I WON ALL of the Arcade Tickets!

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oh my god this could be back-to-back Matt three seven five six hey what's up goobers Matt here today we are at Kennywood Park we're inside their arcade we're gonna do 20 dollar challenge let's see how many tickets we can win and stay tuned to the end because I'm gonna redeem for a prize see what we get guys so before we get started if you remember if you enjoy this video give it a thumb up leave me a bunch of comments down below guys leave me some nice comments and also when you subscribe make sure you click the bell so you get notified of all of my videos now let's go and play a bunch of ticket games let's see what we can win all right guys the first game on the play is quick dropping the reason is because it's maxed at a thousand I guess a lot of people don't hit this here at this last time first try with my little cousins I got them 800 some tickets so we're gonna see if we can hit this here guys for 1000 takes that'd be a good start to this video so here we go oh I missed one son of a bee sting it's actually right at the beginning of the age yeah I could do all fours you do all fours this should be no problem [Music] come on [Music] oh my god oh my lord insane guys look at that so took a little bit but not bad we'll take it that was easy all buckets of floor we had to do when a jackpots out high that's that's usually you know you don't have to do one bucket of five we still have time left to so thousand physical they're sitting on the edge thousand physical tickets guys we're gonna be here pride so I can't even park closes so alright guys check it out free-falling it's kind of like what you McCall like squiggle the new game my bait exits coming out so no that's just time' below ah okay so i got a go like this is cool though we never played this before guys little holes like it I'm gonna do it right when it's there Oh gimme ten oh I had like a baby there gotta be anal Oh got eight somebody just hit cyclin this is cool oh that one went quick I like this game it is a lot like squiggle this is 500 I see the little things pushes the ball out and that's how it sticks this is pie oh yeah it's tricky I don't know cuz see none of it goes straight it falls faster you know oh my God look at was there it wasn't a sensor that was terrible yeah you want it when it's going on the side cuz you get tied up better oh that was bad yeah dude I think it's a good man that's tricky real fun though I like it free fallin never played it before on the channels that's cool alright guys now we're at an all classic rapture cats haven't played this in forever cuz they Buster's got rid of there's somebody left the ball so we're all right five bowls I always do five because you get the better funnest uh I see if we're gonna land something here guys Oh five right in the five deputy me to make the baby oh man I'm off on my game I like to try it at least get it up there then it might roll through the two of them you know there we go twenty five twenty five ten and a five look at that for one ball guys that's awesome that'll be it game over I'll try again see if we can land that hundred five hundred that's top it's doable though twenty-five and a five all right not bad oh I got it back nice I love that baby got back the to15 a ten and a tree nice up bad oh that was terrible oh that was close that was so close I think tit and we got a fiber all right not bad okay game over there was a good amount of tickets there all right guys now we are at Deep Freeze this is really really tough but we're gonna give some try here because I love these token action games you don't see them much anymore so so basically you got to roll the the token that quarter down if you get it through the middle pull this single drop for a 500 over there for the jackpot so you got it down there yeah you got to be real you got almost have your quarters ready like this it pays to do that so let's see if we can hide up here oh okay we got that quarter off that was stuck there oh it was there man I think it might lower after so many misses I'm not sure I've seen one do that before but not sure if that was just a glitch or what all right a little bit more to the left it's tough just to get it through there once you know [Music] there it is Oh looks like the freakin hole ain't big enough oh my lord all right let's do a couple more here well there it is all right now we gotta get that 500 guys look oh I get this out crap my pants Oh nope too late yes yeah that is how hard that is but so we got 50 tickets that's not bad oh it's a really tricky game but fun I love it so get out there we go come on baby one oh you're done you've done look that wasn't probably would have had it I don't know man I'm panicking over here but I have one left well of course I get it crap I got a hurry all right we got one shot guys to screw this that's right - hey we we had 50 each time that is not bad there it is 50 that's 150 right there guys for a couple things so very nice all right guys now we're at one of my favorite token action games Hollywood reels I hit the jackpot on this a couple years ago here at Kennywood so we'll see if we can do it again there side got it alright so we get the jackpot bonus guys we get the jackpot bonus so hurry up oh that's alright fifties a good amount though for one quarter guys that's insane we'll do a couple more on this I'm just a little too early are we gonna go a little bit later I'm doing is adjusting my strike point oh I don't know man it's hard to see