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did you resume it before if our normal size screwdriver is good then bigger must be more gooder right that is the shower thought that I accidentally shared with our creator Warehouse team causing them to spring into action making a screwdriver that is three times the size of our retail one it weighs a whopping 6 and2 lbs which is about 2 kg and not only will we be trying to build a PC with it but we're going to use it as an excuse to talk about some Cutting Edge fabrication and rapid prototyping techniques including finally a closer look at the metal 3D printer that we've had on loan from ridia we will also be giving away this PC and this screwdriver all you have to do to enter is buy any screwdriver on LTD and you will be entered to win entries close May 24th at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time with all other legal details on LTT and all other legal Segways to our sponsor paperlike sometimes your iPad screen can get scratched up without you even knowing with paperlike screen protectors you can put your mind at ease and keep your device protected but what makes their screen protectors stand out from the rest well it uses their exclusive micr technology called Nano dos to emulate the stroke resistance of paper without sacrificing screen Clarity in fact they so confident in the quality of their product they offer a 100 day satisfaction guarantee so protect your iPad and check out paper like screen protectors at the link below I can't tell if this one looks comically large or this one looks adorable by comparison either way the team absolutely outdid themselves with this thing we're going to take a closer look at it later but guys this is as true to the original as we possibly could make it like this is metal you guys ah anyway the Only Rule for today's stream is that I am not allowed to use a regular size screwdriver I have to build the whole system with this thankfully our first step doesn't require screwdriver at all so I get to cross that bridge a little bit later for our CPU we've gone with the ryzen 7 7800 x3d it features eight cores and 16 threads and all eight of those cores have access to amd's 3D vcash and can boost to up to five gigahertz making this pretty much the best CPU for price to Performance and the best CPU for gaming it currently costs about $375 and we're going to be installing it in a what is your problem what buddy what what did I do sorry we're doing a Micro ATX build well you couldn't at least give me a fullsize system it's way more comical when the screwdriver is bigger than the computer I agree with you it's comical but this is my life it's it's going to go fine don't worry it's going to be easy all right we've gone with the gigabyte v650 M gaming X ax uh it features 2 and a half gig Lan a couple of m.2 pcie Gen 4 ports it's got Wi-Fi 6E which used to be so impressive and now that Wi-Fi 7 is so much better every time I see Wi-Fi 6 I'm like uh like man in previous generations I saw like you know previous generation Wi-Fi I'm like eh yeah what ever now it's like gross Wi-Fi 7 is so cool not that it really matters guys it doesn't really matter for day-to-day web browsing or anything like that CU realistically your DNS lookup is going to take longer than the actual uh data download from the site that you're visiting I sincerely hope that I have all the pieces of this because uh oh there's the fourth screw oh good all right we're off to a really good start here anyway this board is definitely on the expensive side for an matx board at about $300 but uh when we were looking it up it seems maybe they're no longer making them since uh almost all marketplaces are shipping from someone other than gigabytes so uh I don't know gigabyte sent this one cuz they said they had it kicking around let's get our CPU installed it supports up to 192 megabytes I say megabytes gigabytes sorry I'm a little flustered now because I thought those screws were missing up to 192 gigabytes of ddr5 memory and there you go there's our 7800 x3d I haven't had to touch the screwdriver yet um oh but we've had issues getting uh it to run that much memory at anything higher than 4,800 megat transfers per second so I guess we'll see how that goes no we won't because we're going to be using the 64 gig kit of g-skill trident Z5 Neo it's cl30 at 6,000 megat transfers per second we got these for just over over $200 I guess we're talking about the pricing a little bit more than usual because the system is going to be uh part of our giveaway yeah correct that's pretty exciting so this is going to be like a rocking system this is super fast Ram super fast CPU I haven't actually seen the rest of the parts for this yet but [Applause] uh I'm sure they're going to be equally awesome all right there we go man this is going so well I'm not having any trouble at all oh now we've reached the point where we're going to need our screwdriver but that was movie Magic before and we're going to have to make it that was special effects before and we're going to have to make it starting with the handle SLS stands for Selective laser centering and uses a laser to fuse nylon particles together layer by layer until you have your part these printers can get as fine as 50 Micron per layer or .5 mm in our case we are printing at 0.1 millimet per layer when it's finished your part will come out as a giant chunk of powder we then take this chunk over to the form laabs fuse sift here which is a vacuum sifter and duster allinone using the tools on this machine we break away and clean off our pieces that are buried inside the extra nylon form lab's biggest Flex in my opinion is the ability to recycle the excess nylon after cleaning off your parts you can mix in some of the new powder and put it back into the printer to minimize waste there we go we have the handle and the selector as well as the tube that holds the Big Clip that will slide into the bottom some of these orange pieces are printed on our standard 3D filament printers in our case the bambooz Andes we have here before we make some of the metal parts we have to get these to line us ow what the heck Sebastian okay well this is fun we've got a lot of parts here I guess it's time to pick them up and see how they all kind of work together pick up 52 it's a good game that's kind of rude of him it's good game um you you know that these are like freaking heavy right yeah listen that was sebasti that's a mark on my arm there's a mark on my arm Elijah from there's a mark on my hand where no that's from before no it's not that's a bruise you just bruised my hand and my arm I'll get the work form I'm calling Ariana um okay so lus shows how it would all go together I have to be 100% a stack with you as lewig would say it's not quite how he says it um I have never actually assembled this from these parts like this is done by our by our suppliers so I'm I'm going to try and figure this out uh right here this piece would normally be made out of zinc in our production units and this goes uh did this break when you threw everything at me uh it might have oh yeah that one totally broke it did yeah okay but that's okay um Sebastian threw it well not me is this the one they're supposed to win no cuz that other one was special effects like this is the only one right okay we made three cuz Creator Warehouse wanted to keep one okay that is actually not good use of time yeah do you know how much the just the like this material cost for making the screwdriver don't don't tell them this stuff is super expensive yes I do know that yes uh this is a lot of it yes I'm going to guess that each of these drivers probably costs in the neighborhood of $5 to $700 yeah you're basically bang on that's not labor cost that's like material cost and we made three to to be fair it's not more difficult to make three than it is to make one I didn't say it was more difficult I said it cost more yeah it cost three times as much okay well at any rate uh here's a broken one of them so this piece right here is this piece right here you guys can see that so that is made out of zinc on the production ones and goes into the handle a little something like that and then um I mean I guess there's some other stuff here okay this is um uh uh do do we have just like some CA glue or something so I can at least like kind of put this on there or hot glue i' settle for hot glue uh no okay maybe here's the inside I guess does that go kind of like that are you uh are you planning to save me here or are you just going to let me kind of I want you to struggle fumble my way through this you're you're pretty close actually y okay yeah that goes there oh these got to go on here first though trying to remember yeah okay that um is this supposed to this so this was actually our first unit that was printed so the tolerances might not be that good so you might not be be able to get it wow I was setting you up for failure how's the uh sorry I was I was I was asking myself how's the bottom of that bus but um I guess I know yeah you're the one that was thrown under yeah oh my god dude wear eye protection what if these like shatter some pieces already did fly off uh I mean those are those are unimportant pieces okay I have an idea okay um here hold this okay hold on I think you were missing a piece missing a piece uhoh oh oh the ninja star uh oh I don't think we got that PR for this one yeah okay then we're good uh the ninja star is the piece that sits in between the two bit holders and allows you to configure it so they won't accidentally slide or so that you can have two on either side anyway um or so you can put in one big one oh oh there you go you did it no no no no no no here here what am I holding you're just you're just holding um no no no no you're holding uh there yeah good and then here what no cuz that's going to pinch my fingers buddy well I mean that's not my problem no no no no no no no okay percussive maintenance baby boys look at that okay so that goes right there cool cool cool cool uh I'm pretty sure where's the top oh oh terrible again our first prints of all of this it's pretty rough oh my goodness bro you're going to ooh a snack don't eat that no okay we got some man did they did they like no offense to the Creator Warehouse team did they screw up the settings on this print or something I can't remove the supports I don't know I didn't make it that's fair okay we're not going to we're not going to bother we're not going to get this fully together anyways okay it was more just to show you kind of where the pieces went yeah okay for the assembly so that goes there I'm pretty sure this one it goes in the screwdriver yeah yeah do you remember which way I I don't know I didn't build a screwdriver oh my God okay that goes in kind of a little something like that and then remember it's supposed to have one of these here so