Gateways 05. The New Order

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okay well in terms of engaging God there's a purpose that God has for us in engaging him and it's Sabrina's in sonship and I want to share some prophetic significant things but we are in right now yesterday was the eighth for the 8th 2015 and that was a really really significant a prophetically and I want to share around that and why it's significant and what God is doing so we can get hold of that you know eight-eight 15 actually if you take 50 and you add two plus zero plus one plus Phi to get 8 so actually is eight eight eight eight eight eight is three as government and eight is numerous new beginnings new covenant through resurrection generation commencement so something from the 80 88 is new I'm going to change and I'll go into that a little bit more but the 8th is new first because you have 7 and then the 8th is the new beginning so that is an octave in music the 8th note will be a new beginning in color 7 colors being is a new color days of the week is everything's on the basis of 7 so the age is always in the new beginning something new that God intends to bring back so we need to look at what is the old Amore's minute so 8 8 8 also is the numerical value of Jesus in the Greek system of giving each letter a number so 8 a a actually means Jesus when you add up all the letters of Jesus's name in Greek therefore again it's indicating something new Jesus brought in the new covenant he opened up heaven for us he enabled us to engage back into eternity back into God's purpose and heart for us ay-ay-ay is also the new valuing people in the Hebrew language which is very interesting so the Old Covenant system is a video tutorial system where everything's about engaging on the earth whereas the new system is everything about engaging in heaven so that heaven can come onto the earth so yesterday was the 40-year anniversary of a prophecy given by Bob Jones in 1975 and it was of a billion-fold harvest a harvest of a billion people that's going to come into God's kingdom and I believe that because the church is not prepared for that bidding folk artists correctly that that is going to be end of an old generation of Moses generation and that order and the beginning of a new generation Josefa generation so we're in that place where the end of the old has come and the beginning of the new is here so we're at a place where the Joshua generation is going to be released but the Moses generation either has to hand the baton over oh god it's going to be something and you know we've been hearing for the last few years about the removal of the fight although the government and the beginning of a new head in the order of Melchizedek where the government of the kingdom is operating in heaven rather than just on earth so we're in a place where yesterday was the 40th anniversary so the end of an old government order in the beginning of a new Matthew 21:43 that says therefore I say to you the kingdom of God will be our taking away from you and given to a people producing the fruit men so God was removing the kingdom from the Old Covenant and giving it to the new and in principle I believe this is what God's doing now is removing the kingdom government of the old order of Moses generation which was a No the order and giving into the new order of melchizedek the Joshua generation which is heavenly so God has removed that Kingdom and that's where we are and God is calling his people out of the wilderness to cross over into their inheritance his sons so we've been in the wilderness and crossing over into new dimension of inheritance which is what the children of Israel did is where we are and many people went in as forerunners they descend 12 spies in and right now the many people have gone into the realm of the pinko into rather heaviness all runners and are calling people to cross over but there are many others who also have seen but are now Matthew 23 13 says woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you shut off the camera heaven for people or you do not enter yourselves nor you allow those who are entering to go in so the old order is hindering because people coming into something new in terms of inheritance in sonship so the government of God I believe is being removed from those who have built mountains for themselves in the wilderness and have failed to equip sons to be mountains to engage in heaven and we're in that place right now where yesterday was the end of the old and now we're actually in a new order and many people may not even be aware of that but this is about government and it's about where the kingdom is going to be administrated from numbers 1330 Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said we should by all means go up and take possession of it for we shall surely overcome it and that was the Declaration of the Joshua generation the spies Joshua Caleb we went into the land saw hey this belongs to us this is God's Word this is our inheritance as God's children and they encourage people to say yes but there were 10 spies who actually did the opposite but the men who had gone up with him we are not able to go up against the people for they're too strong for us so they gave a bad a report of the land that they spied out saying the land through which we have gone in spying it out is a land that devours its inhabitants all the people who we saw in it are men of great size there we saw the Nephilim the sons of a nap a part of the network and we became grasshoppers in our own sight and so were we in their sight and that is always the fear of the old order stopping a new order embracing something new and it's if throughout history it's always been the case but the old is opposed the new and we're in that place right now this is what Joshua said in verse 6 of numbers 14 Joshua the son of nun and Caleb the son of not Jennifer who were at spy out the land tore their clothes and they spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel saying the land which we pass through despite is a exceedingly good land if the Lord is pleased