From Vanity To Insanity - Onision's Story (James Jackson?)

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many tread the internet halls of infamy but there are a few as closely watched and as heavily documented as anis on which several sites and forums dedicated to his madness some spanning well over 900 pages archiving every one of his actions to give a quick overview of this mysterious figure we start with a former soldier and a banana suit that gained initial popularity for a spontaneous antics and was one of the earliest most of all content creators on YouTube his fame extended beyond the platform and seeping into traditional media but with this attention came his D evolution into something much more sinister with a touch of paranoia except Liffe ID by his various name changes not only due to as many marriages but what is speculated to be his intent to hide his identity and identity he is very open about and closed off to varying on whether he is involved in one of his many ever-increasing scandals these range widely from a series of claims of manipulation harassment and his unfavorable opinions but these mostly worked in his favor when some scandals and arguments with other content creators were used to attract more attention to his channel catapult him to the top of trending controversies on YouTube until the accusations became so fierce and a scandal so poisonous not even as close as fans or analysts could support him this seemed to be the end for him until further damning witnesses reemerged discussing his abusive antics giving him one final swan song of madness and attention before there is no one left watching and granting him this very video showcasing the rise and fall of Venetian Gregory James Daniel born November 11 1985 in Auburn Washington was an outcast with many tragic happenings in his zeal as he claims at the age of two he fell off of a church pew at first resulting in a bloody gash they're quite serious medical attention this was the beginning of a long string of unfortunate events as less than a year later Daniel's mother had filed for divorce due to her beliefs and Anna's father was a predator leaving him to grow up with a somewhat religious mother and two sisters in a rural farmland of Washington the same state that he attended elementary school where he was not very well-liked and did not shy away from altercations as he was involved in several fights throughout his schooling it was at the age of 11 that Daniel stopped attending is seventh-day Adventist Church but still stood by with some of his ex religious ideologies such as his avoidance of drugs and alcohol and later his adoption of vegetarianism from here he began forming his own spiritual beliefs now in his teens Daniel began experimenting with graphic design website creation and music composition being tech savvy at the age 14 Daniel created his first operational website known as the cries of the Crypt a website created to host music pictures and other forms of media anyone needing to reach him would address him as his online alias Otacon a mixture of the word odd and odd icon a character from the trendy video game series Metal Gear Solid a series that Daniel took a likin to soon after the creation of this website Daniel goes to live with his father in Ohio but after a six month tenure things devolved in their relationship as Daniel begins dating one of his fellow classmates Christina which his father refused to let him see it Daniel reciprocating with an insult to a stepmother leading to a fight between him and his stepfather that resulted in Daniel being sent to juvenile hall and after his departure from juvenile hall Daniel and Christina broke up and he went back to live with his mother in Washington where he later began to attend high school and being back living with his mother meant that he had his equipment set up at his mother's home he created two new websites hybrid AI where he shared his litter and music and metal gear solo to substance a fan site for the Metal Gear Solid series frequented by those who enjoy discussing videogames but these guests visits of the site weren't always pleasant a member of the website claiming to have clashed with Danielle describes them as erratic with a short temper getting angry if anyone questioned criticized or contradicted him according to this account Daniel managed his sites with an iron fist and did not shy away from banning regular members some criticizing him on his newfound belief sucess qey a religion developed by Daniel who held his beliefs very seriously the following year along with the creation of many other sites and changing his online alias from Otacon to mister odd Daniel created a sucess kadam a website to promote his religion no doubt influenced by his high school Earth Club at one of the main ideologies of his religion and can be found in this excerpt quote the main reason for our resistance is a beautiful truth we are all created to nurture our planet and each other unquote but his religion had several reaching ideologies making up new terms such as diffent zone ins and savants defined by daniel as a post human soul that has been granted the honor of being awarded a human body to dwelling due to daniel's promotional nature of his religion some friends became more distant from him and in an uncorrelated event he broke up with his girlfriend at the time leaving her to become another of Daniels many exes and began dating is true high school sweetheart sky someone he would de past high school graduation where he graduated high school with a mediocre 2.5 grade point average deciding not to attend college Daniel looked for development in other avenues sticking to what he knew best as at the start of 2005 he worked on producing content for one of his largest person websites mister odd comm this site hosted music photos literature and of course video but like many early content creators at the time his videos were sporadic and themed some featuring his girlfriend sky and have modified dolls as a focus of the video others with hardly anything at all like this nonsensical let's play ask recording of the video game Resident Evil 4 but this did not pay the bills looking for work daniel joined the US Air Force on April 13 2005 and a little over a month later completed his basic military training shortly after this he proposed to Skye which she said yes to you and he set off to his next step of training being that his performance at basic training was above averaged allow him to volunteer for sere training or survival evasion resistance and escape a course meant for those who are considered to be at high risk at captured due to their elite nature recalling his experience daniel mostly enjoyed his time training and was at times during several mile long hikes in front of the pack while carrying around 65 pounds of stones but his rise in status and the military hit an eventual wall part of the sere training was the requirement to kill a rabbit daniel refusing to do so being a conscientious objector left the program and instead was tasked with creating the sere website - then later trained to become military police now back at home tinkering with his websites in late 2005 daniel changed his alias one last time to owning meaning one and see on meaning divine community put together its one divine community or oniisan also around this time oniisan married Skye and moved to a new house in Oklahoma where he was stationed it was here where he found a new platform for his videos a fledgling video sharing website known as YouTube and created the annucci on YouTube channel on January 29th 2006 but he posted scarcely on his channel and often deleted videos he did not like in fact all the videos from 2006 had been deleted he also attempted to dis themself from his field religion so Seska instead converted sucess calm into a website to host his music back to his military life only assemble interior points but did not get a single one until in 2007 he volunteered for South Korea and got it leading him to be stationed at Osan Air Force Base in South Korea but this was not an improvement oniisan resented his time there and experienced such turmoil that only a few months after deployment he attempted suicide but after deciding not to go through with it he found solace and his YouTube channel something has switched his focus to and tried to find various ways to be discharged from the Air Force after his suicidal breakdown he was given 30 days of leave when he finally returned only sound filed for a conscientious objector status so he could be discharged a couple months later now in 2008 and a feta frustration and still waiting for his status to be approved oniisan stripped naked in his boss's office in an attempt to show he was human and not some machine this earned him about 10 minutes of jail time while supervisors were thinking of what route to take with him in the end they decided a demotion from senior airman to airman first class was suitable for his actions but luckily oniisan had YouTube to balance out the negatives in his life with his videos the majority of them being sketches being considerably well shot edited and overall well produced in comparison