Ice Poseidon Reacts To "From Introvert to Extrovert" - Reaction

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Paul Bern Morita come watch it I mean I don't think she really cares that much to be honest let's just watch it ourselves the knee no better known by his online alias ice Poseidon is a 24 year old white streamer who from humble beginnings as a somewhat introverted runescape streamer has since then helped pioneer many aspects of IRL streaming and so I have to say for starters this is a very rapid start to the whole things this is totally he totally had no intro at all no transition he just started which is interesting way to put it us both due to the strong and unique connection he has formed with his viewers but all this has come at a price the price of selling his privacy for the content he produces this with the black moderation of his streams makes him a target from viewers with malicious intent that have been rejected from other communities although these viewers make up only a small portion of his community there are arguably the most impactful on his life through small aggressions such as getting him kicked out of stores to organizing a fake bomb threat that made national headlines and will later see him banned from his initial streaming platform wait hold on have you can you guys hear because it's everything the volume is up on my side let me see you guys should be able to hear this and a few other things were only served to distance them from his viewers and bring up several accusations of him lying or simply trying to deceive his community whether it's hiring actors to pose as police officers to over a five-month period continually lying about break up with his girlfriend this and no doubt would take a serious and most actually that here's a good point there a very intimate with my viewers but the more I get swatted and the more [ __ ] up [ __ ] happens the less intimate I get because that starts to turn into me having issues with wanting to be intimate with everyone no toll on him and turn a large portion of a fan base against him which will lead to a decline in viewership which is where he is now and as for finding out how this transition happened what a better place to start then from the beginning raised in a gated community in although to be fair this has happened about four or five times the cycle is is real mr. Florida paws up ringing as described by him was not a pleasant one in an interview with his mother and Zidane II know if she reveals that at a young age that Paul was very shy and desperate to make friends which he would later make but in unexpected places as when he was 12 a neighbor introduced him to the MMORPG runescape where he would console a random name generator that would give him the name iced Sidon it was around this time that he would find an interest in making runescape music videos where he would overlay a popular song over footage of runescape through this he'll find another video maker and make his first true friend gray shawl oh wow this guy actually did his [ __ ] research also known as multi sad but the commonality wouldn't be limited to video making as they both play large roles in the Bruin scape glitching community and due to his notoriety he would also befriend the popular cotton creator silent core that may have influenced ice to make more videos okay that's not true at all [ __ ] yeah no silent car wasn't silent core when I [ __ ] knew him so no he didn't influence me at all but my runescape video-making days had nothing to do with what I do now sir ice would also make a couple hundred dollars by selling in-game items for gold and traded that gold for real life that's true I need to have like I used to glitch on runescape and dupe items and then sell the items for money buy currency which along with bug abuse was against the game's rules but he would never be caught back to the real life ice whip play runescape sometimes 18 hours a day and on occasion he would get up before school play then immediately after he got back he'll hop back on and repeat the cycle this will play further into his lack of social experience and may have caused many outburst at his school where he would do such things to gain the attention of his peers and maybe make a friend but due to his introverted nature this would usually not work in his favor it was also around this time that he would be diagnosed with Asperger's which is a form of autism and would take I think I got diagnosed so that was like 11:00 news would only make his life more miserable as he continued to get into trouble and hot from school to school he would also spend time in a camp for troubled teens fast forward to the age of 15 I was in high school and would enjoy doing prank calls with one of his runescape friends using Skype and one of the calls targeted his high school where the previous calls were fairly in good nature this one would have a consequential impact on his life as during the prank call his friend told the school secretary that there was a bomb in the school were in a panic - what hang up the call and amoenus rant was saying something that they both knew could get them in serious trouble but both trusting the anonymity of the call had little to fear until 6 a.m. the following day when his house was raided by police and his computer would be taken for evidence where it was determined that he was not the one than me the bomb threat and was left off relatively easy but this is sure with his outburst at school where at one point he publicly and loudly asked a member of staff if they were good at performing sexual acts of an oral nature it was at this point where the school gave him an ultimatum either get kicked out of school or join a theater summer camp hosted by the school to build character which he then enrolled in although eius will not make any long lasting friends for this camp he did find something enjoyed which was the stage the attention he craved as a child was finally something that he was getting he also quit taking his medication a cold turkey and would start a job at Dunkin Donuts which he will leave after a short amount of time fast forward well I got I got fired I was a good photo I got fired from Dunkin Donuts so that's for sure but drama was fun and the police never they gave me my my my old computer broken into pieces and the hard drive was [ __ ] whose highschool graduation he began studying for bachelors and Finance and would attain a job as a cook at a seafood restaurant known as chowderheads but two years later at the age of 20 his interest in school would slowly