XBox One In A Claw Machine!!

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hey what's up guys it is Matt here today we are at the arcade and we're gonna be playing claw machines and also redemption games like keymaster stacker and like redzone [Music] our gate mat before we get started guys don't forget to switch alike on the video let's see if we can get three thousand likes on this video guys let's go for it and also guys don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you enjoy what you see and an able notification so you guys don't miss new videos that I uploaded also guys do not forget donut donut I should have a little donut when I said that we cool donut forget to leave comments down below guys because I breed them and I will personally heart cool comments I will rip a piece of my heart out of my chest and put it on your comment that's how much I love you guys also guys throughout the video I'm gonna be giving tips and tricks while I played the claw machine and some of the other games I haven't done like a tips and tricks video in a while so throughout the video randomly I'll give you guys some of my pointers which hopefully will help you snag a prize of your own let's go play some games and see what we can win alright guys we are at the big one extreme guys this is the big claw but it's freakin even more extra in that's the wrong card nice no funds this one has funds 188 bucks to be exact so we're gonna see if we can win anything out of the big claw machine here I've never won a plush I've been able to snag the spiky balls but never the plush so we're gonna I'm gonna I'm thinking this well actually now I'm gonna go for that pink one right not that one the one that's behind it yeah cuz that one's a little more blown up I feel like it'll hold so I'm gonna check my angles over here we're gonna go to the side oh we need to go way more back [Music] right there I'm thinking gram right there I don't know I think it looks good we're gonna see if that does it guys we got to get a good spin to where it doesn't hit that yellow one like it just did wait that might be good first try at the big clock could we have it oh my god that'd be great come on stay baby I know you want to drop it but I know you don't a lot claw machine first try guys not clickbait look shebang a winner yeah nice those a chore getting these out of here yeah that was like insanity nice dude we got a zone 28 beam spiky ball guys first try it what a great way to start the video and as you can see these are very strong they do not pop so I can bounce my whopping 120 pounds can bounce on this ball will not pop that's a quality ball right there guys maybe that blue one over there that's on the right I don't see if it's dead soon or not that's gonna be close I don't know let me check my angles on this get this ball out of the way and we're gonna have to get like a really lucky spin on this that one arm that's about all that's gay I don't want to go for one that's too small because I feel like it's gonna let it go well that might be yeah might work it out at least oh by two prongs aw yeah it might be dead zone dude look at that there's like the tiny little spiky balls in there put those in there maybe there's just like filler there's no dude if you win one of those you win like the car that was like near impossible man let alone that they even had soccer balls a little redonkulous all right there's the one I'm going for it's weird it's like this claw you think you're dead off like you think you're far back enough but most of the time you're not oh that might be get that Superman plush I'd have been so exciting I never want a plush out of this there I'm gonna aim up that middle part with the middle part of the ball little part where the three prongs meet line it up with the oh wait that might be good there's a crater like I'm trying I'm gonna try for this yellow one here all right guys we change a plan we're gonna go for this yellow one right here it seems to be pretty open to where it's not gonna catch what might hit that purple one it's just all depends on how that arm spins so there was good right there that might get it come on baby oh that's gonna be close that's gonna be close now the thing with this claw guys it stayed yes the met the metal prongs on that rubber spiky ball they stick very well so that's why these spiky balls are pretty easy to win these claw machines there we go guys we got another spiky ball different color this one's easier to pull up because it's like deflated but you can always pump these up they have a little thing and you just pump them up so yeah there's a yellow it was owned 28 ball guys so we got as they always say two balls are better than one I don't know who said that but I'm just assuming that is the case so we're gonna go on play some other claw machines and prize redemption games I've never won once at this I've spent a hundred dollars all right guys I'm gonna try to grab them blues like I like to call it not a big fan of this one but we're gonna see we can get lucky and maybe grab it like a hippo or something that might be a bear I don't think it's a hippo but I don't know let's see we out of this I've seen people one at this I think I just suck see look at that every time I play it's like we can just get it right it's a good clam look at that like up close do-do-do-do-do-do-do go for the yellow dude again here guys going for the actually I think it's a