IELTS Speaking Test Band Score 5. 2022

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[Music] good morning good morning welcome to ibm ielts academy this is the speaking section of the ielts exam the interview will take around 15 minutes and i'll ask you some questions in three parts examiner sarah parker and examiner number is 792021 candidate is atlas granny candidate number is six zero nine five eight nine what's your full name my name is apos albani miss your id card yeah here we are thank you okay thank you where are you from i'm from iran it's a large country and i think it's a most beautiful country in the world do you work or study i graduated in a master business administration and i have my own company now where did you go on your last vacation um a few weeks ago i traveled to germany and i stayed for three weeks do you want to go back there again yeah i think germany is a beautiful country and i like their people what kind of tourist attractions do you usually like i like traditional buildings when i travel to a country i always go around and see traditional buildings in the city which country is on your future destination list i really like to travel to french can you explain more um yeah french have some attraction things for me for example and their peoples their cities and all of the things has a foreign traveler ever stayed at your home yeah i have a big home and with three separate rooms i registered in a coach surfing coach surfing app and i have a guest three weeks ago okay i'll give you a cue card you have one minute to take note and think about it and then you may talk around two minutes is that clear yeah okay okay thank you here we go okay time's up now you might think [Music] i have a company and i am a workaholic man a few weeks ago i considered that um i understand that i am um i i spent my time in social medias like instagram four or five hours a day and then i studied a book its name was deep work in this book an author said you should focus on your work and you should work deeply um i think that times i spent um a lot in social medias like instagram i uninstalled my application and it that was a hard decision at that time i after that i had some free times for studying uh for listening to podcasts and um it is a very rarely grow for me and after that in my work i understand that i see some development in my work and now i'm really happy for this decision okay do you think change is good yeah absolutely we are human and we should be like a river and we should change uh in our minds in our health and other things so do you think we should change just our mind no in our body in our way of thinking and everything else what are the main changes that happen to people throughout their lives one of the things that's really important and people always consider that is marriage for example then something going to wearing and become a marriage people their lives [Music] come to some chains okay so you think that marriage is the most important change yeah yeah i think is your country changing rapidly yeah i from iran come from iran and um in our economy in our culture and everything every daily thing we see rapidly changing and it's really difficult for the people who live in iran can you explain more what kind of changes for example the cost of the things for example the cultural and some laws that governments should and the people the laws that people should obey and some like that um how has the change in technology changed people's lives i think growing in technology always um is important for people for example we when we saw the world before internet and before cell phones and after that we uh understand uh the importance of uh um technology in our today lives for example i think um some something like data sciences and some robotics will grow our future lives why do old people not accept change so i think when we grow up and when we see for example 40 or 50 years old um when we want to uh do some changes in our lives we have not enough energy we can't start from scratch and it's really hard to old people to accept uh i should start from the zero and i should study i should know something new and uh something like that okay thank you that is the end of your speaking test thank you [Music] well thank you i have some tips for you first of all you are talking fluently and your self-confidence is good enough okay it's a good point and you don't have a lot of hesitation but you should pay attention to some grammatical point especially prepositions for example on the internet not in the internet or for example things like a part of a speech you should know the exact role of vocabulary when you you even you should use adjectives adverbs or verbs you sometimes misuse them and it's not good um your pronunciation is good but you have some errors when you want to uh say uh some advanced vocabulary like obey obey is a correct form and um then you had some mistakes when you want to uh make complex structured sentences okay for example when we leave for 50 or 40 or who are living for 50 or 40 years okay please pay attention to adjective clause noun clauses and stuff like that uh by the way totally that was not bad and in this term you gain five okay so good luck thank you you're very welcome [Music] hi guys some candidates have a good fluency they can speak with a self-confidence but unfortunately in other aspects they are not advanced enough for example the previous candidate had some problems in terms of prepositions it's really important to memorize exact preposition of verb nouns and adjectives moreover he had some problems in terms of exact role and part of a speech of each vocabulary for example he didn't know which part of his speech is correct adjective adverb noun so you should pay attention to this part too [Applause] [Music]
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking band 9, IBM, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts band 9.0, ielts speaking 2022, IELTS, آیلتس, ഐഇഎൽടിഎസ്, আইইএলটিএস, ИЕЛТС, आईईएलटीएस, Mock Test of Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Speaking band 8, IELTS Speaking with answers, IELTS speaking tips, Ielts speaking questions, IELTS Speaking 2021, Speaking topics for IELTS 2021, IELTS speaking practice, speaking for ielts, ielts speaking answers, IELTS Board Members Academy
Id: mQ1rMJy9URg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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