dissipate and he would stop attending school and after he got his associates degree he would also be fired from his managerial position at chowderheads after leaving an oven on overnight but he would be quick to find work no that's not what happened idiot that's not what I had color contacts Chows a [ __ ] that's not what happened I didn't get fired because I left the oven on dude I [ __ ] got fired for no reason and then I was pissed and crying so I left the oven on like on accidents like after the fact that was like [ __ ] I just need to get out of here after I heard the news ganz allein cook in an Italian restaurant and take an internship and an investment banking company which was related to his degree field all while continuing to play runescape and to be more specific smoking marijuana and closing doors on players at Rouen scape house parties in order to impede their progress and generally troll them for his personal pleasure he will later decide to record this and on January 9 2015 closing doors was uploaded to ice decided to youtube channel where he'll commentate over himself doing just that [Music] the foreshadowing though as you can see in the friends list this is banned and dank KFC Channel right now I'm gonna have this guy Travis I always put a piss gate music so my favorite game of all time these videos will be uploaded to runescape subreddit where they would get a fair amount of views and a moderate amount of upvotes he would continue to upload various prank videos but the one that stood out from the rest was closing doors for this video would make it to the front page of the subreddit and although a bit reluctant about the idea at first with the encouragement of his fans eius announced that he'll begin to stream runescape on Twitch a popular streaming platform with a focus on gaming this Friday May 15 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time 11:00 p.m. GMT I will be streaming I that was my first trailer out there and that was that was some good [ __ ] honestly his approach to this was more intuitive than most as he knew to make it on such a competitive platform this was part of my second stream of all time as you can see I used to block my face because I figured that would be good marketing to you know give the illusion of secrecy and make people wonder he would have to stand out from the competition so he would need a gimmick something the viewers could remember him by and leave last the impact his gimmick would be where he would wear a suit and tie and only show his torso while streaming leaving him somewhat anonymous but he would later reveal the lower part of his face and eventually gave up on the gimmick and what reveal is faced at the stream and adapt a shirt and tie which he had a large variety of likely due to his internship a little after this first month of streaming he would earn his first hundred dollars which would prompt him to quit his job as line cook and also quit his internship I was like everyone else in LA I make $100 all would be a full-size driver as he saw potential and streaming this would help grow the stream as he could spend more time online but this would also have an unintended consequence as it furthered his isolation after the third month is streaming I instead accumulated over four thousand dollars in donations a big part of his growth was due in part to his clickbait titles that would advertise and plan the dead man moon beta in runescape when he was actually just in a normal PvP world although at the time he was not the only channel doing this he was the one that retained viewers for the longest period of time this will lead him to gain at peak times around 900 viewers and when the long-anticipated Deadman mode was released almost overnight his concurrent viewer base would jump from 900 to 4,000 he also adapted more gimmicks to build his character most notably is a tongue thing where he would puckers lips leaving enough room to move his tongue firm left to right in a rapid motion and the arm thing where he will flail azar wildly most importantly he would find a name for his community being the purple army the name comes from the purple dots on a player's mini-map that are usually white but if those players were in your clan shows his research as purple thought there is streaming career these gimmicks for the most part would fade away except for one that stood out from the rest a simple two letter phrase see X which when turned 90 degrees counterclockwise makes a face fans would span CX and other streamers chance to notify each other when ice was live or practically any reference relating to ice Poseidon which although might have annoyed other streamers it gave ice free publicity this with a relatively unmoderated chat meant that icy streams was where you as the viewer could truly run rampant in the politically exhausting environment that at the time was affect yes and now that's very looked down upon to do imagine having an unmoderated chat in this day and age just not found any more I think a lot of people isis chat gave much freedom and would support the streams unpredictable nature this and the addition of saw requests was something truly unique to not only as a stream but to his community and where viewers would pay money to donate songs that ice would then play on stream many of these songs would be altered to troll eyes as users would include clips of racial slurs racial stereotypes or just a harmless reference to the stream all right whoo ice fan you are now a band see you later you are I'm sorry your band dear do you think that's funny your band now homemade so go suck a dick why'd you censor that [ __ ] I'm 16 as the dead man hype was dying down ice would alternate doing different events on runescape one of these activities was staking which in essence is a gambling minigame that has the same odds of winning as a coin toss ice would take donations from viewers to fuel a fan bud and he was given the equivalent of two good meals and dollars worth of runescape currency which he would go on to lose but through some kind of miracle eius was able to slowly earn it back and I should mention the intensity of this stream was unparalleled by any other and will catch the attention of many viewers outside of runescape this stream would take him to the front page of twitch and firmly establish him among the twitch community after this he'll begin to gravitate more towards variety streams where he would experiment playing different types of games and the most popular by afar out of any variety game that he played during this time period was