rhinoceros oh my god I got more for the head I was exciting we got the Rhino in a couple plays guys nice look at that it's got like this those plush their little py pyb knees but they got the big eyes yeah what are those cold let me know guys I forget what those are called but that's what that looks like look it's like creepy those eyes don't wake up to this in the middle of night man its thing come to life [Music] can we win to it oh look it gave me another play for some reason is that what it does when you win it's weird all right well let's we got another play guys let's try for the blue guy in the back if I get two in a row at this I will crap my pants right now on camera [Music] alright guys so check this out zone 28 recently got a chocolate factory claw I've been want to play it so it's only a quarter of play which is kind of nice so what is the kalam machine but it doubles coin it's like a coin pusher so you grab candy and it drops it there and you push off whenever you get there I think wait it no wait it's 50 cents you get three creds they keep chip messing with the price that's not bad so it's actually cheaper than a quarter so we're gonna there's not much candy in here I'm gonna I think I'm gonna bug Greg to kind of fill this up oh that was like a quickest timer ever oh just one way actually the Milky Way thanks guys never know that work here give me uh oh good way comment below guys your absolute favorite chocolate pan actually your favorite candies in here I have to say probably milky was for me my M&Ms are a close second though first I literally got six seconds trying for that red thing right there all right we got a milky way I'm the best gonna do anything now let's see he actually holds on now is it doing come on yep wait I got a ding curve more it's gonna be more pushing wait a minute ah we got the smallest Three Musketeers I've ever seen in my life I see you only get 10 seconds on this for real yeah 10 seconds that's insane [Music] I'm going for the M&Ms M&M and Nemours they're day oh my look at that dude we got like two things and one guys that should be a good push on the pusher let's see here guys so what it does is it lowers slowly oh my one fell off come on wait another push other words oh that is brutal actually take fives are really good what my cameraman Donny agrees oh I miss him it's so hard because it's like such a fart drop it's so hard to judge because this drop is like from here to the bottom of the ocean oh there it is oh look at that precision we got two guys I'm gonna put two stay though Wow yeah he definitely strengthened that alright let's see if we get on the pusher here guys come on that should do something on its way back [Music] oh my are you kidding me ah ah this timer so quick ten seconds oh look at candy see it actually stays so we got some whoppers and a three musketrucks back here see I want a nutty cruncher so fries a nutty cruncher man you guys see that I don't know what that tastes like okay maybe I know now we're gonna go for the M&Ms here come on M&Ms Oh Dell M&Ms we might get a Nestle chocolate in there as well okay we got the M&Ms we're gonna clean them out guys and feed the candy club not click food oh man all right here we go come on all we need all in the words of the Joker from Batman all it takes is a little push ah we got a Snickers I like Snickers so that's a win in my book anymore no all right let's not get greedy all right we got one play left guys hey at least we got a Snickers that's cool I don't even know what I'm going for I'm gonna try to get lucky get these M&Ms right here maybe a three we got Baby Ruth while we're at it there's a man named Anna starburst we got let's see if it stays if it doesn't be a nice push oh that starburst wants to fall all right let's see you guys what we get on the pusher here come on now well that should be good yes oh my god jackpot baby look at that one more oh wait that whoppers ready to go oh it's gonna go look now trapdoors up and it's all gonna go that's right we got look at that guy's we got three things we got butterfingers a Butterfinger and a starburst very nice alright guys now we're at the toy taxi this one has little bouncy balls and we're gonna go for the little blue zone ball right there pretty cool this one you got if loans you get a dead center and you get a bowl that's like free like it's blue one perfect found screw this up let's see if we can get it here guys there it is banks you got clamp that's exactly what you want right there guys and shebang we got a bouncy I'm a weiner oh that one's like really implanted there we go guys a zone 28 themed miniature bouncy ball watch how high this goes that crazy it's not Smith alright ball here we go good luck that was terrible luck now we moved it out see oh yes that's a good spot alright here we go guys we're going again for the purple ball here just gotta make sure it's sometimes just claw-like there we go you're like when you nudge it it goes like five feet it's like oh there we go precision see out clamp that's exactly what you want right there nice there's another win guys we got another um another wiener we got a purple zone but I actually like the purple because I think it goes better with the the green and the black there's like complementary colors if you will very nice that's awesome whoa all right guys even though this gives tickets here we're gonna play these cuz it's like steel claw machine we're doing claw