I Won't Stop Till I Beat Minecraft On A Random Seed In 1 Hour Or Less

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hello i'm abby x toy cat and welcome back to another live stream on the internet today i'm going to be trying to speed run some minecraft 1.16.100 the update speedrunners are avoiding like the plague because of the uh pole nerves but i'm going to be trying to beat my personal best using this version it's going to be some fun because it involves some different strategies the i i think it's kind of cool that we actually have a balance between crimson forests and piglens and between uh finding a warp forest and the uh enderman it's gonna be really exciting it's gonna be a lot of fun and uh to give me give myself some luck i brought along my invisibility cloak so all i have to do is i guess it's an invisibility non-cloak i take off my cloak and all of a sudden what do you know you can only see my face and all i have to do is put on a little i should get like a yellow sack i can put over my head and then i'll disappear entirely except you can see it says clp skilled trading solutions i found this for a dollar forty nine in a uh what's it called in america a uh a no it's called a charity store in the uk a thrift store um and i'm gonna have a lot of fun with it so let's play some minecraft i'm gonna make some horrible mistake on this first run oh also i got the lava bucket thing down uh for once in my life that finally makes sense so good news good news your shirt is invisible is your shirt invisible or is my shirt invisible we're just never gonna know are we there's just there's functionally no difference between those two things oh god hello i'm ibx toycat and i lost a couple of seconds on the start of that run is the timer working okay i can't look right now um yeah that's that's a good start you know you know it's going to be a good day when you start a speed run with two seconds of timer delay and then jumping straight into hole okay you know this this could still be the this could still be it um we actually spawned really close to zero zero which is non-ideal as well it's common but it's it's not perfect as long as we get a village everything's okay though i think actually not this first run we're gonna throw it away i'm gonna take off the invisibility shirt because otherwise all string long someone's gonna be like oh toy cat i bet you don't realize your shirt is invisible and i have to like i don't know why there's like the certain types of pointing out the obvious the irritate me beyond anything else like you know what you can point i i don't know why like you can you can insult me and say oh take care i hate your i hate how fat you are your hair is so ugly you know i i still get to this day comments being like oh toy cat haven't showered am i right but like pointing out the obvious um you're like pointing out the obvious that's not true sure pointing out the obvious that is true and thinking you're smart for it that is frustrating to all god also thanks so much pokemon remember um uh if you wanna uh become if you're curious it's an exclusive club and now you have access to emojis i i really appreciate becoming a member of the channel it makes me think people are enjoying the streams and that's that's a good thing assuming that's a thing your shirt is green the funny thing is this shows how bad my green screen is at being actually green my shirt is actually yellow when i wear when i wear a green shirt you can actually see it that's the that's the unexpected part of this wait do you want to prove that point right now i'm gonna go prove it i'm gonna go wear my green shirt that isn't invisible oh ruin portal in a village uh we're gonna have to keep this terrible run we're gonna have to keep the terrible run is there lava next to it okay there's no if there's no lava it doesn't matter anyway if there's no flint i mean okay so we got i'm breaking shovel and two flins and steel don't need two flint and steel but you know it's always nice uh there's no lava around there that means i functionally can't take it i'm gonna take the gold blocks though if i can get an extra bit of iron i can't very easily get extra fine what if i make a pickaxe now and then i make a bucket later uh that goes against all laws of speedrunning known in the universe but we can give that a try uh make sure to turn off your bobbin to show you a true try hard i um i know why some people do like turning off you bobbing like i you know they feel like there's some real difference to them to me i don't feel it though i i like i've been playing minecraft so long that view bobbing doesn't feel like anything to me anymore um which maybe says more about me than it does about uh view bobbing huh so here's some bread thank god for that and now let's start chopping down some stuff let's not go go down there let's uh grab the beds in there also in a second um so uh i like view bobbing i honestly whenever i don't notice it until i see someone with it turned off and then i'm like you are moving like a snake robot and it's it's weird to me it's very strange i don't like it um and you're not somewhat there are some people out there that like snake robots but you're not there are people out there that think that you know gravel is a pretty looking block it doesn't mean we should trust their opinions it doesn't mean we should be like oh yeah you know that's equally valid you know liking gravel not liking gravel what's the difference really um the difference is that one of those opinions is valid and one of those opinions is insanity but you're not i digress thank you so much bro how are you it's been a while since i caught a stream uh by the way um and i missed the rest of the i'm doing really well brady pirates good to see you again i um it's interesting because like i i recognize your you know your name every time it comes up like it's been a while i do recognize but i'm always like you know what do i associate it with ever usually like there's like a strong i messed that one up didn't i um usually there's like a there's like something like one comment like entire person too and i'll link you to it forever uh but not of you not with you brody but better or worse but thank you for coming a member and then for for the tip i appreciate it so yeah that was a bit of a bit of a rough start um yeah i mean we've got plenty of bread plenty of bread and only enough for a bucket or a pickaxe i think the gold is worth going for the pickaxe first and then we can use the own pickaxe to mine more iron so uh yeah again controversial decision here but i'm gonna go ahead and i'm actually going to get myself an iron pickaxe first uh for better or for worse uh this is usually usually not the the go-to but in this case i think it's totally justifiable and then we're also going to get more hay bales on the way back and then we're going to probably make a stone axe because we're going to need more wood uh by the time we're done here if we're being entirely honest with ourselves so there's no lava for this to fall into i can just break the blocks then go up there and jump and pick it up that's 18 bits of gold which is worth on average um just over one ender pearl obviously what that really means it's it's about a 60 chance of getting two ender pearls um it's actually like a just under 50 chance of getting two to four in the past but you know let's not let's not try and bore you of odds let's instead uh oh what's this over here it's just the start of the village well uh the start of the village not the well at all um so yeah we got enough food in this village by barely i'd say we're just gonna want to set some animals on fire but that's okay as long as as long as uh peter doesn't say it so um yeah i uh so something something that's always annoying me is people who point out the obvious um people who point out the obvious are frustrating when it's like you know when you're being facetious and you're like you know it's like oh yeah you you make a sarcastic joke like oh what i already think that you know like i i i really think that we should murder people and put them in prison and someone goes toy cat murder is illegal and it's like or you know like um you know you wear a you wear a shirt to make yourself invisible you directly address it and let's say they didn't know that though you know let's let's just assume no one knows anything else that i've ever done and so it's like oh yeah uh there's this there's this hilarious thing i am dressed invisible and i don't know it's like of course i know i'm streaming i you got here i've i've probably been here for minutes before you do you think you're the first person to notice also consider this 2usd for a shirt change yeah i'm going to change it just just for the frustration of that and um you know like oh do you ever go to the the food store and you're like oh yeah i will let me give you money in exchange for your goods and services friend or leave a comment being like i'm a comment no you don't say those things they're implied like a lot of a lot of stuff in life is implied and i know sometimes knowing your own is important also hey thank you very much for the tip my man i don't see it uh yeah i have to i have to change my overlay uh oh i've changed what i have on screen so i can see it but for now i cannot and i just want to say thank you very much i appreciate it so we definitely need more bread and there's also a village over there we need it for the iron anyway oh we got iron ore chat what should we do with five extra iron should we even bother smelting up the iron yeah we have the resources for it there's no good reason not to um so second village is great but i'd actually prefer lava by a long shot at this point like you know having more iron sounds nice but like is it in the long shot i would say no it's not i guess we're gonna use two oh okay two two of this and then one of these and we're gonna stack ourselves up to kill the column okay run backwards okay we're good oh no see damn it i am always the worst at knowing no when this is a thing i if he if he can jump on me here it's just game over right okay no jumping or something so cat what do you like more toys or cats nice video thank you very much galactic tommy that's that's funny everyone that's that's funny also my t-shirt is in green that's the last bit about what people say like don't look at your shirt screen it's really funny it's not green it's yellow that's that was the fit that was the point i'm wearing a yellow shirt and somehow it's it's transparent anyway i guess you can't see the color you know oh i won't actually blame people for not knowing the color of my shirt because it's not it's not the color that it you know like you can't see the color of my shirt i'll give you that that's not obvious if you can work out that it's uh yellow but obviously most people use green screen pointing out that it's yeah whatever i i really like i like communication as a way to like exchange thoughts ideas humor laugh etc um and sometimes we just use it as a way to like say say words because we like to hear our voice it feels like it feels like thank you very much by the way um for the tip i for the first run of the day i always have the wrong screen up so i can't read them as i'm going live although you know i'm speed running i'll pretend it i'll pretend that i'm just like a proper professional speedrun like oh i can't respond to it right now because i've got i've got cows to kill you know and you know what maybe i do have cows to kill so um i really really would like uh some lava soon oh there's just another ruined portal i guess we'll go for the room portal if we don't see lava on the way uh it sucks to lose 10 minutes to a run going nowhere but at some point you always have to call a run quits you have to just say hey it's not working for us it's not it's not happening um i think commitment to dead runs is like one of the biggest losses of time i also think under committing to runs is something i've started to do a bit too much there's definitely here's three yes dude keep your shirt says filthy dinger okay so i was gonna change my shirt and someone gave me two dollars to do sir but now son's giving me three dollars not to change my shirt i think you know in this capitalist economy we live in it would be it would be a shame for me to not so i'm keeping the shirt uh i'm afraid to say internet uh it's been decided so yeah um i am really really hoping for this to be good we're gonna go to the right oh no it misses three bits of obsidian only three oh four because we need it's free wide for dumb reasons so we don't get four obsidian in this chest which is unlikely it's uh it's gonna be gg wheels gotta want much better shovel and a hoe which is great for you know there's a village here okay chat what we're gonna do again because i've got a problem with under committing to runs we're gonna take the kind of radical approach and dig straight down from this village uh the odds of that being a stronghold below the village again oh average like one in ten or something like that the exact odds are something i'd love to dive into like how many villages in the world how many strongholds you know actually i should do that like i think i'd be useful metric to know like if you know the exact odds you can make a much better and more compelling case as to when you should and shouldn't uh continue to run but whatever let's uh let's let's go for it shall we so let's craft some of these crappie some crafting table make a bucket fill the bucket with some of this make a sword as well apparently you know that's enough for a shovel but that's okay uh make some wheat make some bread roll the dice and see what happens and dig straight down but everything i need uh it doesn't matter we're statistically not going to find a stronghold but again nine and nine and ten charm times we don't i've done this maybe like four times so far and haven't found one so we're getting pretty close to the 50 50 point on when this will work but we have not reached it yet we have not reached it yet so yeah that was good first run oh he's a good always a good shot you know like if you don't know in bedrock um strongholds generate below uh villagers it's worth digging straight down there the upsides are better than downsides uh unless we're like really really committed to the run we just know for some reason that's down there then we should do one of each play also thank you very much um wait i'm going to check my tips over on streamlabs.com by the way if you want to guarantee your tip goes 100 to me and not to youtube that's that okay julian whaling says five dollars usd to change your shirt okay you know what i'm changing my shirt you've convinced me julian you're not see this is why the capitalist world works best whoever wants something more gets it the most as long as as long as your boy cat profits in the meantime um so i think i kept the timer running by accident i did in fact um l'oreal start minecraft hardcore series and sp also speedrun the five minute world record seed the one you just made a video about um the problem is that world record c will only work i mean it's gonna be much harder in current versions and i i just don't believe in going back to speed rental versions like i think it's important people do i think it's cool that people do that it's just not what i do so i'm gonna change t-shirt real quick i've got this i don't think this is my shirt actually you know i'm gonna find a new t-shirt is this a shirt that belongs to me yeah i'm going to go wear a green t-shirt very back internet speed run attempt 53 brb uh less than three see now you all know i love you even if i'm not there okay okay i'm gonna change my shirt i would like to mention something um you start minecraft hardcore series uh it's something i actually want to do as soon as uh hardcore comes to bedrock i'm very excited for it um so as you can see right now i'm wearing what is clearly a green shirt because green screen right is oh this is even i've got a green shirt but the green shirt's actually more invisible wait one sec i want to test something i'm just arms now this is all i am to you internet i'm just i'm just a pair of hands okay i'm going to change to a different shirt there isn't this one either huh if toy cat was here the whole time and i just took my arms out for him wait can i do that if i like lift my head up oh toy cat's just afk guys he's just not there second toycat tax i now think twice yes hey thank you very much man good evening internet i feel like this is a pajama shirt it has very pajama vibes to me hello i'm ibx toycat let's play some minecraft i'm sad now says brody privet ah why are you sad i'm sorry did i ruin do i ruin your evening with my lack of green shirt i'm sorry speed change run whenever i'm changing clothes always do try to do it fast i hate clothes that take a lot of time to put on like maybe that's dumb maybe that's common it's like maybe that's why people value like suits over just a t-shirt because a t-shirt you just throw on whereas like oh you know when you put on a suit you're putting in like effort you ever put on a suit it takes like half a minute sometimes plus the tie let's not forget about ties um okay this village over there that's the way to go it seems i love walking on top of a uh a roof forest we're gonna get some dark oak wood today usually i just use oak because it's the most common tree when i start these runs but today we're gonna be using some dark oak uh there's two villages oh no there's a destin pool i think there's not desert temple it's just some mountains so yeah what we're gonna do is we're gonna run towards this village it's gonna be really great i um your screen is weird is it really are you sure it's not your screen screen that's weird isn't it crazy that my screen gets recorded sent to another screen sent to youtube and then you watch it from there straight to your screen hey thank you cat for the two pounds tip is the correct word you know that's why i don't like saying super chat because then you can't use the same word for youtube and and the good ones at the link down below you see what kat did there you see how she's long term not only can you see the green name um which is changed to cat dot beanie but um and the diamond cat next by the way whoa i didn't realize you had a diamond cat how nice but um not only can you see the green name and no wow this is a solid upstanding citizen um but also you can look at the the the fact that they use stream labs i don't know what i'm doing right here i'd just like to point out for anyone it's a desert temple in a village yeah it's been a while since i've had one of these like i don't think i've ever had one in a speed run um it's always such a cool thing to find just we get both a desert temple and a village for free nice um i don't know how i'd spot how i missed that earlier after susan you know i just want to deprive susan of that money that's all i want to do is that's so much to ask is that so much to ask okay let's go let's throw okay yeah we'll cross crafting table just over here that way i can make some stuff just outside of it if i want to yeah i don't know why i'm not killing the golem actually because there is definitely a golem around here right you know i need a bucket or so is there another village over there am i crazy or do i see another village across the river no it's the same village okay i am crazy uh it's official so let's go down here we're to take a little bit of full damage but it's like one tiny bit i'm going to fall straight down here or are we yes we are uh okay break this because i don't know what's going to spawn or when gold is nice a shadow is potentially nice golden apple is nice bones are not nice uh two iron is really nice and the second sample is not and then we're back to oh no we're not oh heck yeah we don't need to kill a golem or we got some sand which genuinely might come in useful later then we're gonna take the tnt because tnt isn't useful uh most of the time but you know uh most of the time uh murderers aren't committing murder most of the time it's true they are they're doing other things you know they're doing lovely tasks like you know click you know murderers have to clean their teeth too but it doesn't mean that they're not murderous sometimes or does it actually what if murderers aren't murdered sometimes also what is this there's just a barrel chilling in a room by itself very weird to see so we're going to make ourselves a bucket i guess and then an iron pickaxe that's usually the order i like to go in with these things and pick ax into a bucket and then the last one we're going to deal with something later for now we want to get some stone is there an easy way to get stone uh no we're going to kill the iron golem i think we might as well right we're going on pickaxe actually it's a big waste of the iron pickaxe do we use the wood one that's a waste of time if we use the wooden one okay we need food asap so we're gonna make sure we get some of that made right now okay make some more mix more 39 bread is a good amount you can call that enough yeah sure why not and then we okay we're gonna start with the with a lovely thing sir then we're gonna switch out to oh god i want to use hay bales actually i want to use hay bales because oh no i don't have any hay bales do i just have to use the wood then i guess i'm just using wood um oh god okay he's frozen in place it gives me some time come down calm down uh focus on what matters in life you know 40 is better you know let's get more bad bread let's do it let's get that bread you don't need to kill the column uh a sword would be useful though right you can see using my wooden pickaxe as an example of why you can see why you kind of want a sword um essential no uh useful for the run yes uh given given that i'm kidding eneman and eneman require like the difference between sword types of enderman is actually pretty big i think i'm starting to really start to appreciate it personally i don't wanna oh god i should have kept the hay bale or two and then we're gonna break this and i'm gonna go that way because i think that's away from the world spawn no that's bad okay so we want to go that way instead yep this is the way we're going it's simple enough and let's see how it goes scoop up some water you could use the water to climb less but it's mostly fine so this is a plane spine now i like plane spines generally speaking okay hay bale nice i like plane spines i think they're not the worst thing in the world but um yeah and i'm going to go into the savannah even though it's like the opposite of the direction i want to be going i mean the the ocean is also the opposite direction i want to be going then we're going to pick up a uh a horse hope it's a fast horse there's no easy good way to tell really is there ah it's got it's got enough speed and let's put on a saddle and off we go we're leaving that baby horse about another again but you know sacrifices have to be made sacrifices have to be made um but yeah so now what we can do is we can look for i mean i kind of want to go to the village but i know i shouldn't i'm like oh but it's a village it's like no i'm gonna focus on lava so i guess we climb this mountain over here and we'd have a pretty good feel for where lava is we climbed it and because we've got a horse with a good jump it's not a hard mountain to climb oh i lied to you i lied to you okay we're mostly good horse parkour best part type of parkour honestly horse parker okay we're good so now we get a really good aerial view from here we can see where the nearest lava is uh we should be able to you know oh there we go perfect see and now the horsepower core is actually worthwhile because it saved me that whole journey down we're actually gonna let the horse take some damage and there we go okay so chat i promise you i've been working on my my water bucket technique so i don't ruin the lava every time as i have a knack for doing right now allow me to show you uh this at work right now so we place ourselves down oh god my one piece of wood i guess over here and then oh okay glad i was okay um let me place that down there we let this burn by itself see this is me being a forward thinker the wood burns by itself while i chop down another piece of wood because we're gonna run out see this is me doing two things at once hope you're really proud of me um and also i guess we're gonna need some uh some stone oh god oh lord didn't realize i'm gonna need some stone because um you know what whatever it's fine and then what we do is we stack up uh see look i learn i launch at one two three and then this way and then we make sure that whatever's down there gets destroyed in this case it's something now we okay i'm i'm so sure i know what i'm doing here now we place the water there right no yeah and now we can do is now i definitely placed it in the wrong block i was meant to place it over okay whatever we got close enough okay no we didn't no we didn't we did not get close enough so then we place okay that's where the water should have been actually oh long okay this time i messed up i i apologize so now we place the water here but we make sure that's not in place you know it's not as bad as it has been off all my for my portal mess-ups this was potentially the least right there we go i almost almost didn't mess that one up okay perfect so now we first okay chat i want i want everyone to say you're proud of me right that's that's what i need to say i need your encouragement let's not let's not be mean when i mess up let's be proud when i don't mess up that's that's called positive encouragement and it's well known that it works so now you can see the portal is going to light onto fire i really hope so at least and uh while it does that i'm gonna eat my bread i'm gonna make myself a sword i can make something else too if i want to but i'm not sure that i do um and oh god it didn't work did it okay so what we can do is we can place two more we can light those on fire like this okay and now what we do is that will light onto that yep there we go there's like one specific block that just works really well for that and i think we failed found it and i think we nailed it we're at nine minutes and a half which is great given that we have a horse and we have all the iron tools besides shovel man every time i think i'm not gonna make a shovel it's really stupid and then i end up in a soul sand valley chat next time someone encouraged me to craft a shovel if i have the spare iron don't think myself that's