IELTS Speaking Tutorial 05 || Wonderful Tips and Techniques for Real Test By Asad Yaqub

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okay uh we are going to start with ielts speaking  part one it's very very simple there is going to   be a friendly talk with the examiner so uh  the purpose of speaking part one is to calm   your nerves because when you go to take your ielts  speaking test you are just like a sheep yeah or a   wet pigeon some some are like wet pigeon and some  are like sheep so the purpose of speaking part   one is to calm your nerves right when they ask you  some simple questions so that can give you some   confidence as well right another important thing  is whenever you go for your ielts speaking test   do not take any negative vibes from anyone not  from the environment or like you are sitting and   shivering and i don't know what will happen you  know there are three parts of speaking you know   part one part two part three cue card and all that  stuff so and by the way this is the message that   you are giving to yourself it's not that that  there is someone who is scaring you there is   someone who is making you feel nervous you are  doing it all by yourself so you are the master   of your feelings master of your emotions it has  become a motivational seminar okay so let's come   back to ielts speaking now sometimes if they ask  you some unusual questions now for example they   ask you some questions and you never thought about  that you never even heard about that but at least   the questions are going to be somewhere in your  understanding so always remember don't try to give   true answers honest answers right they say uh tell  me about your pet i don't have any pet that's all   even if you don't have any pet give the reason for  your answer right and do not give a rude answer   sometimes you know you give a rude answer what's  your favorite food i told you pizza what do you   want to know further huh not like that okay just  calm down relax feel easy answer every question   and by the way for some answers you have to be  yourself for some answers you have to be somebody   do you understand now for example  if someone asks me a question   do you work in the kitchen i don't work in the  kitchen because i do cleaning and washing kidding   okay so even if i don't work in the kitchen now  for example you take me as a housewife and you ask   me some questions what's your daily routine i will  answer you as a housewife so sometimes for some   answers you are in your own pair of shoes for some  answers you are in someone's pair of shoes but you   have to answer every question okay now let's take  a start the topic is plants first when they ask   you the topic plants the plant which plant welding  plant you know this is their wedding plant also   or which plot milk plant or whatever so the  topic is plants and i'm going to ask you some   questions let's take a start my first question  is do you know anything about growing plants   yes i know plants either friendly speak louder  please they will understand what you say plants are listen what is the question do you know  anything about growing plants when the question   is with do you know the first answer should be  yes or no right now it's a very good idea to say   no and give a proper answer then to say yes  and then beat around the bush for example   do you know anything about growing plants no i  don't know much about that but yes there is a   park near my house and there i see the gardeners  working so i know how they sow the plants and all   that but i myself have no idea about it see  sometimes it is good to be a fool you become   i don't know anything about it you know so you  can answer otherwise if you say yes i know about   growing plants as i live in a countryside in my  village we always grow the crops and i'm very   good i always help my father whenever they  grow any crops or something like that okay   now please answer again do you know anything  about growing plants no i don't know very well but but there is a garden near my house the gardener  plants here okay and uh and i often see him   and i often see him doing gardening him okay all  right so be confident and remember four criteria   you are four people they have four criteria number  one fluency number two pronunciation number three   grammatical range and number four vocabulary so  whenever you answer any question you got to keep   these four things in in your mind right what's  the first one fluency pronunciation vocabulary no   grammar okay vocabulary right so for fluency  means you speak without a break right you know   uh sometimes people used to buy kenshi cycle  kanchi bicycle that is pedal by paddle tuck   tuck tuck so it should not be the cancel it  should be the fluent one you are paddling right   say okay uh i i get up early in the morning early  in the morning after that i shower if it is sunday   otherwise i don't shower and then i do this and  this is not fluent right fluent does not mean fast   you can be slow but fluent for example every  morning i wake up at around seven o'clock and   after that i shower uh then my breakfast is ready  and i have my breakfast after this is also fluent   so fluent does not mean you are speaking  very very fast right fluency vocabulary   pronunciation grammar that's what they're going  to see let's go on do you keep plants at home yes we keep listen when the question is  do you and you say we that's not right i   okay so please answer yes uh i have   plants in my house listen now you know  the thing is you have locked yourself here   question is do you keep plants at home yes i have  many plants in my house especially i have some   rose