IELTS Speaking Test band 6.0 with feedback

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[Music] okay i think we're ready to start this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place on thursday the 11th of february center number dde120 and the candidate is mr sajad saeedy the candidate number is zero one three one three four five eight the examiner is samson sees examiner number 4435 good afternoon my name is samson thank you good afternoon would you please uh tell me your full name uh my name is sadio de sadie okay can i see your identification sure here you are thank you wonderful thank you very much here we go right let's talk about your hometown or village what kind of place is it my hometown you know i live in the tehran tehran is a capital city of iran and given the fact you know because of the seed because of this city it's a capital most majority of people have a tendency to live here and given the fact causes to more pollution and the pollution getting worse in our city and it's not a good thing and i think but on the flip side of the coin it's a it's a good city because the government there is government in our city and there are lots of public transportation here and there is a good point to for education and it's a good city i think yes okay and uh what's the most interesting part of your city uh i think uh as i mentioned uh there there is a there is a good i think there is there are good there are lots of public transportation in our city and one of the things that i can say about my city it's about there are a lot of and there are a variety type of jobs for people and it's uh there is a good point to our city about education and it's just that okay and what kind of jobs do people do in your city uh there are a variety types of jobs uh kind of jobs in our city but if i want to say about that if the people want to do everything they can do that and some of people can do their own business and they can start up their own business and some of them can can do their job in our in their [Music] organizations and to join the staff to some governments employ governments employees and yes there are types of variety kind of jobs in our city okay and would you say it's a good place to live our place tehran yes i think it depends on this situation to every people because you know some of people don't like to live in our city because of the air pollution and you know all of the streets in our city is crowded and there are there is a bumper to bumper traffic inner streets and you usually see the streets like bustling streets and you know for some people it's not a good city for living but on the philips side of the coin and most of people have a tendency to live here because of the capital city because of the capital city and they're there are there they have a very highly chance uh to live here and to make or start up their own business in here and yes it depends okay let's uh let's move on to talk about accommodation tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in about my in flats or yes you know i live in an uh i live in a complex and i live in a seventh floor and my flats have a two spacious room to a spacious room you know we renovated last year and it has a good view of city in front of the window and it's not so big and not so small it's okay for me and how long have you lived there about four years i lived there about four years okay and what do you like about living there apart from the windows you know one of the one of the things that i really want to live there about uh i live in a place that's very quiet and i love to live in quiet place and you know we work in a crowded city and you know about busy city i mean busy city and i really want to when i came back to my home uh it's during during my okay that's fine we can now move on to the next part all right now in this part i will give you a topic and you will have to talk about that topic for two minutes if you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you like do you understand yes okay now i want you to describe something you own which is very important to you here is your topic thank you here's your paypal pencil to make notes and got that okay you can start making notes for one minute now one can i describe for a person okay that's the one minute up for the normal notes you can start talking for the two minutes uh go ahead if i want to say truscribe something or someone in my life or own i have to pick up someone in my life and you know my wife is most important person in my life because he always had my back and i can i i always i always can give advice give a good advice from her and you know she is she is very kind and she is she has a soft-hearted and she is an outgoing person and i can trust him in all my life and you know recently i have a little daughter and god gifted us and i definitely i can say that my wife has a the best mother in the world for my daughter and you know i know her i know her since uh since 12 to 12 years ago and yes about 12 years we know each other and we get married and after that you know yes if i want to say someone and choose one person in all my life and exactly the rest of my life i chose my wife because he she is the most important person in my life okay thank you very much you're welcome uh i'll take back your uh sure wonderful all right so related to what we've been talking about what you've been talking about in part two let's consider first of all how people's values have changed what kind of things give status to people in your country so what sort of things give status to people in your country nowadays would you say i think it depends on their situation you know i have to say them that our country or in a big city in big city it's not a good city for living the people that not to health and there there is a dangerous there's dangerous for them and some of places in our city it's not safe and they have to they have to they have to be careful and themselves but and the other hand our country and our people in our country and i think most of people [Music] they're kind they're they have a kind of heart kind of heart soft-hearted and they can they can help to foreign people and yes i think it depends on the situation okay and have things changed since your parents time that means like have things changed since the past are they