machine and prize redemption games in this video we're gonna play the ticket time see if we can win any tickets they go right to your card which is really cool I'm gonna try for that 500 right there and see if I just lift it up over the maybe I want to get that actually even if the call hits the glass that might be alright let's see oh my gosh that's perfect oh there it is Oh Oh over the railing not clickbait almost died literally almost died come on hit it yeah yeah swing it in there yes Oh two tribes we snagged the largest jackpot you can get on ticket time five hundred smackers guys check it out adds it right to your car and look it up that was awesome I think it was ready to let it go to but because that's another little trick guys because it was so close to the prize shoot we were actually able to use like the swing of the cloth to our advantage and as it picked it up and started moving back I think it was ready to let it go and like weaken we actually because it was so close to the prize shoot it we actually just got it to go right in so that's another one of my tips is go for stuff that's close to the prize shoot even on a ticket cloth you can see the 500 the heaviest one in there we snagged it in two tries guys alright guys so check this out we have a unique setup here and zones way it was kind enough to let me do this this is the Xbox I want a few videos ago and it candy claw machine guys and the reason I have it in here is because I wanted to show you guys part one of my tips and tricks is to compare the size of the cloth to the size of the prize so what we have here is an extreme example of the size of the prize this ginormous Xbox guys watch I'm going to try and win it here you see the size of the little claw there now obviously I can be here until the earth ends and I still would not get this because it's simply not possible because the size of the cloth no matter where I tried even if I try it back here on the corner like shebang it's it's not even budging but my point to this is always compare the size of the cloth to the size of the prize because sometimes you have prizes that are ginormous like this obviously not to this extreme you'll have prizes that are like overly large and then a clause like real small and the claw does they won't even fit around them so therefore you won't get a grab so try to avoid those types of prizes in those machines so obviously we've tried for the sex box here guys many times and this is plate - you win - so I could literally be here until one o'clock until zone closes on twenty arcade it let me where we're at and we could be here and still not win this so kind of why I wanted to show that because it's not every day you see an xbox one and a candy claw machine could you imagine how many people would be lined up with this no be really cool is if you had that in there but like one of the pieces of candy was like a special little golden whatever and if you want that you redeem it for the Xbox seed arcade don't steal my ideas oh my gosh look at this we got three freaking Pixy sticks or whatever these are no they're not Pixy sticks I don't know what they are I don't know let's see what they are they are oh they're pop rocks they're super loud super sour candy I'm gonna try one on camera guys here we go what's our oh look explode him oh I like the sour ones oh that's good [Music] I think all my teeth are filled so I don't even think it's possible for me to get any more cavities I have so many cavities guys brush her - you seriously get them filling soccer huh Oh oh my god is that sour little bit oh my god it's like still cracking in my throat all right guys we're gonna try one more time for the Xbox here what if it picked up this is like nope and see that's why remember that's an important tip so we're gonna we're actually gonna hit the Xbox and have the cloth slide down look Paul's gonna slide down at an angle and get a gummi come take a look at that there we go guys that's exactly what I had in mind and so we kind of used the Xbox to our advantage there these are actually really good just little fruity gummy cupcake thingies alright we're gonna try one more time here guys and try to win those other cupcakes try to slide it down the Xbox actually let's drop it here and watch it slide down the Xbox watch guys drop it watch it's just gonna slide down the Xbox and grab two lousy fruity duties but fruity duties are good so I'll take them there it is and shebang I'm just gonna leave it in there all right what last play we're gonna grab some more cupcakes here guys cuz these are good hopefully we can get them the Xbox is kind of under that one we'll see oh we got that one I missed something and we get another play those played c1 and I got it very nice got that with a bunch of fruity two T's sick there you go guys and that was an Xbox one in a candy claw machine you'll never see this and for the rest of your life it's set for now alright guys here we are a key master I'm gonna let me just try each row and see if anything there's a couple gone on the bottom looks like people don't wanna be you never know got a try we gotta give it a strap that's ready it's I think it's ready I think it's ready there it is yeah oh that's not right something's wrong guys keymaster just glitched it went through but it went wah-wah-wah yeah oh yeah get in there oh that is weird large fries I'm gonna crap up right ah like lips bounce back dang that was close man