IELTS Speaking Part 1 Tutorial || MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Test By Asad Yaqub

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okay we are now going to start with ielts speaking part one part one is very simple it will give you more confidence in the exam you could when you enter the examination like uh speaking for speaking test you'll be like this because there'll be actual examiner and sometimes we think about examine it as a dracula or godzilla or anyone like that right in the room there'll be one person sitting and all that so don't worry part one is there to relax you okay in part one they will ask you some questions on familiar topics familiar topic you know like panaj keeper kaya something like that these are familiar topics so they will not ask you any general knowledge question they will only ask you general questions and you can answer now let's take a start and answer should be given in three steps answer the question directly elaborate your answer in two to three sentences and then conclusion so let's take a start uh do you live in a house or flat i live in a house the first thing is you need to talk actively not like a chirp not like that okay actively energetically energy is what you require and they should be smile on your face and that smile will go to examiner also right so answer again now do you live in a house or flat i live in a house and that house is consists of five rooms and the with three bedrooms and two dining and it's consists of a double story also and okay all right that's good now listen you should make sentences do you live in a house or flat i live in a house in my house there are two bedrooms one washroom two living rooms three days four days five days you're not making sentences so you should make proper sentences that's important right now let's go on what is your favorite room in your house obviously my own room is my favorite room because that's decorated my own taste and everything is i select for decoration would you like to live in the same house in the future that's how you are answering huh would you like to live in the same house in future yes of course i want to live long time in my own house okay this is a very short answer and this answer does not contain any information one thing is we call it content content of your answer what is content for example would you like to live in the same house in future well i've never thought about it if i don't go to canada then most definitely i'll be staying in the same house but if i get the visa then i would live in a new house in canada something like that so this is what we call content right would you like to live in the same house in future acha i don't know same house good house i stay here new house no good house old house good house yeah so not like this okay don't communicate in words communicate in proper sentences that's important okay it's your turn please now you're going to answer my questions you can clip that mic as well uh let's go on your topic is about home town and hometown is the most common topic in ios right home country hometown uh tell me about your hometown i'm from lahore park actively i'm from lahore pakistan it's a big city near indian's border okay this is a very short answer i live in lahore pakistan and this city is quite large it's very close to indian border and this city is the city of culture and heritage so this is all about my hometown i mean don't give two short answer your two short answers will irritate the examiner right now see some candidates examiner says what's your favorite color black yeah where are you from lahore that's it then example say why why if you irritate the examiner you will be irritated honestly speaking right so just give full answer so that you don't irritate the examiner uh what do you like about your hometown well i like many things about my hometown but i like most my food because there are variety of foods in my hometown but i like biryani too all right uh do you think your hometown is a good place for young people to live well i think yes because uh there are a lot of things to do in my hometown like uh there are a lot of gardens my hometown is famous for uh gardens and as well as uh many restaurants there are a lot of shopping malls and you can watch a lot of movies and theater okay what do you dislike about your hometown i think the drainage system is not good in my hometown well i think it may be improved in future now this is again a short answer what do you dislike about your hometown uh one more thing you can categorize your answer what do you dislike in your hometown first of all i don't like the drainage system because whenever it rains there is plenty of water everywhere secondly talk about second thing and that's it okay all right would you like to live in the same city in the future yes definitely first of all it's my birthplace and secondly i like it uh be here because uh there are there are many facilities like as i earlier said education hospitals shopping malls clubs good that now you're on track but at the end they should be one sentence conclusion so these type of things i always like or these type of things are good for young people there should be one sentence ending of your answer okay let's go on please get the mic your turn all right your topic is crocodile okay so let's ask you some questions about crocodile okay do you like to spend time with others yes most of the time i like to spend time with my family friends and cousins because it is a time when you spend others and we have time to explore other thoughts uh okay now one thing whenever they ask you questions do you don't use v for your answer use i for your answer the first thing and the second thing when you're saying do you like do you like spending time with others the first thing should be yes of course i do or no i don't so first answer the question directly and then you can elaborate further points let's go on how do you uh how do you feel when you spend time with your friends uh yes i feel very good when i spend time with my friend because uh we have a lot of things to do we are uh have a lot of talks conversation with my friends and we meet after a long time and okay now and and then full stop yeah when you don't do anything how to finish your answer after speaking a sentence look at the examiner smile and say madam foolish top my answer is finished yeah that's what one teacher said in a funny video said full stop fully stop means be quiet all right let's go on do you like to spend your free time at home or outside i like to spend my free time in home because i am very introvert person so i didn't like to go outside i don't like to go outside now still this is the short answer you need to add some more that is important do you think you have enough free time no i don't think so i have enough time because i have a very busy schedule first morning in my college university time and after that i have to go my academy and after i have to spend some time with my family and okay that's good thank you very much now let's move on it's your turn please uh the topic is about animals so do you like animals well uh i think uh every creature that is made by god every creature every creature that is made by goddess has its own importance but if you ask me then i love fishes all right yes now listen the first answer should be general okay and then you can come specifically do you like animals obviously i love animals they're the creature of god and some of the animals are so delicious that's why i like them very much okay good answer all right so let's go on uh what is the most popular animal in your country now don't say donkey okay yeah okay eating otherwise yeah okay i think the most uh popular one is the horse because in our like my hometown uh it is famous for the wall city okay and there are a lot of the horses which are used for the caring purposes basically they they are used for the carriage okay variety of the loads carried by okay now try to speak fluently and don't repeat one thing go on with the next one have you ever had a pet animal um no i i don't think so because i'm a kind of a big person so whenever i come near across the animal of any kind i just it just gets on my nerves and i can't let myself to be relaxed by watching such animals all right that's good focus your fluency focus the content of your answer then it'll be fine right okay thank you very much you
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
Views: 78,976
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test samples band 7, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking cambridge, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking band 7.5, ielts speaking band, Mock test, How to get a band 8 in IELTS speaking, Speaking for IELTS, Speaking part 2, IELTS Speaking Test Sample, best tips for ielts speaking, tips and tricks for ielts, speaking ielts test 2020
Id: n2CFySunQTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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