I Will MAKE It Fit!

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the RTX 4090 from Nvidia is the biggest power hungriest GPU on the Block I mean surely there is no way that we could fit a GPU like this into a PC case that comes in a box like this is there well yes there is the Silverstone Milo 12. it's claim to fame is support for a triple slot GPU in its own cooling Zone in a case that is only now hold on just a gosh darn minute here wait for it wait for it come on this thin oh wait this doesn't even make it this doesn't even compute this is like the same thickness as the GPU and this is the same thickness as this segue to our sponsor build redox build Redux makes it easy to configure your new build with support guides to help along the way they also offer competitive pricing as compared to building a PC yourself so head to build redox.com Linus and start your new build right now and you're back I appear to have broken the box for the 4090 um I mean do not modify I think uh the spirit of this was do not modify the GPU so modifying the Box seems to be fair play I misplaced some of our RAM and ssds also our CPU but I think we can find all the pieces which means it's time for us to do a live build how you guys doing happy Tuesday I've got my chats up where'd my chats go dang it I knew something was going to go wrong on this stream hey there we go all right so we're going to kick things off with our motherboard and CPU Anthony has prepared me some nice little notes to go through with you guys while we build up what is going to be by far the most powerful small form factor gaming PC that we have ever created we haven't done a ton of builds over the last really couple of years because well honestly they've just been so unaffordable that we couldn't really recommend anything and while they haven't gotten a ton more affordable at least they're a lot more powerful now than they were when we were paying like over a thousand dollars for you know a 30 70 which was ridiculous uh so why don't we kick things off with our CPU with the way that things have heated up in the CPU world over the last little while pun intended we've gotten some very hot CPUs but what I'm referring to is of course the competition between AMD and Intel we have got some really unprecedented CPU values lately I mean would you agree with that like the diamond mines I feel like I should be Mike people are asking me to be Mike you you've just called to me uh okay well I I don't know if Dan if Dan can get you a mic that might be good but yeah we've seen some amazing values for CPUs like this right here is the core i7 13700k it's got 8p cores eight e-core so that's eight of Intel's performance cores and eight of their efficiency course and it intervos to a maximum of 5.4 gigahertz that's not even a core I9 that's a core i7 that means that for just a few hundred bucks like I think this is 418 on Amazon and b h you are getting core I9 levels actually greater than last gen core I9 levels of performance out of one of these things and on a platform where you can expect to have a oh no no 13th gen is a dead platform well all right then never mind that was the case for a little while where Intel had the benefit of uh you know yeah we're gonna have future CPU upgrades but then that went away and now am5 is the more forward-looking one unfortunately am well oh things are moving so fast I was going to say unfortunately am5 has a serious cost issue right now but then the truth is that with the recent price drops from AMD am5 is actually looking extremely price competitive now let's take a closer look at our motherboard here this is an ASRock Phantom gaming peel Phantom gaming I'll get it later Phantom gaming I ITX tb4 and this is absolutely jam-packed full with cool features it's well the main reason we chose it for this build is that it's the only current gen ITX board that we had on hand um good job Anthony but it also has two ddr5 slots so you're not going to be giving up any performance we actually have a video coming very soon where we compare ddr5 at various speeds ploof worked on it and what we found was that we included jdeck ddr5 high speed ddr5 very high speed ddr5 and then for lulls we also included a really solid kit a 3600 Mega transfer per second cl-14 kit of ddr4 and found that whether it's platform maturity or whether it's evolving software loads there's a pretty significant performance advantage to ddr5 at least on Raptor lake so ddr5 means we're not giving up any performance it has a single Gen 5 pcie 16x slot um wait shut up two m.2 slots so there's one under the heatsink and yes a second m.2 slot on the back are those both Gen 4 man they can pack a lot of motherboard into not a lot of space these days front USB 3 support and front USB type-c support how many fan headers does this bloody thing have okay three that's a good amount but not an outlandish amount one addressable RGB header which is enough because you can always split it out into a hub uh wow it's freaking awesome built-in Wi-Fi 6E and this is key built-in Thunderbolt now this Thunderbolt is not implemented in the way that I personally prefer where there's a DisplayPort input on the back of the motherboard i o as well so that you can actually inject your dedicated gpus DisplayPort into the Thunderbolt GPU or Thunderbolt DisplayPort signal output so the way that this one will work is you will actually have to run through your igpu if you're outputting to a display over Thunderbolt which is sort of a bummer there is a performance penalty there but hey it's got Thunderbolt so like what do you want um what I want is I don't know CPU Cooler all right cool so we went with the noctua l12 l12 NHL 12. it's pretty much the best cooler that we can fit in the case um there's not really much else to say about it other than it's the best cooler that fits in the case I am hoping uh Anthony have you validated at all that this is actually going to be able to handle a 12 700k uh yeah so we ran it earlier and well actually it's a 13 700k not a 12. uh and uh yeah it worked okay and also knock to us says it should work okay but with low overclocking and turbo Headroom so there you go okay so whatever that means let's go ahead and make sure we do a great job of applying our thermal compound then I am going to draw it in the shape of uh balloon here thermal compound balloon let's go you ready yeah I have a top down yeah oh look at that okay here we just need a happy little balloon here okay oh yeah oh how festive is that it's like we celebrate in gaming folks all right let's go ahead and is there a particular orientation you want for this I'm kind of oh I'm kind of feeling that I don't have a lot of options I'm also feeling that I should probably go ahead and actually grab the hardware for this I believe there is exactly one orientation that works and I don't remember which one it was cool well I guess I'll figure that out then but first let's go ahead and pop out some of this Hardware this is not to as um i7xx mp83 mounting kit one of the coolest things about noctua you know it's no secret that I I really I really love what they do I think they're I think they're a really smart company um one of the really cool things that noctua does is if you buy one of their coolers yes it comes at a bit of a premium that much is absolutely certain but they will actually ship you mounting adapters for your cooler for as far as I can tell they they've just never stopped doing it um like they don't they don't promise a particular time frame for it but as far as I can tell they've just kind of quietly never stopped doing it which I think is really amazing it's the kind of customer support that just mostly doesn't exist in the computer industry and I've talked about this in length on our podcast one of the reasons for it is that most companies will go so hard on price just trying to compete on price that they will forget to price in the cost of good customer service and so it's just actually not feasible for them to provide that level of service and so it's one of those things where I kind of look at it and I go well I can't blame them for simply not being able to survive if they were to offer a program like that um but I also I also can you know because clearly a business can be built where you can price in good customer service and then provide it to your customers now one of the things that I noticed Anthony is that you've provided me with a couple of 92 millimeter fans whereas my understanding is that normally the NHL 12 has a slim 120 mil on the top and then a little assisting 92 on the bottom is there a reason that we've gone that route so from what I can tell I think the l12 typically only has the 92 the l12s has the Slimline 120. I see uh but the problem here is that the Slimline 120 we tried it but it won't clear the RAM and the and the motherboard Shield properly so you had to kind of have it at an angle okay so this is more correct I guess I see and as for the orientation that we can get it in there in um this is looking extremely challenging to mount were you were you expecting this build to be a bit of a challenge for me was that the goal um yeah well I mean it's going to be tiny that's that's what happens when you talk about tiny PCS right I see um okay well we will manage this so yeah how the devil did you okay oh okay so one quick thing maybe we should have a look at the layout of our case here here come with us for uh for a little tour of really what was the inspiration for this video uh Silverstone every once in a while they're a weird company man every once in a while they build something that is so cool that you look at it and you just go I have no idea who would buy this I really don't but boy is that ever cool um and this is one that's uh maybe not quite I have no idea what anyone would buy it because it's really cool but also it's just really cool so we looked at it we went we need to make a video about this case um hence the video you're watching right now but in terms of what exactly that ends up looking like well the details are sort of up in the air right now okay that's neat full sized filters on both of these side panels very very cool little details so you shouldn't have to worry too much about dust buildup in this case are these easily removable though or are they just like these are just glued on okay I can't say I'm a huge fan of that but from a cost perspective I can see why you might do something like that and then over here we're looking at one of our cooling zones and it appears to me like we're going to be best off if we use our 92 millimeter as an intake because it's going to have a Fresh Air Supply just from the outside of the case so that's the way we're going to orient it now Anthony I noticed that you gave me two fans is one of them a case fan uh no it's just whichever one you want to use oh whichever one I like uh well I'm gonna go with the nfa9 because I believe the B9 is a lower static pressure design and I'm just going to need a uh a fan extension for this all right let's see then if I can figure out how to get a fan in here because it's not obvious um I'm gonna I'm gonna get this in here with these screws if they were screwed in I think it might clear but the problem is that the only way to screw them in is to install