Academic IELTS Reading || The Most Confusing Questions By Asad Yaqub

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bismillahirrahmanirrahim assalaam-u-alaikum  we'll guys let's take a start look at the   following statements questions 1 to 5 and the  list of people below then they say match each   statement with the correct person this is a very  common question type in academic IELTS reading   general training IELTS reading section 3 and in  are tells listening so match each statement with   the correct person this is called matching now let  me tell you these are the questions over here and   these are the names so in this type of questions  the passage is not in the order of questions but   the passage is in the order of names for example  brightly now you will find brightly over here then   we've got Wilkins if you read on ok you're going  to find all that dried lay here and then I need   to find the word bill Keynes ok Wilkins here I  found Wilkins then Reeves Rosser Reeves see that   they are in order and then Lenin I need to find  Lenin ok so brightly Lenin over here got it a B   C D isn't it magic huh I do oils wholeheartedly  I love doing oils I love solving the test that's   why you know in a minute I scanned everything now  we are not going to read the statements unless we   read what they said and how many questions 1 2 3 4  5 and 4 names it means one name will be used twice   as well so let's not read the questions first  and we can just read that or if the passage is   long then you can read the question and scan that  as well but I would follow this approach broadly   this is largely so they say according to Sean  brightly this is largely being due to a perception   what they say in recent years advertising has  been more preoccupied with grabbing attention   and sustaining interest than with interfering  persuasive messages cutting short lightly this   this means the fact which they have mentioned  here this has largely been due to a perception   that advertising needed to stand out and appealed  through humorous artistic and educational content   in order to be well-received by consumers and that  says then they talk about agencies who produce and   all that according to Sean Bradley this is largely  been due to a perception that advertising needed   to stand out appeal through humorous artistic or  educational content in order to be well received   by consumer now let's see it is unfortunate as  we read the questions will underline the words   it is unfortunate that the focus of advertising  has changed he did not talk about focus he only   gives us the reasons due to right number two  reduced profits we underlined reduced profits   was one reason okay why advertisements changed  now this is a very good trap one reason do two   but actually he did not say anything about reduced  profit so this is not the right one number three   consumers need to feel consumers need to feel  that they have made their own decisions but he   says here due to a perception that advertising  needed to stand out appeal through humorous   artistic or educational content now I am reading  all the questions carefully second time I will   not read them this much carefully a heavy focus on  the advertisement heavy focus on the advertisement   rather than the product is unsuccessful  alright so now let's just go on with another   one because this does not match heavy focus on  the advertisement rather than rather then the   product is unsuccessful but we keep these options  in mind these days we expect advertisements to be   attractive and entertain us Wow yeah that rings  the bell due to a perception perception means we   expect actually right all right so for we expect  here he says rightly this has largely been due to   a perception a perception means what people expect  okay you need to try to understand a perception   right we expect advertisements to be attractive  and entertain us so a perception that advertising   needed to stand out and appealed through humorous  artistic now humorous and artistic humorous is   actually entertain and artistic is actually stand  out in appeal through humanist artistic yeah that   is there to be attractive and entertain us so  for attractive it can be artistic for humorous   it is entertain so that is why this is said by  brightly in the list brightly is actually a so   for question number five a will be the right  answer write it down here so that you don't   need to read it again all right so this is just  the beginning let's go on then they talk about   agency so the topic is changed actually now we  find Wilkins is written at the end it means this   is his statement other attackers others attacked  this view now see inverted comma advertising used   to be about persuading people this is said by will  kids they've written at the end advertising used   to be about persuading people persuading people  who want your product okay now the task seems   to be to make people admire your advertising it  means they are talking about focus very clearly   actually they are talking about the focus of  advertisement they say here advertising used   to be about persuading people to watch your  product now the task seems task seems means   advertising to be to make people admire your  advertising complaint one industry commentator   so number one it is unfortunate that the focus  of advertising has changed now we only find this   thing the focus of advertising has changed now why  it is unfortunate others attacked this view now   when they attacked the view means it is something  which is not positive that's why they attack the   view and advertising used to be about persuading  people to watch your product now the task seems   to be to make people admire your product so it is  unfortunate that the focus of advertising what is   focus used to be about persuading people to  watch your product now the task seems to be   to make so to be about persuading one focus to be  to make people admire your advertising is another   