Going for the big Prize on Big Sweet Land!!

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hey guys today we are gonna play big sweet land so this game is like a really big coin pushing away but instead it's gonna be pushing these crystals right here yeah so how the game works is every time she plays she gets a like push the button it makes that arm go down over there and it scoops up anything that's in the way if you are lucky or scoop up something sometimes you wanna scoop up anything yes you come on she's more crickets and those are good too because once you push it down see moving balls okay did I push is anything over and hits this right here alright just a spin back here and you want it to land unlike - yes yeah there's bars right here that will add up so right now oh it actually resets oh I didn't see it so maybe I'll push some more over okay so jamming for the back oh I don't know if that was any good oh yeah yes see right here that are bars and if it gets to that minor bonus the size of the other like bush area come up and then it makes it more narrow for the push more stuff over you keep getting the little crystals alright let's see so push your thing over but it doesn't trigger it darn it so the goal in this game is to try to get as much stuff over so you can actually win it and add to them yes alright so with these crystals like this size crystal right here if she's able to get it what is it - blue no - Indigo's yes look it's stuck on it but it didn't trigger it goes okay bo3 bo3 bo3 3 yes so you'll get the miner bonus so it's gonna add three bars to it there goes one more and then this miner Boris is gonna flip these up on the side here it goes BAM yeah jackpot up here - this games really fun it's really fun so I got saying the goal is they get stuff over and she's able to get oh you don't win all right what it look colors that is it being because they're skipping a to pink to purple and to indigo that one is pink I don't know if that would speed oh man that's not what we need yeah so she can get to think too powerful and - indigo she can get this Pikachu right here that's it come on so you wanna play as much as you can while the sides are up because it's like it's funneling them down so you got to play as fast as you can kind of but you don't wanna yeah you don't want to miss stuff what are you going forward oh she's gone for this those crystal diamonds man she didn't get home you can do it you can do it oh no I think you want to wait for him actually go back whenever it's specially like this push yes I think you got one beat and she got a spin what's this pretty w - yes if she's almost at the jackpot if she gets the arm bars already filled up to the top its triggers like the it triggers like the jackpot I'll show that in a second oh no the other side just went down don't be a one bitch you to let the world to get all these high numbers yeah so if she goes up to the top it triggers this jackpot up here and what happens is this comes down and says you have a chance to get between I think 100 tickets up to 2,000 tickets yeah I wanna see oh yeah and then there are some like super jumbo diamonds like that one right there oh you didn't get it that one's one of the super jumbo if you can get I think it's three of those one Pete one purple horny turquoise one of those I will show you how you can get you got three in the world but I you still got some stuff to secure some stuff you only two lights await your two lights away from the jackpot so yeah it she can get one pink one purple one turquoise she'll get this big Snorlax right here that thing is really big the only problem is there are no big ones already on this board oh come on whenever you push the button start knocking oh I didn't do it he's gonna push in helpers yeah so if you look over there there is a turquoise weren't already and they just like seem to start with a big one that one has a turquoise but this one didn't have any on it so I mean we're out of luck we're not going to go for a snorlax because we're not gonna be able to get it we know that oh wow you got five total persons on that one crystal that was pretty bad no that was the worst we want to try to get the two and two and two for the Pikachu I just don't know if that's gonna happen she don't put the tickets yes the chicken so then tickets are worth five hundred if they fall over which is good hit that one yes oh don't look to the side though if you get to it's a jackpot oh you got one doing it you need one more one more little spin and you're guaranteed to get to the jackpot level so with the jackpot what happens is you actually go to their counter and you tell them that you got it and then you pick out of this like bold bucket thing and it has like grin on my toes it has like a random lottery numbers in it and you open up the paper and it tells you how much you got so once she gets that we'll go through that process you only need one more light all you got to do is push it over a little bit more it's really hard for the ticker stuff because if you stab hit tickets over here it's not gonna go down and pick it up oh here we go yeah what in the world it's not working out for us okay that should be enough right no and you actually don't get anything whatever their little gems come in here yeah the other ones are worthless she's going for the hole right here get a host oh don't get that one yes yes oh man it's not strong enough maybe we're putting on the wrong side well that should be enough to push some over yeah I was wrong I was wrong again it wasn't enough she's going for this 500 ticket roll right here hopefully if you land flat so it will push a lot over all you need though is one more spin come on spin oh that was a good one yes Oh are you getting us a little stuff that could work it could maybe it's because these crystals right here are really heavy so all the crystals are getting pushed off of the edges instead of going this way those tickets no you eat the tickets that's what you don't want to do Oh No so yeah if you hit the tickets hey like it pretty much is impossible to win so we can go for this time you actually don't go for the tickets Chris she's gone for this pink diamond right here Oh epic in a perfect spot you guys just time it just right oh that was too early yeah way too early no okay so that one was too early