TESTED: Can You Beat Minecraft Without ANY DAMAGE?

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hello I may be extra cam welcome back so do so if I were to ask you is it possible to beat the minecraft and a dragon without taking any damage you probably answer maybe if you had the right gear the right equipment the right armor the right everything else you could probably do it with enough attempt and this is something I just about proof if I took my existing survival world from all these years ago I could probably eventually beat the dragon without taking any damage but today I wanna strike not just to do that but to try and beat the entirety of Minecraft without sinking a single half heart damage that's right we're gonna be playing UHC minecraft and not just UHC regular UHC where we have a single half half point any form of damage kills us wipes us out from the game and we have to start again it's gonna be one of these challenges I imagine that frustrates and takes so much time but that's why I'm doing it for your viewing pleasure so I hope you will enjoy this attempt to beat minecraft without any equipment from start to finish from spawning into the ender dragon and I guess we should just dive straight into this one so as you can see we've turned off natural regeneration so there's no way to get my you know things back basically that's playing with UHC and then also what we've done is we turn the difficulty to hard and we're gonna be using a blank seed like all of these challenges it has been entirely random seed that no one has any knowledge of whatsoever are we gonna be starting into whatever game minecraft give me because I feel like that's the fairest way to do this so let's see what we get okay so we spawned in a mega taiga biome which is kind of nice a lot of people think this is one of the rarer biomes in the game a lot of people really like it that's kind of cool and I guess that's a promising start of the run because if we had bones we could tame some dogs too okay so you can see we're literally at a half a heart anything will kill me instantly and you know that plus the fact in the description you'll see the full you know a couple first couple hours of brawl gameplay if you just want to you know guarantee the extra step this is legit but trust me I'm trying to do this with no damage whatsoever and I know there are enough fake videos that you can you know kind of see there's a thing but again check the description all see the fact that I have half a heart this is how we know it's going to be entirely no damage whatsoever so I wanted to sit down the ground rules right now as well because if you want to beat minecraft damage you need to really clarify what does damage means so no damage what's whether anything that can take half a heart or more of damage will count as damage there is no healing there is no totem up and dying I know technically it's kind of like not taking damage but technically speaking the tongs are dying in my piƱon counts as dying and then being brought back to life before it counts as a death in my opinion that counts as taking damage so no healing potions no totem of undying everything has to be done in the most cautious way possible because any form of damage a straight arrow even bullying more than free blocks at the time is instant death for me which is cool on the one hand and also kind of scary on the other so we're gonna use our starting methods you get on bedrock so you're just gonna walk around here because I've got some wood now I want to go find a Plains by him because any F anyone would rip out trees is a little bit more dangerous at night in my opinion it's interesting because unlike previous runs where we're seeing if something is humanly possible everyone knows this is possible it just seems you know ridiculously hard and unlikely to do oh and I think it actually just might be because there is a ravine here and inside yep it's a la ravine so if we need lava this is gonna be our place it's pretty safe because the lava lights it up and yes long as we come here during the daytime we're gonna be good okay I found a perfect place to set up as my face for now because it's perfectly flat we can see everything for a very long distance around and we're gonna light it up but yeah we're gonna need an industrial number of torches to make this properly work so I've also made myself this little safety box this means that even if a mob does happen to stumble into the area if I'm inside here the mob won't be able to see me at least without some doors which will be here which should increase my safety even further oh look at that scale Snover there he's walking over here like he knows I'm over here he doesn't but it's scary you can see what I mean like accidentally just random things like that you get real scary real fast it's like learnings clear a room the military or something well I'm basically saying is this oh god this is girl's number this is basically the same as being in the military it's exactly what I'm saying well you can get up to pre-war per sheep but apparently I just got one anyway you know didn't need to sleep tonight anyway sheep Oh another thing that almost just killed me is this some gravel in the ceiling