IELTS SPEAKING Mock Exam - KyongJin from South Korea 🇰🇷👩‍🎓🎓- (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

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Hello I'm Chris from IELTS Daily.  Welcome back to another fantastic   mock exam video. I'm here to give feedback on  another candidate in one of our practice sessions.   We have lots of the questions that you might  have in the test so please feel free to make   some notes. As you're going along pretend that  you are the examiner. I'm ready let's go.   Okay are you ready? I'm just  putting in my earphones now   so that we can listen to today's candidate who  is Kyong Jin and she is from Korea originally   but now lives in Japan. If you're just  interested in first watching the full video,   we're actually going to put the full video without  any feedback at the end of this video so the last   15 minutes of this video is just the mock exam  without any feedback or any interruptions from me.   You might want to go and watch that first and then  come back and watch the section about my feedback.   Well, today we want you to be the examiner.  We want you to really pick up some of the   fine details of what to expect in the test. As  always, I am looking at the band descriptors for   the IELTS speaking, the marking rubric and  I'm trying to apply each score where Kyong   Jin does well and where she could improve.  This is what the examiners do in the test   so if you think that I'm being really critical  of her grammar or of her pronunciation,   that is exactly what an examiner is expecting  in the test. That's what their job is, so   shall we start listening to Kyong Jin and there's  a, there's one thing that I want you to do.   At the end of the feedback session, I noticed that  Kyong Jin repeats a few phrases. I'm not going to   talk about them during the video but I want you  guys to listen which words and phrases does Kyong   Jin repeat and if you spot them write them in the  comments because we'll talk about that at the end.   Let's go. Hello and welcome to this practice exam  conducted by IELTS Daily my name is David and I'm   your practice IELTS speaking examiner. So let's  start with what's your name. My name is Kyong Jin.   Lovely and at the beginning of the IELTS test you  need to provide some identification, usually your   passport but as this is a practice test there's  no need for that today. Are you ready to begin?   I'm ready to go. Okay. So the interesting start  here the examiner says 'are you ready' to begin   and Ching yang says 'I'm ready to go'. I  love that. I love the fact that she's already   paraphrasing some of the words from the examiner.  Fantastic. Great. So let's talk about neighbors.   How well do you know your neighbors? Oh, I have  really good relationship with my neighbors.   So um, I live in first floor and then  in fourth floor there are like um   five different houses and then we always share  our foods, and then we sometimes go out together,   and then especially my mom has a  really strong relationship with them,   so whenever my mom cooks really delicious food,  my mom always asked me to deliver the food to   our neighbors. Yeah, lovely. Okay, my first piece  of feedback here, Kyong Jin does a great job at   expanding her answer. Remember that we really  try to encourage you guys to speak a little bit   more. If it's a short question, try to give some  details. Now, the, the things that I would like to   pick up on here - Grammar. Throughout this video,  you will hear Kyong Jin making a number of very   basic grammar mistakes particularly related to  articles which are 'a', 'an' and 'the' and also   with subject and verb agreement. So if I said  something like 'I were at the tennis'. 'I was   at the tennis' is the correct subject verb, they  agree with each other and throughout this video,   Qin Jiang seems to make a mistake with the the  'it' form and the 'he', 'she' form which is   the third person form. So just note that I won't  mention it too often in the video and if you, if   you can spot those as well, that's great because  that's really showing that you can recognize where   people are going wrong. And if you are the type of  person that would make that mistake really try to   focus on it because the examiner will be looking  out for those type of very basic grammar mistakes.   In this particular section, Kyong Jin said 'I live  on fourth' or in fact I think she said 'I live in   fourth floor', so it should be 'I live on', so  there's an incorrect preposition that 'I live on   the fourth floor'. So again, 'I live on the  fourth floor', 'I live on the sixth floor',   really try to to focus on  those very basic mistakes.   In, in her speaking I love the, her inflection  at the end. It shows that she's really, you know,   been listening to a lot of native speakers where  she goes up at the end, um the kind of the varied   inflection and intonation in her speech, that  was a really good feature of her pronunciation   but you will notice that throughout this  test, Kyong Jin like many people struggle.   