Best Hallmark Romantic Movies 2024 - Romance Movies

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good morning hi good morning here's the latest changes in the Stevenson project thanks hey is it today the big day yeah let's hope their time charm huh good luck thanks there are several items on the agenda Miss Den I want to make certain this investment matches my financial goals I'm especially interested in how the fund has performed over the last 15 years and who conducts your independent analysis up I'll take a hard look at the way portfolio change and the types of Market the fund holds the performance of this Fund in comparison to others of its type will make the decision for let's take a look at these and then we'll pick up page two hey I starting to get nervous oh punctual Pete always on time yeah laugh now won't be laughing when I'm on diaper duty hi come on in you two here we go I'm afraid I have some bad news your test came back negative what do you mean I'm sorry but I don't understand you said if anything could work this would it like it was a sure thing nothing's 100% with these procedures occasionally it's not successful I will have to say though I'm uh a little surprised we can we can keep trying can we the more you try you won't increase your odds statistically speaking after three attempts your success rate drops off how much considerably so so we we we shouldn't try again I I've been doing this a long time I'm trying to explain the realities of the situation so what's the problem Medical Science has its limits we can't perform Miracles look you too can continue to spend money but at this point what I'm suggesting is that you need to start considering other options but obviously uh you have some decisions to make so I will leave you two to discuss it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr Mrs Donald how can I help you today hi we need to open a line of credit all right well okay well hello there hi um for what reason will you be applying today well this is Sam hello Sam we just adopted and we thought it would take a little longer than it did and we would have time to save up for his arrival but okay not a problem not a problem hello there handsome yes you are thank you you're welcome um okay these are the forms that I will need you to fill out initially and uh just give me one second I will be right back with you thank you so much my pleasure he loved you okay [Music] what you doing just I'm just backing this stuff away you a couple came in the office today they just adapted this uh beautiful beautiful baby boy yeah you know I know we talked about adoption back in the beginning when we were first having troubles but uh I don't know today it was just really seemed like a possibility yeah I I don't know it would be a baby just wouldn't be the same you mean you you couldn't you couldn't love a little baby just cuz it wasn't ours it's just different you know it would be be different that's all I'm saying well then I guess we're just stuck aren't we you don't want to do any more fertility treatments you w consider adoption so I guess we're just stuck all so now this is all my fault no you come home late from work every night it's an effort for me to get out of bed every morning I cry at the drop of a hat for no reason whatsoever I am tired of seeing you be disappointed I'm tired of feeling like in some way I have failed I can't do this something has got to change here cuz I can't do this anymore [Music] [Music] sorry I didn't mean to Rattle you you working late again yeah it's the Stevenson project I'm concerned about the reinforcements in the concrete panels I just want to on the numbers again so how's that lovely wife of yours good good she's good and I'll feed it too it's none of my business but this is the fourth night this week you've been here you're practically living here and not just that I know you've been a little hot on your team lately H late on your deadlines distracted everything's not fine it's um it's this whole baby thing still no luck no and now Donna thinks I'm being selfish because I don't want to keep trying and to be perfectly honest with you we just can't afford it anymore and now there's a whole adoption issue I don't know maybe she's right maybe we are just stuck um maybe you need a little time off go and have some fun again take a trip ReDiscover A Little Romance yeah that'd be great but uh we just can't afford it tell you what you know that time shareing mine down in San Marcos yeah why you take it for a week it's right on the beach you don't have to fly just drive your brand new shiny SUV down there do you well or good well that's a real generous offer but um I'm not sure that now's the right time I want you to take that week I want you to get away from all this noise phones traffic it'll give you a chance to get this sorted out come on got ourselves a deal good good [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] told you we should have Googled this are you sure you know where you're going yeah down this dirt [Music] road thought you had a map yeah I do unfortunately this road isn't on it look that first road we were on turned into this road and it should have taken us back to the main highway but unfortunately it brought us here I think oh that's great in other words we're lost just because I don't know where we are doesn't mean we're lost that is not comforting look look I know this wasn't your idea but here we are on vacation in Mexico so how does that change anything Pete I I'm still not pregnant you won't consider adoption nothing has changed only the scenery Pete watch out you okay I think so are you yeah it's not me I'm worried about it's the car oh that doesn't sound good no it doesn't come on what okay I think it's time to call someone no no service great that's just great Pete that's great what are we supposed to do now