it on here and as far as I can tell that's going to make it impossible for me to slide a fan in let alone the clips that have to go on here Anthony do you have a hint for me I do have a hint you have a hint you can disassemble the cooler oh no really yep well that gives me a perfect opportunity to talk for small jobs about our upcoming LTT stubby screwdriver that's right the LTT screwdriver has been such a failure according to my haters that we are investing even more money in this failed Enterprise developing even more tools for little jobs like disassembling your cooler so that you can manage to get a fan in between the fins and the CPU cold plate I guess you might call it all right cool so that's going to go here and then I'm going to want it oriented a little something like that but yes good perfect well Perfect's a strong word but it's in there oh my I'm gonna have to take off both this is ridiculous yeah it's not my favorite design ever oh that's their low profile coolers for you they have to be a little bit different in order to actually work yeah I mean I get it get this man a stubby yeah I know the uh the the reception to the news about the stubby has been extremely strong it's going to be the exact same ratchet um it's going to be the exact same bits uh very similar profile in terms of the girth but the main difference is that we're only able to fit six of our shorty bits as we call them instead of 12 but it's going to have that same uh that same pop-up bit storage that you've come to know and love from the uh the full size screwdriver man we are working on again the screwdriver has been such a failure that we are working on a ton of tool products right now one of the big requests from people has been fixed shaft drivers because let's face it there is no substitute for a fixed shaft driver I get it these appear to be 120 mil Clips Anthony oh there should be other Clips there somewhere there should be other classes I guess Jake grabbed the wrong ones oh good um uh uh try the bin try the bin ah yes good um yeah so we're working on fixed shaft drivers as well and every time we start a project thinking well this should be super simple right this should be basically no work at all we should be able to pump this thing out in like three months or you know whatever arbitrary timeline we set for the project we always get started and go yeah but it could be a little better you know what it could be a little better than that you know what I think it could be even better and then we end up making a really great product eventually but it takes time no there were no Clips in there I'm hoping that there will be Clips in here oh this is a whole additional cooler this is an l9a yes this is an l9a nope this one uses screws to attach Anthony we may not have Clips we did we did oh we did hold on this might be the box for no this is an l9i this one also used screws uses use screwses to attach the fan so there will not be any Clips in there I'm afraid are there any Clips like just loosen the bin I do not see any clips um nope well I can go find some clips zero clips uh no clip we are moving through all the Solid Surfaces of this build no clip uh okay how's this even possible okay hold on Anthony it is possible that I am dumb and these are 90 millimeter clips I just don't think so does this does this look right to you I don't think so yeah I know yeah I'll find you some 93 on your Clips thanks Anthony we had them in the meantime why don't we install some memory and that is why we have people who are here ah yes okay Micron has actually formally announced the 24 gigabit dies that are in these 24 gig memory modules that they sent me home with from the Micron factory tour so we are going to get a chance to fire up the system with less mysterious um or less mystery around these modules so if you guys look they just put a bunch of BS on the label uh the part number just says one three three seven uh there's a random 69 at the end of that one under the QR code they said eight terabytes ddr9 9000. that was I I told them I was like guys that's a huge missed opportunity um it should have been 9001 so that it's over nine thousand they're like oh you're right uh CL 69 though nice um but unfortunately I can't tell you what spec they run at right now because I forget so so we're going to go ahead we're going to install them we're going to hope that these weird prototype modules actually boot up in this system but they should and we will do that after Anthony returns with those clips oh you know what we can turn our attention to maybe some super chats if you guys want to right into the stream today the best way to do it did I say super chats well I mean we can look at Super chats but I meant merch messages merch messages are the best way to write in you just go to lttstore.com check out with something anything even if you're not interested in something that we have for sale today maybe you're waiting for the stubby screwdriver for example you can just pick up a gift card and in the checkout you will see the option for a merch message you just fill it out and then our producer Dan over there will show your merch message in the bottom third of the screen or he'll type up a little reply to you it'll be in the top oh it'll be in the top or he'll type up a little reply to you or he will save it for me to address later on in the Stream so you guys can go ahead and send some of those in if you want to chat with us Dan do you have anything for us uh love watching the streams question for Linus if another company I.E Google were to release a foldable in North America would you consider switching to it or do you prefer Samsung's software oh that's a good question I mean my biggest issue with the Samsung Galaxy Z fold is actually Google's software so with that in mind um I would have to see that Google has put the effort into their phone software to make sure that their phone is compatible with key Google apps like say for example YouTube one of the biggest problems that I have with my foldable device is that I cannot create YouTube stories most YouTube features are supported including the new go live together feature but stories nope red-headed stepchild no longer getting any love from the Google development team in spite of the fact that I've pointed out that this has been sorely missing for three years I have gotten personal assurances from now to YouTube employees that they are on it and gonna fix it right away they have not spoiler alert um so man it's really hard to say there's also I mean there's there's key apps that just do not deliver a great experience on foldables uh for example Instagram is always like this well whatever it doesn't matter that I've been logged out the point is Instagram always has black pillars on it always it only goes and only that wide and there's nothing that Samsung or Google can do about that they just never optimized for tablet and foldables run more like a tablet version of Android and then they kind of scale down to to phone size when you're using the front screen is my understanding there's also man no matter who makes the phone and no matter who does the software there's also going to be challenges around the hardware like I'm bullish on foldable screens I like them I think they're cool we talked about this in the full disclosure sponsored video that we did for Samsung display at CES but as with any sponsored video that we do we didn't say anything we didn't believe and I think that the Paradigm of a foldable tablet that you can just because they had one that was like a three-way fold like a tablet that is in this form factor that you can just tuck into a purse or something like that I think it's a game changer I think that's super cool the problem is that at least my what is this a Z3 I think so at least for my third gen device hold on a second let me just make sure I'm not opening anything incriminating here uh uh yeah sure LTT subreddit so at least for my third generation device check this out can you see that Andrew yeah that that kind of like kind of cracky looking rainbow effect down the middle There's an actual texture to that like it's it's foldable but the the the glass not glass like composite material that they're using is starting to crack on mine and so it's one of those products that I love and I use and I'm excited about but that is hard for me to recommend um to people who might not want to replace their phone every year or two right like if you're expecting to use your phone for four years and you've got a screen that just eventually cracks I mean I don't know that they're all doing it and I'm certainly a heavy user but it's not encouraging that's for sure right um glad you guys are liking the video quality today we have Dan to at least partially thank for that but also the rest of our crew um oh man it'd be hard to thank everyone I know Brandon Andy and Ed have all been responsible for different changes to our production workflow I'm not going to try to name everyone Jake for sure though there that's it I'm not going any further than that that's that's enough now let's talk about this power supply oh hey did Anthony find those clips all right Anthony I'll just uh I'll keep going here okay let's talk about this cool power supply this was the other half of the package that Silverstone sent over that made us go wow we've really got to do a build with this this reminds me of like when you go into one of those like weird like Japanese stores or something like that where everything is stuff that you recognize but it's like miniature right this is an 850 watt power supply that if I just put on the table it went like that and yeah yeah go go look at look at it look at it okay and you had no context for how big it is you would go oh yeah yeah that's uh that seems like a pretty big Power Supply right okay but hold on here come come back come come back to me okay just just point point out the door here can can you make it out the door Andrew yeah you can make it out the door you've got this bruh okay cool cool so here where's our grab and go power supply bin here here here here here here okay okay oh look conveniently oh no that's not 850 watt uh is there an 850 watt here it doesn't matter it doesn't matter the point is okay here this this is a 600 watt power supply okay let's go back to the table for a second don't worry you got this Andrew okay don't trip don't trip don't trip on Dan if you don't don't we we don't need Dan to trip all right all right check this out okay so this this is a pretty normal looking power supply right okay this is a pretty normal looking power supply okay right okay here's my magic trick hahaha it's so small it's freaking tiny look at this thing he's like little baby power supply look at it it's amazing okay the fact that this is an 850 watt power supply that managed cybernetics's Platinum rating and fits in the pot the power of the Sun in the palm of your hand okay it's so cool and that's a big part of how Silverstone was able to squeeze this much computer into such a small enclosure because normally just to power this bloody GPU okay you need 600 watts well where's it gonna come from this apparently all right let's go ahead and get this bad boy installed at least we're gonna try uh I'm gonna need my full-size screwdriver