right here if gravel suffocates me even for half a second the run is over I'm dead it's all over like that so that zombie actually survived the night because he's got a cap on which means that I have to kill him I guess I'm gonna make sure that okay so yeah we're gonna be really really careful about this I get it usually you can be really saved on please they're just to be extra safe about this one oh we even got the helmet what is it Aiko affinity and forms forms is worthless when you're not allowed sick damage but aqua affinity genuinely might come in useful it's like one of the better in Charlotte's because it's gone so this is my paranoia mana so far as you can see I've got my slope view holes I can check see if anything is trying to get me but yet it's mostly just here so I've got extra safety even though if things lit up something could walk up if I go afk then I actually be sure then nothing will get me so I guess the good news about this run so far is the fact that we have so much Laura maple there's a lava pit over there there's a lot of it there there's a loft over there and that's on top of the lava ravine we found out Oh God look how many spiders there is in that place our spiders gone free from that from the water trap that is not a good sign for me oh god that is not a good that is not a good thing that is not a good thing not a good thing okay what killed me what killed me there slain by spider oh no we're gonna try this one again as you can see natural regeneration off as you can see Hard difficulty and a blank see let's see what we get this time so I mean it's not a better spawn but it's not a worse spawn so that's that counts for something at least I knew this would be one that like couldn't be done on the first run I just like knew it in my head and I guess I've proof that right which is you know if one those things I hoped I'd be wrong about okay well let's let's try that one again I found some lilac flowers over here and I think I'm gonna take these for morale later on down the line because I can make some pink dye I think it is I swear the entirety of the map we've explored so far has been all some form of forest like tiger into regular forest into birch forest a third as many where how so this is a really odd spawned cuz it seems as though I've spawned next to a Mesa flying and not just a Mesa plan and Mesa Bryce by him with an exposed abandoned mineshaft and a desert temple again you can check that footage if you think this is absurd because I think it is - I will be sharing the seat in the video or in that video but first of all let's take the damage and then let's go explore it immediately but there are sometimes chests family by which can contain I mean Dole Napa was worthless we can't use it no god there's literally a cave spider spawner there what how what how way why we're to go inside here we're gonna torch the place up as we go just to be extra safe to bits of gold and you know I don't think this was a very successful Oh some emeralds oh me we forgot to prioritize food which we desperately desperately need so this is a risk it's a risk I would rather not take I'm gonna go get it in the water no there's a drown down that ground for a trident instantly over so we're gonna use this day time as an attempt to get the last bit of water we need also to torch up the area also to get enough food to guarantee it even in a big scarcity situation we won't starve which is a good thing in my opinion no really of all the ways at all there was a bit of loose sand that you spell right the way through the ground okay so it looks like we're doing some pool of survival island face challenge because there's a huge ocean over here well maybe it's just oh it looks like we're just yeah at the very edge of an ocean so this actually was a fairly okay spawn foot we're trying to do I don't think this is a good seat in general I think it's a very plain and boring seed but it has a Plains biome next to spawn that's all we really need or want for this runs I really have a good feeling that this is gonna be the run by the way I don't even know why but I'm just thinking you know I've had enough ridiculous barriers if we just stay focused the entire time on an important task because the important task is a certain number of ways of dying which I'm always focused on it's when I go off tasks I'm like oh let's get some gold I was gonna make a whole gold set farm with the fun that's when I was placing torches around and that's when I fell to my death oh so as it turns out this village has literally one of these torches usually there's a lot more than one so we have three bits of wool but they're different color we need to find shrink sacks or one bond no or we can turn into a bed okay we found a cave again we're gonna be extra super cautious of this one so now I'm gonna revisit the paranoia factory idea from earlier where we make sure that there's absolutely no way there's something can be waiting forever when I get up there because it's just it's just an extra form of fear I'd rather not have in my life seems as though I found the bottom of an underwater cave of some form it's odd because there's a Dissidia nor Eddy in here which again that's Oh and we found a low x-ray