Epic Carnival Game Wins Will Leave You Speechless!! Trick Shot Master Wins Major Prizes!!

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oh my lord in heaven I do not even believe this right now guys am I gonna be banned or what's the deal here man argh Matt hey what's up guys Matt here today i'ma Kennywood Park I'm gonna be going around and playing a ton of carnival games we're gonna see how many prizes we can win don't forget guys if you love arcades claw machines coin pushers carnival games click that subscribe button right now to the channel and also make sure you guys enable notifications by clicking that Bell and don't forget to drop a like on the video all right guys now I'm at chuckles this is like gotta love fish miss different was a I think a lot harder I think I've ever wanted Oh kind of like to Reba that one where he had to get the ping-pong ball [Music] oh there we go blue oh that's pineapple sweet bah but never wanted that's both Brenda infamous behind the back more like that than regular but not that day we got a win at a game thanks guys at a game I've never won before chuckles it's like college that's pretty cool little pineapple dude they're very nice guys look it's so hot up all the water has melted in their little rowboat Lake thingy not really it's just I think I dreamed it for the year all right guys here I am at my probably one of my favorite games here bowler roller it's only a quarter and check it out take a freakin donuts man they didn't have these last time so I'm gonna see if I can get one I actually like the little the smaller ones there one down from the Jumbo so I don't know we'll see I'm gonna try the red one I like the blue but we'll see I'll see we can do here guys I got a bunch of quarters I've actually 3d printed this quarter order and meat and so we're right I think there's like 10 bucks in there there we go [Music] oh man to light again I'm worried at my own strength here guys [Music] Oh too hard oh my lord that was close get in the zone here it is tough to through the same film at the same time over there one maybe guys I don't know it's gonna be close oh my god nope oh it's too light again dang it oh man see that was too hard yep I was too hard yep we're going to the blue besides worth that nice to her I don't know what this is all my little cousin Liz hit twice in a row guys this one right here the far right on the blue Oh [Music] come on need that donut so I only need two for the donut we can do this we can do this Matt oh there it is that second try on the blue one shut up bang like that nice dude the dog we're gonna trade them up anyway [Music] thank you oh my god it's like a small for me yeah I don't know if the doughnuts medium or not I don't know but we're gonna keep playing here see what we get guys Oh [Applause] two in a row yeah a little too hard I think the hall that was so close I like this blue side I'm telling you man yeah too hard oh there it is maybe again guys please I'm telling you you're gonna tell me these aren't different you're full of Bologna man this blue side is where it's at yep I already have him so we're not gonna we're definitely trading him up for a doughnut it's all the rules to bowler Roller this is probably hands down my favorite game here cuz it's only a quarter and it's just it's intense you know oh that's a little too hard I think oh we're gonna see if we can win a freaking doughnut at bowler roller oh it's gonna be sushi so we I will literally have every size done unimaginable too hard oh wow that was too light this is hot it's crap every time here at Kennywood it's so hot it's a million degrees oh come on now that's too much too much grunting dang it oh so close one more we get a donut the small donor actually like the smaller donors better than the other one that other one might make a nice pillow though so I don't know those doughnuts are freaking comfortable man that might be there too no guarantee look at that guy's shebang [Music] Wow there it is nice dude getting the donut all right guys had to swap batteries we did get the little blue done it I kind of like this I like this size I don't know if I'm gonna train up for the I don't know we'll see see what I'm feeling here all right see if we can get a backpack - lights close man okay way too hard way too hard yep that might be oh well this is it guys this is what I got left in quarters that's about what three bucks four bucks 375 go ahead and see if we can snag a jumbo donut oh maybe maybe maybe oh there it is there it is up this is the game of muscle memory folks oh it's so close maybe maybe oh my god it like stopped oh there it is shebang major prize if we were gonna get it should I get ya why not what the hey big donut now I'm gonna see if I can get hi there emoji poop or another one of those after we trade up oh thank that's cool I actually like that better than the blue it's very donut he goes we got two dollars and fifty cents I'm gonna see if I can at least get a medium for this so that would be an emoji poop if we can get a smaller blue donut with that that would be a miracle okay we're gonna that's gonna be the challenge guys can I get another smaller blue donut for 250 let's see if we can do it here back to back would be so nice right now and this might be it oh my god back the back oh my god - - easy Oh that was close man there's a small at least I think guys you gotta be kidding dude that was insanity last quarter loosen that shoulders up maybe last year let's see last trip or can we wait just made it skin on my face small emoji poop whatever you got hey well I don't know should I part of me wants to play again that donut but I think we're gonna call it there well let someone else get in here there it is guys so we got two prizes here at bowler roller alright guys I am at cup it here at Kennywood we're gonna see if we can cup it no here we go oh my lord that one went like everywhere come on cubby oh we got some other people playing which I like to play when other people were playing cuz it's I'm gonna get some better ricochets off the ball which i think is how i won those chips the last time [Music] Green Oh [Music] oh my god dude I will take the poop with red feet that's awesome that's so cool man thank you guys look at that kick starting off good it's still about a half bucket let's see if we can snag anything else here [Music] Oh ever oh man what was that going dead zone oh great Oh had like a mini baby there oh my god almost forget Oh purple I love this game because it's like it's so intense you know unbelievable oh yeah that was the same one I think that was it or was it might have been that one I don't know but guys know there's one more left oh my god alright so we don't need another bag of chips uh-oh we got to get the big poo all right the red feet that with the teeth smell this I will once she brings it up this is the one that I fit behind the back so we're gonna do this by the butt oh my god no way back back am I gonna be banned or what's the deal here man dude oh my lord in heaven I do not even believe this right now guys I gotta get a Pokemon now forget it check it up look at a Pokemon we gonna look at a Pikachu yeah [Music] this is crazy I like I don't even know what to say I do not know what to say Thank You Chet play again dude this was for one bucket ooh no bucket one zilch I mean not zilch but one you guys get the idea holy crap get it dude IIIi don't even know what to say right now I'm speechless behind the bandanna back to back behind the back guys I'm gonna have a heart attack hello pika it's a nice branded flush there look at that guys we got we got father and son look at that right there guys [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 1,177,899
Rating: 4.5121818 out of 5
Keywords: epic carnival game wins, carnival game wins, carnival game, wins, epic, trick shot master, trick shot, carnival game win, carnival games, win, carnival game master, carnival wins, carnival game hacks, carnival game tricks, how to win carnival games, winning carnival games, impossible carnival games, how to win, carnival win, bowler roller, behind the back trick shots, major prizes, carnival game won, fair games, arcade matt, matt3756 carnival, arcade, once in a lifetime
Id: 4lcIyc5thRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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