stupid think myself it might not be we're so proud of you you're amazing you know that's so nice of you actually maybe a second pickaxe will be better in the end anyway we'll see what we value so let's try and get some blocks as we go um what are we seeing around here oh fortress fortress and we gotta oh wait so crimson doesn't matter too much um anymore but if we want it to it does and we've got a fortress okay so we want to get over the fortress uh the best way over there is okay i don't have gold armor at all let's just ignore the piglets down there though let's mine some never act because we're gonna need to do some amount of bridging it looks like um so to get ourselves up we just make a little staircase for ourselves yep working very well for me oh yeah i like this a lot actually oh okay so this is a good run so far if we can find that warp forest because i still would prefer what forest to uh trading oh nevermind no no bridging required this is a really nice fortress placement i like this it's it's literally asking for me to go in it's like that little thing it's it's great i guess literally it's the wrong word although we use literally to mean figuratively now which means literally that noun basically means the opposite of what literally means but let's not focus on it too much okay i'm excited i'm excited uh looking perfect okay really not so okay so two skeletons i'm just gonna run past them i kind of want their bows okay what do i do about this what do i do i'm scared i'm scared and i'm running out of time to decide um what we do is we place a couple blocks there we eat a little and then we run past oh no there was two blazers there the whole don't do this to me how did i mess up a perfect fortress fawn and how how did i not sleep in a bed or anything it's fine you're not if i'd if i it's okay it was it was probably like you know i i knew like i was so stressed because i was like okay i know the way off this another way out this i'll jump over there and then i'll do something there and i was like okay you know it's probably fine not to okay just so uh before we go let's just um just so we can really hurt ourselves how far away was that stronghold um how far away was it oh the nearest stronghold was 3 000 blocks away so at least at least we can argue that it was it was doomed i mean it was like three thousand blocks isn't that far we had a horse if you travel four blocks a second let's say five with the horse um it would take 600 seconds 10 minutes jesus to walk there you know it was it was 10 minutes away from hell that's you hear about the duplication glitches the bundles already um when they're in snapshots they're not really glitches they're just like they are glitches don't get me wrong but it's like well obviously you just you just it's a snapshot like they're not released products so um yeah if they exist i'm not surprised to hear that they do but like they they they use the snapshots as a way to fix bugs before they release them so they don't like break everyone forever although it's java so you can you can you can uh on java like no one cares if you uh cheat anyway there's literally nothing stopping you you're cheating yourself only um on java which is fine to only cheat yourself um hey you're winning son i i might not be winning son i might have made a terrible mistake son okay so look around okay there's a village over there perfect i think you're allowed to look around as long as you don't um as long as you don't like move before you start the timer uh maybe i should be taking advantage of that more how do you have 450 something worlds you better believe by the end of this i'll be uh a lot more than 450 but i digress so four bits of wood i didn't actually need to chop down a tree because i'm going for a village ah you know it's fine we'll take it anyway there's sugar cane here i always want sugarcane in all speed runs it actually used to be valuable let's call it a learning experience exactly i learned what not to do when i plan it like that specific situation is now slightly less likely in future i am still proud of you son hey thank you so much i am glad you're enjoying the stream i'm assuming you're enjoying the stream you're here so you're enjoying it or you're supporting it anyway and isn't that just as nice i'm not sure that it is but uh like i've always wondered like you're not is it supportive to support something that your friend does even if you have no interest in it you know because on the one hand it's like yeah that's support if you're like showing support for your friend i hate this glitch with the blocks by the way it is it's costing me a full second and a half every now and then it's a very small amount to lose in the grand scheme of things but it doesn't mean i want to do it you know so we're going to make ourselves a stone x uh because i've got axe to grind with this concept then we're going to chop down some wood while we're here go poke the golem a couple times uh oh we need to get like oh okay we're gonna go this way oh we're gonna go this way apparently and then we're gonna go you're getting critical is uh not worth the time i think i think it's better just to like continuously maybe if we could like time that perfectly there might be some there might be some uh genuine use that i'm missing in doing that so i'm gonna make a sword next because you know what a sword sounds good pickaxe sounds better we can we'll get a pickaxe if we find another village a sword for now gives me a real work advantage i'm really hoping there's food in this village by the way i guess we could always raid some chests like you know let's let's do that instead maybe also very very much possible wcrb world world content record book i'm not sure what your name is meant to be but you're not i don't need to know what you mean to know what you mean you know i don't need to know that you're mean to know that you're mean no i don't need to know what you mean to know that you're mean that's what i was trying to go for i mean it's my words as much shovel you're not okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna make we're gonna make a shovel if we get four from the next stein golem if we if we find another village before we find oh we want to go this way not that way which is probably better anyway and that's if we get four from another village which is only if we which is something we're only doing if we um we're only going for another village if we don't find lava around here and we're praying for lava or even a uh ruined portal room portals are actually like slightly worse than lava because like there's more unreliability to them but you know that's just that's just me caring about that okay so we got ourselves some pig food as a backup because again food is actually a a real concern at this point if we do find a room portal uh that's gonna be a serious gap in the knowledge make a stone shovel i'm not making a stone shovel it's only like it's like you know i i think i think it's good to use a shovel over nothing but i think going from the f of making a stone shovel i guess it takes like what a second to mine the stone for it and then another second to craft you know maybe i value those seconds chat you ever consider that yeah i bet you didn't consider that did you actually you know in a live stream i thought sorry in a speed run you're allowed to value every second if you say that if you say that normally like that's that's how i actually am in real life like if you're like oh i just need to take five minutes of your time it's like you want five minutes of my time you want five minutes off my time i'm i'm awake for 15 hours today hopefully and you want you want five of those minutes for and you're not gonna explain why you just you just want them you're like oh yeah it won't take it won't take long just five minutes it's like how little do you think i value my time if i'm i'm just gonna throw these away like you know it's like i i know like it's it's human psychology to not value small things very often but if you don't value small things you don't know your big things it's like if uh you know like it's simple logic that like most people don't care about their change and that's why if someone asks you for money they usually ask you for change you know i was like oh it's just yeah it's just the it's just the garbage you get back when you spend money it's like you know money is fungible is that the right like 10 10 p is always worth one tenth off one one pound or ten cents is worth one tenth of a dollar there's no there's no huge controversy to it i don't believe at least i think this i think this run might be dead by the way i've seen nothing this way uh i see i see nothing if uh off note or interest hello toy cat oh wait sorry hello the spoon you didn't say hello to me but i'll say hello to you i'm glad you're a spoon i would like to spoon wait i would like to see better names hey hello floating one two three how are you doing today thank you for coming along to the live stream i hope you're having a great morning unless it's not morning in which case you're not i hope that you don't get an automobile crash today i really i really do you know i i don't say that about many people you know what chat can confirm most people in chat i have not wished they won't get a car crash you know it's interesting that i'm not watching that on youtube isn't it i wonder why that is and uh i wonder why i'm not explicitly wishing that maybe that's me calling you out chat no i i like most chat most of you shouldn't get in car crashes tomorrow but i don't want to like say a blanket statement that none of you should because like you know that'd be lying i don't wanna i value our relationship enough not to lie lie to you and uh that's why i won't tell you not to get a car crash so um are you british or america american no wait that was i was russian you see i am i'm from america cat and dog they're very big in america that's my i'm russian now apparently i can't say russia and a russian accent not like russia and from soviet russia you know like it's hard um you know these are things most people don't consider but you know maybe they should be considering them maybe that's the struggle see i don't like the seat too much i don't have any thing tying me to it unless i find a village soon but our food has run out um and it's not so great can you say fun facts about france please fun facts about france oh wait you mean you want me to say fun facts about france you don't need to say fun facts about france so um fun fact about france number one is that village over there i feel like it is oh i do see it's a village okay so we need some food to get me over there i'm gonna eat some pork chops i hate that i have to do it but uh tricky times called the tricky measures is that how the phrase goes this is the good luck on the run after next no promises on the next two runs thus as a chunky monkey you know just a spike chunky monkey let's do this let's make this work okay let's go is that lava for that no it's not is it no it's not should i check closer no it's not you can see when it's lava a little bit closer than that so yeah we're gonna dig down below this next village again we're gonna we're gonna take these one intense and we're gonna see how it works um but yeah thank you very much chunky monkey i appreciate the good luck on the next run but also i'm gonna make sure that i do good in the next round honestly the next run is gonna be the one the next run gonna be the one like i i know every time you do these one in ten chances i should be believing in my heart of hearts that's gonna work well i just i just don't i want to i just i'm i don't do you feel me internet uh it's a very common feeling i have to imagine okay so if we do get to an air portal we can use some of the cobblestone we mine to cook up some some cow so there is that we do have something going for us um okay i should stop sprinting jumping but i just can't bring myself to do it and also it's an abandoned village uh okay what do we do about abandoned village we ignore it perfect sounds good to me i'm gonna make a stone shovel actually it's hard to find just normal cobblestone in these things we're gonna make a stun shovel because it helps move the journey down okay let's go oh i have two crafting tables now you know i want two crafting tables you ever consider that maybe that's maybe that's not a mistake maybe it's actually perfection okay now we mine down from the crafting table you know it'd be nice to end up in some lava that'd be like a constellation prize right like i didn't end up where i wanted to but worst case let's find some lava actually that's oh there's bread in the village oh yeah i should have gotten the food ah you're not the run's probably over please don't find a stronghold now or i'll feel bad about that mistake if i do if if if the run is over right now and i don't find the stronghold again one in ten chance is it over here actually oh oh oh maybe it is maybe it is no it's just it's just a ravine a single bit of lava not enough to make a portal from single bit of lava not enough to make a portal from i'm gonna eat some chicken now yeah we don't have enough food anyway you know rum was doomed when i was dumb enough to not focus on that because i was too busy thinking about how the rum was gonna oh okay it's happening chat let's go let's go we're gonna at least check for never there's uh always another way to make this work okay so we need to find ourselves uh we're gonna mine through here make ourselves say uh what's the word for it a furnace oh god there's diamonds here so we you know it's what i've gone for the diamonds uh you know but later later we'll do that in a little bit uh what we're gonna do with now is we're gonna make a furnace we're gonna throw the beef in there alongside some wood for now um then what we're gonna do is we're gonna make this portal it's kind of hard to do but we're gonna try our best anyway uh so this let's just fill this block in for now as well as this block then let's place a thing there and then let's place a thing there then what we do is we stack up except actually we might not need to in this case we'd usually stack up there and place it off the side of this block we don't really need to right here instead what we can do is we can place a block there we can mine a thing oh wait we want to place it there except like that oh this is actually helping me today perfect hey i didn't mess it up for once um and we can go to the never i am you would never believe the things that i've seen uh did i make an air portal today and did i do it fast vaguely is the answer to both those questions uh please throw that in there get this out uh it's not perfect okay wait we're gonna lava the portal up for now i guess okay give me some lava game there we go there's another oh wait it's oh yeah it's in the correct place okay the fire has been started the fire has been started i'm gonna place another one on the other side just so we can be sure oh come on game i've only got so much wood i've only got so much wood to burn you can't do this to me forever oh come on oh lord um everything's gonna be fine everything will be okay if we just believe um woodward woodwood woodward i'm proud thank you mother russia you're not see if mother russia can be proud of me then all of you capitalist pigs can be too am i missing a block on this i'm not so we are literally just waiting for that to go let's find some iron in the meantime just in case this does work there's gonna be some iron in this cave somewhere come on i've got two more bits of wood i really cannot afford for this to uh what's going so wrong with the portal i really want to know uh oh this would oh my god chat this is the luckiest like i a lot of chat was saying mineshaft and i was like you're not gonna go for the one in whatever chance it is okay you know what we have wood and also we got iron heck yeah um this was this is a very you know i shouldn't be i shouldn't be rewarded like the game is rewarding me right now i don't i don't like that i am being rewarded in such a way but you better believe i am and oh i guess i'm not being rewarded in terms of the this situation okay please please internet i mean okay let's throw the iron in there scoop that up throw the coal in there oh is it going hey it's lit it's lit and i don't mean in the way you think they do should we get some food from the mine shaft no that's not father should we wait for that to go let's not actually wait let's see how many diamonds this is if it's two for a sword that actually is a huge difference to me oh is it one is this is this okay oh and i'm a fire i'm on fire i'm on fire not for long enough though um oh god is it one diamond i can make a diamond shovel ah it's one diamond i'm not bothering with that because you're not might as well use the time value actually i probably want the iron big axe in the never anyway but mining uh let's not think about it too hard okay so now we just mine upwards um it should be easy enough to do uh there's a non-zero chance we're deep below a um lava area like that uh so what we do is we mine the other way i see there's lara above the ceiling here but just in case we're not oh we're not we're not okay it's over there it's over now i think lava is at layer 32 in the never yep okay so this is this is a this is a structure of some form okay so i don't know why i'm mining so high in this guy okay we definitely need to go back and get that pickaxe by the way um like we need to it's as simple as that there's no other way out for this um okay oh lord okay is it gonna chase me okay please don't chase me okay we're good so now we mind this way again just in case that's what made the difference if there's lava this hype i wonder what it's doing um we're 14 minutes so it's not great timing but to have everything we've got it's not a bad getting out this this hole is going to be real rough for me too actually but actually we've got the blocks as long as we can find oh we're definitely getting somewhere yeah this is gonna break though let's let's just accept oh okay should we go back to the end pick x i think we should okay so let's mine some blocks as we go because you know why not it's too it's too too slow to my blocks okay and now we go back we're just gonna grab the iron pickaxe you get the single diamond because you know there's a tiny chance that gives me something like if i find one diamond in the fortress now i've got diamond sword the extra one damage genuinely makes a big difference in my opinion oh okay this is nice this is what i'm here for uh make myself that iron pickaxe usually i pick axe to mine the one diamond except oh gotta be careful about this one huh and uh maybe we find something around the area it's kind of sad to find one diamond right there's just something about that that is depressing oh we can mine the the girl no we're not gonna be able to get it in time we'll take it we'll keep it with us though and we can always make a thing in the nether for it okay uh shovel is more important you know diamond shovel it is i'm hearing you saying it and i'm taking it was that worth it who knows for sure make a diamond spoon i should make a difference you're right in snap okay i 16 21 uh check i need you to remember the coordinates both of i guess my portal is not important well i want you to remember the coordinates of this entrance to the cave so someone in you know actually see this this is this is the thing that i like chat for these quants right here 2254 53 and then 95 or whatever it was uh okay so this cave goes nowhere it seems always useful for mine for it anyway okay so lots of never gold ore potentially you know actually we're not gonna we need to find a fortress or this this run should just be dead i just want to know where any of this leads you know that's the that's the problem with all of this we're gonna take another bit just because we're going fast anyway um run through the thing run through the thing okay there's a zombie pigman here it tells me nothing about it but i guess we're in a crimson forest we can tell that because of the the red particles so given that this way is going upwards i have to imagine it will lead me out not because i have good logic telling me about that just because it feels correct oh lord i am this is gonna be the messiest never to try and return to did i come from here already is this uh yeah i came from here so new pathway let's let's block this off oh that's but yeah i can see that i guess we're just gonna lock that off make my life simple um and then we're gonna go down to the left and then to the right and then oh god i'm even if this does end up somewhere which it eventually does i mean somewhere might be a dead end honestly so start mining this way just because there's some gold all for me here and we might as well mine through the gold all right oh a secret pathway glad i mined for the gold ore and then we might oh this is the end i'm not i felt it was the end also we don't have food you know no food no clear pathway out we just oh we're in a um we're in a soul sand valley now so there's a bomb directly above us so we just mine up to it that's all we have to do you could be yourself out with a bucket you know i should have put myself out of the lava using my lav bucket i am very embarrassing okay so we're gonna use our shovel look how handy this thing is and pray there's no lava oh there's not perfect oh i'm not gonna be able to get my way back down i guess i'll just dig straight down to do it okay so we're in oh it's a cave okay no it's like an edge of a cave okay so we've got plenty of nebraska what's the good news uh we don't have a sign of a fortress that's the bad news uh also i'm on fire i would also consider that some bad news don't know why i didn't take full damage there i think it was like the fire damage had just hit me on the right tick so that i couldn't take damage from the uh full very pleased of that um and yeah food is gonna be essential uh honestly we're gonna we're not gonna search as long for a fortress as we want a normal seed because my conditions aren't ideal sure i have an iron pickaxe and one diamond and free gold ore but oh fortress oh and it's a it's got the thing the biome that my my brain isn't able to tell you about right now it's got that one it's got the one okay so we're going to be very careful to bridge across this lava as you all know i am capable of being all the time why does it keep doing that oh i guess it's it's one deep lava huh interesting uh so that way i'm not bridging in front of me i'm placing a block onto it um so getting up here is gonna be hard i guess uh or is it yes it will be actually uh so we're just gonna do is stack ourselves up but using we're like we'll stack our stops up free and then move one and then stack three and then move one and that way if we wanna get down using it it's easier it's a little bit more effort but it uses a few more blocks but i think it's a worthwhile trade and now we can get a little staircase oh god get the wood and stack up all the planks uh i wonder if that'd be more worthwhile on this uh in the end uh so yeah we have to be very very cautious if okay single plays hide behind the zombie pigman doesn't matter oh god really doesn't matter also please please stop this yeah we're gonna die we got the stronghold we needed and because we didn't get the food from the village because i just assumed it was too much of a long shot it didn't work please come back to me okay that blaze is dead with me blaze is dead as far as i'm concerned ruined portal over there see i'm pickaxe seeming real useful now huh so what we do is we place some nerve wrack that way how much do we have we have just a five more after this stack so he's probably more uh careful with it honestly okay so two two blocks are fine plus a chest chest contains oh yes please free obsidian don't think i'll require it but just in case um and yeah let's let's make full use of this gold between this gold and the ingots we have there's something happening oh we could use this as a portal back the overworld if we got free yeah we got three so later we're gonna come back here i should have placed them already i should have oh saved it for whenever i did want to but i've you know i like committing myself to things that i don't need to commit myself to you know just ask my i don't know be funny if i say it you know ask my dog there we go it's gonna make her make a disparaging joke but you know what see i didn't do it i only disparaged animals uh as life should be okay boom let's do this okay this area has loot in it but loot is not blazers are way more important than loot right now i have only so much food i like so much i mean i have one chicken and i don't know how i got hit right there but i totally should not have uh i've got the one cooked chicken and i'm gonna need a lot more than one uh where am i gonna get food from red mushrooms i don't like having to use mushrooms too i really do not but such is the thing you must do no i've got the blaze up that's what matters so we're gonna mine some of this never fortress actually we're gonna go mine the gold ore over there and then we're gonna i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna mine the gold ore do a little bit of piglet trading in a little bit oh please don't get me gasped please don't try and shoot me then we come back here we might fall out a little more just makes the whole fight a little bit easier um and then i'm guessing we you know should we go for the blaze thing over there hey thank you maxius jensen it's good to see you also thank you uh gaming goat for coming remember i feel like i missed it but i love the memberships i i i'm sad i missed pigset which is the best part you might think it's all the other things that i actively tell people about all the time i know it's pig step yeah i'm gonna die uh food is required i have no food planned right now uh should i have a food plan or should my food plan be no plan what if the best defense is a good offense and therefore the best food plan is to not eat food you know that's my new food plan okay red mushrooms oh okay room portal nice i could have just walked from there straight up here i wish i'd realized um okay no i'm dead i'm dead okay it's fine it's fine so we can we need to go up there grab this one brown mushroom which apparently exists and grab some red mushrooms from up there too uh or we can worst case scenario uh very worst case scenario we can we can uh find some hot clams we've got a lava bucket we can turn