IELTS Speaking Part 1 Tutorial || MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Test By Asad Yaqub

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okay let's take a start with ielts speaking part one and uh my question is about recycling if in ielts speaking you ever get unusual topic unusual topic does not mean the topic is unusual for you it can be unusual now you don't know the abc of recycling and they ask you about that so even if you are going to deny you have to give proper explanation for your answer for example do you recycle and now do you recycle cycle or anything like that okay you say no i don't recycle actually and i've never thought about it before but recycling is quite common in my country and i would try to do that but at present i hardly recycle anything they say do you recycle and you tease okay not like that answer every question they are not checking your knowledge they are checking your english right so even sometimes you don't give answer but you only deny that they will give you good band score for that right let's take a start you know a lot about recycling so you just answer that uh do you recycle uh yes i do recycle because being an environmentalist and knowing the you know the importance of recycling i prefer to do you know do recycling of any object okay that's good did you recycle when you were a child yes i have been recycling since my childhood because the concept of recycling was there because my mom used to recycle things from plastic to newspapers so yeah i've been recycling that's very good you know the way you said i have been recycling inside or this shows you've got good knowledge of language uh will you recycle in the future for sure i will recycle in the future and i would like to uh do the awareness uh about recycling to other people as well because it's very important to the environment all right now see that how she started her answer for sure of course why not obviously these words really add some emphasis to your answer okay let's go on what kind of things do you recycle so as i mentioned earlier that i prefer to recycle each and everything which is possible from recycling newspaper to recycle plastic bottles and making them a home decor so yeah i recycle everything possible all right do you think children should be taught how to recycle i think definitely children should be taught that they should recycle everything or every possible thing because they can be a role in saving the environment so yes all right so just i want you to add at least a couple of sentences to your answer although your answers are perfectly fine but if you add one or two more sentences then they're going to be proper ones right overall your answers are good the language and everything that's perfect keep it up right let's go on picnic okay good you're not gonna go anywhere sit down sit down sit down okay we go on now the topic is picnic right and you should know what is picnic for example at home you cook something and you take it outside in the garden or somewhere and you eat it there or like you do barbecue in the garden or in any open place that is what we call picnic so you should understand what picnic is right so let's take a start did you go on a picnic when you were a child yes during my childhood my parents used to take me to picnic team that we use to go uh picnic and summer okay now this is a short answer you need to add a little more mostly we used to go on picnic in summer because we used to live in a hilly area and the weather used to be awesome for picnic so yes when i was a child i enjoyed several picnics in my life something like that just add some more and try to add some expression expression means did you go on a picnic yes why not i went on a picnic with my parents when i was a child something like that okay let's go on how often do you go on picnic now uh now in these days uh due to panoramic situation pandemic pandemic situation we are not going uh for a picnic uh before uh okay i'm sorry for interruption uh if the question is in present simple tense do not use present continuous we are not going on picnic the question is how often do you go on picnic now so instead of saying we are not going on picnic you can say we don't go on picnic because of the pandemic and all that so present simple tints should be used same is the case with essay writing in essay do not use present continuous use present simple tense okay present consciousness means now you are doing something for example i am eating a biscuit and gabchu guptu okay so it's not like that right yeah let's go on uh where did you go on a picnic where do you go on a picnic present where do you go on a picnic well i am from lahore and uh we used to go we usually go in present we never use used to go in present we say we usually go uh i'm from lahore and we mostly go like rana resort we go to run a resort butterfly garden with my kids they are enjoying a lot there okay now listen uh with my kids you should then say i go do you don't say vigo if you say we go then you say with our kids and then you can say we enjoy a lot there and all that please answer again how often do you go on a picnic now now in these days uh due to the fun sorry sorry where do you go on a picnic yeah i mostly prefer to go picnic rana resort um okay i changed the question don't worry don't worry what is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home there is a biggest different between cooking at home and go for going for picnic for picnic and surrounding you did not mention the difference listen the question is what is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home the main difference is you have a feeling of enjoyment or enjoyment you just enjoy when you are outside cooking at home is sometimes boring because you always cook at home but when you cook outside the environment the surrounding they give you nice feelings so i think it's the feeling of joy which is most important when you are cooking outside or anything like that right you should focus the difference just tell the difference now if you say okay uh what is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home there is a big difference between a picnic and cooking at home the difference is really huge when you cook at home you cook at home when you go on picnic you go on picnic difference yeah so i'm not saying anything right all right let's just go on one last question i'll make it for you uh do you prefer to go on picnic in summers or in winters i mostly prefer to go on picnic and winter because um we need sun yeah because in winter because in winter everyone want to go outside for uh especially when uh sun is rising okay and it is very beneficial it is very beneficial in winter we bask the sun right so people prefer to go out to take the sun bath and something like that right so your answers should be clear number one number two there should be some content knowledge in your answer content knowledge means the reason for your answer right okay okay thank you you
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
Views: 68,965
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test samples band 7, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking cambridge, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking band 7.5, ielts speaking band, Mock test, How to get a band 8 in IELTS speaking, Speaking for IELTS, Speaking part 2, IELTS Speaking Test Sample, best tips for ielts speaking, tips and tricks for ielts, speaking ielts test 2020
Id: kkEs1OL2Z5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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