with the average 2008 youtube video only on skits earned him a small following and a steady growth of subscribers surpassing 100 subscribers in the earlier months of 2008 his wife Skye also jumped on not only with cameos on anis Aeons youtube channel but also on her own channel known as tent Agha though her channel was miniscule in size comparison to anis yawn but some of his videos receiving a several thousands of views enough to get him to well over 1,000 subscribers by July of 2008 this number was only boosted by his first true viral video a music video titled I'm so gamer parentheses oh nice and song closed parenthesis though he had made several music videos in the past parroting many subcultures of society his references to many a popular media and creative editing hit the algorithm just right getting over half a million views in the first month that it was up this mostly due to it allegedly being a featured on the front page of YouTube for a brief time though this videos ratings were split down the middle some people calling it creepy or claiming oniisan was ignorant about gaming but the negative responses hardly mattered as it is believed that this video pushed his channel from a lingering 1000 subscribers to well over 4000 in the time span of a month simultaneously he was still trying to get fired one of his efforts toward this goal was this video uploaded to YouTube titled I'm so death machine but this like many other of his efforts were fruitless not to say his goal was not achieved on October of 2008 after serving three years and four months in the airforce onii-san was given a general discharge due to him being a conscientious objector the loss of his job but sky a new Nissan in some financial struggle with oniisan relying on the experimental YouTube Partner Program and sky and now the breadwinner of the household working full-time as a caregiver for the developmentally disabled as with most financial struggles kinks began to show and their seemingly perfect relationship as oniisan began making a regular request such as pressuring sky into reducing your working hours so she could see him an estimated 80% of his time off work this time not including the time spent making videos together something that or oniisan was a sound investment and later convinced guy to quit her job and work full-time on the channel as by at the end of 2008 oniisan had accumulated around 10,000 subscribers he also further expanded his reach by creating the Yenisei on archive on December 3rd 2008 a channel with the purpose of hosting bloopers and deleted videos from his main channel but now even this channel was safe from his braddock video deletion binges a habit that would only increase in frequency to replace him were his daily video uploads uploads that always seem to try to mimic what was trending at the time for example chibi a parody of the hyperactive character Fred who Fred does has a signature high-pitched voice and nonsensical commentary hi everyone my name is chibi terrific I'm going to show you an awesome trick that I just learned this with a mixture of his traditional content mostly including music videos boosted his channel to around 30,000 subscribers on August of 2009 the same month oniisan made his third channel who neon speaks this done with almost perfect timing as commentary and other heavily opinionated videos began to hit the platform with wide success along with picking many controversial topics for discussion were videos of his newly found vegetarianism combined with the shaming and a mini manipulation attempts to convert others to vegetarianism I am yelling at large groups of people trying to scare them and guilt-trip them and to becoming a vegetarian I do not do this in all of my videos however these tactics do exist in some of my videos and while I am well aware that a lot of you do not believe this is an effective strategy the results speak for themselves and those results are people who have commented on my videos and emailed me stating that they have gone vegetarian thanks to what I've said - there's quite a few of you know I tend to be a rather honest person this also in combination with his various DMCA takedown requests videos about him that he didn't agree with and fury ated viewers and other content creators seen covering this issue was the channel the beginning which what anything did then because he can't cope with opposing views because he can't have an open conversation there was you know just something in his upbringing or education which makes him incapable of coping with the fact that when you say a statement sometimes you get a statement back and you may not like it you know you can't curb that so what he did was he found a false DMCA claim again idiot at 93 who has done nothing wrong he's looked into failures and he's been contacted by the DMCA abuse Channel and they've assessed what's happened and they agree that it's a false DMCA claim but videos like these received little attention oniisan was mostly loved by the YouTube community and was further supported by his massive stream of new subscribers that found his comedic skits and music videos endearing some of which came from his collaborations possibly the most significant was his collaboration with Shane Dawson a rising channel that was also part of the growing alternate YouTube community and after making several comments through his videos in an attempt to get Shane Dawson's attention oniisan uploaded the now deleted video Dawson freaked where he reacts to an email Shane senem this led to a collaboration in video form on the respective channels both accumulating a substantial amount of views and attention Asin wannabe [ __ ] this collaboration along with a few others skyrocketed onii-san's channel as just in about a month's time he gained 70,000 subscribers more than doubling his sub count reaching a grand total of one hundred twenty thousand subscribers by January of 2010 he further expanded his online presence by advertising his blog music oneasy on forums Facebook MySpace Twitter and his merchandise which was primarily shirts but again this was miniscule in comparison to what he would obtain in the following months which was mostly thanks to the banana song also known as I'm a banana a music video following a New Zealand's traditional theme of heavily edited considerably well produced nonsensical music but it wasn't until the earlier months of 2010 that it began to gain traction due in large part to its appearance on the popular Comedy Central show tosh point-o a show like many others at the time reacting to viral videos on the internet the episode is playing on Ian's video aired on February 3rd 2010 by the way every video that's ever been sent to us has been awful this week's submission like every week we found it comes to us from Onision alongside the banana video that appeared on television was one of his clips asking people to donate to the victims of the Haiti earthquake which was featured on Fox News were the news anchors asked the viewers to be aware of scam artists these broadcasts brought more attention to Channel and consequently more revenue I keep getting asked the how much do you make on YouTube question on formspring da mãe it's kind of a rude question but because it's asked so much I just want to make this video so hopefully it won't be asked anymore the answer is is that I make enough to get by I spent over two thousand dollars a month on my home and my car and everything and I survived I don't see why anyone needs to know more I'm not rich if that's your question but this also had its adverse effects with oniisan a feeling that he had transcended his status on YouTube and become a celebrity because of his appearance on television though in some aspects he was correct his videos appearance on tosh point-o allowed him to reach a wider audience of viewers who would not frequent YouTube a which is when Shiloh comes in a 16 year old Branson Canadian pop star that had already obtained a planet album in Canada and became aware of Nissan after watching his clip on tosh point-o and developed an interest in his content later as any others becoming an avid viewer of his e2 videos something not uncommon during 2010 as a Nissan admitted to the top 100 most subscribed channels on YouTube with her ever increasing interest in Onision in April 2010 a 16 year old Shiloh emailed the 25 year old Lanisha on asking for relationship advice as she was dating a verbally abusive schizophrenic who she broke up with shortly after sending the email this e-mail piqued Tony's Aeons interest after he had learned of her achievements this led to his response and then to heavy communication between the two mostly over Skype and sometimes up to 10 hours a day this friendship slowly turning into an emotional affair it is believed that this led to Nissan to threaten a divorces sky on June of 2010 after she stated that because of their marriage and her work on channel half of onii-san's assets were hers including the channel having Shiloh as a back-up plan and furious at Sky's remarks oniisan began creating his own contract for divorce which he put to use on December of 2010 this is believed to be Sky's