5 KILLER TIPS On IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Questions By Asad Yaqub

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okay now we move on to Il listening part two and we have multiple choice questions a very good opportunity to understand what multiple choice questions are and how to deal with them okay uh because when they appear in part two they're not very difficult in part three yes they are a bit difficult because of the nature of the Audio I listening part one is a dialogue I listening part two is a monologue one person is talking audio commentary I listening part three is a tutorial where there can be minimum two speakers maximum three speakers and I listing part four is a lecture where one tutor or lecturer or presenter is going to deliver the lecture so question number 11 Stevenson's was found now Stevenson is a is is an organization or a company or anything we don't know but from the word found right right Stevenson was founded like founded when we talk about founded it means an organization or a company or factory now Stevenson was founded in there are three dates 1923 1924 1926 so founded means laid the foundation of or the company was established now what will be a trap they will say in 1923 they started planning about Stevenson's and then in 1924 they finalized the plans and it took them 2 years to practically lay the foundation of the company in 1926 what will be the answer 1926 right they will not leave other options they will say will Stevenson was founded back in 1923 and in 1924 they got success in their business and in 1926 it became the biggest company of the country what is the answer 19 23 they will talk about all three options they want to check your ability whether you understand English or whether uhuh all right a 1923 1923 a good I ey lets no problem okay so please now listen and answer good morning everyone and welcome to Stevenson's one of the country's major manufacturers of Metal Goods thank you for choosing us for your two weeks of work experience my name is Julia Simmons and and since the beginning of this year I've been the managing director Stevenson's is quite an old company like me the founder Ronald Stevenson went into the steel industry when he left school that was in 1923 he set up this company when he finished his apprenticeship in 1926 although he actually started making plans 2 years earlier in 1924 he was a very determined Young young man okay so what will be the right answer exactly one thing I tell you if you write 1926 or 1924 your answer is absolutely wrong this is a very common mistake the students do instead of writing AB BC they write the world over there and the answer is absolutely wrong so correct answer is option C okay whatever the option is right answer is option C exactly if you write C and then you write 1926 even then your answer is wrong whenever they label anything ABC you must use the label only and see he started planning he finished his education in 192 through at 23 then he started planning in 1924 and then finally 1926 and they can rearrange these options as well now question number 12 originally Stevenson's manufactured goods for now listen when we say originally it means when they started for example there are several companies when they started their business if I say originally I started my career as an English language teacher now I teach is so originally means in the beginning whatever they did or originally what they started off as a so originally Stephens for example Amazon originally they started as a Bookshop Amazon was a book shop and now they've got everything right so originally Stevenson manufactured goods for option A Health Care industry what is healthcare industry clinics hospitals right and all that option b automative industry what is that cars lorries buses trucks that is automative industry and Machine Tool industry so originally I mean if they say we started off as a company and we provided Goods to hospitals clinics and all that that is option A if they say in the first first two years of our career we provided Machine Tools to different Industries and then we switched to healthare Industry so originally what is that option C so you need to see when they started their company what did they start with Stevenson's long-term plan was to manufacture components for the Machine Tools industry although in fact that never came about and for the automotive industry that is cars and lorries however there was aay of 5 years before that happened because shortly before the company went into production Stenson was given the opportunity to make goods for hospitals and other players in the healthc care industry okay machine tools that never came about automative that is after 5 years so initially they were given an opportunity so the right answer is option A well done that's good now question number 13 what does the speaker say about the company premises premises is the area for example if I say the premises of Royal Palm this is the premises or these are the premises of Royal Palm what does the speaker say about company premises now the subject of talk is company premises right option A recently moved now if they have moved recently from one area to this place option A is the right answer option b no ples to move means they will not shift if they say the area is large enough and we don't have any plan to move or if they say we are looking for uh for we are looking to shift to a new location then it's not the right answer and going to move shortly if they say in a couple of months we are going to shift to a new location what does it mean going to move shortly now listen company premises option A recently moved option b no plans to move and option C going to move shortly over the years we've expanded the premises considerably we were lucky that the site is big enough so moving to a new location has never been necessary however the layout is far from ideal for Modern Machinery and production methods so we intend to carry out major refurbishment of this site over the next 5 years okay so the correct answer is option b well done no plans to move that's great uh well it's not C Amina it's not C correct answer is B just focus this part over the years we've expanded the premises considerably we were lucky that the site is big enough so moving to a new location has has never been necessary moving to a new location has never been necessary what does it mean no plans to move okay now let's move on question number 14 and the program for the work experience group includes they have a program and this program is for work experience group now what is it that the program include I mean what is excluded that will not be your answer what is included that is your answer time to do research meeting with a teacher Talks by staff so what is included for example if they say during this program you will not have any time to do research you can do that later on will a be the right answer no if they say well we wanted to introduce you to a teacher but I'm afraid that will not be possible because the teacher is busy so this time you will go on without a teacher will be be the answer no and Talks by staff for staff they can use the word manager if they say in the audio well in the work experience group this time you will be introduced to our manager and he will give a presentation will that be the answer yes Talks by staff talks is presentation staff is manager okay now let's see what do they say in the audio I'd better give you some idea of what you'll be doing during your two weeks with us so you know what to expect most mornings you'll have a presentation from one of the managers to learn