well I think we should find a town there's got to be some civilization around here somewhere there's a sign right there that says there's a town ahead I believe okay a town is good a town means people and people means someone who can help help us so come on let's go no do you someone should stay with the car don't you think it's a road after all someone could come along you want to stay here by yourself it will be fine Pete someone's got to stay with the car all of our stuff is in there I don't know about this go right someone bad comes along I'll hop in the car lock the door and roll up the windows okay okay I'll be back as soon as I can fine I'll be fine [Music] ow D that you please tell me that's you [Music] give me my hat give me my hat give me my [Music] hat [Music] hello hey Kor are you here for the fiesta the what the fiesta where exactly is here you are in dommatina DOA see does dommatina have a mechanica mechanico see the best in all of Mexico he is my brother come I will show you [Music] okay you said you would watch him now you're here and he's gone and I'm late to meet the priest watch him see not follow him around old if you want me to watch him you're going to have to find him first whoo wo wo whoo wo where you going what do you mean the kitas are going to bake themselves look if you see the boy please tell him I'm with Father uro well you can tell him yourself can you please not run away like that it scares your brother Hi be you where you been you know you can't go running off without telling me can I help you you the mechanic see my car is in the ditch at the bottom of the hill I think I might have bent the dve drive shaft any chance you could tow it up here and take a look at it um I think it's a little too late for that seor too late what do you mean see for [Music] yourself hi they uh they came along right after you left all acost was a straw hat hey um you okay uh Quanto no seor you owe me nothing I couldn't leave her stranded on the road they would not be [Music] right more thanks thank you can you fix it I don't know he won't even look at it until I find this priest and help him out please help him do what I don't know about cables and flying children oh Father D will be waiting for us okay don't go anywhere this isn't going to take long and then we're getting out of here I swear where are we going my name is f what's your name Pete Pete no no Pete Pete like Peter Pedro yeah only short Pete Pete yeah yeah that's right you know what Sor P what's that in 5 days I'm going to fly really he shouldn't you be in school there's no school the week before the Festa all week out was President's Day father turo father turo good morning pepo how is your leg today good and where is Juan Juan's working on my car I had a little car trouble I'm Pete stanh hope I'll be his replacement today very well father T we must get started the festival is only days away okay but be careful of your leg today okay okay but why flying children well many years ago in this very Plaza a stranger arrived and he was very thirsty from his long journey across the desert and somehow the people were afraid of him and they simply closed their doors and hid and the only one who showed him any kindness was a small crippled boy a boy like me and so to thank the boy for his kindness The Stranger who was none other than Sano transformed the boy into a white dove who flew three times around the plaza before he came to rest at his feet so when sasto transformed the boy back the boy could walk and over the years this has come to be known as the miracle of the matina every year in order to honor we select one special boy and he is given the chance to fly that special boy is going to be [Music] [Music] me smells like cinnamon [Music] [Applause] listen you take this flower here and then you're going to bow it I want to see I want to see that going down softy okay see [Music] [Music] there oh I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt this the kids are adorable well we're making conas do you want to come help us what are conas oh it's cookies here I'll I'll show you some can try one oh thank you thank you so much oh my gosh cinnamon that tastes like summer yeah then you can come help us oh I would love to it's just that our car broke down then as soon as we get it fixed we're going to be leaving oh well if you're here tomorrow you can come help us then okay okay thanks I'm sure by tomorrow we'll be gone you know what things in do matina don't necessarily happen the way you plan them so I mean we'll be here okay okay bye what did you do what is this we're not going to have enough for the quas what are we doing shake it shake it shake Ito Sun is hot rest first I finish this he's excited about flying huh ell is a great honor to be chosen even more so for pepo he's a special child who leg is it to has it always been like that well no his mother and father passed away some time ago he lives now with his brother Juan but there was a tragedy uh there was a fire uh Juan managed to get out in time but uh he had to jump out the window it landed very hard and injured his spine and since then he has been call a a physical challenge couldn't they have done a surgery or something the doctors did what they could but while he's not likely to get better he will probably not be any worse still there's much to be happy about he's a he's a happy child he's well loved by everyone there's many people with two good legs who cannot make that CL don't just sit there like too lazy old man he not going to build by itself is right it's not going to get built by itself well listen Padre uh I'd love to stay here and help you but I should really go check on my car I'm sure it's done now yes well our work is done for today seor stov gracias hey these are yours okay Amigo P so any news I guess strain the bracket and repair the linkage but the wheel