IELTS Speaking Stress Management for Band 9

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[Music] I'm so nervous about my upcoming is speaking test have you ever felt this way test anxiety is real ourn in this speaking interview scores a band 6.5 instead of a 7.5 because he is so nervous I will give you tips and strategies to be more confident so that you can get those high band scores and defeat test stress let's watch and learn welcome to the speaking section of the AL exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test and I will give you instructions for each of the three parts may I see your identification yes certainly here's my identification that I use to check in please have a look mhm and what is your full name my full name is OV Singh please call me by my first name arnov okay arov uh for part one I will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic uh where do you live I live in mbai which is the economic capital of India I live in a three-bedroom Hall kitchen with my parents and siblings and what is your hobby my hobby is playing football that is also known as soccer I go to play football each and every weekend after my college timings let's talk about ice cream uh do you like ice cream why why not yes I do like ice cream my most favorite flavor is the chocolate flavor it is a delightful treat I like having ice cream during Winters that's usually when people do not like having ice cream because it's so cold how often do you eat ice cream I eat ice creams on weekends with my friends we usually go out to eat ice ice cream in the park because my friends like to talk and eat ice cream and get to know each other and what did they do during the weekend what is your favorite flavor of ice cream and why my favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate it's my most favorite flavor because uh since childhood I used to eat a lot of chocolates and when uh I was introduced to an ice cream the first flavor I picked was chocolate and it was so good where can you buy ice cream near your home there is an ice cream parlor just three blocks away from my home I it is actually right beside the park so we just grab the ice cream from the ice cream parlor and walk towards the park and talk about the day it is clear to see right away in part one that our n is overwhelmed with test anxiety he often repeats himself saying usually usually has awkward endings to sentences forgetting his ideas and he takes big swallows and licks his lips just watch that part again where he talks about an ice cream parlor three blocks from his house big swallow clearly indicating that he's exceptionally nervous this is no surprise his body is releasing cortisol a hormone used in the slow stress response system of the body cortisol makes the brain forget information this is a protective mechanism to try to decrease stress however this is not ideal in a language exam you do not want cortisol overwhelming your nervous system you have to control yourself and I will teach you exactly how to to do that but first let's watch the rest of part one when do you usually like to eat ice cream I usually like to eat ice cream in the night after having a good dinner with my parents and have a walk in the park while talking to my friends has ice cream changed in any way since you were a child yes the texture and the flavors have increased since my child Hood there are a new there are a lot of new flavors that have been introduced such as uh vanilla pistachio mango and there are they have included a lot of traditional flavors in ice cream as well if you could go anywhere to try any ice cream where would you go and what would you try I would definitely go to Italy where I would find the most authentic gelato as Italians like a lot of pistachio I guess that would be the first flavor I would go and try in Italy because I think the gelato in Italy is better than any other place in the world that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two now that you've finished part one you're probably thinking poor arv he's so nervous he's having real difficulty thinking and speaking of course he does is is a big deal it will affect his ability to study abroad or move to another country and let's not kid ourselves 's exams are expensive everybody hopes to pass the first time so what could he do here are two quick tips to overcome test anxiety number one drink a bit of water notice how Arnav has his water just to his left and he doesn't stop to take a deep breath and take a sip of of water if nothing else this could really help him with the dry mouth also known as cotton mouth caused by his anxiety number two it's important to use English before your speaking test show up to your exam Center early talk to other candidates practice your English asking stranger candidates at the exam Center to practice a few speaking questions will also build your confidence saying hi are you here for the a speaking test I am would you mind practicing a few questions this will build the confidence so that you're more fluent as soon as you begin the interview with the examiner these are the kinds of tips and strategies that you can learn in our premium ALS course at AE and now let's watch part two for this this part I will show you some questions you will have one minute to read these think about your answers and then you will have 1 to 2 minutes to speak you can take notes in this one minute time if you wish I will tell you when to start and when to stop is that clear yes it is please do not touch the question paper describe a crowded place you have been to your one minute preparation time begins now okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking the most crowded place that I have been is the Marine Drive during the Diwali festival and even during New Year everyone come together be it rich or poor everybody celebrates all these festivals at Marine Drive you can see a lot of people celebrating Diwali at Marine Drive and there are lot there are a lot of firecrackers Marine Drive is situated in the southern part of Mumbai which is also called South Bombay I went to Marine Drive with my parents and siblings and they were quite fascinated by the lightings and the decorations that were put up we did go to see the Taj Hotel which is usually not lit up but there were a lot of light projections on it it it was it was really an overwhelming experience because that was the last time I spent in India yes I would like to change quite a few things of marine r that are uh there should be a good parking spot available because we had to park all the way at the end and walk towards the Marine Drive because it is a long walk from The Parking Spot towards Marine Drive as you went there all the parking spots were filled up because there were tens and thousands of cars okay that is the end of part two we will now continue with part three I will take back the questions can you please put the note paper to the side turn it over Arnav has battled his way through part two talking about a crowded place in Mumbai Marine Drive this is a location he must have visited at least a dozen times yet he's still having issues clearly conveying the information because of all the stress that he's experiencing notice the stomping