V time a virtual reality game where you can interact and speak to other virtual reality users where normally Isis interactions were limited to his chat and the occasional call from a streamer or viewer his social interactions with strangers and his flamboyant personality were the focus of these streams and the fact that the flamboyant personality I'm a flamboyant jet these streams were successful is a testament to ices adaptability and started to show him that the people watching him weren't so much interested in runescape or the other games he played but instead him as a person as he was a stranger on check blank slate that most introverts could easily project themselves onto as this became more apparent to eyes he would try to find ways to stream without needing to play a game and with the release of the social eating category On June of 2016 gave him the perfect excuse to do so with his experience as a line cook I asked what streaming self-repairing meals in his home and eating them in front of his viewers and not even a month later the popular mobile game pokemons go would be released which was essentially the birth of real-life streaming so one day after Pokemon go was released ice took to the streets with his laptop had set and various other devices that would allow him to stream in public all while scarcely playing Pokemon go the highlights of these dreams were the live interactions he would have with strangers all while retaining his unhinged personality and whether it was Isis enthusiasm his cumbersome setup or the fact that the people he was interacting with were on camera would usually mean that they would play into Isis wacky skits and while all seemed to be going great in Isis your ship and wealth grew exponentially higher behind the scenes in an uncharacteristically serious stream eius would reveal he has a deep sadness crush him and the lack of meaningful communication with anyone including his parents that he lives with but rarely talked to meant that although he was doing well stream whines the pressure to make good content and the harassment he received when he felt that he failed would take an emotional so I did this because obviously my other personal reasons that I had during that time and all times I did a stream on VR that day and it just didn't work out as planned and I got lost [ __ ] for it and I was like the first hose on the first time I got [ __ ] for stuff but that was like it just really bothered me so you know means that's where that's it just kind of just supposed to sink in and I was reading in the chat this guy he was like oh he's got your money you sub to him he's just it's just for the money I mean honestly dude it's really not for the money money doesn't make me happy I mean you know what I mean dude it's you would think it would I used to say you know you would think money makes you happy but it really doesn't I mean oh you know there's a number in my bank account I don't have to worry about you know [ __ ] anymore but there's other things I can't even do this it was some bad I felt really bad bad those times I am I even got half the harassment at that time that I do now then oh my god feel like I would probably just not even think about him the live button other issues as well don't talk to anybody I know I should like not sleep for so long I can go out and do I don't know how to go out and meet people man without anything like like I don't like usually you meet people at like a job or like school or something there's no way for me to do that there's no job Oh school I just honestly I just don't know what I'm sad about everyday I just have this underlining sadness as you can see I've always had the same problems with being late and sleeping a lot and all this other stuff I think York wants appreciate it dude yeah and you know a lot of people in the chat might say oh yeah hole dice are like why don't you have the same passion anymore can I do a passion for streaming but you know I saw a passion of streaming but you know it's it's it's you know not as crazy as it was back then but you know it's because I've had a lot of things like this happen just this but like 50 more times throughout the three years and you sometimes you gotta just make yourself feel like hey if you [ __ ] up it's okay and you just gotta move on from it sometimes so I don't think that's a passion thing actually I think that's just like a content thing like sometimes you [ __ ] up he's gotta be content about it one time my battery broke for my camera and I [ __ ] cried like sometimes you just got to be more content about stuff otherwise he's not gonna make it when you talk to people it's easy to but not having gone out and talking to people of like eight months now dude this made things a lot more real in a sense I wasn't entirely a character and was more genuine than he would lead on this would have any fans SWAT two eyes and support as his relatability with his struggles was a wide spread with many of his viewers though this would do little to safe those targeting him as less than three months later I saw stab ed on stream but he would have to jump in his swimming pool so he Skyped his phone through his computer to streaming himself outside and since he was away from his computer he wouldn't be able to moderate nor hear donations so viewers took advantage of this and played racist donations in order to try to get ice and this would hit Isis twitch channel with a week long been more than twice the length of his previous band that was applied for the same reason and a month later on the exact same day IRL streaming was released on Twitch ice would ask for a girl's number and he would receive him but he forgot to mute a stream so he had just leaked a girl's number to everyone watching and I leaked the number and my next ban would be a month he would then turn the stream up off to do follow up with this girl where it was revealed she received just three calls from viewers and although she felt it was unnecessary ice would go on to pay her $500 as a form of compensation though this did little to dissuade twitch as his new 45-day ban would still take effect for leaking a stranger's personal information the lanka's stream to be honest what I should have done when I was at that moment it was I mean I don't know it's hard to say I was just I was given the advice to just be a desktop streamer you know disturb my desktop play games and stuff and that'd be the safest route kind of glad I didn't cuz we got a lot of cool experiences but at the same time my life would be a lot easier if I was just playing