with those things he will bring us into this land and give it to us the land which flows with milk and honey oh he do not rebel against the Lord do not fear the people of the land for they will be our crane their protection has been removed from them and they're always with us do not give them so in everything God is calling us into you we do not need to fear because God is preparing the way for us to step in but a Joshua generation will encourage people to embrace their inheritance and those his generation is encouraging people to stay in the wilderness and not cross over into the new things that God is calling which is their heavenly inheritance though it was offered the responsibility to be ready for that building fall time is failed to raise up the Joshua generation ventures to equip the next generation in their supernatural narratives they focused on the youth there's nothing wrong with youth but actually God's people are a United generation we're all one in head matter whether we're old with all one in hell and God wants to equip people and as gif gave this prophecy in 1975 for the church to be ready for what's coming and unfortunately it hasn't been ready so instead what happened was is Moses ministries were set up in the wilderness to do the works of God for the people instead of teaching people the intimacy in the ways of God so God has weighed the old order and there's a lot of stuff traditionally going on in the realms of heaven right now in the different courts of heaven and God has looked at the institution that we call charities looked at those things but call themselves church is way the older donates and that it looks nothing like the reflection of a government pattern heaven so what God does in heaven and how he brings government in terms of father son and spirit on the throne bringing the kingdom that's not what he sees on the air primarily so the judgment has now been made as of yesterday a judgment has been made in heaven I have heard it is been given and that verdict is found against the old order and for the new order therefore justice is to be done just as he is that that now all know well daughter will no longer carry the government of God and grace and mercy are being prepared to be released in great measure for what is going to do coming up Otto is actually appeared right here where I'm sitting three days after he passed and became one of the glad witnesses and I saw him and he had in his hand a fiery scroll and he offered that fiery scroll and it was a scroll for the responsibility for the billion for the parvis now I know he turned up lots of places over that weekend because I've heard testimonies of it and he came because his whole heart was now to see the fiery scroll being received by the church Cave responsibility for the harvest and the week later Jesus actually stood here with another fireman scroll and it was for the responsibility for the Joshua generation and you know I felt moved to accept Oh squirrels and we as a leadership here at mentor 12 accepted those squirrels and the responsibility for our part in engaging in that harvest and preparing the Joshua generation so I'm somewhat passionate about this subject and really desire to speed us fulfill our inheritance and seek God's people raised up into their rightful place but there has been a battle between the old and the new the pastoral are three versus the Apostolic heavenly for a long time we were first shown that in 2005 so 10 years ago and we've been working through that issue ourselves that battle is still raging to establish a shadow that reflects the heavenly government got on the earth so that God can occupy that shadow the living spoke so he can come with his glory and fill his people if they look like him and if they reflect how he is wanting the government and the kingdom to be established on the earth the old order is millet Oriole providing coverings over people the prophetic movement that arose in the 80s which I was in a sense prob and sought developed should have taught people to hear God for themselves and not set up dependencies on the prophets how many people went to profane take conferences to hear a word and God but they wanted the Prophet to prophesy over them and that's what happened and then they went to another prophetic conference to hear another word from God and get another prophet to prophesy of them because no one taught them to hear God for themselves Apostolic movement which followed which we were part of should have taught be part of engage hammer for their own blueprints and their own Scrolls and their own destinies not set up ministries to provide covering for people too if you provide a covering for someone you need ei between them and haven't and people cannot see heaven for themselves if they're under and covering of somebody else so we've seen that there's a new alignment with the four phases of God and again we first saw that in 2005 not really having any idea what it meant but just knowing God said hey there's something new coming and he said oh I look at the sound of heaven and the frequency heaven the shape of heaven so in heaven you have a royal priesthood we're all called royal priests because we have an access to turn into the things of God in heaven as priests and then we're also kings to administrate what we see so we get the prophetic revelation of God it is heart and we released it to bring order and government that forms an arc that allows on the earth the Apostolic or the legislation and the prophetically Oracles of God again to form an arc that creates that reflection on the earth and this has been for us a developing thing over the last 10 years coming to an understanding of it letting go the old and braced in a new fighting over it having battles over it and we've come through over ten years of read difficult process of letting go the old and establishing the new because we were part of what we would have sent a fivefold ministry on the earth but we had to let go of that because it was coming to an end to embrace something of the heavenly government which is a royal priesthood