about their Department starting this morning with research and development and you'll all spend some time in each department observing what's going on and talking to people as long as you don't stop them from doing their work all together in the past a teacher from your school has come in at the end of each week to find out how the group we getting on but your school isn't able to arrange that this year see that teacher used to come but your school isn't able to arrange that teacher is not coming right so correct answer is option C okay Dr chanika it's not a I tell you why a is wrong I mean they use the word research right they use the word research but that came in Talks by staff staff will deliver a talk and he will tell you about the research okay please listen again I'd better give you some idea of what you'll be doing during your two weeks with us so you know what to expect most mornings you'll have a presentation from one of the managers most morning you will have a presentation with one of the managers that is Talks by staff to learn about their Department starting this morning with research and development starting this morning with research and development now research and development is the topic of the presentation okay they will they're not saying time to do research no research and development is the topic of that talk okay so like this you can actually deal with multiple choice questions okay thank you okay now we are going to start with multiple choice question questions and a good opportunity to learn about multiple choice questions I would like to give you a little basion about multiple choice questions remember in multiple choice questions they always check your ability to identify the right option from wrong options there are three options they discuss all three options in any order they discuss two options negatively oppositely but one option is discussed as it is and that is the right right answer for example now let's just start and I'll give you more tips with that okay uh boat trip round ches Mania now forget about Tasmania it's a place all you need to imagine is a boat trip right did you ever have a ride in the boat yeah in any stream or anywhere in Lor we've got some boat riding okay so Boat Trip like there is a boat and you're going to take a trip on boat and all that now if you imagine Boat Trip you can understand many things question number 11 what is the maximum number of people who can stand on each side of the boat this is the boat for example this is the boat now maximum number of people who can stand on each side of the boat right answer is not maximum number of people who can sit in the boat answer is maximum number of people who can stand on each side of the this is one side and this is the other side so maximum number of people who can stand 9 15 18 okay now if he says like uh 15 people can stand on either side and there will be 30 people on board something like that okay now you just focus on one thing that the number of people who can stand on one side of the board maximum number okay let's see you will hear a tour guide Lou Miller speaking to a group of people about a boat trip they are going to take around the Australian island of t Mania so hello everyone my name's Lou Miller and I'm going to be your tour guide today as we take this fantastic boat trip around the Tasmanian Coast before we set off I just want to tell you a few things about our journey our boats aren't huge as you can see we already have all right I played again you will hear a tour guide l Miller speaking to a group of people about a boat trip they are going to take around the Australian island of Tasmania so hello everyone my name's Lou Miller and I'm going to be your tour guide today as we take this fantastic boat trip around the Tasmanian Coast before we set off I just want to tell you a few things about our journey our boats aren't huge as you can see we already have three staff members on board Bo and on top of that we can transport a further 15 people that's you around the coastline but please note if there are more than nine people on either side of the boat we'll move some of you over otherwise all 18 of us will end up in the sea okay so the right answer is a b or c a right total 15 passengers three staff members and he said if there are more than nine people on either side of the boat will move some of you over otherwise all 18 of us will end up in the sea what does it mean we will drown in the sea okay so correct answer is not nine stepen that's not the right answer SAA and Anam that's not the right answer correct answer is a this is a very common mistake students do instead of writing a they write the word so if you write that word your answer is absolutely wrong so you have to be very careful correct answer is a and please use capital letter because they have capital letters here now question number 12 what color are the tour boats okay now if I say what color is your car will you take a look at the car from outside or inside outside okay so it's simple the color of the boat from outside if they say we have beautiful full red interior is that the answer no because that is inside and if they say our boats used to be white used to be white what does it mean past tense and the question is what color r r means present tense okay so if they say our we will paint our color we will paint our boats red in the future will that be the answer no future is not the answer past is not the answer interior color is not the answer and this is how they're going to play with you dark red option a jet black light green they will use all these colors some colors will will be associated with the past some with the future some will be interior colors but your answer is present exterior color right let's see we've recently upgraded all our boats they used to be jet black but our new ones now have these comfortable dark red seats and a light green exterior in order to stand out from others okay dark red seats and light green exterior well done stepen wake up huh light green that is option C okay I told you exterior will be the right answer yes exactly otherwise all good okay uh I'm recording the class you must attend this class recording because second time you understand things better Qui question number 13 which lunchbox is suitable for someone who doesn't eat meat or fish underline doesn't eat meat or fish and what do we call that person who doesn't eat meat or fish vegetarian okay now out of three lunch boxes there is one lunch box that does not contain any type of fish meat and you know for meat they will not use the word meat they may use the word meat mutton beef pork as they talk about these meats okay so you need to listen carefully and see one lunchbox will not contain any sort of meat and for fish they may talk about kind of fish for example if they say lunchbox one will contain Veil veale is fish lunchbox to contains shark shark is fish okay now don't go for the word fish they may use the breed of certain fish right now one lunchbox that does not contain and one more thing if they say lunchbox a for example lunchbox one contains vegetables and Veil vegetables and ve now vegetables you say vegetables yes no meat but then they say veale veale is meat again fish okay so listen carefully and then decide we offer you a free lunchbox during the trip and we have three types lunchbox one contains ham and tomato sandwiches lunchbox two con contains a cheddar cheese roll and lunchbox 3 is salad based and also contains eggs and tuna all three lunchboxes also have a packet of crisps and chocolate bar in okay see that so confusing they discussed all three lunch boxes but