that kind of goes there and then there's some other metal componentry for the ratchet and then this bad boy goes here yeah kind of like that and kind of like that and such okay so now I get to throw it at you right sure I'm ready no I'm not going to do that it's heavy and it hurt okay let's go ahead and uh do whatever is supposed to happen next well do you think you could well we got to install our SSD which no what we've got to do is show this next to our 40 oz water bottle for size comparison oh yeah here I got it right here there we go that's the box of it cool so guys our 40 oz water bottle was like they didn't that was so worth it that that was so worth it well that one's like half the price right so it was worth it we built four no we built three and then one of those that's what I asked oh four yeah four total I mean it's definitely cute it was perfect cuz it fits in the Box you I get the joke all right uh so they they even scripted a whole thing for me to say this is compared to our 40 oz water bottle in LTT it's going to take two hands just to hold the handle we'll get to that first this whole computer is being auctioned off oh cool is it for charity no no sorry that should not be in there oh that should not be in there oh okay we're giving it away remember yeah we're giving away that's even better uh the total value of the system is apparently 2200 bucks so let's uh let's get to some of the other things that are included like our SSD Sabin sent over their rocket 4 plus 2 terabytes lots of room for games this thing is flipping fast at I need my screwdriver now oh well we have to print the rest of the metal Parts uh should be up next okay I'll tell you what we will return to this um after Sebastian shows you guys how we made the internals of the giant screwdriver it's pretty amazing and it involves metal 3D printing we need a few metal parts to complete our screwdriver the ratchet gear the zinc hosing and the two paws in addition to a few assorted other ones we have a full breakdown of each of these components and are dedicated how we made the screwdriver video so our main focus of the day is how we made these parts since they are metal and not easily printed on a conventional printer ridia uses a two-stage process with the first taking place in the machine here this is the actual printer part you upload your files using ridia slicer which will scale it to the appropriate size more on that later and calculate where your support goes this second nozzle prints a thin layer between your supports so you can break it off later because unlike the support system in a traditional 3D printer the metal that we are printing will melt in Phase 2 without proper support speaking of phase 2 let's look at the centering oven after the part is printed it goes in here for either 12 or 24 hours depending on the size of the piece ridia has asked us not to show the inside of the machine as it's a trade secret but we will throw some footage of that slicer software on the screen remember how I said the software scales the part appropriately well it's because during the cing phase it shrinks between 15 and 20% you can see that based on the gray outline and the lighter colored parts once this is done you can pull it out do any filing you need to help smooth out the edges and that's it a 3D printed part we only ended up needing this for the ratchet gear since the housing and PS turned out to be much easier on the cell's printer we still tried printing the housing which Linus we'll have to show to you guys this is great the only problem with this is the bed isn't very big and we still need to make the shaft of our screwdriver for that I'll throw it over to Future me our tormach 1100 MX will be doing the heavy lifting by cutting out both the knurling in our shaft and the end where you place the bits this machine is capable of spinning up to 10,000 RPM has a 12 tool automatic tool changer and can mill on four aises meaning we are able to make super complex shapes like the screwdriver handle or in our case the screw screwdriver shaft time to put it together dang look at this time to give it to lus so we can take a closer look catch oh my goodness jeez you got to guys got to stop throwing stuff at me anyway check this thing out we finally get to take a closer look at it my notes just say show off the ratchet oh I need that so we originally tried to print it with the metal um but it ended up being easier to print those parts on the SLS printer but we still printed one just because it was so cool that is so cool so the actual giant screwdriver has a plastic ratchet in it uh I believe it's a plastic or the the SLS housing and then the gear is still is still metal yeah I can get Sebastian to message me and double check but is so cool man I love metal 3D printing it's just like how you know like check this out guys it's got all the layers that you would expect from um just like a a layered deposition 3D printing method but they take the whole thing well I guess you guys just watched how it works but yeah it's still very very cool like the fact that you can just do this with metal flipping incredible yeah the level the level of detail here guys that is unreal it doesn't seem like it should be possible but man they are 3D printing flipping anything and everything these days wow all right let's take a closer look at the screwdriver itself so let's let's see how much being partially plastic affects the feel of the ratchet so on our normal screwdriver we've got three positions for the ratchet this way this way and locked how actually not bad I would say proportionally that's probably about as much play as the original has man that nerling good Lord look at my hand it is very sharp look at my fingers this is this is like dangerous yeah uh is is that just from scaling it up 100% it's just from scaling it wow okay um I bet part of it is also just the manufacturing method of it too I assume this was turned on the tormach correct yeah so these are just sharp freaking peaks of metal here here here I'm going to do it on purpose this time hold on I'm just going to hold on to this okay kind of shows up but oh there you go way better holy don't you worry don't you worry it shows up okay another reason we did also make the stubby was to perfect you know the prototyping you'll notice that the clicks of the selector on this one are way nicer feeling than this one and we made this one first oh okay okay and it goes to show with prototyping you can find your error errors where to improve and act upon it okay now I do have some questions it looks like for our magnet we've used a gigantic neodymium ring magnet instead of the standard little button magnet that we use in the regular screwdriver correct if you get a thick enough piece of metal you can hold it like it's a 6 and a 12 pounds and it will hang all right let's have a look at our bit storage here oh my God we made bits of course we had the metal 3D printer what screw am I supposed to drive what would this even be a number 10 here hold on guys just for scale like three times the size doesn't sound that much bigger Until you realize that it's three times the size in every Dimension which makes it 27 times the volume yeah so look that is just three times the length right and I mean yeah I guess yes that that's yeah that's just three times the width there you go but it looks so much bigger it's so much heavier yes you guys printed every bit you guys even made oh wait this isn't a magnet bit there is a magnet bit in there somewhere there should be if not I will get it from there go oh right here oh there it is oh my God you guys made a magnet bit okay one of the features of the LTT screwdriver is that we have uh a magnet bit so that you can kind of reach in and grab stuff that you or whatever not that I would know anything about that um okay let's go tip to tip here hey there you go oh my God it's so strong don't oversell it all right here's your here's your Philips head anyway the bit that I picked out before looks like a hybrid it it looks like the the hex Drive was printed on the ridia and then it looks like this which is one of our standard shafts but which doesn't have the nerling on it is embedded in it yes Sebastian made this as the adapter bit because that's how you're going to assemble the PC brilliant you will put the adapter bit and then use normal bits in the adapter bit well let's get to work shall we I have an SSD to install uh I gu gu I'll use I'll use this camera Den screwdriver that does not have the standard load out I will use my retro screwdriver uh for my bits here starting with a man this feels ridiculous starting with a Phillips number one for my SSD I I it here look I actually it cut cut off my cut off my whole body like it almost looks like tiny hands meme I've got a screwdriver when we had it on the top down earlier it looks like the boxes are just oversized and the screwdriver is regular sized it's or or boxes are very small and the screwdriver is normal size it's very funny the perspective it plays okay uh do you mind Elijah could you put my computer here so I look at chat uh Dan do you have any merch messages for me in the meantime oh I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you guys about merch messages if you're not familiar with our streams uh we don't use super chats we don't use twitch bits we do stream on a lot of different platforms including on Twitter Facebook uh twitch YouTube am I missing any uh we do Tik Tok for the WAN show oh okay but we're not doing Tik Tok today no just a w yeah that's fine anyway we stream on lots of different platforms but the way to interact with our program is through merch messages we feel that instead of just throwing money at your screen you should throw money at your screen and get highquality merchandise in the mail for your trouble so all you got to do is go to LTT check out some of our fantastic products like our new dip dieye hoodie our screwdriver obviously our trying to think what else we got we got mouse pads we got all kinds of really high quality stuff you can check out the reviews and then in the cart all you got to do is check out that box that says leave a merch message and when your order goes through our a merch message will go to our producer Dan who will either respond to it himself uh forward it to someone internally who can answer your question uh he can just have it pop up along the bottom of the screen so you know if youve if you want to say like you know hi Mom who watches LT as well and you can do that as well or he'll curate it for me Andor my co-host to address on Stream So Dan's going to show you guys how it works by reading out a merch message lonus if you could spend a day with a celebrity who would it be oh shoot I always forget who uh who my like celebrity um like like people I would care about you know what uh I I would I would probably