She struggles with um the, 'th' sound and also  she struggles with the 'r' and 'l' sound and   that's a really common problem particularly  with people from Korea and from Japan. It's   very difficult to hear the difference between 'l'  and 'r' and we'll listen to some examples later.   And how often do you see each other? Uh, almost  every day and then whenever we meet in front of   door or in elevator we um say hello or anything.  We talk about our things together... In both her   answers, for the first question and the second  question Kyong Jin has used the phrase 'whenever'.   I think she said 'whenever my mom cooks food' and  I think in a, in this sentence she said 'whenever   we meet in front of door'. It should be in front  of the door or even at the door would be better.   I just want to focus on the positives here because  remember with grammatical range you have to use a   range of complex sentences, and a complex sentence  is when you have two clauses within the sentence   and 'whenever' sentence which is what Qin Jiang  used is an example of a complex sentence. So she   is trying to use complexity which is wonderful.  Well done to Kyong Jin. So I really like them   Yes, and what kind of relationship do you have  with them? Also like I said, we shared our food   and also on special occasion like um birthday,  if someone's birthday we um get some presents   like delicious uh fruit boxes or first baskets and  then uh sometimes my mom um take them to the Café,   and then they have a really good conversation,  sometimes I joined, yeah. All right, I'm just   going to jump in here. I'm going to look at my  notes here so the first thing that I noticed was   that she said 'on a special occasion'. Special  occasion is a good example of collocation, which   is two words which fit together and that will  really show that for her lexical resource mark.   She's pushing herself well, she did mispronounce  the word 'birth day', 'birthday' she said 'birsts   day' and a picky examiner is really focusing  on those pronunciation features. The correct   pronunciation is with the 'th' sound. We focus,  we focus on it a lot in our videos not 'birsts'   with a 's' sound but 'birth' with a 'th' sound. If  you need to practice that make sure that you are   spending a lot of time doing that. She also said  'fruit boxes' and 'fruit baskets' and she showed   that she has a range of vocabulary there. She did  maybe say 'fruits boxes' and 'fruits baskets'',   remember that 'fruit' is an adjective so you would  just have it in a singular form there. When you're   describing it as a noun, you can say 'fruits'.  'I like many different fruits' but when it's an   adjective it would just be fruit boxes and fruit  baskets but using those two together it was a nice   way of showing she has lexical range. I love it.  And have you ever had a problem with a neighbor?   Ah not really but sometimes the people  live upside on our house, sometimes   we have some problem with the noisy because  there's a like children, and then sometimes they   just run around their room, and then it sometimes  bothered me so I called them and then but we   um tried to uh solve the problem with  peaceful way, so it was good. So a little   vocabulary mistake there, she said when p, 'some  people live upside' or 'my neighbors live upside',   should be 'upstairs', so she's um misused  a word there. She also said some problem   with the 'noisy', and 'noisy' is an adjective and  in this case would be the 'noise'. So we have had   some problems in the past with 'noise', 'noise'  being the noun. A couple of minor mistakes there.   I'd like to move on to the topic of pets. Do you  have a pet? Yes, I have a pet. I have a dog, um   he's three years old, and then he's a male, and  then um I really like him. His name is Hete and   then he's 'Pomelanian'. Right, so we have spoken a  lot in previous videos about expanding answers and   improving your fluency. In this case, Kyong  Jin is doing a great job. First of all, she   comprehends all the questions that the examiner  is asking and she's making an attempt to expand   and talk more which is wonderful. It's really  helping her fluency and coherence score here,   really understands the question and is able  to give extended answers. Did you remember at   the beginning of this video I talked about the  problem of 'l' and 'r' particularly for Korean   and Japanese speakers. If you do speak Korean  or Japanese you may want to focus a little   bit on this. Qin Jiang said 'Pomelanian' she  talked about her dog which is a type of dog.   You'll see the word on the screen now and that  sound in the middle is not 'lanian'. Can you see   my tongue 'lanian' it's actually 'rainian' so it's  'Pomeranian' not 'Pomelanian', and examiners are   looking for those little pronunciation features  and she would be marked down a little bit for   that. And then I really enjoy walking every  morning, and then yeah he always makes me happy.   