IELTS Speaking American English Band 9 subs FULL

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hi and welcome to a eHealth coms IELTS test preparation videos in this video you will see a native english-speaking American who would score a ban 9 for his performance on this interview again we've partnered with cambly a world-class app that lets you connect with a native english-speaking tutor anywhere anytime and now for the month of March you can use this coupon code to get a 10% discount as well you can use this coupon code to get your first 15 minutes for free download kamle today and begin improving your English for the next time you set the IELTS after the interview you will see a lesson which explains why a native speaker may need to take the IELTS as well as why this candidate would score a ban 9 for over a hundred hours of video lessons six full exams and an interactive course visit and join us today at AE help calm now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test may I see your identification please as you may thank you and what is your full name well my last name is Buchanan my first name is Davis but please call me babe ok Dave here is your identification back thank you and I'm going to record this for marking purposes ok the speaking has three parts that will give you instructions for each part for part one I'd like to get to know you a little bit better and ask you some questions on a general topic sure where did you grow up so I was born in Monterey California but I actually grew up in Long Beach California what do you like to do for relaxing why I like to go swimming there's a good pool close to my home and I find that it's not only good exercise but it's a good way to unwind from the stresses of the workweek let's talk about vacation okay what do you like to do on your vacations from work and mostly enjoy going sightseeing and checking out at historical cities such as Rome or doing something active like going to Hawaii for some R&R doing some surfing how many days do you usually take for a vacation I usually take about two weeks just this just a month ago I had took 14 days and went to Florida to visit a cousin of mine I usually find that this is enough time to relax and recuperate what was your favorite vacation until now that's a tough one I've had many good vacations but if I had to choose one I would have to say that my Alpine adventure this past winter to Aspen Colorado was one of the best was snow the powder was just perfect so the weather was great and snowboarding was just second to none if you could go anywhere for a couple of weeks to relax where would you go I think I would go to Costa Rica based on recent recommendations from good friends of mine it seems like that's a very nice country to visit and I haven't been there it sounds like the jungles are amazing and the surf is incredible so that would be my next destination have you visited another continent yeah I sure have I've actually visited many countries around the world that been all over Europe and I was in South America and Asia as well what was your opinion about them I have different but good opinions about me to play visit it for example I really enjoy the natural beauty that South America has to offer and I love different cuisines such as the Korean barbecue which is one of my favorites okay that is the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 for part 2 here is a card with some questions please don't turn that over yet okay here is a pencil and here's some no paper and you will have one minute to think of your answer write notes if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start and when to stop are you ready to begin yesterday okay go ahead turn over the card and your one-minute preparation time begins now okay okay Dave your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking okay so I'd like to speak about my cousin Jerry so he is one of the smartest people I know he not only has a degree in math from Stanford University but he owns his own business and has a family a wife and a father of three children he's of average height he's got blue eyes blonde hair pre-bought build guy who's always smiling he's my mom's older sister's son so he's a little bit older than me Jerry's not only very intelligent but also very hard-working which is something I really admire about him as I mentioned he not only has a doctorate in math but he also teaches part-time third and fourth year students at University he's also come up with some of his own math formulas and theorems in addition to this he uses his math and people skills to build his brokerage firm which he now runs with about ten staff and in his business he makes lucrative investments on behalf of wealthy investors he's a very good father and he always pays attention to spending quality time with his wife and especially used to be children just last week and when I picked him together and I joined them in the park and threw some ball with the kids so he Jerry has a very bright future ahead of him I mean he's already a very successful businessman and professor but I really wouldn't be at all surprised if in the near future he will win some kind of award such as a Nobel Prize even okay Dave I'm going to stop you there two minutes is up so please pass back the note paper the pencil thank you the card as well please and now we will continue with part three for part three I'm going to ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two are you ready to continue sure let's continue let's talk about intelligence what makes a person intelligent well there are many different criterias for intelligence and there many different types of intelligence but I would say a good indicator of general intelligence is the ability to problem-solve so people who are let's say better problem solvers than 95% of the population are considered to be intelligent isn't this always true well not always there's as I said different types of intelligence so let's say if a person is an extremely gifted painter but that message doesn't necessarily make them a good problem solver but that is also a form of intelligence some people feel that being very intelligent can also be a burden do you agree with this notion I certainly do yeah generally speaking the most intelligent among us are the ones that society relies on to solve our problems for us so for example my cousin Jerry is faced with these types of issues sometimes when an investment doesn't pan out for one of his clients then the blame falls on him it is often agreed that intelligence is very difficult to measure why is this well it's because as I mentioned before there are many different types of intelligence so to be more specific there's kinesthetic intelligence there's mathematical intelligence spatial and artistic just to name a few and while a person may be considered intelligent in one domain it won't necessarily make them telogen in another what are some of the greatest architectural achievements of the past 50 years well I would consider mega structures such as the Burj Kalifa or the Three Gorges Dam in China to be great engineering marvels of the last half century how about known physical achievements well I would say that the most important non physical achievements of the last half-century would have to be the internet but also the mapping of the genome and perhaps virtual reality what is needed for major accomplishments these days that are internationally recognized well they have to be outstanding to say the least to set themselves apart I mean there are nearly 8 billion people on the planet so it takes quite the achievement to stand out from the crowd so for example something like a cure for AIDS or a sprinter earning the 100-meter dash in under 9 seconds how will the major achievements of today impact future societies I believe they will have a profound impact on future societies so for example we spoke of the inner price book of the internet the tools that we use today such as social media Facebook Twitter Instagram already having a major impact on society as we know today and I think this will only continue in the future ok that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the IELTS exam you will have your results about two weeks time with the other portions of the test have a great rest of your day Dave remember to take your passport thank you have a nice day bye to thank you so why do native speakers also need to take the IELTS exam well it's for the same reasons that all students take the outs exam immigration education and work saying that a person wants to emigrate from Canada to Australia there is no guarantee that they have a high level of English remember we live in a global society so if they have no other proof of English such as grade 12 they can be required to show IELTS scores also when students study abroad they have to show a certain level of English this can be a grade 12 score of 80% or great be higher and if they don't have this then it needs to be an exam score such as a band 7 on IELTS and third even when native English speakers want to get a job working for an English as second language school they have to show a high aptitude for the language many ESL schools these days require their teachers to have a band 8.5 or 9 on the IELTS exam now why does this candidate score a band 9 this candidate would score a band 9 because first of all his speech is natural of course he's a native English american-born user of the language so his pronunciation intonation enunciation word choice use of expressions and idioms as well as sentence structures are perfect secondly he uses a great range of vocabulary he has excellent lexical resource third he has great comprehension and coherence of course he understands every question clearly and he answers them accurately he gives full answers explanations and often provides examples his part to response is complete with lots of detail and good structure this is what you need to do to get those nice high IELTS band score make sure to watch this video several times and practice at home good luck the next time you sit the IELTS to see over a hundred hours of video lessons like this one and for six original practice exams as well as a fully interactive course please visit and join us today at WWE help calm and improve your IELTS band score subscribe to our channel click over here watch more videos click right here or click our IELTS hero for over a hundred hours of complete video lessons and six original practice exams to help you pass IELTS
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 1,354,553
Rating: 4.9181662 out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, native English, American, USA, British, part 1, part 2, part 3, vocabulary, interview, questions, tips, band 9, section, accent, high score, fluency, practice, sample, example, explanation, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, free, teacher, learn, student, tutorial, crack, pass, easy
Id: hs6HBKpN36c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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