them into something uh also this crimson that what forest seems to be that oh god oh god that what forest seems to just be the one block okay brown mushrooms again red mushrooms so i need more than one the one mushroom allows me to sprint which is nice don't get me wrong but i do need more than that i'm gonna survive red mushrooms there aren't crimson ones or a hogland okay so there is a giant what's the biome called over there the blue one uh that my brain can't remember the name of on the spot i like it always not i always know it if like you give me 10 seconds and i wasn't in the middle of almost dying i could get it instantly but like getting names on the fly i'm like blue forest red forest never fortress never thought every structure is another fortress well i'm speed running like oh let's go for the or a stronghold never fortunate that's all i know the name of so yeah there's um there's no more red mushrooms around here which is a concern uh there's lots of brown mushrooms around here i wonder why that okay red mushrooms no red mushrooms red mushrooms no red mushrooms what forest yes brett what forest okay we're 25 minutes i'm feeling actually pretty good about this uh besides food which is seriously concerning uh my god there's so many brown mushrooms i don't need any more uh besides food butchers oh and we don't have a crafting table so we have to find the fog we have to go back to the forest chop down a tree good thing i got an axe a um and okay there's a there's a single hulk then that's that and my we'll do it sure okay i can't really get hit by the hawklin that's how many pork chops that determines a lot about this run okay perfect it gets me going at least for now uh no red mushrooms i would like another hogland to feel safe but i just feel so dumb wasting any time in this far in this place if i don't need to i guess i guess the key key word there was don't need to um damn it oh and i got hit by the lava please don't do that to me don't go breaking my heart it really does okay so that's bad fire is not good for a portal for a spawner generally speaking uh now we're gonna try and make that bowl of soup um just while we're here anyway you know we're gonna just give it a little little whirl see how well that goes for me make a bowl and then make a mushroom soup just to clarify that's how much mushroom soup we can we can afford to make a mushroom soup okay then what we do is we head back up and over you know that's already an efficient way up and over let's work on the on the staircase now let's uh let's get the blocks for it made maybe we should really not be using blocks so liberally huh okay hide behind this wait for him to go down oh okay right okay that makes that make sense as to why that happened okay four blaze rods um that's okay i got one cooked pork chop left um should we go for those blazers down there no oh wait brown mushrooms no that's not the ones i need damn it why is it brown mushrooms everywhere okay let's get this place here if we can hey okay so six we'll roll the dice on six i don't see why we shouldn't besides all the reasons why we shouldn't we'll find one on the way back you know okay no we won't yeah that's why we shouldn't have left that to a chance um okay and now we're gonna mine into this thing okay yep nice big gasp love to see a big cast a chunky monkey if you will grab some of all of this i should have turned these into ingots while i had the opportunity but i didn't and now i regret that okay boom now there's the crimson warp forest over here from some water forest as we all know it is called uh it's kind of awkward how it's actually not on this side we have to go around to get to the other side of the biome like there is zero enderman so far uh just to remind oh i should have done the trading first actually uh life here calling it gas the chunky monkey i mean think about it what is a ghast if not chunky and also a monkey uh monkey in the british sense where you call everyone a monkey you know oh god we we have no healing oh and as it turns out lots of enemies i need to stop poking it okay we've got another pearl just one for now oh i'm looking at you wouldn't it be great if you came over here and did something about it yeah it would be great wouldn't it please teleport okay please please over here see what i mean when you're in the end you don't even have to look at them when you're in the nether okay you know i'll say i'll take this then i'll take this if that's if that's the alternative i guess that's the alternative huh um so uh don't get ahead of yourself slow and steady slow and steady wins the race but you know what really wins the race doping techniques so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start illegally doping myself before these strings oh okay oh there's another one down there okay let's look at that enderman get him up here seems dangerous to do while you're on a uh on a such a precarious position but not such as life sometimes and then look at this enemy over here let's go let's do it yeah you wanna fight i bet you wanna fight um what we need to do is we need to like i guess there's a worry that they could teleport down there now that's probably a fair worry too where's the enemy where are you at also food i need it badly um what i do about the food situation also let's do some trading and some killing at the same time there's a perfect overlap over here i didn't spot before i should have tried to fall on some fines or something oh yeah in that time too anyway i've got do i have any vines i don't have any fines i guess we've got an enderman over here there's actually no i thought it was a perfect overlap what i wanted to do it's actually not so we do is we we have to mine our whole first just because of how low and healthy we are and we go looking at the enemy and then we run into a halt i need to point over there somewhere make sure he can see the way to us trade and get food yeah i'm gonna go trade and get okay what is wrong with you man okay that's what's wrong with you okay two ender piles gone so that's nice that's a start that's a great start i would even say now we're gonna go up to there we can make a little staircase for ourselves a little staircase that could oh god okay i whenever like i'm doing something i'm like wait isn't that meant to be working i'm like okay am i messing up or is it bedrock and you sometimes you don't know but i need to get more on the habit of just being like it's me it's me even if it's not you thinking it's you will allow like to do more about the problem maybe it won't matter that's just blaming um i wish zero deaths and a new personal best upon your future i mean it's happening today for sure right i mean it didn't happen didn't happen yesterday because we were like messing up the portal finger punch didn't happen the day before because bad luck on the default axe was my first day but you're not today it's happening there's just no way it doesn't and we need to stop sprinting probably okay so yeah we're out food entirely i don't see any more red mushrooms yet i'm gonna go trade and i'm gonna get so i wanted to end the run actually i was like you know this this is 32 minutes was not a viable time to not have my enterprise together that's what i wanted so i'm glad oh you know the game really helped me out with that one i didn't i didn't panic switch to the to the block fast enough that's why i keep the hay bales in the hot pot usually i was i looked for them on the way down i was like they're not there it's not happening it's it's gg um so let's go let's go again 32 minutes is fun but you know what's more fun 35 minutes yeah these words make sense when i say them i swear they do do do do do i can see nothing right now let's go okay is that lava at spawn that's lava at spawn okay so on these seats i always make the mistake uh the pretty crucial mistake of focusing on uh of not getting food food in the nether is possible but it's a very short supply and if you're going on a mining campaign or a killing campaign things can be rough you know uh the donation caster you know let's all blame michelle oba okay you know why you be doing that michelle this is all your fault michelle if that's even your real name michelle i have no reason to believe it isn't i'm just you know that's like that's how you let's say you just cast down people you just say unnecessary things like that uh so yeah we're gonna find a cave around here does anyone see one i'm not seeing i'm not seeing a good sign at one if i'm being entirely honest oh my coordinates aren't on by the way that's a big that's a big problem uh do we keep the seed about the coordinates yeah we do we keep the seeds without coordinates um so yeah that lava is perfect is this another lava no there's just stone there's no caves though i need a cave to find iron you don't need a cave to find out i would like a cave because it's the fastest way that i believe i can find myself some iron oh lord why is that why is there nothing for me here hey let's go down here duh i uh okay you know i uh don't know i just read that okay let's go kill another pig i don't like this at all i don't like the lack of any cave am i am i why is it all water lakes and lava lakes i guess that's the that's the that's the rub of this seed look at this there's there's no sign of a cave yet i'm getting the food that i need though at least but where where's the where's the cave that i need oh game game please please game stop taunting me game uh okay is this workable like without i guess i just dig down and i hope for good things and then since okay you're not okay we're gonna head back to spawn although i have to do that based on feeling not coordinates uh what happened with the last stream says uh chf2 what do you mean what happened with it do you want to recap or are you like where did it go um you know like what's the there's two ways you can mean that uh and i'm not sure how to answer it can't make a cave update about caves you know this is why minecraft needs a cave update where are all the caves where are they all if you can't answer that question honestly maybe you're not an honest person so yeah we're gonna just go straight back to spawn without coordinates that's actually a mess too i honestly i track my positions so much using coordinates that i don't know what i'm gonna do thank you wolves okay this is spawn we're at spawn and we're gonna dig straight down oh no the cave was just on the other side of spawn it was a perfect okay there's no line in the cave so we're gonna start digging anyway it's fine okay we have dig four cause i messed up and dug it into a hole that's fine make a stone pickaxe that's great one two three four five six seven and then we'll go for that top block up here um make place down the furnace cook up that food asap i just throw one of those in there plus the pickaxe and then come on game i need the iron to go to the place you know the place you can do this to me game all you like uh should i shouldn't even be mining down i shouldn't even be mining down i should be mining to the left and to the right also let's let's go ahead and let's throw in the uh the rest of the wood i was gonna not do it but you know what's the point and not okay this is good enough to start with at least game no why are you like this minecraft no coal no iron uh just pain no coal no iron just pain so uh the good news is we can spend like five minutes looking and it's still not a tragically bad time it's just this could have been like a perfect never entry at spawn um i think should we look for another cave once you commit this much to a cave you don't want to look for another one oh it was just behind a block okay so now what we do is make a second furnace um just over here we need some wood for this second furnace jesus uh let's make sure we have some of that okay throw that in there throw that in there and then at the same time as mining for the third fourth fifth oh god what am i doing with five iron it's a very good question uh we mined those in there and then we needed to keep at least two of those wood oh no gotta make sure i get it so i can make a stone axe and i'm gonna use uh the i have to basically use the wood for fuel so we're gonna get that going like asap go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go make myself a bucket uh get myself some pork chop don't need to worry about that now and okay we're good to go we need some more wood for the furniture for the water bucket technique thing otherwise everything's fine so we have to dig a couple blocks down here one two three four i declare a thumb war five six seven eight guess who's gonna get you know i feel like that's mean i said a word actually chat how does that uh how does that rhyme go for you i'd love to know your localized versions place the thing over here and then we want to make sure there's like a block down there that's solid then what we do is we scoop it up we place it over there it's fine and it goes everywhere then we can place hey thank you very much uh moo here is a uh here is a something okay we got it this time we have to place it oh god like a thing over here and then place that there and then like that over there then we place it and then are we good oh we placed in the wrong block that's what we that's all we need to do we place on that one not this one that's the that's the big mistake we gotta learn from um one two also um favorite game minecraft streamer i wish i had a favorite game minecraft streamer it's pretty offensive that i don't have one right you know what's up toy cat are you a bigot don't like gay minecraft streamers you don't want to succeed in this in this straight dominated world i you know that's that's what it is clearly it's the only it's the only way um i uh i don't actually yeah i uh i know i know one minecraft youtuber who's gay um and he was like never very open about it until he was i guess i didn't know it was gay and please he said it but you know how like you know let's not think about it let's not let's not dig this hole any deeper than it needs to be huh so we're gonna do is we're gonna kill this pig i'm gonna pick up those two iron and just make a sword i guess but i'd have a sword and no sword uh is some good logic to have i should've just broken it to get the stuff back then what we'll do is we craft the sword a thing do i want to shovel i don't want to shovel particularly bad and uh yeah we're good to go not a terrible never entry all things considered actually not terrible never entry awfully all things considered terrible let's let's rephrase that uh my inventory management is also garbage as always what's changed am i right so uh throw that over there we're good to go i should probably keep the lava bucket out actually get the oh wait no oh okay everything's fine so i don't have an iron pickaxe but only one for gold or actually i'm gonna mine a little bit just while we get unslaughted and we're gonna quickly just peek all the way that way that we can just in case there's a sign of another fortress we're gonna go this way and do the same because we can mine some blocks just watching your second you've been watching your second channel for those four am commutes to work you deserve the ibx toycat on your second channel treat yourself the reason i'm not is because uh my actual like online tag thing you know gamertag is what people call it because of xbox but like my online like alias maybe as the is the word that's correct here has always been toy cat i only use ibx toy cat on youtube because toy cat was taken by some weird uh like korean thing they never uploaded they just registered the account in like 2006 or something um and so eventually when i became a big enough thing they deleted the account and made youtube.com redirect to me except i'd done too much branding at that point as ibx toycat but like the ibx is such a garbage thing to have a name okay so we've got ourselves a what that is good news okay so we need to get down here perfect works me um using half slabs are more efficient than cult one wood equals 12 slabs these random seed speed runs my favorite yeah i like random speed i like random seed a lot more than i like um set seed at the moment like um so let's see there is a certain glory too but like after so long you're gonna be like please let me stop is that no it's not um after some amount of time you're just gonna be like please stop stop stop of the pain but um yeah it's catchy somehow i think it just like it's catchy in the sense that it's like ibx toy cats here to give you your five minecraft that was very close to being very dangerous um ibx toy cat you better believe that he won't be a rat when he goes to prison inevitably um i don't know why i say that never i uh i do think that you know one of my one of my biggest fears it's kind of crazy that society be this way it's always been present like i always have the kind of mindset like you know 10 years in prison nah shoot me please like i think i have like i guess this is probably like a negative sign but i've always had like super low standards for like if so you know if someone's like oh yeah would you rather you know like be blind deaf be blind and deaf or like die and it's like of course die if it's like be blind or deaf you know maybe i could live with being deaf pretty easily because i i use subtitles anyway i don't want to hear people's voices regardless actually i like accents too much to like i i i'm like a big accent into um but uh oh god but like i've got like really low standards i'm like you know if i lose too many fingers i can't play console games anymore like i guess if i lost my pinky or my left finger i'd be like ah i guess that's fine anything else though it's like uh i'm mostly fine so um i uh i also think that if like that's why like prison you know like people always have this debate about like oh should we have the death sentence and like on a on an ethical level like should we force on people who don't want to have the death sentence on them of course the answer to me has always been no but it's like i think i think if you're offering me like a lifetime in a place but no no freedom to make my own decisions or you know just a quick little bullet uh you know it's like of course i take the uh even uh even a moderately painful death i guess at the time i would say no but like you know before that time you know until it's actually hacked happening oh without coordinates we're boned by the way without coordinates we are so burned see we can keep going this direction honestly okay we're at 12 minutes it's not going so bad for us uh but kind of is going bad for us so we're gonna try and curve out the left over here and see if that gives me some better results i do have a furnace so i don't need to unlike this it probably would be better to do so anyway actually uh i don't really have any gold reserves so we're gonna have to come back to this walk forest for the enterprise later it's just i'm i'm getting semi-confident now that we're gonna drop the seed because uh fortress complications is sad but like kind of expected at some point you know okay we're gonna try and follow anyway we want to follow for a seed as much as we can if we need to or if we can okay so this little corner i think is gonna be a dead end for me actually wait wait wait there's a little little hidey hole that's definitely a dead end so we're gonna go back towards the area we came from roughly i'm gonna get destroyed all i have to do is stack up and now they can only hit me with their arrows okay and it turns out the arrows are enough to kill me i should not have you know i thought like you know if i'm being hit yet i'm probably not ever gonna get hit as it turns out that was faulty logic very faulty logic um okay so let's get some never oh my god they followed me down oh how am i messing this up so bad okay i'm messing up real real okay we're fine i'm i'm good i'm out there okay as long as there's no more piglets which i shouldn't say at this point in the run really should i you know about coordinates i don't think i'm going to be able to get back like that corner off thing is such a tiny thing that screws me so bad because i have no sense of direction i have no sense of like you know like how far away away from a portal could be close could be far don't have a feel for it right now yeah we don't find a fortress by the time this oh pathway runs out i'm gonna need that brown that red mushroom right there oh just run backwards a little bit and then run forwards [Music] okay perfect didn't want the round anyway um you need more gold armor hide and play stanford craft be able to make it i know i should do that with a little bit of gold that i find at first but i always just think like can i just trade it instead but yeah a little bit of gold armor like would be it would go a long way i think okay we got this we're going right back in 56. are turned on this time no more no more mistakes like that but yeah thank you very much mr just the tip i am i'm glad you enjoyed the channel on your 4 am commute okay i had the wrong window open but we're fine we're going to chop down from this tree to get myself down alive oh god i'm not going to get down alive i'm not going to get this is going to make me fall into nothing this is not oh no it's fine okay so we get our wood over here is this the right way or is that the right way oh it was that oh god okay it's fine i took one and a half parts i could have taken more there's a cave on the left there we're gonna need some iron for this right actually not now we need so much uh obsidian to make that work that we're not gonna find in a chest because it's such a large portal that it's uh you know we'll see bring lava to kill selfish it'll help because i'm an idiot and punch one by mistake oh yeah the punching a selfish and the stronghold is a even with an iron sword you need a critical hit you need diamond sword or you need well you need iron maybe stone with critical would work too but you want to you want to be very very very sure of what you're doing uh when you're over there one obsidian okay so the arm is great the iron is great and the bell is you know i'll take the fire charge it'll save me a few seconds later um there's a village over there also we're very far away from spawn which could really work out in our favor or really not we're kind of we're kind of high rolling on that one i hope we high roll no we're kind of like not high rolling we're we're rolling more dice we're rolling some dice i guess we're always rolling dice in minecraft but we're especially rolling dice today so we should have to get to the village without running out of hunger so i'm gonna literally try not to sprint jump that's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine a bell really everyone make sure to hit that bell i should have kept the bell just so i can make that joke um you know i missed it all now what's the point okay so now because we're just going forwards okay i need to kill these pigs i don't need to actually i choose to okay everything's good ten pork chops is a really good some it means even if we don't find food in this village we'll be going oh my water okay i can't deal with it i'm speeding okay wait wait i can deal with it switch finger switch finger oh no my water there's so much water on the ground but at least i got some in my mouth okay we're not when i'm gonna lose the speed run for that i'm gonna do that later i'm gonna have some very wet carpet by the time i do um but that's okay we're gonna throw this in there alongside some of this in a second oh lord we need to pray okay gold is nice two apples is nice okay [Music] uh should we go for an x first or should we go for uh no we're going for a pickaxe first because we have to then mine three more regardless go for the stomach x and then go for one oh god why that glitch is so frustrating so beyond frustrating i might even say um and then use the x actually we should be throwing this in there in the meantime now we got five in there chop down some wood and we are good okay nice boom uh throw in like a few more of those can't do that right now actually so i guess we just mix that up for that and i got myself some food keep myself going i guess also i've got like three bits of armor i like that i like that a okay lot let the pigs out immediately kill them after they get their freedom make them regret that freedom uh i am seriously sad for the lack of pay bills in this village but at least i did well enough to mitigate that need so where's the iron golem that's the next question i have to ask myself uh gollum gollum where is the golem there is i mean the gum's always somewhere right we've yet to find a runway that gets in he feels it feels like he's trapped in there nope that's not true okay yeah i was gonna i was gonna try something i shouldn't have if you get just the right gap on the golem oh oh wait i gotta like unsync the jumps and there we go there we go there's my criticals ah that's not worth it i'd rather just like spam hit him okay boom so we really need the food right i didn't see any i just saw like a villager's hat but that's not in fact okay make all of that into planks from the extra four into there uh we got ourselves a bucket and a sword if we want one actually uh do i want a sword i guess i'm going for a sword yeah we can always get the pickaxe that we go for everything later then what we do is we take that out of there which can take the whole furnace with us actually take the whole furnace and then we're gonna go run somewhere else okay do we need anything else where we go we need some water i would say and we also need to just scoop up the inventory deal with it a little bit better uh let's put the bed down there so i know to place it before i go into the never or something just in case it's a really good time by the time we're in there okay boom so do i go for the pillager tower chat pillage towel should i go or not usually the answer is no but in the case of like maybe there's a golem maybe we want the arrows hey there's a village over there you know we'll go for it most of chat is saying no smartly so some people in chat saying yes and you know what this is idiocracy we live by you better believe we're going in anyway oh we found a little cross on the ground that's nice isn't it so we got our waters we don't need this little thing okay let's peek it let's peek it up from the side there's hay bales okay you know there's hay bales worst case we're getting six pieces of bread actually that's a pretty worst case best case we're getting ah let's rate it screw