focus that is why for question number one this  is said by Wilkens be is Wilkens so for question   number one be will be the right answer is that  clear okay that's amazing now let's just move   on after this we've got rasa reefs okay so my  buttons are actually making noise let me just   tell you and show you these buttons are making  some noise around okay so this kind of debate is   not new Rosser reefs now rasa reefs is see over  here so this kind of debate is not new Rosser   Reeves called art advertising on the TV in the  1950s vampire video arguing whenever they use   words like that then they go to actual thing  arguing that it distracts the viewer from the   product and makes the commercial selling message  less effective now this is what you need to read   carefully arguing who lost reefs it distracts the  viewer from the product and makes the commercial   selling message less effective number two reduce  profit was no number three consumers need to feel   they have made their own decisions no number  four heavy focus on the Desmond rather than the   product is unsuccessful now let's evaluate that it  distracts the viewer from the product it distracts   the viewer from the product means heavy focus  on the advertisement rather then the product is   unsuccessful and then they say from the product  and makes the commercials selling message less   effective rather than the product in a product so  now instead of product they are saying the selling   message it makes it less effective so this is a  heavy focus on the advertisement rather than the   product is unsuccessful that is said by an Oscar  Reeves it distracts the viewer from the product   and make the commercial selling message less  effective okay so C is Reeves so for question   number four C will be the right answer now we  are left with two options here right and again   blithely Wow it means Bradley has two statements  now from two and three there is going to be one   statement which is from brightly anyways let's  just go on Bradley notes that the debate around   effective advertising became much more intense  in the 1990s with increase in media costs see   that they're talking about cost and declining  sales then cost increases and sales decreases   what happens reduced profits cost increases  sales decreases so the proper the proper   the profits also reduced and that's what they say  reduced profits was one reason why advertisements   changed what is it that he says Val a note said  that debate around effective advertising became   much more intense in the 1990s with increase  in media costs and declining sales and then   they say other experts so you don't need to read  further right reduced profits was one reason by   advertisements changed who said that Rosser Reeves  now Rosser Reeves is C so for number two C will be   the right answer okay now we are left with one  statement one question and one person that is   Lenin so you can blindly write it but still we  are going to read okay other experts now there   is no name of but there is no mention of name  that's why you just need to move on and then see   other experts also pointed out the consumers were  less naive and more professional and cynical then   they had been being more aware of the process  of manufacturing marketing and communication it   was felt that a conclusion which the viewer has  reached himself now this is what you guys need   to understand a conclusion which the viewer has  reached himself will last longer and be better   internalized Lenin said consumers need to feel now  for consumers they are using the word viewer okay   need to feel so there they say it was felt instead  of saying I mean it was felt for example I felt   hot in the room it was felt by the people that the  room was hot so it was felt consumers need to feel   for consumer they're using the world viewer that  they have made their own decisions now see that   a conclusion is used for decision a conclusion  which the viewer has reached a conclusion which   the viewer has reached is a decision which is made  by consumers now you must understand this type of   language feel they have made consumers or viewers  they have made their own decision and it was felt   that a conclusion which the viewer has reached  himself will last longer and better internalized   this is said by Lenin so number three Lenin is  option D over here we'll write D on your answer   sheets you will write one B to c3 d4 here for is  actually gone there c and v is a so it's be sorry reduced profits I note the wrong answer here  actually that was Bradley I'm sorry guys see   Bradley okay so I wrote something else for that  yeah they'd use profits was one reason by that   what hasn't changed yeah when I mentioned this I  became overjoyed and all that so it's actually a   brightly let use profits was one reason why  advertisements changed that is a so to is a   actually right I mention it again reduced profit  was one reason why advertisements changed and   for that he actually mentioned this thing here  brightly and then he says intense in the right   and increase in media cost and declining sales  anyways that's all guys thank you very much I   also teach I else online if you want to join my  online arts classes my whatsapp number is given   you can contact me for that I said yaqoob truly  wishes you all the best take care Allah Hafiz
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 22,489
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Keywords: ielts reading test, ielts reading tips, ielts reading liz, ielts reading practice test, ielts reading test academic, ielts reading academic, ielts reading tips and tricks liz, ielts reading asad yaqub, ielts reading academic practice test, ielts reading academic test, ielts reading and writing test, ielts reading academic 2020, ielts reading and listening tips, ielts reading academic liz
Id: 9eYmuhazMtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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