different now uh about the parents or about the life during their time during their parents time you know most of the things change because uh if i want to say about that that our situation exactly about our the because of the coronal virus our life change and i think they it has a sweeping change you can change and you know i i remember that when i was younger and our life is very easy and we can life we can live easily together with our parents with our family but we we can see that every year that's a coming after the day after the year and the i think the things were going worse and because of because of the our situation and because of the politics in countries and yes okay and finally let's talk about the role of advertising do you think advertising influences what people buy yes definitely i agree with this issue because one of the important things it's about advertising you know when the when the business businessman's or woman's that they they have a product their product i think for introduce their product they have to they have to choose the best ways for produce them to people and one of the important things it's about advertising exactly it's about doing tv programs and radio programs and between their program it's a good idea because the people when they're listening or watching their favorite tv program or series you know you can't choose the choose uh your people you can't shoot you can't choose your customer and in front of the tv uh because of that when you choose the uh make a decision make a decision to advertising exactly let's say between the programs it's a good idea because they can help for the business their business to product to introduce their product okay thank you very much that's the yeah that's the end of the speaking test thank you so you can take a nice deep breath and relax that's that's wonderful okay so um before we go into all the details we'll first look at your score your band score for the the ielts speaking test so based on the four criteria i think you know it's we've got fluency and coherence that's how natural you sound and you know the way you uh say things and your intonation then you've got vocabulary we've got uh grammar and accuracy and then pronunciation so putting all these together um so right now i think you're a you're a six well we'll just say you're a six it could have been uh i wanted to put you as a 6.5 i mean there's just quite a few issues we've got here um we'll go through them together one by one but so you you know if you if you work on the techniques that you know we can we're about to talk about you can increase six to seven so you can eventually get seven if you if you work on the techniques and we'll start going for that we'll start starting with the fluency and coherence you know how natural you sound i mean uh when you express your ideas and opinions they're very good generally they're very good ideas and that's great um there are some linking words that you use that were okay you had you know quite a lot of self-repetition unfortunately um but that can be that can be worked on so you know don't worry too much about it i felt that many times you maybe were not understanding the question particularly i think what what really what got you down here was was part two part two um i mean it people uh get misled about part two a lot they they think that the the topic definitely has to be there and you the thing is you can go off topic like the if it was about something that you own something valuable to you um that's what the question was it's okay to go off topic and talk about uh people who you love in your life that's that's not a problem what if i was you if what what you should have done i think would be to refer to the question um so the question was something something that you own basically it could have been an object or or whatever you could have said i i'm not some i'm not that kind of person that's into materialism i i don't i cannot think of something that i own that i find very valuable to me but i will talk about some important person in my life which is my wife so you could have referred to the off topic first answer the question and then slowly move on to your topic that you wanted to talk about and then at the very end you could have come back to the question again and referred to it saying i'm i'm i don't really i still cannot think of anything i own that i know that's valuable to me but i suppose my car gets me from a to b you could have you know made up something like that even if it's something that's not real it's not really existing you could just pretend it was there because it's not about being true or false in the ielts speaking test it's about you know it's about being accurate here it's about being able to produce that conversation being able to talk for the two minutes that's another problem you had you spoke for one minute and 40 seconds you were just 20 seconds off from talking i mean most candidates probably don't know this but you do have to talk for the two minutes otherwise you'll be automatically marked down to the 6.5 that's that's the situation here so um work on maybe again expanding your answer giving maybe more details more reason because you know your ideas are good and it's okay to go off topic but like i said if you refer to the question again at the beginning in part two and then refer to it maybe a little bit again the actual question of part two you would have had your two minutes and that would have been okay but you know that's something you can work on and you know it's going to be all right you now you know this you're going to go and practice that and you'll be all right hopefully for the next test um vocabulary i didn't have much of a problem with your vocabulary i think your vocab is good generally um you all together you have self-repetition in your sentences and and again those words we hear them again so maybe expand a little bit on your vocabulary but i would expand mostly on you know the ideas and the sentences and think about the structure we'll get to the uh grammar and accuracy now vocabulary altogether the words that you were using for the certain topic it was okay i didn't have too many problems with that it's this part here grammar and accuracy i felt that you struggled a lot with uh you know putting the structure of the sentences together