it we got we got armor too oh there is nine golem no it's not gone cage iron golem not included okay so what we're going to do is we're going to place this down and while we wait for this to go we're going to kill the the fellas is there one in that one there's not i hate the way they move so fast with their their arrows so it's going to go in uh the amount of stuff that we want or need from them is depressingly small honestly we're going to start a pillager raid when we go into a thing now which is not what we actually want i want to be very clear here uh not a good thing okay no it's fine it's fine no see how are things going i tried to watch your videos recorded in america but the echoey audio just drove me nutty glad to see you back in the uk see i i knew it chat see we have proof i like i i i like the people being supportive from being like oh yeah it's fine the audio basically isn't noticeable but like i knew that secretly people were thinking stuff like that also thank you it's good to see you megan smith how are you doing today i'm doing okay yeah that was pointless we didn't get the arrows we've got five of them i should have blocked the staircase so they wouldn't follow me up that was the that was mistake number one uh desert temple gold is good are other things good ah we'll go for it again kind of silly uh given the lack of lava we're in desert i i have a really good feeling about finding lava and deserts for no valid reason other than they're flat i guess you'd see it more often yeah let's go on let's go in let's do it okay we need to eat this i should i should have been that earlier but it's fine so it's going to mine our way straight in via here oh i totally mind the wrong block by accident it's fine uh do that place the water unplace the water fall in with the water and we're good i am pretty sure the thing didn't detonate but you never know four iron and a saddle heck yeah useful for later i would say uh an extra that also we're gonna take the sand as a way to get out of here yeah do i want the tnt i always think i want tnt but i'm never gonna actually use it right okay four sandstone and graham let's go okay that was good that was great 1.17 beta speed run as soon as like caves changed significantly that would be good that'd be really good so alex acts on a costume asks the question which uh it's it's fine you know you need to speed running so it's good uh but like why play on easy and the reason is because uh for world records there's no differentiate of differentiation between um uh game which difficulty you're playing on so there's functionally no good reason not to play on easy besides if you wanted to handicap yourself and the reason there's no you know the the bigger question in there is then like so why isn't there like shouldn't surely be more impressive to see how fast you can beat the game on hard but most good speed runs you don't take a lot of damage anyway it's just if you do take damage it's just like removing options for no good reason um so that's the reason behind that in case you're curious make a shield and get milk you know i will not drink milk no matter how much you want me to start the raid please you get lots of good trades as much as i would love good trades um i don't think now is the time that i need them also the lack of halt okay is that village over there i guess we're gonna start a raid but we want to or not is that desert temple on the left or is that a village because it that's a desert temple do we want a second temple we have no more need like unless there's diamonds and even diamonds are like they're rare and not that useful like that the the rareness of the diamonds outweighs their usefulness so let's let's go kill some village stuff yes start raids he needs some cow juice i saw a sign in uh where was i l.a it was just like it was a it wasn't like a particularly like animal friendly place it was just like you we do we sell nice cold glasses of cow juice i was just like huh i guess you can call it that i guess i guess you can choose to do that if you want to because it seems like a very like you know like vegan anti like yeah oh okay so there's a raid star thing is the raid a good thing some would say no it is not a good thing uh i would say it's an opportunity though you know chaos is a ladder if you think about it uh so yeah we're gonna grab some of these there are so many hay bales in this village um so without source of lava we are stuck and given that there's a raid starting now what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna oh please why always damn it i don't want you you know usually when you start a raid it's like hard to kill pillagers oh we gotta wait we're getting iron pickaxe whoa you know what you you knew what i was thinking you knew what i was thinking game i'll make an iron shovel yeah you know how i love my iron shovels uh throw the water bucket over there instead for that over there get the ice out instead okay we're good to go now down to the ground is there going to be a stronghold blow here it's again one in ten is the is the rough odds your odds are much improved when you're further out from the center uh when you're this far out from the center i think you'll start to dip again oh any sign of a stronghold any sign whatsoever nope no sign of a stronghold um roll with it because we might find some some lava we did find some lava not we found one bit of lava uh so roll with it is a hard note for me so far okay so run through here do we need crab iron we really just don't need it like we can make some we can make a chest plate or something but need and want a very different things grab some gold because you know how i love me some gold okay let's do this one two three four five i've got five thumbs and i am still alive that's how the song goes um see i'm minding gold in the overworld not because i think it's a great idea but because you know if we're if we're running past anyway and we're going to never fire a cave we might as well is that lava or is there a single lava oh uh down there it looks like there's a lot more than one oh my god what are the odds of all these times it being a single block hey thank you pro cubing and also megan smith i'm doing good i'm autistic uh so very sensitive senses i'm quite upfront about things i totally value that i think i think upfront is the way to be right like um i like especially in like personal relationships like you know there are times when people don't want to be up front and like maybe they should say that but all the time just telling people the situation rather than a imagined version of the situation that they would like to believe like so many people get broken away from reality i would say by lack of anyone around them to do that ah it's back to this isn't it ah how do we not find any lava this whole time we got a lot of gold but the gold is just not like if the gold was as valuable as it was before sure maybe we'd have something from that but i just don't believe that's how it be okay more gold we're gonna mine it you know we're mining gold sure why not maybe there's a strategy to go into a mesa you know let's not think about it oh it's a dead end okay run past mobs again uh we should have just probably like placed that down oh it didn't work okay so yeah this cave led to no lava led to no stronghold uh and therefore reset what do you reckon chat give it a reset it may be time to start again says jessica ball safe you know i agree time to start again we're gonna go to the next dead end we find and then we're gonna say thank you for watching this speed run but you know what we're doing we're starting another one yeah that was a good that was a good run i like that oh we didn't actually quit the game embarrassing i'm going to get some water so uh speed round five seven uh i i spill water all over my floor i just i should probably get something to unspill that you know it's it genuinely that part of the carpet has dried now i guess it only takes ten minutes to dry huh speed run 57 uh we're gonna grab some water brb getting water and now you know okay be a rack chat okay i'm back or what if i'm not back you ever consider that internet you ever consider it i bet you didn't consider it i heard a oh i heard simon one two five one from norway here's the toy tax enjoy the coffee you can now afford my money by the way i'm welsh so i'm not a super genius i'm just kidding but uh no um i i've always wondered one of the interesting things about the internet it's been true since when i first started on the internet like making money like you know when i was 14 like 11 years ago or something um but okay there's a mesa biome over there i'm not gonna i'm tempted but i'm not going to it's in the right direction could mine a bunch of gold okay wait chat we've worked it out you need on average 180 gold to get uh the amount of ender pearls that you need so what if we just did no it took me it took me four hours to mine a thousand gold even in a mesa by them i think maybe three hours or two hours even if it was two hours it would take me 20 minutes to mine and that was a deleter so this would be uh slower oh the timer didn't reset correctly i hate the seed anyway it was done you know i really didn't like that that seed like i was i'm happy to have an excuse to leave it early thank you chat i'm pleased okay turn those corners on blank seed 58 survival easy let's go okay the time is definitely reset this time yeah thank you very much i've always wondered why it is on the internet like people are if you say like hey give me money i will use it to buy things uh might buy a kebab might buy a bike i might buy a holiday might buy a new computer might buy a copy of minecraft pocket edition who knows for sure until i do you know that's not like that's not like a compelling sales pitch and uh yeah so people like it when you tell them to buy them something specific so like buy me a coffee is like a huge thing online like oh yeah give me just give me the amount you know get normally cost you for a coffee anyone i know what that is um i anyone know what the the scoop is oh should we go in there for it we shouldn't i just it's lost to time so um we're gonna go look for a is that village up there what is that is it a village or is it like an ocean ruin huh come on bro make an infinite lava source i've always wondered why water can make infinite sources but lava can't i guess because water has to make oceans it just feels hypocritical so let's uh okay that was good we're gonna get a lot of pig chops as we go towards it no that's a village okay we're good i'm glad it's not an ocean ruin i guess this is a really interesting spawn actually i like this as well we're going in the right direction for a stronghold and we got a village and we've got a few pork chops to help us along the way i suppose whatever that giant desert building is i always forget what it is but like it's big so you're gonna get more wood before we go in there there's no wood in a desert village that's the key difference that you gotta [Music] thank you so much mr dude guy for coming a member on the channel i it's been blowing my mind see how many people have become a member during these speedrun streams and thank you for for making that true it brings a brings a smile to my face makes me feel like i'm accomplished when i finish these uh streams that's a good feeling i know sometimes you finish finish i guess this is true for anything like feeling fulfilled is hard to do in the world um but yeah sometimes i finish i'm just like uh i i worry that there was no point all of that but it's nice in the members thing because it's like oh damn it see that the mistake bro you okay weren't you doing this yesterday are you only allowed to speed from one day of the week is that what you're saying but no i'm okay thank you for asking um so we're gonna make ourselves say axe i guess we're not gonna make next we're gonna make a stone sword and we're gonna go kill the golem with it because you know he's been a bad golem oh lord i'm going to get hit and i'm not okay it's fine as long as he doesn't go to the right yeah he's got so much health i always think he's like right next to death and then i hit him another like ten times or like three or four for being realistic um where did the wheat go that i can you know i still think about it too much uh wheat and then hay bales and a bucket and then we got a bucket and then okay we're good um we need to pick up the crafting table i'd say we do want to pick up the crafting table we don't have a thing so it's fine uh just get a few more of these going and then head out of the village i guess check the chest for any bread because i feel a little shorter on bread than i would like to feel also always got to take a bed bed and bread that's that sounds like a really that sounds like wait a hotel that's also a bakery bed and bread it's no it's no bank that's also a bakery a bankery if you will but uh it's something right it's definitely something okay what are we finding over here we're finding a chest and another chest and i'm sorry i bend the bed and then a chest as well then so i wanted some wheat which will be useful for later i need to make sure we pick that back down there because i need the food for now and more pork chops like yeah i don't know why i want the pork chops so bad but you better believe i do okay now when you find lava kind of bad deserts always feel good for it although i don't think we found one in the desert last time all the time before that but that means it's basically guaranteed to happen right also wait this is my favorite thing look oh all the sand falls okay don't have time to focus on that but it's cool right also i probably should get more iron for a big you know should have done it didn't do it i'm gonna regret it now i'll just find another village i'm not i'm not that confident in the seeds ability to lip oh there's a cinnamon you know we're going to the end good lemon anyway okay he's gone should we look at him now or like uh what should we do yeah it's really hard to like because the sand blocks we're dealing with here so we want to like okay let's let's go where is he at no he did the thing where he teleport by the time i actually built something for him i always know you should aggravate them first but like i build much worse under pressure is that a love bit there did i miss it what do you reckon chat is that no it's a cave okay well we got the enemy anyway so this doesn't feel so wasteful oh god we don't have the enemy anyway yeah that it's just a cave but it seemed like it was a lava pit and i feel i feel dumb for making that mistake uh but you know what else outsides are done for pretty much everything i do in this world thank you very much tamara typher toycat tax thank you for making my homework a little less boring you're very welcome i'm glad my my streams can be there uh even some background noise of me talking about how much i would rather die than go to prison um i'm glad they helped dang it potato did not pay off potato never paid i've never beaten the ender dragon says aidan meth ledge i always recommend people like the end of dragon seems like this hard intimidating thing if you've never done it but like i really totally recommend i always want to make a video like how to beat minecraft the easiest way and it's weird because there's like lots of different levels of advice for what you want to do so i think we should just like stop the basics and the fundamentals and then work up from there because like admittedly even if you've been playing minecraft a long time the thing about minecraft that makes it very difficult for games is you're not when you play minecraft it's kind of like this art thing right you're making oh you're making something beautiful you're not improving at the game always like you are when you play oh there's two villagers nearby we'll do the stronghold take below this one yeah we're gonna should we stronghold dig it yeah we're gonna stronghold dig um because i got the one bit of cobblestone i need i don't have anything else to promising on the horizon hey laura green thank you so much for becoming a channel member i appreciate that so much welcome to the club it is a cool exclusive club which you are now a member of see a member you get it it's good right okay stack ourselves up i don't know i don't like how he just freezes like that very very unsettling as far as i'm concerned oh god i switched to the wrong item there we go we're good see wait wait why is the swordman out um also thanks so much miranda eckerson welcome to the channel membership club you are part again i don't want to call it a club again you know let's just call it a club again who's stopping me you want to stop me i better become a member where is that is that lava over there no i don't know where i still lava i guess you know roll the dice if it doesn't work here we'll try in the next village over it doesn't work there we'll give up and just die uh so this and then a pickaxe also thanks so much hey for later uh the best minecraft scene history is that i'll have to keep that in mind friend thank you very much for the suggestion i love me some suggestions oh wait we got a we got a nine pickaxe what am i doing uh throw that down there as well as a bed there we go nice shouldn't have put it in between those things really gotta do some inventory management but that's an issue for later i would say you know it's an issue for now it's great it's an issue for now um throw that down there throw that there like that boom oh no gotta throw that back down boom perfect um hey we started a member train thank you steven young thunder for joining the club uh you could say that you are a member of that club i just used that a few seconds ago but you know what thank you so much i like that i am happy that you decided to become a member eternally appreciative you could say um so it's going to mine a little bit because we need the cobblestone uh to get ourselves back out of this mess and then we'll just stack ourselves up i'm gonna try the next village over and if neither village works then you don't like this sad right remember train i agree welcome to thunder yeah i might make a it might be fun to make like a seed sunday that's like a mini guide on how to eat minecraft but like using a specific seed so if you because i i think a random seed is the more fun way to do if you just want to do it for like the achievement or whatever else i don't blame you for just wanting to do it rather than thinking like oh no it's this whole thing you gotta you gotta do also uh my brusher thank you visiting my question on q a saturday by the way i always get thank you for like i know that like i actually like i get what you're saying and i appreciate your thank you but i always get people being like uh oh thank you so much or like oh when are you gonna do it for me and i'm like ah the question it's the question i pick not the person like people are like oh people so like it's the weirdest thing some people ask questions specifically with the intent of like i bet this is one will answer they don't care about the answer themselves and it's like and some people are really bad at that you know and it's like oh this is weird why do you want this yeah i don't think we're far enough out to be at a stronghold yet but i want to believe anyway so uh guess what we're digging down dig dig dig dig dig dig trio trio tick tick tick tick tick tick trio trio that's uh that's pokemon right there i love your streams toy cat thank you of course i thought that would keep working while i did it i like being chat while i'm digging down which is a terrible idea cause i could be in lava at any second and it's just like ah well i just didn't care about that what if i just paid no attention oh we're in something okay oh we're in something else just oh god this is a thing big patch of gravel and it's a long way out you know let's just stack ourselves out of this and just so we don't make that mistake again later and then there we go okay is this just oh my god what is this mess is there a cave underneath this at least aha there is a cave underneath that i guess like you can't see anything right now that's something i need to pick but you can just see my hotbar um the red mushrooms genuinely will come in actually i'm not gonna use them i've got enough food with me okay so we dig through the cave we look through the cave and we look for lava we've got food sorted we've got oh there's the lava we need yeah there there is in fact the love we need is there enough lava there is perfectly enough lava if we don't make a horrific mistake oh but it's not wide enough right we need to wait how much is over here actually just so we know okay there's enough over here we're going to use this instead because it makes life a little bit easier um so we place a block over there and then we place our thing over here and we place that over there and then we um mine some blocks down there and then what we do is we stack up a second block and okay grab a block switch back to this place that over there and then uh if i'm not mistaken although it's entirely possible i am so just in case i am we're going to gravel protect it we place our block there and then that doesn't flow even though it probably should but that's not my concern and boom got ourselves a portal i've only got five planks again though so that's it's kind of concerning some would say it's kind of concerning others would say that it's how the world was meant to be so uh yeah let's just scoop that up place that there now we place a couple wood over there uh light them on fire and usually very quickly there we go never is activated what else do i want from here uh for some reason i felt like i was gonna go look in the cave i guess i'm not going to because i'm in the portal now oh i hope that goes away fast yeah that's that's gonna burn yeah i'm gonna regret that very seriously okay so oh god we're at bedrock because of course it's okay uh that's the downside of making lava things into caves like you're gonna pyros it's gonna work for you sometimes but most of the time this can happen so yeah we could just be below lava if we're below lava life looks very hard for me but it's fine i'm proud of you in advance okay 14 minutes we're good um also to catch slow but surely improve your speed see thank you you know that's what we need we need positive encouragement uh that's how you make that's how you do better things if you want to secretly change the world to be the way you want it to be you just gotta encourage the things you want and discourage the things you've done isn't that ultimately what it's all about isn't that ultimately what we're all about some would say yes so there's black stone here i feel like that means we're not below lava ha i feel correctly i could chat these corners right here store them in your brains or write them down somewhere i don't know that's up to you um what i'm gonna do instead though thank god i didn't form that lava go look for a crimson or warp forest what forest as well as a fortress i'm feeling good about fortress today i'm feeling good about fortress today um i can't smell up my pork chops did i find a forest because i have free wood left which is very disheartening if i'm being uh brutally honest with myself um do we just stack over to that or do we turn around uh i'm gonna say we turn around we're gonna run oh lord i don't like this at all um [Music] okay so we're gonna run down okay that's a dead end there is a forest here but i'm not gonna bother with the forest because i oh wait actually there's a hole in there that's just gonna be a cave that's not gonna lead someone else so you come back immediately even though i need to be that way i've got things i need more than i need that okay nice and we're up and eat some breads they want a petition to bring back the jet ski fund people feel people feel like they're being ripped off when i'm not jet skiing uh using using the jet ski fund which when you say it like that actually sounds like it makes a lot of sense but you're not oh people people want me to not be corrupt and spend you know and that's that's why the fund is now deliberately oh yeah give money to me i'll spend on things you explicitly don't like you are you a big advocate for uh anti-guns i'm gonna buy a gun with your money you big advocate for pro guns i'm gonna buy i'm gonna i don't know buy buy buy a gun so you can't have it yeah how you like that you know that should be the the solution like you know what if we all just didn't let's buy all the guns that way the people the bad people can't have them if there's no guns left in the world then then uh people we don't want can't buy them that's that's why we gotta just buy all the guns just just buy them all do you know why that doesn't work by the way because it turns out there's a second part of supply and demand and it's called supply it's a very little known thing um okay so let's grab some blackstone just once again i don't want a gun like even when i was in america i think i was probably allowed to have a gun i don't actually know the rules let's pretend i did i don't really want one especially i'm living in like an apartment building which i was at the time uh i i think i think like to me it's a fun recreational activity like i understand people are like i gotta defend my home from any invaders you see the problem is that in america anyone can have a firearm and that's why you need a firearm protect yourself from all the other people with the firearms um because um an interesting fact actually i learned is uh you can fact check me on this internet but uh there are states in america where it's actually uh slightly harder to get a gun than it is in the uk it's just they're not widespread in the uk it's like it's like it's interesting thing like when when a problem gets like political you talk about the political talking points because like those are the things that are shared at you but it's kind of like the healthcare thing where it's like even though i'm a big person in favor of health care the big the bigger problem than who pays for health care is like making sure it's cheap that's that's the big thing america does badly you know you maybe you can argue making changing who pays for it makes it cheaper but like that should be step one step two should be the how uh your step one should be how do we get fewer people with mental illnesses or like with the grandeur delusions earning weapons and then step two should be oh yeah what's the what's the right policy for