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[Music] [Music] do you like films yes I enjoy watching films when I want to relax or have some fun I like to watch a movie what kinds of films do you like best my favorite kinds of films are comedies I like movies that can make me laugh how often do you watch Helms if there is an interesting movie playing at the cinema I'll go to see it it's nice to go out to see a movie with my friends sometimes and get to sit on a big screen do you like to watch films alone or with your friends I'd rather watch films with my friends we always have a good time together and afterwards we talk about the movie whether we enjoyed it or not do you prefer to watch films in the cinema or at home I prefer to watch movies at the cinema because then you get to see the movie on a big screen with a better sound system I think it makes the movie more impressive you know [Music] do you like to dance yes I like to dance because I really enjoy moving to the music what kind of dancing to Chinese people like Chinese people like to do ballroom dancing but outside on the street young people like to go to discos and dance techno and hip-hop does China have any traditional dances China has a lot of traditional dances there are as many traditional dances in China as there are ethnic minorities its traditional dance still popular today in China yes I think so many Chinese young people go to school in order to learn it it's part of our culture no I don't think so nowadays more people prefer modern music and dancing styles what kinds of dancing are popular with young people in China young people are interested in many forms of dancing here in China we like to go to clubs and dance to hip hop and techno music do you like to listen to music yes I do I often listen to music on my mp4 when I'm traveling from place to place or when I'm at home relaxing what kinds of music do you like I like to listen to love songs pop music rock music traditional Chinese music jazz hip hop Latin music what kinds of music are popular in China everybody has different tastes but I think love songs and pop music are the most popular kinds of music in China all the classics from America and Europe are pretty popular here too rap is also getting to be very popular as well have you ever learned to play a musical instrument yes when I was in school I learned to play the violin but I don't play it anymore and I think I've forgotten how his music an important subject at school in China unfortunately music is not such a popular subject at school in China math and science are much more important in China although maybe not so popular what benefits to children gain by studying music or learning to play a musical instrument by learning how to play a musical instrument children can learn many things they can learn self-discipline determination and how to appreciate music better have you ever learned to draw to tell you the truth I never really had the time to learn to draw I also really don't have the talent to spend my time drawing do you draw now yes I sometimes like to draw not only is it a good form of relaxation but I enjoy creating beautiful things and using my imagination even if I can't draw very well I still enjoy it what do you think are some of the benefits of drawing for both children and adults both children and adults need to use their creativity drawing teaches people to look at the world differently more carefully and thoroughly it helps people relax and have fun and it gives you a chance to use your imagination what is your favorite sport my favorite sport is definitely soccer I love the feeling of being out there on the field and just running with the wind why do you like it so much in soccer the rules are not too complicated but it's very competitive and takes a lot of skill and talent to play well I always have fun when I'm playing or watching it on TV what is the most popular sport in your country I think it's basketball football also has always been the most popular sport in China badminton and ping-pong are close behind do you like to exercise daily now I don't I'm awfully lazy I know that I need to change this habit or I'm afraid it is going to come back and bite me in the butt how much time do you spend exercising probably 5 or 6 hours a week I know that I will not make the Olympics at that rate but then again sports is not my field what are the advantages of regular exercise there's the obvious advantage that if you regularly exercise you will stay stronger more fit and healthier but you also get better sleep and it helps calm your busy mind where do people in China usually exercise young people go to the gym or go to a playground and play basketball older people would just go outside their apartments and do Taichi what forms of exercise are most popular in China badminton or ping pong are very popular here in China basketball and football are also very popular do you think primary school children should have sports classes at school I certainly think so because primary school children have a lot of energy and if they must remain cooped up at a desk all day they will not be able to concentrate because they will want to go out and play [Music] [Music] what kind of housing accommodation do you live in I live in an apartment building my family owns two apartments right next to each other and I live in the smaller apartment with my sister my mother and father and my father's parents live in the other how do you like it oh I like it very much I live quite high up and I have a wonderful view of the city and it is very convenient to live near my parents as my mum often cooks for us when we are very busy what kind of decorations does it do the rooms have the apartment is very nicely furnished though simple we have a brand new living room set a couch and two chairs which my parents picked out my sister and I picked out the curtains and lamps and knickknacks so that it has some kind of a Middle Eastern style we decorated our own rooms with all the things we saved from growing up what kind of house or apartment do you want to live in I want to live in a little house in the country with two floors and a big attic and basement and wide gardens and orchards around it I would probably have to live in an apartment in town most of the time and I would like my apartment to also have two floors which is your favorite room in your home my favorite room is my room because it has my bed and things in it and a little window seat where you can sit in the sunshine and look outside when I want to get away from everything for a while I can escape to my room surrounded by the things I love that remind me of happy memories and if I want a chill I can play computer games whenever I want [Music] which room does your family spend most of the time n my family spends most of their time in the living room we often watch DVDs together or we just talk about our day and if we have friends or relatives over we will all go into the living room to sit and talk and eat some snacks what would you say is the best thing about your home my favorite thing about my home is the big Terrace we have it's a very pleasant place to sit in the warm weather there is a secret door inside a closet that leads out onto the terrace and we have a picnic table and chairs out there so you can just go out there under the sky and read a book or look up into the clear blue sky would you like to move to another place not now but eventually yes because I think I would be bored to live in the same place for too long I would miss my parents so it would be hard to move away from home but at the same time I am anxious to have a life of my own plus I think that living in a big city is very impersonal and I would like to live in a different place [Music]
Channel: Tony IELTS Box
Views: 27,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS SPEAKING PART 1, common question in ielts speaking test
Id: wnxe2JOQ4FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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