glitch apparently huh oh you can see a bunch of rounds over there so that's a little bit scary sadly there's no other structures anywhere nearby me oh okay so this is what the seed looks like it's a pretty interesting mixture of swamp and Plains again I can't guarantee this will be great or not so great oh and there's a village found to the south of spawn as well oh and get this it's not just one village near spawn it's to or at least one village and then a tiny mini village of just two houses it seems well I've got a lifetime supply of iron pickaxes and swords apparently we have torches we have a bed I'm feeling pretty positive about this run in general this is a quick reminder if you haven't already heard but I leave the full first several hours of gameplay if you want to guarantee this was a legit random seed you can see the game whether it's a meet to complete because I really do think this runs gonna be the run but I can hear Asami nearby so I'm already getting into like a lot mode but the good news is I can hear some lava through one of these walls I'm gonna be super careful about it yeah this is a big old pit one of the biggest one o in this diamonds here - yes please let's go get those diamonds now or that diamond I'm hoping it's not polite oh well I mean my hopes are correct it seems pro tip when wining diamonds you know it takes four seconds to be cautious and it takes one second to lose your diamond to the lava because you just like that as you can see really I lost that diamond to teach you a valuable lesson so there's a skeleton jumping around just above the base dying somewhere I don't know why don't know how so yeah for now I'm gonna wait until daytime comes so I know the skeleton will die and in the meantime just get you know stuff on meeple later anyway so I actually mind enough obsidian to make two nether portals just so if I need to you know panic lis turn on my way out or you know whatever the case may be maybe I want to make a second bottle nearer the police corners just I need to have that flexibility so just keep in mind that as we do this there is a solid chance we're just gonna die in a month we've walked through the portal or if we spawn over a camp like this okay we're going back we're going back right now so you can see what a horrific spawn that is okay so we're gonna try this one again now and we're gonna see if we get maybe marginally better results than staring into a gas floating above nothing definitely not the same portal it's it's the exact same yeah my basic plan now is to make a really safe cobblestone tunnel where nothing can see me until we find the nearest never fortress oh gosh oh god okay the noises are still happening okay it's a mining free little island tears taking us most of the way to this thing I'm gonna now take it to 100% again making sure it's a solid passageway on both sides oh I hear it wither skeleton somewhere around that okay oh god okay I forgot wrigglers buildings and spawn in there too so we've got two nightmares to face see I've actually placed myself a little door here just to make it absolutely safe you know sterile in and out it's interesting because I don't see any exposed places I've seen a bunch of wither skeletons now but no single blaze to follow up on it so there we go that's how we're gonna get place rods one by one we're gonna have to hardscope each oh no my knees II please I'm just trying to say okay there we go to blaze rods down oh they can't see me that was a direct look in the face yes standing near this for longer is just causing more and more places to spawn pammi that is not a good solution so yeah they're definitely spawning in Boston I can kill them with this absurd method which means getting those blaze rods is gonna be more of a challenge than anything else yeah my plan here is just to keep popping in and out of its vision until we kill it okay so I think one of the blaze rods are still missing at the very least oh gosh I guess it is a blaze okay so that's to blaze rods but even touching blazes is nothing kill you also this is a much monster so at this point we just have so many places spawning that they're even poorly into places like this my plan to use myself later again I know there's efficient ways to do this and work it out but my brain is unable to function under the stress of like you died the last two and a half hours or so progress and this would have been lost yes I'm done with the never it looks like I won't even die in the process so I actually forgot just how much of a challenge it was to get from the fortress to my portal and given those aghast looking at me right now it looks like this might stay a challenge I was gonna sprint there nobody focus on anything big game to that portal alive okay so that gas is just gonna stay there forever it seems maybe he won't fire me if he does this very little maneuver room to get away from it okay I'm running I'm running please okay thank God so yeah Enderman can pick up dirt below you which can make you unsafe Enderman can pick up grass even end and then can pick up TNT never acts so many different blocks and the plan is if you want to kill an Enderman make sure that he can't pick up the blocks you used to make yourself safe so