hopefully you can get just enough to fall over to get this spin alright here we go I wonder if you want to play on a different side if you can keep the Jim's like not keep them yourself but keep it for your total because how many have any right now you have a pink one in a some other color I don't know what the other boy is it actually says the color on the diamond that's why I was wondering what she has she's going for a pile of little ones alright there it is is that gonna push anything over is it darn it this isn't working [Music] what you know for white okay she go for tickets look at that if you notice there's like a big pile of this stuff because people make holes going for one set of things and makes like a really big pile Oh hate it but I didn't do it again look there just sit on it we got the least sensitive one which if I play a different size yeah we're playing it the least sensitive one OSHA booklet did you get it oh she opened big yes oh that's a good spot to land but it's not for some reason there's no circles all right so you should get the jack by here because all you need is number one there it is awesome so she got to be jackpot so what's gonna happen is this one's gonna come down and it's gonna like drop it down and it tells you like what happens it says jackpot mystery jackpot you can get a hundred or two hundred or five hundred thousand or two thousand tickets all right how much is it [Music] [Music] oh no it's not I mean to us that's right it's hard pick one all right so yeah so I need to go for this small [Music] [Music] they keep falling over okay plus you must be w maybe you think it though [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just found out we can't actually move the Christmas that we want to another one what we did find something else out we have been playing a little while since we said we're gonna find out and we found out that we only need that pink one in that purple one to get that Pikachu if we get this big pink crystal by itself we get one of the wee bear bear bears oh nice nice you need it to fall whenever it's back oh you're gonna get that big money well I'll never get that purple one no here no hypnosis yes yes all you need is that purple one all we need is that for everyone oh yeah I'm sure the berries yeah so we can get one of these bears we get the Panda the polar bear or the grizzly bear always want one pink Super Jumbo crystal to win any bear oh that's gonna be so awesome Chris well you can do it right here yeah I believe they're both like we say we have two indigo I believe now we have two pink and that's all that's the only purple we need everyone get ourselves a Pikachu she's gone for those two and we're really close to getting the minor bonus again so if she gets a minor bonus these sides are in Cup again and I'm pretty sure it's gonna knock stuff over all you get to do is get some the follow on that you can do it Chris you can do it I have faith in you everybody I don't have faith in you right guys what is that oh yeah I hear em they're singing it oh that's it that's it that's it I swear I thought I was gonna be in come on one guess what it's not triggering it oh no that was terrible oh oh yeah that was definitely your bad I think you need one more light I think that's what it shows yeah yeah you need one more light if you can get warm lights but that was a it's gonna fall is this perform yeah we have to get that pink one though choo you can't yeah at least the one but the thing is you have to get like one of each color to get the big Snorlax oh we're not gonna play this forever because it would take forever to get that Snorlax so far we wouldn't play about 25 30 bucks 25 or 30 like dollars Singapore dollars not US dollars so it's a little less you can do it you can do it Chris where's it at okay I say where's the big jumbo pink one oh there it is I think it's that's in a bad spot oh it's too far to the phone no Chris you're missing them all yeah I know it's really terrible it's really terrible because I'm hard it is Lucy you see the position of that one that small one yeah that's how far back it needs me like that floor and further back you even have a chance to pick up the stone oh that's okay though just keep you snows little ones maybe this is it maybe this is it yes Pauline I'm thinking once you get the minor bonus that one will fall over because it will be hit by the side we don't care about the super like jackpot up here we don't even care about that it shouldn't whenever this one Falls it because it's gonna trigger a bonus spin oh that should get that end it's aw you didn't get it it should trigger the bonus spin and it shouldn't uh oh that should be it don't put no more because I think that's it yes alright now this is going to give you the minor bonus and you might want to get put some undone playing alright so she got to that time so minor bonus and okay besides I knew that was gonna keep going keep playing give me keep playing why the sides are up cuz you two might really get cute pink ones you want me to get two big bears [Music] let's go machine okay you get it goes I think it goes fast as you can I'm not sure this like a set amount of plays that let you play once the sides are up but you got to play that gets not to let you play anymore okay you're jumping oh yeah boom so much keep going your money in I'll do the dropping well I wanted to go back before I drop it unfortunately right there oh yes come on yes yeah just get anything did you do anything yeah oh that's good okay did you put money in okay good but it's so close do we keep raining maybe we'll keep laying off camera because it might take a little while but we are gonna try to get this people in let's see maybe should get something here let's see maybe this will move it if this moves it we're gonna keep oh that's not good so there's the big Pikachu yeah we got it we actually got like think three thousand tickets - yeah that is really cool so we're gonna end the video here we hope you guys enjoyed that game crystal really enjoys playing it thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,141,645
Rating: 4.5649152 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, arcade, ptw, big sweet land, gem pusher
Id: 6akoLGXXEH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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