How to Talk About Music in English (Basic English Phrases)

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back to our weekly long stream my name is Alisha and this week we are going to talk about how to talk about your favorite music and musicians so this week we'll do a lot of basic sentence and a lot of basic grammar pattern practice I think we're loading everything now we'll see everything in just a moment but as you join please don't forget to hit the like and share button so that other people can find today's lesson ah let's see we're getting Facebook up now I don't see anybody in YouTube yet mmm well we're loading up there are few people hi Ashu hello and sushi oh hello there's people hello hello I see YouTube Facebook is coming Instagram is up I presume sorry I can't see your comments live but yes today we're talking about how to talk about music and musicians so today's lesson will cover three main points I'm going to talk first about how to share your favorites how to talk about your favorite musicians naturally second we're going to talk about live performances and like how to get tickets like getting tickets and talking about live performances and finally we'll talk about your experiences a little bit so that's a lot to do today I see lots of people in the YouTube chat now hi everybody Vale son and black cow and I'm at and hey Lia and Wellington and Allen and Santiago and our Facebook great Facebook gets up now - hi everybody on Facebook William Karolina Omar hello everybody great thank you very much for coming as always I will wait another minute for other people to join us live while we wait as always there is free stuff for you from the link below the video on YouTube above the video on Facebook and because many of you have asked about how to download our free stuff we want to show you quickly while we wait for other people to join so I think we'll see a screenshot yeah in just a second yeah there it is if you're watching an Instagram you can't see but these are all of the free things some free things that we have on the website so when you go to the website when you click on the link you'll go to a sign up page if you don't have an account you can sign up there from the sign up page and pick up these free downloads there so did we already see the sign up page no okay no problem so you can find these things from the link below the video on YouTube yeah there's the sign up page I think so check this out you need to make an account if you do not have one alright good so as I said today we're gonna talk about music so let's get started I see lots of people are here now fantastic so I'm going to share the video and then I am going to start today's lesson so we're going to begin today by talking about your favorite so I want to share some very simple patterns actually for talking about your favorite artists and your favorite musicians and just give you a couple of reminders about how to make sure you always sound natural so let's begin with just this very simple pattern a very simple pattern it is musician or band so I have these two words here musician and band to refer to like one person as a musician like one artist one single person and a band as a group of people so because we're talking about one person or a group of people we need to think about this for grammar purposes so when you use musician like a single person you'll use musician is my favorite my favorite so often times we don't say like my favorite artist or my favorite singer or something we just say my favorite so for example Lady Gaga is my favorite that's fine it's very clear lady gaga is your favorite artist or your favorite singer usually in the conversation if however your favorite is a band meaning it's a group of people you'll use band especially like if the band name is plural like it ends in an S you'll use band are my favorite so for example the chainsmokers this is like a plural right the chainsmokers are my favorite or the Foo Fighters are my favorite so when you're using a band name that has this s it's the plural form you need to change your grammar as well the chainsmokers are my favorite so make sure your grammar matches the title of the band too so that's an important point so in the chat send along who is your favorite who is your favorite which artist or which band is your favorite Instagram I can't see you like but you can send them so your other your other viewers can see so send your favorite in the chat I will try to check live in the meantime if you want to be specific if you want to be specific about a band you can use a pattern like this something something is my favorite band so in this case we can use is because we're using the word band here so we're talking about bands specifically BTS is my favorite band so here in this pattern we are not including the word band at the end of the sentence here we are so it's okay to use this because this is singular band is singular hmm okay some people are sending some examples the Beatles are my favorite yes the Beatles are my favorite the Beatles are my favorite if you use this pattern the Beatles mate is my favorite band you're using the word band describe that you'll use is Lana Del Rey is my favorite musician good Bon Jovi is my favorite very nice okay Billie Eilish is my favorite good okay BTS is my favorite band nice very nice cult do that perfect dika is my favorite band I don't know that one t-rex and the third is that a real band okay 50 cent was my favorite when I was younger nice one nice one so past tense 50 cent was my favorite when I was younger nice one nice past tense when someone says you are my favourite teacher that's cool okay Edie Sheeran is my favorite musician nice Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band perfect very nice Coldplay is my favorite band perfect perfect great examples Allen Walker is my favorite I don't know Allen Walker okay ah hello to everyone saying hello still good okay I think you guys got it nice one nice one so let's continue then with after these patterns how do you talk about like genres so this is another keyword for today genre this word can you see it genre it's uh it's GE n ar e sorry my writings a little messy this is pronounced genre genre it makes