engagement so what God has been doing is he has blueprints for everything in heaven a blueprint for your life my life this church this area this region this nation the planet the solar system the galaxy that we belong and the universe and every other dimension it's out there he has a blueprint for some of them are really interesting when you go and see them and when your God releases that blueprint it's like the light from the Father Son and spirit on the throne of heaven shines on that blueprint and what happens when you shine a light on something it forms a shadow so on the earth there's a that blueprint and God wants people to reflect what's in heaven so there are benches of three the heavenly government on the earth in a spirit soul and body coming together but also in the church or the city or the region of the nation being established so that shadow can be occupied so that government can be on the earth as it is in heaven what's happened is that the old order as seen heavenly blueprints and there's received revelation of what it is but they have placed a shadow as a foundation and built on it and therefore whether it's you being the ruler of your own life or prat pastors or prophets are apostles on top of the Lanting providing coverage for everyone else everyone else is underneath and God has removed the government from that whole system that so it no longer carries any spiritual heavenly authority that is serious and those who carry on trying to operate under that system will be under earthly Authority and not heavenly so a hamster really pleased here alcohol he'd attended a full reign a blueprint engine 3 there was an angel the house was part of the bench of seven to bring this priestly agreement between heaven and earth and again we've had battles to bring this into reality here because of the old the new and the old mindsets competing against new mindsets it's not be easy but we're in a place now where that is operating which is awesome for me and for us as far as career and everything operates according to the small faces of God that's why we see the lion the ox and the ego and the man come and meet with us and engaging our meetings where we have the four angels that are released to enable us to come into this new season of transformation their winds of change saina many waters Matthew 9/16 is this no one puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch pulls away for the garment from the government and the worst hair results nor do people put new wine into old wineskins otherwise the wine skis burst and the wine pours out and the wineskins are ruinous but they put new wine in fresh wine skins and both the preservatives God is preparing a new wineskin of his government for his people but people are trying to put a patch on the old or put our wine into a new skin and they then work for new wine into an old skin and it doesn't work so there's mixture out there which I'm seeing a lot and the battle lines are being torn between the old and the new you're having some of those ministries that have been on the very cutting edge of what God has been doing I'm now opposing what God is mad doing because they have refused to pass the baton because they want control so there are accusations of Gnosticism against Ian Clayton just in a brown and many others because that creates a fear of the Giants don't cross over into these new things because they're a giant monster Giants we're supposed to kill them cut off their heads open them up and take everything out of their bellies that can rob from us so these things are going on right now across the world where our minds are being drawn and people are going to given given a choice you're going to embrace the newer you're going to stay in the old and fear is being created to keep people from taking their inheritance just like it was when the 12 spies came and to get a beautiful and ten about it before five times more in a bad report than a good that doesn't mean that the bad report was good just because there were more people saying don't go here does not make it right so be very careful to be you listening to the enemy is really clever so he's also trying to introduce a mixture of the old into the new there are people selling our benches to serve their own ministries and when is that reflected there's no one above God so on the air avenge is the foundation that releases people into their inheritance it's not over them and therefore there are also people trying to introduce senior leaders interventions to create old control systems within the new any won't work because advantage operates in unity and oneness it operates together in harmony and agreement and that's not easy you have to work that through it's taken us a few years to work that one through as well to get to a place where you work together usually submitting to one another bringing the gifts that you each have to add to what God is doing so you can work together so the enemy is trying to raw kill and destroy and stop what God wants to do right now and it's really important for people do not listen to the bad report but embrace the new report a good report that says you can take your inheritance that you can be sons of God isaiah 40:3 a voice calling clear the way for the lord in the wilderness make smooth that desert there's a highway for our God let every valley be lifted up every mountain and Hill made low that the rough brand become a plane and the rugged terrain a broad valley and the glory of the Lord will be revealed God is calling and releasing a sign to heaven deep call it to deep into the wilderness and calling people to come out and those mountains are going to come down and the valleys are going to be lifted up and the millions of people who are in the valley of decision are going to see go and they're going to see the land is good and they're going to be encouraged to cross over because Moses did all the miracles for the people that's the old water people doing miracles on behalf of the people Superstars people who are the well-known faces in the order of melchizedek and the Joshua generation we all do it