IELTS Speaking Interview | BAND 6.0 | Real Test!

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hello please take a seat my name is ash patel can you tell me your full name please hello miss dash my name is lee jin-chan can you tell me where you're from china can i see your identification please yes here's my passport thank you that's fine now i would like to ask you some general questions let's talk about what you do do you work or are you a student actually i'm studying hong kong university for programme english how long have you been studying just six months till now actually this is my first semester what do you like about studying there it's a nice place to study there is a nice rooms and my teachers are nice i like my friends and yeah it's it's a good place and i like it is your university close to your home yes my home is in five minutes from the college how do you travel i travel bus just ten minutes but there's much traffic on roads now let's talk about food what kind of food do you like to eat i like to eat dim sum is national food in this country why because it's very delicious and it's traditional what sorts of new food would you like to try i'm not sure about that but maybe i would like to try some mexican food like vegeta yeah why um i'm interested in mexican food because i like the spicy and i'm interested with this national dishes uh and some friends talk about it and so i'm interested in try this dish and do you cook for yourself actually not too much i actually just like to eat cooking i'm i'm not good and my mother is good um i i'm not cooking why not i don't like i i don't know how cook and i didn't like to cooking do you prefer eating at home or in restaurants um actually i prefer my mom cooking because it's great cooker and there's a benefit at home but sometimes i don't have someone to cook so i just eat food in restaurants what type of restaurants do you like usually i like like pizzas burgers and noodles lots of food like that now let's talk about friends what do you like to do with your friends um usually go into cinema and watch together film and sometimes have dinner why because we have good time and we laugh we talk a lot have you kept in contact with friends you had as a child not really because we have a lot of chance to get on with new friends in their life so no why not because i come from shenzhen and now i live in hong kong and university in hong kong so i have chance to make lots of friends and i enjoy very much how do you usually communicate with your friends it depends some might see every day in class or library so speak to each other and friends not in hong kong i text my phone and or use online what do you think a good friend is um i think um support each other like um i felt sad and um my friends helps me and ask if i okay or not thank you now i'm going to give you a topic and i would like you to talk about it for one to two minutes you will have one minute to prepare and you can write notes if you want do you understand yes okay here is your card and some paper to write some notes i would like you to describe a hobby that you enjoy doing can you stop speaking now i like and i have one hobby that i like very much and it is good for me and also my friends it is playing football i like it too much play football is good hobby because um you must to run and jump and everything in your body is just moving [Music] and after this uh when you finish football you will be happy and hungry um and you should be playing football with other people so everybody will enjoy this way but there is also a bad way about football if you have injury yeah it is the bad thing about football my friends and i play club in hong kong it is very good club and we win lots all my friends watch and um that's good we win i also like watch football on tv i like many many clubs like barcelona liverpool psg but my favorite is barcelona i i also play games computer and at home weekends i like too many computer games and i also play friends we play car and war games i like too much computer games thank you do you play football very often yes one time or two time all weeks we've been talking about your hobby and now i would like us to talk about hobbies and interests in general do you think having a hobby is a benefit for people's social lives um yes i i think so yeah it have benefit is good for health and if you play football you can do a lot of excel size does that have social benefits yes um because you you you do it with people with friends what sort of social benefits does it bring play football other people other teams you must play each other and help win so good relationship are there any disadvantages of spending too much time doing a hobby yes actually if you do a lot of time on football or hobby you will waste your time its advantage will be disadvantaged and if you have too much time you will lose your work hell perhaps perhaps you you you late for work and your boss is angry why do you think it's important to have a hobby to make life interesting without your hobby your life will be very boring and not interesting you need something else you just go to college and go home and go to work is that's not good life why not because important to try new things to to exercise to to learn things and not just work and sleep only let's talk about leisure time now in your country do people have a lot of leisure time it depends um some companies are very loose so you have too much time for your leisure time but some companies are very strict you have to work very long hours and you have no time for anything else you just sleep what do you think people in your country have good work-life balance sorry is there a good balance between working and relaxing in your country um [Music] only if you work in those good companies i suppose why is that because some companies very strict you have to work long hours but other companies only small hours and many holidays what do you think people have more free time in your country now compared to the past yes i think so yeah i think they have more free time um not like in the past uh like my grandfather like he can't have any free time in the past like now um now we have more free time because um technologies makes everything faster and in the past it takes more time to finish things so we have more free time right now can you give me an example my grandfather is a farmer and he gets up sung up workable days no machines like now now farms very very big and have very big machine do all the work and not like using hands like grandfather do you think people will have more or less free time in the future i'm actually i think you do have more time technology every day is developed and we don't need to do anything like before and in the future some technology will do everything we just do a hobby what type of technology robots robots can do all the work in-house in business what type of work in house um roberts can to clean all house and fridge tail shop food we need and shop same food so nobody go to shop and they work robots build robots can build everything like a car plane no human and computer can do much work in office thank you that is the end of the speaking test thank you
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking 2022, ielts band 9 speaking
Id: puh9YYsfZm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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