plants and they are very nice i like them  very much just that's it three four sentences   don't think too much and don't even think you  know some students are only thinking what to say   they're always they're not thinking about the  question they're only thinking what to say so do   you keep plants at home now you can say yes i keep  plants at home i have five to eight uh plant pots   uh in my terrace and i always water them and  i like them so anything i mean there can be   thousand different answers right let's go on uh  did you grow any plants when you were a child   yes i grow i grew second form of grow is gru  yeah not even griew guru guru not guru yeah guru   tensor guru yes i grew a plant of mango no he is  a he is a big tree it has turned into a big tree   okay so now you eat mangoes from that plant all  right that's good so listen you need to be more   confident and they should be content knowledge  content means what you speak for your answer   right now listen to your other class fellows  how they answer okay all right let's move on your turn your topic is countryside now whenever  they use the word countryside if they ask you tell   me uh or do you like countryside yes i like  my country very much my country is my john   this and that countryside means village all right  village area rural area that is what we call   countryside okay so your topic is countryside okay  my first question is uh what do you usually do in   the countryside i i usually go to rural areas in a  week and i and i enjoying the rural areas and then   sometimes i go i have no go for okay listen just  focus your activities because the question is what   do you usually do in the countryside so you'll  say well whenever i go to countryside i only relax   i don't do anything because in the countryside  i lay a cot under the tree and there i look at   the sparrows how they chip and all that this  is what i do in the country your question is   what do you usually do do means activities so  you should focus activities okay now answer the   same question again what do you usually do in the  countryside and speak louder yes of course i i i   go for rural areas and i enjoy a lot and and i see  some trees and sparrows are okay the same sparrows   that you see on the roof of your house on the  roof of the house or from the roof of the house   both are different huh yeah all right let's  go on have you ever lived in the countryside   have you ever lived in the countryside means  have you ever lived in a village yes no no   i have no i have never i have never to i have  never lived in the countryside i have never   lived in countryside because i have no no  interest to rural areas and i live in i live   in the city okay that's better so good let's go  on uh would you enjoy living in the countryside   yes of course sometimes i go listen listen the  question is would you enjoy now what's the verb   helping verb would in your answer you will  also use would yes would you enjoy living in   the countryside yes i would yeah yes yes i would  go for first you need to answer would you enjoy   right so first you say yes of course i would enjoy  a lot if i go to countryside and then explain   so please yes of course yes of course i go for  countryside and i enjoying a lot and fun and can   get excited and and i'm go to all my friends okay  now listen you know what you are doing with and   you are adding some words then and then you  are adding some words try to focus proper   sentences okay let's go on uh will you live  in the countryside in the future which stands   future so now you will answer in future tense so  will you live in the countryside in the future   no i i will not i will not live in the countryside  in the future i will not live in the countryside   for future because i live in my hometown and  i am not interested to go very cool excellent   now just speak loudly because you know when you  speak loudly it gives you confidence for example   even if you are scared and you know there is  someone in your house in the middle of the night   you will never say go on say corner something like  that yeah so once a thief came to somebody's house   and suddenly the thief made some  noise and the person woke up   so the person said who's there the thief said the person again said i say who  is there the thief again said meow   the man didn't understand he asked the third  time i say who is there the thieves said me cat   so see that if you speak loudly it  gives you confidence right so you   go you should speak loudly and your answers  are somewhat fine but you're so much afraid   okay sit openly don't sit like this it's not  your marriage yeah when you have your marriage   then people are giving you salami and that  salami is really you know lifetime problem   anyways this is not my experience observation  okay let's move on please it's your turn can i have some water please thank you uh your  topic is photos right photos photo or photo   photos so whatever the question is you got to  answer the first question listen i mean whenever   i ask any question you just need to ask yourself  how would i answer this question so the question   is do you like to take photos yes i love to take  photos especially i love to take selfies last year   two days ago i went to murray and i i took a  lot of snaps a lot of photos or selfies of me   or my family okay very good you went to  marie two days ago no i want to go there okay   that's lovely so in which situation do you take  photos in which situation do you take photos i want to capture every moment   it could be my kid laugh or could be monkeys jump  here and there jumping here jumping here and there   and it could be the beautiful