recollection of the events including a Nissan's friend and fellow content creator Cyr quote sere got sick and I drove him to the hospital didn't even care his friend caught the flu just kept laughing and giggling in his office after this he took me aside one night and told me the following sky now quoting oniisan I'm going to divorce you because I finally found real happiness I never loved you and was just afraid of being alone if you want me to be happy you'll let me do what I want end of quote for nissan and back to sky of which I clearly remember the look on his face cold as a lizard on ice dead-eyed wand with a smirk unquote oniisan then introduced her to his crafted divorce papers offering her $12,000 over the period of a year are covering all her living spensive for two years this drawed with a sudden situation Skies signed the papers and began the process of moving out these divorce papers will later be dismissed in replacement with traditional divorce papers having an easy on pay ninety thousand dollars in alimony something in easy on would be a mentally contest throughout the years we Arlis and initially oniisan was overjoyed as he had the day prior profess his love to shiloh and prepare for the separation first with this announcement but I just want you to know that she and I are so friends and I do still love her and get her it's just that we're not really compatible and so for that reason and a lot of reasons I now free from his marriage oniisan began to drive to Pennsylvania to meet shiloh for the first time the reason he chose Pennsylvania was because of the relatively relaxed age of consent laws but during his drive ran into an issue well not an issue but a deer making of the first notable animal he killed and going against his own beliefs who never harm a living creature with his car now wrecked oh nice um purchased an airplane ticket and flew for the remaining trip to then encounter Shiloh for the very first time immediately after opening the hotel door he kisses her and they have sexual intercourse not wasting a second he sets up his recording equipment and makes a short one-minute video about him killing the deer the significance of this video is that Shiloh who he is not supposed to be seeing is heard in the back giggling so yeah this is me admitting that I have officially I don't know assisted a deer and killing itself that's not funny that's not funny that's horrible I felt like crap anyway you'll see in the next uneasy on video pretty much what I went through so long as I didn't accidentally not record it and think I recorded it whatever thanks for watching ate me or love me this is who I am the dear killer you're calling me a killer not but the hotel grew suspicious of anis Yuans intentions and called the police who then went through Nissan's equipment looking for any illegal content and questioned why he was with a minor the police lacking any evidence sent Shiloh and Nissan home but Honea shown did not like this separation as less than a month later from the revenue of his massive half a million subscriber channel he moved into an apartment in Canada with Shiloh which he later introduced to his fan base this not only put him closer to Shiloh but also distance him from some of his overly attached fans that at times will leave things at his doorstep but his move to Canada was only temporary as Shiloh's 18th birthday was spent waiting in a hotel room next to the airport so that Annie seemed to fly out Canada to Seattle without her concerned mother's consent but as Shiloh recalls this was a massive mistake she was now distance from her mother hometown and management only found successfully isolating her in the months following from lacking the ability to work from the constant bother of venetian she had a failed produced further songs and was dropped by her management meaning that she had effectively lost much of her music career she had built up but things got much worse after intercourse something more than common in their household happening up to eight times a day and while Shiloh was in the shower oniisan called Shiloh medically obese and that he wasn't attracted to her because he was attracted his small bodied Asian women and said that she needed to lose weight after this when he um promptly left her crying and hyperventilating in the shower which is when she had a stress-induced seizure resulting in her losing about three years of her memory his initial reaction to her memory loss and strange behavior was to record it this is that now deleted recording I wanna make a rainbow Schuyler can you look at me once she regains consciousness and is panicked Onision allows her to browse the web mainly on Nissan's YouTube channel for proof of their relationship and Facebook for the proof over three years she had forgotten it wasn't so much the exploitative nature of posting a private medical situation that in period in many viewers but more so the fact that a Nissan did not seek out professional medical attention due to Silas request not to do so leaving Shiloh in a potentially dangerous State others finding it hard to believe that this was not a hoax reviews this situation introducing the initial trauma tumblr were fans actively archived in Nissan's many dramas and also introducing one of nescience longest-running adversaries reps Ian who with much annoyance commented on the situation my emotion right now in my frustration towards this idiotic pathetic scum bag douchebag no as only [ __ ] oh no I can't even say his name now Onishi on grow up get some responsibilities grow some responsibility and take your wife to the hospital right now right now the fact I prayed Onishi on that you never never have kids this put further strain on an easy on and Shiloh's relationship only about a week after the situation and after a Nissan has shaved her head nearly bald oneis announced that he broke up with Shiloh and so began when many fans perceived to be a smear campaign on Shiloh led by oniisan with her threatening to talk about Nissan and his men to abuse it is believed he attempted to destroy any of her credibility while simultaneously weaponizing his fans to harass her into submission one of these videos was titled the truth showing an emotion of Shiloh called the police in contrast to a nice yawns calm demeanor when the police finally arrived when is seeing the contrast of emotions they side with a nice young you have done to me is irreversible you have destroyed anyway for me to support myself I have nothing you have destroyed me you focus it back no I'm backed into a corner then you have to promise to listen to me please sir excuse me from the door for the police everything that you do isn't real you're just me I'm capable of it now I actually want to destroy you because you destroyed me you're done and then you'll be left with nothing what would you like us to do sir you call um I called my sister and she told me to just leave to just move away yeah but here's the weird thing I can't stop paying utilities here I can't I can't shut it off because that would be a legal eviction accordingly people I talk to you so I'm thinking what I'll do is I'll just have to move to LA because I work I'm gonna work down there and keep paying utilities and hope my house isn't vandalized I know a guy do you rent from Iona but I mean I she refuses to leave so I don't know well the only way you can get her out is with an eviction record yeah yeah I have to work everyday I work full-time every single day well you gotta ask you got to get your priorities and say do I want this situation to continue on her end and then once you've made that determination you need to take the step to move either this way or this way and in order in order for me to continue doing my job I have to leave here because she's not leaving so so I'm just gonna I'm just go to LA as soon as possible and what has changed since the cops came out here last night she threatened to kill herself in between that time okay and she got in circle and what did she say she said that in shoes she said I was on the phone with my aunt Ellie and she's starting to kill herself and I offended call the cops and she said that she's what did you say exactly you said that you said something you said you're gonna make it look really bad or something did you threaten to kill yourself young and you to repeat events similar to this and Shilo threatening to commit suicide spy tunisian she was taken to a mental care facility where after a phone call with her mother was picked up and returned to Kenda leaving oniisan once again single something that he very much loved being so much so that he emailed sky in attempt to re-establish a connection but it was done in vain for the rest of the time not attempting to find a partner was spent editing videos for multiple hours a day for his thriving YouTube channel which had grown exponentially to the point that it was expected of him to attend VidCon a convention attended by various content creators those on YouTube encompassing the majority of them and so he did creating many memories for his fans like his kiss with Shane Dawson and his unique choice of clothing including a bulletproof vest showing