and most of these challenges that I've done so far getting the end of them killed is usually pop the slug like oh yeah you just grind over known over again and then eventually you've killed your Enderman it's kind of done it's not necessarily unchallenging but it's pretty easy once you get the hang of things however in this run we have to watch out for so many factors at the same time first of all there's the fact that obviously enemies can kill me one hit I mean it's not too many hits on hard difficult normally but it's one hit me regardless but we also to look for these Enderman while avoiding skeletons if a skeleton even a grows on me for a second why is one arrow it's instantly over oh we found that Enderman just for talking about them but if one skeleton fires one arrow it's over on Hard difficulty they're even more accurate than normal which makes it even harder so there's that added to the putt what is he doing by the way oh there's adds the pulp then there's phantoms which are a new thing obviously in the current version of the game I mean they're not that new but like then you wish and yeah that makes for a real mess and the only way to really safely do this is to have an entirely safe port where you know there's no way an enema could do it and although stairs is being a bit too paranoid there are other blocks and we can't see it's just you know tough being safe rather than being sorry look directly at him even though Oh God even though like that and yeah we can now hit through these barriers biggie Kong at me so yeah it's a handy little safety measure in my opinion I'm not sure if words can correctly describes a fear in my heart yes while doing this because you have no idea how the tiniest of mistakes immediately wipe out two hours and like again even just playing for fun a popper heart feels bad but what I you know what I think it's gonna be the hardest bit is just getting these 12 kills or 11 kills from now on on Enderman may be slightly less when we find the trouble but still okay so I've got one eye offender and on bedrock at least the odds of it breaking a fairly low so it's gonna fire it and then go like another five hundred a thousand blocks in that direction and see where that takes us apparently it is over there directly south I just realized this is the second night I've been out about sleeping I need to sleep tomorrow night so the one benefit of spending all that time looking for the stronghold was I got myself a lot of cobblestone which means I have more stairs Bobby I can make more stairs which means I'm ready now to take on Enderman and definitely not scared its 100% not skeletons so yeah now I'm in the situation where I can't get out fear cuz I a growed an Enderman but I think he's stopped because he made noises like I'm whatever I'm done oh there is okay so as you can see oh god that was so close okay same thing again we back heard him he's coming after me I've always wondered why Enderman sometimes just to slide that bought a few halfway through trying to kill you is it when they realize they can't get to any heater poured into a cave below for some reason Oh God okay he's dead no ender pearl because that is the look we're on today three Enderman in a row it's been a full hour now with no activity whatsoever and the reason for that is because I'm getting bad luck Winterfell drops come on not a single Enderman nope not one no didn't not even a chance for an end apart tonight so it's raining tonight and that means I have a couple of choices one is I could sleep through this night entirely and wait another full Minecraft day but you know I'd rather not do that there's a lot of time funk we have to think if this one already so I'm gonna do instead is I'm gonna find myself a brand new biome ideally a desert or just somewhere new to stop searching during the day that's also vaguely in the direction that the stronghold should be okay it's been quite some time but we have another Enderman finally I am gonna rush into this one because I have learned already that they would teleport way on a seconds notice and they just I don't know what's wrong with Enderman sometimes but their logic seems to be really broken on bedrock I lost an Enderman in the time it took me to build that structure and I speed build that then the man is gone okay we're hopefully gonna be lucky with this one though oh we got an ender pearl thank you game Thank You K okay day time came I didn't find any more Enderman but I'm just gonna pray this next I appender just gets me all the way there it has to right so I'm somewhere roughly on course for it but we'll see oh this way okay so cold what's the left no no what I swear every time I have enough end up offenders and I'm kind of fond of it they lost forever this run they done well guess who's waiting for another 20 plus minutes to find a center okay so I found another thing that's pretty funny on this world right here as you can see there's a beach which goes right up into the mountains but then there's a chest it's clearly meant to be buried treasure found just in there and although buried treasure probably don't contain anything too great I'm just too tempted by the idea of that so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna see what's in the buried treasure oh it's a diamond it's a half the sea which I really don't think will help me and a bunch of chain stuff which is really cool in general like it's nice to have rare equipment usually but today I don't really need that so instead I'll just kind of climb away from here okay so I found myself as a banner next to a desert the awesome thing about these biomes is that they don't rain which is good for planning any man and also they can contain villages which means if I find one of those then I'll Jen really know that it's probably Oh like that one right there probably something to do with that I've been affirmatively there's a really solid chance this is the village above which the stronghold generates this was a super convenient chest oh here's something kind of cool it's daytime but I've still found an end evidence in the desert well foolin ol pal is pretty successful one night free ender pearls you know maybe you should just go to deserts after all so I've got to open this now definitely enough to find the stronghold particularly because I really think that the stronghold is gonna be one of these next two villages even this village or that village there's just two next to each other in the rough area so we'll have to do is stand perfectly between the villages and whichever way the opener points me I'll be almost certain that's the correct one okay well that way it is I guess so even though I'm about 90% certain the strongholds going to be found beneath this village you know I just do a little bit of digging and I'll find it just to be sure because you know there's a lot of desert this way still and I've been sure a few times before I'm gonna go a little bit further this way we're gonna both be safe my friend oh it's definitely this village right here like even that are it's somewhere between this village in look oh that was the most wasteful I offender I've ever used apparently it seems as though I've stumbled across some pot off the stronghold but I can hear his skeletons rumbling around in there so I do not want to go inside it just yet oh so did okay so I was watching sewing maybe you have the noise there I withstood a hit everything took a little bit of damage the skeleton hit me dead-on and I took no damage because there can be mobs in any room you have to count like check clear check clear it's like we're seeking a house in real life where you die from one bullet except we die from one arrow honestly the stronghold destruction I originally did gave me a lot bit for an insight into how these things tend to work and yeah I'm ready to do this now so diamond sword on the ready selfish can kill me so I should be just as scared of them as any of them up and I'd be ready to take this thing out and clear the room as fast as I can but we have now found the important room I'm excited to see how many piles it has inside please be more than one oh it's near none it six okay zero that means that statistically worse luck than average however there's one more thing I do wanna fight in this place and that is the library if the library contains a looting enchanted book which I mean it's not that far for not it's like you know one in ten chance for four separate chances we've got a it's slightly less but you know we've got really fair odds of finding looting on a sword whether it's one to a free and honest or looting in a book we can put on a sword and honestly we can find looting my life gets a little bit safer so it's worth going for okay so I'm going to be super cautious of this library it's one of the few places in the game where cobwebs naturally spawn and if there's a mob in here and I run into a cobweb then you better believe I'm dying to that mob okay come on chest okay impaling that's uh that's a nice one weight impaling is for oh it's for the trader and then power so impaling projectile protection flame okay so here's the second library it looks a little bit different to the first one but same thing goes here find the chest pray the chest there's some good things in oh it's reflected that's way infinity really good for a bow defeats the point of all these errors I'm otherwise getting and mending and law we got mending twice geez that's good luck I'm breaking amending such a solid book this is the best thing for a sword entirely worthless to me though because it said speed run this is pretty good for a piece of armor or a fishing rod entirely worthless neither and this is really good for a bow but so interestingly enough at least in my opinion I actually have all the things I now require for an installment table and given we didn't get any good books so he can't use an and builds dirt we might as well just enchant some stuff on a base level because I mean it's not perfect anymore but if we put protection on there then it might save us potentially in some edge case again oh we don't have lappers I guess not entrancing for me then okay so we've got ourselves some more gunpowder always good some more I'm maybe good oh not back in fire aspect I swear we just went looting in one of these chests I'll be so unbelievably happy many many hours later I now have all of the ender pearls I need to make all of the is end as I need assuming