for this one all right let's pull out the power supply cage they've gone with an internally mounted power supply which is pretty typical for these kinds of small form factor builds uh oh there's a third screw see I haven't touched any of this yet that's the uh both the advantage and the drawback of having a highly skilled you know pre-production writing team is that I end up going in yeah it saves a lot of time obviously but I end up going in cold um oftentimes and having to kind of fake my way through things okay this is ah yes this is the hardware for the case which means the hardware for the power supply is probably in here somewhere okay they include an ATX mounting bracket because nothing would actually prevent you from powering a full-size system with this thing and they also include ah yes here we go oh there's a merch message hey you got the backpack quite expensive to get in Germany any news on the zipper Replacements oh I'm glad you asked I had a meeting with the Creator Warehouse team today and we do have an update for you guys um oh shoot I don't have the replacement one on my bag uh hey where did RPA go we have a PA now uh yes I have a job for you uh can you please run over to Creator warehouse and um get from Tynan who is upstairs in the back uh get the the samples of what is going to be the solution for prying open the zipper thing and then also the solution for the new Carabiner and I can show it to these guys on the Stream it'll be great I believe in you might need help it's his first day what do you got there Anthony you find it Eclipse that don't appear to work nice I mean it's possible that I missed something here I mean we had them here that's why I'm saying it's possible I missed something I just I don't see what I missed it is I I don't I don't get it where do they go and where did they come from oh no where did they go see you didn't think I was going there with it no I didn't but the good news is that the power supply is mounted to this bracket and we can go ahead and install oh you know I go to the top 10 go to the top down we can go ahead and pop this bad boy uh Pro tip make sure you hit that power switch now not later not later when it's hard to get at okay oh crud did I do this oh no I did this right okay so power supply goes in a little something like that there we go yeah it's real Cooperative like that hey nice man she's tiny though she's tiny we could easily have done an sfxl power supply in this case so that's one of the uh now I need the top down again that's one of the longer sfx's that uses a 120 millimeter fan but I think part of the point of firing these products over to us for Silverstone was they just wanted to show off how small they could do an 850 watt power supply well played Silverstone well played I believe they have a thousand watt in that size which is also pretty freaking wild let's go ahead and I don't think we have any Silverstone cable mod kits handy so we're gonna go ahead and okay I'm trying to remember what this stupid extra 4 pin is for they sent me a whole like email about it at some point but I don't remember I think it goes back to the power supply actually because we were trying to figure out what the crap it did and then we did this other stream where I was like yeah Silverstone told me it goes back to the power supply but then like it didn't post with it in there or something and I don't know maybe it's fixed now I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna try and plug it into the power supply and then if this doesn't work I'm never plugging in one of those again that'll be it that'll be the end of it all right there's our 24 pin connector we are also going to need ooh all right oh we get to deal with this I don't suppose they have the new 12 plus 4 pin connector for nvidia's latest 40 series gpus do they that would be uh oh no way affirmative hey awesome okay cool where does this plug into nice oh I love it ATX 3.0 baby or whatever they're calling it anyway it has the 12 volt high power connector so that little guy I don't know if you can see any of this Andrew but I'm trying that little guy will go in there a little something like well helps to put it in the right way look I was holding it you know reversed and got my wires crossed a little bit there we go cool yeah I'm gonna get it don't you worry there we go awesome and that will hopefully reach wherever the crap our GPU is gonna go we'll figure that out later these are Minor Details Minor Details did you find it yes nice if they're not the right ones they at least work okay perfect well not necessarily perfect but okay functional uh do you have any other merch messages for us Dan yeah I think I've got a another one here we're gonna get this computer built eventually here you know if we're talking about Creator Warehouse stuff any plans for releasing a bit holder for all the LTT screwdriver bits oh yes uh someone someone message uh maybe uh maybe you can bring back prototypes of that while we're at it I guess we have some plans again there's a big difference between what we could release quickly and what we are just compulsively required um to to end up sort of feature creeping into um so it's going to take a while I would say that for the time being there's been some really great Community uh Community designed ones um I I've particularly seen them on the LTT subreddit so I would I would check out some of those maybe just print one for yourself um but at some point in the future we plan to have a few different tiers of offerings so like kind of an Altoids tin sized one that's just full of little magnetic bit holders uh kind of deluxe one that holds the driver and bits and then I think we're planning somewhere in between but it might be just those two I I can't actually remember right now off the top of my head I can't be what the CEO can't be expected to know everything that's going on around here oh yeah these are definitely not quite the right Clips but um yeah we'll we'll make them work and by make them work I really do mean force them to work hey there there it is look at that so here's how it's going to work we've got these recalled Carabiner zipper pulls here they look super cool but they have a bit of a fatal flaw and that is that if you put a lot of pressure on them here and it varies from sample to sample some of them are a lot more resilient than others like some of them will basically just immediately break off while some of you might have used this thing for 10 years and never thought that it was a problem at all so it really varies a lot but if you press on this there's a chance that it will break off and it will turn from a carabiner zipper pulled to a hook zipper pull and that's all and that's all it'll do so I tasked the Creator Warehouse team with coming up with a user serviceable way for people to quickly and easily swap these out for an improved design that doesn't have the same durability issues what they came up with is actually pretty ingenious so far we have the new poles designed we have the removal mechanism designed and we are still working on the details for the reattachment mechanism but I'll show you what we have so far so the idea was that we can ship you a little care package that has everything you need and it shouldn't cost more than like a few bucks and shouldn't take longer than about five minutes that that was the goal that we set out with so I'll show you how this works uh here why don't I just demo it right on my backpack uh let's do this one okay so this is just basically a little like hex wrench but the geometry of this end is designed so that it can slip into this Gap here just barely okay a little something like that and then if you give it a turn okay it will lift up the end of the zipper retention thing just enough to pull out your old zipper pull and no more okay because that way you um you don't put too much stress on this right here we've found that this part is really only good for maybe three times being loosened and tightened it's not really designed for that so we really do not want people doing this over and over again we do not want them pulling it any more than they absolutely have to so you pop that out like that then we've got a new Carabiner pull this is a like a a sintered like 3D printed one but we're working on manufacturing for like a production ready one and this is just a a titanium you can see it's got okay this one is again it's 3D printed so don't worry too much about that but it's got like these um these gaps here that give it kind of like a like a hinge so basically you just kind of go like that and this uh the stress is absorbed here and because it's titanium a it's really difficult to break and B if you do manage to deform it out of shape you can just kind of put it back into shape and it should last for many many many many more Cycles uh than the existing one and if you do accidentally put some pressure on it from this side it's like whatever it's titanium so this is our approximately this is our prototype of the plan for the replacement pull so then you would take this pop it onto here and then what we want to do is we want to make a little like maybe plastic kind of press down thing or oh one of the suggestions that I had was a thing that goes on top and then I was actually inspired by der Bauer's CPU IHS removal tools uh so one that has a screw in the top so that you screw it and it can only go down a certain amount so that people can't over crank them as well on the way back down and it'll just all be all be perfect and back to essentially stock but have the new Carabiner pulls on it and then our plan is also to include classic YKK poles like just this style in the package that way if people decide you know what look this whole Carabiner thing has been more work than it's worth for me and I just don't want to do it anymore or I just prefer a classic pull then they can swap it out at that time however I want to caution people the idea is not oh I'm going to use carabiners now and then I'll put the classic ones on later and then maybe I'll swap back to the character no no no no no no no no no no no do not do that do not it is designed for one time swapping these out and that's it anyway that's the plan uh we've been hard at work on this I know it doesn't seem like a lot like oh what so you designed an allen key that's the wrong shape and uh and uh titanium clip but these things take time especially validation I've got people asking how much did this defect end up costing you guys because the defect was shared with the bag manufacturer we are hoping that we're going to be able to share some of the cost of getting these things shipped to you know almost 30 000 customers around the world um it's not it's not going to kill us or anything obviously we would have preferred it didn't happen but the good news is that other than this people are stoked on their bags the reviews on the site are great and we're going to get this taken care of and then everything's going to be great and we're going to you know move on to Future product development like this so yes we are working on a bit holder there's a couple of things that are really cool about this one it uses a like a hard plastic holder and that's cool because it will never wear out like a foam one would but