the correct answer is option b and I'm going to play it again right please listen why other options are wrong we offer you a free lunchbox during the trip and we have three types lunchbox one contains ham and tomatoes ham and tomatoes now those who don't understand ham they say Tomatoes oh that's good ham is Pigs meat right so that is what they call ham and ham is meat so a is not the right answer sandwiches lunchbox two contains a cheddar cheese roll lunchbox two contains a a cheddar cheese roll now cheese is not meat and they didn't talk about any fish or anything like that lunchbox too contains cheddar cheese roll so that is option b and lunchbox three is salad Bay lunchbox three is salad based is it salad based doesn't eat meat of fish yes no now what do they say after that also contains eggs and tuna eggs and tuna what is tuna fish absolutely so B is the right answer now let's go on question number 14 what should people do with their litter by the way in part one if you had the wrong spelling of litter you can check it here l i t e r so sometimes you can have things like that what should people do with their litter now imagine you are on a boat and you eat a chocolate and there is a rapper of the chocolate what will you do with the wrapper throw it in the sea no that's not good okay don't throw it in the sea put it in your pocket put it in a plastic bag so there are three options take it home like the wrapper or Garbage or litter put it somewhere and take it home option b hand it to a member of Staff like the staff members will have a sort of plastic bag and give it to them and they will actually dispose it off put it in the bins provided on the boat if there are dust bins on the boat and you can put your trash or you can put your litter in the dust bins now option A take it home option b give it to a member of staff and option C put it in the dust bin okay now they will play with all three three options two options they will deny for example as you can see there are no dust bins on our boat C is gone okay so our crew members will be very busy to take trash from you that's why we advise you to take it home and throw it in your home dust bin option A okay so listen carefully then you will find the answer I'm sure I don't have to ask you not to throw anything into the sea we don't have any bins to put litter in but Jess myself or Rey our other guide will collect it from you after lunch and put it all in a large plastic sack okay we will collect it from you Ray or other guy we will collect V means staff members and put it in a large sack so hand it to a member of Staff B will be the right answer all good so this is multiple choice questions you need to identify wrong options and you have to actually eliminate the wrong options so this time we have double multiple choice questions you may ask me sir we don't understand single multiple choice questions and you are teaching us double multiple questions on a December morning when the weather is awesome outside and you are teaching us SES huh how bad it is anyways double multiple choice questions there are five options out of five options two options are correct three options are incorrect so you need to identify those incorrect options and once you identify incorrect option it's a good idea to cross it if you're doing paper deliver dials when you cross it a little cross I mean if out of five five you crossed one option now you are left with four success rate 50/50 or if you cross two options out of five now three are left and out of three two are right answers so instead of looking for the right answer look for the wrong answer and eliminate that I mean a little cross don't cross it all together just a little cross over there now which two features of Lighthouse now do you know what the lighthouse is in the past on the beach they used to have a tower and that Tower used to have a light and that light was for the ships when they were coming to the beach so there was that light in the old times now we have the best navigation systems and all that in the past when there were no navigation systems so they used to have the lighthouses now two features of Lighthouse does Lou mention Lou is the guy in the audio he will mention two features of the lighthouse and by the way they have given five Fe features it means out of five two features he will discuss in the same way and three features he's going to change for example why it was built if in the audio he says even today nobody knows why this Lighthouse was built will it be the answer no and if he says this Lighthouse was built to protect the ships what what is that that is the reason so if he tells the reason a is the right answer if if he doesn't tell the reason a is not the right answer B who built it if he says it was built by King Alexander B is the right answer and if he says even today nobody knows who built this Lighthouse it's not the right answer see how long it took to build duration if he says it took three years to construct this Lighthouse seesar right answer and if he doesn't talk about it then it is not option D who staffed it staffed me mean people who work in the lighthouse if they say the people who work in the lighthouse they are slaves all right or the people who work in the lighthouse they are Isles candidates for example okay so we understand who staffed it who staffed it means it means Lighthouse so people who work in the lighthouse what it was built with if he says this Lighthouse was built with stone all right all clear if he says this Lighthouse was built with concrete so we understand what it was built with now confusing thing is they will discuss all five options in any order if they discuss a b CDE life will be easier tick or cross tick or cross but they will discuss all options one by one so let's see don't worry we'll do it all together the engine on the boat makes quite a lot of noise so before we head off let me tell you a few things about what you're going to see this area is famous for its ancient Lighthouse which you'll see from the boat as we turn past the first Little Island it was built in 1838 to protect Sailors as a number of shipwrecks had led to significant loss of life the construction itself was complicated as some of the original drawings kept by the local Council show it sits right on top of the cliffs in a very isolated spot in the 19th century there were many jobs there such such as polishing the brass lamps chopping firewood and cleaning windows that kept Lighthouse Keepers busy these workers were mainly prison convicts until the middle of that century when ordinary families willing to live in such circumstances took over okay these workers were prison convict prison convict like you know prisoners who were sentenced 5 years 10 years and these workers were they so that is option D who stoed it option D who stoed it okay so first correct answer is option D who staffed it and what about the second correct answer it was built to protect the sailors option A well done so correct answer is option A and option d uh now if you're taking paper deliver dials for question number 15 you will write a and for question number 16 you will write D I'm playing it again the engine on the boat makes quite a lot of noise so before we head off let me tell you a few things about what you're going to see this area is famous for its ancient Lighthouse which you'll see from the boat as we turned past the first Little Island it was built in 18 38 to protect Sailors it was built in 1838 to protect Sailors now option C how long it took to build he did not say anything about the time period he said it was built in 19 1838 to protect the sailors so protecting