that judgeth sound so not like John do so or not like gun was nothing like that the pronunciation is John rough genre so genre means type of something type of thing so like type of music category of music for example rock or pop hip-hop how soul jazz so that's a genre genre so you can use this simple pattern to explain your favorite musician or your favorite band or your favorite genre so there's a slash here so you can say I like musician I like band or I like I love genre for example I love Janelle Monae I love Janelle Monae that's an artist in this case for a genre I like rock I like rock some people are writing my favorite genre is R&B that's good too very nice very nice so try to name your favorite genre as well what is your favorite genre my favorite genres are probably house and classical lately it's kind of weird anyway uh so what are your favourite genres of music okay I like R&B I loved EDM says someone on Facebook very nice ACDC is my favorite band good someone says I like jazz cool I like kpop very nice okay I left rockabilly interesting interesting there are quite a few different I wasn't sure what kind of music everybody listened to I like pop says another person very nice very nice okay good sounds good I like bossa nova oh yeah me too I like bossa nova as well that's great all right smooth jazz is my favorite smooth jazz is my favorite so someone Antonia on YouTube used a different pattern here they used genre is my favorite so you can totally do that that's fine genre you can put that here genre is my favorite perfectly okay to do that genre is my favorite furnace other ones I like rock and j-pop good I love rock pop and jazz good and there I like industrial metal what does that sound like I can't imagine that I like hip-hop pop are you listening to industrial metal back there I saw you shaking your head okay something says DJ Kawasaki is my favorite Wow shout out to DJ kawasaki in the live stream that's pretty funny okay um alright let's move on then we're about 11 minutes in so let's take a quick break yes we'll take a quick break and if you missed it early here I as always we do have free stuff for you but we wanted to show you how to access this because lots of you have asked how you get the free stuff we show you every week so three steps I will show you three screenshots I'll go away briefly here first this is this is just an example of the free things the free PDFs that you can download so to get these things go to the link below the video on youtube if you're watching on youtube or above the video on Facebook it will take you to our website here so here if you do not have an account you need to make an account of it's free a free account on this website this is the English class when you make the account if you don't have one already you can download the free stuff we showed you just before for example this one so this is the family and relatives one but there are lots of different ones that you can pick up too so please check that out I was going to show you the music one I think it's hard to see and all that time I don't know okay maybe I can show later later later okay let me grab it and I'll show it this one time so I'm talking about you can't see it on the webcam today on the back of this there's one here there's this it says singing in English yes but it's not about just singing on the back right here is a list of genres in English list of genres so we just talked in the chat like pop hip hop house music R&B techno funk rap all of that is here so is this pattern and other patterns are on this part so if you want to practice phrases like these from today's lesson please check out this PDF be singing in English PS o ki dokie did someone says I don't have a printer you don't have to print it out it's a PDF so you can save it to your computer or save it to your phone so you don't have to print okay let's continue on to the next part the next part of today's lesson if you're just joining us today's lesson is about talking about musicians we're talking about musicians and now we're going to talk about concerts so if you have not already please make sure to like and share the video so others can find it okay let's move on then to part two part two I want to focus on live performances live performances so please note in English in American English anyway when we talk about live performances we use the word concert concert so I know some in some cases maybe in some languages it's common to use the word just live to talk about something like I saw that artists life but we don't use that word in in English we use a concert so first let's talk about getting tickets for a concert we use this expression to get tickets to get tickets yes you can use buy tickets I want to buy tickets or I need to buy tickets more casually I feel in everyday conversation we use get tickets I want to get tickets past tense I got tickets so for example I want to get Katy Perry tickets I want to get Katy Perry tickets so this is a very simple pattern place the artist or the band name before tickets so here to get right here is where your artist name goes to the artist name so I want to get Katy Perry tickets or I couldn't get tickets is another thing you can use this is past tense couldn't I was not able to I couldn't get to Katy Perry tickets so use the artist name before tickets here I could be specific I couldn't get katy perry tickets is how I would make this in the negative so to get tickets please use this to talk about tickets for live performances okay so with that once you get tickets you buy tickets I got tickets to see Katy Perry I got Katy Perry tickets you can use a pattern like this to talk about your plans so I'm going to the musician concert a couple points here there's small points yes first is this that I'm going to the musician or band again concert so why why do we use that here it's because usually in your city like at that time there's just one concert from that artist like there's maybe like one weekend only or like one night only to see that artist so we use the I'm going to the Rihanna concert so there's just one this sounds quite natural actually another pattern you can use is I'm going to musicians or artists or band or whatever I'm going to musicians