that he was visibly paranoid and being assassinated for his views or controversies after this and after a few failed relationships on September 26 2011 to the dismay of anis Yuans fans he announced that him and Shila were back together and engaged leaving split reaction from viewers marking another controversial soon to be deleted video on a Nissan's Channel this started the slow building tide of hatred towards a Nissan as just within the next month he lost a strong ally after flying to LA to do a collaboration with Shane Dawson only to be ignored and to fly back home splitting his fan base further once he later announced his feud with Shane Dawson especially for those that found him through Shane on top of this he also lost his spot on the top 100 most subscribed channels on YouTube his grip also weakening on Shilo starting with a gleeful pregnancy announcement in October to a more than somber miscarriage announced in December and oniisan mistakenly believing Shiloh had sepsis due to some miscommunication when in reality she was only at risk of it because my schedule for years now I'm just making this video to let you all know that's when Shiloh was blood tested in regards to whether or not she was pregnant and it concluded that she was going to miscarry unfortunately results came up that concluded she had sepsis or has sepsis so it got to her blood urinary infection and now we have to rush her to the hospital and Canada which she'll be on a plane very soon so I'm going to spend the remainder of time that Shiloh has here with her rather than editing videos like I normally do he then quickly altered the announcement due to the many corrections of his fans and was again attacked for filming what many believe to be is such a personal moment which is when Shiloh flew back to Canada and was taken to hospital due to the miscarriage while there her mother took this opportunity to hide her passport to vent her return to an easy on whenever shallots right again new one her mother would distract her from it her mother managed to prolong this long enough to the point that in easy on and Shila broke up but not before oniisan admired her around $2,000 for a new password and living expenses now in the earlier months of 2012 it was too late for a reconnection with anis Jana as Shiloh had already reconnected with her family and started dating someone new onii-sama later tried to get her to appear on the popular American courtroom television show Judge Judy to try to recuperate his $2,000 but was later denied due to her being in Canada then for a final time in February of 2012 Oni stone claimed they broke up those Shiloh claims that their breakup happened two months ago which led to future claims of emotional cheating and that Shiloh admitted to this break of announcement came to fans in a form of a music video fans either tired or not caring about the trauma were more enthralled with a confused photo bomber in the background that an easy and I possibly failed to notice and created somewhat of a new meme more ex-girlfriend related issues popped up at the start of 2012 when his constant attacks on his exes created a group of detractors rallying against him gaining enough attention to remove him as a speaker and later bar him from attending VidCon due to VidCon not wanting to be responsible for an easy on safety hey guys I have been removed from the list of speakers on the VidCon site and I was recently contacted by someone who represents VidCon what they said was and then I was removed because parents were complaining they weren't necessarily complaining about me being at the event as much as they were complaining about me being a speaker and I say this because that's why they contacted VidCon in the first place but nonetheless he still had his supporters who denounced VidCon for removing oniisan but this year did have its positives one of his videos was again featured on TV this time on the show ridiculousness an MTV comedy shows showcase in the host and his various celebrity guests reacting to videos from the internet this brought more attention to him and with more attention more fans and began finally opening communication with one of his extremely attached longtime fans Taylor a 17 year old high school student from New Mexico but was hesitant a meter due to her age and allegedly consulted with Moyer to make sure it was permissible to meet so a few weeks later during March of 2012 26 year-old anis Yanam flew out to New Mexico to me a 17 year old Taylor but oh nice he on attempting to play it safe turn this into a long-distance relationship were later with Taylor's family being unaware of it renting a place in New Mexico to live with Taylor and even proposing to her which she accepted to then and get married under the New Mexico Court system and both legally changed their last names to avro and began addressing Taylor and Laney most likely due to her Twitter handle Laney bought Lanie's family and only cents fans entirely unaware of these happenings only for it to be leaked the same month of their marriage like he had done in previous relationships oh nice yeah moved back to his home state of Washington with his new wife fans noticing a pattern in his relationships as he seemed to always discredit his exes as soon as he was in a Neil public relationship this time smearing goes sky and Shiloh indirectly skyed by her alimony payments comparing it to slavery and shiloh by claiming she abused animals okay so before I didn't really go in depth as to why I didn't just give the puppy over to the other person who allegedly owned him in fact that very same individual tried to claim him when I said I was getting rid of him and my thoughts were glitch you are going nowhere new that puppy and the reason I didn't want her to go anywhere near the puppy if I was not able to directly observe her interactions with him is because I know about her history with animals and I think I've mentioned this before to her credit she told me these things were true and she's a pathological liar so maybe they're not I don't know the first thing my ex did to animals she said she took hairspray and sprayed her goldfish and just watched it die who does that nobody but who would forgive a person for doing something like that me because I'm stupid thing number two she said she once held a small animal and like hugged it with her hands so tight that it died like it choked to death or something the comments he made were done through his many YouTube accounts that put together had over 1 million subscribers by December of 2012 the newest addition being Oh bro a sword let's play gaming channel and capitalizing on the let's plays striving on the site at the time and while he was still producing music videos and other skits on his main channel he mostly focused on listicles following the format of top 10 things i hate about x while still creating a very personalized videos some strictly focusing on answering fan questions but not all of his answers were well-received take for example this clip where he deems that a 17 year old fans depression which was caused by an abusive mother was their own fault he's and how can I cope with a verbally and emotionally abusive mother I'm 17 I've been hospitalized twice because of suicidal thoughts depression caused by the words my mother would say to me first of all I don't think you can really blame your suicidal thoughts last depressant on anyone but yourself because that individual could say the same horrible things to another person and they want to have the same response so you have to take some accountability and realize that if you focus on being stronger and not letting it get to you that you'll be much better off and in that it seems like the real blame falls on you because the bottom line is the person with the most control over you is you and not her so don't you think the person with the most power and control in a situation where some kind of crime or bad thing should be held to the highest level of responsibility or accountability I would assume him so like your mom could probably say a lot of horrible things to me and I'm not gonna be suicidal clips like these were massively circulated throughout the commentary community bringing further negative attention to oniisan one such commentator was rep C on a massive critic of oniisan who gained much attention in May of 2013 due to an accusation of him being uneasy on so called snail mail stalker a person who after failing to email Lanie's parents are rather uneasy ons in law's formatted his email into a letter form and sent it through snail mail when opened by onec ons in-laws they found a warning warning them about Nissan and his treatment of his ex-girlfriend's with various sources directing to a Nissan and Lanie's marriage document name change and travels and other unusual things she had done with Toni C on after the read this message they contacted Lanie an concern of the mysterious letter who then informed Nissan about the situation oniisan then making a video on it hey guys this little stalker on YouTube for a while and he's a pretty creepy dude he's made a lot of videos about me and it's kind of disgusting anyway so something