IELTS Speaking Interview | BAND 8.0 | Real Test!

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this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system the examiner's number is zero zero zero four three eight two good morning my full name is lori smith can you please tell me your full name good morning my full name is arjun mahimkar and what shall i call you please just call me arjun so where are you from arjun i'm from india all right thank you now moving on to the first part of the test i would like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about bicycles do you have a bicycle um no i don't have a bicycle i used to have it during my school days okay during your school days how often did you used to ride your bicycle um long time ago let me recall uh i used to ride my bike almost every morning when i was younger like i used to go to school say about half an hour going and then half an hour coming back probably around one hour each day but that's it okay and what do you think is the biggest advantage of riding a bicycle um obviously it's a good exercise you know for me the biggest advantage is your general health also it does not create any type of pollution which is very very important absolutely now tell me what is the weather like where you live um the weather is great it's hot and sunny in summer with an occasional heat wave uh it's rainy and a bit windy in spring and autumn and during winter season sometimes it rains but it's really cold in winters okay and do you prefer hot or cold weather to be honest i really prefer warm weather because you don't have to wear too many clothes when you go out and it's more comfortable to stay outdoors also we really have very hot weather in the summer so i associate that with swimming and having fun i see now tell me do you like thunderstorms and why no i really don't like thunderstorms or gloomy type of atmosphere you know i get scared and i have and i have also heard about cases of people getting struck by lightning and that really scares me i just like the rainy days not more than that okay so now let's talk about your school days how old were you when you left school um i was 16 i think and then i went to the junior college i see do you enjoy learning new things yes i absolutely do i feel that whatever i learn will be beneficial to me either now or either in the future after all knowledge is only positive so did you ever take part in school play oh gosh it was a long time ago yes i was in one when i was in high school actually the class was divided into two parts two groups basically and you have to write your own script and then act in the play and as i remember it took a lot of work and cooperation but i must say it was an unforgettable experience okay so now let's talk about fashion are you interested in fashion yes of course fashion plays a very important role in my life and i try to keep up with the latest fashion trends you know and being fashionable makes me feel more confident i see okay now moving on to the second part of the speaking test i am going to give you a topic and i would like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes good here is your topic okay okay your preparation time is now over remember you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you i will tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please uh yes you know i always wanted to have a macbook because that is what most it companies use these days but at home we already had a desktop computer but then it was for the whole family to use and as you can imagine me and my elder brother i used to fight over who was going to use it my brother who is older than me always ended up using it the most while i had to do things other things which i really didn't enjoy one day after a big argument with him i decided to save up and get my own laptop actually i should have done it a long time ago because it was really worth it you know i think i was really lucky because i found my first job quite easily just during the campus interviews but again the salary was not that much you know and also my parents were not that rich to buy me a macbook because they are too expensive it took me like a year to save enough to even afford the base model and to be honest i was really excited and humble when i finally got it home but then after getting my dream laptop you know i was able to learn a lot about the scripts that companies use in the computer networking and see now i'm able to excel in my career that's really nice so where are you working at the moment now i work with the same company but as a junior networking engineer i got promoted actually twice very good okay now let's move on to the third part we will discuss about gifts do you think it is better for gifts to be practical or attractive and why um in my opinion gifts must be practical i mean what is the point of giving a gift that is attractive unusual but there's no practical use let's be honest what are you going to do with it most likely you are going to just put it somewhere in a showcase or something and then never see it again on a second thought an ideal thing in my opinion would be that the gift should be attractive and practical at the same time in this way we are in a win-win situation yes of course do you ever buy clothing for people as a gift and why yes i do um the only people i might buy clothing for are my brother and my parents because i know what they like to wear besides that if they don't like something or it does not fit them they really won't hesitate to tell me and we can change it obviously then have you ever received a gift you did not like yes i have actually received many gifts that i did not like on several occasions and they were mainly from relatives on diwali or on my birthday you know i see so what did you do with them i politely thanked them in person without showing any sort of dislike and that's it what else could i do as you can tell that the person was kind enough to get me a gift i really could not be rude or ungrateful you know being rude is not part of me or my culture very good now tell me do you compare prices between items before you buy something um yes absolutely i try to but not always if it is for the clothes i do it in the classical way you know like i go from one shop to the other shop that way i not only compare the prices but see the quality too but most importantly i get to try the item to see if it fits me and it looks good on me in your opinion can clothing tell you much about a person um yes i believe so i am of the opinion that to a certain extent the clothes you wear reflect your personality and social status okay now tell me has fashion change in your country over the years um i don't think fashion has changed that much actually for instance jeans have been a part of fashion for a very long time and it's still worn by men and women today and the only thing that has changed is that in ancient india people used to often wear traditional clothes like women used to wear saree and men full shirt and pants but they both wear modern and western clothes nowadays and i think they are just following the trends all right very good arjun and that is the end of this speaking test thank you and have a great day thank you same to you you
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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