see Moses parted the Red Sea with his fam Joshua got the people with the Ark of the presence of God in their midst to step the feet in the water and a party totally different dynamic God is calling all of us to take responsibility for the in sons of God and to outward his kingdom those mountains are going to come down and the valleys are going to come up and keep going to have to choose whether they're gonna stay the wilderness or cross over into their hand the inheritance 2012 was a significant time a three-year period of preparation began so we can be ready for today mark burglar actually issued a prophetic call for the Reformation of the church in a book that was called when heaven touches earth and he called the 95 leaders around the world to endorse that angelic and heavenly realm encounters are the norm for the church that was 2012 I had the privilege of signing that and being one of those 95 metres and it was to represent prophetic me as an act and it was posted on the internet as a prophetic act like Martin Luther's act when he pinned the 95 pieces for the Reformation of the church on the church door this is how significant it was a great shift is coming manifold race is going to be released on this whole new order that God is raising up we're on the event horizon of a new heavenly government or the order of buggies event you need to expect signs in the heavens when this government order ends and it ended so there will be things that are in the heavens but so much is written about signs in the heavens from a perspective of doom and gloom this is not doing good other than from the old order because it's coming to an end so in acts 2 19 it says I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below rather than fire and vapor and smoke the Sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord to come and it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of all will be saved and people still looking for that it already took place because it was the end of the Old Covenant than the beginning of the new and finally that was at work in 1870 this will take place again every time there's a new form of government and an old ends something new begins so we're going to see some things in there than and you will be hearing quite a lot about it don't take on the fear-mongering receive it as a sign that the end of the old is coming the king of the new is here so the signs in the heavens are becoming clearer and they're holding the end of the old things and beginning of new the new day where the conscious reality through sonship is released you will become more and more aware of who you are of who God has called you to be the truth of who we are is ascending and expanding from the depths of our being because we've been talking about first love first love gain engaging heaven open access into Eden into the garden of God into the tree of life that ancient paths that Enoch walked and others walked that is being released it's being released as we engage God in intimacy on the inside a revelation of who we are as his sons is being released so that our bodies will not be able to contain a light that's there the revelation of that light that's within us there are embedded codes in our DNA which are being awakened to the book that's why we have our prayers of communion to release that which was in our DNA to bring the fullness of who we really are as children of God not what we've been shaped on our world and our and the parents and our parents genetics that sound frequency that is being released deep is calling to deep something deep in your spirit is calling you back into who you were light energy photon particles unseen frequencies are engaging us at a subatomic level now you can find all that up in quantum physics is perfectly valid but it's growing us with a revelation to remove the limitations that have been put on us so that we can really come into the reality of who we are actually called to be and who we always were as a being a lot in eternity with God we've looked at this over the last few days weeks really about solar spirit on the familiar spirits and the soul ties between soul and spirit we have to get these sorted so that that light can flow we need our spirit soul and body coming together all the senses of our spirit soul and body working together in unity and harmony so that everything can flow from the inside out everything that we're engaging in light as a being of light flowing from the inside out Isaiah 60:1 arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you the whole darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness two peoples but the Lord will rise upon you and the glory of the Lord will appear upon you nations will come to the light and Kings to the brightness of your rising what flows through us and the kingdom and the light and the river of God and the River of Life and the rivers of living water representing the heavenly kingdom flows through us creating an ax fear the king around us will draw people to that light we're supposed to be transfigured as Jesus was transfigured to radiate or we're not going to do that with all the rubbish in the way which is why we need to deal with the gateways of our spirits our body to get a flow of God from the inside to the world around Zika 47 that rivers are flowing under the threshold coming from the kingdom in heaven flowing ankle didn't need a way Stephen to is completely out of its bed bringing life wherever it goes that is God's purpose that's why he wants us to release the light John 12 36 while you have the light believe in the light so you may become sons of light as Jesus is talking to us saying believe in him engage in him as the light the frequency that it carries the vibration of the truth the way the truth and the life so that we may become sons of life John 8:12 then Jesus again spoke to them saying I am the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of Life we have a promise that this life is the life that we live by Anna Matthew 5:14 you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be in which is why the mountain