this creepy dude did was Road my in-laws about what a terrible person he believes me to be and you know what my in-laws did well they told my wife what happened and conveyed the message that it creeped them out some total stranger contacts my in-laws acting as if he knows more about me than they do even though he's never met me meanwhile they have to which reps young comments vote I wonder if Taylor feels as if she has competition now unquote were oniisan responds by making a second video claiming that rep seon is the snail mail stalker but this was later disproven him by a rep see on revealing that though earlier rep see on did write his in-laws parents to Facebook to warn him about Nissan he did not in fact write that letter instead now deleted user don't stand so close to me a critic of an easy on sent it this clash between rep see on Indonesian marking the first of many to come also after him was his ever-growing to traveler community one of which sent him a picture of a topless girl saying quote I'm a huge fan of your videos I'm set teen and live in the area and would like to know if I have a shot at maybe being in one of your videos unquote - which one is Sam replied quote Facebook's last channel unquote when screenshots of this interaction between him and the fake 17 year old were released fans were outraged at oniisan oniisan then claiming he did not see the attached screenshot because it sounds some note - does not automatically show attachments regardless of his rebuttal fans were not convinced though this was just one of the few controversies that he found himself in this year some relating to a collaboration to create fake trauma all equally seeming to bother him little has had more personal matters distracting him like his wedding in June the same month lady announced their fans that she was pregnant with a nissan's child but fans were still more interested in NEC ons other dramas like the conflict yet with YouTube content creators some guy 87 they revealed Onision is most likely purposely creating drama for the sake of attention and growth of his channel there's a clear pattern of you creating drama of you continuously creating drama continuously airing your public airing your dirty laundry in public and now you want to do it on national TV like this is a guy who's eager to get in more drama in front of an even larger audience it's like it drives him that's all he wants to do and I'm like I'm not participating in this I mean you see and I can't even believe that you think that I would do something like this I can't even believe that you want to do something like this you know and he's like Oh we'll just will will ham it up for the camera and we'll create all kinds of new drama between us you know we'll figure out other reasons we don't like each other and we'll be really even more unpleasant I'm like this isn't a show oh nice Ian I'm trying to convey a serious message here when I was when I was going after you it was because I had legitimate grievances with your actions and behaviors and it's like he didn't even comprehend that some critics now adopting this serie with more evidence to back it up provided on September 26th 2013 when oniisan had a public falling-out with his longtime youtube friend seer which included arguments from his ex friends the fizzy and shane dawson going as far as to make a lengthy post about it on his website oniisan calm this marks the end of 2013 with another year ending in drama and his main channel surpassing 1 million subscribers now starting off 2014 with the birth of his first child later making music videos celebrating him along with these scattered music videos 2014 was the year where nissan expanded further on his end video characters most shown are raw danger a sometimes the tractor of nissan and mostly exists be obnoxious and emo charlie who has come and most likely modeled around oniisan later more frequently included was a Nissan's wife Lainey who had her own fans and detractors some detractors also of oniisan both types frequently seen browsing many newly established troll threads that popped up between 2014 and 15 and so began the serious categorizing of all the dramas with most looking to life of onion calm a Wikipedia style information archive for current events or random information on an easy on the onion part of it being a nickname detractors began using and reference to a nice young some choosing to column by the full nickname onion boy a large target for their criticisms wasn't just the content they produce for online consumption but also Nissan's to books that they viewed this year first on March 29 2015 was stones to Abigail a fiction Asst sort of retelling of his life and also why I hate you released on September 11 2015 another fiction is story influenced by his life his life taking another turn when his wife announced through Twitter that she was bisexual uneasy on jumping on to support her going as far as to say that he supports her getting a girlfriend while she is married to an easy on if she chooses to do so few concerned about her month all comments about grooming other women grooming meaning preparing an underage victim for sexual purposes usually shortly after they are of legal age but Lainey was seen being for tatius with women of all ages them was the 18 year old Billy who after some talking visited Nissan and Lainey at their house were Alisha and pressured them to kiss and later pressured them to date to which Billie accepted it and later became a three-way relationship at the start of 2016 but not before what fans know as kono gate happened when Billy came over for a second time Lainey felt that an Asiana was showing her more affection and became disheartened at the thought just enough to make her leave for the night when she returned she found out about Nissan and Billy's cuddling and deemed a cheating fans naturally on her side made more nicknames for oniisan like NEC cuck a combination of Venetian and [ __ ] or man whose wife is sexually unfaithful applied to Nissan due to Milan Lanie to have a girlfriend this situation was further escalated when on January 26 2016 only Zeon announced he was separating from Alena and explained the situation in detail saying he signed away the rights to his channel to Lainey hello I spoke with Lainey and she agreed to me making this video Lainey and I are getting separated unnecessarily divorced just yet but a lot of things are going to be changing in our lives and we will no longer be in a romantic relationship with what enough initially this was a mutual agreement after I revealed everything as to what has happened to the last couple days he made it more than absolutely obvious there was literally no romantic potential for her and I in the future in any sense Lainey and I had a child I let them down doing all this the good things that I've done as a response to this I agreed to pay her a monthly sum both she and a close friend of hers agreed was fair and I also signed a document saying that Lainey has exclusive custody of our child that I can only see them she's completely comfortable with it it took only a few days for them to announce that they were attending a marriage counseling and getting back together a few weeks after this Lainey was for a second time pregnant now feeling stable oniisan and Lainey continually invited Billy and a yacht visit a Yala was Billy's 19 year old friend who was offered a nanny job by oniisan in order to make Billy's visits more comfortable and to make Billy's return public only Sam posted a picture of Lainey and Billy kissing on Twitter Onision two weeks later talking about his threesome a lot many viewers to conclude oniisan Lainey and Billy were in a three-way relationship but the situation my many other happenings in onii-san's life would intensify when a 16 year old fan Sarah a target of one of many Lanie's joking or not joking flirtatious acts visited them on September 15 2016 and stays about five days and returns home but about a month later after discussing our severe private troubles at home with an AC on and Laney oneasy uninvite her to move in to get away from home she agrees and moves in with him legally as her mother sign over power of attorney to Laney providing money in once a month for her living expenses making Sarah and sometimes Billy their live-in nanny to do house chores and to take care Phoenicians and Lanie's child while nice yawning Laney mostly focused on content creation and so began the various tirade so nice and aired on YouTube content creator Eugenia Cooney on her physique Shane Dawson for his personality and YouTube content creator Jacqueline Glennon for her opinions but the controversies weren't always online with animations three-way relationship Mulaney and Billy were allowed to sleep together without nice Jana button ECM was only allowed sexual favors from Billy when Laney was present to fight this oniisan slept alone with Billy which infuriated Laney leaning to Nissan course and Billy and Ayla to send a contract that he created to stay for another week so that they could sort things out but this was unsuccessful because a la convinced Billy Alma Nissan's wrongdoings and called our new Bert - which after arguing with Onision left the premises but her company was soon replaced as it's estimated sometime during November 2016 Onision and Lanie's second channel was born and right before the year ended he found himself and yet another scandal with his recent series asking fans to post photos themselves on the in ECM forum for him to then discuss in a video for the sake of body positivity came a wave of photos of teenage girls nearly naked with oniisan painted across her stomach submitted to the Yenisei on forums oniisan claiming that this was not his intention as he claims the website had rules but not barriers informing users the website was exclusively 18 plus and did not allow an appropriate content at the height of this controversy owning seon announced Billy was back was booted shortly after due to her smoking marijuana in celebration of New Year's as oniisan was still heavily against the use of any illegal substance so at the start of 2017 only a couple weeks after getting back together with Billy when he Co announced that they had broken up yet again but this time it was permanent solidifying it by day volting private and yet sensitive information about Billy due to her and Ayala revealing these texts that highlighted Nissan's rules that only allow two family visits per year and requested Billy to do various humiliating things in order to be taken back these requests include but are not limited to getting a [ __ ] stamp being chained to the basement for three days to a week with a site around the neck saying I'm sorry for lying Lainey and lastly make a video about how she lied to Lainey and about how sorry she is Billy declining all propositions instead released a video asking oniisan to stop harassing her own EC on please stop harassing me and my best friend I am tired of seeing your tweets tired of being tagging your tweets of you just harassing us telling us we're awful druggie people please leave me alone stop talking about me don't speak about me in your videos I'm done like I hope you're happy you completely switched like destroyed all of my pride you told me to get a tattoo of saying I'm a liar like a [ __ ] stamp you told me to shave my head you told me to dye my hair green and shave off my eyebrows and get an ugly tan like is that not abusive to you do you think that's a fair trade for me telling you that I smoked weed like that's what you think is okay I betrayed your trust you're mentally abusive to everyone around you you call people names you make them feel bad about themselves I don't understand how you do that and not feel bad about yourself like does that make you happy telling people that they're worthless and that they're and that they should die because they smoke weed like calling them an idiot because they don't agree with you on something that's not a sane person like King ruined me you like not even like I'm not talking about online I'm talking about me as a person like the fact that you put such private information online for everyone to see that was so confidential I've told five people five and you told all of the internet because you're a salty ass no like that's not how this should work like you don't feel bad at all that's the worst part like you're just a person who likes to destroy people's lives because they're salty that's it if someone doesn't agree with you you automatically hate them this footage and text now in the hands of the commentary community sparked the creation of a plethora of videos covering this situation many commentators focusing on an essence request to chain Billy to a wall in the basement having viewers speculate that he may have women chained to his basement and other theories of a nice yawns possible abuse but observantly the chances of this diminished answer house grew more barren due to Laney's and sarah's acquaintances lane not to be confused with Laney threatened to release texts that displayed service interest and having a relationship with Laney oniisan getting in front of the potential scandal created a video that he found service interest in Laney unethical and due to these feelings reassured his audience that there will never be any sexual contact with Sara at any point whatsoever Sara didn't want Layne to release screenshots of some conversation they had and it was just really awkward so that freaked us out I want to talk to Sara and Sara admitted that she called / meshes this ex friend I apologized to the ex friend that Sarah had contacted her and what was said made me super uncomfortable and again what Sara actually said was her panicking about screenshots but you know me personally I don't panic about screenshots because of something of mine got screenshot and doesn't make me look good so be it no we gotta own our words apparently Sara also stated to me she remembered saying something about her one day being in a relationship with Laney and that was super confusing to me as I had made it clear to the public as you've seen in previous videos and I also made it clear repeatedly to Sara that was never gonna happen so seeing Sara's these things really freaked me out I mean she's 16 I'm 31 this is creepy and 2 rewinds to the promise I made about not talking about friends cyber issues publicly problem with this is that so much of this information was public so I'm more than obligated to state what's going on with the sake of again making sure the truth is known and people don't get weird ideas because again I told everyone so many times including Sarah that there was to be no anything there nothing just the idea that people think there is something more even that Sarah may have thought that there would be something that's just not okay because there would not ever be something and to avoid further accusations decided on sending Sarah home but unbeknownst to fans Sarah and the years following visited several times in secret his next controversy would not be related to his home life but instead his constant video creation on the health of Ichi Nia Cunha many saying he is exploiting her situation one such commentator was Jacqueline Glen that made a significant amount of videos criticizing Denise Yun and had commented further on this situation so even though he said that that was his final video on eugenia he's proceeded to make two more hey there I haven't made a video on Eugenia Cooney's weight in months my videos on Eugenia Cooney always do very well for your bank account so as a person who's concerned about Eugenius health and a person who wants to make successful videos I'd like to take the opportunity to publicly check up on her now yeah only one of those two things are true Onision looking as if he complied after Eugenia Cooney was more demanding in a request for an easy and to stop him sending is a request for others to stop making videos about him via his self written cease and desist letters but the situation with Eugenia Cooney affected him very little his money through these videos had already been made own easy on reaping a wealth of profit through the many controversies he created that brought even more attention to his channel but all this was about to change it was around early 2017 when the ad pocalypse our rather the massive D monetization of videos and removal of advertisements was sweeping throughout YouTube in due to some advertisements being placed on broad a controversial videos throughout the site hitting many content creators including oniisan and like others he created a patreon a fan donation service for an alternate source of revenue more detractors estimated he made over a million dollars a year and combined you know you make a ton of money you make on average over a million dollars a year I'm not stupid between all your channels and how much ad revenue do you make a lot of money a sizable amount of Korus coming from his patreon a patreon found by Beck a fan of an EC on an KY that donated around 300 dollars in between them and was flown out to see them while there she filmed several videos where oniisan was acting sexually suggested beyond the scenes but not limited to touching her buttocks and having lip to lip contact but not kissing only her to return home a few days later unrelated to this situation and about two months later on October of 2017 oniisan a miss he has a hentai addiction issue with him I'm talking like superhero hentai like Harley Quinn or just general cartoons of videogame characters or whatever like quiet from Metal Gear Solid I've been into all these nude women from video games from animes etcetera and it's become kind of an addiction for me so recently I just blurted it out you know I've blurted it out to people in my life that I have this addiction and I'm not proud of the addiction and so since then I haven't had an issue I haven't now back to nice yawns usual course of actions like flying at women to potentially date Laney or himself came Maya right before Christmas of 2017 but due to her sole interest in dating Laney and not onision Mantha's she flew home only a few days after arrival viewers witnessing the frequent visitation of young fans trolls categorizing at all and oniisan responded by calling his largest detractors or even content creators that