games and a desktop streamer not that that's even my passion because I don't really want to play games every day that sounds [ __ ] awful but you know I'm just telling you that's advice that I had gotten and I was like now [ __ ] that I mean would it get my eyes time to decide in what direction he wanted to take his life and later announce instead of saving money to purchase a house he would move to Los Angeles to produce more interesting content and move in with his childhood friend oldest addict this saw drastic changes it nice to social life we're in Florida he would have the rare Stream sniper and maybe partake in a Skype call with a viewer but in California within the first month is streaming he would have established a manager met several fans some of which will become his close friends and will get into contact with many other content graders the most notable at the time being the former TV personality Andy Milonakis which he would stream with frequently with this attention he would also attract stalkers a great example of this would be Andy later given the name Mexican Andy by Isis fan base as not to get in confused with Andy Milonakis this trend of naming unmemorable characters on stream by what stands out most about them followed by Andy would be something unique to Isis stream and will later catch on and influence other streams that was also around this time when ice would begin today a twitch streamer being Haley at East no you know apparently he was dating somebody when I started had talking there and then she broke up with him to be with me apparently I don't know and had many eventful interactions such as jokingly getting married and later attended Dreamhack a festival that emphasizes technology but this one ever happened as on April 27 2017 while waiting for his flying at the airport he will leak his point number I'm feeling way worse but I'm still streaming yeah great thanks for the subs you appreciate it I don't know dude I might be on terminal 5 I don't know what I don't know where I am I'm just on 53 a as my that's my gate I'm not that was really stupid of me to be fair I'm sure telling you guys that is a good idea but what can you possibly do right although he has now that sounds really awful now that you now that we're at this moment in time that sounds [ __ ] [ __ ] terrible and you know just really pushing it but yeah the remember when this happened I've never been swatted in public before I'd only gotten swatted one time in my apartment and it was like really minor so I was really naive and that was like a huge mistake on my part but obviously you know and obviously was didn't age very well at all but you know at that point I was like like I didn't know what could happen I mean sure swatting existed but like it's not really been a thing like swatting somebody in like it's not really a thing you know at this pump at this moment in time down this in the past and nothing has come of it but this time a viewer would call the airport and tell authorities that ice had a bomb in his backpack this would lead to police removing eyes from the flight and evacuating the plane and search of a bomb this made national headlines and put twitch ices streaming platform in a tough position were they decided in order to avoid bad PR they would have to cut ties with him and ban him permanently from twitch so now all twitch streamers that he had befriended Co novara have him or his likeness appear on stream this would be an understandably difficult time for ice but either through resilience or his spiteful nature he quickly denounced which and switched to YouTube as a stream platform resilience not that much spite I think it's are getting a little bit of spite until after like a year just because of I just how it was how I thought I was being treated but yeah definitely resilience cuz otherwise I was gonna go broke so I mean we are the purple army so there's no way we're just gonna stop and disperse and become irrelevant in the world of the and in the world we are going to continue to grow and continue to maintain ourselves and we are gonna continue to expand our horizons and after all this we'll see where we are in six months we'll see what's going on with YouTube in six months and they're in reentry Kang sent at here daily sealant which and I could potentially get unbanned depending on what's going on in six months oh yeah the interesting news that I was really scared during this video out knock a lot yeah Mike YouTube had 20,000 subs on it I was really [ __ ] scared I was like I don't know this is gonna work but let's give it a try it's talking about that I did post on Twitter about YouTube actually did invite me to a VIP section of VidCon and we are going to talk about how to create YouTube live and make it the direct competition to twitch so I'll send you money's no good we are the people who rebel Shanaya the civil war that is against which and we are bringing it down and creating which YouTube live and to a surprise he found that most of his community had migrated platforms to watch him it should be noted that there was also a transient I think that was a pretty good video to make because here's the thing most people like I banned on Twitch they you know they go with it there's there's go with it until they can try to get unbanned or whatever but I couldn't really afford to do that I had to just was like I was like alright let's make a [ __ ] move then let's do this let's [ __ ] see what we can do if we rise against and that's what we did ition in the continuous producing where he was once primarily focused on streaming games and occasionally streamed IRL now the roles were reversed where the meat of his content was the IRL streams he did though through this process he lost viewers but also gained many that preferred his newer streams that was also around this time that ice would start making an average of twenty thousand dollars a month he would also allow his subreddit to make major decisions in his life one of which being who he would date I want you guys to control my life I mean this is one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in live streaming not gonna [ __ ] lie subreddit it's cool community is awesome but obviously some people just took that [ __ ] way too goddamn far I do I know that sounds really weird but I thing this is what I have in like an idea for the live stream how why and yes before are people in the chat say blaming other people by the way yes this is my fault I should have never said that you guys to control every like every aspect of my life and it seems