obviously with a hard plastic you know the retention is not going to be that great unless you have the entire bottom magnetized oh yeah oh yeah oh this was printed using our new 3D printer by the way man we can do some really awesome prototyping these days like oh freaking freaking love it here let's uh let's get that magnetic bit retention oh yeah oh yeah right um the top opens up flat so you can use it as a parts tray if you really want to and one of the coolest things about having a magnetic base is oh yeah freaking magnets how do they work right so there's been a little bit of feature creep uh I remember it was actually one of our new Engineers on must have been like their first or second week when they got assigned this project they were like okay so you know I noticed that the community came up with these cool ideas for just like you know essentially an Altoids tin that holds bits what do you think about doing a minimum viable product version now like right away getting it out as fast as possible and then following up with a good one and I'm like you must be new here nope we're gonna do it the hard way right out of the gate he's like okay I mean it's a funny thing right like when you see bad Engineering in a product from my experience dealing with Engineers I can pretty much promise you that that's because of management because every engineer that I've ever met and had the pleasure of dealing with wants to build a quality product they don't want to cut Corners it's management that makes them cut corners and so bad engineering man don't look at that and go bad engineer look at that and go bad management because like I I promise you well at least I don't know 90 of the time 95 of the time that's the issue it's not the engineers uh okay this is this is challenging um ah there we go okay wow this is a really tight fit and these clips are definitely not right okay oh could something go right on a build stream for once what do you think guys just for once could we have a build stream that goes completely smoothly yeah float plane chat is blowing up with am engineer can confirm yeah 100 and it's not that you're biased at all but it but it really is a fact like business decisions tend to be terrible short-sighted decisions whereas engineering decisions tend to be based on facts um based on things that we can test and quantify or at least things that we could test if we were given the budget and tools to do it all right have another average message for me yeah sure I've got one here um hit me uh this one's from Luke uh hi Linus Dan and LTT team Linus I was wondering if you found your ideal watch I remember hearing on Wan show a while back you were looking for one enjoy the stream um no not really honestly I've just kind of given up I've been have you guys been following the way that Google's been nerfing fitbits lately has anyone been following this oh it's brutal like they can't um the the music services that they can stream from are way more limited now and basically what it looks like is Google is sun setting Fitbit without formally sunsetting Fitbit so without having to say you know yeah any promises that we made about not turning Fitbit to crap we we broke them but they just are going to make degrade the experience to the point where it just is and people are ultimately going to have to switch off of them and it seems like the idea is they don't want to cannibalize pixel watch but it's like that's not the way to do this and Google your you're a big enough company and and what's really bizarre is that you understand well enough not to behave like this that you went and you know refunded everyone who bought into stadia and yet you can't carry that over to other parts of your business and treat people properly like I just don't understand what kind of company Google is anymore right now um like you look at the way they handled the recent round of layoffs and it's just it's it's inhumane you can't have like you know a mother in a hospital on maternity leave finding out that she's been terminated like that's not cool even ignoring the legal ramifications of laying off someone on you know maternity Actually I don't even know if maternity leave is legally required in the state of California so I could be speaking out and out of speaking out a turn on that but I can tell you like in um countries with you know actual labor laws like Canada uh something like that would be a big No-No that would be a big fat not cool uh from the from the BC government um but even if it is legal it's not okay like we shouldn't normalize it and so you know you look at the way they're treating their Fitbit customers look at the way they're treating their Google home customers right they've got that whole patent dispute with Sonos where Google appears to be patently or their claims appear to be patently false no sorry I was just I was trying really hard to make that uh to go for that pun that it didn't work but Google seems to be clearly in the wrong Sonos appears to be clearly in the right and yet Google keeps fighting this fight to the point where instead of just paying the license fees they would rather degrade the experience for their smart speaker customers and I'm looking at it going you can't sell a product based on a set of features and then cut the features after we buy the product like that wasn't the deal right when I buy a product it's based on the advertised features so again it might be legal but it's definitely not cool it's not consumer friendly um and oh man oh then there's the whole the whole thing you know I'm going to talk about this in more detail on Wan show but I am I am really not angry necessarily yet but I am disturbed uh by the way that Google is divvying up shorts revenue on the one hand yeah it's a lot better than Tick Tock obviously but better than bite dance shouldn't be your goal um bite dance should be way in the rear view mirror when it comes to you know the the the ethicality of of what you're doing right um so it's better than bite dance but YouTube recently shared some more details about how they're sharing shorts Revenue with creators and so yeah better than bite dance they're sharing Revenue at all so okay but not better than bite dance some of it they are keeping entirely for themselves for example um when you when you click into the shorts shelf they used to call it a shelf I don't know what it's called now but but when you click into shorts if an ad plays for you immediately before you actually consume any shorts content YouTube considers that their revenue and I'm kind of looking at it going how do you figure um why did anyone click on that if not to watch shorts from creators how is it that you think that that's all yours further muddying the waters uh YouTube has acknowledged by the very creation of the shorts monetization strategy that they have that it is not easy to attribute a particular ad View to a particular short that's why all shorts Revenue gets pooled and then shared between music rights holders creators and YouTube themselves so since you know that since you obviously know that and you created this whole program with that in mind that really it's just one big ecosystem that we should all be sharing from the pool of how is it that you've carved out this one particular ad placement that is just for you and how do I know as a creator that you won't be incentivized to disproportionately use that placement right when people click into shorts so you don't have to share it like I said I'm not outraged yet but to me this marks a pretty clear change in perspective for Google who until now has taken a very Creator first approach to revenue sharing on the YouTube platform understanding how necessary creators are for the success of YouTube and it's like you know I've often said I'm very bullish on YouTube for the future they just they get it better than any other platform Facebook couldn't Crack the Code Tick Tock hasn't managed to crack the code twitch never cracked the code that's why streamers are migrating on Mass from twitch to YouTube because YouTube figured it out you build a long-term sustainable ecosystem for yourself yes and your partners the partner program that's what it was called right and so that's why I'm so bullish on YouTube that's why nobody can steal the top Creator Talent from YouTube unless YouTube changes and doesn't get it anymore well then they open up they open up a window they open up an opportunity for a competitor and so I would like to see them recognize publicly apologize say hey look that was a big screw up we just I don't know I don't know what we were thinking write this and say yeah this isn't going to happen again that's really the only the only acceptable response from my point of view because it's obvious to me and sure I have my own agenda here right as a video creator but it is obvious to me that if someone clicks on shorts It's because they want to watch shorts do they want to watch shorts produced by Google no they want to watch shorts produced by creators so we'll see how they do we'll see how they do um this is bad um I need to get this eight pin in there yeah it's an abyss yeah uh okay you guys are about to see some very fancy PC Building this would actually not be that hard except that it's a four plus four and it doesn't have a lock so all right I have an idea where's my where's my tape at here I don't have electrical tape so I will settle for medical tape um we got this uh super glue that's a good suggestion from uh from twitch chat over there it's okay um oh boy this is not going to be easy I hope no one was planning to go home at their regularly scheduled end of day today um this could be this could be five minutes alone just plugging in this eight pin connector uh and good luck to whoever tries to remove it all right no no I think we got this I think we got this uh-huh hold on wait for it ah did we get it holy crap no no I think we might have got it hold on I just gotta check now the key is don't let this slip you jab that motherboard it's dead all right now let's hope that I can actually oh let's hope this is long enough to reach power supply yes oh good that would have been awkward could be very awkward all right so that's going to go right there a little something like that okay cool uh you got any more merch messages for me you want to hit me with any of those yeah sure I've got another couple here if I can find myself shoot oh no would you break I never put in the m.2 please tell me there's a nice oh yeah here we go guys I love it when they do that big fat CPU socket cut out love to see it all right I'm just gonna throw it on the back then okay can you do that well do you respond to a merch message oh wait less nice no oh oh no I just barely can't get in there okay we're going in from the front we're going in from the front we got this all right hit me Dan okay um is there any possibility of doing a GPU collab with another brand like Asus a GPU collab now if you're talking about like uh like a Kingpin edition of a GPU you know that sort of thing um I can tell you that the odds are pretty slim for us one of the reasons for that is that with any product or collab or whatever it is the question we ask ourselves first is what are we contributing what are we what are we adding to this in the