Essential Phrases to Help Your FLUENCY in IELTS Speaking

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here are some essential phrases to help you become fluent in IELTS speaking [Music] hello this is Keith from English speaking success and the website the Keith speaking Academy now to speak fluently in English and IELTS speaking you need to learn the vocabulary and the grammar and then practice so you can be flexible and respond quickly to questions oh yes and you must never give up keep practicing but you also need coherence Co what Co hear rents coherence right is the smooth flow of your ideas where your sentences are connected to each other and they flow smoothly so the listener or the examiner finds it easy to follow what you're saying this will include signposts telling the listener where you're going I'm going to talk about this or this it will include connectors which are like Bridges connecting your sentences come with me follow me over the bridge and also fillers which help you control the pace of your speech so in this video I'm going to give you some really good phrases signposts right to begin speaking signpost to generalize and signpost to talk in details or give details and examples as well as connectors to connect your sentences and some great fillers as well and as a bonus at the end of the video I'm going to give you some phrases for a skill that almost no teachers are talking about even though it appears in the band descriptors and if you don't do this you won't get a band 7 or above find out more about that towards the end of the video right now let's jump in with some signposts yo okay let's look at some nice phrases to begin your answer now I'm looking here particularly at the part two question where you have to give a longer turn really important that you begin very clearly very directly with a nice start right so what you don't want to do well let's take the question right for example describe a person you admire what you don't want to do is something like this yes admiration is a great human quality it is important for us to look up to people especially elderly people because admiration can help other than because that's going to totally confuse the examiner what are you talking about admiration quality human I've asked you to describe a person right it's going to be confusing the signposts are not clear much better signposts will be something like this I'm going to tell you about my uncle I'd like to kick off by telling you about his job great I'm going to tell you about bum this person very clear and I'd like to kick off by telling you about some aspects maybe their personality their job how you knew them and so on we could also try something like this I'm going to tell you about my uncle to start with let me tell you about his job so this time we use to start with let me tell you about his something something right okay lovely in addition we could also say something like the person I want to talk about is my uncle my mother my father or the person I want to talk about is none other than my uncle that's a nice expression none other than we use that often when we're going to say something that may surprise The Examiner now because the examiner doesn't know you it's easy to surprise them so you could always say that right the person I'm going to talk about is none other than my brother so it's a good idea to be direct in fact you can even say you're going to be direct something like getting to the point the person I want to talk about is my uncle and then you begin lovely now in part three of IELTS speaking very often we have to generalize you know making these broad assumptions or giving General ideas about things often quite abstract right for example let's take a question um is it easy for older people to change here we're going to say something quite General right we might want to say something like by and large I'd say overall it seems to me that I tend to think that let's have a look at these in action by and large I'd say it's harder for them because they're often stuck in their ways overall it seems to me that it's harder for them because they're often stuck in their ways I tend to think that it's harder for them um because they tend to be stuck in their ways great let's go now from the general to the detailed and giving examples now in your IELTS speaking part three in your answers it's a good strategy to talk generally and then give examples be more specific right this helps you develop your answer and well we'll help you show off a wider range of language let's take some examples imagine the question how do you think people could become healthier that's the question of course you can say for example for instance right but here are some more creative ways of saying it to share one example with you to name one example more specifically in particular now let's have a look at these in the same answer but using these different phrases I think there's a bunch of things people could do to get into shape um to share one example with you they could go for a brisk walk first thing in the morning I think there's a bunch of things people could do to get into shape um to name one example they could go for a brisk walk first thing in the morning I think there's a bunch of things people could do to get into shape more specifically they could go for a brisk walk first thing in the morning I think there's a bunch of things people could do to get into shape in particular they could go for a brisk walk first thing in the morning let's move on now the most common connectors in natural spoken English are and but so and it's perfectly fine to use these so ignore any YouTube teachers who tell you don't say and because it's fine to say and really and but and so and there are other words you can use as well right so in addition to and we could say on top of that actually as a matter of fact for example I like history on top of that I like geography too I think they both overlap to be honest I like history actually I like geography too I think they both overlap to be honest I do like history as a matter of fact I like geography too I think they both overlap to be honest and IMS for but you could say that said notice the intonation that said it's a um so it's a falling Rising that said or mind you same intonation mind you can you say that mind you lovely for example I like fast food that said um I wouldn't eat it every day I do like fast food mind you I wouldn't eat it every day finally with so what it means giving a reason right you could say that's the reason oh that's the reason why for example I love football so I often go to