I don't accidentally frequent way on the way to the stronghold and now I am ready to do this I am ready for the big fight at least in spirit I mean on a technical level I can go and do it I mean I've got a horse I've got this I've got that and given that I have half a heart that's my whole gimmick today I think taking a risk on this dragon after all of that would be a bit absurd you know starting again from scratch all these hours later is not a very productive way to do this and it's also just I mean it'd be personally painful to lose after all this time so I feel like the best strategy is to be prepared for this and one of the best ways to do that I've been collecting some wood already but to collect a lot more wood and you're gonna see why when we get into this because I think this might be the easiest and fight yet in the series but again let's let's see if it works out first then let's brag about how thick it is so for the record this Enderman hunt has been the least Pleasant of the series so far I always put the end of an hunt you know killing Enderman a night off tonight as being one of the least enjoyable parts of the Minecraft you know a brace to the end dragon because there's no real control over sometimes you can go an entire hour without encountering an element and there's not much you can do about that we've got a fair chance of this oh okay there's a drowned in that cave I'm genuinely super nervous but just walking for the stronghold we might run into something like I'll admit I would see the humor in it all of a sudden like I got killed in the stronghold it's like yeah there goes 10 hours of gameplay or whatever but you know the applaud means like no if I'm doing this I want to go I've lost the way for the stronghold okay I'm here and I'm nervous but let's do this let's get the big moment going off so for this runt just be informed they're gonna turn down the volume of the game severely for the end dragon fight and dragna minecraft is super super loud so Hera fing be a little bit quiet that's not the game being broken or something it's just me trying to avoid the Dragons endless rules to make me go deaf which I personally I'm not a fan of so let's jump in let's do this I guess again I'm somewhat confident but like Ashley jump again makes me a lot less confident and our first move you might think is to go straight to the end island where the dragons actually yeah but my actual plan is to go as far up this way as we can to get away from the ender dragon as fast possible because the dragon can only hit you from distance away so if you're far enough away then you're outside the end dragons kind of like catchment and so on let's call it but but another option you have is to go all the way out to the enter and to instead just kind of build a bridge all the way to the end island so this is a process that takes way longer than you assume it's roughly a thousand blocks we're gonna have to travel that's why we need so much wood to go to one of these outlying islands which seems like a a weird investment of time like you're gonna you know spend a solid few minutes now just again all the way from the end to the end Islands but it's gonna be super useful for allowing us to beat the dragon a lousier and just like that you can start to see the end islands at the very least starting to be visible okay so here's where I have to be extra extra careful to look towards the ground because there's Enderman everywhere and one of them could end the run in a kind of amusing way but my other option and this is what I'm gonna go if I think because Alma means nothing in this run it's just a bit of Carl pumpkin again it looks kinda silly it's a little bit ridiculous but this is the strategy right now we can look over the element in the face all we like and yeah again wait since we're only looking out for entities which are pretty distinctive it should work for now at least okay so I see what appears to be an end city I don't know if it has an end ship yet cuz we can't quite see but it might do so we'll go over there regardless so here's the deal I kind of just assumed we'd find an end city by now or an end ship by now at the very least and they're kind of hasn't happened I've pretty much run out blocks it's been something like half an hour and we just haven't found anything this is one of the fun you have quirks of Minecraft being grandly generated is you know sometimes everything works out and sometimes the opposite happens and you kind of stranded on an end island okay so before my would fully runs out I don't think I'm gonna make is I'm gonna make a boat because I'm Pope this can be you spelt vernie's and I'm gonna make Arabs errors require sticks and sticks require wood so it's important that before I use up all the things I just get that made right now make sure it's out of the way so it seems as though my strategy of just praying that I would eventually find one has worked as you can see very valid would recommend to a friend so this is an absurd treasure my planners genuinely just to place a bunch of blocks then look up keep an ear out for any schalke noises and then see how well that works out for me so the Electra is found at the very front of the ship underneath it so