30 Phrases to Talk about your Family

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they have four family members in my family nope i have four family members um [Music] there are four others in my family yes don't sound like a book learn to talk about your family with natural spoken english let me show you how [Music] hello this is keith from english speaking success and the website the keith speaking academy helping you to speak better english and to get a higher score on the ielts speaking test now did you know the secret to succeeding in ielts speaking is come closer to learn how to speak natural spoken english that's it as simple as that of course once you've learned natural spoken english you need to be practicing lots and lots today i'm going to show you a great platform one of the best for practicing your spoken english it's cambly it's where you can learn with native english speakers you can choose the time the teacher even the content i'll tell you more about that later as well as about the free lesson you can get and some great discounts now in this lesson i'm going to teach you some cool well pretty cool phrases natural spoken english to talk about your family and also as a bonus at the end of the video i'm gonna answer the question a model answer if you like to the question what's your family like yes the truth finally everything you want to know about me and my family stick around to the end to find out but for now let's push on let's begin and talk about hmm family size now if you have a large family with lots of brothers and sisters you may say i come from a big family i come from a big family great exactly the opposite i come from a small family i come from a small family can you say nice come from a small family if you have no brothers and no sisters you'll probably say i was an only child i was an only child i was an only child notice we use was i was i was an only child was because it's the past well because you're no longer a child of course you could say i am an only child but normally we use the past although i remember right my mother when i was 25 my brother and sister were 30 something and my mother was like where are the children and we're like hello mum 25 not a child but that's mothers for you ah bless em right now if you had brothers and sisters let's say two brothers and two sisters you could say i was one of five siblings siblings means brothers and sisters but remember to include yourself right two brothers two sisters and you i was one of five siblings what about you right good actually i was one of three siblings for me now siblings we don't use that much we tend to say brothers and sisters more although we have the expression sibling rivalry and this is where brothers and sisters compete against each other and try always to be better there was a lot of sibling rivalry in my family what about you great now do you remember this my family has five family members uh not good what would be much more natural remember yes there are five of us in my family so how many people are in your family great leave me a comment below let me know the size of your family now interesting right a lot of students ask me the question if if they are asked tell me about your family and they say keith do i talk about my nuclear family or my extended family okay well now up until the quick answer right is it's up to you you decide it's fine um up until the age of say 20 you're probably going to talk about your brothers and sisters your parents grandparents maybe some uncles this is what we call the extended family but at some point in your life maybe if you're lucky you will fall in love ah and you will make a long-term commitment to someone and that someone maybe you get married maybe you have children it doesn't matter but that person becomes your family and this is what we call the nuclear family right not nuclear bomb but sometimes maybe but nuclear family it's your partner and children if you have children so the quick answer you can talk about either nuclear family or extended family whichever you like or both why not let's move on okay let's move on and talk about brothers and sisters or siblings if you like now brothers and sisters can be sometimes very very similar but sometimes they're actually incredibly different so if if they are very very similar you can say for example my brother and i are like two peas in a pod it means we're so similar or my sister and i are like two peas in a pod if you're completely different my brother and i are like chalk and cheese great now of course you can use these expressions not only for siblings but for relationships with parents or uncles or grandparents or partners or spouses here are some more expressions you can use for that relationship we have our ups and downs ups and downs it's the good times and the bad times right so sometimes you get on well sometimes you don't we have our ups and downs another expression with a similar meaning that we don't always agree we don't always see eye to eye i to i is to agree we don't always see eye to eye notice the linking ci2i ci2i we don't always see eye to eye also well sometimes we fall out and then we make up to fall out is to have a disagreement with somebody and to be angry and to refuse to talk to them and then to make up is to come back together to love each other again so sometimes we fall out but then we make up now if the people in your family you know you get on pretty well together and you're close you can say well we are a close family or we are a tight-knit family sometimes that can be we are a tightly knit family tightly knit family we're a tightly knit family just meaning we're close right the thing is to be honest i don't think people in the family always get on well