of our Lord will be raised up so it will not be in so the king we'll be seen on earth as it is in heaven Philippians 2:15 so that you will prove yourself to be blameless innocent children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among you whom you appear as the lights in the world God is calling us to shine not sort of the old Sunday school clean up his little light of mine yeah but the reality of reflecting the glory of God and who we are as his sons acts 3:20 that he may send Jesus Christ appointed for you whom heaven must receive until the period of the restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets in ancient time Jesus is not coming back until we finish the job until we become his bride without spot and wrinkle so he's going to stay there until we see everything restored restoration of all things will restore everything back to its original condition and I don't mean what it was like in the garden I mean what it was like in eternity for us who we were in eternity Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth then God said let there be light and there was light verse 14 then God said let the lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night weapon be for signs and for seasons and for days and years but were those lights and I've just been to a conference with Ian Clayton where he shared some of this as well what were those lights actually us in eternity as light beings to govern and bring seasons and times and years that was always our face and it's supposed to be our position but we gave it up to be Arab and Daniel 12:3 those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven and those who lead many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever that is who we're called to be shining like the brightness of the expanse that heaven taking our position in heaven to bring heaven to the earth we're cool to go back to their first heaven estate before we were here to engage in the administration of light because we are beings of light psalm 139:16 your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in your book were all written the days that were attained for me when as yet there was not one of them we have an agreement of our spirit and God in eternity to add work and fulfill his destiny and every one of us has a destiny in God and that seeds of destiny are sown within our DNA our light strand of DNA but comes back when we get restored into wholeness so what was what is what is to come we can engage in that and have a role in that engaging with the frequency of who we were in the beginning now some of you thinking I was young about I'm talking about going engaged with where God created us as we have access to his heart eternity and the pathways are open for us to engage we can engage right back into where God is and this whole pattern of the circle or the infinity sign again and eight new beginnings where we can stand in what was looking to what is and walk into bodies to create what will be is what God is calling us to do and I've been doing this a lot over a six months stepping into the ark for the presence of God in heaven going back into what was in spanning they're just resonating in the light my spirit just vibrating and even looking forward looking at the end from the beginning so that we can actually call the end from the beginning to align some of the things I've been saying and I found myself just saying is as I had just started to vibrate as I journal did because I felt it was important so I stand in who I am in what was free to see and free to be free to do a free to go I stand with my heart a pretty by spirit and resident agreement with my eternal destiny and my mandate for today so I do this every day mostly I see the end from the beginning as I feel your heart father as a priest than a king after the order of Melchisedec I stand as a representative of my family ecclesia times reach enlightenment planet as an honorable and a legislator of your eternal purpose I call the beginning and the end into alignment and inter-governmental I choose to walk the ancient path resonating with the frequency of what always was to transform what is and as an Oracle to call forth what will be as a full expression of the beginning with its eternal purpose and destiny they not gonna get all this just by reading it you have to go do it as a legislator I call for the government of what was to be released into Audis to bring water to what put this simply if you change to align with God's purpose and plan for your life your future will change and so will the future this plan it cannot help but change if we change so if we come in to who God created us to be it will change what the future is because the future is not yet written as sons of God we're supposed to administer the years and the season and we're supposed to write that history out of God's eternal purpose but we have to align ourselves with this I call for the agreement and alignment of time and eternity of heaven and earth and the physical and the spiritual I call the order of melchizedek into position to administrate heaven on the earth as sons to accept the call and responsibilities of bed father's house and walk back into what is a decree and declare what will be what wars will be and I walk it out to create what will be so God has given all of us an awesome responsibility to change the world in which we live to administrate the kingdom to see the kingdom of God around us as an atmosphere ever-widening as the river of life rivers of living water flow from our innermost being flowing at engaging the world changing and transforming it into alignment with God's eternal purpose God is calling us to do it the end of the year 2012 the planet completed a 360 degree arch through space and time went right around of Azeroth all the 12 houses of heavens so the end of the old was the beginning of the moon August 2015 as I said is a triple 888 manifested and it's triple because yesterday dates to the eighth of the eighth 17th of August 1 plus 7 is 8 of the 8th of the 8th the 26th of August 2 plus 6 that was eight eight