How to Get IELTS Speaking Band 6.5

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[Music] woof [Music] good afternoon welcome to the speaking test um can i ask what your name is please um you can call me penny hello penny i am jason and i'll be doing a speaking test with you today um could i see your id card please okay thank you very much okay there you go so what i'm going to do is i'll be doing a speaking test with you now and i will introduce each part for you okay so we're going to first look at part one and this is part of a test where i'm going to ask you some questions about yourself so first off are you a student or do you work now um i am working now and can you talk to me about your daily routine um my daily routine um is pretty normal i i wake up at around 8 30. and prepare myself for the day and um i go to work and finish work at around 8 30. okay is there anything about your course or your job you would like to change um i don't think so yeah okay thank you now i'm going to move on to asking you some questions about shopping so who does most of the shopping in your household um i would say my mother does the grocery shopping for for the house and what type of shopping do you like and and why i i like to buy books because i love reading books so shopping for book is my my favorite thing thank you and it's shopping a popular activity in your country if so why or why not um judging from from many department stores in the country i think yes it is very popular activity here okay thank you we're now going to move on to part two so now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish uh do you understand yes okay well here's some paper and pencil to make some notes and here is your topic okay and your one minute we'll start now okay put your pen down right you can start talking and the timer will start now um okay so the clothes that i prefer to wear um i i actually wear different kind of clothes on different occasions um but if i have to choose one i i would say i'd like to wear a dress um it can be any kind of dress it can be um like middle length dress or a messy dress or that means like very long dress um i i like my dress to be plain in color but um interesting pattern and designs for example like bale sleeves or flowy sleeves or floral paint prints or floral design um yeah i i can buy this dress very easy um probably around sam or i can buy it online i like to wear these dresses because it is comfortable and easy to choose and i don't have to think of my outfit on that day that much yeah i like to wear it every day because it's it's comfortable yes okay could you carry on for a bit longer please um um okay yeah so um this is this dress is a very versatile um outfit because you can wear it on your everyday life or you can wear it to work or you can wear it to a wedding um yes and but not every woman would like to wear the dress because it's going to be too sweet for for some of the girls okay thank you stop yes okay and can i just ask a couple questions like for example do your friends like to wear these types of clothes um some of them like to wear these dresses but not all yeah do you wear other styles or clothes as well excuse me do you uh do you wear other styles or clothes oh yes of course um when whenever i want to be like formal or more sophisticated i would wear like a shirt and long pants and probably top that up with a cool blazer or like a wedding for example um yeah probably okay good okay so now i'm going to move to the final part of the ielts test i will have a discussion with you about some issues that be related to the topic that you've just talked about the question this part a bit more abstract nature and so a bit more difficult when the questions that you faced in part one and part two okay well it's gonna be a two-way discussion between yourself and myself but you'll be expected to do most of the speaking so yeah following on from talking about cloves is buying clothes a popular activity for teenagers in your country i believe so because some of the teenagers are even like more fashionable than i am so yeah i think they like to buy clothes okay and how much money should parents spend on their clue on their children's clothes um i don't think there is certain rules for for that it depends on individual family okay and what types of fashion do teenagers like to wear in your country um i would say they they are influenced by a lot from kpop or korean drama or music videos so they like to wear like korean style clothes and why do you think korean style has had an influence because there are many korean series and and korean artists that popular here in in thailand so they can they can see the outfit and they can like kind of want to be like that oh interesting okay so what influence has a fashion industry had in your country um can you repeat the customer sure what influence has a fashion industry had in your country um yeah it's definitely about entertainment industry that that influenced fashion industry in thailand in the country like i said about the korean style clothes okay good and other fashions of today different from those when your parents were young um yes i think so because um i i think back then people are more influenced by western style clothes or westerners but today yeah we more influenced by from korean or japanese or chinese we yeah we kind of get more closer to those countries yeah and my last question what do you think would be the the effects of a fashion industry in the next 10 years um today we we can get like clothes in a very low price and and the trend about fashion is has changed very quickly so i think people can you know can be bored about the clothes they have and they can throw away what the clothes the clothes they have like easily not just because they are no longer usable but because they are no longer like fashionable or no longer like has value like social value so it will cause probably garment waste for like society okay thank you that is the end of a speaking test for ielts okay thank you penny thank you okay today speaking foreign bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: InterPass Channel
Views: 702,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #IELTS, #SAT, #BMAT, #CU-TEP, #TU-GET, #Preinter, #Writing, #Interview, #Portfolio
Id: 9YNehFhlwck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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