that it's you know like because you know maybe logic is like if if that is your goal then maybe you could say like oh yeah i mean murder's already a crime so i don't think making buying a gun a crime is gonna help unless the argument is that like it's a crime it's hard to do and fewer people do it because you know it's definitely true that like while drugs are illegal slightly fewer people do drugs uh it's not zero like you can never prohibition something out of existence but you can make it less but like there's a difference between a one-time activity and uh oh is that a fortress no it's not a fortress oh okay we got this beating minecraft with guns i wish i wish so we got a bastion over here which is pretty nice in my opinion at all we've got a hurry we gotta hurry huh we've got a bastion over here kind of like that honestly okay keep on keeping on oh lord okay so we stacked away from them stuck away from them again we're gonna have to drop down some wood do i have an x i didn't make an x oh that's a tragedy um see we're gonna go to this thing and then we're gonna kind of go backwards on the way but like head that way back uh so we're gonna pick up some gold blocks uh real quick uh should be an easy enough thing to do i hope okay so i've got a stone sword that's my protection method for the day and let's see what's in the chest oh god boots heck yes gonna be a big difference maker okay so yeah the gold blocks in this type of fortress are way harder to find in my experience tell me if you disagree i have no armrest i'm gonna basically just get melted oh you can just follow me right okay so we're just gonna run back out there we're gonna see if we can find anything else ah we probably can't so now we're gonna look for the strong fortress we're gonna go that way uh instead so the way we're gonna get there place our free gravel like so run and jump over and we're good to go okay so we're fine we've got some gold boots that gives me a tiny bit of protection but mostly just gives me a little bit of peace of mind i think i really want some pork chops and you know i see some pork chops and you know i do when i see pork chops i eat pork chops oh no i become pork chops okay it's over it's over gg that was a good round um i i don't know what happened why i got slowed down there does anyone know like i should have focused but like what why could i not run away from the lava i don't know what wasn't wrong there something terrible happened and it's very sad but you know what else is sad sad things yeah you didn't expect that yeah you didn't expect that at all huh will you start recording by the way so we have a local copy um oh the timer's not gonna work correctly okay boom we're good to go um what do we got we got a village over there we got a village over there we don't have a village over there so we're gonna run this way that's a terrible idea actually it's a very terrible idea you know we're gonna turn around i'm glad i did it also this is away from the origin so it's it's better that way too so we run we jump and we make some stuff happen also on the topic of the personal views are you anti-shower you know here's the thing about sharing right can we all agree um i'm gonna lean into the whole like you know that one percent in the world that's like oh toy cat i don't like how your hair looks and therefore you must never shower like you know i love showering showering is one of the greatest things in the day uh if you if you have a nice shower like i'll admit bad showers like if you're one of those bathtubs that's just a shower your day sucks and you know honestly i think that should be considered like uh you know deprived status like we don't let people live in places of no running water actually in america people have no running water i forget that but um or at least not safe running water in certain uh areas too but um we don't you know like not having electricity is like a it's uh i i think it's a non-livable residence of so right and i think if you live in a place that doesn't have okay so what do we have over here lava and a village yes chat okay the death was good like shannon's one of the greatest parts of the day i'm a big fan of it i the the the bigger problem to me is like um the big problem to me is the worst part of the shower the worst the reason showering is not something we do all the time because you know shower thoughts great hot water running down your back the cleanliness you feel afterwards oh all great things but like when you get out the shower you're wet and you're cold the fastest way to get not cold would be not wet and like ways to dry off of like you know the technology's been stagnant since like the 10th century or something like we we rub ourselves with a piece of cloth until the cloth dryness rubs up on us like what what how is that how is that how it is oh man i shouldn't have moved my mouse i just don't understand i really don't understand um so um i want to take a shower now they're great but like how is it that we haven't improved the shower taking process so that the you know when you when you get out the shower um have they not improved it so that you can finally just be dry instantly like i um what i think would be cool is having like uh here's an idea you know hair dries because what i do is i use a hair dryer and a towel at the same time it still takes forever so what i do instead is i is i i uh i think we should have sorry like because i again i've got the hair dryer i've got the towel i've got i'm standing in the shower i've tried all of it none of it none of it works the way that it should i shoot a wooden pickaxe after i made the stone pickaxe i think i just did i gotta stop stop talking start killing i think um again this is a really important seed uh this everything about this is great so far i don't mess it up so thank you mr dude guy i can read your message i lost the golem too oh everything went wrong i started talking about showers i was too passionate i just think i think i would love to live in a world where showers were great for everyone you know elect toycat 2020. also i should use the wood because it's easy to break that yeah get those critical hits yeah please give me oh five heck yeah that's a sword if we want it do we want it i guess we do want it sure uh get myself some more wood because i do want those as well um eat myself some bread i'm gonna need some more you better believe it uh and then make myself a bucket at the vet very bare minimum and as well as the sword sure why not so bucket goes down here alongside the stone pickaxe uh that goes over there which goes over here oh god okay that's fine okay next step we take uh some hay pals i actually need those hay bales we're gonna break those and take those with me we need some water so there's gonna be crops around here somewhere right please don't tell me water is the limiting factor in this run uh okay there's water over here um we've beat 15 minutes for a world record yeah we're playing a version of the game that isn't going to get those 15-minute random seed world records because you have to get 13 minutes is the record on bedrock like the bedrock time against all odds is faster than the java time which is incredible if you ask me uh but the downside to that is it means that okay so we're gonna break down here oh god okay that wasn't smart to do it apparently um so we're gonna do is we're gonna take some of that and decide why can't i pick any up they don't have any what did i break i guess i didn't pick it up no um so we're gonna take a block over there oh there's nothing over there so we're gonna have to oh lord this is a messy one i can get it on the other side instead we can tell for a fact that there is a block over there so then we place a block oh that yeah that was a smart side to do it i think this is this is a very niche edge portal situation but as long as you get better at regardless right um then we break this block and then we take this block and then we uh we place some of these down there should have done that on the first place place one there place one there make sure there's nothing over here and what should happen definitely as is the water won't overflow on the right side for whatever whatever darn reason it did no okay overflow in a very weird specific way uh that i can avoid um yeah that will do the job see right that's what i'm always scared of like it i know it shouldn't oh and i'm doing it the wrong way i'm just oh okay it's fine it's fine i can survive that i can survive doing it the wrong way as long as there's enough lava over here which there definitely is going to be there definitely is going to be enough lava over here i can survive i can survive okay so we just got a place over there over here uh over here too i guess we also need to remove this over here i guess uh there we go we're good and then we place one there and then we place one over where is the bottom blocks covered they are covered so now we place that here and we're good we can pick up the the couple of heat bells that i erroneously erroneously had to place and then we can place a wooden plank over here light the wooden plank on fire okay thank god please light my portal on fire please like my portal i would really like it if you did please like my portal i might not be able to make it if you don't okay it's gonna be okay you know we'll try on the other side of the portal just in case it's like one side in particular that this really particularly works on um i wonder why that is like one side like this this like left top block from one angle of the port which always seems to work in a way that it just doesn't for the other one oh lord please please burn portal turn on portal turn on please i'm begging you portal there's fires on both sides now and neither of them are doing it neither of these okay portal no okay we're gonna try over there again fire the portal it's it's crazy how it's instant sometimes sometimes it's like this huh sometimes it'd be like this um okay what do we got we got some lava and we got some burning ah it's going okay so uh what else we need we definitely need more food is there any easily found definable food i guess i'm gonna regret this but we can always fix it later let's go to the never eight minutes should have been a lot faster uh i don't know how many someone tell me oh it's sleeping that's fine oh wait the village was in this form right am i crazy yeah i was right next to spawn uh so i don't have a shovel see how a shovel would be useful about now huh uh but we are in a soul sand valley so that's fine um okay you know what chat i uh let's let's not get any political actually okay wait chat's political here's how you stop chat being political uh you you spam it out with everything else so everyone i really want to know your favorite colors like that's the most interesting thing i can find out about someone chat type your favorite color right now i really like i really like purple i like black but you know i like blue a lot too you know sometimes sometimes i think maybe orange is going to convert me oh yeah there we go yeah try and try and have a conversation about about your favorite political issue now how's it going to work actually you know i i missed it could you tell me your favorite colors one more time just like just so we're clear here because i i'm just not i'm just not seeing them yeah just just one more time your favorite color um give me your favorite color favorite food and favorite i was gonna make like an edgy joke but like that's been like you know give me your favorite identity if i do that i feel like i'm gonna get in some trouble as well you know let's let's let's let's fan these fires wait no wait we're not fanning them let's let's snuff these fires out stuff is also something else that we don't talk about right now um uh okay everything's fine we've got a crimson forest which is nice or it would be if this were not this version okay we're good neon or forest green i am gonna get out of here you daddle oh no okay it's a dead end uh we need to get over there what's the best way we have 28 of these should we just do it let's just do it uh me and you chat we're gonna do it together i know we shouldn't i know people say people say this isn't okay okay so no toy cat oh i'm gonna get hit no i knew it my favorite car was red but you didn't respond to my other super chat sorry mr dude guy i um i was making loads of mistakes because i was focusing on chat too much and i was like okay i'm gonna zone these out for a minute and i could do it after the run was over guess what the run's over um by the way check out been chilling at home with covered and um i've been watching so many videos and streams or social relationship with stampy um so first of all thank you very much glad you've been watching the videos um second of all um i i would say like because of youtube like we used to both make consolidation videos like lce is it's called legacy console edition because of those videos um we used to go to events and because of those events like i'd say we're like friends it's a shame we don't like see each other because there's no events i mean there's no events also because of 2020. you know there's no events let's see what at that but i'd describe myself i'd describe us as friends he showed up here once so it's nice um yeah we like we made very different videos but we made them on the same game it was it's such an interesting thing like you can see such a big spectrum in that uh or maybe not even a big spectrum there's such a the fact that there's a spectrum within minecraft minecraft console minecraft console survival or whatever and then you get such different ends of that same spectrum i'm gonna just undo this you know i don't want the seed do you want this seed chat i don't want this seed no no one should want this seed if you want the seed then here's the worst seed in the world uh never type this in unless you want to spawn i'm just not good ice maiden says orange square so 25 second quit that is a record for the day um i uh i'm gonna re-roll again um so um he was with the younger audience you focus on the more communist older demographic i mean like yeah that's i i was going to say that but every time you mention like audiences on youtube someone's like ha ha cat don't you know everyone who watches you as a child but me i'm not a child but like everyone else is and you're like okay that's that's fine you can you can have that uh today we have extra crispy toy cat on the menu i wonder what that means you're saying that you know we don't get focused on it right now but thank you very much jonathan murphy also uh chloe says my favorite is purple trump hates purple you know i you know i you managed to put it off yeah you made your favorite color political and so good job everyone for chloe let's go that's what i like to see i'm gonna go straight for the hay bales and then from there yeah let's go for the hay bales oh shouldn't have taken the half heart but it's only a half heart um yeah we're gonna head this direction because it's away from the origin assuming it works that way you know there's a spruce tiger by him one two three yeah we're gonna we're gonna take way more hay bales this time we always mess up the hay bale thing like i guess it hasn't like come to play yet but it's gonna it's gonna bite me sooner rather than later so let's just not let it bite me um the fact that uh everyone's a child is a controversial thing in chat sometimes i think it's it's interesting like everyone wants to call everyone but damage a child and it's like you know what if what if it's just not true like it almost feels like it's that thing where like you know how um most people like most people who are like really against uh you know like gay gay people like you know and not not like being anti some law whatever i understand you probably have some some place you're coming from on that but like people who are just like really anti-gay would like to convert their children like all those awful awful things um it usually comes out and it's like oh yeah they they're actually gay themselves you know they go they cruise around truck stops looking for some some some poontang i don't think i know the word cool it is i think it's like it's like a cat you know like a cat but like a bee but um anyway so um you know that's how thing comes out i think it's like people feel like minecraft is for kids and they're like really embarrassed about it they're like oh can't believe i'm watching videos of a kid's game and like that's that's like their i'm assuming that's the only way i can square it in my head like that's why people why did you walk so far away he's like contemplating life by the river right there i mean i guess it's good that he's conflating life because he's not got much more of it oh god oh god okay it's fine it's one of the least damages i've taken from a golem actually um okay let's go i think it's like it's really you know like a lot of people who watch certain things are like a shame threat i'll be honest every now and then when i watch a show that's like clearly aimed at teenagers i'm like oh you know i i'm not gonna admit this to people i mean if people ask what i watch i'm gonna only say the like complex adult documentaries yeah i watch um you know uh like i watch a lot of garbage i watch a lot of awful stuff and it's like i understand why it's embarrassing like it doesn't make you seem as smart when you have a conversation and like a lot of a lot of why we do anything is social approval it doesn't seem like it's true because we we feel we feel like we're we're doing things for real reasons all the time like no toy cat it's not it's not approval it's um well there was a map in that you know i i should know this by now i should know this by now but why exactly was there a map in there what is that map it's just an unknown map let's see what it is okay useless map glad i went back for it i see we're gonna head in this direction find the lava make a hat thing happen live a good life sounds good we don't have any excess on today which is sad but it's it's all good um but yeah so i um oh god i think a lot of people are like really ashamed of certain things they watch because when you have conversations people tell you about the things they're most proud about um they don't tell you about all the things they do because we only also thank you very much mr nawaya yaram i think now thanks so much for the five dollars i want to give them all but i love your videos keep up the amazing work now thank you so much for any amount anyone gives it's always it's always like an amazing thing to me that people uh like it so much they want to tip you know like i i think you know i've learned this from america too like tipping feels good i i you know i i tipped um there was this place i really liked i was like the same guy every time and i was like wait i'm just gonna tip him uh like you know like a bunch extra like let's just see you know like that was my first like i tipped someone i didn't feel like i was doing it because i had to i was doing it because like this guy is like incredible and i felt it i felt good about that i'm telling you the story about it now it wasn't a selfless act it was a story it was something i did exclusively so i could tell strangers on the internet oh there's no one golem because it's a i can't believe it took me that long to work it out by the way um i'm dumb like that sometimes uh and okay so we're gonna go this way now towards that because there might be an iron golem uh and since we're looking for lava we just go wherever the lava might be found um but yeah so like we tell people about like a really specific subset of our lives but that doesn't mean the rest of that life isn't happening um we tell you know like when you have a conversation with someone they're like oh i just watched this documentary about um about why there's a big problem with the bengals in mongolia um and uh oh let me tell you was i opening what did you watch oh you've been watching i know totally spies re-runs wasn't that a a tv show from from like xxy and then you're like you'll judge them if that's like the best thing they've been up to um you know we kind of curate our lives for our people and you see this on social media like the the things we would tell our people about usually we instead can post about and some people think like oh our people's lives must be entirely the things they're doing there no that's not true like i'm not going to tell people about the free i mean actually i'm going to have someone if they ask like i'm not gonna like straight up yeah it's not gonna be the first thing i mentioned like oh yeah hey um by the way been getting speed running been spending hours a day on that i'm not gonna tell people the fact that i spent like 12 hours this week not completing minecraft i'm gonna i'm gonna instead focus on the fact that like oh yeah i uh i i broke my personal best i beat minecraft in an hour eleven or now it's gonna be less than now today let's let's stay positive um because that's how we be we we curate things when we tell other people but we don't realize it we don't think about it as curation we think about it as just like oh yeah i'll just talk about the first things that come to mind but the first things to come to mind are usually things you're most proud about or you think are most impressive or you know will get the best reaction it's what conversation is um and um as a result people might assume like oh your minecraft videos i don't know anyone who watches them i mean the fact that it's the most popular game on youtube like that doesn't work if it's just children watching right it just doesn't oh i got an open x nice uh it just doesn't work that way we'll grab a saddle too actually i think that'll be real useful and now we're gonna kill the golem actually i'm gonna break some wood first then we're gonna kill the golem uh okay let's go okay we got two hits on them this time gonna eat some bread i need to do it um but yeah i uh so i can't place minecraft until your controller dies that'd be an interesting stream i'd love to know what like battery life my controller gets i think i'd regret it when it goes on for like 12 hours though and i'm like please die let's press all the buttons let's just see what we have to do to make this controller die a little faster um could be wrong though it could be wrong okay so we're gonna get out there we're gonna head north some more is this even north i guess that's your whole thing um but yeah i think i think it's really important to just take a step back sometimes i think like you know i had a bad day and i feel awful and like everyone else i know is doing this you're statistically not in you know like everyone i think we often do too as we like surround ourselves by people like at similar levels to us and therefore you forget if you're actually doing successfully or you don't forget you don't see it because you know people people are about the same as you except they're about the same and then they're telling you all day about how great they are and how therefore you kind of suck by comparison been said she's gonna be like oh i'm happy for them they did a cool thing i'm glad right now my friends that i'm like happy like friends that i'm jealous of maybe you know uh are doing uh really mundane things like um i know let's let's like i i've got a i've got a couple of youtuber friends they're doing pretty well one of them is probably eating a can of beans right now and it's so far uh the other one's probably asleep because it's 11 30. yeah they're youtubers youtubers don't have sleep schedules it's a well-known fact um oh god where is the everything today yeah we're gonna dig down from the next village because it's not looking great so far we're gonna see where that gets us um we became wives at about the same time oh that's so cute oh it's interesting i wonder it's like six months ago when i started streaming i guess that would be corn stream quite yet corn streams well actually yeah six months ago you know whatever it was like eight months my ballistics that was a funny thing main squared met like an event once and then like everyone else in the room was like you guys it was like you know that moment where like you assume people have met and then they haven't i had that like personally with someone i was like oh you guys hadn't met i was like yeah you know youtube's a youtube's a small world but that's what makes it a big world there's two villages over here i'm gonna dig down from both of them this one seems more likely though and if there's a lava pit over there i think i'd like it to be that way um how are you so good at talking on streams how was it you started streaming for the first time oh i guess i have the like minor advantage of learning to talk and that i used to make hour-long videos as specials and then i started telling those hour long videos into streams and i just figured i would do the same thing i do in the outlook video if i was starting stream today i'd assume that the awkward pauses were a part of it like just running forwards right now so the weather it's uh it's not sunny anymore huh isn't it weird you can never say the weather sunny at night even if it was sunny all day and it's still hot at night i think about that a lot i think about that all the time um you guys uh you try this uh this this beef thing i just tried it today i just found out about beef so that's pretty good recommend it i've got five iron i'm not using i'm just gonna talk quietly i'm gonna i'm gonna have a real point to this i'm just gonna i'm gonna do my thing yeah we're gonna see what's over here actually but like i assume that that's the i can't believe you like a can of beans more than us oh free diamonds i i don't know i actually think that the diamond pickaxe is the best use for those um what do you reckon you know what i'm going to keep this c just because i like this i'm going to see how this go i'm all the diamond stuff is tempting me so bad i just want to make it i just want to make it we'll make a diamond sword and a diamond shovel i'm worth it i know i'm worth it okay diamond sword diamond shovel oh yeah look at this chat are you jealous i know you're jealous okay there we go that's a dumb collection of tools and where they come from but it's what we got so we dig down i've got food this time not a lot of food i thought he said bread will run out but i should be being the game before it does um but yeah i uh i think i honestly think like sometimes i assume that's what streaming is meant to