alright guys now we're redzone zone 28 you recently got red that'd be cool if they themed it in there like Green Zone this this plunger though is so weird cuz like the lightest little thing see how that the lightest little thing got it although like halfway up the one I play it aces doesn't like that so we're gonna go again look the prize fell on the thing you kidding me that's way up there ah see sometimes when you do it real hard it goes round a corner and just dies like I don't that's so crazy but yeah like the timing like the strike point on this is so weird get up bad alright one more guys and we'll get anything on the top two rows here so we got keychains headphones we even got the fidgets spinners lizard eggs alright here we go oh my lord look it's right there that's that's crazy there it is oh my god that made it by the skin of my teeth Wow first try guys we got a small prize look at that very nice I think I get the emoji earbuds number three and look at that first try red zone guys we got for fifty cents we got these awesome little emoji ear buds is cool man that's all you need to do for that just a nice little tap tap-a-roo that's it easy does it man tap it in right there so that one's about right here yeah see how it died that actually helped me there because it died around the corner so that was good dude we're two for two want to get scary because till one more you're guaranteed a small prize again whoa that's tricky that's gonna be tricky do I tap it or do I go like this should I do I feel like I'm gonna get too much of that oh my gosh three four three guys one more we get a major prize here at red zone let's and it's down to one which is ridiculous that's actually where I hit it I think before so we're gonna see you guys oh my god this is some be so exciting oh dude this is intense all right here we go guys take a deep breath Oh shot to the moon see sometimes it goes real far but that's alright we still get another small prize that's close as little strawberries were up should we get we got Nemo Batman there it is guys we got a two for two that's pretty cool about a little Batman the keychain there very nice alright guys prizes for the day we got to zone ginormous spiky balls out of a bug claw machine that was kind of cool I'm sure gonna sit on one wad finish the rest of this video here it was comfortable I liked it so we got earbuds out of the red zone that was nice and we got this on a red zone as well a little Batman keychain we got two more little bouncy balls out of the toy taxi that was kind of cool there we go very nice zone balls we got some candy out of the hot chocolate chocolate cream so get some butter if we have more but I we a lot we ate a lot of it and just and we got a ton of candy out of the candy claw it was cool we got to put the xbox and I want to thank 728 again for let me do that definitely check him out that guy's done 28 not even sponsored by the way I just love this arcade because they're so nice and finally this was really exciting guys week snagged I've never won a prize out of this grab and win we finally got one guy's a freaking rhino right here that is awesome and he has shoes that you can tie so that was exciting because we never wanted that one before so again if you guys enjoyed the video give it a thumb up leave me a bunch of comments down below because I read them and I'll personally hire them and I recently got the join button to my channel and what that is is for $4.99 a month what you get is like exclusive stuff so what you when you post a comment you'll have a little special badge next to your name you'll get special little mo g's and stickers when I do live streams and also you know you get other purses well so again completely optional it doesn't mean I'm charging for videos depending on how many people join will I'll start doing like exclusive live streams for just the members but I'll still be doing the free live streams to you guys nothing's changing there and also if you do join you get access to videos that I have scheduled uploads you guys get an early access so really cool benefits again totally optional check it out if you're interested it's just another way to support the channel if you love what you see don't forget guys give me a follow on Twitter and Instagram arcade mat just search it and shebang I should pop up in the little follow a rube anything else arcade matcom has merch and all my crap for sale so if you guys want to see even see some of those prizes in this video for sale chance to buy them I could even sign them and no extra charge free shipping on everything and anywhere to any address in the United States just go to arcade matcom and check it out that's gonna do it guys for this video and like we always say thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 1,838,737
Rating: 4.67169 out of 5
Keywords: xbox one, xbox one claw machine, arcade matt xbox, claw machine, claw, machine, arcade, arcade matt, claw machines, claw machine win, arcade games, crane game, hacks, claw game, big claw machine win, stacker, keymaster, red zone, tricks, arcade game win, big win, major prize, how to win, arcade win, xbox one x claw machine, the big one, i found an xbox one claw machine, claw machine wins, arcade videos, giant claw machine, how to hack arcade claw machines, matt3756, zone 28
Id: p5WaZ4l_Sy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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