IELTS Speaking Test band 6.5 with feedback

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right let's get started so this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place at ross ielts academy the candidate is dalaran the candidate number is 36506699 the examiner is samson sees examiner number 443533 good morning my name is samson would you please tell me your full name my name is delorean wonderful and may i see your identification please thank you very much fabulous great so in the first part of the exam i will ask you some personal questions first i'd like to talk to you about studying what did you or do you study well actually i'm studying architecture since um two years ago and i'm trying to continue my educational events and then i'm going to study maybe another another to get another university degree maybe in directing okay and why do or did you choose this subject uh well actually i i'm really into uh art and um cultural things so um so i was trying to choose a field that is connected with them so i chose architecture good okay now what are or were the main aspects of your subject um it's very complicated because you have to adapt um the human needs and then your and their needs and you have to care about environment so it's very sophisticated to connect them together and i think it's very necessary for human beings okay good now let's move on to talk about birthdays do you enjoy your birthdays uh absolutely i think everyone likes uh to have their birthdays actually when you meet your friends especially when they surprise you and it's very enjoyable i think right and what did you do on your last birthday uh well uh because we are facing and global epidemic so i didn't got birthday and we just celebrate um with my husband and and it was a quiet calm and nothing special happened so do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country as i said because of corona they don't celebrate birthdays anymore but before that regular people celebrate their birthdays in their homes or maybe invite their friends to an outdoor coffee shop maybe or um [Music] that's it i think all right so let's now talk about your childhood did you enjoy your childhood um yes of course because i was kind of um really naughty and i really enjoy playing with others and um it was a very uh a good moment that um to um play play games in in backyard or i remember i sometimes played theater in front of my friends it was so much fun and enjoyable moments okay good so that's the end of this first part of the test let's move on to the next part now right so i'm now going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for up to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish do you understand brilliant okay so i'm gonna give you here's a piece of paper to write notes and so your topic is describe a time you received a call from someone you didn't know so there you are that's your cue card you can make notes i'll give you one minute to do that okay you may start speaking go ahead i remember 10 days ago i received a call from a um from a company and because i was wondering for getting from promotion promotion so i applied for my work and it was about um if i want to talk about the time it was about 5 p.m that i received a call and they told me that you are that you have to come over and take interview and i remember it was on rush hour and the traffic jam was so um the traffic jam was there and um it was really hard for me to get there because um the traffic is bump bumper to bumper in that hours uh so i had to rely on my own car and then i drive to there and um it was a very exhausting for me and it it was very stressful because i didn't get there on time so they think that i'm not a very punctual person so they didn't call me back so i think i lost uh that promotion and it was very annoying and i felt regret and um and after that i decided to uh manage my time uh because it's very important and being on time it's i think it's uh um it's paying respect for yourself okay thank you very much so that's the end of this part let's move on to the next section now so i'll take back the uh paper thank you very much thank you card wonderful just put this aside for a second there okay so we've been talking about the time when you received a call and i'd now like to ask you some questions related to this so first let's consider talking on the phone do you think it's good to talk loudly on a bus um well i think uh in my country it considered to unpolite behavior and um i really hate people when they talk in public places like buses or maybe in cinemas and it's very annoying for me and when they rehash the um they're talking and it makes me so uncomfortable and um if i had to if i want to warn them i would do that and it's very annoying uh behavior i guess right and in your opinion would it be a good idea to have laws prohibiting speaking loudly in public uh can you repeat that question absolutely so in your opinion would it be a good idea to have laws that prevent speaking loudly in public um i don't think about that before but i guess would be better to maybe um consider a law that's um to find people because of their bad behavior i don't think it's very practical at the moment but it would be better to maybe punish them or um being paying fine for them right and do you think there are any drawbacks for using cell phones in public places um drawback can you repeat it absolutely do you think that there are any drawbacks for using cell phones in public places [Music] i think it's annoying sometimes but we can't um we can't deny that everyone uses telephones and they receive phone calls every time and sometimes they have to answer them because it's um it's sometimes uh in the cause is for uh special occasions or maybe it's uh burning um it's about um important events so they have to answer their phones and uh you can't cons you can't um deny that right and how has the use of mobile phones changed in your country in the last few decades i think people used to used to um use of mobile phones uh just for emergency calls but nowadays i think uh they're change changing it uh as they're as their life is it's a part of their lifestyle because we have internet we have social networks and people spend their time in virtual worlds so it's a very important to them and i think it's very necessary to give to observe news or maybe [Music] some new events that it's important for us and about health care these days especially when we are facing corona it's very important to be to be a some place to give your um news and um etc okay thanks thank you very much that's the end of the speaking days how do you feel nervous nervous oh yeah that happens a lot okay so just i'll give you a second there to catch your breath and we'll go through your band's score and then i'll give you some feedback so uh just bear with me for a second here so do you want to know what band score you'll get in the ielts speaking test perhaps you want to improve your performance and prepare yourself for the real test then why not book an online mock test with us that will last for 25 