my not up from exactly here that's why we want to be so if we want forms and protection and I'm breaking I mean I'm I guess we might as well take it like if the games offering me form leggings maybe it saves my life in a backup situation this is such a simple operation when I'm just so terrified of making it but okay let's go go go go go go so I'm not sure of the elite written bail on this side I don't think it did know the elite rappel on me oh oh okay okay this works this works this works apparently he can't hit me he can't attack me I can attack him he's dead okay do you not want to die for shocker haven't ever tried to fighting a shock without taking damage didn't want this to be the first time oh no I don't have enough for a crafting table which I need to make fireworks and I need to make sugar which is ready to make paper to make fireworks so I guess we're going on a road trip following my old path back oh so put this back on but yeah the reason I've been collecting gunpowder this whole time the reason they've been collecting you know should gain this whole time maybe you spite that was because I intended to make some fireworks just like this so the interesting thing here is I'm not sure if the Electra will last all of the way on the journey back home if I fly the entire way off so this is the first okay so I wanna if you look at my liquor use it's already gone down by about 10% I want to save this for the fight so I'm just gonna take a walk back which seems counterintuitive but for this case it won't be so it's a pretty long run back and it's kind of funny just walking past some the Enderman because they just spawn anywhere they can including these half slabs okay so here comes the moment of truth and I think rather than you know slowly doing this in the way that seems most natural I think we want to just rush into it I think we want to just like you know let's lead by example let's play up let's play in let's get our teensy planted let's get the hardest ones down our way maybe let's go okay now let's go hit by the dragon maybe we should do the hot the easy ones for actually not that does seem easy enough to do I guess the dragons back in the center this is my really only time to shine and try one more low run here land on top of the fence post home and didn't take damage get up I'm out okay please tell me that actually worked please tell me it did I'm not saying it I'm not saying okay it's done the second cage is done the finest Aloisi now okay okay we can do this we can do this I say before not doing this oh I did it okay so now we've got all the towels down it's just about can we kill the dragon before the dragon kills us it hurts our long-term vision and we might miss the dragon curse but even sure they're taking damage as well three blocks but somehow favor falling I'm not even sure no you get a question it just yet come back to this later but I am going and I'm doing this because that is bizarre stuff if I if it wasn't legitimate just again do it because there's gonna be the one person who's like I had I've got to look at doing something I'm sure what you know soon if it wasn't legitimate I wouldn't leave it in the run I'm leaving back in the run because I want you to know that it is a rare chance maybe emotional our breath like maybe half the time maybe but sometime maybe less or more than that okay dragons in the center again okay any damage anywhere and then let's do this here this happen wait as now it has happened we beat the dragon no damage taken or two hits taken the hunt you know there's a whole confusing thing that we'll have to dive into but just like that dragon is defeated and oh I guess you actually wait just so we're not too smug now we have officially as of this beaten minecraft without taking any damage whatsoever that is a very very complicated insane time consuming painful run I do have to say right now that this is one of the hardest just in terms of how much it demanded for me runs and it's also hardest in terms of like how much I have been like scared of like me in terms of maybe luck too I'm not sure this is this is insane moment it's all come together and I am so happy to say that yeah we did it we did it we did it yeah so we have been Minecraft with half a heart from the start to the finish we took no damage within the game release no measurable damage I'm sure those two hits because in case you're curious live got her there's something about that again for full transparency I'll leave the hits in there you can see them you can see my almost taking some damage all that sort of stuff but that is what I believe it is is its chanson minecraft when you have armor when there are you know like tiny amounts of damage instead of being like a you know binary like all this there's a third of the heart off damaged or this does a you know like a sixteenth Bahat damage it does the hit animation but it doesn't take away from the actual thing so I don't believe we took damage and stay stream you can confirm yourself do a few tests the skeleton hit on hard with iron armor will sometimes kill you sometimes not I'm still not sure the whole things about it that mechanics in Minecraft are confusing but we beat minecraft with no damage and this