and fidgeting of his feet under the table again big swallows and repeating the phrase it was it was it was like a broken record anxiety affects speaking in these terrible ways and it's very important that you focus on strategy this is my next tip for you to overcome test stress instead of focusing on the examiner perhaps it's the first time you've ever spoken to a native speaker don't worry about it they're just another person instead of worrying about your performance or what the examiner is thinking use your attention and focus on strategy by focusing on strategy you distract yourself from being stressed in part two when you're talking about a location like a crowded place you must remember to talk about the location you have to talk about the appearance of the place what it looks like the attendees the people who go there the activities that happen there and your past experiences visualize this location by focusing on this strategy and structure your mind will be distracted from the stress these again can be learned for talking about people objects events ideas and places for part two in your premium package at for academic and for General is strategy and practice are great ways to decrease stress let's go on to part three and I will now ask you questions related to the topic of part two and your response let's talk about uh crowded places so why do a lot of people enjoy going to crowded [Music] places people people usually like going to crowded places to meet a lot of people why do other people dislike crowded places people usually dislike crowded places because of the atmosphere some people are usually claustrophobic uh and it really gets overwhelming for them to be in a crowded place where would you say is the most crowded place in your city the most crowded place in my city would be the D station it is filled with thousands of people because uh that's the station from where usually people travel uh to their hometowns and Villages it is it is the most crowded place because there are a lot of trains halting all the time over there even during the night it's crowded would you say it's important for a city to have uh amusement or other facilities that uh draw large numbers of people yes it is very important to have a place that everyone can visit I usually like used to like to spend my time at Marine Drive with my friends on weekends because that's the place where we used to go to party relax and have fun why do you think people choose to live in big cities even though they often find themselves in traffic jams and busy transit hubs like the one that you mentioned usually people like to live in urban cities is is for good education and transportation but the infrastructure in my city is not that quite developed than the than then places in abroad which have good urban planning and infrastructure how do you think cities overseas are different from those in your country that have dense populations the cities overseas have good urban planning and infrastructure the pl the public transportation in urban cities is well planned how about in Mumbai as Mumbai is a developing City it always has roadside construction taking place and which makes uh a huge traffic jam and as during the peak hours when people are trying to get to their office it really makes it difficult for them because of the traffic jams as there is no proper Road plan planning and the trains are always filled with thousands of people it really makes it difficult to get from one place to another what would you say is important in urban planning when considering a large volume of people in certain localities in my opinion I guess having proper infrastructure and Road planning is very important because if there are narrow roads and no proper place to go if there if there are thousands of people staying in one place it is very important to have a proper urban planning that helps them get from one place to another what innovative solutions have you seen to manage large crowds of people I think there are a lot of innovative solutions that improving public transport will be one of them if there are a lot of different public transports available such as buses trains or trams people can get from one place to another instead of using private vehicles that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking section of the exam you will have your mark in 2 days online after you finish the other sections and your official certificate will be in the mail in 10 days goodbye thank you part three is seeming a bit better than part one and two Arnav is starting to gain some confidence his answers are longer more fluent he's using better vocabulary and he's repeating himself less often what has changed well firstly he's been speaking for 78 minutes again practicing before you meet your examiner talking to other candidates is a good way to achieve this also notice his body language his hands are now up on the table he's more forward body language helps to control anxiety when you use your hands to emphasize your words and put yourself more towards your listener it will also project your voice and psychologically build confidence so use your hands keep them up above the table in front of yourself instead of in a closed defensive position last but not least practice makes perfect and it certainly helps decrease test anx xiety a lot of candidates do not pay enough attention and do not give enough time to part three questions and answers often students are just focusing on the answers of part one and part two instead what I recommend is ask questions so that you don't get caught off guard by these stranger more specific part three questions ask questions practice the questions as well as the answers with Partners you can do this with other students on our websites for free by clicking the student partner speaking in your my student account with these tips drinking water showing up to the exam early putting your hands on the table and presenting with body language making sure to practice and focusing on strategy you are sure to beat that stress anxiety and get a high score the first time you sit your a exam good luck the next time you're in your speaking test for more great tips and strategies over 100 video lessons original practice exams an interactive course and an app for your phone visit and join our premium Al package at it's a one-time payment for for Lifetime access use the code chill9 for an extra 10% discount simply click the link in the video description below we are an IDP affiliate a British Council partner and Al test registration Center and I'm a British Council agent we have helped thousands of students succeed just listen to what this former candidate has to say with this course I was able to achieve my a goals I will recommend it to anyone who's in the market looking for a cost effective way of achieving it begin learning for Success join now subscribe to our Channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our Al hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 69,747
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Id: EfA_eECpvro
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Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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