really fun weird I'm not saying like no don't do stupid football I call it like I'm gonna be Keith like my location more secret ish but I like that reddit is pretty much going to be like my mother it's what I'm saying when you suggest things in that reddit you are suggesting how I'm going to change and manipulate my own life yeah I don't know why I said all this I just must been really really scared I was really really scared you know it's my first term on youtube I was like [ __ ] I don't the [ __ ] yeah but you know and that's what IDE faulted to as my you know for fear of losing the you know people around me and stuff but that was a mistake there was definitely wake her without that Haley dude I like Haley man like I don't know man I like her dude I've never I never felt this way before towards a woman and an zareta pick geisha a mop okay there Haley no I [ __ ] Haley dude OTO and former Miss World Dominican Republic are reluctant eyes would tell Haley about the situation were in a later stream she would comment this I helped him when he was suicidal I talked to him every night I let him cry and any threw me underneath the bus because he wanted to reconcile with geisha but he basically was like he didn't even like Kisha he told me that he hated her and he wanted nothing to do with her that he wanted to be close with me off stream but pretend to be close with geisha on stream and you know like that that caused like some beef between us and that's not entirely true the crying all that stuff is true mommy obviously you know I confided in this woman and yeah I could fight it in her so but everything else is like if I tried I tried having like to I tried to do a thing with like two girls like you know that's just like [ __ ] that I was doing you know I was just being like oh yeah I don't really like geisha oh yeah you know Haley is just my friend like you know I mean it's just like one of those classic moves Thank You Philly appreciate the the member did because I wasn't accepting of it he took me up to the rooftop that night that geisha came over for that date and he me to be his girlfriend and I told him that I just wanted to be bros and I think I think when you're content creator and you're thrown up in front of people yeah although I didn't throw her under the bus I was just like hey Lee I'm having a lot of issues right now with the whole Geisha thing please leave that's basically what I said let me see your psychopath horseshoes yes thank you dude I have cheated on a lot of girls in my life I am a piece of [ __ ] I know but I don't do that anymore that's you know the old me this is a you know back when let me dude hailey was one of the first girls I got with as a streamer like I didn't have sex with girls like this was a new thing to me so you know imagine throwing yourself from being like basically a virgin into like the situation where all these girls want to have sex with you for either the right or wrong reasons doesn't really matter yeah you're gonna take those opportunities you have people like geisha and like you know hailey like he's [ __ ] a beautiful ass women that want to [ __ ] like dude I've never had that before like I'm gonna try and get as much as I can to be honest I have a lot of people that look up to you and you know I said something but at this point I don't need to do that anymore I've you know I've had sex with enough girls to understand that sex isn't really that great if you don't care about somebody so and I regret you know what I mean uh but pressure happens and I can't take it back I can only learn from my mistakes which in another stream is what amid his flaws and comment further on the situation I'm sorry I'm the idiot I always want to try and please whoever's in front of me go along with everything on the process I was lost a very important asset from my life and that was Hayley I had to I I just completely alienated her from life completely she was there for me okay well they're really fun she was there for me and what everyone else was gone I was really sad and depressed I popped a Maya pathological liar yeah yeah should have done this I should have just been like I tried to [ __ ] to you girls [ __ ] you dude like us literally what my response should have been but I said I did this whole [ __ ] spiel because I thought that I had to be morally right in the situation at all times but I realize now as a streamer I don't need to be morally right at all times because I'm not a [ __ ] priest I'm a [ __ ] streamer I'm an entertainer and entertainers don't need to be morally right all the time like sure it's nice but you don't have to and it's better not so just it's better not to do this should I keep my life just dream I don't know it makes me happy but then I just get up and just other things when I'm gone to YouTube from twitch I told you all that I sacrificed my real life for this real life streaming life which means that everybody is in on my life and there's no blurred line between the stream and myself I mean that's true there's no blurred line there is a little bit now but there wasn't at this at the point in this video and I was in a very confused state because like I said I had I was very afraid of just losing everything I've worked hard for so I just totally submit was submissive to the viewers in every sort of way and that was like I said a mistake because I should have had more confidence in myself instead of having viewers control every aspect of my life which you know only led a lot of stress it's hard sometimes to intertwine those things because when people deal with things like this it's just between you and the girls but now it's between the girls and everybody puts me in my place though it really puts me in my place and host me I track and understand that you know what's wrong and what's right so for that I appreciate you what is shown throughout this ordeal is his attempt to separate his stream life from his personal life as even though it may provide in content he regrets allowing his viewers to take so much control over his life and would follow further suggestions cautiously he would also have an eventual falling out with geisha but his streams would flourish as throughout the course of the next four months he would go on to attend several conventions and collaborate with other well-known creators he would also tour Europe and stream his adventures there ice was finally achieving the vision he had for his streams but in his personal life he was still missing a companion which on August of 2017 is when Cara Lambert will come along and with her she would