most important thing is you will see an increment in your scorecard and now let's understand what about the task response I already told you the task response is not given any mark so how can you leverage this further I know that I will be given one example let's take another example let's say the question is which is the most interesting part of Yetta so there is something really really specific well if you ask me that on the fly I have no clue as to which is the most interesting part of my time because I have to think but if you think not you can buy some time happy to watch a circus but if you think a lot in the exam scores will go down so how can we do this you can leverage the concept of the task response because task response there is no maths given for it so this is something really specific which is the most interesting part of your table you make it each Inlet there are many famous things in my town as are a lot of amazing things corner friends you sleep you know visit my place every weekend so due to this whenever my friends come to the stump they never get bored oh well I did not talk about the interesting part but I just articulated articulated articulated but my currents quotient is perfect because I talked about the interesting part and then brought my friends they'll be happy because it's interesting things are there there are a lot of people coumarins cohesion is perfect fluency is perfect lexical resource are used a lot of different words grammar I use compound-complex sentence so let's understand there is no maths given for your task response so in the worst case you can speak anything but on the topic but you have to speak with the same structure what's the most interesting part of your town or village let's say you don't know how to answer it or what to answer it make it gender it for any specific question you can make agenda there are several famous things in my time as I remember asked the tongue I'm sticking to the structure now the town is a very great place to stay it comes up with numerous amazing places that one can visit due to this whenever my friends come with me to my hometown they always enjoy Aloha well guys I think I've really shared a lot of things that could suddenly a scout preparation I really hope you mediums of the video and if you're looking for an online coaching you can always check the information in the description we'll always be happy to help you ace your reflection and most importantly if you're not subscribe channel it don't forget to subscribe I'm gonna come back with a pop punk you can party each and every ticket most of the videos very soon so don't miss the updates click on the subscribe button so ready soon I'm gonna see you till then take care [Music]
Channel: Skills IELTS
Views: 21,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 1 strategies, ielts speaking evaluation, ielts online coaching, ielts speaking templates, ielts speaking score 8, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking answers, ielts speaking strategies, part 1 speaking ielts, ielts speaking tips and tricks, how to score 8 in ielts speaking
Id: m7rDqOuZ2lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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