the sailors is why it was built a is the first right answer as a number of shipwrecks had led to significant loss of life the construction itself was complicated as some of the original construction was complicated but he didn't talk about material drawings kept by the local Council show it sits right on top of the cliffs in a very isolated spot in the 19th century there were many jobs there such as polishing the brass lamps chopping firewood and cleaning windows that kept Lighthouse Keepers busy these workers were mainly prison prison convicts these workers were mainly prison convict who staed it these workers were mainly prison convict like they were prisoners and they took them to the lighthouse and said you work there right okay now let's go on question 17 and 18 Again double multiple choice choose two letters which two types of creature might come close to the boat very simple question question they have they will talk about five creatures option A SE Eagles B fur seals dolphins whales Penguins now listen two type of creatures will come closer to the boat that will be the right answer and what you will see at the distance for example sea eagles they say well you will see sea eagles at the distance flying in the sky will it be the answer no if they say the sea eagles will come down and you can even feed them so so then it is the right answer option b first seals if they say first seals are very friendly as we move on they will go around our boat so they will come closer and option C Dolphins if they say well it is very difficult to see dolphins maybe you can spot one or two at the distance at the distance I mean whatever animal will come closer to the boat will be the right answer the animal you will not see or the animal you will see at the distance will be the wrong answer okay now please listen and answer 17 and 18 some of you have asked me what creatures we can expect to see I know everyone loves the Penguins but they're very shy and unfortunately tend to hide from passing boats but you might see birds in the distance such as sea eagles flying around the cliff edges where they nest when we get to the rocky area inhabited by fur seals will stop and watch them swimming around the coast they're inquisitive creatures so don't be surprised if one pops up right in front of you their predators orca whales hunt along the coastline too but spotting one of these is rare dolphins on the other hand can sometimes approach on their own or in groups as they ride the waves beside us okay so out of five five Dolphins they come in a group as they write beside us so one correct answer is dolphins that is option C and second correct answer is option b for seals and you can write these answers in any order for example 17 B 18 c or you may write 17 C 18b that is even correct okay so now listen please follow me again some of you have asked me what creature we can expect to see I know everyone loves the Penguins but they're very shy everyone loves the Penguins but they are very shy shy means they will not come closer penguins are very shy and unfortunately tend to hide from unfortunately tend to hide so when they hide you cannot see them they will not come closer passing boats but you might see birds in the distance you might see birds in the distance now when Penguins you have crossed Birds you have crossed bird is that sea eagles now you are left with three options and two are right okay so elimination is the best technique but you might see birds in the distance such as sea eagles flying around the cliff edges where they nest when we get to the rocky area inhabited by first seals we'll stop and watch them swimming around the cove okay watch them swim swimming around the coast now listen they're inquisitive creatures so don't be surprised if one pops up right in front of you don't be surprised if one one means that for seal if one pops up right in front of you what does it mean creatures might come close to the boat first seals they inquisitive creatures so don't be surprised if one pops up right in front of you their predators Ora whales hunt along the coastline too but spotting one of these is rare veils hunt along but spotting one of these is rare veils spotting one of these is rare means you will not see the Veals dolphins on the other hand can sometimes approach on their own or in groups as they ride the waves beside us beside us they ride the waves beside us means Dolphins will come close closer and then the second is for seals okay let's go on now we've got questions 19 and 20 which two points does Lou make about the caves subject of this multiple choice question is caves and two points so there are caves and he's going to make two points large tourist boats can visit them underline large boats visit what does it mean small boats cannot go there so if in the audio he says uh you can approach the caves by large boats only then a is the right answer but if he says you can go to the caves on small boats or there is a type of boat we call it kayak kayak is a small boat it's uh it's rode by one person you might have seen small boat one person and he's having this we call it kayak king or kayak so that is a small boat if if he says you can go there by kayak it means it's a small boat you can go there so it's not that large boats can go there option b entrances to them are often closed them what do they mean by them caves so entrances to caves are blocked if they are blocked this is the right answer and if they are mostly open then it is not the right answer option C too dangerous for individuals to go near them underline dangerous and individuals so if they say they are very dangerous don't try to go there on your own then it is C someone will explain what is inside them if he says our tourist guide will tell you what is inside the caves then it is option D right and option e they cannot be reached on foot if he says you cannot go to the caves on foot or you cannot walk to the caves then it is option e but but if he says Sometimes When the tide is low you can walk to the cave so if you can walk then e is not the right answer okay all right now let's see lastly I want to mention the caves Tasmania is famous for its caves and the ones will pass by are so amazing that people are lost for words when they see them they can only be approached by se but if you feel that you want to see more than we're able to show show you then you can take a kayak into the area on another day and one of our staff will give you more information on that what we'll do is to go through a narrow channel past some incredible rock formations and from there we'll be able to see the openings to the caves and at that point we'll talk to you about what lies Beyond okay we will talk to you about what lies Beyond we will talk to you means we will tell you what lies beyond beyond means inside the cave so correct answer is option D and option e well done Janika that's good option D and option e option D is someone will explain and he said we will tell you what lies Beyond option e they cannot be reached on foot now I'm playing it again please listen lastly I want to mention the caves Tasmania is famous for its caves and the ones will pass by are so amazing amazing that people are lost for words when they see them they can only be approached by C they can only be approached by c what does it mean option e they cannot be reached on foot try to understand what they are saying they can only be approached by sea so if I say they they means caves caves can only be approached by C it means you cannot walk to the caves so option e is the right answer the first correct answer but if you feel that you want to see more than