nature i love nature  so i i would like to capture everything okay so in   these situations especially i take photos that's  very good let's go on how do you store your photos i store in my laptop first i take photos from my  phone cell phone then i transfer into my laptop   to come to store my photos okay that's right  so for store you can say i copy it from my   mobile to my and then you can use the word i  make a backup or i store my photos on google   google drive google drive right google account   something like that very good let's go on  uh do you like posing for pictures like yeah now how do they do it this is about pout  all right yeah if any old person has it you say   different so how uh do you like posing  for pictures yes of course i love to pose   because it's very trendy pout is very  trendy so i love in every picture i do   okay so you can just add some more to  this answer other than pout i've got   some other styles also so whenever i have my  photos taken i love to make different poses   good all right overall it's fine but there  is one thing your answers are insufficient   insufficient means like you know if you take two  spoons sugar in the tea so you are just putting   once one teaspoon you need to add some more at  least four or five sentences and these sentences   should be fluent sentences and answer confidently  yes right just like that if somebody asks you have   you stolen the money no absolutely not i have not  stolen your money very straightforward and you   know to the point answer so that's what you need  to do right and don't be timid timid means like   not like that okay yeah be confident okay thank  you next one please public transport is the next   stop yeah he had this topic in his ielts speaking  test recently public transport now whenever they   tell you about the topic or they ask you the  questions thank you thanks a lot public transport   you can understand it means bus we do have metro  train these are the means of transportation so   uh the first question is do you travel  by public transport uh yes i travel   yes i travel through public transport but  not very much often because um i have a   private car uh which my husband owns and we travel  through the car most of the time but we travel by   car buy a car most of the times but when my  husband is busy and i have some urgent work   to do i am travel through i travel i travel okay  very good see i am travel is the murder of english   i am get up early in the morning then  i am shower in peshawar like that okay   so it should be like that but the good thing  is you used very good words like my husband   owns a car so this is very good thing instead of  saying my husband has a car if you say my husband   owns a car this is better english let's go on when  was the last time you traveled by public transport   it was last sunday when i suddenly made a plan  to visit my sister-in-law but my husband was   busy and out of the station so i managed  to go through a public transport to visit   my sister-in-law okay that's good what  don't you like about public transport   and the thing which i don't like about public  transport much is that because they have less   seat to satan relax they have you can say they  have limited numbers number of seats limited   number of seats you have to stand by holding our  wire or rod uh to travel from one place to another   uh so i think so the government should increase  the buses to facilitate the people okay   all right would you prefer to use  public transport in the future   no i don't think so i will prefer uh to produce  public transport in the future because i have   two little kids and it is very difficult to travel  through public transport because of the people are   too careless and they have don't have much manner  so i think advocates to how to use that transport   so i pray mostly i will prefer to move through my  own private car okay this is very good answers are   fine length of answer knowledge information  which you are presenting that's very good   you just need a little more practice and a little  more confidence to answer each question like   this okay so uh for speaking part one don't be  afraid for you try to speak for you try to speak   confidently for you try to speak fluently right  and for you organize your ideas so that you answer   every question like you are ready to answer you  know there are some people ask me anything and   then you ask okay i tell you first this and that  and some people are so talkative so you should   be like this but very polite i mean when you go  to take your speaking test show your politeness   you are very well behaved well-mannered so these  things really pay off uh although there is no   marking criteria for all these things but there  is a human being examiner as human being yeah   no yeah examiner is human being why not whatever  we say or whatever we think about examiners they   are the human being so we need to influence them  even if you amuse the examiner with your answers   that can do you some favor as well right so thank  you very much all the best huh thank you you
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking tips liz, ielts speaking tips and tricks academic training, ielts speaking tips in hindi, ielts speaking tips malayalam, ielts speaking tips and tricks for band 9, ielts speaking tips in punjabi, ielts speaking tips for band 9, ielts speaking tips asad yaqub, ielts speaking tips and tricks general training liz, ielts speaking tips and tricks 2020, ielts speaking tips addams, ielts speaking tips before exam
Id: pVKqdSHt5s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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