burying and spindle they're broken is it fixed can we leave no mechanic's got to order some new parts what yeah it looks like we're stuck here for a day maybe two you are kidding me no I guess we start looking for a hotel room this town even has a hotel Sor Pete I take you to La Fonda very good hotel come I will show you pepo this is my wife Donna Donna this is pepo hola hello nice to meet you see you thought there wasn't even a hotel here pepio are you sure this is a nice hotel it's not just some old flop house it is the best hotel in all dtina you sure about this I am sure because it is the only hotel in dtina come you very fortunate in all matina this is the last room left as you can see it's not romantical I fix it for you neither are we new romantical I mean a beautiful place a beautiful couple just in time for the fiesta no no no no don't rearrange the furniture it's fine it's not not necessary we are only here for one night anyway so thank you you know what um let me uh give you a little something extra for your trouble no seor you have PID for the ru it's enough thanks gracias you know that's the third time today back home you can't tip people enough down here you can't tip people at all very interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] would you stop pacing I just hate being stuck here in dommatina of all places if I didn't crash the car would be in San Marcos by now Pete no one is blaming you all right let's just get the part in the morning and get to San Marcos did you order a room service I don't think they have room service here what do you call that uh W no Senor I think this is a mistake we didn't order this no seor it's no mistake it's a said compliment come please [Music] enjoy thank you very [Music] much what so fun Fone nothing what is it just reminds me of our first date remember yeah I took you to Rose's Cantina oh remember the mares how could I forget it was so loud we could barely hear ourselves think I probably gave him five bucks to get him to play and I had to give him 10 bucks to make him stop oh the waiter dumped guacamole on me oh man after all that you lost your keys and had to walk me all the way back to campus remember yeah yeah I got little secret to tell you about that I um I didn't really lose my keys that night you did that on purpose uhhuh why I wasn't ready for our date to be over why didn't you just ask me if you could walk me home would you have let me are you kidding two miles in those stiletto heels my feet hurt for days well wasn't I worth a couple of blisters at the time that was a long time ago I'm not saying we go back I'm just I'm just saying we have to decide to to to let it go to move on that's all move on to what Pete this isn't like some building that that you just finish and and move on to the next this is about starting a family do you expect me to just say okay that's fine I'll do without we'll be a childless couple for the rest of our lives I don't know if I can do that Pete can you not say that is there something wrong no no she's uh she's just little homesick that's all okay that's all seor seor uh noas mus gracias [Music] [Music] [Music] you want hurry come we must get down to the plaza and help Father doodle can't this wait till morning Sor P it is morning didn't you hear the roster is that what that was we must hurry father dle is waiting for us it's not good to keep a priest waiting he works for God right right we certainly wouldn't want to do that just um give me a minute will you buddy okay where are you going apparently I'm late for work well let me know when the car is ready so I can be all set to leave yeah I'm sure as soon as the mechanic gets dep part we'll be on our way hey buddy in your beat yeah want to know a secret sure you know senorita P uh-huh you mean Donna yes senorita Donna yeah what about her I think she is very beautiful yeah yeah she is very beautiful hey why don't you tell her that next time you see her why don't you tell her well women like to hear things like that from other people besides their husband if senorita Dono was my wife I would tell her every day how beautiful she is that way she'll always know how beautiful she is now you know papia whatever girl ends up with you is going to be a very lucky lady as lucky Sorita Donna I think you're going to have to ask her about that private stanh hope reporting for Duty sir oh I'm so glad you're still here we have much left to do gracias all right well let's get at it what's first what's this thing oh this is the machine that makes the boy fly see we put the cables wrap around here and then we attach them to the poles and then over here we put the seat where the boy sits and then he flies around the plaza what can I do to help you know you can rest for a little while okay you've been working hard for 2 days and your legs a little sore huh are yes here Pete okay see you buddy okay all right what's your uh what's your completion date okay when do you want to be finished today today don't you want to give yourself a little cushion there Padre no did you it did you hi oh hi oh Li you're still here yeah well our car is still being fixed we got to wait for a part we'll probably be here another day well I'm sorry about your car but not really cuz then you can help us bake well I don't know if I remember how to bake you didn't bake at home uh not since I was a little girl it's time to learn again you know cuz everybody needs to learn how to bake so we can teach our children right kids are you sure these things will hold well they always have so tell me Life in alte is it different from life in Doma well there's certainly less traffic here in Los Angeles you need a car for everything drive to work you drive home you're hungry you drive to the market or a restaurant I swear I spend more time in my car than I do at my house butos you must be happy you work so