IELTS Speaking Band 9: The Power of Youth

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[Music] welcome to the speaking section of the AL exam my name is Adrien I will be your examiner for this part of the test may I see your identification yes here's my passport I used to register for this test what is your full name my given name is saah my family name is Herman but please just call me about the same as my friends this is Sabella a 7-year-old giving a band nine interview and the science of why children learn languages better than adults and what you can copy from this to improve your English quickly and get higher scores the next time you sit your is speaking test now let's watch and learn for part one I will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live I live in Vancouver Canada which is a really big beautiful sitting on the west coast what do you like to do on the weekend on Saturday I have piano lessons in the morning and after I usually do an outdoor activity like going for a walk or to a playground on Sundays I play with my friends and watch a family movie I saw a movie Smurf last week let's talk about Hobbies Sports and school do you have any hobbies I have a few different Hobbies I collect crystals because they're so beautiful I got a new GE last week and I like going on by rides what is your favorite sport my favorite sport is running I love going really fast and I love winning races I'm going on a freeek run tomorrow with my dad what do you like learning at school and why I like many subjects at school like math and science and and I also love learning French as I'm in a French Ming program where can you play sports near your home I'm I am fortunate to live a cross room a school that has Sports field so I can play sports just as strong throw away like literally about 20 M from my front door have your hobbies changed in the last couple of years yes they have a little bit I used to really like drawing but nowadays I'm more into piano gymnastics and crystals that I already said earlier if you could try a new sport what would it be if I have the chance to try a new sport I would really like to try tennis I was in a tennis camp last summer and I love to play more that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two one of the most commonly acknowledged but easily forgotten aspects of childhood speaking for effective communication and great fluency is intrinsic curiosity for causality simply put always asking and answering the why question many people of course have children nieces nephews and siblings and even become frustrated with the constant bothering question of the why why why why nevertheless in the I exam this is a great benefit notice how Sabella constantly pays attention to this aspect of her speech intrinsically she immediately explains to The Examiner that she collects crystals because they are so beautiful or that she loves running because she likes winning races pay attention to her questions throughout the interview and you will notice that without fail she's always giving clear explanations to her answers be sure to copy and practice this while you're preparing for your exam so that you too can improve your fluency lexical resource grammatical range and get those higher scores now on to part two and more strategies that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two for part two I will show you some questions you will have one minute to read these think about your answers you can take notes in the one minute time if you wish you have your note paper and pencil there and then you will have one to two minutes to speak is that clear yes [Music] talk about a project that you have completed at school or at work your one minute preparation time begins now okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking two years ago in kindergarten I completed a really fun salmon release project our teacher ordered some salmon eggs and and we put them into a tank filled with water in our school this product lasted from the start of the Year September all the way until the beginning of November when we released the the baby Salon call Fry into their natural habitats at the end of the spawning season the tank with all the eggs was in our hallways so we had to be quiet and careful so we would not disturb them there were a couple of class involved in this project as well we learned all about the life of Pacific salon and how important they are for people salmon helped the forest to grow and feed millions of animals like bears and birds and of course humans too it was amazing to see the baby salmon hatch from the eggs into teeny little fish called Alvin then we gave them some fish food and they grew up bit they were still really tiny but they became really strong swimm once they got big enough we took them to the river our classmates hopped on the school bus and we took took a field trip to a Provincial Park where the fish have a a chance to go and swim back to the ocean to to become big adult salmon each of us got to release the baby salmon into the Stream we made them a special wish as they swam to freedom I had so much fun on this trip and I'm so happy I got to share this with my teacher and peers that is the end of part two I will stop you there please put the not paper to the side turn it over and the pencil as well thank you and now we will continue with part three in sabella's part two response we can clearly notice children's affinity for visual language and emotional or limic language what I mean by this is that as Sabella explains her story about the salmon release project we can sense that she is seeing what she is saying she can see the tanks of water in her hallways she can observe her classmates getting on the school bus and releasing the salmon into the stream it is this type of visual language that enables her to structure language with good detail and this type of speech especially heightens during that age 67 when school begins nevertheless later in life we tend to forget this visual prowess while speaking and in the exam you need to see what you say in addition she speaks with affect especially when the content is important for her notice how her voice clearly Chang changes when expressing that salmon help to feed birds and plants and humans too bears and birds and of course humans too and it's this type of reconnection with intonation and strong emphasis of words that helps to improve communication when you're giving your answers in the AL exam visualize what you say just like a child and be emotional be interested just like Sabella practice these and when you're ready you can send us your mp3 recording for this part to response for a free band score estimate just check this email address in the description below also once you have practiced you can book a speaking interview session to measure your ability before you sit the official exam simply click the yellow speaking interview button in your my student account now on to part three and now we will continue with part three for this part I will ask you some questions related to the topic of part two let's talk about projects and productivity is it important for people to have projects that they want to do yes I think that it is really important for people to do lots of activities I always have a building project or a art project on go I'm working on a Lego project to build a castle with my sister with this first part three question we see children's innate ability to reiterate reflect and articulate answers for greater coherency and fluency when the examiner asks is it important for people to have projects that they want to do she clearly articulates and reflects the question in her answer saying yes I think it is important for people to have activities and in this way she puts herself on track for an accurate answer and good reasoning it is this type of communication that you need to mimic in your upcoming I exam in this way you will improve your grammatical range your fluency and ultimately your score for more strategies and the rest of this interview visit and join our premium Al package at it's a one-time payment for Lifetime access use the code master 9 for an additional 10% discount click the link in the description below you'll get more than 100 speaking interview video lessons a fully interactive course practice exams and an app for your phone we are an IDP affiliate a British Council partner an I test registration Center and I'm a British Council agent we have helped thousands of students Master the English language and get high scores just check out what this former candidate has to say hi I'm dul I recently got a band seven in the academic is test the resources in the AE help website and the videos were really helpful to me to prepare for the ILS within a month thanks a help team begin learning for Success join now subscribe to our Channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our Al hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 608,447
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Keywords: IELTS, child candidate, youth, youngest IELTS, Canada, kid, Band 9, Interview, one band, speaking, English, practice, IELTS speaking, help, section, examiner, candidate, official marking, band score, cue card, score 9, interview, British, part 1, part 2, real speaking, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, conversation, test, understand, IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, easy, English lesson
Id: twA_P0Mv1s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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