we're able to show you then you can take a kayak into the area on another day you can take a kayak into the area option A only large tourist boards can visit them he say you can only take kayak now for you it is important to know what kayak is if you don't know what kayak is you say I don't know so you'll not find it kayak you can check it on Google just write kayak k a v a k k something like that okay Kay and one of our staff will give you more information on that what we'll do is to go through a narrow channel past some incredible rock formations and from there we'll be able to see the openings to the caves we will be able to see the openings to the caves now B option entrances to them are often blocked let's see if he talks about blockage or not and at that point we'll talk to you about what lies be Beyond he didn't talk about any blockage and he said at that point we will talk to you what lies beyond what lies beyond means someone will explain what is inside them inside them what lies Beyond like we will take you to the openings of the caves and we will talk to you about what lies beyond beyond means inside the caves so D is the right answer sometimes part two can be very tricky as well this is just part two okay now we are going to see how to deal with double multiple choice questions in is listening part three and part three is what I call Elephant of ises listening and we have double multiple choice questions out of five options three options are wrong if you identify three wrong options you will never have problem with multiple choice questions what do we do we are looking for right answer right and when we are looking for right answer we fall prey to the wrong answers so you should know logically what are the wrong options once you eliminate the wrong options multiple choice will not be a problem for you okay questions 21 and 22 choose two letters a to e which two parts of introductory stage to their art project underline art project two parts do Jess and Tom agree were useful underline J uh agree and useful now out of five two things they agree were useful and three things were useless or three things one says useful second says useless you have to see their agreement on two things which were useful so where there there is no agreement that is not the right answer where the things were useless even that is not the right answer so right answer is to use ful things part of their project let's see bird park visit uh bird park visit now you know there is a park where they have bird Birds right there is a net like in Lor also we've got that bird park in jello I don't know what to call it what do we call it safari park so in safari park there is a bird park visit now if bird for example Tom and Jess Jess says well the bird park visit was very useful and Tom say says well I couldn't make it I didn't go there will it be the answer no because useful and they agree second Workshop session if one says I found the workshop sessions very interesting and they really added to my knowledge and the second one says I knew about all these things already so it was a waste of time is it the answer no where they agree option C Natural History Museum visit if one says the Natural History Museum visit was quite stunning I learned a lot of things and second one says me too then this can be the right answer option e handouts with research sources so if handouts useful and they agree so out of five two things useful and they agree will be the right answer and they will discuss all five options in any order don't expect a first you need to see if they use the word Museum jump to option C listen and decide tick or cross tick means this is the right answer cross means this is just a trap okay so let's see how are you getting on with your Ark project Tom okay like they gave us the theme of birds to base our project on and I'm not really all that interested in Wildlife but I'm starting to get into it I've pretty well finished the introductory stage so have I when they gave us all those handouts with details of books and websites to look at I was really put off but the more I read the more interested I got me too I found I could research so many different aspects of birds in art color movement texture so I was looking forward to the bird park visit what a let down it poured with rain and we hardly saw a single bird much less used than the trip to the Natural History Museum yeah I liked all the stuff about Evolution there the workshop sessions with Dr Fletcher were good too especially the brainstorming sessions ah I missed those because I was ill I wish we could have seen the projects last year students did I suppose they want us to do our own thing not copy okay now this time you will tell me two options which are the right ones and if you get one right answer one wrong answer you will get one mark for that so correct answer is option C and option e good now if out of c e you have chosen one right option and one wrong option you will get one Mark okay now let's listen to it again how are you getting on with your Arc project Tom okay like they gave us the theme of birds to base our project on and I'm not really all that interested in Wildlife but I'm starting to get into it I've pretty well finished the introductory stage so have I when they gave us all those handouts with details of books and websites to look at I was really put off but the more I read the more interested I got me too handouts the more I read the more interested I got and he said me too what does it mean agree right so handouts and the agree more I read more I got so e is the first right answer I found I could research so many different aspects of birds in art color movement texture so I was looking forward to the bird park visit what a letdown it poured with rain and we hardly saw a single bird bird park visit it poured with rain and we saw hardly a single Bird right so bird park visit was useless because of rain they were unable to see any bird much less you than the trip to the Natural History Museum much less useful than the trip to the Natural History Museum what does it mean the trip to the Natural History Museum was useful right if I say it's much less useful than that so it means the other one other thing is more useful right Natural History Museum is the second correct answer now yeah I liked all the stuff about Evolution there the workshop sessions with Dr Fletcher were good too especially the brain storming sessions ah I missed those because I was Ill Workshop sessions I missed those because I was Ill so Workshop sessions are gone I wish we could have seen the projects last year's students did I suppose they want us to do our own thing not copy I wish we could see the projects last year students did and he said he said they want us to do our own work so projects done in previous year they don't agree Okay C and D are the right answers now let's go on questions 23 and 24 which two ways underline two ways do both Jess and Tom decide underline decide to change their proposal so subject is changing their proposal two ways they will change their proposal now look here five options out of five options two things they will change three things either they will not change right or like they will talk about changing their proposal in two things option A giving a rational for their action plans rational is a logical thinking to their action plans underline rational and action plan less specific about the outcome less specific about the outcome outcome is the research outcome so they will be less specific more specific means you see the outcome of the research is this but we say well the outcome can be different it can be