Beautiful. Now, what type of animals do you think  make the best pets? Uh, I personally think that   dog is the best pet to have because uh  comparing to cats and other like um animals,   I think dog is more friendly and then always  give loves to people without any reason,   yeah so I, I think like having a dog  is the best option for people.   Great, so in these couple of questions Qin Jiang  has done a great job in expanding. She's talked   more, she's given reasons which is wonderful.  A couple of really picky things I'm going to,   to focus on here. So subject and verb agreement  is something that we spoke about before which   is whether the subject and the verb agree  with each other. Then she she started by   saying 'I personally think dog is'. First  of all there's a missing article there so   it would be something like 'personally,  I think, I personally think that a   dog is'. So you could, an even better sentence  would be talking generally to say 'dogs are',   'I personally think that dogs are great'.  So what does your typical morning look like?   I, every day I wake up at 6 00 am and then I do  a little bit yoga for like 20 minutes, and then I   recently, I tried to meditation every day for  five minutes and after that I'll eat breakfast   and while listening to podcasts. Nice, great. So,  we're on a new topic now and the first piece of   feedback that I want to say is she said 'I do  a little bit yoga'. 'I do a little bit yoga',   it should be 'I do a little bit of yoga'. 'I do a  little bit of yoga', nice and fast all together.   'I do a little bit of yoga, of yoga', so the  missing of sound there that she, she had then.   She said 'which is wonderful', a new grammatically  complex, complex form which was while listening to   podcasts, a 'while sentence' is a good example  of increasing complexity within your sentences,   so good job. And what would you like to change  about your morning routine or your daily routine?   Uh so I think my sleeping habit is not as good so  I want before sleeping I always check my social   media and smartphone and then emails and I think  that affect my quality of sleep, so I want to   um stop doing that. Instead of that, I want to do  like some stretching or some yoga before sleeping,   that might be good for my health. She  said 'I think my sleeping habit is not   good as as good a, as good I think she  should say 'is not as good as'. It's a   comparative so you could say 'I don't think  my sleeping habit is as good as the past'.   She did say 'before sleeping I always check  my social media' which is great because   this is grammatically complex,  'before' plus the gerund form,   really nice. And then she said 'in my smartphone'  and she really didn't get the pronunciation of the   smartphone. The 'o' sound, 'smart phone' and  examiner would be listening for that. Do you think   breakfast is important? Yes, especially I think  um, I heard that breakfast is really good for   our mental health and the brain so I try to  uh, I try not to skip breakfast every day.   Really nice vocabulary here, I'm so impressed  she uses kind of mental health which is a a   collocation and then she used the word 'skip, skip  breakfast' which means not to eat breakfast. This   would be examples of less common language which  you definitely need to get a band seven or higher.   She even did some self correction, she said 'I  tried to' and then went on to say 'I try not   to skip breakfast'. Wonderful. Good and what's  the best thing about your morning routine at   the weekends? Uh weekend, oh I like to walk  with my dog in the morning on the weekend,   it makes me really peaceful and then um I can you  know really really relieve my stresses so I think   I really like walking with my dog on the weekend,  yeah. Wonderful. So David is a new examiner for us   and he's going to be doing some feedback videos  as well. David is a, a new addition and I don't   think a real examiner would use words like 'great'  or 'wonderful' when they are going on to the next   question because that might give the student a  little bit of false hope. They might say things   like 'okay', 'thank you' rather than using  adjectives such as 'great' or 'wonderful'.   Okay, well in the next part of the test I'm going  to give you a topic and I would like you to speak   on the topic for one to two minutes. You will  have one minute to think about what you want to   say and I'll give you a pencil and some paper  to take notes if you want. Is that clear? Yes,   yeah. Great. So here's your paper and pencil.  Thank you. Then you have one minute to prepare.   All right, thank you. Now, I would like  you to talk about someone who is kind.   Remember, you have one to two minutes for this so  don't worry if I stop you. I'll tell you when the   time is up. Can you start speaking now please?  