hard oh she works too we both work everybody works who takes care of the children we don't have any children ah no children well you're still young what's your name uh Donna Donna Magdalen nice to meet you kid say hi to Don hi very good okay so we're going to teach her that okay you ready to go get your hands dirty absolutely okay good keep pounding keep ping I mean it's not like we haven't been trying trying to have a baby I mean at first we didn't worry about it you know sometimes these things take a while but then when it didn't happen then we started trying harder and harder and and not the normal way mind you that I wouldn't have minded believe me but it was frozenness and Frozen that and test tubes and microscopes and drugs and not to mention the the special herbs and the teas and the the meditations and the yoga and taking her temperature every hour and then the Mad dashes home just so we could you you you know try try to make a baby oh see safe and the money my God the money you have no idea how much these things cost between the doctors and the lab work and of course none of it's covered by insurance suffice it to say it's been a struggle yes but you still love each other see that's the important thing yeah but if I can't give her what she wants what's the point you said it yourself we're still young we could both start over I think that would be the biggest Act of selfishness not love how so love would not abandon her to face her burdens alone it would strive to make her burdens lighter her sorrows easier to bear love will not fix these things that trouble you but it will give your union the strength to find its way through the Journey of life together but that's just the opinion of one Mexican [Music] [Music] priest let's check to see if these cookies are ready Are they finished are they ready are they you ready oh I don't think so I don't think so that's too that's too hot for you not quite ready okay here we go hey Terry should we check to see the cookies I know you wanted to come look you come look cuz these were some of your special cookies let's see let's see are they ready nope not ready not yet almost hey hi okay go back to Magdalena you magd hello what are you doing we're uh making conas for the fiesta but you don't bake I buy you that bread maker for Christmas you never took it out of the box that's not real baking is it real baking you you mix the dough by yourself and knead it with your hands and get it in your hair and your fingernails yeah I used to do that when I was a [Music] kid oops I'll see you later okay I think they're ready you guys come on let's see come on Mia thanks for telling me that they're ready are you [Music] ready H wanta we get the part no not yet what did they say when it's a difficult part to find there were none in all of inada then we're going to have to order special how long is that going to take maybe another day maybe two that's bad news that's not bad news news that's good news howy figure well if you know the part is not coming in two days you can just relax enjoy yourself and not worry about it if you're lucky enough maybe 3 days and if you're very lucky you won't get here until after the fiesta it all depends what you consider [Music] luck all right so in one two conas are ready look how good they you know what they look very good but they're so hot it's time and we get back it's going to be cool okay let's go let's go oh come on baby I'm sorry [Music] yay very good gu yay there you go get e my S what you saying she's afraid of the dark oh honey well then you should stay right here with us oh here look at that yes yes here we go just rest right there so tell me how did you meet your husband oh my goodness that was so long ago I don't think I even remember stop nonsense every girl remembers tell me um oh my goodness well I was uh I was working in a bank and this very handsome man came walking with the bank and and uh handed me a note I thought oh my gosh it's a stick up but uh no the note R you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and why do you have dinner with me oh a proposal from a complete stranger well he wasn't a complete stranger I'd seen him at school he was a engineering student and and I was a business major but uh but definitely not your most usual of Bank transactions I definitely not so what did you say uh well I said yes of course but only after he opened up an account with us a savings account mind you no did he I did yes he did I think he had to borrow the money from his roommate but he sure did oh that's funny that's a very good story she has yeah she's pretty much let [Music] [Music] go yes oh no no no no no that wasn't a goal you want to see a goal all right I'll show you goal buddy all right you want to see go big boy you want to see oh come on you kidding me all right okay all right I see how you are buddy okay you want to play yes I'll play you although I do have to warn you I wasn't starting forward for the West Valley wolver of course that was 20 years ago good theel you're pretty good man you play pretty well for a kid with only one good leg all right here we go best two out of three okay here we go what do you got show me what you got you ready let's go you ready here come on who taught you how to play like that my papa when you have a son like me you can teach him you kidding me if I have a kid I'm going to bring him down here and let you teach him how to play oh no that's Papa's job oh really and what's Mama's job well to TU you in bed kiss you and at night sing a song to you and did your mama sing oh she would always sing she would sing this nice song to me every time I finish my [Music] prayers what does that mean something about your heart not my heart her heart go to sleep my child go to sleep my sunshine you always be in this heart of mine all right it's a beautiful song I'm sure your mother loved