see I hate this cuz it's like creepy right like the last thing I would want is for is for him to hear me say this what about Luke um spending the day with Luke I mean sure yeah I would I actually if it was just to hang out and spend the day and I didn't want it to be you know awkward and weird because I'm like a weird fan or something then sure Luke um if it's not that if I answer the question in good faith then uh it would probably be Trey Parker I think that I would have a lot to learn from him about story in um the guy is just an absolute Master uh there's this video that I have I shown you that that video where he went in and with Matt Stone they gave like a really short talk on sort of Storytelling I think you've told me but you haven't shown me I I I show it to the writers all the time and basically it's this master class on storytelling that they do in like two minutes because that's what they do where he goes okay so anytime you've got you know all the Beats of your story and you've got kind of your ideas for where you want to start where you want to end up um and you've got all these sort of events that take place um you need to make sure that in between absolutely everything that happens you are a you're saying but then or something else um the most important part is that you never say and then and then this happens and then this happens and then this happens because then there's no consequences there's no cause and effect it's just a sequence of events that's not a story and that's something that um I have I kind of understood intrinsically and and was trying to do but had never really known what I was doing right like I was one of those people who just was like doing it kind of right but sometimes I'd screw it up because I didn't understand why I was doing it mostly right A lot of the time and I had no way of explaining that to the rest of the team so I came across that and then I I showed it to all the all the writers that have been here longer than Elijah the real writers not Junior I get it um and I think it's I think it's made a difference anyway I'm supposed to continue the computer build I why don't you give me one more while I unbox this noctua nhu12s chromax black wow we found an old LT Edition for the build yes we did absolutely sick and you even included am5 mounting hardware man this you know he may be he may be a junior writer but he's got he's got senior um senior capabilities written all over him yo that means I get the discount let's go I'm amazed Elijah did the bare minimum good job thanks Dan hey you're doing better than most people okay maybe my expectations are too low all right hit me Dan no good job uh in the products you select to create are you focused on single product or Do you want to build out a suite of products for example building a tool kit for a network admin or a complete kit for computer repair so one of the first things that are I guess not really new CEO he's been here about a year now but one of the first things that our CEO identified about our product development process when he came in a year ago was that it's kind of random um see the truth is a lot of our product development stems from minus wants a thing and if you're going to put the effort into developing one um to your guys's Point earlier about how making three of these really wasn't a lot more work than making one of them if you're going to make one that's up to my standard then you might as well mass-produce them in actuality it doesn't really work like that um and there are there are lots of challenges scaling up production past one but that is the reason why a lot of things that are available on the store exist um now that's not necessarily how we want things to work forever there are definitely cases where we are sort of creating portfolio pieces that is to say making products uh to complement our other products um or we're uh making products just because we've identified uh a competitive advantage that we might have compared to other products that are in the market but no the reason that our the reason that our mix is is pretty uh variety e for lack of a better word is because uh it's just stuff that I wanted to make a lot of the time like why do we have a shape sorter toy for small children that is All Tech shapes instead of circles and squares and the like uh because I thought it was a really cute idea I don't know I don't know what to tell you guys I'm sorry I'm sorry my ADD creeps into every aspect of my life I'm afraid this is really inefficient um one thing I noticed when I was trying is it gets really my arm got tired yeah cuz it's really heavy so the thing is I use the knurling on our driver to put screws in really quickly because each roll of my finger and thumb is I guess yeah jeez like 3/4 of a rotation almost well on this each roll because it's so wide is about a third of a rotation so I just get to do this forever this is brilliant uh Dan you better hit me with another merch message got to stall for yeah we get through a couple though just screwing in one time uh let's see lonus what's your favorite lonus meme oh no I don't know if it's really a meme but that one that Jake bellance has on his wall where I have the pack of chips that I'm holding the bag of chips and it's a CPU inside and it's like dropping and I'm I'm I'm chasing it and Luke's all no but I'm a goat and he's a bear for some reason uh that's pretty cool my understanding is there might be like some kind of furry sexual undertones to it that like I'm not really that sort of engaged with that scene so um that's a possibility but I just I kind of choose not to see it that way and I just think it's kind of you know a cute picture with uh animal versions of me and Luke and it doesn't have to be sexual so uh I I really like that one uh I've definitely seen some really good ones where it's like a grid of 3x3 of just like uh there's like a dog and like a bunch of different just like dead pan faces and they got like liest face in there I don't know we haven't really had we haven't really had any big meme moments in a while I don't think uh oh do we have thermal compound yes we should uh do we have PTM 7950 uh it's probably in the fridge it's in the fridge well um stall them I wasn't Dan merch I don't know how to stall I'm not oh actually I think I have one for you for me ah I actually I think it was for for line anyway hi Dan I had a question for lonus when will Elijah graduate I think you've already graduated I man the meme online is that I'm just like 12 or 15 years old like I'm just having graduated high school yet you're like nearly as old as lonus now right I'm I'm getting there someone forgot to put the PTM 7950 back in there from the CEO PC build I don't know who the writer I should say junior writer was on that one maybe if we didn't film till 6 p.m 6: p.m. I wouldn't have been tired W yeah gota gotta love that that's that's what we call gen Z overtime oh my goodness stop uh but to answer your question I've already graduated I am 26 I am not still in high school all right let's go ahead and get some thermal compound on here by the way look look gen Z relax your Tik toks okay I'm kidding I'm kidding it was a generalization that I made a joke about because I think generalizations are stupid that's what I think is funny about it we had uh it had been a very challenging day so I'm we started late and Alex said it was a three-day project and we somehow managed to get it done in like what like four or five hours but to be fair In fairness Alex said it was a three-day project and we threw three people at it in one day made it a one- day project yeah exactly what is it nine women can make a baby in one month oh um that's good to know so I've started putting thermal compound on ryzen processors like this these days cuz the uh the core D are actually down here like kind of at the bottom but that doesn't mean you want to leave the whole thing naked it probably doesn't matter because as long as you put enough on it'll spread across the whole thing but just a little you know free a free Tech tip God this thing is heavy am I even going to be do I even have enough clearance to get this in here I built the entire computer with it okay do you have the shaft extension uh oh yeah right oh man yeah if things go bad I could always just use oh forgot you had the adapter oh that's going to be sick here we go I could always just use the shaft extension from LT should have made an oversized shaft extension you need like a ladder to get up there oh wow look how much slop there is it when it's this long oh my we call that acceptable tolerance um just okay just hold on hold on guys just so you just so you know this is normal a little bit what you just saw there that was that was not that was not normal that's that's uh that's what we call that's what we call unnormal I believe is the correct for oh my goodness you can't you can't just lift it up from the you know if the bits didn't weigh like 2 lbs between them this would be a lot easier all right Dan you want to hit H me again sure I've got a few here let's see what are your thoughts on the Galaxy watch 6 or the rumors for the G for the watch 7 I don't know I was pretty into the whole Smartwatch thing early on uh I I loved my Pebble uh and my Pebble time or you know whatever the color one was called I think was called the pebble time um I I I loved being able to you know quickly or discreetly check a message um I I loved being able to reply via voice when my hands weren't free like there's a lot of things that I really uh you know loved about the Smartwatch experience but there's also a lot of things that I don't really care about about the Smartwatch experience and a lot of them have turned more into Health trackers that I don't it doesn't really have a ton of value to me especially because from my experience they're so woefully inaccurate that I just I find it hard to take them seriously and I'm nothing if not a very serious person sorry I was just appreciating the irony of talking about taking things seriously while I do what it is that I'm doing right now this is a brand new case eh oh cool hold on hold on though I'm uh I'm not done talking about smart watches yet I thought you were done sorry so I was super into them in the early days I don't really need a lot of the new features that have been coming out in the latest ones uh I tried using the OnePlus Watch 2 for a while there they I think they were I think they were thinking of uh doing some sponsor spots or something like that and they wanted me to have some firsthand experience and you know what it was fine I didn't really have any complaints about it I just was not strongly incentivized enough to put it on every day by the features that I was getting from it um I kind of go through phases sometimes I'm like a watch guy and I can't survive without having the time on my wrist