Yeah, I want to introduce my boss um, I work in   digital marketing company and then he is my boss  and then he is an Australian. I think he is really   kind both and he has great leadership and then he  never get upset toward my colleagues including me,   and then he always increa, encouraged us to work  more but not hard, and then also he motivate us to   do better for our clients but he also, he always  understands whenever I make mistakes, even big   mistake he tried to solve the problem with me  and always we tried to think about the solution,   what we can do and then also he always helped me  to move, move forward, so I think that he is the   kind person, and then I have worked with  him for two years, but for two years   we have really good relationship, and then even  every Friday, we always drink beer after work, so   that's really good time and then  at the time we just have a casual   conversations that also makes me feel that  I like to work my company, in my company,   yeah. So someday I want to be the kind of senior  staff like him, yeah. I thought it was great,   I thought she gave lots of expansion on her  answers even at the end she realized she needed   to speak a little bit more and pronunciation of  the word 'boss'. I think many of you might have   noticed that she mispronounced the word 'boss' and  she said 'boss' rather than the word 'boss' short   'o' sound, 'o'. So it would be 'boss'. She said  'I work in digital marketing company' would be   'a digital marketing marketing company',  so she forgot the article again.   He never get upset. he never gets upset, he always  encourage us. 'And he always encourages us', so   this would be an example where she had lots of  mistakes using the subject and verb agreement   especially as I mentioned with the 'he', 'she',  'it' forms which is the third person. Great,   well done. Okay, so thank you. I'd like to stay  on the topic of relationships actually. What   type of relationships other than with friends or  family are important in people's lives? I think   the work relationship. Relationship with  colleagues is really important because   every day we need to go to work and then we spend  most of our time with them every day, so and then   they are not our friends, they're not my family  so there's always like boundaries we need to uh   protect. So I think the making good relationship  with colleagues in the work environment is really   important. Certainly. Again lots of expansion on  her answers. Kyong Jin is doing really well here.   She understood the question, she gave her  thoughts on that, she said we spend most of   the time with our colleagues and we have to cr,  you know form good relationships, she used words   like 'boundaries', 'there was always boundary'. I  think she said 'boundary' so it should be 'there   are always boundaries we need to protect'. Super  nice, like really good. Now, what is the attitude   towards marriage in your country? Um I think  uh in Korea so marriage is really important   life events and then there are many people that if  you turn in specific age you need to do marriage,   but I heard that recently most um especially young  people they think that marriage is not um we need   to do so they sometimes uh just choose to live  alone and then they just enjoy their own lives.   So even though I'm married but I think I  agree with their opinions and then that I   think that's a good idea um like uh comparing  to like marriage, living alone they enjoy their   times. It might be a good idea to live their life.  Again lots and lots of great expansion on answers.   Kyong Jin really struggles here with the the  idea of the word 'marriage'. 'Marriage' is a   noun and in English we say 'to get married  to somebody' or 'to marry somebody' and I   think she uses a couple of different incorrect  forms there which would show the examiner that   she doesn't quite know how to collocate that  word, but she did, she did say something like   'if you turn in specific age', so she used an 'if  sentence' but she doesn't quite use it correctly.   'So if you turn a specific age' but the 'if  sentence' is again showing grammatical complexity   and I think she also maybe used a 'while  sentence' and an 'even though sentence',   I remember. Great work. Yeah, certainly. And  how have attitudes changed towards marriage in   the last 50 years in your country? Yeah  like I mentioned, many people just   married to someone like um because  parents like keep them pressure on them   and but I think recently of um more like open  mind toward like marriage. Someone doesn't need,   someone doesn't need to do marriage at some  point in like specific age. Some people can   marriage at like 60 years, 50 years that doesn't  matter so I think uh Korean people recently   um get more open-minded toward relationship, and  then our um stereotype, pickle thinking might be   a little bit changes. I think I think that's  positive way and then that that that's good,   uh I think that's good attitude. Do young  people in your country plan on getting married?   