bring a considerable amount of drama as during the double date she had with eyes she was still seeing her boyfriend and after the double date ended she'll go back to her boyfriend's house and stay the night but due to the date with eyes this will cause conflict within their relationship which will cause him to break up and she would then drift closer to eyes but the thing is she kept all this the secret which is where the drama comes in hi I'm Jordan after the date after Paul and Caroline went on the date she came home and crawled in bed with me because it was not real and I broke up with her after that because I told her not to do it you want me to I'll turn it off no you're not screaming for real it's up to you Ben kind of made her look bad she should leave it on you have some kind of tobacco [Music] I don't know why tap for a second there those really odd we're back we're back so alright let's continue Joey so I dude I don't care that's why I didn't make a video exposing you like three months ago [Music] although she brought this type of drama with her I didn't believe that she was a groaner great frame the freeze on um I didn't believe her at that or I did believe her at that time but now that we're at this moment in time I yeah I totally should not have believed her she could still do much for ice as she could potentially suppress a stress from constant swatting harassment evictions and general and personal lifestyle he was living as ice has a somewhat open-door policy at his house meaning that practically at any time you could visit his house and chat with him and he might even have you to the streaming network he's developing as long as he could use you to create content so at any given point there would be strangers in his house does bad way to put it more so collaborator some even spend the night sleeping on his couch Azure just the floor but again this will be a massive sacrifice and privacy for boost and a streaming career and wood enclosed what little he had left of his personal life even further this and the disapproval that his fans had her Caroline would grow further when she became his girlfriend which would distance him further from his community but ice was a happier person around this time that could also be attributed to his visit with his parents on November of 2017 for Thanksgiving he would cite this as an extremely happy experience I did see my parents is so long it's really nice to it's like you don't understand how much you miss your parents until you hang out with them after you've been away for a while you know they mean like yeah it's it's in emotional dude it's like a wholesome like you know it's nice I've cried way too much in my [ __ ] streaming career haven't I sorry I'm not trying to get like all like these rooftop streams did I'm so glad I have a rooftop at this house too one day will be used for content as well I just feeling like just like a really like emotional earlier cuz it's just like I don't know you just you get like I'm a happy dude is what it is I just like hard to talk when you're happy cuz yeah you just feel happy from you know I just haven't been happy for a long time so okay so why did this so oh [ __ ] [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn it you know I come okay why I did this real quick so basically growing up I always had this thing where I wanted people to be proud of me because I never felt like people were proud of me my parents whatever has never felt like anyone was proud of anything I did so when I went back to my hometown and I saw that my neighbor's and [ __ ] people at like the stores I just go to school with and my parents always people were like oh wow you're [ __ ] successful streamers is great that's awesome I'm so proud of you like they were say all this [ __ ] so I was I just felt really good because that these people from my childhood I really wanted you know the feel proud of me you know they finally felt that so that's why this occurred these things like stories and you know makes me happy good yes it's been a while since I felt happy sounds like did I hear these like stories you know from these people I grew up with they're like proud so I wanted dude so it's like oh I have wanted in life just people to be proud but the relations he had was community thank you thank you Frank I appreciate that he'll make it he would continue to struggle where before their displeasure was usually targeted and Isis inability to sustain a consistent stream in schedule my mo now still within the timeframe of November 2017 there were accusations and somewhat strong evidence that I hired actors to pose as police officers to fake a police report that Caroline's car had been stolen with the goal being to cancel his next couple of streams to spend time with Karen Lane again these are only accusations but regardless that can pressurize strand every day after that so definitely not immunity was not stated in and for most fans the problem wasn't that he wanted to spend time with Caroline it was how he tried to appease both sides with lies as it would begin to feel strong deception from someone that they felt they could previously trust whether it was a contention between the two on how to manage a public relationship and streaming at the same time or simply that he wanted to please his community on January 4th of 2018 is what an ounce said he had broken up with Caroline this would please a large portion of his community congratulations aren't breaking the brainwashing we almost lost you okay - thanks bro advance kid thank you for the sponsor dog and death she just loved how things aged Caroline was actually in the back closet right there she's in the back route they were that closet as she was hiding listening she was Astrid was over she came out gave me a big old kiss yeah okay check this out I guess I'll just break I'll just say this Holmes bring it up dude because people are so people just I'm just kidding no she wasn't but I'm imagine right it's stupid so all right check this out why in the would I fake breakup that doesn't make any goddamn sense I mean think about it like this if I get caught fake breaking up do you not think that would be very detrimental to my career I mean it would and do you think I would really take that risk but others would speculate if the breakup was another life which they were right to do so as we will later find out the breakup was indeed real but it only lasted three days as in secret ice reached out her and began needing her again but this time in an open relationship while to his fans he would continue