I Won The LOTTERY And DONATED It All To Charity!

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35 there 105 oh yay that's four five one five oh there it is two times two times the money anyway gee whiz guys today we did another hundred dollar lottery challenge but this time it's different this time doing something good with the money so a while back we started a little thing where we do a lottery ticket to whatever we win you donate to a charity you know what I was like we're back in Virginia now so I think we should get that bad going so no matter what wheel in on this tickets we're gonna go to a local women's shelter in our area no matter what whether it's five dollars or ten million it doesn't even matter whatever it is we're gonna donate it to the best shelter so fingers crossed Karma's on our side to win a lot of money entertain you and give them a whole lot of help so don't forget to like this video subscribe you're new let's get into it all right amber here starting out with a $5 ticket I think I got two of these the top prizes is luxury all-inclusive private yacht trip valued of $250,000 think you get the cash girl used to be still like a Ford f-150 or like $40,000 cash never the value of it was all right do a lot of good 26 15 or 12 let's get it now or we're going together we gotta cheer each other on 30 we're gonna be off why we're just scratch is a weird tape hey we're digging you in their different existences I know you in you know hey once again 11 was a one-off 1220 that one's way out there I'm 27 and low back well next luxury cruise line guys I see this I can't answer on here we'll definitely put those that we always we don't throw them away they let people sing with us I'll show on camera they're just towed you had your own line you don't get like automatic instant like enterprise yeah where's the wind that need some we went nothing on my crime we've got first thing back to Virginia we gotta win exactly what I'm saying or into that one for some reason you think everything I do because I get this thing in the same spot 13 is whatever all right Oh next I have this is a new ticket as well pretty sure I told you this one was a new ticket white hot five one up to 250,000 lady here if y'all five win price shown or got a money bag fifty like instantly other you get other prizes also point out why we did this video I kind of bought three of these earlier today at the same machine now all three all three [Music] 17:56 wasn't it I have eighteen so nobody about none cool alright so there are some fives or symbols a good chance here the numbers are all crooked that's what I was saying I'm scratching earlier like what what are you doing ticket she looking for fives and cymbals five and several I'd love to say it understand not seven this time we gotta get something come on Virginia welcome was back we're trying to do good let us do good the other thing I gotta get used to to Virginia shows numbers grew I mean letters for winning or losing tickets so I don't want to show that before I scratched up anything that's great in annoying hate when I scratched too low and I ruined the whole game I already know I lost already know I won like no I want to play I get so when I go to the Machine and I see tickets with just the bottom scratched you're no fun you're no fun at all don't people like care out fun anymore everyone's just concerned about money money not anybody like you enjoy your life two and four I already lost three you lost too okay okay I thought you're crying about like over all this this recording no no that's theme ticket five in a row oh there's a five you got a winner heavy wind fries show we got something to give let's get another one on this today the odds are 195 yay - 500 bucks how about Center bucks another five yeah get it you know the beautiful thing about Virginia guys they don't you with like $1 prizes another five yes four or five there we go here it comes let's get one more it's gonna be five twenty dollar prize I'm calling it that's the last time nice five five five okay I'm five all right actually let me zoom in each five we want five thousand here's the first two five first thought is five dollars second arrive is five dollars third and fourth at least you know it's to get here down here five that's 20 and last five is twenty five dollars twenty-five scratch these four five other ones in that one so I got my money back so far I knew there's a winner doing okay last five one get some more they're in there you mean another do me like a hot simple house Emily went off 15 prize yeah I'll take that sorry guys I'm scratching a little bit off the camera there raise it now where is it that sometimes you get too intense you start while looking into ticket and you look at it because it like it's like a weird feeling when you're trying to look through the camera to scratch it then you realize like you're scratching away on the side okay okay loser sorry you got 25 off those yeah all right now these are my $10 ones I have 30 million dollar cash out let's get that million dollar prize okay and this one has back it's gonna surely hmm yeah 22:40 ups they're coming they're coming all right let's zoom in here all right which ones away 32 I want my number 30 you have 40 47 yeah 60 let's reveal some symbols you went to roll a crash you get every prize let's get our roll of cash too I want to scratch one of these prizes just in case I get a roll of cash I might win like big cuz it's not just all $1 at once they don't do that here 27 it means not like the other states you went all of them you're getting at least $10 won but don't fret mighty right we have a bet we did all this is one match automatically change everything number 36 so no winner on the front see the winning over here is a five get one come on come on and a 15 come on no 18 first $10 chicken a loser next $10 come on we'll win 57:40 54:21 47 and 66 he's gonna be a winner all right right at least 50 45 at least 50 bucks maybe hardly 848 no one no guys they gotta be in there somewhere even odds are the odds how much 3 points awesome I'm trying to find I'm trying to find this one in 3.48 good guess what that's what I usually use they make four times what people put in just about that's pretty good pretty freakin good alright lost on a front but you'll win on the back that's okay you have to eight five six guys keep in mind just want to mention this the first time we come thirteen by the way first time we come with Virginia remember I said I haven't won in any state since we left Virginia this is the highest prize I've gotten since we left 2014 16 yeah oars all right so you gonna do better than