case of a GPU I mean you know I could lay out a list of requirements like it should be cool and it should be quiet and it should be fast and it should look good like I mean realistically is that not what everyone's already trying to do so you know I think that what would end up happening is I would just spec the noctua GPU which Asus and noctua already did anyway and there would be no reason for mine to exist because it would just be that right like in the case of Kingpin you kind of look at and you go okay well what what does Kingpin bring to the table well obviously his uh his overclocking expertise right he's he's adding that to the product what do I add to the product I don't know in that case maybe maybe nothing um maybe it comes with a subscription to float plane but then it's like that could just be a coupon that comes in some other GPU it doesn't have to be a specific product so I think that if we ever saw an opportunity where we could really add something to the conversation you might see something like that from us but for the time being it's not really in the cards we can talk about why we're putting in this SSD though uh after I find oh that's cool this motherboard comes with a cute little Escape keycap that's neat um okay this is a problem nope this is not a problem hey there it is m.2 installation screw there it is cool so we went with the sabrant rocket 4 plus G this is the two terabyte variant of it it's a Gen 4 SSD with TLC 3D nand it runs on cyberance in-house O2 go firmware and is certified for direct storage which finally has a game that actually supports it not a game that um people generally think is worth playing but a game nonetheless look okay us PC Gamers okay for a while now we got to take the W's we can get okay you know we've gone exclusive like yeah it's three years old no but we got an exclusive let's go we take we take our W's where we can okay uh let's get this installed there we go all right rocket four plus uh G Let's uh get this heatsink put back on here I don't know if you can see any of this maybe top down so poor Andrew doesn't have to like break his back leaning over this sturdy back sturdy Irish back yeah I think I think we might want to go top down oh wait is the top down gone I saw you guys fussing with it oh yeah no there we go you know you're really you really can't see any better in the top down than you could from Andrew not to be confused with Andy this is a completely completely different camera operator we've got Andrew and Andy funny story Andrew got back from his uh his Christmas holiday and he tells me yeah it was really um it was really confusing um because I I go home and visit my family and everybody's calling me Andy I'm going well where's Andy that was the most confusing part Andy wasn't there it's funny how you know you think of work as like just work right but then also it's like eight hours of your day five days a week and it can shape things as basic as like the names you'll respond to you know it's wild okay I am having one heck of a time getting this lined up here come on buddy can you get in oh yes I think I got it because it's got a bit of an interference issue with the heat saying so I'm using a smaller bit and then I'm going in at an angle in order to try to screw this thing in see I had to kind of get in there but I got it there's a little trick for you yeah you just kind of kind of get in there at an angle and you can kind of drive it okay m.2's in we're making good progress now let's just go ahead and get our front panel connectors plugged in uh you want to hit me with another Super Chat you know what yes I should check the super chat today and I got a message from YouTube telling me that apparently they have fixed it so that super chats will actually show up for me properly uh Instagram works on the fold for inside screen but it's still broken on the fold three oh that's hilarious oh so I didn't buy a new enough two thousand dollar phone oh sorry Samsung my bad um iFit a 3900 can of 40 90 in an A4 H2O earlier this month wow that's why you can afford a 20 Super Chat apparently um opinion on ddr5 with 12th gen so we haven't tested that recently so it would be hard for me to give any kind of updated thoughts on it so I just have to kind of fall back to what I said before which is that it's faster but it's maybe not as much faster as you might expect and if there's a price premium it may not be worth it but that price premium is going away guys like I was shocked when we were working on that ddr5 performance comparison video looking at the prices of ddr5 memory kits like they're not they're not bad all of a sudden I don't know I don't know how it happened Anthony is standing here like he has something to talk about what's up Anthony I just remembered that there is one more component to this build that uh we didn't think about but it's something we can do yeah I don't want to put an optical drive but it's a Slimline optical drive that the only reason we can install it is because we have an sfx power supply not an sfxl okay I mean I don't know thanks sure Anthony doesn't want anyone to go home today if I can I can't go home none of you can perfect okay because that's that's the attitude that's the work environment we're trying to Foster around here perfect um okay fine we'll put in a Blu-ray Drive I don't remember the last time I installed an optical drive in a gaming computer definitely been a minute now where does it even go I guess we'll figure it out oh wait what no where does it where the devil does it go I can't even I don't even see it I don't see anywhere for an optical drive here I don't see anywhere for oh there it is oh should we make a pole Linus what does that even what the hell how do I even get that in here do I have to take that do I have to take the power supply out I honestly don't know oh my God I haven't test fit this no I'm not doing it you don't get a pole no if you really want a Blu-ray Drive you figure it out I'm not participating in this I said I would I lied there uh all right hit me down okay I'm just gonna stop laughing first okay um hey Linus I'm loving the LTT screwdriver I got three of The Limited Black Shaft Edition with the shorty version will it be also a limited Black Edition with the same disclaimers and such I gotta tell you guys um okay one of the issues for our customer support team okay was that we did not anticipate the absolutely explosive growth that we experienced over the second half of last year and so there was just a dramatic uptick in in general support tickets that just comes from from growing another problem for the support team what about second problem um another problem for the support team was that people do not read product pages before placing orders and I'm not blaming the user because at a certain point if everybody's doing it then the problem has to be with the site design okay fair enough so we got a lot of tickets from people going where the effing f is my screwdriver your site says you know X number of days or weeks or months or whatever whatever it said at the time and it has been X plus 3 of those units of time measurement and I don't have it yet to which our poor swamped utterly swamped customer support team had to say if your screwdriver is on schedule you didn't read the schedule correctly which nobody likes to hear um which I get I totally understand which created a lot of unnecessary tickets for our support team now with that said I do sympathize with people who want the Black Shaft version of the screwdriver it does look cool we also apparently did communicate correctly that it will not have the same durability as the regular finish and so we haven't had a flood of people going oh it rubbed off I'm so angry so that's been fine um but I guess if I was to try to talk myself out of this one I would say look it's only a wee little shaft does it really need to be black come on do I have to double my skew count and subject my poor beefed up customer support team or customer experience team I think we're kind of rebranding it do I have to subject them to that again this I'm not saying we won't do it I'm just saying think long and hard about the answer okay do you really need a black one I think the answer is no but you know I have to deal with the logistics of all of it or at least I have to you know hire people to deal with the logistics of all of it and I would really prefer if you guys just kind of came to me and said you know what Linus that seems reasonable why don't we just have a silver one let's see oh well in a big surprise to nobody um a YouTube viewer base was not reasonable and wants blackshaft stubby all right um someone informed Kyle he's gonna he's gonna flip man you should have seen you should have seen the look on his face when I okay somewhere uh okay yeah here there so we're working on fixed shaft drivers right just like your standard screwdriver these are not prototypes or anything these are just random fixed shaft drivers just in case people someone somewhere has never seen a screwdriver and has no idea what I'm talking about uh so we're working on fixed shaft drivers and obviously for all the different bits sizes and types right you would have a different type of handle right I remember why I grabbed these that was a whole it was a whole thing right uh where did it go yeah minus can I interrupt I'm getting a lot of messages from the engineering team right now um from Nick light he says 10 up charge for black shoes that's a 10 up charge for the stubby and uh Kyle is just typing in all capitals okay so Kyle Kyle tell Linus no let's talk about Kyle so obviously for a fixed shaft driver for uh a little tiny Phillips number one you wouldn't have a giant chunky handle like this and for a big fat you know like slot number three you wouldn't have little tiny handle like this right so you have to have different handle sizes also not every job can be done with a short tool sometimes you just need a big long tool to get her done if you know what I'm saying so so Kyle was like okay well we just need to come up with whatever is you know what we feel the correct handle size for whatever uh shaft like actually he didn't even want to do separate lengths but I talked him into separate lengths without too much fuss but we just need to decide whatever is the right handle girth and length for whatever shaft type and and length to which I went we can do better so the idea kind of like the disruption that we caused in the desk pad Market where we offer pretty much every possible dimension of deskpad lttstore.com at the same price the idea is that you will be able to pick within reason okay your handle size your shaft type and your shaft length and we will basically produce in small batches press fit them together and then stock essentially what will probably end up being like a hundred different skus of screwdrivers you won't be able to take the very smallest flat head and put it on the chunkiest handle like it would that would be silly but what I suspect is that for any given shaft length and end type you'll be able to get at least a couple different variations of handle size so that if you want something that's really for cranking on it for like Automotive work versus if you want something that's a little finer for electronics work