you very [Music] [Laughter] [Music] much thank thank you all right so it's your turn how did you meet Juan oh well I was straight out of the university in guara and they said that they needed a teacher here in dtina I said I'll go my friends thought I was Loca because I was going to leave the city to come here so my first day of school I look down and there's fillo smiling up at me with his little bad leg and he goes my brother Juan is the best mechanic in town and he deserves a beautiful wife would you like to meet him he's right there in the garage how could I resist you know that's a good story too I'm must have been quite a change though I mean living here you miss the city at all I I did a little bit in the beginning but then after a while not so much I like this place it's it's it's a good place to live and the people are really good people I mean I have Juan I have my work I have all the children what else do I need now Juan and Pio their brothers right where are their parents oh their parents died when Pia was very young oh I'm so sorry I must be very hard on one having to be both a brother and a parent huh man I thought it was it was so sad at first AIA with no parents but now I mean the whole village takes care of him they love him so much like their family wow well so what happens after after you and Juan get married with Papo yeah oh I'll love him like my own son well after you get married you and Juan will want to have your own children right oh sure but it's it's not up to us it's up to God if he wants us to have children and perfect we're going to love him if he doesn't we still have each other I mean I believe as long as I'm a good wife and he's a good husband and we love each other we do that whatever happens it's going to be be okay hey how's your leg doing buddy good always the same want of know secret it's not another one about my wife is it oh no this one's a real secret it's something no one else in the whole world knows sounds like a pretty important secret you sure you want to entrust it to me yeah I do you know how son who there turned a little boy into a dove and after he three times around with plasa he made her so he can walk yeah father uro told me that story last night before I sleep I pray to son and in my dreams you know what he says what he says he will do the same for me and it's my train to fly when it is over he will make it so I can walk he will fix my leg and the pain will be gone are you sure that's what he said bet feel he said if you believe in the miracle of dommatina with all your heart I can make it so you are healed the you there you are can't tell anyone remember it's all sheep right yeah I promise good evening Sor Pete hey come on pep you were late Magdalen has supper for us let's go I see that you're finished yeah you're getting much too heavy to carry after summer I'm going to be light as a hey man is flying you might actually think it's going to turn into a bird or something hey tonight Magdalen and I are going for a walk why don't you tell Sorita Don you meet us there yeah sure yeah yeah okay see you there come on hope you know what you're [Music] doing [Music] amen today we finished the marina father do the help too but it was mostly me and Senor Pete you would like Senor Pete he think he is very good at soccer but he's really bad he's sometimes sad about something I don't know why but someday he might just tell me I wish you were here you and Papa too but I guess you guys could see if from up there turn off the light little guy time to go to sleep is it really bad tonight mhm it work really hard it will be better okay let's do this night sweet dreams [Music] okay he doesn't know about the miracle yet but it's better to keep it as a [Music] [Music] surprise do you guys know that Juan was the boy chosen to fly on there runs in the family huh you be scared a little bit but my M Papa were there so I we knew nothing bad would happen if they were there they would be so proud of Pia right now oh yeah very very proud of it you know I I've been thinking you've been thinking what's the occasion no perhaps I don't know but maybe after we get married maybe we could move into the city what and leave dtina well I just I just think there would be more work for me there and uh more opportunities for pepio and you say you like the city too no well yeah what's on your feet you live in the city would you think it's a good option the city is exciting there's always lots to see and do and lots of great restaurants you see told you it was a good idea yeah but it's also very noisy and crowded very easy to lose sight of what's important like family and intimacy and and and The Simple Pleasures all the things that you have here you would leave your friends your family this place just to go to a city why would you want to do that I thought it would make you happy one I'm really happy because I'm with you I love you Magdalena I love you [Music] too Don are you awake yeah have you ever seen a miracle no Pete I have not did you see magdalina and Juan tonight they love each other so much you know just cuz they're affectionate doesn't mean don't reduce what they have to puppy love Pete I wasn't I mean we we used to be affectionate and we weren't as young as they are we're still affectionate to answer your question no I've have never seen a miracle but do you think they're possible you mean the water changing into wine that kind of Miracle yeah yeah real Hest to goodness miracle I don't know boy I hope so that's going to be one disappointed little boy good night good [Music] night P Sor p time to get off it's morning send your feet send your feet send your feet send your feet send your feet s your Pete S your Pete come now quickly we must go why El pilotto he must hurry let me just put on some pants got to be kidding me what's going on apparently they're bringing in a test pilot