is one of those goals I've had for the longest time is like her that would be cool but I've always realized that some point along the way I'm gonna die you know because I've tried a few times on streams I tried it five times today before the successful six run it's been a long one it's been a crazy one so I do have one actual thing though I would like confess before we finish the video and that is the fact that as you can see right here it is the fourth of December as I finally finished this run it was the 28th of November when I began it I started the run and then I got how about halfway fruit off the first end burn and I was like this is just killing my heart too much to do it and then a few days ago I did half of the Enderman and then today I did luck stuff from the end of the game because doing this trying to beat minecraft with only half a heart or you know with only hop hop they're taking no damage whatsoever it increases your paranoids will ever where it's not necessarily perfectly fun play minecraft oh I love lots my challenges like some ways to beat the game in a more interesting way this is a way to you know diet 27 from all the stress or something like it's great for your hobby it's great for burning calories or whatever I'm sure that has to be true but in terms of is this a fun challenge I recommend no the whole I I love these challenges all the other ones in the playlist that again you can check down below because trying to beat minecraft crafting whatever it was like a challenge on a mental level we could overcome this was a challenge in how much can you pay attention to everything and hope something bad doesn't happen a lot for the first few times it was like oh that made a mistake didn't assume every single mental possibility and I'm sure this run we've got a few moments of luck in there but it is a thing that we did in around I don't know how long the gameplay was like something like 10 hours total there's a a lot of stuff they have to go down killing Enderman is so stressful normally killing them like this so much more stressful there's just a lot of things in Minecraft that are so much harder when you have half heart so I don't recommend this front and I won't be doing any more like oh it's a toy cat Navy minecraft only half a hot now should I beat my tree off with half a heart and only one hand or whatever like doing things that mechanically difficult not only is it hard like you know at least for me maybe maybe it may be a bad personality type but also if you if you check the comments even though I've been a hundred percent transplant better thing there's gonna be some lose like its effect there's literally gameplay you can check to sit that you can literally check everything that happen in this run even those weird you know like almost damages but not damage things you can check them and see if they're real but sones gonna be like it's a fake whereas at least the other runs even if you want to set it they would you know if you want to believe that that's fine I'm an evil you tube you know guys trying to take your money by pretending to do minecraft runs but going through lots of effort to fake them or whatever Oh also but just in case you're curious just see one more time there is no like message saying this world has made it created for this is this is that or that there's achievements there's everything else it's a legit world it's a legit everything but yeah and not people longer believe that so because of that I just want to say yeah we'll stick to runs for now that are challenging on like can you actually devil so hopefully you understand if you wants just the challenge leave in the comments down below but don't suggest something that will make me die at 25 instead of whatever a gem you live do anyway with that said I've rambled enough at the end here thank you so much for watching this video and supporting the channel and taking things like this possible sometimes I really regret starting a challenge and in this case I have felt that all week it's been looming over me but having done it now it's a cool thing to uh say you've done minecraft like that like some people are like yeah I don't know if I could ever do that give it a try and if you die even if you fell it's still an interesting time it's still an interesting story it's still interesting everything else and I just I wholeheartedly recommend it for that purpose so yeah thank you very much watching today is minecraft video and I guess what we need to do now is actually wait just in case we're gonna run away but yeah I guess we're gonna do now is use some of the tin see we did and make a nice boat explosion so thank you very much for watching I'll see you all in the next video hopefully because I make videos every day just change videos I love have ones too you can say okay actually did see that that that's that just goes to show you kids thank you for how much watching and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 1,460,420
Rating: 4.8950577 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, beaten, test, no, damage, no damage, without, half, heart
Id: -1gEevvdnTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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