together right i mean that's not very realistic there are always ups and downs but even so you can be a tight-knit family right even though you have your differences that normally means you have different opinions so you can say well yes we have our differences but we're a tight-knit family and also if your family is important to you you can say my family is everything to me or and i love them to bits i love my family to bits to love somebody to bits is to love them a lot right and finally my family mean the world to me my family my family mean the world to me world great lovely let's push on okay now let's talk about children now to be honest i don't know if you have any children or not why not leave me a comment below and let me know what keith another comment well yes why not you need to practice let me know if you have any children now if you are a parent and you've got children you'll know this sometimes as parents especially in the early days we want to take care of our children but we do too much for them here are three expressions or phrases you can use right as a parent i try not to be overprotective overprotective to protect and to do too much i don't want to spoil my children i try not to spoon feed them i love that expression to spoon feed them i mean literally right is to feed them with the spoon so you're giving them the food but it's more abstract it's just to do everything for them right even when they're 15 years old you can spoon feed them but better not do i try not to spoon feed them because i want them to be a bit more independent so they can look after themselves in the big wide world now in a moment we're going to talk about parents and partners wives and husbands but first let me tell you about this really interesting platform where you can practice your spoken english now when you learn natural spoken english and start practicing it and using it you're going to make mistakes that's fine that's great it's part of the process it's also really good if you can have a teacher to correct you and give you feedback on those mistakes so you get better and better now one great place to practice with native english speaking teachers is cambly it's great because well for many reasons but the teachers are available 24 7 so wherever you are in the world you can find a teacher you can practice with at any time and the teachers are not only qualified teachers but they come from a variety of different backgrounds people from the business industry from hospitality music hr so you can connect and find out a lot more about them and practice a wider range of english as well i like cambly also for the ease of the platform it's very user friendly easy to use you can go in choose the teacher that you want select the time when you want the class you can even decide the content you want to study or the teacher can guide you and what's great is you can go back and watch the recording of the class to review what you've learned which is so important there are different packages available depending on your needs there's something for everyone now then as cambly are sponsoring this video thank you so much cambly then you can get a free 15-minute lesson where you can go on the platform and just see if it's right for you if you like it and then if you decide to sign up for a year you can get a 40 40 discount on the year package that's 40 discount on the year package just use the code new keith you can see it all in the links below and you can sign up if you think camberly is right for you i think it's a great choice to practice get feedback and a long-term investment in your english learning fantastic great thanks cambly thanks for listening let's move on to the next phrases to talk about your family okey dokey let's move on and talk about parents now you may have noticed right that sometimes children look like their parents right the appearance is very similar so you could say i look like my father or i look like my mother if the appearance is really really close you can say i'm the spitting image of my father i'm the spitting image of my mother if your personality so not your appearance but your personality is like your father you'd say i take after my father take after i take after my father or maybe i take after my mother that's always referring to a parent right you cannot take after your brother you only take after your parents another useful phrase is my parents brought me up with good values this is often the case right where we learn really about the good and the bad it's from our parents my parents brought me up with good values parents bring up their children to bring up means to educate to help them grow with certain ideas great in the modern world families often live in different cities or at least parents live in different cities and we stay in touch by whatsapp skype video conference a phrase that unfortunately i often use is something like i don't see a lot of my parents as for my dad i don't see a lot of him i don't see a lot of him very natural but it just means i don't see them a lot obviously it doesn't mean the relationship is bad it's just that probably we're living in different cities finally if your parents have died you can say very common way my parents have passed away to pass away means to die in this case my parents have passed away my mother passed away 20 years ago okay great let's push on and talk about the nitty-gritty of partners wives and husbands so now let's talk about wives and husbands or more generally we say spouses all partners partners is a very popular word nowadays i think especially to create safe spaces um because sometimes well a lot of people are not actually married and so they're not considered husband and wife also you may meet a woman and you