where are you going thought you're not the only one who works in this house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's the pig doing here it's oh the pig belongs to the pilot see your the pig is a piloto see the test pilot is really a test Pig see see what's going on it doesn't work nothing works Magdalena aren't you supposed to be helping father artudo I was there Magdalena but then I came to see Sor Pet's part arrived and they didn't arrive so I tried to fix it myself and the wrench broke so this is why you're so angry the parts were supposed to be delivered today Magdalena you know that I know I understand but getting this angry isn't going to speed anything up come on babe you're always trying to fix everything and you can't do that so why don't you just take a break and go help Father atudo we actually can help something hola hola Dorito I love you Torito I love you what's a Torito Torito that's a that's a small bowl you just call him like that when he gets angry like that well at least you made him laugh oh P gets mad sometimes I wish I could make him laugh feel like crying sometimes well it's easy to make this one laugh because he's not angry at me really or the part or anything he just blames himself for what happened to Papo and he always gets like this but that was an accident yeah I know but you know he wishes something else could have been done perhaps take him to the city to a big hospital but he couldn't do that cuz he couldn't afford it so that's why he gets like that it's very lucky to have such an understanding woman I think I'm the lucky one cuz i' rather have him care that much than not care at [Music] all are we too late nope just in time where's Pete he's right there he's helping father to to fly the pig pig yeah it's our test pilot don't worry you'll understand it's a custom we have secondary safety on him okay all right let's get down you need a hand there Padre you [Music] okay wow BL cornitas the pig likes it too [Music] unbelievable [Music] big uh is everything okay I don't know [Applause] um maybe you should bring the pig in for a landing oh no he he's going to White it it would be unsafe try to slow down a little bit umre okay can I help yeah yes pull this rope as hard as you can okay pet is everything okay careful careful harder harder pull harder stay [Applause] back com down get out get out of here the [Music] big I'm sure we can fly next here where you going come back please you lied to me there is no more Martina it's all alive father father please forgive him he didn't mean to offend the saint you're standing here asking for forgiveness when he need you go to him what are we going to do now can we fix this no it is ruined there's not enough time to fix it if we could we have to tell the town that they Fest of s was [Music] cancelled P can you do something to fix this what would you suggest you're the engineer if you can build skyscrapers you can certainly fix this don't you think it's not that simple you can't just string it up it has to be totally redesigned oh can't you at least try [Music] well you're awful chipper giving the day events so if I fix this thing so Papo can fly but he doesn't get his Miracle kid's going to be heartbroken of course if he doesn't get to fly at all that's going to break his heart too either way the kids in for a major disappointment so what do you think fix it or not know pay or don't pay try to have a kid or don't I don't know what no advice Sly wisdom to impart you cannot blame yourself for the disappointments of others are you scared me half to death I thought the old man had come back to life well he is alive he lives through his words like this it says a first do what is necessary and then do what is possible and suddenly you will be doing the impossible you see some people blame themselves for things they cannot do for the disappointment of others or their own failings but in their distress they forget that God does not expect us to be successful only faithful we must remember this when even doing the necessary seems impossible but enough of saints and sinners it's very late and we both are tired have nice work to do tomorrow to clean up but from this sorrow some strength will come but it's not just s your Stan yeah wa it's not CH [Music] P what is it what's the matter he what you said last night about what's necessary and what possible do you truly believe that yes with all my heart all right then you better hurry up cuz we got work to do come on all right you see this all right that's where it started the wall cracked and the bracket pulled loose now when that failed the load got transferred there and there and over there and as each one of those failed the load doubled somewhere else in engineering we call it a catastrophic system failure it's like when a bridge collapses one thing leads to another that is how we have always done it it's the only way I know how to do it but what if I redesign the system for you and separate the load bearing part from the control part that way if one part fails you'll still be able to steer can you do that well sure it's just simple engineering it's just police and levers it's not rocket science the F us tomorrow can you do it in time if it's necessary it's possible [Music] [Music] hang Stan is and he has designed the minina and much better Ma so the may fly in safety but we need your help to build it tomorrow is a fiesta and we don't have much time we have a lot of work to do so I'm minity everybody to work together what we have to do is totally re build lakina what's going on hey Juan can this be welded I don't know I can try all right thanks everybody follow me to the plaza and I'll show you what I need you to do okay come on yeah you would do that for us well how is this poo going to fly thank you thank you so much let's go put that bracket up there that's Pedro