and sometimes I don't care about it as much the reason that I that we were interested in working together though was it has a badminton mode o like for for its activity tracker and you know what it seemed pretty accurate even though it's on my off hand it seemed to track the number of swings pretty well and stuff so like I said no complaints about it or anything I just uh got lazy and stopped daily driving it it's sitting on my uh my clothes dryer right now because I I I don't remember for some reason I put it there and the charger upstairs and I haven't reunited them yet I was supposed to say a little bit about this cooler according to case labs' website it's the max size for a cooler for this case yeah and this is our new case that we're doing cool so uh we're going to find out real quickly if it works um ah this case this looks like exactly what it is a gigantic version of like the Dan case which is pretty cool it doesn't use a it doesn't use a sandwich style layout like some previous uh Dan cases have in the past but honestly I kind of like that you don't have to use a riser so your GPU just kind of goes in the bottom right here it's got a mesh covered so it's got a filtered intake all along the bottom of the case so any kind of you know double or triple fan Style GPU is going to suck fresh air directly from the bottom it's super low height like we are just looking at the height of the motherboard itself plus a C13 power receptacle which is great if you have something like a media console I went through this a while back and I ended up with an matx case from sliger when I did my um actually you guys were probably gaming on it this weekend we had a land at my house um so the the machine that's in the VR room is that is that sliger machine and it's super cool because it's matx so I can have expansion cards in it and I needed that for a USB a multi-controller USB expansion card for all of my like full body tracking uh VR stuff because I was having some issues with the onboard USB and then there was one other expansion card that I needed for it so I couldn't use ITX uh but I didn't want to go full ATX because then it wouldn't fit in my stupid media console and their case I believe it's called the Cerberus don't quote me on that anyway it's one of sliger cases has uses a similar concept where uh everything else is moved horizontally and it's pretty much just the height of the motherboard vertically so that it can fit in tight spaces and this looks like a much roomier easier to work in version of that albeit a longer one so depending on your use case it might be better to go for something like this or might be better to go for something like this this is only going to be 70 bucks yeah it's actually a really good price wow at least that's the current pre-order price I don't know if it's going up after that but got it okay well that's pretty sick they actually moved up the Embargo for us to be today so we could we one of the first people to be able to use it and build a PC in it oh very cool all right well let's go ahead and get this screw taken out I feel like this is the point where the build starts to go a little slower uh Dan save me hey lonus Elijah and Dan love the giant stubby you going to make that one a prize too question how are the backpack Carabiner Replacements looking finally got one broken after a year and a half sad face uh oh that's a really good question I believe production is done and I believe they're sending them out um can you please message I don't know someone from Creator warehouse and we'll try and get you guys an answer for that on the stream today now let's figure out uh yeah how this goes in no problem uh everything is more challenging normally I would just put this in here and then I would you know I would one hand put everything in because I've got you know my knurling and my uh perfectly balanced as all things should be hold on doesn't have a bit in it so it might actually be a little back heavy there we go perfectly balanced as all things should be screwdriver and I just kind of go like this uh that is not an option today I may actually have to lay the system down to install the motherboard for a change we do have a top down if you think it would help uh yeah yeah I mean it's that's up to the production crew whatever you guys like want to hit me with another merch message yeah sure absolutely let's see what we got here how do you know when it's time to upgrade a PC or component that is one of those questions that the only person who can answer it is you I get asked that all the time and you know what the if I told you guys anything other than when you feel like you need an upgrade then I would just be encouraging like Mindless consumerism and and keeping up with the Joneses I mean obviously if the way you frame your question is you know okay when should I upgrade to have a Competitive Edge all right I might have to give you a different answer because the reality of it is there are oh shoot are these M3 these feel like they might be M3 motherboard standoffs they are okay lean Lee is an M3 shop where's my where's my other screws here uh there [Applause] are okay hold on I don't see any M3 screws are these not are these 632 no these look like M3 standoffs Elijah do you know where my M3 screws are uh I thought I put them back in there okay they are not no no they're not trust me no uh that's okay we have a whole thing of M3 screws right [Music] here oh yeah I planned that just in case yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure uh oh yeah this is really not ideal for some reason our our big pack of like the the circle top ones is not here and these are these are all random ones uh there's these ones what do you got is there one of those no no no no no no these are like machine screws for the shop I don't know why those are there oh okay well it was going too smoothly anyway uh the point is something like for example a high refresh rate OLED monitor with very very uh low persistence man that is going to give you a four real Z's Competitive Edge even in online play where realistically a lot of the latency is down toer your network connection or the the net code of the game um but if you're just asking you know okay I play you know I play casual games or I shouldn't say casual but I I play casually you know I don't I don't compete I'm not like in it to win it um and it just comes down to when you feel like there's a game you want to play that's that's not living up to your expectations and and that's something you can find out for yourself right like if you want to know okay do I really want to run cyberpunk at Ultra you know we live in the age of YouTube right you could you can go online you can see what the game looks like at those settings you could even set it to them yourself and check it out and see if you feel like that's going to make a meaningful difference to uh your your gameplay experience and if you think it is then hey yeah might be time for an upgrade and if you came to me and you framed the question as hey I want better performance in this game or and here's my system specs you know I could recommend a specific upgrade for you but I don't like telling people you know oh well huh this is the point where your computer sucks bro it's it's not the message of our Channel and it's never been the message of our Channel like we're all a boat go you know go back almost 10 years right to when we did scrapyard Wars um I'm reminded of that kazer song right like it doesn't it doesn't matter what you drive it's you drive what you got right and and so we we put together you know between you know those uh $500 scrapyard Wars PCS that were very capable of like highs speec 1080p gaming to our $69 gaming PC series which by the way is coming back which is very exciting we're going to be doing another $69 PC better than ever and should be capable of 1080p gaming uh we're all about that PC Gaming's greatest Advantage compared to console or compared to yeah console it's biggest Advantage compared to console gaming is the affordability the fact that you can buy a computer today for like a hundred bucks and you have this enormous like gargantuan back catalog of amazing games to play many of which are not that demanding that's the best thing about PC gaming so no you don't need to upgrade your PC you need to upgrade your perspective there's no reason that you have to play the latest games you can play older games you can play like retro styled games one of my favorites uh cross Cod U from radical fish you can run that thing on a potato trust me we tried actually we didn't run cross cat on the potato PC but I kind of wish we had kind of wish we had uh one that I've been enjoying a lot lately is from a really small developer I don't even remember their name but tape to tape it's a Rog light hockey game man that run that was heartbreaking I uh I was caused a lot of depression we we almost beat it on Expert during the land we had a really long hour and a half run and just heartbreaking loss to the golfers excellent rectangle is the developer excellent rectangle that's a very fun game it's an excellent excellent name and yeah same thing that game would run on a potato so don't worry about it now it looks like this front does not have any kind of airflow pass through so I'm going to be mounting my power supply this way wow full-sized ATX power supply and everything in here there is another way you could Mount the power supply oh you can actually mount it on the back on the back you say so this piece here no sorry on the this side oh against this wall this piece can actually come out mhm and then go here if you would like and I guess the idea is what if I have like a giant radiator here which is that piece you took off earlier got it got it got it well we're going air cooling because we need to ship this system and we'd like it to arrive in one piece actually aios can be really good for shipping but also we're streaming and um I think it was the charity stream when we implemented the no more aios for live streams policy because uh that was brutal building those five computers with aios was absolutely a mistake I guess I'm supposed to talk about our power supply right we've gone with the RM 850x it's fully modular 80 plus 80 plus gold efficiency comes with all the cables you'd ever need and we're going to be sending the extra cables to whoever wins the PC uh do we have does it come with the 12volt high power connector no because this one's a little bit of an older model um but we do have the adapter guys put some random cable mod Pro cables in here I opened the box and they were in there I see yeah fine uh the 4080 needs how many three correct three all right let's just we'll throw I'm I like to throw these on ahead of time if I can I'm going to put the oh I'm going to do no such thing I'm going to put these three right here and