Oh I think 10 or 15 years ago young people usually  plan to get married after getting a job but I   think recently people change it and then they  prefer like natural way to meet someone and they   get married and then I think they um they like to,  they enjoy more, they enjoy, they want to enjoy   their lives more and then after getting a job,  and then they finally have some financial freedom   and they want to use money for their own like uh  lives not for marriage, but I think of course um   they try to plan on their marriage I think yeah,  yeah. Cool, and in your opinion should couples   be allowed to get divorced? Yeah, of course. Uh  heard that in Korea recently the rate of divorce   uh increases and then I  think um divorcing is totally   the choice of people. So if they can satisfy their marriage in life,   they can totally get divorced with their partner  and they can find like better people for them   and then I think Korean society currently um allow  their kind of diversity culture. Great, okay.   Well, thank you. That's the end of the practice  IELTS speaking test. Well done. Thank you.   Well, we've reached the end of Kyong  Jin's part three and the end of her test.   I really liked her fluency and her comprehension.  She understood all the ideas and all the questions   that the examiner asked her and she was  able to give additional expansion on her,   on her answers which was really nice. I, I, I  was very impressed by that. The sentences and   the phrases that she used really often, do you  remember that I asked you to look out for those?   So, she very often says 'and then'. I don't know  if you heard that throughout the speech 'and then'   and she also used the word sometimes a lot. Um,  in an exam situation when you're under pressure   sometimes you talk about things and you don't even  realize what you say and so be careful about the   repetition of the same word too many times. What  did you think about that? Did you think that that   was something that she um, that you noticed? Was  it something that was really obvious to you? So   the main pieces of feedback that I would give  Qin Jiang would be subject verb agreement for   the grammar, the articles that she forgot in the  grammar. The um, the extension on her answers was   wonderful but sometimes that was um at the expense  of her grammar so she tried to go with grammatical   complexity but sometimes made mistakes which,  which happens. Pronunciation as well of the   sounds 'l' and 'r' and also the pronunciation  of the sound 'eu' in, in words like 'word' and   'world' and 'girl'. Those would be the main areas  of feedback. I want to bring the band descriptors   up on the screen now and we'll talk about  kind of the areas that she could um work on   and what she did well. So on the screen you  should see the speaking band descriptors.   Okay, let's have a look. So fluency and  coherence, for band seven it says speaks at   length without noticeable loss of effort or  coherence, may demonstrate language-related   hesitation at times. She didn't know, she didn't  have any language related hesitations, and uses   a range of connectives and discourse markers with  some flexibility. I actually think that she did,   I think the biggest problem here would be that  she repeated the word 'and then' and so maybe   the exam, a really strict examiner might pick  her up on that and over to abandon 'six'. I,   though I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt  and actually give her a band seven for um fluency   and coherence but please bear in mind that it  may be that she would score a band six here.   Now, let's have a look at the, now, let's  have a look at the lexical resource for a   band 7. It says uses vocabulary resource  flexibly to discuss a variety of topics,   I think she did, uses some less common  and idiomatic vocabulary, yes, she did.   She used words like 'skip breakfast' and which is  really nice and she uses paraphrase effectively.   Possibly a seven here. I actually don't, I think  her vocabulary was her strongest suit. Here,   I think that was the area that she did the  best on. To grammatical range and accuracy,   she used a simple sort of for a band 6, she used  a sim, a mix of simple and complex structures but   with limited flexibility. She may make frequent  mistakes with complex structures. I do think   that the, the complexity, the, the problems  that she made with some of these structures   might impede her with, from getting a band seven.  So for a band seven, it says produces frequent,   sorry frequently produces error free sentences  though some grammatical mistakes persist. She   did make the same grammatical mistakes  throughout which were from kind of the   subject verb agreement and also the articles. Um, somewhere between a seven and a six here. For me   depending on the how strict the examiner would be  and for pronunciation, band six says uses a range   of pronunciation features with mixed control,  shows some effective use of features but this is   not sustained, can generally be under, understood  throughout, mispronunciation of individual words   and sounds reduces clarity at times. Um a strict  examiner would award her six here. I don't think   she would meet the, the band seven which is  looking at the features of a band eight. Overall   for me, I would go with the following - Fluency  and coherence - seven, Lexical resource - seven,   Grammatical range and accuracy - six, and  Pronunciation, probably six. So overall for me,   this was a band 6.5. However, I recognize that  some examiners would be really strict on the   fluency coherence with the 'and then', 'and then'  repetition. So that would give her a band six   four and that could be six, seven. Six, six which  may mean that Kyong Jin actually gets a band six,   so for me, Qin Jiang sits between the band 6.5 and  6. Somewhere around there. I'm gonna give her 6.5   today. Really, really well done to her for this  great test. She, she's expanded on her answers   really well. Don't forget you can watch the full  unedited test coming right up after this section.   