I Will Escape This Video

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establishing a connection with you today i played stanley parable and let's just say it was oh my god how does he know what i'm thinking slimkickle thought to himself wait this isn't possible okay maybe he's just anticipating it what if i burger when i was in third grade i forgot the garage door code and really had to pee so i peed myself and sprayed my entire body down with a hose to make it look less suspicious slimkickle non-verbally confessed uh well well my gloopy gamers let's set swankagle ran he ran before he even had the chance to tell you to subscribe like he always did but that's okay no one would believe him about today and by the time he was back i'd be long gone the video started this is the story of a man named stanley that's my real name stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number four to seven squid game employee number 427's job was simple he sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on the keyboard orders came to him through a monitor on his desk telling him what buttons to push how long to push them and in what orders this is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year and although others might have considered it soul-reading stanley relished every moment that the orders came in as though he had been made exactly for this job and stanley was happy hey stanley and then one day something very peculiar happened something that would forever change stanley something he would never quite forget dream went live he had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow no one had showed up to give him instructions call a meeting or even say hi what never in all his years at the company had this happened this complete isolation something was very clearly wrong shocked frozen solid stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time but as he came to his wits and regained his senses he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office whoa i'm stanley no not 420 chat not in this office no weed no drugs just buttons buttons and numbers and buttons and numbers and why why does it make that's why does it make that sound when i click four two eight four two nine squid game all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo no matter how hard stanley looked he couldn't find a trace of his co-workers they're out there somewhere out here dude i know where is where's garfield the funny the cat 424 456 has got to be around here somewhere stanley went around touching every little thing in the office it didn't make a single difference nor did it advance the story in any way it was so funny though it was so funny when stanley touched everything oh please are you really just doing this for the achievement click a door five times is that all that you think an achievement is worth no no no i didn't do it i can't just give these merits away for such little effort i thought that was i suppose you were to click the door 20 times i would say that's the kind of effort that warrants recognition well okay dad i'm still not feeling the satisfaction of witnessing true effort for a noble cause perhaps 50 clicks will do it yes almost certainly 50 clicks that's a good that's a respectable number that is a good number that is a good number of cl hang on i want this achievement to have meant something it has to be a true reward for valiant i want to see some hustle stanley i want to see commitment a willingness to go all the way no matter what the cost all right why don't you go put 20 clicks into door number 417 417 20 clicks nautical miles cookie clicker grandma grandma harvest cookie harvest oh great now go click a few times on door four three seven that's a great idea excellent i think we're getting somewhere now dawg it's four one five let's give it ten clicks or so yes papa four one four one two three four five six seven eight nine now back to door number four three seven let's go quickly now it was four i think it was for let's see how about you click on well i don't know the copy machine all right back to room four one seven what are you feeling it now i think we're getting started i think you're right okay now go climb on employee four one nine's desk four one nine yes yes this is great you're putting it all on the line stanley i like that all right let's keep it up give me a few clicks on door four one six yes sir we almost got oh my god machine do that one again let's just say copy that sir finish it up stanley five clicks on door four three zero yeah we did it oh you really earned it stanley nothing could hold you back yes i'm very proud of how far we've come today just think only a few minutes ago you believed an achievement was worth five little clicks really now what were you thinking someone just typed in like getting off to this what just because i like it sexually when stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left um i'm a liberal this was not the correct way to the meeting room and stanley knew it perfectly well perhaps he wanted to stop by the employee lounge first just to admire it he didn't he wanted to find door four five six and go squid game ended yes truly a room worth admiring it had really been worth the detour after all just to spend a few moments here in this immaculate beautifully constructed room yes really really worth it being here in the room i find the room but eager to get back to business stanley took the first open door on his left oh i certainly could i certainly could or i could go to the funny that is a funny chair dude why was it the old guy the whole time stanley was so bad at following directions it's incredible he wasn't fired years ago do not lie if you are lying right now stop do not jump from the cargo lift while it is in motion will cause death which means while it is standing completely still but in his eagerness to prove that he is in control of the story and no one gets to tell him what to do stanley left from the platform and plunged to his death good job stanley everyone thinks you are very powerful okay okay to to be fair all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean it made sense in my head it made sense in my head when stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door i'll be the stanley i was meant to be okay i'll follow your rules yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there how to solve a dispute with a coworker let it ball up inside you take it out passive aggressively and other co-workers resent co-work oh never mind what are your dreams for the future success plant mitosis broom closet stanley stepped into the broom closet but there was nothing here so he turned around and got back on track there's the br there is the broom though you can't say there's nothing in here i mean i'm in here i could close what if i close the door no choice to make no path to follow just an empty broom closet are you are you really still in the broom closet standing around doing nothing why secrets please