in different ways so less specific about the outcome adding a video diary so underline video diary if they're going to add a video diary providing a timeline what is timeline In 1980 this thing happened in 1985 another development in 1990 this thing we call it timeline and mind map and option e by making their more uh notes more evaluative so making notes more evaluated now where they are going to change that will be the right answer where they will not make any change that will be the wrong answer so let's see have you drafted your proposal yet yes but I haven't handed it in I need to amend some parts I've realized the notes from my research are almost all just descriptions I haven't actually evaluated anything so I'll have to fix that oh I didn't know we had to do that that I'll have to look at that too did you do a timeline for the project yes and a mind map yeah so did I I quite enjoyed that but it was hard having to explain the basis for my decisions in my action plan what you know give a rationale I didn't realize we had to do that okay I can add it now and I've done the video diary presentation and worked out what I want My outcome to be in the project someone told me it's best not to be too precise about your actual outcome at this stage so you have more scope to explore your ideas later on so I'm going to go back to my proposal to make it a bit more vague really okay I'll change that too then all right I'll change that too then okay so correct answer is option e first they talked about their notes more evaluative and the second correct answer answer is option b and you can write your answer on the answer sheet in any order okay I'm playing it again and I'll tell you why these two answers are right have you drafted your proposal yet yes but I haven't handed it in I need to amend some parts I've realized the notes from my research are almost all just descriptions I haven't actually evaluated anything so I'll have to fix that okay my notes are just description I haven't evaluated anything so I'm going to fix that now she says what oh I didn't know we had to do that oh I didn't realize we have to do that I'll have to look at that too I'll have to look at that too so making their notes more evaluative at the moment they are descriptive so this is the first change they are going to do have to look at that too did you do a timeline for the project yes and a mind map okay did you do a Time timeline yes and a mind map now they're not changing it yeah so did I so did I are they changing anything about it no okay I quite enjoyed that but it was hard having to explain the basis for my decisions in my action plan what you know give a rationale I didn't realize we had to do that okay I didn't realize we had to do that now they're talking about giving a rationale for their action plans now listen he didn't do it change means you do something and you change it and when you don't do anything you are not changing you are actually starting it so option A is wrong because he didn't do it okay I can add it now I can add it now means they're not changing it he has not done something he's doing it and by the way the both are not doing it one has already done it one hasn't done it and I've done the video diary presentation and worked out what I want My outcome to to be in the project someone told me it's okay I've done video diary presentation but they're not changing it because the question is decide to change okay best not to be too precise about your actual outcome yeah not be precise about your actual outcome what is that not precise means less specific about the outcome that is option b this stage so you have more scope to explore your ideas later on so I'm going to go back to my propos propal to make it a bit more vague really okay I'll change that too then I'm going to go to my proposal to make it more vague he said okay I'm going to do that too I'm going to do that too means they decide to do it I'm going to do that so B and E right answers and you can write these answers in any order but I would advise you first write B 23 B and 24 e this way it'll be right okay all right now let's move on The Real Party part three multiple choice questions this test is full of multiple choice questions like one of my students he complained in his actual exam I listening there were around 25 28 multiple choice questions and this may happen part one even if you're unlucky in part four multiple choice questions so don't be afraid try to learn to deal with them okay now work experience for veterinary science students veterinary science means animal doctors so work experience for animal doctors in this audio they will talk about that uh and in part three by the way there may be minimum two and maximum three speakers like part three is there's a dialogue and sometimes there is a trialogue where there is a tutor and two students they are discussing but sometimes mainly two students so question number 21 please come to question number 21 what problem underline the word problem did both Diana and Tim underline both have problem both have when arranging their work experience work experience is more like uh what do we call it when you are working in a bank as a trainee I mean they don't give you the salary but you just go there as a internship yeah internship exactly so what problem did both have when they were arranging their internship internship means their work experience now listen a problem of Diana only is not the right answer problem of Tim only is not the right answer their shared problem will be the right answer so there are three options one will be the problem of Tim only and Diana says I didn't have to face that problem second problem will be Diana's problem and Tim will say I was lucky I didn't have to face that problem and one problem one person will say and second will say me too it was hard for me as well that will be the right answer okay now what are the problems option A making initial contact with suitable Farms underline making initial contact okay making the contact with the farm that sir I am I'm an animal doctor and I want to get some work experience in your farm so making initial experience was a problem if it was a problem of for example example Diana says well it was very difficult for me to contact with the suitable firm and Tim says I didn't have any problem my father's friend had his own Farmhouse so he invited me there so it means a is not the right answer B organizing transport to and from the farm underline organizing transport if one says it was very difficult for me to reach there the train took 2 hours and second one says I didn't have this problem I stayed on the farm I stayed on the farm means he didn't have to face transport problem and if he says yes me too the road was very bumpy and it took me three hours to reach there then it is the right answer option C finding a placement for the required length of time underline required length of time now for example if I need internship for three months and they say well we only have availability for one month so finding a placement for required length of time now what was their shared problem again I'm telling you a problem with that both agree and other one also says me too I had the same issue that will be the right answer now let's see and by the way you're dealing with elephant of Fes listening part three is what I call Elephant you will hear two veterinary science students called Diana and Tim discussing their work placements and their course modules so Tim we have to do a short short summary of our work experience on a farm right my farm was great but arranging the work experience was hard one problem was it