made several videos on him stalkers because what the internet is doing right now they're taking the side of someone who has made over 40 hate videos about me just really gross make you feel dirty after watching them videos I'm saying this because they couldn't possibly make you feel nice just by the that I've watched none of them because again I don't want to go into the world of people who are the types of individuals to make 20 minute long videos about people they don't like who in their right mind would want to sit down and watch that but he himself was partaking in a similar action by continuing to make videos on Eugenia Cooney Eugenia Cooney on livestream talking about the increased negative attention to her due to his videos on her I mean already with like everything he kind of has said about me in the past it's like it's kind of already put me in this position where there's already all these people that like hate me and people that are still always gonna I think not really be the biggest fans of me which is fine but kind of sucks sometimes after this live stream oniisan released what is believed to be is 23rd video on her on the topic of unwarranted videos a similar thing what happened two months later when Shiloh's manager contacted on easy on demanding key remove all videos involving shiloh onision being very defensive recorded in self calling silos managers saying that it was his property and she was paid by food and shelter his hands visibly shaken throughout this conversation with the frequency of his handshakes increasing when the manager brings up the possibility of a lawsuit the video ends with an easy on cursing at the manager who then hangs up animation as he usually does proclaiming heels right in the matter this video was uploaded to youtube what was briefly taken down as Sony Zeon had violated Washington state's wiretap laws by recording the conversation and displaying it without Shiloh's managers consent though this may have been a setback Onision still had many plans for the future some involved in sera and had discussed with Lainey for her to move in again once she turned 18 but still visited when she was 17 and throughout her visits just as Vinicio not done with various women before he's slowly and methodically introduced the idea of Sara and Lainey being in a relationship further escalating the ideology a few days after she turned 18 leading to her leaving once more but his focus was soon shifted to something else known as oniisan versus the wetlands on August 10th a neighbor filmed oniisan modifying the wetlands by his house which is a protected and then recorded a Nissan's compact front end loader and reported it what's today's date August 10th but him 2016 [Music] nineteen all the metadata is in the video anyway so category two wetlands here's a hundred foot buffer from the edge of the wetland for development need a permit at the very least mitigation for clearing a wetlands biologists think contact summation informs him what he's doing requires a permit which oniisan doesn't have to determine if a Nissan had in fact violated the county's wetland protection laws the biologist pays him a visit and examines the site on ECM was working on it is then determined that he was in violation then on September 6 oniisan has sent a notice to correct his destruction and stop all work until he receives a permit undetermined to stop oniisan then files an appeal what the county is saying that he was removing noxious weeds and that the county illegally served his property and with this appeal a court date was set for December 6 for Nissan and Laney to attend or rather oniisan and Kai and Laney had changed their name once more but they did not attend the court hearing and the appeal was thrown out which no doubt makes things more difficult for a Nissan but even with all this happening he still found time to publish his third fictional nonfiction inspired book Reapers Creek this problem was most likely hurt by Sara who came to visit on Christmas of 2018 possibly the last truly profitable year he would have in quite some time as around the start of 2019 it was revealed that Nissan along with having to pay to correct the wetlands oh it a significant amount of money to the IRS it was rumored that he sold one of his houses cars and several other assets after misspelling taxes and claiming much more than he should have which is when he launched his $100,000 Kickstarter campaign to make adjustments to the wetlands the commentary community and now the massive trolling community berated his campaign only for him to remove it and say the campaign was a joke this situation like many others was covered by Rep Seon oniisan and return mentioning him exponentially in his videos causing much discourse between the deer and right now the Internet is very very outraged primarily due to a man named mr. reps Ian hi that's me mr. reps Ian made a lengthy video showing documents that's you know you really have to search to find they aren't just like presented to everybody as a standard pamphlet that's passed out or anything like that you really have to like look into someone's business to figure out what's going on wrong Greg no I do not have to look into somebody's business I'm not sure if you're aware but every state in the United States of America has small district counties I'm in the county called King County of Washington State which encompasses Seattle Kent Federal Way Tacoma so on and so forth and every state has these counties and in the counties there are courthouses and in the courthouses where legal things are done there is what is known public record this was fueled by the accusations by detractors that uneasy on slept with Sara when you see I'm responding by coercing Sara to make a video saying that they haven't had a sexual contact hello everyone my name is Sara and recently I've seen some allegations against my friend Kai regarding me and I just came to make my statement since I see a lot of people talking for me but people are saying that we had sexual conversations or were planning on having sexual relations when I was underage and we never did I don't know why people are now saying this and bringing up old screenshots that have already been addressed but Kai is one of the sweetest people I know and he doesn't deserve this and it's not fair to me and it's not fair to him and I wish this would all stop oniisan making his own video reiterating the point and that's just the thing you guys have this concept of grooming right but that requires you have sex with somebody right after they turn 18 and the person you guys are talking about has been 18 for a while and they've we've hung out with him multiple times and we never had sex with them we never made out with him or whatever as an adult and and prior never in this situation like many others saw Nissan hammering down the ideology of him being the most honest youtuber you know who cares about the truth the most honest youtuber ah yes the most honest youtuber card let's listen to a song shall we you know who has to point out that they're about to be really honest people who aren't normally honest hello I am an AC on the most honest youtuber or maybe one of the most honest youtubers I don't know if anyone more truth-telling and me and I'm one of the most honest youtubers if not the most honest youtuber some people consider me to be the most honest youtuber one of the most honest youtubers on the internet the most honest youtuber but many people finding contradictions in a statement of honesty by pointing out his widespread deletion of videos some videos that have strong evidence of his wrongdoings and only two days after posting the video stating that he did not have sexual relations with Sarah oh nice young guy and Sarah all had sexual intercourse together Sarah being flown out a couple more times throughout the year for this purpose but the hate building up around him was too much and threatened to sue his largest attractor reps Ian if he did not remove all the videos on oniisan within 72 hours of his notice and with rep C on not complying begins oh nice eons planned litigation his paranoia showing when he changed his name for a third time in April 2009 teen but other issues continue to pop up like his dine channel where oniisan would usually get well over 100,000 to 1 million views of video in the past now he wasn't even pulling 10,000 views for the majority of his uploads relying on frequently mentioning that a ver so popular Shane Dawson or Eugenia Cooney to hopefully get picked up by the YouTube's algorithm oniisan was in debt out of touch with his audience and had very little to no support and this showed marking an undeniable low point and downfall of his online career but he was still pulling money from other areas and not just from his patreon which earlier in the year was making him around $2,000 a month but also as frequent Content ID claims on videos about him no matter what the channel the situation or even the size if any channel showed footage of him who at a Content ID claim at the YouTube and if this Content ID claim was not disputed allowed him to make money from many of these videos criticizing him oniisan