one and two and a Dan you want to hit me with a merch message yeah sure and I've got a bit of a response here from Kyle first oh perfect apparently they're currently packaged in the offshore supplier and we're having them air freighted over unfortunately we will hopefully have some official timelines soon soon soon. P official timeline coming soon but we've got them they're really nice I like carab yeah they're good uh let's see what about I got here um dear legus the short hello everyone on set when will the big screwdriver be available in store I got a use case in civil construction for big screws not happening it's it's a very silly it's a very silly product and it's not something that we are going to develop for mass production what about made to order nope okay I tried guys I'm sorry at that cost well we'll just sell them for like $25,000 If people really want it you're going to deny buy that and we look like okay we already take a ton of flack for the $70 price point of the regular screwdriver which I'm not apologizing for it's a really highquality device it's manufactured to tight tolerances that's what that costs if you don't like it don't buy it that's fine um but if we had the gull to list a $2500 screwdriver on our site I think I'd be on their side Elijah but what if Taran says we have to do it he's not he's not going to do that teran's a lot smarter than that that's why we hired him jeez all right Dan hit me looks so awkward with hard he'll get it he'll get it oh my gosh okay from what I remember there was some plans for a collaboration with fillian at some point are there any updates on this okay Elijah's actually on point on this project so uh yes there is some updates we've been trying to get working with a piece of Hardware called SL clme VR uh there's been a lot of delays in the getting the video done due to getting some models made the communication of it the hardware wasn't working I did get the hardware working but it doesn't work in this office because it uses 2.4 so I'm going to Linus's house at some point to try getting it working but the model is made and it looks amazing and I really want to get this pro project done um but there's been a lot of other hiccups doing the charity stream this Stream So excuses I would like to say soon TM but there is a model made which is it look Linus it looks amazing I got to play as it it looks fantastic I'm very very excited I I I genuinely believe that V tubing is uh like the future um I I think that it's an incredible way for uh for for digital creators to extend their their lifespan like not their literal lifespan but their the the lifespan of their relevance like it's something that as soon as it came up on my radar you probably heard me talk about this on Wan show you know seven years ago or or whatever but as soon as this came up on my radar I'm like man I'm going to age out of being a liveaction host at some point but our company could transition to like vtuber hosts um and and like digital like virtual production uh and I think for us you know given our area of expertise a hybrid would be the coolest thing where we could have a digital host but like practical b-roll for example like how cool would that be and we are so close I mean if not there now um if we were willing to kind of put the time and resources into creating workflows around it we are so close to a reality where that sort of mixed reality is absolutely possible I can I can I can actually hear hold on there it is I can hear the gears turning in Andy's head right now as he thinks about how I was supposed to uh bring the 115in TV back to the office so that we could use it as a as a digital backdrop for that kind of um uh like like virtual set virtual production um workflow but I ended up uh I I ended up switching it from a from a work expense to a personal purchase when I realized how awesome it was and by the way man what an ace move that ended up being you guys you guys see that you guys see that in the news recently so TCL uh not only have I had that TV for what what month is it may not only have I had that TV already for almost 6 months while everyone else on the continent has been waiting around like a hoser but they just announced their North American pricing and it is more than double what I paid yeah yeah buddy man it was a good tax wrate off yeah gota gota love the like I don't know Fu America tax of like yeah we'll just casually like double the price I don't even know if it comes with the white glove service here I I legitimately don't know I didn't check that but the fact that it's just twice as expensive just because like America is freaking ridiculous cuz I can tell you guys I can promise you that the freight across the ocean done account for it that was like 500 bucks or six 700 I I don't remember exactly how much it was it wasn't $112,000 I can tell you that much that TV is always impresses me every time I watch something on it it's it's incredible man we played tape to tape on it so we had everybody like in the theater like ah man that was great that was that that was a fun land definitely more chill than the last land that we did like we didn't have nearly as many people as last time we made the Tactical error of booking it for a long weekend so I think a lot of people were like oh yeah I'm coming yeah that works for me and then realized oh uh nope I am not coming and no that doesn't work for me uh so we ended up setting up like the whole upper garage for land seats and like two people ended up sitting there and then they moved downstairs later because they didn't yeah we basically didn't need the space the smaller land was good though cuz it just you could play more games with more people it felt like and no one felt left out from certain games and whatever yeah and you know no one no one got discouraged by their complete lack of skill in spite of um advertising thems as like an experienced player I I I don't want to start this on stream so I ended up in one of the worst left for dead matches that I have ever played and for perspective for perspective between Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2 I think I'm in the neighborhood of 250 to 300 hours I have played a butt ton of Left 4 Dead um he wanted to do the versus mode where four people play as the infected four people play as the survivors yes that's dead is he had asked me hey have you played Left 4 Dead I said of course I've played a lot of Left 4 Dead I didn't realize that we were playing the versus mode until we were kind of in it uh I have never played the versus mode so so the problem is that Elijah wasn't the only person on my team where we'd had that particular miscommunication so our experienced players I think Chase has about 300 to 400 hours in the game and is probably one of the sweatiest gamers on staff so he's legit my wife yvon has probably about 150 hours in the game uh she's not a a terrific FPS player like she hasn't gamed a lot compared to the rest of us in general but she's played a ton of Left for Dead and so she's she's really good at um at like operating as the special infected um she's got pretty good sort of game sense for the game she understands the maps stuff like that which is huge absolutely huge for that game so Chase and yvon ended up on one team with a person who had played a little and the complete Noob who had never played before and that was supposed to balance Chase because one Noob can basically like kill on a level and so so that was that was the balance Chase I ended up with three people who said they had played before all of which had never played versus so essentially it was me versus like team sweaty okay I have I have with three noobs stop don't it was extremely frustrating I uh I I probably could have hand it a little better yes you could have do I tell them my uh my my new nickname um I mean I may have described you with that word I don't think that it wasn't my I'm just being I'm joking I don't think I actually addressed you as that word we would do an action and then he would immediately followed up with useless that was the word he would I was I look I was emotional and I'm sorry it was pretty funny I'd be like dude dude man I'd be like I'd be like calling out where everyone needs to set up I'd be like okay okay where the spitters jumping right now okay Boomer set up there and then do this and then do that and like everyone gets set up okay here's everyone's role and then the level would start and they'd just like everyone would completely miss their marks or fail to spawn and we also didn't get a boomer it's a really it's a really hard game it is legitimately an ex extremely challenging game um and it's one of those games that I feel like never really took off the way that it could have because the the skill gap between someone who is a minus tier and B plus tier is enormous um like the like the the compet the compete level of of an of an A minus team versus a B+ team is not even close like they'll clobber them you have to be extremely balanced and extremely close in skill level in order to have a fun competitive match and especially with newcomers uh you could have 3 hours in the game and you could have someone with 30 minutes in the game and it's just like not even close like that that learning curve is so like aggressive um so I get it I get it um but it was it was it was very frustrating we had a much better game the next day day where we balanced the teams a little bit better we we thought to ask people if their experience in left for dead was in versus mode which helped a lot we were actually within a 100 points at the end I ended up losing again which I was unhappy about but I've said this probably a hundred times in my personal life I would much rather lose a tight game than win a blowout like I I love to compete I don't need to win but I love I love winning but more than that I love to compete hard um and so that that game was a lot of fun even though my team ultimately came up short really God it's funny really a short joke yeah well I mean have you seen the size compared to the screwdriver oh yeah that's actually it would be like what only one and a half screwdrivers to be about your height that's awesome uh Dan do you want to hit me with a merch message sure yeah there's still a few left let's see lonus with the 10th anniversary of Channel super fun approaching what was the strangest thing you did for a channel super fun video Oh by far that one where we tried to recreate uh this weird um like Circle matching uh Dan are you able to bring up a video on stream uh probably quite difficult but I can try which one would you like uh so it's the channel super fun where we tried to recreate this like mobile game but in the style of like a Japanese game show um it was Ed's idea so I blame him for it ridiculous Japanese game uh yeah I think that's the one oh yeah it was it was a Japanese