but we're doing the best we can here there we go I think I my timing was messed up alright see if we can get it either another 50 or that jackpot burners guys that's the one I was looking at that's alright 50 more tickets it's not bad for a couple quarters here oh I missed it like a dimwit alright one more of this there it is oh it's alright hey we got a hundred tickets just for a couple there hundred look at that guys fantastic adding it to the pile alright guys now we're here a token action games spongebob ultimate classic I just forget I always forget the timings oh close man it's right when that first plexi hits that Oh we're aiming for green spongebob guys he gives you the most tickets if you missing me screams don't know why Oh a little bit earlier yeah Jesus you're even dude oh my god I never seen that either they're like rolled [Music] see me rolled in oh stop screaming that's right six tickets yes green gives you 50 I got it I was early oh good [Music] oh there it is it might be 50 tickets guys yeah there it is shebang 50 tickets on Sponge Bob guys we got its if we can hit it again [Music] oh my god this could be back-to-back no way [Music] back-to-back oh my god let's see if we can get triple SpongeBob's this is time' Balma now that's why I love this game oh I'd hit the fence all right that's a still couple we're probably fell off three digits do not bad all right guys check it out that's the same from Sponge Bob just a couple take off quarters all right guys now we're gonna try this all aboard you have to stop it it's kind of like a slot machines if you get three of that guy you win a thousands I don't know if this is time oh I gotta go okay [Music] not sure if this is time a bow at all well there's one everybody gets one like Spidey oh I see I see yes you always forget that if you get the number here it gives you zero zero in tickets we're real weird very strange game just load it up all right guys here we go all aboard it's a six yeah see if we can get a big number here so what's he walking is he wild he's a zero yep coughing look see oh okay so we get a 1 here we're good ah I see I see come on let's get a 4 now I went all the way around see if we get a 1 here guys 116 we might get I get some rig it's my comb use I never heard of them there's the man who's the man architecture conductor oh you conductor idiot come on baby you dimwit ten tickets you just use these up [Music] I got a I got a buck twenty-five [Applause] ah 6 446 maybe that'd be awesome oh yeah it you dimwit wait 46 not bad not bad alright last play guys [Music] Hey I'm gonna wait till that for passes so I'm gonna go like right now ah that's alright eight more tickets to add to the pile I got one quarter I'm just gonna throw it in something we'll fortune we'll play right here look it just ran out of three [Applause] just one quick spin [Music] oh my god we got the wheel last quarter no joke see we get guys yeah that's one of the better ones on there guys awesome finish to this video guys 80 tickets to finish up here on we got the bonus wheel and wheel of fortune we're gonna cash these in at the little ticket station here I want you guys to guess in the comments right now how many total tickets do you think I have typed in there if you're correct I'm gonna send you a free kangaroo from Noah's Ark the ride here guys a free live ones so you'll get it in four to eight weeks let's go gather all these tickets up let's see what we got and then stay tuned because we're gonna see what prize we get right after this guys in our total number of tickets for this video is I feel like Bob Barker 1940 tickets that is insane I've never had that minute here at Kennywood we're gonna hit it if you guessed that on the dot remember you're getting a free live kangaroo from nose art guns so there it is there's our little ticket stub right there we're gonna go cash in for some prize to see what we can get all right guys that's gonna do it for this twenty dollar challenge at the Kennywood arcade here's what I got so first we got a first we got the little popper for 35 here we go we're gonna pop it whoa okay man oh nice we got this little thing it's mustard bullet see that's pretty cool little gag gift there we got a squishy ice cream which I don't have the ice cream so that's cool I love smelling squishies that's my addiction and we got check this out cuz I thought this was cool and fit the claw like look at that it's like that claw kind of but like grab so like it's really cool have to see if we can grab that let's see if I can pick this dude that's awesome man and finally the top prize we got a fire extinguisher coin mangas it's really cool this is kind of me it's very novelty so I might just mount it to the wall and use it as a uh Quinn Bank thanks for watching this guy's if you enjoyed it thumb it up I'm Matt three seven five six and I'm signing off saying thanks for Claude [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 617,251
Rating: 4.7144094 out of 5
Keywords: arcade ticket games, arcade tickets, arcade game win, claw machine, arcade fun, bean boozed challenge, arcade game, kennywood park, matt3756, matt, arcade challenge, carnival games, kennywood, 1000 tickets, keymaster, mini golf, arcade games, arcade, Matt 3756, coin pusher, arcade jackpot win, key master, arcade hacks, arcade jackpot, how to win, jackpot win, arcade win, arcade prizes, arcade matt, arcade game jackpot, ticket jackpot, arcade nerd
Id: baOKovkCcPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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