be i look out for streamers i'm like man i gotta stop talking more but i just can't i'm just this is what i like to do i like to always be talking about something like i wanna you wanna hear about my thoughts on the moon landing i worry there was a regular here that um on the streams that i once said that i thought the moon landing was real and they're like oh i can't believe can't believe you and i think they've left as a result because i haven't seen them since and they're like a super supportive regular um and i'm really worried you know i it's that thing i guess where you don't know you don't know when you don't know how but um sometimes you lose like i guess in real life you lose friends for dumb reasons all the time but i i had the like subscriber version of that like our last interaction was them being upset with me because i didn't think the moonlighting was do you think that what should you do like i actually think expose the person's name i'm worried they're still here and it's like i just missed them for the last six months and i don't want to like call them out on their beliefs because you know i i i actually have a pretty decent amount of respect like pretty much any position which like almost to a fault maybe in fact two or four definitely to a polish just mine some more please hey thank you marziaf enjoy the currencies i always inject currency the greatest thing about currency is you can buy anything with it anything you can even buy currency with currency you ever consider that there's no currency needed to buy currency currency is the currency that buys currency um but yeah like um like i like just to clarify here's the thing i don't even know that the moonlighting is real it's just like on a balance of probabilities it's more likely that it's real than not right like i i don't know that world war two even happened it seems likely that's the crazy thing about like if we go for this sometimes but like how do you know that anything happened because you start with history right anything that happened before you were born do you know what you're my experience of world war ii was like oh you're not saying black right now but i'm seeing black it was it was the same as uh what will happen when i die or it's the same as uh the moon landing like it's it's all blankness i'm looking at pictures and stuff from the past i'm kind of trusting history on that level so anything that happened before i was born i don't know that it's true anything that i hear from people you know like so many people tell obviously fake stories all the time it's like you can't trust anything you hear from anyone else you can't trust the past you can never trust it fully at least because you know like you don't know for sure am i right man but then then it goes a little deeper and you're like okay sometimes you remember things incorrectly if you speak about an old story with a friend and you try to remember specific details you'll get them different and neither of you will feel like you were wrong you feel like it was the other person do i see a stronghold okay i didn't which is interesting right um i'm just gonna keep digging down till i find a stronghold of this seed let's see how many strongholds it takes oh how many dig downs it takes because there is a huge benefit in the long run yep let's uh stack ourselves out this one um but uh yeah it's like uh so if you can't trust anything from the past you can't trust anything that a person's told you and you can't trust all of your memories i think therefore i am yeah that's a that's a famous um i think it's like uh i think there's like a is that like ergo cogito some i might am i getting that right but like it's one of the most famous like four experiments that like the only once if you if you need a hundred percent verification if anything the only thing you can ever be sure of is that right now you exist right now you watching this internet viewer you can be pretty sure you exist in the sense that like that's the one thing that ties everything else together the one consistent amongst every other thought you have is that you think therefore the basis of everything if you want to go from a reductionist standpoint is that you back home what's the thing you miss most about the us uh definitely food i uh honestly i miss my plane home more than anything like i i had the best flight home like it took me 20 it took me 30 something hours to get home wait let me work it out take away 8 from 6am i got home at 10 p.m and i left at 2 p.m two days ago um oh a day ago it took me 32 hours actually i nailed that uh 32 hours to get home but like i had a really nice flight i had a really nice layover in the middle east like everyone else is like oh i wouldn't i wouldn't fly right now i'm really worried about corona and i'm out here okay you know that's gonna be is it gonna be lava we have to find out we can't we can't just not uh it's statistically not i mean when you look at the pattern it's clear that yep knew it i knew it i knew it okay oh that was way in and out that's nice hey thank you master pope yoda that's fun uh i think i miss most about america i know i just felt like every time i went outside my house i was experiencing something new but like familiar at the same time like every meal i had was incredible in uh the united states of america uh oh lava oh no that's a single block just making a real big chain okay there's lava over there but i think it's a single block as well oh no i think that's a i think that's something so there's a village to dig down from oh we're going backwards no i'm dumb i'm so dumb i can't believe i just did that to myself but i found a room portal so or is it everyone portal was there a lava pit there the whole time that i just missed i think that was oh yeah that's that's embarrassing so we're going to be quite way away from from a stronghold and we're at 17 minutes it's not great when you have to do this but yep only one block of lava again just uh i know some people like are curious about this like why is it that you can't take this and make a ball outfit that's cause it's one ball but like that sounds confusing like what does that matter what do you mean for a cat so let me show you what i mean if i take this one block of lava which i need to do to make a portal right and then i'm like okay i'll grab some more lava there is no more lava if we'll watch this as we watch the run die so um yeah we're gonna try a big a big last hurrah today me is in the u.s but wants europe right now it is objectively better to be actually i guess yeah and i'd say right now it's objectively better to be in the united states than europe we have roughly the same like again like i know like i know this is dumb and like coverage shouldn't influence your life this much but there is roughly the same amount like per population of yeah roughly the same chance of catching a deadly i don't know not that catching a disease that has on average it obviously varies based on your essentially the population i we're not caring about that but like there's a there's a disease out there might kill you might not might kill someone you care about etc etc same chance of getting it europe or america but in america the laws aren't as restricted so that you know that you can functionally lower your odds or you can do the thing where you go out drinking and so many people do every night like you you can pick the spectrum in america in europe you pick from this spectrum and uh oh god the time has not restarted it's not a good seat anyway i mean it is actually a good seat i really wish we could take it but we can't or can we i haven't moved yet we'll we'll test the speed running rules by just rolling with i guess okay let's go so yeah i wonder i i feel like you might be able to look around before you do anything oh there's a village over there too so yeah we might have to add like 10 seconds onto this run when it's done again i don't know the speed running rules about uh how long you're about to look around because i always see it even though it's not officially in the rules maybe they'll just add to that and it'll be fine 27 of today's seats have had ruined portals that's the lowest percent in a while that means we're overdue for a room in portal that's how i take that statistic oh this is the wrong way i wish i'd headed that way we didn't head that way such as life is there anything you know bedrock that you can't do in java a substantial number of things uh so yeah we got the timer going we've got coordinates on we're living the good life it's a shame that the timer covers up the toy cat running in the top left but that's fine i'm obligated to support bedrock edition see the uh the tribal thing can work on like i actually i actually agree with the whole idea of like you know i like when people what i really love is when people really like something and they use it as an opportunity to support their thing rather than tear down other things like if the world operates that way can you imagine how much more we get done as a civilization can you imagine i bet you can't imagine because it's so unpitchable but let me tell you it's true see my tongue is really burnt engage curious is why i keep touching it like i burn my tongue so bad in so many places i mean like my mouth and you know it's my map like hurts so much all the time love your videos so just wanted to say thank you for all the effort you put into them upside down face thank you very much wolfgamer oh gee is that the wolf gamer of six not oc you're not you're the wolf gamer og to me uh but no thank you so much i'm glad you enjoy the videos and thank you so much for the not only a tip not only a streamlabs tip which you know you know what you're doing using the link down below the tip uh so you get a longer message and so that 100 goes to me but also on top of that uh it was a text-to-speech which if you're curious it's ten ten dollars i think to get the text of speech going if you ever wanna do that i'm gonna need to desperately okay whatever i'll do a bit later okay so one two three so we have to make sure the golem doesn't go around because if he goes around me i die oh thank god okay we're good okay i probably clipped too much of the axe but it's fine uh so now we need to get some more hay bales i don't know where the hay bales are do we really have four there's more over there making the same classic mistake but making it different well there's a spruce forest up there yeah we'll go like that way now oh god that's the opposite of what we want to do um never eat pizza pizza or hot pockets they kill your mouth it's the worst right yeah it actually was a it was a microwave pizza that did it to me it did it to me dirty it hurts me so bad so sad so sad um oh god we have to craft a thing right now okay make some of that make some of this make some of that uh make some more i guess on so we need all the bread we can get our hands on um break this and let's go hey yeah but thank you very much james bay i totally agree i not only do i agree but it happens to me every single time and then i'm just not cautious the next time i like it ruins your mouth for so long and it just never sticks with me i'm like ah it's pretty fine just do that again it's like no stop doing that toy cat it's almost like stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself um so um oh god my my tongue is just i know it's hanging particularly bad right now but yeah oh here's a pro tip by the way for mouth pain i don't know if this is actually good for you actually chat can you be my doctor real quick so whenever i have like particularly bad mouth pains because i bite my mouth so much like i just it's like biting your nails i have someone just bite my mouth until it like stings because your mouth doesn't like being bitten you know if there's any food that you're meant to eat it's definitely not included in your mouth as a free complimentary package let me tell you but um so one of the things i do is i bite my mouth a whole bunch um oh god we don't have enough wood okay we'll make the crafting table as our as our top bit of wood here there we go we're good to go oh didn't want to do that oh no ease i don't want to eat i never want ease game i want to end the inventory i have to stop and now we're going to close the chat with its ee so done i'm going to make myself a pickaxe and we're going to give up on this whole thing and get the crafting table back get this back and say thank you very much um james bay every time it's like microwave sauce is some kind of chemical weapon you're right and every time i i just don't learn from it i just be like ah it's not gonna happen again and then it does it happens again yeah like at some point i'm the problem i totally agree um it's like you tell one too many crazy x stories and you're like you know what if it's you or um food is pretty awesome here uh what's your favorite thing you've had uh for the midwest so i made it from your west coast experience oh my favorite thing my favorite american food which is interesting because i l the thing i love about american food is that it's not good for you and it barely even pretends like um i love it when it does pretend i love when american food pretends to be healthy because it does such a bad job at pretending in my opinion that it's like actively funny but um uh my favorite my favorite um american food is actually hawaiian food hawaiian food is like i'd say it's like fake healthy but actually can be real healthy depends on the like the particular hawaiian food i guess because there's like there's a thing i love spam so much um but like uh pokey is amazing they have a lot of japanese food in hawaii so that's like healthy and tasty i don't know i miss japan sometimes i wanna go to japan sometimes i should be in japan sometimes um okay so there's a desert temple over there there's some this time over here we've got desert temples everywhere is what i'm trying to say uh i'm gonna go in just for the chance if there's a village there i genuinely don't need the desert temple abbot it's so easy to go in i might as well like what effort does it take basically none right okay drop that undrop that fall into the water dammit you've ruined it for me you ruined that for me skeleton i hate you forever for it oh okay what i'm gonna do just be fun here oh no no no no no i if i didn't place a crafting table i would have gone away oopsie the dumbest thing is i planned to do that as a dramatic exit and then i just messed it up uh oopsie oopsie doopsy i'm i know what i'm doing otherwise though besides besides really dumb accidentally sliding into this temple because i forget about the water besides that everything's going great i like that seed but i was going the wrong way and it was torturing me on the inside i don't want to mention it but i was being burned up like my soul was on fire at the idea of things so but we're most looking for importance on this seed um but we'll probably find a village if we go this way we're we're gonna give the seed two and a half minutes to prove itself to me if we don't find anything in two and a half minutes going this way then no buenay are you playing with a controller hard to tell uh not today i usually have a controller um i'm not today and that's because even i actually prefer playing on xbox because it's so much easier to record it's like a separate system etc etc but um i want to get a like a pc record before i go to get a uh xbox record like i want to get personal best on pc or whatever because even if i get like uh an hour 25 minutes or something that's technically a personal best because i've never submitted a run for the pc for whatever reason so i'm playing pc minecraft um but yeah my tongue is like it's just like scaly almost okay so we can see on the left there's a iceberg biome don't want to go to the left though i want to go here aha see this proven itself oh no that's not a lava pit the seat had not proven itself okay so we're going to chop down a tree we don't need to do this but we're going to do this because it's the easiest way down what about my mouth biting disgusting do you guys want to hear about all my burned up like your mouth was as high and risvy a that's why you don't mlg water bucket when you're sh sure you're gonna die in the fall you know mlg water bucket is a very fun strategy it just it just didn't work me that time okay so donkeys that's nice yeah we're running out of food uh we're two minutes we've got 30 seconds the seat has to give me something or we're just gonna re-roll there's no point keeping a seed with this little promise uh come on seed you can do this for me give me something seed give me something the seed has given me not something okay ten more seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one my concept of the second is really bad huh okay so that was that was all oh wait oh i stopped the timer okay that is that lava pet okay it's not see that's why that's why the extra second was a wasted time there so um i might collect a wireless keyboard for my mouse to ps4 see if it works it does uh console games have kind of like allowed you to use keyboard mouse for a while which i like because there used to be unofficial tools they just figured let's just do it officially but i like the idea of like your system designating your input for like multiplayer games for single player i don't care what you do like but um i don't know that's what i always liked the idea oh god what's behind me i don't see much what's in front of me i there should be a village around here somewhere we've got all the biomes that should have a village side by side it's like the perfect spawn but i don't see no villagers we don't need no villages except we do because if we don't have villages then things get real bad so yeah i'm feeling like i see lava over there i'm pretty sure i'm imagining it though like a glow of lava or something oh the lack of ruined portals today is as soon as i like learn the technique and learn like okay how do we how do we get around that how do we fool proof etc the room portals like the tricky portaling situations never came up have never come up i really like this seed for its coordinates and for the biomes like this should be perfect it should i feel like a medieval king not getting what he wants from his wife and i'm like see just give me a baby just give me a baby just you know i don't want to execute you i don't want to have to chop up your head and claim that you cheated on me babe just just give me a son and i feel like that with minecraft just give me just just just give me a give me a village and some lava please maybe okay so we got two villages i'm not mistaken you know if this is the only village around okay if this is the oh no i might hate when that happens um if it's the only village around the odds of there being a stronghold blower feel like they're higher because any stronghold in a much larger catchment area has to conform to it you know you feel me internet do you feel me if you do not feel me i cannot oh no i saw that mistake coming and i just dove right into it anyway okay so the good news is we've got a village uh it's a really nice place it's i i would say as far as like strongholds go this is our best odds yet bad news is no lava bad news is if we're wrong you know actually there's so many villagers i want to do the strategy where we just keep digging down right like let's find the stronghold first so we know that the fortress is the only thing between us and the wind i think that's just like uh i think that's just common sense at some point where are the hay bales at there they are thank god i'm gonna run out of food just before i get there i think nope definitely was too pessimistic about that um grab all of these hay bales and then okay there's not enough of them there's some up there i'm gonna need some of those unless okay bread in a bucket yes what i like to see what i like to see um okay so i'm gonna eat a little bread just a little bit and then we're gonna chop down some wooden house we want to find it near some stone this will do i guess for now so we can make uh stone tools we don't have iron yet if we i want to use the iron from killing the golem to make an iron sword to kill the golem with but that's not how that works set your spawn and dig straight down so you can get back faster yeah that's a smart idea i'm gonna oh wait no then i need all the stuff in a chest that doesn't work i i thought that was smart but it it does have a floor in it okay so now we're gonna make uh some crafting table make some wooden pickaxe make a stone pickaxe see that i wonder what is causing that glitch why is why does the block just not place sometimes um something is wrong i would suggest if you raise your inflection now the end of the sentence it seems like you're asking a question sometimes you're not though sometimes you just like to talk you know what do you know chat okay where'd the angle go oh god i hate when this happens where did he get off to okay so he didn't go this way which means he down he's over there we're good um yeah i feel really dangerous going for the second hit oh no okay i feel really dangerous okay i'm going to just get back up to that i i don't think that's smart but that's what i'm doing okay so actually no he's going to use the corner and he's going to use it to jump for me yep damn it okay it's fine if there's a village so we're going to dig straight down if there's not like oh god actually not getting my saturation back it comes at a cost like it's not the worst cost in the world okay so just keep walking around here okay yeah as soon as that happened i knew that was gonna go uh like that so one two three oh lord this is going horrendously bad for me thank god for that i think playcat should run setsee glitchless i remember he stopped speed running for a while he did that and it was very fun because i would try and speedrun it too yeah i feel like you uh i feel like the skill set required for randomly glitchless is kind of wider um but you're right the set scene would have like some fun if we attempted it but sadly we shan't we shan't indeed we can make ourselves a pickaxe we're gonna fill this with some [Music] water thank you very much for becoming a channel member james bay hey it's uh it's you again it's uh it's good to spot the same name twice or is it or am i just saying that what if i'm just saying that you know what you don't know if i'm saying that definitely just saying that you don't know it doesn't say nice things anyway um so yeah we're gonna dig down we're gonna have to like multiple times probably it stands to reason and let's go hey fun name you got see if you did 10 10 pounds i'd have had to read out your message but instead i do not um okay there's nothing around here that i'm spotting so far uh strongholds usually another 10 bucks down anyway so no harm no foul chat publicly as peacocking fox slow mode is on thank you very much see you not you give ten dollars you can have any high quality message go out like that one you know you want you're on the whole wall to know about the fact that you are peacocking fox and that slow mode is on guess what you have the ability to let the world know should you use that ability now that's uh that's a debate i'm sure mr peacock and fox would love to have of you but uh okay oh there's something here is it just a water area it's a cave ah let's let's go for it let's go for it no i think it's just literally uh yep sad empty lonely uh but what else is going on with your saturdays am i right uh-huh okay so jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump wow ten dollars lost but um yeah thanks so much for becoming a member james bay hope you enjoy your new green name i'll enjoy it because i'll be able to see you more um i uh what happened to commander y apparently he got really busy i think he's playing a lot of d d or something i it's been a while since i i caught up with him but uh he was a he was a super great guy i miss him every day that was a red bed i should have taken it just for good luck why do i not take the red bed what's wrong with me see i want the extra hay bales those are going to be essential and then we're going to go find another village oh there's a better town i already knew that don't need it okay so we have to eat food soon like as in make more food i guess that's what i mean not eat food but i'm willing to wait for a little bit to do that um we're gonna head this way a little bit towards the world origin but it's fine because we're going towards a thousand which is roughly where the first ring of strongholds is um and if that's not where the stronghold is we're still only eight and a half minutes actually it feels like way more just a good sign the distance from another village heard you touch little boys also there are more airplanes in the ocean than submarines in the sky okay so first of all i see you even if you hate me and you wanna you wanna you wanna defame me totally a valid use do i like it question mark no um but you know what does that matter that's not the key determining factor right um so uh yeah there are in fact more airplanes in the oceans than submarines in the sky um it's kind of crazy actually not only how many planes have crashed into the ocean but also like how many planes have been intentionally put so you touch their hearts exactly i touch little boy oh god damn it why i touch little people's hearts all the time you know i tried to turn that into a positive only made it worse so uh what's everyone's favorite color huh i like i like i like purple i like i like yellow i like i don't like i don't like um i don't like uh yellow that much actually i lied i changed my mind i changed my answer i thought this is a waste of iron pickaxe i guess what is a waste and what is the waste depends on your own line of fall man it's sad that we've done this like you know i'm just going to keep doing this so it works i'm going to keep doing it until it works they also work and eventually uh okay please game please day god game give me that stronghold you know i deserve okay game does not agree that i deserve a stronghold uh there is lava here that we could go for but on this particular seed oh there's a mine shaft too on this particular seed what i would rather go for is um on this seed i would like to go for uh i i'd rather go for just like the dig down stronghold i want to find the stronghold i don't want to just get to the never never at 10 minutes not great stronghold at 15 minutes heck yeah give me more boycat tax is yes tax right pointing finger cool