mobile game and then I I like have we do this weird dream sequence and then I wake up and I'm in the game and I'm dressed in like like a like a like an anime style outfit and Elijah Elijah's looking this up he's looking this up I thought you w I thought you watched all of our videos uh I watched all the good videos yeah o only has 200k views o uh yeah well okay well no no you got to get his you got to get his reaction he's going to watch it right now hold on I got an ad sorry still monetizing if you want oh you've got it Dan I think so we can put it up on stream already I got to watch an ad first oh I got it here all right they don't have to watch the whole thing in fact it would probably cause them physical pain but you can kind of skip around in it all right you want it this is such a long intro oh this is a good place to start I'm 20 seconds in you haven't done any all right let's let's see if this will work um we a this will work are you ready yeah go for it okay let me see if I'll fed that in hopefully you guys can hear that I can't hear [Music] okay that's enough of that yeah we could so um that was an easy one to answer so many questions look My Philosophy has always that when it comes to creative ideas from the team um I'm I'm kind of a I'm kind of a try anything twice you know kind of person no no bad ideas we're we're a creative collaborative workplace and if you don't take risks then you know you never know what the next big hit is going to be dead so trying to get twice wasn't it that clearly was not it I mean I've dressed in drag a lot more than twice so there's that that was a yeah dressing and drag was hardly the weirdest thing about that video oh I'm dead oh boy yeah sorry for subjecting all of you to that that's okay I needed that today can't wait to look at the analytics for that video and see a spike today no they're not going to watch it they've seen enough of it at this point it doesn't get any better I'll I'll say I'll say that it doesn't it doesn't get any more watchable uh sorry I'm just trying to do a little bit of cable management here uh Dan you want to you want to hit me with another one sure let's see what we have here lonus if you had to choose between only being able to use Windows Vista or never being able to build a PC again which would you pick and why oh I choose Windows Vista I liked Windows Vista I had a good computer I'm turning off this stream I had a good computer like I'm sorry look I'm I'm like Windows me all over again dude no my computer was sick and uh Windows Vista if you had enough RAM I think I probably I probably had like 4 gigs of RAM at that point um if you had enough RAM man it was great and it had the uh it had that like games organization folder that was part of an early Microsoft push to you know care about Windows gaming before things got a little bit stupid for a bit with um oh man what was it called like games for Windows Live okay so no that was that era too so there were bad things there were definitely bad things about that era but there were good things about that era um cuz before man like finding where your save games were saved and all that stuff was such a pain in the butt like Windows Vista had some really really good ideas um it was a huge under thehood Improvement I mean so much of what people liked about Windows 7 originated in Vista it's just that they finally upgraded their computer um and so Vista you know Vista 2 Windows 7 um didn't get the same kind of bad bad name right cuz and a lot of it wasn't just like having a fast CPU a lot of what people were so upset about with Vista was the compatibility with existing Hardware outside of their computer like especially printers remember this was at a time when people cared about printers and so you know people would get this new computer running Vista and they'd be like what the heck I have to like replace my printer or whatever this is stupid and they were mad and I get that that totally makes sense but I didn't need to print anything I was a gamer um and the actual like like if you go back you can go find contemporaneous articles it's not like the gaming performance was actually any different um between Windows XP and Vista there were there were small differences but not really any more than we've seen in uh other operating system Evolutions these uh pins for the usb3 header got a little bit bated and I'm pretty upset about that right now I think I can get it on I hate this connector yeah bend it back with the screwdriver freaking hate it no I will not be using the screwdriver for that thank you very much for your suggestion Elijah I do my best I never even used Vista yeah like my first computer was Windows 10 we know you're young you get it um the rest of us are old fine Dan you want to hit me with another one okay sunny oh my back uh hi LED nice combo colon right parenthesis I just rewatched the screwdriver release video today any news on the deposit or legal actions against the Taiwanese Factory best regards from Switzerland um we are we're generally not a litigious crew um is the way that I would put that I I don't think that we have seriously pursued legal action ultimately it's it's not really how it's not really how I like to do business it's not how I like to live my life um I don't know maybe there are times when it would have made sense for me to to take legal action rather than just kind of moving on but that's that's what I like to do I like to just focus on my thing you know do my thing as best I can and at the end of the day the way that I see it if I do that consistently enough for long enough um you know if someone wrongs me in some way then I will ultimately come out more ahead by just you know the best revenge is uh is is just being successful in spite of their efforts to to tear me down um yeah so no um but what we have done is we've taken the pallets of crappy shafts that they turned for us and we have turned them into pens so that product is coming pretty soon we're calling it The fail pen cuz it's made of fail screwdriver shafts no we have a new name for it we have a new name oh I wanted to call it the fail pen okay fine what's it called now have you have you not heard this am I allowed to say this yeah I mean yeah sure what's it called The Scribe driver oh that's a good name it is a good name yeah I like that name oh wait no I think I do remember that actually was that James's idea I think so I think yeah I think it might have been James's idea it's a good name yeah it is a good name scribe driver knowing you you probably would have just called it pen I I don't name the products I too I'm sorry I keep ragging you on for that it's probably not fun I too have some complaints about how we name our products um I kind of I kind of wish we were better at branding how ironic for you know supposedly a uh a company that you know access like a like a marketing agency for sponsors right like if you kind of if you really break it down the pen now from Brand yeah featuring the backpack featuring ink um okay I mean that's that looks pretty good fine not my finest work but it's my fine work let's go ahead I'm just going to put one more one more cable tie on here uh Dan you want me to hit me hit me again sure yeah we got a few left here sure what are your thoughts on Tech in motorcycles and motorcycle gear it seems like all cars basically have computers and motorcycles and accessories don't would you like something like a HUD in a helmet uh that exists that's a thing I've never been particularly compelled to buy one just because I I'm a I'm a simple man I I like my I like my bike go and uh you know I want to just be focused on the ride but you know there have definitely been times when some turn BYT directions might have been nice so if I had say for example an Android auto compatible yeah there might be a error okay I'll figure it out uh if I had say for example an Android auto compatible Helmet or something like that just for navigation and I guess some speak some built-in speakers would be nice because you don't want to wear like ear earphones right like you want something that gives you situational awareness um i' I'd consider something like that but realistically the primary feature that I'm looking at when I buy a helmet is that it fits my Noggin correctly like just because you buy a good quality Helmet or just because you buy a certified Helmet or whatever if it's not not the right shape for your head it's not going to protect you properly the way that even a maybe like lesser brand helmet would if it fits you properly is at least my understanding um so unfortunately I happen to have a showy shaped head so I've tried cheaper helmets and they they don't fit me as well and showes are like stupid expensive like $800 Canadian doll or something stupid like that I haven't bought one in a little while um so I don't know exactly what they're up to now but they're like really expensive um but for me you know I'd rather spend $800 on a helmet that fits me properly than spend $500 on one that has cool features but like you know maybe I get brain damage um from an accident or more brain damage I mean that's the thing about riding on a bike realistically you crash you're probably dead anyway but um hey we we like to wear our helmets just in case maybe we get lucky you know I'm I'm pro helmet 100% pro helmet big helmet didn't pay me to say that uh big screwdriver on the other hand has significantly influenced the stream guys uh is now a good time to kind of recap how you guys can get a chance to win this computer and this screwdriver I think scrolling all the way back to the notes is going to be pretty difficult for me so elij is going to bring it up on his computer and he's going to tell you guys how you can win this oversized fully functioning LT screwdriver and this gaming system and then we're going to throw in our GPU all right so all you have to do to enter is buy any screwdriver on LTT all the details will be on the page we we are running this until the end of the 24th at 11:59 p.m. PST uh one screwdriver purchase gets your entry and then we will be drawing it after that and sending you the computer and screwdriver it's pretty cool uh and of course you know to be legally compliant we have a no purchase necessary blah blah blah teas and C's right all of those details are going to be on the the website as well okay make sure it's valid in your region country wherever you are yeah you're not allowed to just this is my this is my old retailer experience coming back to me you're not allowed to have something where the only way to enter is by buying something uh but what you are allowed to do laws are funny what you are allowed to do is overwhelmingly stack the odds of winning in favor of people who bought the thing so like you can yeah so you can set it up so that like buying a screwdriver gives you a thousand entries sure