or something like that you can be guaranteed that you'll have something that'll match your needs we will be standardizing on the actual overgrip type so unlike the ratcheting drivers which need a lot of tiles here which need a lot of internal space for bit storage and so can't really have an over molded grip we're going to have kind of like a like a really hard uh what is it it's like a silicone like a high durometer silicone what is it so what are we talking about the over the overmold part you're walking away from your microphone sir for what fixed chat oh you leaked that oh I come here I come here to chew you out about the Black Shaft for the stubby and you're you leech oh my goodness this guy um yes it's a hydrometer Still Still figuring that out okay so high durometer something so is it like a rubber or like what is it yeah something something like that we're still figuring out liners okay cool so anyway the plan is to have all these different bit types and shaft lengths and you can have a different handle size if you want Kyle doesn't want to do it look at look at look at look at him look at him how many skew counts do you want brother you walked away from your microphone again if you want to like come close to me how many skew counts do you want man uh however many it takes to please the people we have to please the people bye bye he's excited about it he likes solving problems right he's gone I'm pretty sure he still works here I don't think that was a resignation I think he's just going back to his going back to his workspace to work because now he has a lot more work to do all of a sudden uh okay let's um let's find uh let's find a pcie extension is there was there one included in the box somewhere maybe oh wait does it come with a pcie riser it should I don't see one oh uh do we actually know that this case includes everything we need uh I mean this is the power supply box I don't see anything oh hello this must be it please be a pcie riser hey no what is this it's feet quick blur them blur them before they end up on that site it's a joke it's a joke um okay what's in here couldn't do it in time ah there it is pcie Riser perfect okay it was in this it was in the small box all right uh okay well then yeah I think I can kind of figure this out so this comes out of here is this a Gen 4 Riser I would hope so uh they say that it yeah it's a Gen 4 not PCI Express five but gen four which is fine uh for now all gpus are Gen 4 only anyway uh I think the easiest way to do this is actually going to be to pop it in from the other side yeah there we go okay you might want to give me my top down let's go ahead and plug this boy in here yeah a little something like that and then this guy oh wow it's gonna go a little something like that oh yeah oh yeah bud not bad okay and then what kind of screws do I need here uh when does Kyle get to host Tech linked I mean I don't I don't think Kyle could host tackling but he's very busy that's the thing Kyle's too busy um making all of my wild imagination projects come to life if you guys are subscribed on float plane by the way there's a great recent exclusive meet the team we call it where just you know people from the team that you wouldn't otherwise get a chance to to meet um like from you know engineering or customer support or whatever else get kind of interviewed by our by our social media team and Kyle was the most recent one and it's about half an hour long and it's just a great look at how the product development process works here he talked a lot about the trials and tribulations that um he's gone he's gone through as part of being here it's it's a really it's a really good one I'm sure that the yeah yeah float plane chat it says the Kyle one was excellent uh yep yeah 100 guys yeah he's uh he's one of those people that as soon as he figures out the camera's on he gets kind of awkward but when he you know is relaxed he's uh just a really good talker really good talker and super knowledgeable which is the most important thing okay here's the part where we fit a 40 90 into this tiny case and I think yeah I managed to figure out that's fine uh managed to figure out pretty quickly how to do it I just have to take out these PCI slot covers back here there may be more there may be more oh okay well I'll figure out what Anthony is referring to very dang it uh very shortly here uh looks like all three of these do need to come out in order to fit the GPU in one two look these are controlled drops okay watch here comes the third one yes that skill right there all right this boy uh I'm gonna want to run this 12 pin with sense pins connector first I think yeah let's get that in there okay that was not controlled but it was well started out not controlled and then became controlled um that will go there and then this okay yeah wow that's cool so this really was designed with oh huh um all right with the 30 series in mind because clearly the 40 series is so wide that this little support brace thing here cannot even accommodate its impressive girth um yeah I don't think this is oh wait can it go even wider oh oh look at that not bad this is cool it was clearly designed with the airflow path of these cards in mind you can see here that this back fan which pulls air up this way from just basically the outside of the case right here has almost entirely unrestricted flow like this is this shirt actually work that's cool uh did I miss something Anthony um well uh maybe Silverstone is something they told me that you would had to remove that entirely in order to get that in uh but it seems to work so yeah yeah uh here's one thing that's just a little Minor Detail I don't know why cases haven't figured this out but this yeah these boys got caught on here well and I bent it um yeah I mean back when these were made of steel you could do that with them anywho go ahead and screw this in uh you got any more merch messages for me Dad yes I do all right let's go with this one here um hello from the Netherlands question for Linus we've had videos painful on the smart home heating lately but how are your lights going um it is hard for me to say for sure whether the problem with whether the problem is with z-wave.js the like home assistant uh Z-Wave module or if the problem is with the jazzco switches I don't know uh to credit to their credit Jasco has done everything that I've asked they've made their firmware is available and all that kind of stuff which is super cool they've collaborated with home assistant which is super cool so I can't really give them too much grief about it but that doesn't change the fact that the switches are not working very well for me and the network that contains all of these switches is not very stable which is making it really hard for me to configure them like starting a new inclusion for a switch takes minutes right like everything times out essentially at this point and I'm just I'm beyond frustrated with them so what I'm hoping is that that project that inavelli announced as a collaboration with me without really my authorization um so that was a whole awkward thing but they apologized and it's all cool now I'm hoping that that switch which is based on millimeter wave presence detection and would not require you to have one smart switch and then one kind of dummy secondary unit so you'd be able to have Smart switches with presence detection on both sides so like it's especially um cumbersome on stairs right when you have one smart switch with a motion detector and one dummy switch because you only have motion sensing at one side of a staircase no no you need motion sensing at both both ends of a staircase that's like the whole point right so it will not require that it'll have millimeter wave which should be way better for presence detection uh it's just that there's been some delays in that project is taking some time you can check out there it's either their form or their blog they're pretty transparent company about their product development and you should be able to get some updates from those guys so I'm hoping when that switch lands from inavelli I'll be able to just wholesale switch to it and I'll be good to go is this done uh I'm not putting the Blu-ray in so I maybe sponsors sponsors you say is this done like this segue to our sponsor by the way there's more after the sponsor spot don't tune out jackery whether you're looking to make margaritas on the beach you're living that van life or you're preparing to leave civilization behind their solar generator fit two hours you can get in and get out before anyone has even noticed you're there or pair your power station with an array of jackery solar Saga 200 watt solar panels for a full charge in as little as two hours and rid yourself of the need to ever step foot indoors again or shave are you soap check out the jackery SG 1500 pro at the link below and get 10 off all jackery products with code Linus Tech tips at the link below uh just in case part of that was muted jackery good products save the land show during a power outage shout out jackery and we're gonna have all the details at the link in the video description they're great for camping uh they're great for really they're really great for camping uh that's mostly what I use mine for uh but they're also just great for any kind of like emergency power or even just not emergency power like I was out in the driveway and I just needed to power like a power tool and I was like well my house was under construction otherwise you could just run the extension cord yes but my jackery was nearby and that outlet was not active so I just grabbed my jackery and I'm like let's go because they can provide a shocking like just shocking amount of power on a lot of their higher end units so you can easily run things like power tools or like cooking appliances hair dryers just all that sort of stuff so there you go jackery check them out just in case those sponsor spots got mangled um well float plane chat was asking about before we did that was one of the things that Kyle discussed in his float plane exclusive which was one of the first products that I pitched to him back when he started I told him that I wanted him to design a lighter slash Snuffer so like a a a one a one tool to do two jobs with candles I like candles for my bath and one of the inconveniences of candles is that you have to light them and you have to Snuff them out and so I was like I want just one tool that can do both um we'll call it the the Snuffer so it would have two triggers one for a jet style flame because I I hate the like traditional Flames so one for like a jet style flame and then a second that's just like a spring-loaded like little Puff um anyway that evolved from just you know having discussions about it and I don't know who to give full credit for this idea too because it was kind of one of those things that was very you know happened very fluidly at the time but um the idea that ultimately came from that was what if we made it um in the shape of a buttocks and so you'd have this like this like butt shaped um I don't know what the trigger would be for it but like uh like a butt shaped thing and so you'd have like a flaming fart come out of it and then whether it would have a sound effect or not I don't know but you'd press another