watch the match live on Saturdays I love football that's the reason why I often go to watch the match live on Saturdays lovely let's move on to fillers now fillers in English tend to be things like um uh well you know and they tend to be seen as negative things I think the problem is that they are overused and if we overuse them it's negative however these fillers are part of natural spoken English so it's fine to use some of them um you see the thing is when you overuse them I would suggest that because things like um and um uh can be confused with hesitation which will bring down your fluency score so a quick tip for you if you think you're going to say um then just go quiet say nothing as simple as that that will help you reduce your hesitations what I want to look at in this video is are the more complex fillers that are often used to gain time especially in part three where you get those difficult questions you need time to think and you can take time to think here are some simple well actually not simple complex fillers that you can use okay and I'll try and show you how to use them let's take the question will we use electric cars more in the future that's a tricky question I think we probably will because okay or because we're it's a question about the future you could say that's hard to predict that's hard to predict to predict is to guess what's going to happen in the future right you could say that's hard to predict but I guess we probably will because another one I'm no expert but I suppose we probably will use electric cars more because and finally one of my favorites but you have to practice this one so will we use electric cars more in the future it's funny you should ask because I was thinking about that that the other day I think we probably will because right so you can see the phrase the pause to take time to think and then you give your answer right nice okay now let's switch from part three to part one part one you often get questions about do you like this do you not like this um what's your favorite sport hobby drink and of course you could just say well it's basketball um well it's coffee because right but if you want to gain a bit of time to think and you might do because you know I don't know what my favorite sport is you could say things like the following talking about my favorite sport it has to be basketball see I have time to think or when it comes to my favorite sport um I'd say it's basketball finally if I were to talk about my favorite sport I suppose I would choose basketball because and so on and so forth nice okay so these are simple and complex fillers that can help you gain time let's move on now do you remember at the beginning of the video I talked about a skill the one skill and the phrases you need that almost nobody is teaching even though it's in the band descriptors have a look at the band descriptors under vocabulary band seven uses paraphrase effectively now paraphrase well it has two basic different meanings but it is so important that you can do this first of all it's where you rephrase the question in another way using synonyms this is very common in IELTS writing okay to some extent in IELTS speaking so if the examiner says well do you like history yes I'm a big fan of History like I'm a big fan of I've paraphrased okay the second way of paraphrasing and equally important is when you're trying to explain something or describe something but you don't know the words to do it maybe it's an unusual object and you just can't find the right vocabulary in English what you must not do is go oh I I don't know how to say that no you must find a way to express that idea with different words that is effectively using paraphrase otherwise you won't get your band seven ha for example let's say the examiner you're talking about coffee and computers and the examiner says do you ever spill coffee right spill coffee on your computer and you say no actually because I have one of these but you don't know the name and of course in the exam you won't have in your pocket oh one minute yeah I've got one I've got one of these what no that doesn't happen so you need to find a way round describing it listen to me explain and notice the language I use actually no I never spill coffee on my computer and because I have um well I have a special thing um I don't know the specific name of it um I'm not quite sure what it's called but it's basically it's it's made out of plastic and it's something that I put on the table and it raises the level of the computer um similar to a car jack and it raises it up so that the coffee can never spill on the computer right now see I was able to describe the object um use some quite nice language and even though I didn't know the word stand the examiner will not Mark me down because I didn't know the word stand he will actually say or she will say or they will say great um the candidate has paraphrased something they didn't know how to say and they talked about it in a lovely way effective paraphrase so the sum of the phrases I use were I don't know the specific name or I don't know the exact name I'm not sure how you call that or I'm not sure what you call that exactly you can also say it's a kind of or it's similar to great simple phrases make sure you learn to paraphrase it is so important so there we have it we've been looking at signposts to begin speaking to generalize to give details and examples we've looked at connectors and but so and synonyms for these we've looked at fillers to help you gain time and control of your speech as well as the ability to paraphrase I hope all of this is useful for you um if you've liked the video if you have liked the videos press the Subscribe button turn on notifications and if you want the PDF of all of these phrases so you can practice and become fluent click on the link below in the description you can get it for free and I can't wait to see you in the next video take care my friends bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 221,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, ielts tips, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts vocabulary, ielts speaking vocabulary words, ielts speaking phrases, ielts test speaking, english fluency speaking practice, english fluency guide, connectors in english, fillers in english, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking fluency practice, ielts speaking fluency, how to increase fluency in ielts speaking, ielts speaking better connectors better fluency
Id: rFVCKOy-Hk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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