Well done to you guys for working so hard. My  name is Chris from IELTS Daily. I look forward to   seeing you in a future video where we have lots  more mock exam videos coming up and remember,   if you like this video please give it a  thumbs up and a like. See you soon.   Hello and welcome to this practice exam conducted  by IELTS Daily. My name is David and I'm your   practice IELTS speaking examiner. So let's start  with what's your name. My name is Kyong Jin.   Lovely, and at the beginning of the IELTS  test, you need to provide some identification,   usually your passport but as this is a  practice test, there's no need for that today.   Are you ready to begin? I'm ready to go.  Great. So let's talk about neighbors. How   well do you know your neighbors? Oh, I have  really good relationship with my neighbors.   So um, I live in first floor and then  in fourth floor there are like um   five different houses and then we always share  our foods, and then we sometimes go out together,   and then especially my mom has a really strong  relationship with them, so whenever my mom   cooks really delicious food, my mom always asked  me to deliver the food to our neighbors. Yeah,   lovely. And how often do you see each other?  Uh, almost every day and then whenever we meet   in front of door or in elevator we um say hello  or anything. We talk about our things together   so I really like them. Yes. And what kind  of relationship do you have with them?   Also like I said, we shared our  food and also on special occasion   like um birthday, if someone's birthday we um get  some presents like delicious uh fruit boxes or   first baskets and then uh sometimes my mom um take  them to the Café, and then they have a really good   conversation, sometimes I joined, yeah. Lovely  and have you ever had a problem with a neighbor?   Ah not really but sometimes the people live upside  on our house, sometimes we have some problem with   the noisy because there's a like children, and  then sometimes they just run around their room,   and then it sometimes bothered me so I called  them and then but we um tried to uh solve the   problem with peaceful way, so it was good.  I'd like to move on to the topic of pets.   Do you have a pet? Yes, I have a pet. I have a  dog, um he's three years old, and then he's a   male, and then um I really like him. His  name is Hete and then he's Pomelanian,   and then I really enjoy walking every morning,  and then yeah he always makes me happy.   Beautiful. Now, what type of animals  do you think make the best pets? Uh,   I personally think that dog is the best pet  to have because uh comparing to cats and other   like um animals, I think dog is more friendly  and then always give loves to people without   any reason, yeah so I, I think like having  a dog is the best option for people,   they're not but why why do people have pets? I  think uh pet is very um different from people   like human being so pat didn't want us  to do something for them for some reason   and then they always um give us love and also  um it's really good to touch their fluffy fur,   makes me feel really happy. Fair enough. Okay,  well now let's think about the topic of a daily   routine. So what does your typical morning look  like? I, every day I wake up at 6 00 am and then   I do a little bit yoga for like 20 minutes, and  then I recently, I tried to meditation every day   for five minutes and after that I'll eat  breakfast while listening to podcasts.   Nice and what would you like to change about  your morning routine or your daily routine? Uh   so I think my sleeping habit is not as good so  I want before sleeping I always check my social   media and smartphone and then emails and I think  that affect my quality of sleep, so I want to   um stop doing that. Instead of that, I want to do  like some stretching or some yoga before sleeping   that might be good for my health. Nice. Do you  think breakfast is important? Yes, especially   I think um, I heard that breakfast is really  good for our mental health and the brain so I   try to uh, I try not to skip breakfast every day.  Good and what's the best thing about your morning   routine at the weekends? Uh weekend, oh I like to  walk with my dog in the morning on the weekend,   it makes me really peaceful and  then um I can you know really   really relieve my stresses so I think I really  like walking with my dog on the weekend,   yeah. Wonderful. Okay, well in the next part  of the test I'm going to give you a topic   and I would like you to speak on the topic for  one to two minutes. You will have one minute to   think about what you want to say and I'll give you  a pencil and some paper to take notes if you want.   