um you could work on that um for example you said here variety um variety of jobs or it was that sort of thing it could be like different jobs you can just make it more simple and you said that businessman's and business woman's businessmen business women you know but the plurals and stuff like that just some some things it's okay you can think about those and uh just you know work on them just repeat them in your head record your voice um when you were when you had the simple uh questions asked you i think part one because it's more simple stuff the simple personal questions you didn't have a problem so i think it's more of these these complex structures you struggled with a little bit um i would work more on that and you know make sure you have all your pre-positions um so if your people are worried about the pollution level in iran so that's instead of they they want to go outside they want to live outside of the city they prefer to live outside of the city so um just make sure you have the structures of your sentences there um i mean that that's the grammatical errors that's another thing that's was marking you down a little bit so if you work on these things like with the fluency uh like like we spoke about and the two minutes and expanding on the ideas and not being uh loss of self-corrections there less self-corrections less repetition you can work and work your way up from a six to a seven i don't think you would have a problem with that um pronunciation altogether it was good i i thought your pronunciation was more or less strong um you had a few uh glitches maybe like going worse maybe i think you wanted to say getting worse you said going worth that a little pronunciation problem there that could be a little bit confusing for the examiner so uh when you're expressing something if you're not so sure about it either correct it uh try not to go for it if it's too complex but you know you can work on these just keep practicing in front of the mirror recording your voice listen to the speakers your favorite show what's your favorite show think watch the lines of your favorite actor how they're saying the lines that will help with your intonation as well and uh pause the television listen to it again and repeat it that would help with your intonation the way the uh you raise your voice the volume the way it goes up like that and it comes down that's the the structure of the sentences in in volume when you listen to it that's the intonation techniques that you can work on that will help with your uh fluency and coherence as well but the main issue here i think definitely it's uh it's the grammar to help you to stop you from struggling so much just keep working your way up from the simple sentences to the more complex sentences and you should get better and you you'll improve and hopefully go from the six to the the seven uh is there anything you'd like to ask me any questions no thank you for dedicating your time to no i think and you set me a good idea and i try to do my best for improve my language and english language and generally thank you for your dedication oh no it's my pleasure that's that's part of the job that's what we're that's what we're here for is to help you to you know get the high band score that you're looking for and also just to help you improve all together and just like i said if you just take all these techniques on board and uh i'll repeat myself again with the part two is very important that you you're able to talk for the two years sorry in part two i uh i had a question yes and to and and i asked you a question from you that can i say about any person or something yes and after that when you accept it yeah i wrote about one person in my life that's right when you can that's part of your idea your your part of your answer can be going off topic so that's why i gave you the the heads up to say yes you can uh i didn't say don't answer the question it's my fault oh it's okay we're all here to learn so no don't worry about these things so remember what i told you but apart from just talking for the two minutes answer the question very briefly yes because people are people candidates are always faced with uh topics that they don't know about we we're not candidates are not expected to know every topic or be familiar with every topic otherwise uh will be god-like that's that's not the case here the case is the test part of the test is to be able to handle the situation in a topic you don't know so much about so uh that's exactly that if that's what you would do basically is briefly you know a small a small percentage 30 percent answer the question if it's talking about something you own um refer to the question answer it briefly and then go on to talk about like you said the person that i gave you the heads up on because it's okay to go off topic it's not it's not a problem you will be you won't be marked down for going off topic um it's it's you have to refer to the question to make sure the examiner knows that you understood the question and then you can go mostly off topic or whatever refer to the question a little bit again and you should be okay but remember it's important that you talk for uh if you refer like i said if you refer to the question a little bit you would have had the two minutes and you would have been fine so yeah you can stick to your off topic that's fine just make sure you have some kind of reference to the question itself that was on your uh cue card that's right okay so um if you there's no many questions then i think you know you're good to go thank you i wish you the best of luck thank you i'll see you there we go [Music]
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 99,403
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking band 9, ielts speaking, ielts class, ielts preparation, ielts tutor, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts 7.0, ielts online, prepare for ielts, ielts online class, ielts video, ielts video course, ielts pronunciation, ielts grammar, band descriptors, ielts teacher, ielts tips, ielts help, ielts band 9.0, ielts band 8.0, pass ielts, ielts exam help, how to pass ielts, best ielts course, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking 2022
Id: r6Eqn2PCJrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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