face pointing finger i don't catch the streams very often or you remember me better you know what whose fault is that maybe it's society's fault why is society giving you so busy james why are they keeping us apart what did you do to deserve that you didn't do anything to deserve that that's what you did oh there's another village over there is that a lava pit no i don't love pits i know it is a lava pit by the way actually is it it is lava don the lava pit though or do i should check the no let's check the never anyway i mean like just for good measure like if there's a fortress right there we'll go for it if it's not fortress we're finding the stronghold right that's that's my that's my rule that i'm self-imposing uh this is kind of scary actually oh is that oh we found a blacksmith in a oh that is a very lucky thing blacksmiths in savannah villages are so rare like that does not happen to me it hasn't happened to me today let's put it that way um okay so let's let's do this there's definitely four blocks in the row there right yeah it looks like actually wick is there yeah there is it's just one of them's over there so we place a block there oh god it's not correct it's this isn't working how i thought it would at all um also it's taking a little longer than i'd like because okay that's fine now on the on this block we place something except for there to be something there place down all the way to that and then we destroy that block so place the water down see it flows onto the lava see that's the that's meant to be the trick it didn't work today it ruined all the lava uh i would like to say see that the second time i do it it works fine what is the difference between what happened those times if anyone could tell me maybe it's gonna be level on both sides whatever i've got i've got lava like um i've always wanted to know what is what am i doing so horrifically different uh depending on the time also that's in the wrong position isn't it it's meant to be back there oh well whatever and we're going to remove these blocks here as well as well as this block okay but then there's some lava back there at least so we got that going for us okay i should have just not placed that there uh perhaps would have been smart i've been smarter that's for sure uh what if we is there blocks down there we're fine okay place that over there finally and we're good to go to the never kind of sort of vaguely um oh lord oh lord okay so we're not we are burning we are ruining fewer portals hey but we can go to the nether we're gonna quickly check should i go to the we're gonna quickly just check is there a fortress right nearby if there's no fortress right nearby then go finding the fortress for oh god oh see oh my god thank god i decided to take like thank god i decided to deviate from my own strategy there there is a fortress right there okay so um we know there's no stronghold below this village but that's okay oh lord um what is happening to me why am i on fire what where am i that's the worst that is actually the worst okay so we're gonna just remove that um i wanna go for blacksmith because i think there's diamonds potential there's potentially diamonds oh also there was a the ravine was visible from up here huh could have just checked the stronghold in there honestly this is a cool seed uh like not seed sunday good but seed good yes it is uh now i can make an iron sword which is what i want to do and i can also put on some boots which will give me what is that like eight percent protection against damage why not just go to the fortress i uh i think an iron sword is definitely a better uh plan right here okay so thank god we found out what was happening that gonna make my rounds so much better and then we turn that into these into a couple more of those couple more of oh don't make shares please don't make shares whatever i do um so now we do is we throw that over there that down there we get ourselves our biggest like placing block over here which for now is dirt and we go okay boom bro i've never seen a savannah blacksmith yeah most people never have it's a very very young structure why is it uncommon it's a discussion should we go up or down i genuinely don't know it's got to be up usually they don't they don't spawn damage on themselves this one upwards i'm doing this entirely wrong okay so as always portal coordinates if anyone can remember those will save us a lot of pain and okay there's gonna be a behind me okay that's not uh we're good for once everything is working out so i can't wait oh lord i lied i lied about that okay so we mine through the back actually that's probably for the worst uh everyone if we do that please stay away from the lava blazes i would like your goods to not be damaged that's so much to ask for so much to not want damaged kids okay um okay what do i do about that do i just there we go we do that about that oh they kept they followed me perfect i love you being in a little corridor i love that so much uh we're not gonna use the wooden here we're gonna put that down last we can keep track of the number we get and now we're gonna go kill the skeleton and the two blazers this way oh no we're not we're gonna get burnt alive oh never mind i'm gonna get with it alive too i'm not gonna die today that is my commitment to you never mind commitment to no one okay back to the blaze spawner we're gonna do everything at the place more i guess there's the simplest way of doing this okay so while we're doing this we need to look around ideally and find the nearest walk forest if we can see this um this this situation honestly okay imagine chat if we don't see a what forest anywhere near me i think i'm going to do something pretty controversial and i'm going to find the stronghold by just digging around or foundation i don't know necessarily if it's not but i'm going to find a stronghold by digging around because then that way if i find the oh lord good evening toy cat women shrugging medium lights hey good to see you just limit so i could tell that immediately from the good evening toy cat and then there was like an emoji read out and i was like you know i know what this is i know this is going and i love every second of it okay so let's just uh let's just chill in the corner for a little bit okay no chilling in corners now let's get like to full health let's take no risks let's not go for those two blazers which i want to go for but i don't i don't i don't i don't feel safe doing so let's instead focus on this throw a single light stick in the right direction though oh that's that's smart james bay oh i like that i like that a lot if we can find a sink we need to find one ender pearl you're right okay i don't want this oh one of them they split up and search for clues that's not what you should do that's what i've got to do okay um one end of them we want one enderman desperately where are you on enderman mr one enderman also just for safety we're gonna play block that anyone see one end of them one enderman one enderman i would like one this is a song i just made on the spot but it's real bad and that's because you've been got okay seven seven blaze rods that's definitely enough uh unless something goes tragically wrong we're using one eye offender anyway we're gonna be digging down for the rest yeah we need to find an enemy you know that is the smartest system i don't know where let's what's that a scooby-doo reference come on scooby-doo where are you i don't think i can reference you anymore where are you scooby-doo i know this theme i never watched it or i i never even liked scooby-doo i watched it apparently though that's the worst bit about being a child you watch you watch things you just like you have no good feelings about that's why making like that's why i always felt like you know i have nothing against people who enjoy making you know children's content but like it feels like man you know that most of your viewers are coming because like a child clicked on a colorful oh there's that's my one enderman oh i've got a makeup i've got to make a thing first oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay what is over here i don't care but i don't want it to where'd you go one enderman see i'm really worried about this skeleton oh two skeletons please no [Music] i hate skeletons with all my heart and now you can see part of why and it's just taking me so long to heal like come on game we don't have we don't have the time for this i got things to be doing this very moment where did you go enderman you teleported good job yeah that was like life or death in one moment man uh me caring about those hearts earlier was really important if i'd have been a little even a little bit less um diligent it would have gone badly see i wanna i guess i just gonna keep going till we look for a thing can we find a thing sorry i mean we're obviously looking the entire time uh slightest i see no sign of a warp forest over there so i'm gonna turn back looking for a biome is particularly tricky and particularly painful now we got the blaze rods at 20 minutes uh let's say it takes oh i hate so much i hate everything and everyone can do a little bit of sprinting a little bit eating oh we found the rest of the fortress uh do we want the rest of the fortress uh we'll use it as a way to walk across a biome in a flat way yeah that looks great let's do that um i'm gonna copyright for singing scooby-doo now just as a way to spite me for being forced to watch it during my childhood not being forced to i did like there was no force involved it was just colorful pictures on the screen right like as it's kind of this thing like as adults you get to kind of make your own decision and feel like you're guiding your way through the world as a child you look back and you're like yeah i don't know how many decisions i was really making i remember like um it was actually the show totally spies i remember watching it and then i remember once i was like oh actually if you pay attention to the words in the show it's like so much better like i was just like absentmindedly just watching things because the content you know you don't need to understand the words to actually watch a show okay we found the one enderman again it's not the one element it's a one enderman uh where am i how am i gonna get away from though oh okay we're gonna mine nevermind we're gonna just fight one on one i've got enough help oh we walk slower on salsa and oh that's beautiful also that's a little unfair did you just teleport away and stay okay you know it's fine okay so the skeletons around are actually going to cause me real hassle soon no one end up one of the paul would have taken me so far through this run yeah we're gonna keep going until we find uh the crimson forest at walt forest then it's crazy there's only five never biomes but you sometimes feel like you can just never find the one you're looking for i think i'm the only person who's not bad who doesn't shouldn't be it's there's nothing to that show it's not like oh this is like really great plot it's like no it's the same plot every time but oh no there's like you know some great characters there's a dog and there's a stoner every other character is forgettable and dogs and stoners are not hard characters to write in fact they switch the lines a bunch if they switch the lines between the dark and the star and scooby-doo how many people would notice it'd be a while you know they they that's why they're friends it's because they have their own little own little world going on over there what everyone else is solving crimes they just want to eat sandwiches man i just realized eating sandwiches is totally a metaphor for for uh them doing the drugs i actually can't have a dog doing drugs in a tv show probably you know why can't dogs do drugs isn't that messed up we think humans are allowed to do drugs if it's necessary but dog suddenly wants to suddenly wants to unload yeah unwind a little bit by getting a little high and we're like oh oh no that's so okay does scooby doo have lines he did it was whoa that's every that's every scooby-doo line every single one of them okay so two two ended in here i'm gonna make the holes on the wall first oh free enderman here heck yes and then we're going to look at all the element all at the same time oh it's not going well for me okay free enemy we'll come in see this is where the iron sword is genuinely useful it doesn't seem like it is but let me tell you it do be i hate how you have to like poke your head out just to get bitten there's one more over there how did it hit me see if i was on one heart that would be so frustrating knowing that that killed me i need some armor obviously i need to smile badly uh but yeah scooby snacks are drugs i want some scooby snacks we know we know what you want there's a reason you know i i wonder why they've never tried to like co-brand scooby snacks into something like they turned harry potter's like chocolate frog into like a huge thing right i see that pretty frequently and i just don't know how they haven't done the same same for scooby snacks because they made like god knows how many scooby-doo movies i think okay so we got two endmen over here we need to keep an eye on the end of we have no ender poles we killed three of them what's up with that game okay one enderman okay he didn't look at me but it's fine you're gonna look at me and you're gonna look at me there we go oh so many ender pearls have to be gone it could be such a slow process but if we get out the nether by like 40 minutes we got we're we're killing it still two enderpeas thank god for that so we've killed five enemy gone two ender pearls and we're heading back towards spawn two which is even better i think we're going back towards the spawn wait chat uh where are my net bottle coordinates just give me a quick update on that i don't need them right now obviously i'm just checking up for the future oh okay i need to switch out to my stomach axe again um also need to drop some stuff on the ground just who might regret dropping those actually um what's the scoop chat what's the scoop where did the enemy go oh there's free over there look you in the eye look you in the eye okay oh okay no so i should have gone the third one i think that was a big misplay big miss mistake if you will we take the word miss play and maybe third pole heck yes three out of 12. we're gonna go for 13 because i'm always gorgeous uh that was scooby snack series and dog treats over there i guess it was i guess they were just bigger in america i guess it's a very american tv show now that i think about it there's a lot of shows as a kid that i didn't realize were american i um i just every now and then because my girlfriend's american obviously i look into like shows if they're like american or like british because like some shows just feel like oh if i didn't if it doesn't if it doesn't specify very explicitly the place my brain just assumes that it must be british right you know where if something if someone doesn't say what time you know if someone says oh it's a 5 pm you don't ask what time zone you go oh yeah probably 5 p.m where we are but 5 p.m could be literally any hour of the day because of time zones okay one two three okay i'm gonna get hit once by an enemy no i'm not i'm gonna hide under here i'm gonna make it to my little hidey hole probably shouldn't be so far away again actually okay here's two where's three where are you fed enderman i can't afford to just be killing two enemy at a time i need a third one oh there we go there you are number three i need pull through oh come on give me these please come back ugh should we jump you have to jump up there and hit him oh lord okay it's one enderman it's fine you can do this about without a little hidey hole okay i'm feeling kind of bad about this enderpearl drop right right now like this is this is why like even when it was like super unreliable people would trade with piglets because it's just faster and there's if there's unreliability in killing enemies anyway why would you ever pick it over there is there just one independent here i think there is okay let's let's do it but um once i did a show that like uh and i liked it i looked up for a few shows i found one that i thought was like must be british or american then it's like oh it's canadian it's called wait actually wait chad does anyone know a show called mona the vampire uh it's about a girl who thinks she's a vampire i'm pretty sure she thinks she's a vampire i don't know how they make a whole show out there actually like i think i'm a minecraft speedrunner don't make a whole show out of that maybe we should um okay wait we've got lots of yeses no way see i i love when like the most vague random and again i did i didn't like that show too much um like i watched it and i was like it's yeah if i wasn't like in love with it it was just there it was just on you know it wasn't that i liked it it it just had the unique distinction of being a show that was on the tv i if that doesn't count as me looking him in the eye i don't know what does by the way okay where did he go also it's been a while since the first drop i love one of the vampire man of the original cosplayer if it was 2020 they'd rewrite that show and totally be a totally be a fairy right there's no way it wouldn't be that way um it wasn't i uh yeah that was the first show that got me on the whole like oh and then it was really all a dream thing oh thank god for the fifth and the power uh but yeah the fact that like i didn't like usually like the show like it's theme song sticks me same with the scooby doo thing like uh it's like show us your fangs yay mona or hey i'm not sure actually okay six poles we're halfway there for 31 minutes we started at 20 something so there's promise there's a lot of promise especially if the pearl rng improves which lord knows it should um okay so wait where was that it was right next to me apparently oh no okay one end of them is not enough to start a fight with uh in my opinion okay go back go back um so i'm gonna fight one enderman just out here in the oh god i thought i could do it i don't think i can do it not with a gas running around at me yeah he did pull it down which means he's gone forever as far as i'm concerned now uh so we need to find more enderman okay so there's one over there he teleported away again i don't know what this is about i find it rough excuse me doing such a secret such a deep show thank you i haven't the money to explain it to you but everyone knew shaggy and scuba stoners why do you think they were scared paranoid and hungry munchies all the time i lived for that show also i love that their personality cat one of their real personality traits was we're hungry or not again they that's uh it's a very very strong trait like oh yeah i don't i don't do things things that are interesting i just i like to eat food and uh oh okay the third one's coming oh that was just two and i missed them is there two or three that's free okay i can see them all on screen at the same time come on i can't be dealing with this drop rate oh apparently i have to okay so we've only got three of these left and okay we've got 12 pieces of bread right no even less 10 pieces of bread actually i think i have all the i had all the wood without doing that i didn't need to do it oh and use the wrong wood anyway game what's wrong with you ah okay make a bread make some wheat make some bread oh ten of those is not not looking good um what's the worst case scenario on this we leave when our food runs out and no i don't find that acceptable so we just gotta take as little damage as possible right that's the solution okay please come to me of renderman where are you renderman where are you enderman there you are oh eight pearls okay chat where are my coordinates for the okay kevin nicole wait kevin no solo sorry for reading your name out wrong second fault 236 uh 121 we're a little bit away from the portal so i really need to get that going as fast as we can please both give me pearls i will be so pleased if you do i'll be i'm on for a roll now okay one over there oh and one over there too is that my one actually i'm not sure just please come over here friends one up there as well it's the same one he's just trapped in a in an endless trance it seems yep and would have really bad pathfinding i guess because they can teleport and they just assume that they'll teleport rather than have to find oh come on oh wait yes ten pearls i'm getting out first soon i'm getting out this so soon um okay so i didn't do any trading with piglens which is actually a genuine struggle for me because uh there's a lot of things i rely on that only piglins can give if these guys both drop pulse it's not going to happen because you know you don't get four pearls in a row that's not how minecraft works no one gets that but uh we're wrong for something 236 121. he's been trapped up there for a while huh should i stack up to get him i feel bad for him he's been he's been lonely i'm sure come back oh okay it's getting close you're welcome friend hey 12 okay we're gonna go for 13 just because i'm really worried about both for pearl breaking and i think like again this record is not um i'm i'm just so worried about that i i can't even describe it to you how paranoid ends up happening the corners you need though are 250 114 so this way for another 200 blocks and that way the 200 oh that's actually quite a few when you add them together huh okay so there's one element down there do i want that one i want to start with the fight if i can uh okay no i guess i'm looking at that one oh we didn't make it deep enough i'm not sure okay so we teleported around and then it got lost a bit there you are please please friend okay we got two of them one of them statistically will drop a pearl okay please please please i want to get outfit i want to get out there oh barring a far away stronghold or a portal that's missing a thing you know those are both both real possibilities why come back barring borrowing those two things i think we're on for this one you know even with it we've got plenty of time i want to have plenty of time give me my plenty of time game why are you taunting me like this the game is almost telling me like just go of 12 nothing bad will happen wink wink nudge nudge there's like i think something bad will happen actually where are they all teleported okay he's just he's getting trapped again enderman pathfinding just keep climbing up here that works come back up you can do it look i'm over here you want to come get me i'm going to go down there actually oh lord okay party power party info i really want to like waste it getting back to my portal sooner but like now i've gone through so much effort i can't so we're going that way diagonally um well the coordinates i need again uh the ones for like getting me back to my little hole that i desperately need to go down i mean i could just dig down no no let's go to hell so 250 i think oh going up here is dangerous because of the other i don't see what could go wrong decides to cast obviously oh lord um okay we're good we're good we're good oh i saw a gas explosion against the lava okay 250 77 oh one [Music] just so worried about lava at the moment okay i'm worried about piglens um very worried about picklings oh you see the white you see white okay we're out of that way 250 114 250 114 okay brett is about run out like thank god this happened when it did uh 250 114 we uh wait we might be able to get that mythical exit before 40. that that thing what i said but i was honestly it was like on the more conservative side 250 114 oh we're here we're here we're here perfect perfect um we'll mine our way down because we need to keep as many of these bots as we can oh lord thank god um we're not doing any trading so i guess we have to trade the villages if we want to okay whatever it's it's fine eat bread it's fine yeah i'm good i'm out there no one's following me now so without any training we need to trade with a villager very briefly to get some a fletcher to be precise just to get a um why is it on fire there's no reason i should be on fire it's the dumbest bedrock bug that i am genuinely very upset by okay so now we can craft um blaze powder we're gonna craft uh at least 10 of these i'm going to craft 11. just in case you know the airpods really gonna help me that much they might um fro okay it's that way oh i was gonna go that way so i'm guess i'm so glad i decided to go of this rather than following my original strategy which uh just to clarify would have not worked for me i mean it would have worked eventually just nowhere near as fast obviously um oh wait i didn't want to respawn point set i want to get food okay there's a bunch of food over there perfect uh can i get better food than that i definitely can but i'm also going to get some some bread food okay so bread food and then we want to go uh god which direction was it uh so chat if we just say for now direction one or direction two or direction three so one is forwards two is left free is kind of right uh you threw an extra eye oh god i need to my inventory is full it's messy i don't need the gold nugget things uh i don't need this oh lord okay so two didn't pick up the hay oh my my injury was so full i didn't pick up hey that was breaking right i hate i am so bad this is one of my most like simple things inventory management literally kills me more times than i'd like to admit because i don't you know i just don't look at the things whether i picked it up or not okay uh simple mistake to make uh easy mistake to make uh it's fine it's fine didn't i didn't pick up the steak as well so that's fine i came back looks like this uh do i have a saddle i feel like i do but i don't i feel incorrectly uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the barrel over here as a way to store the garbage just like nope nope nope nope nope oh i actually kind of want that nope uh that away another way the bones uh and no boy the stone sword i'm not gonna keep the stun sword because nothing's gonna run out otherwise should i make another one i need to make another yeah let's do it let's do it let's start uh what we're gonna do is we're gonna no why did you do that why what did i do wrong to make the end why why did he decide he could jump there why did he decide he could jump i'm so mad um for choosing that um i'm gonna go four blocks just because i'm genuinely terrified now uh okay so so terrified i should have gone to sleep there just as a little precaution so let's do it just so now like worst