was miles away and I don't drive and also I'd really wanted a placement for a month but I could only get one for 2 weeks I was lucky the farmer let me stay on the farm so I didn't have to travel but finding the right sort of farm to apply to wasn't easy no no they don't seem to have websites do they I found mine through a friend of my mother's but it wasn't easy no finding the right form to apply to wasn't easy what is that option A not c c is finding a placement for the required length of time he said I need it for one month but they gave me for two weeks but that was not the problem of the lady I will repeat it don't worry so correct answer here you think about diet and nut is a I play it again you will hear two V now we will focus the wrong options mainly science students called Diana and Tim discussing their work placements and their course modules so Tim we have to do a short summary of our work experience on a farm right my farm was great but arranging the work experience was hard one problem was it was miles away and I don't drive it was miles away but I don't drive option b and also I'd really wanted a placement for a month but I could only get one for 2 weeks I wanted a placement for month option C but I could only get for 2 weeks now I was lucky the farmer let me stay on the farm so I didn't have to travel I was lucky farmer let me stay at the farm I didn't have to travel option B Gone because it is not their sheared problem on the farm so I didn't have to travel but finding the right sort okay now option C length of time it was only the problem of Tim that lady didn't say anything about that only Tim said that now they come to option a lucky the farmer let me stay on the farm so I didn't have to travel but finding the right sort of farm to apply to wasn't easy finding the right sort of farm to apply to wasn't easy means making initial contact with suitable Farm now she says it was not easy now let's see what does he say so I didn't have to travel but finding the right sort of farm to apply to wasn't easy no they don't seem to have websites do they I found mine through a friend of my mother's but it wasn't easy no it wasn't easy no so both of them they they had problem with making initial contact with suitable Farm now question number 22 Tim was pleased to be able to help now question is about Tim only so you will listen to Tim carefully this time it's only Tim and you're going to listen to him carefully uh okay he was pleased means he was happy to help now listen carefully where Tim actively helped out of three options Tim actively helped that will be the right answer where farmer did things on his own or where a doctor came and he managed all these things those will be the wrong options option A a lamb that had broken leg underline lamb and broken leg now if Tim helped a lamb with broken leg and he is happy about it that's the right answer that if you say once there was a lamb with a broken leg and then the farmer called the doctor so did Tim do anything no it's not the right answer option b sheep that was having difficulty giving birth so underline sheep difficulty giving birth now if Tim helped a sheep who was having difficulty giving birth it's a right answer but if he says a doctor came in and I saw and he guided me it means he didn't do anything right then it is not a I mean where Tim act actually helped or actively helped that'll be the right answer see newly born lamb underline newly born lamb and then underline having trouble feeding so if Tim helped a newly born lamb which was having trouble feeding then C will be the right answer now let's see again keep the question in mind Tim was pleased to be able to help yes my farm had sheep too yes my my farm was mostly livestock especially sheep I really enjoyed helping out with them I was up most of one night helping a sheep deliver a lamb on your own no the farmer was there and he told me what to do it wasn't a straightforward birth but I managed it was a great feeling to see the lamb stagger to its feet and start feeding almost straight away and to know that it was okay then another time a lamb had broken its leg and they got the vet in to set it and and he talk me through what he was doing that was really useful okay now you got to see where Tim was active and he actively did that all right correct answer is option b okay a broken leg a doctor came in they use the word vet the farmer called a vet and newly born lamb that was having trouble feeding no the lamb did it all on its own he didn't find help from Tim please please listen again my farm was mostly livestock especially sheep I really enjoyed helping out with them I was up most of one night helping a sheep deliver a lamb I was up one night helping a sheep deliver a lamb on your own no the farmer was there and he told me what to do on your own no the farmer was there and he told me what to do so all the things were done by him if wasn't a straightforward birth but I managed it was a great feeling to see the lamb stuck okay it was a great feeling and now it was a great feeling to see the lamb AER to its feet and start feeding almost straight away and start feeding almost straight away now he didn't help the lamb did it all itself started feeding okay and to know that it was okay then another time a lamb had broken its leg and they got the vet in to set it okay the lamb broken its leg and they got the vet in to set it so he didn't do anything vet did that okay all right don't worry through practice you will be able to I mean for this you need to upgrade your English then it's going to be fine otherwise part three becomes PTO for students they don't understand okay all right those who understand PTO they will say oh I love PTO question number 23 Diana says sheep on her Farm now you will listen to Diana carefully and the subject is sheep on her Farm she will talk about sheep on her Farm option A various different varieties underline various varieties now listen if she says the sheep on my my farm they were only one variety or one breed or single breed then a is not the right answer because a is various varieties various varieties means many breeds or different breeds option b mainly rared for their meat underline rared for meat the purpose of raising the Sheep was their meat and if the purpose was their milk or the purpose was their wool then it is not the right answer okay option C better quality wool than sheep on the Hills underline better quality wool now listen to Diana whatever she says about the sheep on her farm and two options will be discussed negatively one option is the right one yes my farm had cheap too the farm was in a valley and they had a lowland breed called suffix although the farmer said they'd had other breeds in the past so were they bred for their meat mostly yes they're quite big and solid my farm was up in the hills and they had a different breed of sheep they were chevat oh I heard their wolves really sought after yes it's very hardwearing and they use it for carpets right see that I told you you will listen to di carefully okay so correct answer is actually a b c b is the right answer and I tell you why I'll prove it I I'll play the audio again okay don't worry yes my farm had sheep too my farm had sheep too the farm was in a valley and they had a lowland breed called suffix they had a lowland breed called suffix option A various different varieties no a lowland breed called suffix so how many varieties just one a is not the right answer although the farmer said they'd had other breeds in the the farmer said they had other breeds Meats in the past right but question is about present past so were they breed for their meat