and like sending a letter gets you one gets you one I'm going to write a 100 letters uh yeah but by then you could have just bought a screwdriver that's the whole oh I I understand now it's a whole it's a whole thing it's like Lottery and sweep takes laws it's complicated um but we are compliant we're compliant oh and I'm compliant with telling you about our GPU it was apparently going to be a 7900 XTX but then we or XT but then we didn't do that so now it's uh an MSI RTX 480 super with dlss raate tracing 16 gigs of gddr 6X memory and of course all the usual Nvidia goodness without any of the Invidia Badness like pricing cuz you're not paying for it oh crap I the way I cable manage the front USBC is uh not going to work for this so Dan help me stall for time quick quick go sure yeah yeah lonus can you hit the gritty what now the gitty what's that it's a dance it's a dance well okay Elijah's going to show you the no I'm going to pull it up for you and then you can do it why don't you demonstrate it for him uh I think Elijah should be the one to demonstrate I don't have the music playing because it's copyrighted shoot that cop out no nope that I just I don't want to get you know copyright strike on the channel okay well I got a question for Elijah then what's your least favorite game that you've gone all the way through and beaten ooh least favorite game I've gone all the way through fortnite I mean you can't really go all the way through that you just get the dub you know call that um get the dub I don't know that's a tough one I think Borderlands 3 was pretty disappointing for me um coming from being such a huge Borderlands 2 fan and even the the ending of Borderlands 2 with the DLCs and stuff but then Borderlands 3 just kind of didn't really embrace all of that on the story front was really good mechanic wise and they improved a lot of things in the mechanics of it but the story left me empty and sad so that's my answer shoot I uh am having a real rough day when it comes to us front USB connectors um this one broke a little which is not the end of the world it didn't break on the part where any of the pins are but it means that whoever gets this computer don't mess around with your front USBC connection because it's a little it's a little finicky I'm just going to get it in there and we're going to make sure it works but when it arrives um you know just don't don't mess with this cable uh yeah that's a that's a bummer I don't think there's anything that I can man can is there a way for me to get this in here that it doesn't interfere with the GPU come on buddy how about like that that might do it okay let's have a look and just not having not having good luck today all right Dan hit me sure I got two left here hey Linus with the co-pilot logging feature that logs things you do on your computer and stores it locally do you think that it could eventually lead to sell the data to advertisers I mean I think you already know the answer to that question um seems like a matter of time to me I I mean who knows maybe you know maybe these big tech companies that have shown time and time again their utter disregard for our privacy will totally change and be different now that they're they're AI Bros instead of you know just general Tech Bros it's fun to be naive yeah I mean the fact that the fact that they aren't doing it now to me doesn't mean pretty much anything I mean I don't even necessarily take for granted that they actually aren't doing it now because there's so many oh this is a triple slot card that's why I'm having trouble uh because there's so many you know little loopholes for you know how oh well we didn't sell it to third parties because that was a first party entity or whatever else the case may be like I just I'm at the point now where I don't consider it to be tinfoil hat wearing Behavior to assume that a tech company is is profiting off of your data regardless of whether it's a a paid or unpaid service or regardless of their um their terms of service or their their privacy policy or whatever else I just I just don't have any I don't have any faith and confidence left we've seen so many whistles blowers so many data leaks and I hate generalizing right because surely there are companies somewhere that are doing things right um and I hate to lump them in with ones that aren't it's kind of like um like I get really frustrated when I see people assume that a video from us is is you know an undisclosed sponsorship because so many influencers have undisclosed sponsorships like I hate that we don't have undisclosed sponsorships but when something is so prevalent it's not like I don't understand people's perspective I get it um it just it sucks right so if I'm one of those companies that's treating people's data extremely responsibly then it it would feel pretty crappy to be lumped in but I just sorry guys I can't can't help it at this point I had to start these screws with my fingers can't a cheater can't get this I can't get this that's not cheating all you said is I could only use the screwdriver you didn't say I couldn't use my hands I said all you can use is the screwdriver now I got to use my hands to use the screwdriver though boom hands allowed all right you got me jeez [Laughter] sorry all right let's get these let's get these boys uh I don't know let's get this adapter on here all right Dan you said you got one more for me right yep I got one more all right I've been watching you for years finally creep he lives in your walls I've been watching you for years finally decided to get the LTD screwdriver for my newest build what was the most daunting build you have ever done a daunting build so daunting has kind of a a specific connotation right like one that that appears overwhelming you know so so a daunting build I don't know Elijah you've watched every video on the channel uh what would you say has was a was a daunting a haunting looking build oh I mean building computers to me is kind of he says as he like um messed up two of the connectors in this one uh building computers to me is kind of like kind of second nature at this point I don't really I don't really I don't really get daunted by it there are definitely ones where we discovered Midway that they were much more challenging than we anticipated right like the the creeper PC for PewDiePie good that's what I was going to say that took so much longer than we hoped um just because we like the the mechanism to get the head pop to pop up ended up being such a nightmare we definitely had some project ideas that we ultimately didn't even attempt because they were too daunting so I don't know if you guys remember this one but see that that TV over there that's kind of in like a window frame that was originally in my office upstairs and we had this proposal out to a brand to sponsor a video where we added a camera and um and head tracking so that it would act as an actual window for whenever there was just a single occupant in the room and then we wanted oh God what else was it and I don't remember there was kind of like something else and we were basically looking at it going why did we even why did we even start this conversation that's not that's not something we want to build uh fortunately they they ultim bailed and we never we never pitched that again so we dodged a bullet there uh but there's been there's been kind of lots of things like that but I I don't think I don't think there's too many especially daunting builds I can see if the audience had any ideas for this one I feel like any custom PC case is probably one of those ones where you know you may think you can do it and then you get get into it like the creeper PC and it starts being more of a challenge yeah I would say I would say that's true but they can also be they can also be exciting some people said the pyramid PC for dbrand Pyramid PC was was pretty daunting um especially because the customer is such a picky particular corporation um where's my uh where's my thing okay uh oh I have a sponsor spot is that true I did it oh I already did it all right are you sure yeah it already did it right at the beginning oh there's only one yeah oh okay well why does it say sponsor spot let's find another sponsor go get cold I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding okay are we supposed to well we're supposed to get ready to boot it up and play on it and then while it's up I can show you some reactions from our staff yeah can you cut to that sure well future Linus the screwdriver is finished Sebastian just texted me we're going to go grab it and show some lmg can I can I ask you what your thoughts are on the big screwdriver huh oh my God it's way too wellmade for what it is oh wow okay he's getting weird with it it's absurd but I love it this is this is the best thing I've ever seen does it ratchet yeah wow this is actually crazy okay okay it sounds so good though just like the regular one oh that is amazing oh this this feels so wrong yet so right see now this is the fidget toy that I need oh my I could build so many things with this okay you're having too much you're having too much fun you it feels like you're reloading a gun you're like oh yes that's amazing wow oh my God look at the bits exactly which one you're talking about oh my God yeah well it's it's our screwdriver oh my god oh oh yes who made this why is this the real deal holy okay uh that's a big ass screwdriver that's stupid I like it probably right I didn't think it would actually have the bit storage oh my God what a unit it's going to take forever the size of the of course the nerling actually hurts your fingers but oh my gosh this feels like it would hurt my hand to spin it cuz it's so sharp uh kind of sharp yeah this hurt actually really sharp you could grate cheese on this nerling you could like seriously get some Parmesan and that is actually dangerous I know oh we have such we have such weird jokes I don't know seems kind of dumb taking it back now unbel I worked hard on this and by I worked hard I delegated Sebastian to work hard okay okay all righty and Moment of Truth you guys all we need is power to the Monitor and we are ready to see if she works oh I uh I don't know if I hit the switch on this power supply before we started well we should be able to just no no I got it I got okay hey there we go look how tasteful and not too over-the-top RGB this build is good the the dims lit up trying to find the bright side there they did also send us a glass side panel if you prefer that yeah I'm super down I want to see it post before I put the side panel on it's bad GBS bad GBS to fire up a machine with all the side panels closed 100% of the time you will have to take at least one of them off to fix something I did it once and blew up a stick of ram see see it's bad gbi's I'm not a superstitious man but that's just bad jebi that's the one same with