that's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right [Music] so are you basking in the glow telling you these people are amazing it would have taken my crew 3 days to do what they did in 8 hours yeah I'll show you how much it means to them you know I asked the Padre if he wanted to do another test flight and he said no no necessario so no more test pi yeah the pig wasn't exactly Chuck Jagger Senor P Senor pee come quick it's broken it's broken well that was a short bask it is no use the metal is too old it is impossible to weld maybe we can use something else I don't know another part that you might have anything no it's no good without that piece there's no way the machine can work you peat can you fix it not this time buddy I wish I could there's got be something here that we we can use don't you think s p the parts are here the whe bearing a spindle I told you they would come well at least we can fix your car wait a minute spindle if we cut it and modify it a little bit it could replace the piece that broke yes but if we cut it we can't piece it back together and there's no telling where we can get a new one I don't care cut it bend it tie it not whatever it takes yes [Music] my petza stand open you're my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hero little higher keep going right there right there right [Music] there hey one hey so they they left this for me to where is this right or is someone playing a joke on me no that's perfect that's perfect I'm glad to see you I really wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us especially pepu I've never seen him so happy and smiling all the time yeah no no problem we're going to see you tonight at the fiesta right I'm sorry we're not going to make it tonight be just in in too much pain today oh yeah it's been a rough couple days on him he's been working hard you know he's always in constant pain and he's trying to hide it from everybody else even me all he really wants is to be treated like a normal kid he's a good boy I wish I had half his energy and his zest for Life tell me about it you know to me he a constant reminder of what life is really all about you know if you've had a good day with the ones you love you really don't need anything more everything else just confuses matters is it really that simple you you know as shocking as it sounds I really think it [Music] is I don't miss this for anything I mean just think we could have been stuck in some boring little Resort town like all the other tourists but instead here we're like like locals right yeah sure oh my gosh sound is beautiful yeah that's beautiful real beautiful you know you're awfully down for someone who just saved the day are you worried about the wires or something no well it's not that it's uh it's poo why he's thrilled you should be too I mean because of you he gets to fly no it's more than that what do you mean he um he told me a secret and a secret I'm not supposed to tell him anybody else what the wise qualifies anybody else he believes that senuas the came to him in a dream and told him that the first miracle of dtina would happen again only this time it would happen with him what he thinks his leg is magically going to cure itself that's what he said that he would fly to the base of the statue and San hudo would heal him oh my God that's why he thinks the saint lied to him and the Machine broke and why you didn't want to be the one to fix it it would take another year for him to get to fly and hopefully by then he'd be too old to Believe In Miracles if he flies around the plaza and lands at the feet of San hudas too and nothing has [Music] changed how do you explain that to a [Music] kid I don't know either do [Music] I so are you ready ready as I'll ever be you sure about this POS sure about what what's does matter where are you going well it appears I've been drafted into the service of the king the king what king king Phillip the third of [Music] Spain oh that King who whoa whoa whoa wait you guys are absolutely sure no one else could do this no one else can do it just you well what about Juan why can't he do it because nobody wants to see Juan you are the one that saved the fiesta so you are the one that people want to see come on [Music] [Music] where on Earth is Pete PR's about to begin he's going to miss it I wouldn't worry about it he'll be here [Music] [Music] wow [Music] hey saor spare a few gold dubloons perhaps very funny well I think you look very dashing if I'd have my country conquered by any Cony s or it would be you well thank you it's funny one minute I'm a stranded American Tourist and the next minute I am one Cabrio oh God they can only see this at home theyd never believe it I don't blame them I'm here and I can hardly believe [Music] it thank you buddy well here goes nothing okay you're starting to make me nervous this is going to work isn't it guaranteed really yeah 60,000 Mi or 5 years whichever comes first it's not funny welcome to the Fest of saso today we celebrate the miracle of dommatina when many years ago this blessed Saint came to our village to repay a child his kindness by transforming a crippled child into a dove and when he transformed him back the child could walk so this year as in Years Gone by we celebrate this miracle with the flight of one special child to the feet of Sano this year our special Dove is little Papo his spirit so light he could almost fly without our help so let us bow our heads and pray so I've been thinking um I've been really selfish about the whole baby thing it just kind of just kind of felt to me that getting pregnant to was the most important thing in the world even more important than us no no no no just listen all I'm saying is if you really want to try again I think we should what about the money we've got the money do you remember that savings you can you made meart before you'd even