then choosing to strike down those videos that did not fit his narrative something he will find difficult to control past August 23rd his life and attention on him is spinning well out of his control all because of this one tweet a tweet by ila stating oniisan had slept with Sarah Sarah later confirming it oneís the unfairness at her speaking out amongst other things accused her of blackmail but this constant harassment of Sarah I Allah Billy Shiloh and many more via emails and texts came back to haunt him as it only helped corroborate their statements against him this story slowly gaining massive traction about Nissan's alleged abuse first signal boosted by YouTube content greater Blair white with an interview with Sarah discussing what happened the NDA that you signed he told me off-camera that you signed in EA the morning after you were intimate with them for the first time yeah he and Kai decided that everyone in their life needed to sign an NDA and that I was no exception to that the NBA was a thousand percent for me to not do what I'm doing right now reps on releasing his own take on the situation with heart video evidence of beneath Yuans actions but with these videos receiving well over a million views each but this was just the beginning of this escalation of attention to him on October 16 the famous interviewer Chris Hansen from the MSNBC's early 2000s show to catch predator began conversing with online content creators Mountain easy on and the allegations being brought against him Chris Hansen then reached out to Nissan for an interview but a Nissan declined position and so began a Chris Hansen systematic interview in a Venetians ex guests starting with Sarah on October 30th 2019 unearthing her secret visitations and that various other women visited nice Jana with similar stories like when oh nice Jana whether purposely or not destroyed child's music career by distancing her from her manager and family also Billie's tales of Nissan's manipulation and how he required her to sign various on notarized contracts also in the mix was Iowa's encounters with Kai and nice Jana including humiliation isolation nannying and so on Chris Hansen mentioning the possibility of an FBI investigation and to make things worse for a nice young this never-before-seen 2011 footage of Venetian throw in candy corn at a doll silo further provoked fans it hurts a lot actually how many times do I have to tell you everything that you want to put on line goes through Bieber's [Music] thanks thanks for watching guys no Greg I don't why me Oh apples that one really really hurt the shooter quit hurt that really hurt candy corn is like a razor blade when he sent claimed that this footage is simply an unaired skit but failed to convince furious onlookers meaning that they harassed an easy on in any way they could while also attempting to hurt him financially and on November 26 2009 teen they were given the ammunition to do so when on Twitter oniisan accidentally docks Billy's phone number while showing text demonstrating that if Billy was ever pregnant with any science child he will completely support her and daxing being against patrons rules saw neons patron removed from the site oniisan then uploading a video to oneís xian speaks titled Wow where he becomes extremely aggravated on camera and addresses removal his patreon kicking off to habits firstly his constant removal of the like to dislike ratio and filtering and or disabling comments with this video knittingham well over 1 million views he started his second habit of constant overly exaggerated freak out videos providing him millions of views and reinvigorating his dying channel by creating self-deprecating videos he knew those furious at him would watch which now promotin ecn fans calm which was his alternative to patreon which like patreon was also taken down with oniisan training on YouTube and declining Chris Hansen's interview Chris Hansen decides to be more active about the situation and along with a camera crew shows up to Nissan's house expecting an interview more than oniisan calls the police providing us with this 9-1-1 call Nawal mine what you're recording hi there's a person who's been stalking me online and they just showed up to my house what's your address and they're outside now yes they're not on my door okay and you know what have any weapons they have a bunch of camera people like their YouTube their YouTube stalkers okay but no weapon scene I didn't see any weapons I just saw like okay guys in my driveway and one of them is knocking on my door okay for a second here and the one that's knocking on your door is he's the main one that you said is been stalking you yes he's a stalker is he yelling he's yelling things at me through the door now okay and what do we know is may well what it's Chris Hanson are you able to see what he's wearing or no I think he's wearing a black jacket okay I have a security camera uh-huh can you see what color pants he's wearing a black jacket black pants this tent is gray so yelling things at Mesa doesn't work okay I extracted a black pants here what are you doing no okay how he's saying I want your side of the story Greg my name is not even Greg okay what is your last name my name is James Jackson okay last of Jackson first of James is what I heard is that correct oh yeah anything I just want to talk through the door okay okay do you have any weapons in the home James no I don't okay and you said that there's roughly five more people there with cameras yes in the driveway okay and do you know what he's talking about like why he was stalking you or anything like that yeah there's like a it looks like there's one two three four five people in the driveway okay but see clean I haven't someone that is there's a 18 you know I think I think with 19 a 19 year old who I didn't want to hang out with ID want to be around them they have and their their stuff was their mental disorder was like really affecting my life in a negative way and so I said I didn't want them in my life anymore and they went to this person and said a bunch of mean things about me and so now this person is trying to like aggressively for through many a really hateful way okay so you said they're from YouTube though so is it like a show that they do or it's a livestream yeah it's I've already talked to a lawyer about slander and stuff this guy's really really painful towards me okay and are you able to see what type of vehicle they arrived in no they part way down the street which is a legend okay we're standing out next to my right now okay we're working on getting units out there as quickly as we can just go ahead and keep your doors locked you feel comfortable disconnecting the line until we arrive and then if anything changes in fact you should be fine we're just hiding away from the windows okay if anything changes before we arrive please call us back okay okay thank you thank you but I am the police later calls on a separate occasion when onii-san's child fell out of his two-story window and cracked her head open but as seemingly recovered oniisan later on grounds of harassment and stalking takes Chris Hanson and rep C on to court reps Ian's for a protective order which oniisan almost immediately dismisses and for Chris Hansen well served the wrong Chris Hansen and had to dismiss that as well what a boon of the situation was the various court photos displaying oniisan and peculiar yet a comedic choice of clothing including a bulletproof vest sunglasses and a beanie these photos were widely distributed showing to us that what we are left with is a perceived manic manipulator using us craft to further prolong the life of a channel though he lost the support of the public he may still thrive though that is not discounted various accusations brought against him to many who Nissan is a relic of a bygone age grasping at anything that will give in relevance constantly scrubbing the Internet and his own history to forcibly change the perception on him but to himself he's a profiteer creating several controversies only to claim those videos discussing him and reap their revenue he proclaims his innocence and honesty yet strikes down mostly anyone he feels that's beings negative about him further backed by a long stream of fans turned enemies of a nice iam with all this negative attention he is still losing ground he cannot continue this facade forever it may not be today but one day oniisan would be scrubbed of any relevancy and left to live within his own thoughts with nobody to listen to them this may very well be uneasy ons final act i'll drawn-out swan song with only a predictable conclusion and that is his slow yet painful fade from the internet
Channel: Joon The King
Views: 2,847,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onision, Documenatry, Entertainment, Rise and Fall, Where is, Biography, James Jackson, Gregory James Daniel, Onion, Streaming, youtube, Im a banana, Repzion, Blaire White, Joon The King, Profile Piece, Lofi hip hop, 2020, Timeline, Narration, Video essay, from vanity to insanity
Id: vBnY9-1ubC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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