minutes 12 minutes of the test itself and 13 minutes of comprehensive feedback plus we'll give you useful tips on how to make your performance better remember all our examiners are especially trained by british council instructors so we know how to help you join us [Music] right so yeah this was you were quite a complicated case i have to say and not in a bad way so let's look at the four criteria so we're looking at fluency and coherence uh vocabulary lexical resource what we're talking about grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation before criteria so um you know putting all that together your overall band score right now you know we're looking at a 6.5 uh but you know i really wanted to give you a seven actually um you know a few uh issues there i mean you can easily increase your band score by one so right now we're looking at a 6.5 which you can make lots of huge improvements to actually in my opinion i think lots of uh you know what you were going through was stress related so let's go let's first look at the you know fluency and coherence so this is a talk about your flow of speech here so the speed i i think i thought it was good i mean you managed to mostly maintain the the flow of speech you i thought you sounded very conversational uh which is very important i think you know for a speaking test in ielts uh you did have self-repetition quite a lot uh not all the time but you just have quite a lot of self-repetition self-corrections as well and uh the ums you know the fillers so if you could maybe use uh linking words and use the english the knowledge of english that you have to expand on the linking words i guess so if it's it was you had a lot of ums and r's i mean if it's just a couple of times it's okay when it's constantly happening every two or three seconds the examiner might think that you know it's language related you're hesitating uh so you don't want to show the examiner that you're hesitating in that sort of way so maybe use some linking words that i would also say uh if i were to talk more about this you know some linking sentences to start to get you off the ums and ours and those kind of fillers um you had a lot of um i think i believe i mean when when you're starting a sentence instead of rushing into this the beginning of this sentence maybe for you know a good technique in ielts maybe use some boosters that's what we say to uh candidates use a few boosters like um oh that's a quite a difficult question if i were to answer that i would say you know so you could you could definitely dance around the the question uh paraphrase it that will also show the examiner hey okay this this candidate can actually uh work around that she can paraphrase and um absolutely you know work work around different structures and it just basically proves that you've got a stronger command of english it's a good thing to use maybe maybe do that in vocabulary i didn't have many problems with you in the vocabulary i think you you were very spot on with the vocab and so i wouldn't concentrate too much on that most of your words were they were complex or very you know well related and you use them in the right places so i i really didn't have too much problem with your vocabulary even though you probably even have more a wider range of vocab so you can even use more of your vocab to paraphrase and get off this self repetition as well so you could you could do that you could expand on that a little bit more grammatical range and accuracy this is the part where i would say you would definitely need to start improving more on so with the grammar you need be more accurate so you say i didn't i didn't got birthday that's what you said at one point so yeah i didn't have a birthday party or i didn't have any celebrations on my birthday um make sure the tenses are correct and not making these errors you had another era do i drive to there i mean i didn't uh travel there or drive there so instead of the else that's an error say drive to that we wouldn't say drive to there um another part you said uh take interview i had to take interviews so it would be go to an interview or you know have an interview arrange an interview so just make sure you're you know not making these errors in the group this is where you would definitely this is what's uh putting you down a little bit here so definitely grammatical range and accuracy make sure the the grammar is accurate and you know making these little uh you know grammatical errors so this is where i think you definitely need to improve on most and if you improve on this part i guarantee that you'll get a higher band score uh pronunciation like the vocabulary i didn't have a particular problem with your uh pronunciation it was very clear it was the intonation was good i thought when you were you know speaking when you were conversational you didn't have those fillers i just wish that you carried on going that way because you that's a good way to keep going and uh speaking of keep going you almost stopped in your part two uh speaking for two minutes were you thinking about the that were you thinking about it like oh good and good just me have to keep on talking because it's not good to think about your timing just think about your story think about your story if you run out of things to say then it might be a good idea to go off topic lie if you have to ielts speaking is not based on facts or lies you can just make something up just to you know keep it going because you did answer the question you did go through the bullet points so you answered the question it's okay to go off topic so if you if you're talking about an important phone call you can say oh i'd like to talk about my friend too who likes to talk on the phone all the time so that's you're going off slightly off topic it's somehow related you can do stuff like that just to make sure you keep the flow of speech and you speak for up to two minutes it's very important so keep that in mind thank you um so yeah all together what we're looking at here is is the grammar that's something you really really have to focus more on and i think this is the part if you improve this part everything will you know you'd get a higher score thank you so much no problem do you have any questions for me no thank you so much oh i hope this was hell it's my pleasure hope it was uh helpful and uh i wish you the best of luck sure it was thanks i'll see
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 182,428
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking band 9, ielts speaking, ielts class, ielts preparation, ielts tutor, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts 7.0, ielts online, prepare for ielts, ielts online class, ielts video, ielts video course, ielts pronunciation, ielts grammar, band descriptors, ielts teacher, ielts tips, ielts help, ielts band 9.0, ielts band 8.0, pass ielts, ielts exam help, how to pass ielts, best ielts course, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking 2022
Id: e5GWrUr_e4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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