me let's get some money for this shelter all right guys it's time to get the money going so I got for these ten times the monies and you already know I had to get a big $30 ticket cuz that's how I roll how I roll let's see if we can win on the five dollar tickets 3218 21:45 all right let's see oops a scratch too low for 44 I feel like this 42 14 and 37 these tickets are scratching we're like it's hard to see that's all right 29 yeah it's one of those 25 26:33 one off course 17 no 41 also not a winner at all 22 no way of 21 or 46 no 19 and 23 not a winner here on to the second one now we got four of these then we get the big boy it's gonna have the big money up look at that 28 my lucky number this is the ticket guys 4650 and 48 so we have 28 and 48 so I'm placing a bet that somewhere in here is a 38 oops too low I hate that not a winner anyway 49:44 1130 147 one I gotta have 46 and 48 of course I get 47 yep there it is called it 43 nope 23 also no come on we need some wins here 37 know I wanted 10 times 16 also no I've never actually seen the 10 X on this card 4504 no let's want to see it one time 36 come on louder it'd be nice for me well 27 another loser this isn't looking good guys it's not looking good we got two more we're gonna win on one of these eventually look at that again number 28 that's because this is the one there 85 3624 told you 22 number I want to win on one day 44 no 23 no 30 now it's alright it's gonna match a 28 somewhere I shouldn't even pay attention to the other numbers there's your 13 nope oh there it is 2 times 2 times the money we'll come back to that 34 no 6 note 3 no 32 nope 49 also now 31 nope 29 no and 14 no but we do got that beautiful 2 times symbol you ready to see the hoop too close too close you already see if that is one of oats 2 times 5 10 dollars oops almost knock the lamp down so ten dollars on that one so so far we got 35 back all right one more $10 $5 ticket here then we're moving on to the big boy let's see we can go up there's first number is 13 43:33 so 19 and telling hands in a 3 and make it easy so we'll get the number 3 and 23 guaranteed 27 so let's just look for 19 there's something to end it if there let's make it easy nope no up 19 there we go 26:50 30 did I look at that nope nothing nope 43 okay we got two winners sweet so we got something going here 39 and 13 hey three winners did we know that could be theory all right so 19 first is 5 bucks 43 5 bucks in 1305 bucks not bad so that's 15 so I've gotten 25 now all right yeah we both have so we're tired right now let's see we're not this isn't a competition right now I'm just saying look a diamond you know it's gonna be there another diamond 200 bucks pot of gold all right let's scratch all these numbers we need to get a two 48:38 1942 16 17 sound like I'm counting them 13 9 or 47 all right we went on you're 13 let's try to fix the camera so we get the whole ticket in there it's gonna be impossible is it just like that all right you ready let's win on this big $30 shake it over my 45 that is some good dust off that is not a winner 33 not a winner 40 not a winner 21 No we need a big one come on four nope not fair 14 also not a winner 32 shucks no 46 also now what about 43 that's also no come on 20 note we got 19 what about all that that was a 13 we were looking for just a three would it have been Oh 50 11 do we have that no come on 6 no what about 24 that's a winner right nope I want everything to be a winner I call them all winners 18 also No well 27 then we have it about 47 in 1744 Oh 30 also now 25 no not 12 no mmm come on guys 41 no I want to win the big ticket come on 23 like Jordan no what about 26 it's also a negative freaking number one I don't like you number eight know what it have been that's my favorite number 50 again well last row you ready for this I'm not I'm nervous 22 no 100x 20 to 49 I also know at 48 15 of 16 and 17 but no 15 we got 31 I'm scared three will have anything that starts in 38 38 37 it's scanned us to make sure we see the letters down here or die lot of that let us know we lost I don't know we'll check all the tickets like we always do before we get back but guys that sucks well guys first day back in Virginia and we hit 5050 and we actually tied yeah it's not like symbolic or something like we're trying to tell us we work together and we accomplish things right nobody wins we tie and we help people out even though we are back in Virginia we're not quite home yet we're still about four hours away from home but you guys know that we don't need a lot so once we get there we'll take 50 dollars probably not all those tickets little carousel before we get there to be honest but we'll make a $50 donation once we get back home and I want you guys to let us know in the comments next time we do a lottery video where should the money go leave it up to you guys put it down in the comments below we also want to point out we made a really fun video the other day but don't think it's quite good for you to who so we didn't like it yeah - not PG where you all say that it's just not right for YouTube YouTube not gonna like it so make sure you go follow us on our Facebook page it's gonna be down in the description below go hit the like button and check out the other video we uploaded which was originally gonna be today's video and then we were like we decided against it you know we do want to put it up there because it was too much of a risk so go check that out as well and again make sure you guys put down in the comments where the money should go next time so I think this makes it a lot more fun doing lottery videos so anyway that's gonna be it for this one guys so if you didn't enjoy this video make sure you leave in a big fat thumbs up for now I already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want a falls on our social media links are gonna be on screen click links down in the description below especially that Facebook one if you want to see a cool video make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 15,170
Rating: 4.8912387 out of 5
Keywords: donating to charity, donating to charity can be sketchy vine, donating to charity mrbeast, donating to charity speech, donating to charity streams, extreme couponing donating to charity, ninja donating to charity, persuasive speech about donating to charity, donating to childrens hospital, charity donation, charity donation video, charity donations, charity donations for tax deductions, donating money to homeless, ellen charity donations, giving back, pay it forward
Id: qWzG_VnGLDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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