to support the narrative that he was single and it was an open relationship to me but not exactly to her was avoiding contact with her but that lie can only last so long as almost exactly five months after the breakup on day 11 on an RV trip that ice had taken with his auntie's and a few independent content creators while at a resort in Horseshoe Bay Texas Caroline was accidentally shown on stream which is where more drama and soot here it was revealed that eius had had sexual relations with Caroline's friend and though it was obvious to the viewers that the break-up was all a ruse ice persisted to belittle Caroline on stream in order to continue the act this did not play to his favor what are you doing nope none of them are here this is not a good cliff this is so bad I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this probably the clip layout um I was in a really really I was really scared at this point my time in my life I was really scared I was really like intimidated by just everything that was going on and I thought the best response for me was to keep playing it off as like you know being addicted Caroline I should have I regret that I definitely should have been nicer to her but you know I was really confused and intimidated so dirty he said the only person that's allowed to stay are the people that are on the names for the room so that's just me it's only my name on the room how does that mix no let me talk to the management who caused all this don't sit here and cry you're going to cause everything to security because you're jealous of Kayleigh Oh Wyatt talk to security and I said is there a way that we can get them to stay there performers to be fair when the horseshoe bay thing did happen and people did find out before I started my stream I did tell her please do not come on stream it it's going to make it really awkward for me and I would just really appreciate it if you didn't come on stream and then she walks him stream so I mean to be fair I tried setting up [ __ ] in a way that something like this wasn't gonna happen but when she walked on stream it was it got really really awkward really fast it is my fault for lying if of course but to make things not so awkward I was just like let me do my stream and we'll talk about this more when I'm done and they hire high-end resort and that was disrespectful of you slap Kaylee when you're in jealous know to do the police said we can't take her out of the room I don't know make you look crazy you you're actually a little bit crazy [Music] see you later it was also revealed that he had heavily damaged a rental car that was paid for by Caroline's mother which she refused to pay the damages for okay that's not true we lost the car but they found it so if you're wondering how we lost the car I don't really remember exactly but I think like Horseshoe Bay was like located pretty far outside the city like an hour outside the city in the middle of nowhere we're t-shir my phone died I didn't know how to get the horseshoe bay so I ditched the car in a parking lot somewhere and and then something I somehow I think I heard the horseshoe bay or something and then I don't know I don't really remember maybe my phone didn't touch that doesn't really make sense but I didn't know how to get there so I [ __ ] bird and then I just ditched the car and I we could have find it where I ditched it so we lost it but you know eventually anyway a month later the City of Austin found it this for many was the lowest point in Isis streaming career he would then fly back to Los Angeles where by request of a subreddit he would shave his head but this would do little to calm the unrest in his community as more information about the relationship had began to leak which left many viewers wondering if he can continue this life for a five-month period what else could be lying about and a stream he would do a few days later would give us more insight into why he lied it just made it more complicated you know because she came on stream and she really broke my trust with that so I just was like if you ever did this I would just have to break up with you and get rid of you and that's kind of what I had to do well I mean it's like it was like a complicated situation because I really wish you to be fair with any of this what I did totally does not excuse it's not excuse whatsoever I am a total I was totally like not in the right there at all and I've since apologized to Caroline to be fair though when we did start dating under closed or behind closed curtains I told her please keep this a secret and after we broke up actually after this or it was like another time after this I don't know after like two months after this situation I think I found out she had like red adults and stuff so I was like I don't know it was just really like she definitely had some some skeletons in her closet too but does not excuse what I did you know I mean I could have met her when I wasn't a streamer because it's like um you know what I mean there's not that many people that hear about me so it's like you know what I have to get rid of people that care about me it just kind of sucks well you know there's obvious obviously a reason why I lied it's not easy you can't just say to a community that hated somebody with a passion that you love somebody okay it's not that easy because then people will just obviously give you and you know I mean it's like um it doesn't matter who you love doesn't matter who I love you know what I mean so you know there's obviously reason why I just wanted to keep something in my personal life five months later on the trip to Iceland de-ice tried to read this all relays back to what I said before and why I made a mistake when I said that you know every that my life will be controlled by reddit and all this stuff that was mistake because obviously I felt the need to do stuff like why about Caroline and all this other stuff when I should have just you know obviously been honest but I just felt the need that I just felt like I had to because I rejoiced I'm just very intimidated by viewers that's basically what it boils down to but I'm not gonna stay here and talk to you about all that because that's irrelevant to the situation and this is all like [ __ ] what says six months old so who cares it's with Caroline once more but with no success and she had already found someone else and later on sold ice as a month later he revealed his new girlfriend but even still the viewers displeasure with Paul was still very noticeable this was most evident on its subreddit where once it was full