mostly yeah were they breed for their meat mostly yes option b were mainly rared for rared they use the word bread were they bread breed bread bread were they breed for their meat and he said mostly so mostly is mainly RAR for their meat B is the right answer and now listen on S they're quite big and solid my farm was up in the hills my farm was up in the hills but we are not interested because question is about Diana so whatever he says about his farm that is not the answer he's talking about option C but as the question is about option about Diana so we'll not listen to him okay let's go on we've got more multiple choice questions question number 24 what did the students learn about adding supplements to chicken feed now this time clue word is supplements you know they give special feed to poultry right so supplements to chicken feed what did they learn these now you need to find this link these means supplements so option A supplements should only be given if specifically needed underline given if needed given if need it so they say they should be given when they require it so supplement should be given when the chicken requires it then it is option A B it is worth paying extra for the most effective ones underline worth paying extra most effective ones and what do they mean by ones supplements you should know that if you don't know it you will not find the answer if if he says in the audio well uh the expensive supplements are better than the cheaper ones that is option b worth paying extra for the most effective ones if in the audio he says whether you buy an expensive one or cheaper one they are all the same if he says they are all the same it means it's not worth paying extra for expensive ones option C amount given at one time should be limited so amount limited means they should give a they should give a limited amount of supplements exactly now let's see what do they say I was interested in the amount of supplements they add to animals feed nowadays like even the chickens got extra vitamins and electrolytes in their feed yes I found that too and they're not cheap but my Farmer said some are overpriced for what they are and he didn't give them as a matter of routine just at times when the chickens seem to particularly require them yes Yes mine said the same he said certain breeds of chickens might need more supplements than the others but the cheap and expensive ones are all basically the same cheap and expensive ones are all basically the same so option b worth paying extra wrong okay and when the chicken requires them that's what they mentioned so correct answer is option A well done please listen to it again I was interested in the amount of supplements they add to animals feed nowadays like even the chickens got extra vitamins and electrolytes in their feed yes I found that too and they're not cheap but my Farmer said some are overpriced for what they are and he didn't give them as a matter of routine just at times when the chickens seem to particularly require them he didn't give them as a matter of routine just the time when the chicken seem to require them so that is option A these should be given if specifically or specially needed okay question number 25 what happened when Diana was working with dairy cows so dairy cows and what happened yeah Diana did something yeah something like that okay what happened when Diana was working with dairy cows option A she accidentally uh she identified some cows incorrect l so identified cows incorrectly and by the way we know the subject is cows so identified incorrectly like this cow is from this breed that is Australian cow that is Irish cow and all that option b accidentally threw milk away so accidentally threw milk like Tuda Mar like the bucket of milk she threw accidentally and option C made a mistake when storing milk so mistake when storing milk milk now three options option A she identified cows incorrectly means the breed of cows option b accidentally threw milk like the milk was there in the container and accidentally she fell on the milk or she threw the milk something like that and option C she made a mistake when storing milk like that was the milk of Australian cows and that was the sick cows and she mixed the milk of sick cows with the other ones or something like that okay let's see what happened so did your farm have any other livestock Diana yes dairy cows I made a really embarrassing mistake when I was working in the milk shed some cows had been treated with antibiotics so their milk wasn't suitable for human consumption and it had to be put in a separate container but I got mixed up and I poured some milk from the wrong cow in with the milk for humans so the whole lot had to be thrown away the farmer wasn't too happy with me okay I got mixed up and I put the milk which was not suitable for human and all that which option is that c she made a mistake when storing milk and by the way B is not the right answer because then the whole milk should have been through away thrown away and all that please Focus so did your Farm have any other livestock Diana yes dairy cows I made a really embarrassing mistake when I was working in the milk shed some cows had been treated with antibiotics so their milk wasn't suitable for human consumption and it had to be put in a separate container but I got mixed up and I poured some milk from the wrong cow in with the milk for humans so the whole lot had to be thrown away okay got mixed up and the whole lot had to be thrown away okay question number 26 what did both Farmers mention about vets and farming again both Farmers farmer of Diana and farmer of Tim so what did both Farmers underline both farmers mension and vets and farming vet is doctors animal doctors and farm houses vs are failing to cope with some aspects of animal health just underline wets are failing animal doctors don't know wets don't know they are failing they are not successful option b there needs to be fundamental change in the training of vets underline fundamental change training of vets and option C some jobs could be done by farmer rather than a v so some jobs done by farmer rather than vet means they don't need to call the doctor they can do it on their own right now both Farmers one farmer will talk about one thing they don't agree but where they agree that will be the right answer I asked my Farmer how much he depended on the vet to deal with health problems I've read reports that the livestock's health is being affected as farmers are under pressure to increase production well he didn't agree with that but he said that actually some of the stuff the vets do like minor operations he'd be quite capable of doing himself yeah my Farmer said the same but he reckons vet skills are still needed okay my Farmer said the same like minor operations we could do that so some jobs could be done by the farmer rather than by a V and he said my Farmer said the same so option C will be the right answer okay that's good so far
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
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Keywords: ielts listening, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test 2020, listening ielts practice, ielts 2020, listening, ielts newlistening test, ielts test, listening ielts, listening band 9 score, recent ielts exam, ielts, ielts asadyaqub, BC u0026 IDP Exam, listening new videos, ielts speaking test samples, ielts best listening video, ielts success 2020, AsadYaqub
Id: waascFAtIkE
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Length: 79min 25sec (4765 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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