concert is also okay here the point is this apostrophe s possessive form so I'm going to Rihanna's concert in that pattern know the know that I'm going to Rihanna's concert okay I'm going to the Rihanna concert both of those are fine they communicate the same idea alright some examples are coming in I want to get Adele tickets very nice other ones on YouTube I want to get Coldplay tickets good okay someone says I couldn't get Bruno Mars tickets okay I got a temporary job just to see the show Wow that's intense others I went to Avicii's concert in Tomorrowland oh okay cool the article used to refer to something yes that's correct I want to see Justin Bieber in concert ah okay yeah lots of different tastes for sure I got Paul McCartney tickets several times however they were sky-high expensive yeah for sure Paul McCartney is probably a pretty expensive artist my parents are going to see you Paul McCartney that's true okay someone says I like the Rolling Stones good nice example is everybody okay let's move along then to this other pattern this other concert related pattern I'm gonna see Rihanna tonight I'm gonna see Rihanna tonight so this pattern it sounds like maybe you're going to you this is the pattern you might use with your friends like I'm going to see my friend tonight or I'm going to see my parents tonight but for concerts and for like live performances with really famous performers it's natural to use this pattern too and we understand they're not probably your friend we understand you're just going to their concert so I'm gonna see Rihanna tonight that's also okay to use it sounds a little more casual okay onward so if you want to talk about the artists performance so like after the performance you want to report to your friends or to your family or something what the performance was like was it good was it bad what did you think so here you can use the musician or band whatever Plus was or were again this depends on is a single artist is it one person or is it the group of people and then you can choose an adjective that you like here my suggestion is a May amazing you can use incredible awesome so good for example Bruno Mars was so good Bruno Mars was so good so here I'm using was this Bruno Mars is one guy single person he's alone well with his group you know dancers and so on but we'll use Bruno Mars was so good and you can extend that so sound was so good so that's quite natural another word that you might not know is this one unreal unreal here I have Beyonce is unreal Beyonce is unreal so unreal means they're so good it seems like it's not real life so Beyonce is unreal or Bruno Mars is unreal so it's so amazing it's so good it's like wow this person is not like part of reality it's amazing Beyonce is unreal okay I don't see you Facebook Facebook what's going on oh I'm going to the Taylor Swift concert says Gloria cool alright other examples someone says I am unreal I am real I'm real in fact alright the last point here is if you want to talk about an artist's live performance before the performance you can use this pattern it is I here musician or band is or are amazing live live so this means I've heard or I hear now that this band or this group sounds really really good in their live performances this is the pattern we use so I hear Beyonce is amazing live or I hear the Rolling Stones are amazing live so this live shows the live performances specifically what you're talking about live performances okay good um let's take one more break then I think yeah before I go to the last one if it's okay I guess I can just show this this time okay so I showed a couple of things earlier about the free stuff that we have as always the free PDFs you can download I showed this earlier and I talked about a couple things on the back of it if you didn't see it it's this it says singing in English this PDF but on the back is a lot of information like what I'm talking about in this lesson at the top here is genres categories the second part is talking about your favorite kinds of music this part I talked about here and at the bottom it's hard to see but we've talked about a lot of them it's like famous artists famous musical groups so if you want to like listen to some artists that are really popular in english-speaking countries you can take a look at this list we've talked about a lot of them Taylor Swift somebody mentioned Taylor Swift I talked about Lady Gaga somebody mentioned fifty Cent that's on here to Michael Jackson Elvis Presley someone mentioned in the chat too so you can take a look at this and you can also on the front if you're interested in music in general take a look at the vocabulary words for specific instruments so all the instruments in bands that make music so check this out you can find this from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook check it out alright let's continue to the last part of today's lesson the last part of today's lesson is a little bit open for you to send some examples in the chat lastly today I want to talk about your experiences with music your favorite music or with your favorite bands or with live performances so at the beginning of today's lesson a lot of you sent like your favorite musician who your favorite musician is so sometimes you want to talk about the first time you saw a musician live this is how we do that so I saw artist or musician or band for the first time when I was age or when I was in school so for example uh I saw let's see I saw the first band I saw I don't know if anybody knows then this is true I don't know if anybody remembers Hanson yeah yeah panthan was my first concert so in my case I would say I saw this is a true story I saw Hanson for the first time and last time for the first time when I was I think about eleven when I was eleven years old I think I was 11 years old yeah I liked Hanson when I was little that's true so this is how we express our first concerts so I said - I saw Hanson the band in this case Hanson was the band name I used for the first time so this expression kind of implies this expression suggests a little bit that I saw them again in this case I didn't see them a second time I saw Hanson live one time so if you're like a super fan of an artist and you've