Is that clear? Yes, yeah. Great. So  here's your paper and pencil. Thank you.   Then you have one minute to prepare.   All right, thank you. Now, I would like  you to talk about someone who is kind.   Remember, you have one to two minutes for this so  don't worry if I stop you. I'll tell you when the   time is up. Can you start speaking now please?  Yeah, I want to introduce my boss um, I work in   digital marketing company and then he is my boss  and then he is an Australian. I think he is really   kind both and he has great leadership and then he  never get upset toward my colleagues including me,   and then he always increa, encouraged us to work  more but not hard, and then also he motivate us   to do better for our clients but he also, he  always understands whenever I make mistakes,   even big mistake he tried to solve the  problem with me and always we tried to   think about the solution, what we can do  and then also he always helped me to move   move forward, so I think that he is the kind  person and then I have worked with him for   two years but for two years we have really  good relationship, and then even every Friday,   we always drink beer after work so that's really  good time and then at the time we just have a   casual conversations that also makes me feel  that I like to work my company, in my company,   yeah. So someday I want to be the  kind of senior staff like him, yeah.   Great, well done. Okay, so thank you. I'd like to  stay on the topic of relationships. Actually what   type of relationships other than with friends or  family are important in people's lives? I think   the work relationship. Relationship with  colleagues is really important because every day   we need to go to work and then we spend most of  our time with them every day. so and then they are   not our friends, they're not my family so there's  always like boundaries we need to uh protect. So I   think the making good relationship with colleagues  in the work environment is really important.   Certainly and what is the attitude  towards marriage in your country?   Um I think uh in Korea so marriage is  really important life events and then   there are many people that if you turn  in specific age you need to do marriage,   but I heard that recently most um especially young  people they think that marriage is not um we need   to do so they sometimes uh just choose to live  alone and then they just enjoy their own lives.   So even though I'm married but I think I agree  with their opinions and then that I think   that's a good idea um like uh comparing to like  marriage, living alone they enjoy their times.   It might be a good idea to live their life. Yeah,  certainly. And how have attitudes changed towards   marriage in the last 50 years in your country?  Yeah like I mentioned, many people just   married to someone like um because parents  like keep them pressure on them and but   I think recently of um more like open mind  toward like marriage. Someone doesn't need,   someone doesn't need to do marriage at some  point in like specific age some people can   marriage at like 60 years, 50 years that doesn't  matter. So I think uh Korean people recently   um get more open-minded toward relationship,  and then our um stereotype pickle thinking   might be a little bit changes. I think I think  that's positive way and then that that that's good   uh I think that's good attitude. Do young  people in your country plan on getting married?   Oh I think 10 or 15 years ago young people usually  plan to get married after getting a job but I   think recently people change it and then they  prefer like natural way to meet someone and they   get married and then I think they um they like to,  they enjoy more, they enjoy, they want to enjoy   their lives more and then after getting a job, and  then they finally have some financial freedom and   they want to use money for their own like uh  lives not for marriage, but I think of course um   they try to plan on their marriage I think yeah.  Yeah, cool. And in your opinion should couples   be allowed to get divorced? Yeah, of course.  Uh heard that in Korea recently the rate of   divorce uh increases and then I think um divorcing  is totally the choice of people. So if they can   satisfy their marriage in life, they can totally  get divorced with their partner and they can find   like better people for them and then  I think Korean society currently um   allow their kind of diversity  culture. Great, okay. Well,   thank you. That's the end of the practice  IELTS speaking test. Well done. Thank you.
Channel: IELTS Daily
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts listening, ielts reading, ielts mock test, ielts practice, ielts teacher, ielts video, ielts preparation
Id: PiKvVIn6cV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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