Ian Somerhalder Tells Wilson Phillips Every Boy Once Had A Crush On Them

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- I'm such a fan! - Hi, everyone. Thank you. - I am such a fan! Like, seriously, such a fan, you know this. - By the way, when you get here, she wrote me a handwritten note. (audience sighing) I mean, you're so sweet. When did you have time to do that? - Oh, I write handwritten letters for every guest on my show. (audience sighing) Yeah, yeah. - That is the sweetest. - Well, it's important, I know what it is to make the rounds. - Such a fan. - Hey, and I'm also a superfan and you know this because. - You came to our set. - I did. Do you remember that? I was-- - She came to our set in like 2011 or '12. - I was on tour. I don't remember that. I have no memory, we were talking about that earlier. - I do know that in 2012, we were Tater Tots, for sure. - It was awesome though, that show is so great. - That was a long time ago now. - Yeah, I know and now it's 2020 and we're all grandpas. - And I'm sitting on the stage with legends. - Have you ever met them before? - I'm moving a little closer. (audience applause) - No, I've never met. - Sorry, I keep creeping over here a little bit. - It's a gravitational pull. - I had never met them but, I mean, you know, any boy at that time completely had a crush on you guys, so. - Yes. - Oh gosh, wow. - They were like the biggest thing. - And all the girls wanted to be you. - Since like peanut butter. You guys were huge. - Where's my cane? (laughing) - Did you guys ever get into the vampire stuff? You all remember the vampire-- I'm obsessed. - I don't watch TV. I don't watch TV. I don't watch TV. - You don't? - Does "Twilight" count? Does "Twilight" count? - "Twilight" counts. Yeah, that's all vampires, yeah. - My wife was actually in "Twilight". - Yeah, Nikki Reed, your wife. Yeah, was in "Twilight". - My daughter Jamison's "Twilight" obsessed, so there you go. - Yes, I read all the books before even the first movie came out. I love anything, kind of, fantasy. I think because sometimes life can be so not good. - Chaotic and insane? - That you're like, "I want escapism", and you do it so well. - Well, thank you. - Yes, I loved visiting y'all's set, it was so cool. - Thank you. (audience applauding) - And Paul Wesley actually just here, yes. - So the guy that played my brother on this very long running TV show, we love each other. We have wanted to kill each other about 800 times. - That means brothers. - But that means brothers and we have now, not only were we on a television show for eight years together but now we've started a company together. - Wow. - And it's really special. The Salvatore boys, the Salvatore brothers, have a bourbon and it's gonna be a lot of fun. - So wait, what's the name? Are you announcing the name yet? - Not yet. - Not yet, okay, so it should, I mean, Salvatore Brothers. is pretty great too, but. - Trademarking, copyrighting, everything is done. - You're now, with "V Wars", you're the executive producer, director, and you're starring in "V Wars", right? - Yes. - Yes, yes, yes. (audience applauding) - Thank you. - Explain to people, because it kinda looks, it's about, kind of, vampires but not really, it's, like, kinda different. It's like disease almost takes over, right? - It's the only vampire show you've ever seen that's actually ever been, that is not supernatural. It's science-based. This is about a disease, a pathogen that's found, a virus that's found because of melting glaciers. Things are starting to be exposed that are very harmful to humanity and livestock and wildlife and stuff. So, these are things that it's not even possible, it's probable, that there are gonna be things that come out and get into society. - And can I say something because everybody gets in this battle about if humans caused it or whatever. Who cares what caused it? It's happening. - It's happening. - But let's figure it out. - Yeah and all that's amazing, but do you ever get mistaken for Rob Lowe? (laughing) - I just had him on, as well. - [Chynna] Well, you're both, you know, not hard on the eyes. - Rob is a-- - You guys could be brother twins. - Totally. - Rob is awesome. He was so sweet, he walked up to my wife. He walked up to Nikki Reed at a, I think it was a Golden Globes party or something, and he walked up to her and she had never met him. He walked up to her and he grabbed her face and he just said, "This is what you're gonna be looking "at in 15 years." (audience laughing) - No, are you serious? - Yeah, and he was so sweet and respectful about it, and she just-- - This is what you're gonna be looking at in 15 years. - That's a trip. - But any woman that is that close to Rob Lowe, is sort of like, "Whoa." (audience laughing) And it was very sweet. He's a really sweet man, he's awesome. - But I think that that's really cool that people might seem that "V Wars" is far-fetched, but I do love that it's based in science and a lot of things actually happening in society. - Well, it also attacks a lot of the big tentpole things that we're dealing with right now in society. We want to have this feel of genre enough, like a "Walking Dead" but the social relevance of like, "A Handmaid's Tale". I mean, these are shows that really have affected people. - Wow, I love you. - Yeah, I mean happiness, at the end of the day-- Well, I love you back, man. - You are so great. You're a high-fiver. I love, I'm a hugger. - Yes.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 407,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Clarkson, Entertainment, Music, Daytime, Ian Somerhalder, Wilson Phillips, Carnie Wilson, Chynna Phillips, Wendy Wilson, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, Television, Funny, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Ian Somerhalder interview, Lost, Damon Salvatore, Vampire Diaries, V Wars, The Vampire Diaries, Luther Swann, Netflix, #int, #228
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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