go out with me yes I remember well I never closed it even after we got married I always thought I'd need a little extra cash if the right opportunity came along and well there's just enough money in there to get us started if we need some more we'll find [Music] it he's quite a kid totally Fearless you know Pete I have been thinking too and instead of us spending money to try and make a new kid maybe we should spend it on one that we already know yeah we could take him and ju to the States get him to see our real specialist you would do that but I thought having a baby was everything having a baby would be wonderful just truly wonderful but it's not everything most important thing is is us being there for each other you know if all the ropes and cables and wires were to come crashing down we would be there for each other to help string them back up again but just because we help the PO it doesn't mean we can't still try to have a kid of our own and if that doesn't work we could always adopt you could love a child that wasn't your own haven't you [Music] noticed I'm [Music] in and now our flying boy [Applause] [Music] pepo it's going to be okay I [Music] promise it is finally your turn my little Papo are you ready [Music] go ahead okay to the people OFA we [Applause] present big [Applause] go me with your nice job oh thank you I do have an engineering degree after [Music] all look I'm flying [Music] [Applause] sure higher [Music] [Music] Father video [Music] Yes [Music] master let's go let's [Music] go [Music] yes okayo that's enough enough I don't want to get down I want to f look you can't even reach now no no no it's time to come in come on now no no no no no no no no no you should [Music] stop stop moving around like that [Music] hey you have to stop don't move around like that h on Father we got to bring him in are you okay are you okay no no no no I will take him no no don't move him it can make it worse [Music] I think he's coming [Music] too there he is take it easy can you hear us baby okay doing what are you doing want to walk what I want to walk does he hurt no I'm good [Music] careful you can move does it hurt no not [Music] hurting your be remember the dream [Music] did you just see what I saw I am not sure I think so he flew he landed yeah and now he's walking just like Sam hudo told him he would do you think we just witnessed a real Miracle yeah no no chance there's got to be some sort of logical explanation like um like when he landed he must have uh fixed his spine whatever was out of place got knocked back into place right like one of those stories when someone gets bumped in the head and they lose their memory and then they bump it again and they get their memory back right yeah yeah exactly completely logical or maybe it was just the power of positive thinking you think yeah you know when someone wants something so very much they make it [Music] happen or maybe just maybe we witnessed an honest to goodness Miracle the miracle of Dom [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] Good Morning Have I Told You Lately how beautiful you [Music] are that's sweet you are you're very beautiful Pio told me I should tell you that every day so getting an early start trying to make up for lost time okay at the [Music] time bu Sorita the bus if you want to ride you must [Music] hurry honey mhm B is here it's time to go feels like we just got here well I guess that's about it we better get going if we want to get to the car rental place before it closes I want to thank you oh both of you without your help there would have been no Miracle well we could say the same about dommatina well then we are all blessed V thank you Padre hey I'll be back in a week to pick up the car and then uh you and P will drive home with me it we want to take you to a good orthopedist and make sure your Miracle stays a miracle okay casing it beat thanks for everything go thank you and you have to come too we have some shopping to do for your wedding oh my god oh you have a good man you do don't let him go even if he becomes a Dorito I won't I promise not ever okay bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye it's a lot of paperwork they should don't make it easy to adopt a child do they I know we're going to be just fine you okay yeah this is a pepperoni I think we have Ana don't we yeah there should be some in the medicine cabinet okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Pat yeah you okay you're fine I I I I'm more than fine you kidding you're pregnant no yes I me know I'm not kidding yes I'm pregnant yes yes yes I [Music] am in a world of and dis when Dan will Harmon with every that set a on fire we so higher and higher let the r guide us through a symphony of love so true together we will find our way in the M deal forever stay through wh and and gentle PR our voices BL like waves upon Seas with each word song from deep within our soul paint a picture beyond control let's break free from all found tonight unleash the magic hidden in sounds like as instrument play their enchanting to our Spirits unite under this Mo oh Let The Rhythm guide us through a symphony of love so true together we will find our way in must SM you forever [Music] stay from high with to fun bre Ro the music takes us where words can't explore through highs and lows it carries us along creating memories that for the so let your heart sing it own unique song join me now as together we belong in harmony All Souls interwine forever found by music Divine oh Let The Rhythm guide us through a symphony of love so true together we will find our way in the M you for stay [Music] m
Views: 48,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kLU7Cv2Bpv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 57sec (5157 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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