case scenario that's the worst the death can do to me look it there's my garbage oh and there's a portal those were important there anyway i mean this the room would actually be worse but yeah um okay so oh yeah bridge across here we need to make let's just eat that cookie for now let's just make that one less thing to care about um okay there's another village over there what if it is below that it can't be right because we already went to this village we'll throw it when we're in front of the village just to be sure it'd be funny if this worked out that way okay we're on 43 minutes things are going well um i feel fine i use your boat to go to the towers yeah i'm gonna need to make a bow should have gone to that pillager tower huh i'm gonna go past the pillager tower actually that's my that's gonna be better than trading um i have no armor everyone needs to consistently keep that in my mind okay we're gonna get a third bed we need four beds we're gonna do our craziness we don't have any obsidian okay bread for bread um don't have any obsidian but that's okay for now okay so uh do we have obsidian we don't have sodium is it never yeah we need obsidian crying obsidian remove lava get water instead uh no we're gonna use keep the lava for the sake of the uh the dragon you need to use lava for the current crazy strategy stuff i can keep both actually yeah i'll do that so that way i have the mlg water bucket technique to save me worst case scenario um okay so we're gonna go to this pillager tower i'm gonna do our craziness on it very worried about this because pillagers destroy uh i'm even gonna place down a bit because i'm just i'm worried that i didn't do it and okay let's just destroy you when you have no armor even on easy you might think oh it's easy you know it's easy is easy you you would be it would be easy to think that easy is easy but you would think incorrectly uh see again i'm just gonna run them around uh at the top there's a chest of a bunch of arrows and a crossbar we're gonna go explicitly for that okay we're fine we're good and there's the entrance a little bit of a tricky one oh no [Music] there's so many there's so many um new strategy new strategy i don't know what their range is actually this is a really dangerous strategy not knowing their range see there's none up there though you know i wanted to use the front door but they were very impolite they hid it in water they made me do this crossbow is a go uh arrows are a no oh lord um we got some blocks too but like is there are there any of them in here or they all get out there somehow i thought that was the one in there right i know he he climbed out as well so now what we do is we kill a bunch of them to get some arrows is it the best way to get arrows honestly training would have been faster trading would have just been faster should have just struggled actually they're going to kill each other because they're going to try and hit me and they're going to hit each other try to go for it friends try to go for it okay we got another crossbar i'm not going for it whatever i got enough to take down a few towers uh nope got two arrows got nothing from that besides the crossbar um oh wait let's throw the eye fender because we're going this way oh they have such a dumb range where they can follow you okay real fast okay so it is that way it's back the way towards spawn it's gonna be a long distance to please drop okay it's gonna be a long distance to get this stronghold might be time for a shield yeah should have been genuinely pretty useful in that uh situation huh like pillagers are the first mob that really require the shield in my opinion like i know like a shield helps everywhere else but without armor or a shield and ideally both because you'll get you'll get beaten up even with a shield you can do that with those okay let's go we're gonna be gone for a while uh oh is this gonna happen chat what do you reckon is this gonna happen it's gonna happen i need a city or no uh how am i gonna get obsidian find the room portal chest it was there i needed it i know i didn't take it um we can we can water lava together in the never now waste the lava 13 minutes it'll be fine stop jumping hunger i've got i've got the hunger thing under control now don't you worry friend um make me some breads oh you've been live for this long i am been live for a concerning amount of time okay this is the run of the day we just have to not mess it up remember even if we don't go now we'll at least personal best that's that's the least we're doing today like unless it's a broken stronghold which i shouldn't say that out loud but barring that we'll get there on time so how much line did i get from that gun i got six so six iron let's work down my head right now free for a pick x yes um free for pickaxe two for a sword one for a what do you need one iron for a shield is a shield one iron or free iron swords suck swords do in fact suck um i want to say no in order for you to continue this series i think i'll do something similar like i i don't think i can kick the speed running bug that fast it always takes me a while to get it truly at my system is that a village over there um it's gonna be too soon but do you think we went here already we definitely didn't okay so this is a man in village i don't recognize it i'm about 80 sure this is the village i want to believe it's the village if it is then we're on we're it's happening barring some terrible circumstances okay so we need to take a bed okay i'm gonna sleep in a bed first of all up here and then find another bed in another house can i set my spawn point no okay set the spawn point to find another bed i shouldn't have used the sword on that really should i um go to the center of the village 19 bread feels like too few i know i'm taking an extra hate hour silly but guess who's done it anyway um and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw i'm not even sure actually this isn't technically guaranteed to be yet so we go a little bit away from the village and we throw oh okay it wasn't it glad i didn't just dig straight down see needed the extra pearl if it's a zero eye bottle we're gonna need that you're doing great says bob the fish thank you very much butler fish so based on the fact that the angle changed is it towards that would you say is it towards that village chat would you say the angle of um would you say the angle of the uh pearl led towards that village or am i trying to make it fit did the angle of the pearl lead the village yes the angle of the pearl led to the village no the angle of the pearl was not that way um i want to know you can find some enemies in the stronghold area oh god there's two villagers i have to pick chat savannah or okay based on the angle of the ender pole from earlier um please don't comment if you didn't see it the plains village or the savannah village which was closer to the path of it which was it oh god oh lord i've never had such an important decision of such little time we're in 50 minutes right now we can't really get this wrong savannah savannah savannah oh oh it's so close to 50 50 right now no okay okay no no region chat i'm going savannah it was savannah slightly ahead when i last looked chat don't do this to me actually it's worth throwing one from the other other side just to make sure that it's either because it could be never inferior it could be obviously um so i'm just gonna knock you out of your bed i can't rest but that's fine i've got my spawn point set just in case something tragic happens um it's not game over huh was he running towards me he's not okay he's running towards the skeleton so just in case we run over here we fire our ender pearl oh wait we don't want to do it from this side because we want to make sure we can see which village it is um throw from in between so this way we can see if it's either of those two villages or a third one oh it's neva i was gonna dig down i was gonna just chat but turns out even chat was wrong oh under under an hour is looking unlikely now unless the village all of a sudden appears from the middle of nothing i don't think we're finding this uh i don't think it's happening if green particles come out of the ball then it's the village interesting logic you have there so just confirm i'm pretty sure it's not it's not that village right i'm like i'm getting so like focused on this that i'm ignoring the power directions which is kind of bad well if it isn't under a village that's uh it's it's possible it's not under a village bonaceae with so many villages it's unthinkable because it tries to generate under a village it only doesn't generate under a village if it's not possible um [Music] okay so let's do it look for green particles from the bells a run why it's such a such a cruel plate for this to happen f run uh it's like do you have a crafting table i do in fact but i believe i can get some flint and some one hour eleven minutes we just have to beat one hour eleven minutes okay just remember worst case scenario are still personal best thing you know worst case okay abandoned villages this one okay chat i've been wrong twice already but should i just dig down below this one dig down or throw throw an eye offender you know i'm gonna do it look i i'm gonna throw the eye just because i've been wrong a couple times and for a personal best dig just throw dig for oh god okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna dig i'm gonna throw it i mean ah it's this one please don't break that would prove me so yes it was fine okay we found the stronghold stronghold found if we get a good end portal an hour is entirely possible or an easy thought i guess there's no such thing as good and bad when you really think about it yeah morality if morality so now we're digging down which always seems to oh i need to make the um i need to make the stuff right okay let's uh make it inside the wall here uh i've got a crafting table i'm pretty sure i don't have a crafting table gonna make a crafting table make the iron pickaxe isn't that much faster if i'm making any way then i might as well make it now make the shield question mark uh sure let's make the shield question mark uh and then let's uh also switch out there and also we're making an iron sword can't believe i've got that one boom there we go okay so a little bit better protected against the game now does the shield protect you from lava i'm pretty sure she'll protect you from lava oh that was close to bad should we just jump down yeah we don't need to come back up do we um hey stronghold we have a little way in this is the okay this is the starting staircase five rooms from here we should find the end portal oh god there's a lot that can happen in those five rooms uh bread's real nice thank you okay there's a library over there that means it's a dead end that's not good that's that's good for us means there's nothing there for us that's probably a dead end too we want to go down here i want to go to the left iron boots already got some uh they're doing pretty healthy too somehow i don't know whether oh there we go we're here oh it had two in already uh christ oh what are you doing there mr silverfish no why'd you have to knock me at just the wrong moment okay no more silverfish it's a dumb problem i'm gonna place one bed over here just as a respawn point because oh okay we're fine oh i'm so scared when it just took control away from me okay we're good to go um just think i don't know what did i just do what did i just do what is it what i don't know what like happened there i'm very worried myself maybe i'm if i'm jumping in lava you can tell some things uh gone wrong uh throw some of that down some of that down as well as some of that like just the garbage that i don't technically need right now uh go go i don't have okay so the bed technique's not gonna work i don't have the but then if i i don't have the arrows so what is my strategy for taking down the towers i need to work that one out no i don't apparently uh okay um why are we so far away from the end uh can we even bridge that i guess i can i guess i can um put the ender pearls in your hot bar i don't abridge this too uncautiously i usually am very very very gung-ho of my bridging uh today no gung-ho-ness no gunpowers okay we need to stack up here it seems just make a little little thing easy enough to follow and get back to okay let's go we don't have enough blocks uh even if we want to to get all the towers that we want to by hand uh yep didn't consider this at all i'm in the end entirely i'm prepared to do this correctly um so this first tower is easy there's one at the ground i can do this no problem whatsoever uh the one next to it sure another one in between we can do that as well no real problems yet i'm gonna go i need for our project i don't wanna i don't waste one of my two projectiles i'm doing critical damage for the end dragon is it only it makes things faster but not faster yeah that's going to help me a lot put the pole on the hot bar um so i look at an end okay so let's uh let's put the pearls in the hot pot i agree with that strategy do a little eating and then let's just get away from here oh they look another element okay just attacked that from there that's one of the towers down dragon's back down to the center uh it's gonna be too soon but suit is slow for me to get there anytime soon next up we're gonna go to this tower uh this town is gonna be a okay okay i know i could have been a part of this one but like this is one i like to tower up to just get this done okay next up we're gonna [Music] we're gonna try and do i trust my bow shot enough with one of my two arrows i'm glad i did uh next up that one over there oh thank god i did it was near the end as well and a dragon as well um yeah we're relying a lot on something that i don't know if it will work anymore because i it didn't work in a little bit of testing i did i guess i could use the water bucket technique but that's near impossible because of how bedrock horse water buckets uh work truth be told um okay so we're taking down this tower next oh actually the dragon's gonna fly to the center no enderman please yep everything's fine okay everything's gonna be fine today i just need to not spam my sword too much oh yeah i'm gonna poke the cage one that's that's smart hold of the cage one um okay we want to pull i think make sure i don't get this one wrong oh i didn't get that one wrong oh it takes so long to mine oh and the dragon's there no okay i might place that incorrectly okay okay so next next house uh gone for no one block wrong one block bro i can't believe i'm so like i i just wasn't this whole run i was like oh yeah we'll just find that it'll just happen like all of the like the bed strategy i needed obsidian that i didn't get cause i didn't do any trading i uh it's fine we hit an hour and we died at roughly the same time which is beautiful if you think about it it's beautiful what more do you want in the world besides both those things to sync up but the good news is we've got 11 minutes until personal best is dead and that's not gonna happen i'm not gonna let it i don't think i'm pretty sure it won't we'll see i'll see if that's true um okay so we've got a bunch of iron bars we're gonna have to use those iron bars and uh grab the pickaxe out here grab this out there oh lord boots on uh i need a falling device stopper i'm out of water by the way which is um mildly concerning some would say some have been quoted as saying that's not good friend okay so we're gonna go take down we want the towels to be taken down to be near each other that's the big goal we always have with our towers dragon's about to fly to the center ah please please dragon please dragon oh what are you doing here please come to the center oh god i i just did i didn't bring blocks i should have chopped down some trees i didn't have anything planned i had no arrows no no no obsidian for bed like i brought two beds three beds which is great but two beds there's not another dragon i'm gonna do the other end of pearl as silly as this seems i'm gonna throw it through look at that double damage yeah oh okay we got a little bit more damage than we would otherwise and as long as we can okay yeah we can do this we can still do this we can pull this together we can pull this pull this round together uh i need to get that food out right now oh god oh lord actually food it's so tragic so tragic falling device stuffer oh no no okay oh there's four enderman looking for me i'm dead it's oh and i i jumped for nothing i jumped for a chance at the dragon and that chance was nothing oh there's four endermen can i just shield them away actually forever yeah how you like this how you like this friends uh dragons in the center again uh can't miss a second opportunity please stop it [Music] okay it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine this everything's not fine i messed this up so bad i have nothing with me to defeat the dragon um which has happened like three or four times in speed runs now i need to like think like okay the time doesn't matter if you don't defeat the dragon if i don't have a strategy to beat the dragon what use is there being in the end that needs to be my brain more like i could spend a minute in the overworld making this fight so much faster myself okay we need to stop we need to get the dragons uh don't care about anything else just go get those critical hits in there okay lies off again don't look at anything besides okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good i don't see anything do you see anything i don't see anything dragon fly back in please you know you want to do i have the boots on i do okay let's take down that and we'll take down tower me like closer to oh you coming in no you just you just come to attack that's fine we all feel like attacking the world sometimes oh please stop healing you know the towers they took down are two unevenly split that's the problem uh oh and the i used up both arrows on this apparently i don't have one left i don't remember using the second one uh yeah the the runs not finished in friend uh accurate use your ax to do more damage um axes don't do more damage than swords and bedrock here is an iron sword six here's a stone x four uh just so you know i know it like seems urgent to you like didn't even get the extra damage yep we forgot to get errors off we we had free strategies and i didn't commit to any of the three and so i didn't have enough for any of them i don't have the blocks to get all the towers down by hand i don't have the arrows to take them down the bow and i don't have the obsidian i need to use the beds um okay you know what i'm gonna do once the dragon's down to just under half half i'm gonna try the bed strategy anyway it's gonna be a nightmare and i don't think i can put it off but i'm going to try okay i'm going to try to pull up a modified version just for this why is she flying so fast she's spending so long so little time here so long flying away fly one more time in and then we got this dragon yes no i'm stuck i'm stuck okay so we want to get a second bed out i'm gonna i'm gonna do a modified version of the bed strategy friends uh it relies on the dragon we got six minutes and then we can get a tiny personal best game uh if you don't know beds in the end uh it's a lot harder to do on bedrock even with the critical damage you still need a second bug uh you need to like bring the dragon down close to the beds because beds explosions just don't hurt the dragon much on uh bedrock compared to java so the plan uh you're ruining the plan dragon so the plan genius in all its ways it's uh my plan my plan why is she taking so long to do our runs today why do you do this why do you do this to me she's like basically getting a full heal every time no okay just don't get a full hill for the next one and then we can try we're gonna need three beds for this i think so let's try and get a third out here switch this on the bed the real sub hour run was the friends we made along the way thank you so much tommy you know that's the positive side of this you ever think about it that way what if it was never really about the uh oh the person i told about the axe thing i was like you know i'm going to arrest your comment i'm going to tell you the axes don't do more damage from bedrock i even showed him midway through the game he's still spamming it it's crazy i wonder like there's some people who are like not watching the stream it feels like like they comment on the stream and then i'll like answer their comment and then they'll ask it again and it's like but i responded to you what are you commenting are you doing it for yourself you're doing it for other people are you copy pasting do you have your are you listening on mute if so why did you ask the question what do you well like in this case like give the thing oh this is hurting my soul this is hurting my soul okay we're gonna try it [Music] okay one more run quickly and then we can try it okay that's how it's gonna have to be how it's gonna have to be i don't like that this is how it has to be but it is so i'm gonna use the stone axe because it's the same as uh sun axe at the same damage as a iron pickaxe because we're playing bedrock no come down here quickly dragon dragon dragon i know we disagree on some things it's dragon ah you're earning my accounts chance of this one okay i'm gonna have to just there's so much i have to pull up in such a short span and the dragon is making it worse by just not like even if i can do this insane glitch that i like come down for a fight that's all i ask from you did they change the dragon's behavior in this update because i i've never seen her so consistently refused to come down like she's heated up fully every time uh that's that's very frustrating um running it is oh my chat's frozen it wasn't the same person commenting it again my channel i feel bad i wonder how much oh lord am i live right now huh i don't think i'm live anymore if you can see this say hello i won't see your hello okay i'm just gonna do the better thing next time she comes down i'm gonna attack like four or five oh no damn it i could have at least personal bested you monstrous of dragon i know most this most of this run going badly was on me i understand that i'm not i'm not that mad about that what i'm mad about is the is that the dragon just i just rng low okay killed up fully even like almost like actually 100 genuinely fully okay so now we just gotta okay so if we get a dragon run in the next 30 seconds and i can put off this technique in 25 seconds i might be i might be able to one cycle the dragon please it's okay chat don't tell me don't tell me what the odds are so i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna okay i don't like i don't like how this is gonna work i don't know how this is gonna work honestly uh place that there second step is we gotta go to jump up do i have the lava bucket i do have the lava bucket then we place that down then place a bed there a bed there why can't i because there's no second block there oh i didn't do it in time no did you see that dragon's health bar i was so close to killing her i think i did kill her oh i did no if i just didn't die i would have i'd have been my personal best by a few seconds if i just didn't die chat i don't know if you're here i don't know if anyone's here or if this is just a video copy okay you know i need to go check what was my exact time on my previous best run i still one my previous best was one hour 11 minutes and eight seconds that was one hour 11 minutes and and 33 seconds i was only 25 seconds off so who's the real winner now [Music] i i i i'd like to thank you not second best run ever that's the real that's that's what this is really about hold on second best run of the day i think you will find that's that's a good record to have that's something to be proud of i uh uh yeah that that that was like the fact that i could pull that off even with that mistake midway through it was you i i did that by the skin of my teeth and then it still wasn't enough i had to take a one in a i had to take a a long shot given my my skill set but what matters is you beat minecraft and ale kid is proud we got a we got a second best bet best on best random seed glitch this time on pc in the 1.16.100 update i'm going to submit that time just just so i have like a pc record technically speaking uh well you know i'm going to do this again on wednesday or thursday you know i might not be able to resist and i might do it tomorrow but i want to be uh tomorrow i i have a i like i got a survival project i want to be working on uh but yeah it's been a lot of fun thank you for showing up i'm gonna go eat a frozen pizza and it's gonna burn my mouth but you know if that's if that's not worthwhile then i don't know what is thank you for watching this this was a this was a journey we went on today i'll see you all so dumb how long do we spend on the end too and we just we just brought some arrows if we just brought one obsidian if i just check that chest you know should we find out should we do this to ourselves let's do this to ourselves let's find out just for curiosity so first of all this was an amazing stronghold like i got all the rng i needed today and it still turned into an hour 11 run so actually not the pendant rng but um okay let's uh gamma let's see got a got a creative up so you can see there's no cheats oh wait here's the seed now now you've seen the seed just in case you want it gamma c uh tp oh wait this is like slash set block arrows okay chat let's just know i wanted to be on record uh and then i was about like two tp 250 131 i want to say uh i know 70 131 is this correct this is not correct i'm somewhere near the right place was it 121 where did i where was my i guess it was up okay it was up here somewhere okay just now we now we uh portal again i just need to know because i don't know what's in this place okay chat so there was a room portal here if i had checked the chest which admittedly i wasn't think like most the things in the chest i didn't need but one block of obsidian i would have or one block of crying obsidian okay i'll see you all next time i'm gonna be streaming tomorrow come check it out goodbye
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 113,476
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Id: eSyCmZhC8G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 44sec (14204 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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