say well how's your husband but maybe she's married to a woman and so partner how's your partner creates a space that is safe for everybody right okay let's talk about love love now sometimes when you meet somebody and there's this instant something right you fall in love here are three phrases about falling in love instantly like instant coffee first of all it was love at first sight i'll do it slowly it was love at first sight you can imagine right first sight instant love like instant coffee i fell for her instantly doesn't mean you fell but maybe you did but it's the idea of falling in love i fell for her or for him instantly the last one is not so much about love but about getting on well right we just clicked we just clicked lovely sound clicked we just clicked to click with somebody is to get on very well now all of that is quite hollywood-esque right i mean it's hollywood style you meet somebody there's passion you fall in love straight away but life isn't always like that right i mean sometimes marriage it's hard work it takes time you go through ups and downs you learn new things about your partner over time some you like some you don't like it's not all a bed of roses so sometimes that love grows over time as you get to know the person in this case you could say we've grown to love each other over time or we've grown closer and closer over the years we've grown closer and closer over the years nice expressions so different ways of falling in love firework or gradual growth okay now i couldn't leave the topic of family without giving you one of the most common idiomatic expressions which is blood is thicker than water blood from your family is more important than water from your friendships meaning family is more important than friends blood is thicker than water is it true i don't know you probably have a similar expression in your language let me know in the comments another comment yes let's move on i'm going to finish with a nice model answer to that question tell me about your family now the clever ones out there are saying keith tell me about your family isn't a question all right smartypants that's true the question would be what's your family like it's the same right tell me about your family okay all of this is absolutely true and it's a great way to review vocabulary so here we go i'm from a medium-sized family um i was the youngest of three siblings i think all of us all three of us are quite different my brother and sister are quite extrovert and i'm definitely the most introvert um we certainly have our ups and downs and although we do fall out sometimes we usually make up unfortunately i don't see a lot of them because i live abroad um but that said we do stay in touch with whatsapp and video conferences talking about my parents i take after my dad and actually i'm also the spitting image of him i would say i have my mother's love of cooking she was a phenomenal cook but unfortunately she passed away many years ago of course i am married now i say of course maybe you don't know no i am married and i have been married for around 20 years and we have a daughter who is 15 years old to be honest between you and me my wife and i are like chalk and cheese but i think it's the differences that make our relationship interesting and certainly keep us on our toes so again between you and me my wife likes to be in control some would say she's a control freak but not me and i think i am mr laid back i'm much more relaxed and easy going than my wife probably too relaxed at times she would say and maybe she's right but all in all we complement each other as for my daughter well she's a mix of both of us in a way um but i would say undoubtedly she is much smarter and better looking than the pair of us so that's it that is a little bit about my family so alyssa we've looked at lots of interesting and useful phrases for you to talk confidently about your family with natural spoken english we've talked about family size about parents about children siblings brothers and sisters partners and even i've pulled the curtain i've pulled the curtain i've told you about my family a little bit as well and do remember focus on your natural spoken english i mean books are good and useful right absolutely but the great thing about video is you can get the sound the pronunciation and a real feel for the language so keep practicing remember check out cambly if you want to practice all of this with some native english speaking teachers you can do cambly is the place to go you can try a 15-minute lesson for free for a first-time user see if it's right for you and then if you decide to go for it you can go for a one-year package and get 40 discount with the code new keith check it all out in the links below this has been great fun i'd love to find out more about your family let me know keith seriously another comment yeah go on you know it makes sense leave me a comment tell me about your family i'm really eager to know and learn about families around the world do remember subscribe turn on notifications and listen i will see you in the next video just around the corner take care my friend bye bye [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 318,893
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, talk about your family, family vocabulary, family in english, talk about family, ielts speaking family and friends, ielts speaking family vocabulary, ielts speaking family member, ielts speaking family questions, ielts speaking family part 2, family ielts speaking part 1, family ielts speaking, family ielts vocabulary, family ielts questions, family ielts speaking band 9
Id: ns0Y70C-jbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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