trigger and then you'd have like a not flaming fart to put up the candle and um so that was that was one it was then that Kyle realized he'd found his people I'm gonna love developing products for these guys um I'm not entirely sure that that's um the thought that went through his mind at that time but um probably probably that's probably what he was thinking uh people if people are apparently ready they're ready for this product uh you're gonna be ready for a long time because we have done absolutely zero development and as you guys know it would be the finest quality novelty lighter you've ever seen and take probably three years to develop so if I was if I was serious about actually building that product I probably shouldn't have said anything about it this early because the uh the crappy imitators will have all the time in the world now to develop their own crappy butt shaped lighter uh this is done now right so I think we can game on it sure all right let's do it in the meantime um Anthony do you want to help me get that set up and then Dan do you want to hit me with some merch messages sure absolutely all right let's do it Anthony your Mike's still working cool I'm not hearing anything from it oh oh no all right Dan wanted to hit me with a merch message while you figure that out oh I already died okay this one's from James uh being a new dad looking for advice how to get my kid into Electronics the right way hoping you have some suggestions as a dad yourself I mean is Man games like Anthony would you know how to use a computer if you didn't have to learn to use a computer to play games well there you go right same here I wouldn't know how to use a computer at all if I didn't have to figure it out to play video games and gaming is one of those things that I think we can pretty much all agree is yeah that one yeah yeah oh no I don't think we need to capture it um yeah pretty much everyone loves gaming these days it's no longer just for kids or just for guys or whatever else I think it's crossed pretty much every every barrier that it could cross there's certainly ways that it could be more inclusive but it's come a long way and so I think you know sharing your love of video games is is one way but then also not just handing them the answer every time right like making them troubleshoot because I I gotta tell you when kids are sufficiently incentivized to figure something out wow do they ever learn fast like it's shocking um so sharing a lot of games and then more broadly just sharing your love of pretty much anything is going to make your kids amped about it like whether you realize it or not and whether they'll admit it or not up until probably like 10. you are the absolute Center of their universe and what you think is cool even if they're like yeah is pretty cool like the the difference in how engaged uh particularly my daughters were with their martial arts classes once I started volunteering in their classes once a week night and day like they were kind of like ah do we have to go do we have to go they never practiced all of a sudden I start going with them once a week switch goes on and it's like hey guys get your uniforms on okay totally different attitude and I can fix that um I'm going to turn it off first and like I said when kids are sufficiently motivated there is pretty much no limit to what they can learn so once you fix the attitude you fix the learning so the key thing is just do it with them right you've gotta there's no there's no shortcut really huh um okay I wouldn't really recommend bending heat pipes the way that I just did but um it got it off that cable so that's cool Yay good job Linus all right uh hit me Dan okay this is from Roberto Linus just put together my first new rig and really first time Linus just put together your first rig that's funny I don't remember being there for that must have been a different Linus I guess there is a comma there so I can't blame him for this one the LTT screwdriver made it a breeze 10 out of 10 would screw again also what is your favorite anode 1800 DLC I just started playing and I'm addicted favorite deals you have to pick one you know what I haven't checked out many of the recent ones but um I'd say I'd say the Arctic probably adds the most um unusual sort of or like changes the game the most but I didn't really find building that fun in the Arctic inbisa I haven't really gotten into but I should because I know that's how you get Scholars which is how you can get way better Specialists but for me the fun one has really been crown falls Cape trelawny crown falls is super cool because it's just like this giant Island that like the sky is the limit um in terms of building it's like this just this like blank slate and it's enormous and has tons of everything and it's just if you're if you're less about competing with the AI players and and all that kind of crap and you're more about just like optimizing your trade routes and your production and like building a sprawling Metropolis it's it's pretty fun okay uh should I see anything on this display oh and it turned off well that's a good sign did I plug everything in eight pin 24 pin did I ever plug 24 pin I think so I wouldn't turn on if you unplug the 24 pin yeah yeah almost got in all the way okay maybe hit me with another merch message in the meantime sure um it's a lot of the wrong DisplayPort you know what I closed up the panels before booting it for the first time that's bad GB yeah you can't do that it's cursed uh I could change it to it oh that might not be done in all the way oh uh did anything change I don't know you're about to see some live troubleshooting yay I mean that's what we wanted to do right now uh okay well it should be booting um assuming it's all working okay well it immediately turned off that's that's a bad that's a bad sign yeah I'm gonna try it one more time here with that DisplayPort plugged in all the way try it in the first DisplayPort Port sometimes that makes a difference very rarely yes but yes um Dan wanna hit me with another one sure this is from Joshua as a swimmer Linus how much cross contamination do you allow slash encourage at lmg not Dan level hat wearing but if a staffer in finance wants to be on camera and isn't bad do you encourage it as a swimmer I'm just swimming also confused um it ends in the hashtag I heart swim I heart swim is this is this is swim like uh like an acronym I'm not familiar with or hey is this where we're on by the way oh oh I had no idea sorry I'm sorry I just tried to give you the thumbs up I thought uh yeah Oh I thought you were I thought you were thumbs up like thumbsing up because you were like oh yeah absolutely yeah I keep troubleshooting that yeah good work um no we're good 48 gigs of RAM okay apparently this is 5200 are we in the XMP profile ah 5600 CL 46 hmm [Music] thanks Micron uh I mean they only do j-deck memories so that's that's expected actually and I will I'm going to run them I'm gonna daily drive them just because they're cool in their LTT Edition um but anyway we'll turn on XMP everything else here looks good yeah let's uh let's see if we can get booted up to our m.2 anyway as for cross-contamination um honestly the lines are pretty blurry here Sarah doesn't work for Linus Media Group for example and she has appeared in numerous Linus Media Group Productions like on Mac address short circuit she's hosted short circuits um I'm trying to think if there's uh if there's other big ones like that okay yeah Luke technically works for float plane media Inc but he clearly appears on the WAN show um so the way that works is like something something intercompany billing for time or something something I don't know it's complicated it's above my pay grade but um we we try to find a balance of you know showing you guys familiar faces and helping build that relationship between our between our hosts and our audience and also you know giving new people opportunities um like Jake bellavance bellavants excuse me sorry Jake uh Jake bellavonts for example recently hosted a short circuit up until now he had just been the producer for short circuit um but he came on camera he was like yeah he expressed an interest and you know he's got that golden voice so how can I say no so we were like okay yeah sure we'll give you a shot and when you when you get a shot that doesn't mean that it's a guarantee that's going to happen again and that doesn't even necessarily mean that you sucked or anything it's just there's only so much on camera time uh with that said I think that's going to change in future as we do more and more videos um just based on the data that the lab is going to start cranking out so you know if you if you're here and you've got some seniority and uh you build some expertise in a particular vertical I think that you know you could you could make a pretty solid argument for getting someone's screen time I mean Dan was hired for Logistics and now I don't even know what he does anymore but he's been on camera you've got to turn and look at him a little bit I'm sitting over here hi nice framework nice framework too it always helps to suck up to the boss's Investments it's my favorite too in all seriousness that doesn't help at all you should be wearing LTT store merchandise I don't have an LTT took well get an ltt2 right I'll go talk to Nikolai I command you I don't think I can do that actually but you can you own the merch I don't think I can I don't think I can dictate what you can wear or wait yeah you can have uniforms right yeah yeah what's the dress code interesting people buy their own uniforms can't you ah a new opportunity we have a hundred people working here you can take it back immediate 100 units of sales of anything we cracked the code uh system is booted up here let's uh let's see how she games I want to fire up do you have a hardware info on here yep heck yeah what a guy hwu info an audio playback device has changed don't care no uh sensors only awesome uh wanna hit me with another Rich message sure thing uh this is from Daniel G hey Linus do you think PCS in the future will go the apple root and merge everything as a system on chip giving the advantages inefficiency it has shown well you know who did a really interesting video about that uh what was the title of that one again uh I think it was like uh PCS need to change or yeah build a PC while you can yeah something like that yeah yeah build a PC while you can and it's not all doom and gloom but there are some clear advantages to tighter integration Apple really has shown the way and yeah I do think that the rest of the industry is absolutely taking notes I mean even look no further than uh Intel's new xeons with that on die or on package rather high bandwidth memory right is it hbm I forget on um the delayed forever ice whatever I can't oh I don't remember that I vaguely feel like that was probably hbm yeah until fourth and Beyond hbm do they have hbm on them uh Sapphire Rapids that's the one yeah and yes there's an hbm version so basically they have like high bandwidth memory uh right on the CPU now obviously for a server that's like enough memory you need more memory it's more like adding an additional tier in the hierarchy of of storage but like it's it's pretty clear that this technology is being explored