seen the artist many times you can use this if you only saw the artist like once you can use a slightly different pattern which is sorry which is my first concert was in my case Hansen I was 11 years old something like that so this shows like the first concert you went to in this case Hansen was my first concert so my first concert was artists my first concert was band name okay some examples are coming in I saw Muse for the first time when I was a mty City what does that mean Muse yeah I used to listen to music chilly when I was in high school I listened to music you listen to music yeah yeah alright nice one umm Tolson never heard of that I Hansen handsome they were popular in the 90s for a song called Bop that was very popular among little girls like me I think cuz they were very cheerful and happy yeah yeah fun times okay uh other examples I saw Linkin Park for the first time when I was 9 years old whoa you saw Linkin Park when you were 9 wow that's crazy ok I saw Chris Brown for the first time in Kenya when I was 25 he crashed a fans phone at the airport for asking for a selfie really oh that's so mean Oh oh my gosh ok Wow my first concert was New Kids on the Block whoa New Kids on the Block yeah yeah someone says I saw mr. children for the first time when I was 15 ah a Japanese fan perhaps okay mr. children is a popular Japanese band I saw Elkhart bell they sent out when I was 18 years old very nice good examples everybody this is really interesting we have such different tastes in music let's see I saw Metallica for the first time when I was 10 years old when I was 10 years old okay hello this is the person who just said it below hello okay good oh I got deleted okay let's go to the last point for today the last point for today is about albums so the first CD you bought or maybe if you're like me the first tape viewbot or maybe the first record you bought so how do you express that how do you talk about that you can use this pattern this is the first album I ever bought was musicians album so my true example I've talked about this on this channel before the first I'll use CD the first CD so I'm changing album to CD here you can use tape or record or whatever the first CD I ever bought was Michael Jackson's this is true because it's true I remember it Michael Jackson's bad ok so two points about this pattern one it's hard to see sorry this the end of the artist name has a has this possessive at the end apostrophe s because this album right here belongs to the musician so the album name the CD title is bad it belongs to the artist so we use the possessive form here the first CD I ever bought was Michael Jackson's bad the first tape I ever bought was Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill also true really YouTube no no good so this is how we express the first something the first piece of music that we ever bought Aaliyah says the first one she bought was Michael Jackson's Thriller nice one nice one other ones a couple of examples the first album really the first album you ever bought was Michael Jackson's dangerous no way alright that's cool Damien says the first album I ever bought was oops I did it again my Britney Spears really no really that's interesting okay other one the first CD I ever bought was the Beatles with the Beatles what's that I don't know the first CD I ever bought was a Vanessa Mays album okay nice I don't know who Vanessa me is I don't know that much about many different music types I guess on Facebook Russia Anna says the first tape I bought was Celine Dion when I was nine years old Wow yeah Celine Dion so the first tape I bought the first tape I bought good other ones Cali AB on Facebook says the first CD I bought was Abraham's album I don't know who that is cool but nice very nice the first uh TV CD maybe I ever bought was jay-z's foreveryoung Wow okay good lots of people there saying Michael Jackson - okay we're not alone alright fantastic nice example so make sure that you use this apostrophe s in front of the album name if you remember it if you don't remember it you can use the pattern some other people are using so the first tape I ever bought was Celine Dion that's fine too you can use that as well okay but we have to finish there for today that was a lot of fun thanks everybody for sharing your examples we have such different music tastes let's cool though alright we'll finish there for today so next week we will be back with a different topic next week we'll talk about something many of you have asked about I'm going to cover the Holy Trinity the trifecta of regret that's not my phrasing someone else's phrasing could have would have and should have I'm going to talk about using could have would have and should have those three it's going to be a lot for next week's lesson but I hope that it's helpful so many of you have asked about these things we're going to cover these three topics in next week's live stream which will be June 26th Wednesday June 26th at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time if you don't know it in your time please google it so we're going to talk about should have could have and would have we use these to talk about regrets so please join us to learn how to use these with greater skill yeah so that will be next week Wednesday and then in the meantime yeah for sure pick up the stuff that I showed you earlier the free downloads I'm focusing today on the music one but of course as always there's lots of other stuff to check out too so lots of other topics as well so find everything from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook we'll finish there so thank you so much to everyone for liking and sharing today's video we really appreciate it and thank you for all of your great example sentences enjoy the rest of your week enjoy your weekend and I will see you again soon bye bye
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 39,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, music in english, talk about music, how to talk about music in english, music vocabulary, music phrases,, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english
Id: P2jd92twMnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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