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hey guys it's Matt I'm at VidCon and my hotel pillows are horrible they're like stuff with Owens Corning fiberglass insulation so I'm gonna go to the arcade today and see if I can win one don't ever stay here don't do it man you've been warned it's terrible what's up guys Matt here we have an awesome video we got some special guests here Carson close guys Lisi Noel block West fun foods and oh yeah and miso so you guys saw that horrible pillow that I have at my hotel they got some in here we're gonna see if I can get these guys I got 50 bucks loaded we're gonna see if we're gonna win enough tickets so I can sleep well tonight at my hotel guys did not have to sleep on a crappy pillow so we're gonna go and play some ticket games before we get started guys don't forget if you enjoy the video thumb it up and be sure to subscribe for new videos every few days [Music] Matt three seven five six all right guys I'm gonna start on the game I've never played before it's called that Lee know what it's Ellie is mega win all right no clue what to do but this looks like a very time' [Applause] for 500 I think it's start of course that was a little rain Oh guys in the truck alright guys we got all the pros here helping me get some tickets up it's hard to tell I could take all day [Applause] but anybody pay attention to when she did that unless he's got the timing belt yeah eight for clock one and twelve gothic wait which one yeah depends on how to record oh my god watch this guy get it the only ticket so far there's at least a hundred or two here working our way towards a pillow we get that pretty much like a 40 again love me man all right the bonus she can work any magic here bonus ball [Applause] we need this for the pillow now or none really early bounce Oh oh my god Takashi I'm gonna try to flush it through drop the bonus balls [Music] dude that's klieg up jack on some of the ones that i play regularly yeah that's crazy that was an awesome hint towards the pillow guys we're getting there [Music] dangit man unless you got the 26 that should be [Music] a lot of factors in 26 like a loose jammed insane [Music] never see this day before never soon pretty aggravating yeah a little ridiculous or 500 tickets and the fact that you have to get this 12 freaking time it's like there's no way far enough to see it at once alright guys we're all machine o'clock this is up give me directions guys back straight back nope like for the other bag there you go little bit more go to the pink one more more a little bit more a little bit more yeah wait why did it return there though really weird yeah okay I've never seen this happen before push it back push it back all right now do that suit the swing tank oh yeah you should be able to smoke jacked right left and right nothing right well that's it guys alright trying something else you got this he's going for another ball he did that with eyes closed guys that was insane seconds that looks good right there he's just letting a drop shebang maybe two in a row look at that there you go Jameses up [Music] 20 gone for ya badass I'm good yeah you're good you're good you got it clean it out go for that p1 yeah that's my air and dirt and everything there - Jesus got him easy peasy matches the shirt so ridiculous yeah Paul see that a lot that's insanity balls there you go over the ice yeah she got this dumb fat purple one right there yeah let's good right there let's see [Music] why does it return there that's so weird our guys here's all our tickets these awesome arcaders you help me win this I'm going to link all their channels in the description we're going to count these up and see if I have enough tickets for a pillow yeah comment below right now how many tickets total tickets do you think I'm going to win if you're correct I'm going to send you a free live dolphin through the mail and four to eight wait I wouldn't trust them I'm still waiting on guys we just made it that was insane there's one little digger left my card 1287 if you guessed that you're getting the dolphin and I couldn't have did it without all the guys all the other people in my videos though alright guys that's gonna do it for this arcade video challenge to see if I could win a pillow to sleep on the night because my hotel pillows are horrible we were able to snag this awesome great wolf lodge bill oh sorry clockwise I'm blocking in their hood there it is right there guys look at that shebang I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight and it was all thanks to these guys o'clock West Carson Klaus Lisi James of fun foods I'm gonna link all these guys in the description and I'm also going to link the videos that I'm in up there check them out support them they make awesome videos guys he's the reason why I have a channel to the left click the circle to the right I'm gonna have more of my arcade ticket videos or the you know I always say the directions wrong okay whatever and like we always say thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 250,490
Rating: 4.8498363 out of 5
Keywords: arcade tickets, funfoodsyt, arcade, claw machine matt3756, bean boozed challenge, arcade challenge, arcade game, arcade hacks, great wolf lodge arcade, mini golf, what can we win at great wolf lodge, key master, matt, claw quest, claw machine wins, prize wins, matt3756, Matt 3756, win, claw machine, arcade games, great wolf lodge, carson claws, ticket games, carnival games, great wolf lodge arcade games, coin pusher, funfoods, arcade fun, lyssy noel
Id: p1k9Auh2vIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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