memes and stream suggestions either due to neglect or genuine hatred had gotten so bad it had to be quarantined by reddit staff as it had devolved into a community center critiquing ice and his companions and on February 21st 2019 would eventually be shut down by ice his YouTube videos would also be flooded with dislikes as many would cite the transition in South content that he was producing worked his some and felt like he was trying to appeal to a more mainstream audience and had lost what had made him load by so many where it stands ice beside an is losing subscribers daily his community is regarded as one of the most toxic on the Internet and he is constantly surrounded by people they doesn't know if they genuinely like him or they want to use his fame for their home I'm gonna pause that I know exactly who's around me that is trying to use me and who's not I know it doesn't seem obvious that I know but I know exactly who is and who is that I just don't make it known to that to those people well I don't make it known to the fake ones I only make it known to the real ones because the fake ones are around for a reason you know I mean more faith and why I keep someone around even if I know they're fake personal advantage many disgruntled fans would say is lost in popularity if was due to his transition from a hyperactive introvert who cared very little so about societal norms and was the forefront for counter culture has since become was someone unrelatable extroverted kingpin who has for the most part assimilated into generic streaming culture that somewhat cannot find a balance between his personal life and a streaming career though ice has overcome many challenges recovering the trust of his community might be the most difficult yet I don't know how to call myself an extroverted kingpin but you know I'm still pretty intimate with with viewers I I think so I mean I like to have you know pretty like talks and stuff like [ __ ] I like to do [ __ ] like this I don't know I don't think I'm some like extroverted kingpin who's like alright only talk to me if you donate and [ __ ] like that this is a section of the video where I give my opinion on what I think is going on with ice Poseidon right and I shoulda Schlow that I've been watching him since 2015 which is when he started streaming so I've been through his lines I've been I guess part of his community right and something for me personally is I can't stand liars I feel that if you think you can lie to me and I won't catch it you think you're better than me and you think like you can deceive me so that's why I don't really watch him or I guess invest in personally I'll watch the stream if it's good but as a person right and I know this is biased because I'm content creator I think what he's gone through what had changed anyone and it was especially ban him because he does when no sane person tries to do because they know the consequences and that's exposing themselves fully to the stream and if you do that if you tell us like if you tell random people everything right it's harder to maintain personal relationships because how can some County like your friends trust you if you just tell like you know like strangers everything right like so what that does is it kind of makes rolling what he's trying to do him it makes his chant his viewers his community like his true friends right his best friends and what that does to a person it kind of messes them up because imagine imagine your best friend being an extremely bipolar person that one day is like hey man great streams you're doing great like I really love where this going and like another day when you like you're not doing so great where you really need that that boosts right imagine them just being like going straight up to you and be you might kill yourself like you suck like you know we shouldn't be streaming and although it might not feel like it like those do affect people and ice having no one really danced to rely on right because people don't really care what he feels is people don't care about his personal issues it really messes them up right it really does and I've talked to a lot of stream snipers and people they know like that met him and know him like kind of personally an off camera it turns out like he's actually a really nice guy which you know surprised me a little bit so knowing that he is a gentle soul and how I feel like all the swatting the harassment all this that he's been through he just can't catch a break so I depend whole soul really hope that he can recover from this okay I don't think there is that I just want to say something cuz I don't think a lot of people do understand don't think a lot of people do get it and I don't leave ever said this before but I thought it was obvious but maybe not okay are you guys ready to hear some groundbreaking news groundbreaking [ __ ] knowledge it's gonna blow your [ __ ] mind that's gonna be centered out I suppose I did and Paul de Nino are two different people and they used to not be because I got [ __ ] lost in myself and I couldn't differentiate ice Poseidon from Paul anymore but now I can again and if people are used to only seeing ice Poseidon it's really it just it looks weird it does but you know yeah that's that's the breaking news there's two different people they're two different things I mean that's I mean how know else to put it so you know to me and like the whole if you saw some like really questionable stuff like I just I'm a really confused person sometimes well not really any more I'm so much more like in tune with myself now I've done a lot of thinking to myself in the past few months it's not multiple personality disorder it's called having a persona and Isis iDEN is a persona Paul de Nino is Who I am as a person and Who am I right now I don't really know that's for you to decide who am i right now you know who I want to be I want to be yeah I guess I kind of want to be Paul de Nino more than ice beside in a lot of the times because when I'm ice Poseidon I can't really just chill and it's really exhausting but when I'm Bob Zunino then we're all chills nice and you know we're good so that's basically the two different things one is a troll and one is a troll
Channel: Joon The King
Views: 179,975
Rating: 4.828794 out of 5
Keywords: Ice poseidon, Pual Denino, Documentary, Reaction, commentary, react, cx, From introvert to extrovert, twitch, streamer, Joon The King, Runescape, Oldschool Runescape, OSRS
Id: NzmgQpNKYv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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