actively um all right our game library is plugged in we should be able to play some video games our GPU is idling at a frosty 32 degrees which is awesome let's fire up cyberpunk here so we can run at 4k on this particular monitor Dan hit me okay um just purchase the screwdriver what inspires you to get into making tools what inspired me to get into making tools was that the perfect tool didn't exist it's like I tell the team anytime we start developing a product what are we adding to the conversation it doesn't always have to be that it's a completely new category of product I mean we've had so many people uh point out that we didn't invent screwdrivers it's so expensive they didn't even like it's just a screwdriver like yeah obviously I didn't say we invented screwdrivers just some multi-bit ratcheting screwdrivers it's clearly a product category that not only has existed for many years but has had many high quality options for many years uh but what didn't exist was exactly the perfect screwdriver so what we contributed was extremely low back force on the ratchet along with megapro's excellent um super organized and satisfying bit storage along with in my opinion significantly better ergonomics my review from my uncle I think was my favorite uh he texts me actually you know what it's text so I still have the text um where's my where's my uncle's text it's really funny I love my uncle he's like such a boomer though um blah blah blah we got our screwdriver he bought a screwdriver I was like come on send you a screwdriver it's fine you know it's like no I insist on buying okay fine fine fine we got our screwdriver arrived looks good hold on there's two spaces between arrived and looks for no apparent reason um looks good did two space not totally check it out are all the bits magnetic question mark also for my hand the handle seems a little short have you any comments about that and I message him back and I go the magnet is in the shaft and works on all the bits the handle is meant to be a happy medium Mega Pro our partner makes one with a much thicker handle but their ratchet mechanism is not as refined uh blah blah blah something something anyway he calls me the next day and he goes I want you to forget about that text I sent because that was just based on kind of holding it man I had to do a job with it today and I tried it out and I went man this is a great handle and uh you know the the shape it actually goes on for like five minutes you're great really yeah you know obviously I love hearing from him um but it was it was basically you know we've sold over a hundred thousand of these things I do know that people love the shape of the handle but hey it's always it's always nice especially when you get that feedback from someone who's not afraid to be critical like that's the thing is he was obviously not afraid to tell me hey here's something I think that could be improved but then he's like but man when I used it I went wow this is a great screwdriver I'm never going to touch another screwdriver again um and it's actually something that we've heard a lot we had hacksmith show up for a collab recently and their guys were like yeah we get heck because we have our own screwdriver product but your screwdriver keeps making its way into our videos because it's just it's always nearby because we just really do prefer using it um so stuff like that is what we always uh what we always love to what we always love to hear and which and that's what we set out to do to build a multi-bit ratcheting screwdriver that just has really great ergonomics a really great ratchet really good feel really good sound the number of people who have asked us for a fidget spinner based on this mechanism perfect balance uh [Music] you know those are things that don't happen by accident right uh cyberpunk launching and at some point oh I was waiting for the uh the launcher to launch first you gotta launch your launcher so you can launch your other launcher so you can launch your game Let's efficient maybe we should build a launcher that doesn't require all the other launchers to launch JK someone tried that steam you still need other launchers just so why why screwdriver same reason we do anything because we felt like we had something to contribute to the conversation it doesn't have to be a new category product it doesn't even have to be an all new design what did we contribute to water bottles I mean a cool design we didn't invent vacuum sealed water bottles obviously right but the design is cool you know you can rep your rep your nerdiness with your water bottle like it's the same reason that anyone else would make a water bottle with a cool design so foreign try not to overthink it but also want to make sure that we're adding something sorry I talked for too long about that hit me with another okay this is from Keith well LTX merch be available to buy for those of us who aren't able to attend LTX 2023 uh gold foil t-shirt win oh boy all right uh Target frames per second um no Dynamic resolution scaling [Music] wow is this all this is all just like automatically crank Ultra psycho okay we're not gonna go psycho we'll stick with ultra um all right I will stop avoiding answering that question no Our intention is not to exclude people but we also want to um we want the LTX merch to be special we want it to be for people who were there a band and obviously I don't think I'm a rock star so yes the analogy has problems right out of the gate but a band doesn't make their tour shorts available online typically so the idea is that if you have an LTX shirt and you wear it to a future LTX we can be like you were at LTX 19 or LTX 2023 or whatever the case may be so whether it's LTX itself or specifically the whale land that is going to take place at LTX Our intention is to make the merge packs available only to attendees from a business standpoint obviously yeah it would be better to sell more shirts or whatever but sometimes it's more important to make something about the experience of attending and being part of the event and not just about like selling more shirts so that's that's our philosophical approach to it I know it's not going to make everybody happy which is why I was sort of hoping to avoid talking about that but hey it's done now you know what else is done now holy crap okay hold on I need to check and make sure that this is actually running at the resolution I think it's running at because this is unbelievable holy schnikes this is running at 4K you guys saw me crank it what the actual crap am I looking at okay I'm obviously in a really small space here can I how can I get out of here I want to get out of here I want to go out oh look it's Keanu uh no I want to go outside am I allowed to go outside okay why did why did I say load in this spot oh can I can I leave can I go out does anyone know has anyone played this game this is running the one percent lows are 90 FPS how do I knock them out do I what's the Quick Melee cue okay I'm supposed to knock him out wait he's on fire now what just happened what is happening okay f okay what V I don't know I don't care I just want to go outside okay I'm gonna try loading a different here we go outside confirm okay um all right hit me with another okay this is our last merch message all right uh this is from Ben hi Linus what's your opinion on the EU law that mobile batteries have to be easily changeable in the future well the designs suffer from that best wishes out of Germany I love it and no I think they can design phones just fine if they're sufficiently incentivized it's kind of like kids if they're incentivized enough to figure it out they'll figure it out and same thing with really smart engineers if they're incentivized they'll do it seriously that that's the spread on this gun it's ridiculous okay who are you whoever oh apparently you're an ally so I'm not allowed to shoot you but this is running amazing my one percent lows outside are 94. check this out 94 FPS this is like the stupidest thing I've ever seen I have Ray tracing cranked man I'm having regrets about committing to skip this generation because this is wild okay I'm in a hostile area apparently man this thing is fast and it's running at 68 degrees oh hit 69. nice nice nice uh this is not a merge message but I did see float playing chat talking about it a fair bit will there be any kind of like virtual ticket for LTX uh not in terms of merch packs or anything like that but virtual like experiences being able to watch stage events and stuff like that are absolutely something that we are going to work toward I don't know how much or how little I can commit right now but we do want people to be able to experience it somewhat and the plan is to have that streaming on Flow plane um I think that you can also expect to see some behind the scenes or exclusives from float plane as well the social team actually our entire staff is expected to be there during LTX so anyone who's got a job is going to be doing their job at LTX and we'll we'll definitely have some online content but obviously for The Full Experience you would want to be there okay and is that it I mean unless you wanna play more games this is wild man police warrant okay cool I'm gonna have something to fight I don't think we need to see more games than this honestly you get out of the seriously um that was the appropriate response wow yeah I mean fair enough if you're in the road for no apparent reason then I guess that's what happens um wow did I just blow up the gas station too oh shoot oh owie what who's even shooting me I need oh wow oh oh and I'm dead but I'm dead at a lot of FPS and 68 degrees that's CPU though is that 112 degrees right uh hold on just a gosh darn minute here that can't be right oh yeah yep that is one unhappy CPU I wonder if I might have uh I wonder if I might have bung something up when I bent that heat pipe hey uh Anthony what were your CPU attempts before I did that oh we didn't uh we didn't check that you didn't check that I see yeah okay well I might recommend um maybe changing to a different uh configuration for your CPU Cooler whether it's um setting that up as an intake I wonder if that fan is even spinning actually attempts like that uh oh it's spinning all right yeah ow but she's uh she's struggling yeah I think there's just not enough room I think we might actually have been better off if I'd gone the other way setting it up as an exhaust but I will I will leave it to you guys to figure out whether you should just I I think I would just go for a lower power CPU I think I just go for like a 65 watt or something like that I mean it's still running at what kind of clock speeds are we getting out of it yeah it's still running at like 4.8 gigahertz right now which is like okay uh pretty reasonable I mean obviously our gaming performance was still pretty good but I don't think I would want a CPU running at those kinds of temps in the long term it's uh time to end the stream see you later guys thanks
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,991,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: 4ug_KYlnfws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 36sec (6576 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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