eight three times in this month which is why it's such a significant month we're going to we're seeing that these three numbers align and these numbers carry a prophetic significance outta heaven this has never happened before and will never happen again so we're at a crucial point of a juncture a convergence of time and eternity and it's really really important that we embrace it the Sun that people think he's talking about horoscopes and stuff I'm just talking about the Nazareth a heavenly star system that God created and put into place the Sun is in the constellation of the lion in August right now and we were in a period of the Lions Gate bein open in January I prophesied that this was a year of the lion the kingly order of new government I had no idea of this about then but I prophesied it and then the revelation is we're in a place where God is underlining things in the heavens do I think work things on the earth that lion gateways open and is filled it is where time and eternity are converging we're here a place where heaven is going to touch us the Lions Gate is the time of activation so we're going to be ready for the show inglis coming as a shaking coming question is they were going to be ready for it are we going to be those who demonstrate that the kingdom of God cannot be shaken but everything else can this whole activation of this is to touch our spirit soul and body and empower us to flow in the works of the Spirit to flow from heaven to earth to release light into the world and the world there is not just this planet it means cosmos the whole of the creative order is our responsibility the lion actually in the Bible has to symbolisms the conquering Christ or the devil your adversary's wanders around like a roaring lion the conflict between the old and the new is clear where we are the old order has always opposed rather than passing the baton or mantle this is what happened actually in numbers 27 16 may the Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh to point a man over the convocation who will go out and come in before them and will lead them out and bring them in so that the congregational rule will not be like the Sheep who have no Shepherd so the Lord said to Moses take Joshua the son of known a man on whom is the spirit and lay your hand on him and have him stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the convocation and commissioning in their sight Moses generation has failed to do this so God is doing it God is going to Commission you as his sons and give you the authority of sonship to change and transform all the evening even as a priest and a king and a prophet and unemotional the four faces of God on Friday in worship where when I was in Cardiff I saw Joshua and Joseph come in and they stood next to me on my left and my right and Enoch basically came stood behind me and Daniel stood in front of me and I was just like shaking vibrating I was done with the rest of it really and it was because it was just really really powerful Joseph and Joshua held up my hands to strengthen me symbolic of the winner the gates that haven't been open and having a known overlapping again where heaven and earth agree together and Joshua and Oh Civ and enol and Daniel are significant the Joshua generation has a different spirit their Giants players Joshua generation will mentor the next generation to engage therefore supernatural narratives the Joshua generation would also be the Joseph Daniel and Enoch generation where these all people to come together to open up the fullness into our day Enoch walked with God in heaven on earth Genesis 5:24 enoch walked with God and he was not for God took it so where was God in heaven or on earth at that point in heaven so he not walk with God in heaven and then God took him permanently to be better but he still has a body so he can still engage with the earth you can read more about him and how he lived in the Book of Enoch there's a lot of information I'm not going to go into but Enoch has meant to me a number of times and given me a number of significant quests to do things to do to prepare for what God is doing Daniel 12:4 as for you Daniel concealed these words and seal up the book until the end of time many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase three that's a very apt description of our debt daniel conceals some stuff he story to our day and sealed up the book daniel has now unsealed those books in our generation that's why we can be after that order Genesis 41 14 Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph and they hurriedly brought him out of the dungeon not a very auspicious dark night and when he had shaved himself and changed his clothes so put off the old identity of being in a dungeon being a slave being a prisoner Pharaoh said to his servants verse 38 can we find a man like this including is a divine spirit so Pharaoh said to Joseph since God has informed you of all of this there is no one so discerning and wise as you you should be over my house what did he do first 48 Genesis 41 he gathered all the food of the seven years which occurred in the land of Egypt and place the food in cities he placed in every city the food with its own surrounded fields the people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from Jerusalem so Joseph was brought from the prison of obscurity and brought right into the world stage to administrate the kingdom for a time such as that we're called to be the same we're going to come out of the obscurity where everyone thinks the church is irrelevant where the church will be the most important group of people on the planet isaiah 2:2 is a description of this now we'll come about in the last days the mountain at the house of the lord will be established as chief of the mountains and we erase above the hills and all the nations will spring to it and many people will come and say come let us go up to the Mount of her Lord to the house of the God of Jacob but he may teach us concerning his ways that we may walk in his pass and the law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem now this