removing the plastic peel prematurely really oh like you'll you'll definitely scratch it yeah yeah hey there we go let's go okay I want to see all the RAM sticks and everything before we actually close this thing up 64 gigs yep yep yep yep yep all good everything looks good let's go ahead and set up our XMP profile wow she legs she legs she legs oh baby yes she moves she moves but so slowly um okay yeah we're good you want to throw the window and side panel on get this puppy booted up man now I want to watch the reactions I got to I got to go back and watch my own video I haven't actually seen them yet there will be a full version on float plane as well with even more people's reactions oh really oh awesome lm. g/ float plane you did not just leave that peel on well I'm going to peel it once it's cuz I had to use it now you peel it here we go how about we leave half of it for yeah there we go that looks great that's an adequately built build enjoy your computer at one cable errant cable you know I do think that they could have helped with that in the case design a little bit like made it easier to Cable tie that down because you can't cable manage behind the motherboard tray on this one M uh is it oh is this uh still working uh did XMP break it oh oh yeah I guess that's a possibility wamp wamp o okay oh there we go oh thank goodness you keep forgetting about the post times of AMD yeah am5 every time yeah three hours to train can be very slow can be very slow uh Dan did you have any more merch messages for us sure I got two more for you here sure hello linil L dude and El but mostly l when are we getting the frosted tips back the Duke Nukem GTX 560 was Peak yeah I think dbrand had wanted to sponsor like a a bleaching my hair on on Wow segment or something like that um you know what screw it I'm down hey Dell I'm currently the general manager of a pizza place but have an overwhelming passion for computers any advice for breaking into the tech world for work a man other than just do it I I I don't really I don't really know know what to tell you right like I anytime you change careers there's going to be a leap of faith involved um there's going to be some challenges like you're going to come in and not be the most experienced person I you just got to kind of you got to kind of keep trying you know what's funny is there's there's so many people that are just kind of side hustling building PCS and fixing PCS we've actually got a couple of videos coming uh in the next little bit where we're going to be evaluating people who offer PC services on Facebook just like we're going to we're going to engage some random people on like Facebook and Craigslist K sites like that kind of see what the experience is like both from our side as the customer and from their side as the as the proprietor like is it is it viable like I want I want to talk to these people like are you are you eating like building computers on Facebook because I well no I I I really want to know cuz it was really but man when I was young it was really tough there was there was no way that you were going to eat based on you know just doing that as your main gig with that said we've run into people during scrapyard Wars that appear to buy and sell computer hardware and and computers as their main gig like out of their apartments and stuff like that so clearly some people are making it work and I you know if they've got any if they've got any Tech tips for us I'm sure the community would be happy to learn more right all right hit me Dan I recently had to retrieve data from a 5.25 floppy it was more challenging than I expected to retrieve via modern Windows 11 PCS what was the oldest or oddest old Tech Hardware barrier you had to con conquer an old Hardware Tech barrier to conquer I don't know man I didn't really zip disc tape those giant actual yeah the five floppies I I tend to be like a I tend to be like a problem solver right so I uh you know I'm all about you know what's my what's my workaround so I don't have to do something horrible like I'm trying to think like if I had to if I had to figure out you know mini disk today or something like that I feel like that would be a challenge because I never played around with it back when it was current I have no idea what like reader and writer you even need for it but I feel like I would just uh just not then um sometimes we don't have a choice though I'm sure that 5 and a quar floppy data recovery wasn't for for fun oh yes I have one okay I didn't personally do it but it's very on topic for me right now because uh Ariel our Co-op student who was featured in the video on the uh USSR like the Soviet mouse that we got working um he's back so he's he's he's back on staff again and uh I I actually hung out with him a little bit at the landan we were playing playing some tape to tape let's go um and that was probably the most challenging old P old piece of Hardware that we've ever tried to get running fortunately it came with ample documentation which was the norm back in those days but just isn't really a thing anymore let's go ahead and have a look at our game settings here she's super quiet so far R Racing Ultra dlss uh I don't know quality yeah let's go quality I don't think I need Ray reconstruction but I also don't think I need frame gen okay ray Trace lighting Ultra yeah this is this is probably this is probably about what I would play this on with Hardware of this class here we go let's see how she runs oh do we have frame view on here uh nope whoops he Doodles oh it's okay we'll get it oh I don't care right now sign up give your data don't allow shut oh my God give your data I am trying to use my computer no Microsoft needs to just they gota they've got this habit they've got this habit they've gotten into of putting windows in the way of using my computer and it really needs to stop like I saw your messages recently about teams how you like click on a link and it would always overwrite your default browser uh yeah so that seemed to be a bug it's working fine now okay yeah so I don't know but for for probably a week or two I was and I showed people this it was not only me who saw it I was not able to change the browser that my links opened in in teams it was very frustrating um that's good to know it was a bug because it was happening to me as well yeah at least I hope it was a bug anyway it's it's addressed now so whatever it was it's it's dealt with now but that was that was incredibly fr frustrating um and I'm just noticing more and more windows things that are getting in the way of using my computer and like look I know that the year of the Linux desktop is an absolute freaking MIM but like they're over 1% market share in the steam Hardware survey now steam deck is a real thing and Steam OS Steam OS Steam OS is coming I hope there there have been challenges outside of elves control I get it uh they really need the Nvidia experience to be better before they can just say okay yeah here's Ste OS go for it just because they have what like 85% market share or something like that in discret gpus so I understand the challenges but man it feels like the year of the Linux desktop is like kind of coming finally coming let's see those what did how did that car take off how did I just shot I shot the driver in the face he's dead how did his car move the screwdriver oh sorry the driver of the car no yeah not the screw not the screwdriver he a screwed driver oh oh man not the coppers get out of here copper ha they chase you now you're railing cannot stop me neither can your telephone pull man there's some pretty there's some pretty uh mature rated stuff in this game that we don't always account for in our uh our ratings of our of our videos when we Show gameplay from it I'm just going to well yeah I mean I don't think the our predominantly American audience cares about that it's the it's the sexualized content that could get us in trouble there oh hey buddy how you doing oh this guy seems to not care at all that I just like have a gun oh okay I pointed at him now he's upset are this the same guy hey look there's two of the same guy he just has a different hairstyle hold on does he have the same face let's see hold on hold still oh my goodness ah don't fall like that dang it I killed you you should have landed on your back okay where's the other guy hold on come back hold still oh my goodness sit down okay hold on I just need to check oh man he clipped through the floor or the ground rather okay so the game's still not perfect but what is perfect is the performance we're getting in it check this out 1% lows of 80 FPS I've got my GPU sitting at a cool 67° C my CPU at 7 74 and our average FPS is over 100 what how many times I got to shoot these guys in the head they don't they're not even wearing helmets this is H it's not even realistic maybe they would have take more bullets if they bought whatever your bike helmet was he says after he jumps off a bridge do you uh do you just like heal in this game I still haven't played cyber Punk I've been meaning to it's just it's such a huge commitment man committing to like a 50 plus hour games like it's like entering a relationship you know oh I know like I got enough relationships in my life it's tough when every game is also competing for that 50-hour relationship right exactly dude there's so many to play now yeah oh no I can't get involved in any kind of live anything with Seasons I look at it and I'm like no no man you want me to play this game more than once like I no no I don't think so fomo all right Elijah apparently do you want to get some closeups of that uh Andy apparently there's one more surprise for me it was going to be the small screwdriver if you didn't already open it oh but you opened it so there's no other surprise other than for you guys to be surprised by who ends up winning it so one more time all you got to do is check out the terms and conditions of the giveaway for this RTX 480 7800 x3d processor gaming r rig and this gigantic novelty sized fully functioning LT screwdriver three times the size baby three times the fun it's amazing again all you have to do buy a screwdriver on LTT giveaway goes till the 24th at 11:59 p.m. PST and then we'll be announcing a winner how perfect is that timing where'd you get a phone call oh Pizza did you order me some no it's homemade I made it for myself and I'm going to eat it you can have a piece if you really want I brought an entire pizza so you want a piece of pizza I didn't pack lunch so all right that'd be cool all right all right
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 521,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming, unity, game development, unity game engine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 5sec (6065 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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