C1 Advanced Speaking test - Raphael and Maude | Cambridge English

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Examiner: Good morning. My name is Bridget Harrison, and this is my colleague Mary Whiteside. And your names are?   Raphael Maude Examiner: Can I have your mark sheets please? Thank you. Examiner: First of all, we'd like to know something about you. Raphael where are you from? Raphael: I'm from Lucerne. It's a city in Switzerland and it's in the German part. Examiner: And what do you do there? Raphael: I'm still at school and have two years to go. Examiner: Maude how long have you been studying English? Maude: Well I think I've been studying English for about six years now, yes. Examiner: What do you enjoy most about learning English? Maude: It's mmm it is very useful, I mean to talk with friends. I have a lot of friends in France, and I really enjoy being able to talk with them. Examiner: Maude do you think you spend too much time working or studying? Maude: Well sometimes maybe because I'm hard working, I like it. And sometimes think I should rest take time to rest, yes. Examiner: Why? Maude: mmm because well I when I study I stayed at home. I didn't go out with friends a lot. I didn't, like, working at the cafe or something. So it's not very a social activity, yeah. So I should be with my friends and go out. Examiner: Raphael do you like using the Internet to keep in touch with people? Raphael: Yes sometimes, but to keep in touch with people I think it's better to see them face-to-face not just writing. So but like something like Facebook I think it's useful like in contact book, but not really as interaction between people. Examiner: In this part of the test I'm going to give each  of you three pictures. I'd like you to talk about two of them on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question briefly about your partner's pictures. Raphael it's your turn first. Here are your pictures they show people doing things together. I'd like you to compare two of the pictures and say why the people might be doing these things together and how the people might be feeling. Raphael: So I think these two guys are playing just music together. And these three little girls are baking I don't know, a cake or something. And I think here they are doing it together because they might be sisters because they look so similar. And these two are maybe in a band or in a music group, and I think they enjoy to play together music and interact with together. And these three girls just like to have fun here and bake in the kitchen. I don't think it will be a nice cake but yes just to learn how to cook, and it's just an activity for them together. And I think the both guys could also be preparing for something maybe concert or something but. Examiner: Thank you Raphael. Maude, in which situation do you think the people benefit most from being together? Maude: Well I think every kind of situation depends on the kind of relationship you have with the person. When you're at school, maybe in a class, it's good to talk with some people sometimes just to think about something else, and when you're cooking the same you share ideas. You learn things when you're playing music. You, well you learn about each other.   So it really depends on the situation. Examiner: Thank you. Examiner: Now Maude, here are your pictures. They show students doing different activities. I'd like you to compare two of the activities and say how students can benefit from doing these activities, and how helpful the activities might be in preparing them for their future lives. Alright? Maude: OK. So, let me see. So I'd like to talk about these two pictures. Well, on these two pictures we can see two students are doing different things. I think she is studying so, well while studying she gained knowledge and she get prepared for a test maybe something. So it helps her preparing it and maybe she will pass the test if she worked hard. so and this student is giving a presentation, and it helps her it will help her develop a kind of ease while talking to other people. So if she wants to be, well in maybe in entertainment field it will be very useful for her to be able to talk to people. Examiner: Thank You. Raphael, which of these activities do you think is most useful? Raphael: I think it's this one where they build a... I think it's a tent or something. Because it helps for the teamwork and I think that's the most important thing for a future life because when they are like in the office or just at a job they have to be prepared to work in the team and ask others about their opinion and work together with them. Examiner: Thank you. Examiner: Now I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes. Here are some things that people often have to make decisions about and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task. Examiner: Now talk to each other about what people might  have to consider when making these decisions. Maude: OK. So let's talk about choosing a university first.  