is a description of what God is doing in raising us up into that position the city on a hill radiating light who will not live under the constructs of this world but be over them so God is releasing blueprints for those cities of refuge those apostolic resource centers or huts they are being released right now benches are three are being called to those blueprints to establish heavenly government on the earth they will be storehouses to receive and equip the harvest embassies of heaven on earth where Heaven's rules C precedes the laws of nature and the conditions on the earth whatever they're going to be living in an overlap of heaven on earth living under the highest spiritual authority of the rules to heaven two great things five 1220 therefore we are ambassadors for Christ as though God we're making appeal through us we beg you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God God is wanting to reconciled the world to himself the cosmos to himself not just people to bring everything back into reconcile order fission 620 IM an ambassador in change that in proclaiming the kingdom i may speak boldly all talking that we was even though he was in prison he still saw that he was an ambassador an ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank appointed an accredited as representative in residence by one government or sovereign to another so an ambassador is sent from heaven to represent heaven on the earth and each of us is called to be an ambassador an authorized messenger all represented an agent and a historic delegate that delegate a messenger a minister an emissary portions 130 he is rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son deliverance 324 our citizenship is in heaven we are citizens of a heavenly kingdom living on earth John 5:19 if you were of the world the world would love its own but because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world so we're not doing things in an earthly way we're doing things in a head anyway first john 17 18 i say as you sent the end of the world i also sent down into the world we have been commissioned as ambassadors to go into the world send an enema as jesus was john 20:21 so jesus said to them again peace be with you and that's a really important phrase that we need to get hold on in terms of the peace of God as the father has sent me I also send you every one of us has been sent with a mission and a commission to be an ambassador and this makes us ambassadors citizens of another Kingdom in heaven but living on the earth gateways of heaven on the earth bringing heaven to earth that is God's in whole purpose for us is to establish earth as it is in heaven ambassadors are those officials we take our orders not from the land we're in but from the language central and we've all been sent out of heaven so you represent one kingdom heaven in another earth and you can live by the rules of heaven Church is like that embassy territory on foreign soil and you are the church you are the gather at once the ecclesia of God you are protected by that have any authority you need to be influenced by earthly culture society customs but we are to influence and transform them so we live under Kingdom authority that means a new health service and cities of refuge are going to have new health service new economic and financial services new education system new society paradise that garden restoring new attitudes ideals culture new behaviors abilities and powers heaven transformed you know that is what we are called to therefore we have the authority to speak on behalf of God the Oracles of God that we get from what was to bring into what is to create what will be you have the supernatural power of heaven ago disposal when the Romans conquered an area they set up 300 citizens to invade a territory and they set up what was called the caste proponent to influence and have dominion and then they expanded see a City of Refuge is not a place for safety and security that we're just going to go a public overage up and be rescued a City of Refuge is a beachhead of heaven on the earth to expand the kingdom because there will be no end to the increase that is coming the kingdom of heaven will fill the earth so we must be ready to be those people colonization is our mission and not just that this planet ultimately Church is a colony of heaven are you willing to embrace your destiny Romans 8:19 for the anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its slavery to corruption into into war into the freedom of the glory of the children of God it's you radiating the glory of God through you which will bring freedom to the whole of the created order and God is calling you to embrace it do you want to take the place of the son of God do you want to stop being transfigured to radiate the glory of God to answer creations groan because he's inviting all of us question is do we want to participate it's not gonna force us but he is going to give us an opportunity see heaven is open we can go up jacob's ladder and we can engage and the Lord is standing in the door waiting for you to come waiting for you to embrace your heavenly position of government of authority as a son of God and to administrate heaven onto the earth the question is he willing to take that step are you willing to receive the revelation of who you are as a son of God are he willing to let go of the old and embrace the new and embrace who you truly are don't believe all that which is kept you down in the dirt under everything else but giving you the freedom to see heaven for yourself to go into heaven for yourself to embrace your position of authority there and to administrate it as sons of God when you answer that call I'm going to leave it that I know this is a slightly different form we know what we do and I'm going to do an exercise but I would encourage you to think heavens open and I'm willing to step in and embrace my destiny as God's children
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 10,826
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2015
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