IELTS Speaking Interview | BAND 9 | Latest 2023 Test!

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foreign [Music] this is the speaking test for the international English language testing system the candidate is Ania Sharma candidate's number 849004 and the examiner is William Harris number 6171 good morning my name is William Harris good morning can you tell me your full name please it's Anaya Sharma thank you and what shall I call you please call me Anaya that's good in the first part of this test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself do you work or are you a student no I'm a student I'm currently doing my BS in media and communication studies that's nice now let's talk about hot beverages do you like hot drinks why or why not yes I do I absolutely do I start my day with a cup of homemade tea I've always been a tea lover since my childhood I think it's not just a drink it's culture it's emotion so back in India we used to have the artist twice a day a cup in the morning with breakfast and another one during any time of the day mostly in the evening so is tea very popular in your home country yes it is it is available at literally every corner of the street and people have it every now and then and we have it in different flavors as well they add a little bit of Ginger to it it tastes delicious that's interesting so what drink would you offer to guests at home uh and on the season who offer tea to anyone who comes over to our house but if it's a brief visit during Summers then we just offered them a cold drink or fruit juices or simply a homemade lemonade so when was the last time you had a cup of tea oh this morning this morning all right now let's move on to the second part of the speaking test I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one or two minutes before you talk you have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes I understand here is your topic describe a crowded place you have been to your preparation time is now over remember you have one or two minutes for this so don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please so one of the most crowded places I have ever been to was Central Market in the city um I went with some friends to see the celebrations there and I could not believe the number of people there I saw that night most people went there to see the fireworks show and the crowd was enormous people there were just dancing drinking eating they were just enjoying themselves having the time of their lives um we went there at about 10 pm a few hours before midnight and we thought it would be busy but nothing prepared us for such enormous crowd and then we saw that the traffic was very slow as we approached the downtown area and the central Bridge on the River and as we got closer to the bridge we could see that the police had sealed off several blocks off from the city so we had to get out of our car and walk the rest of the way and it took us uh 15 to 20 minutes to reach our destination and on our way as I got hungry so I bought some food for myself and eventually we arrived at the Central Square there were so many people the streets were filled and they were just they were happy they were enjoying and then there was this fantastic Lighting Display which illuminated the iconic buildings and the whole sky was shining with fireworks and then we all counted down to midnight and then we turned to each other and wished each other a happy New Year and those were the prettiest fireworks I had ever seen in my life and I'm really glad that I went well done so would you go there again this year oh yes as I have mentioned I had my friends yes yes and we have planned to get our hairs hair and nails done and I'm gonna buy a dress for the event can't wait I'm excited that sounds great now would you say that the majority of cities in your country are overcrowded yes I believe believe so as we all know that India is the second most populous country in the world and I think the main reason for the high population density is people moving from smaller town in rural areas to bigger cities in search of employment and better living conditions which creates a hustle and bustle in the cities and also because of political instability and you know the streets in India are they're very narrow and people keep building illegal shops and houses which makes the area even more congested and due to improper enforcement of traffic laws uh people bite their people Park their bikes and cars everywhere they want to so I think it just increases the problem then what are some problems that can result from overcrowded liver conditions in a typical Metropolitan City when you try to ground up such high population in a congested area I think it results in Greater level of pollution both the noise and the air obviously there will be more Motor Vehicles which will result in more polluted air and more traffic noise because the traffic crawls in our city and and other problem would be I think um disease vulnerability as during the time of covet I saw that it was so hard to maintain social distancing especially in the markets if you're in India because of the enormous crowd everywhere and then there are other reasons lack of space also has a direct effect on your psychological and your physical growth as well and then the you know exploitation of resources leads to inflation and then there's lack of access to services like clean drinking water or sanitation which leads to more diseases increased disease rate in India and I think the crime rate increases as well so in your opinion what are some solutions to this problem I don't exactly know one solution could be building better infrastructure these cities should provide um better and safer housing for the people as nearly 50 percent of the mumbai's population lives in slums I mean they provide great plot for the feels sorry for the poor and lovely wretches for the liberal writing but nobody tries to improve the situation or provide a solution for it the grave consequences of overpopulation needs to be addressed by the government the government should take steps to regulate the crowd somehow to disperse the population some even um the roads they're so narrow and even when they try to build flyovers a project like that takes at least four to five years to get over in India and during that time your population doubles and then you need another flyover and I think it's important to control the flow of people and for that you first need to understand where the flow is coming from um I think in short-term Solutions like during festivals we celebrate many festivals throughout the year so if you have proper planning on how to disperse the crowd you can avoid that can you compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in a high-rise apartment I can't say much as I have never lived in one myself but I think it will be fun as all the people were living in the same building you will have a diverse neighborhood you will socialize more you will interact with people more and if you're a fan of pretty views as people in the big cities they starve for food Sky views so I think if you're living on the top Apartments you can enjoy beautiful views around the cities and obviously you will have the benefit of living a more peaceful life um because there will be no traffic noise or noise from the streets up there and yeah I think those are and also living in such buildings is considered luxurious in India so you have that and this advantages would be I think shifting moving in and moving out would be a great uh stress for you uh if you have a lot of furniture and I think another problem would arise if you suffer from a medical condition or medical emergency like for instance if one of your family members has high blood pressure or arthritis then it's not favorable from for them to live in on the 20th floor at least um other than that I think slow elevators in some buildings are a problem if you have if you're in a hurry you have to reach somewhere on time uh that could be your problem other than that I think it would be fun that's so good and we have reached the end of this speaking test thank you thank you [Music]
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts, ielts speaking real test, band 9 answers, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking practice, spoken english, indian girl speaking english
Id: rxfwonsEifI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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