I think people have to think of that well first   the students have to think about what they like of course when they choose a university. Raphael: What they want to study. Maude: Yeah. And students and the parents have to think about money because in some countries universities is very very expensive like in England here. Raphael: And I think you have also to choose the right university for like where you can study the subject you will want to. And also that the university with the subject is the  best university but from all the universities with the subject. Maude: Like, the best results in an exam or something like that. Maude: And what about starting your family. Mmm again there is a financial criteria to consider I think. And well when you start a family you need to talk maybe  about children. Raphael: Yeah. Yeah also to think about ready already. Maude: Yes. Raphael: To build a family, and if you have enough money and... Maude: Snd where to settle and... Maude: To think about the jobs maybe because I think that's now most of the parents. I mean two parents are working so they need to Raphael: Yeah Maude: to take that in consideration. Maude: And moving to another country. I think the language is very important. Raphael: Yeah. Maude: And there are some restrictions as well about languages, like if you want to move to Australia you need to pass the IELTS exam. Examiner: Thank you. Now you have about a minute to decide in which situation it's most important to make the right decision. Maude: OK. Raphael: I think the most important is getting married because when two people find each other and they think about getting married they should really think about it because it's an important decision. Maude: Yeah I agree with you. Raphael: Can't just get married, yeah. Maude: Mhm, yes then you have to sign a contract and you're those people are together for a whole their lives so they need to think about it before getting married. Raphael: I think this is also connected to starting a family because... Maude: Yes. Maybe moving to another country. Raphael: Well yeah. Maude: Yes everything realizing it. Raphael: Yeah. Maude: So, yeah. Raphael: And, yeah, and also when you when you are and get married I think it's better to first get married before you start family because then you're like a couple. Yeah. Maude: Kind of, yes, legal couple. Examiner: Thank you. Examiner: Raphael, is it best for people to make decisions on their own or to ask others for advice? Raphael: Yeah I think it's always important to consider other opinion because they have a different view on the topic on their question and so I think it's always important to ask as many people as possible and consider the different points. Examiner: Do you agree Maude? Maude: Well in some ways yes, but I think that some people can should make their own decision when the thing that's the advice that old people give them are not very strong. So, yes. Examiner: Maude, some people think it's best to plan their lives carefully. Others prefer to make spontaneous decisions. What's your opinion? Maude: Well again it depends on the individuals and mmm I think that planning your life is very important. Like in my opinion planning studies and holidays is very important because when you study you don't have a lot of time to come to leave to holiday, so if you book a holiday or something like that you need to think about it before. Examiner: Do you agree, Raphael? Raphael: Yes I agree but I think it's also important that we don't plan everything because when we don't reach it at the end we may be depressed and so it's always just the most important thing we should plan. Examiner: Why do you think some people find it harder to make decisions than others? Maude: I think that some people are not very used to make their own decisions like Raphael: Yes. Maude: when you have very pushy parents you don't really get to make your own decision. Raphael: And maybe some people are scared about about following.  Maude: Yes. Maude: The other opinions or... Raphael: And also it's it's like I think it's like you either you are very good at make making decision then you should also be like a leader for group or something. But when you don't I think it's better when you just listen to someone else. Maude: Yes, listen to someone's advice, yeah. Examiner: How do you think young people can be helped to take on responsibilities? Raphael: Um I think it's important that they are teached in school about this and also from the parents at home. Maude: Yes. Very important the parents I think play a very important role because there are like an example for the children. and mmm yes, they should teach them the good way of, well making decision and how to pre think about how to make a decision yeah. Raphael: I think you can also start an early age with like giving them little tasks to do. Maude: mm-hmm Raphael: And then they have to the responsibility to do the task and and they learn what it mean. Maude: Yes, I often ask them questions like 'what do you want?', 'what do you think?' so that they can talk and share their ideas and give their opinion about things and develop this kind of skill. Raphael: Yeah. Maude: Yes. Tasking. Raphael: Also in the job they will get tasks from their boss, and then they also know what it mean that they get tasks done, and yeah. Maude: Yes and encourage them to do their homework how thing like that when they're very young. Examiner: Thank you. That is the end of the test.
Channel: Cambridge English
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Keywords: c1 advanced speaking test, cae speaking, cambridge english, cae speaking test, cae speaking exam, cambridge speaking test, c1 speaking exam, advanced english conversation, advanced english, speaking c1, cae exam, c1 english, cambridge advanced speaking exam, english test, cae speaking 2015, cambridge english speaking test, speaking cae, cambridge english learning videos, english conversation advanced level, oral exam, english oral exam
Id: 5nGESyDgmdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue May 13 2014
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