offer me some explanations secrets i'm genuinely the secrets maybe to you this is somehow its own branching path maybe when you go talk about this with your fringe or say oh did you get the broom closet ending the broom closet ending was my favorite yeah that's what chad saying hope your friends find this concern yeah they're saying the broom class and then these are best ending dude i gotta know what happens welcome raiders to the stream ugly and really really stupid oh god because of a family connection that's how stupid he is that or with drug money also stanley is addicted to drugs and hookers i clicked on 420 once dude i took one bite of the devil's lettuce bro i was single bite and i'm pretty sure it was a house plant in a conclusion about what's going on right now you're dead you got to this broom closet explored it a bit and we're just about to leave because there's nothing here when a physical melody of some sort shut down your central nervous system and you collapsed on the keyboard hello anyone who happens to be nearby the person at this computer is dead they have fallen prey to any number of your countless human physiological vulnerabilities please remove their corpse from the area and instruct another human to take their place making sure they understand basic first person video game mechanics and filling them in on the history of narrative tropes in video gaming holy [ __ ] a dead body i think he must have been live or something uh why why was he what was he doing in here it's just a broom closet thank you dead inside for the resub i'm sure this guy would have loved it oh oh you can step out second player it's good to have you on board good to be here guarantee you can't do any worse than the person who came before you what did you do it's something in here isn't it you too unbelievable i'm at the mercy of an entire what happened to him perhaps there's a monkey nearby you can hand the controls to a fish fungus look you can hammer out the details i'm not particularly picky i'll just be waiting for when you're ready to pick up the story again i do it's crazy i actually do have a fungus from slime story [Music] what email report what the [ __ ] did i just do holy [ __ ] username pat what the [ __ ] did i just i use the fire by the way earth day sale going on over at slimestory.com go over there uh grab something now before it's too late everything's 20 off and it plants double the trees okay so just here with a corpse at my uh i didn't feel like a soul just possessed me for a second to plug his sails that was where his office i'm gonna walk downstairs instead um am i about to get boiled but stanley just couldn't do it he considered the possibility of facing his boss admitting he had left his post during work hours he might be fired for that and in such a competitive economy why had he taken that risk all because he believed everyone had vanished his boss would think he was crazy none of it made any logical sense and as stanley pondered this he began to make other strange observations for example why couldn't he see his feet when he looked down why did doors close automatically behind him wherever he went and for that matter these rooms were starting to look pretty familiar were they simply repeating no stanley said to himself this is all too strange this can't be real and at last he came to the conclusion that had been on the tip of his tongue he just hadn't found the words for it to be fun i'm dreaming before he yelled this is all a dream oh what a relief stanley felt to have finally found an answer an explanation his co-workers weren't actually been here before he wasn't going to lose his job he wasn't crazy after all so he imagined himself flying and began to gently float above the ground then he imagined himself soaring through space on a magical staff i don't want to go i don't want to go so much fun and stanley marveled that he had still not woken up how was he remaining i'm going i'm going into space then perhaps the strangest question of them all enters don't take me there i don't want one he was amazed he hadn't asked himself is it about the creature the shallow creatures i see is there a voice in my head dictating everything that i'm doing and thinking now the voice was describing itself being considered by stanley who found it particularly strange i'm dreaming about a voice describing me thinking about how it's describing my thoughts he thought he was about to feel very hard wonderfully spoke to all people in their dreams the truth was that of course this was this was not a dream how could it be now hearing the voice speak these words was quite a shock to stanley after all he knew for certain beyond a doubt that this was in fact a dream did the voice not see him float and make the magical stars just a moment ago how else would the voice explain all that this voice was a part of himself too surely surely if he could just he would prove it he would prove that he was in control that this was a dream yes so he closed his eyes gently and he invited himself to wake up he felt the cool weight of the blanket on his skin the press of the mattress on his back the fresh air of a world outside this one yes my life is normal i am normal everything will be fine i am okay wake me up my name is stanley i have a boss i have an office i am real please just someone tell me i am real i must be real i must can anyone hear my voice and everything went black this is the story of a woman named mariela mariella woke up on a day like any other she arose got dressed gathered her belongings and walked to her place of work but on this particular day her walk was interrupted by the body of a man who had stumbled through town talking and screaming to himself and then collapsed dead on the sidewalk and although she would soon turn to go call for an ambulance for just a few brief moments she considered the strange man he was obviously crazy this much she knew everyone knows what crazy people look like and in that moment she thought to herself how lucky she was to be normal i am saying i am in control of my mind i know what is real and what isn't it was comforting to think this and in a certain way seeing this man made her feel better but then she remembered the meeting she had scheduled for that day the very important people whose impressions of her would affect her career and by extension the rest of her life she had no time for this so it was only a moment that she stood there staring down at the body and then she turned and ran [Music] what the [ __ ] happened here holy [ __ ] were they live okay um they're playing some kind of game holy [ __ ] man they're [ __ ] they're two dead people right there um well i i guess uh all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo what's up everyone on the on the stream uh i'm slemma kamikamo cool when stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left yeah i'm pretty i'm really good at following instructions yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there a broom closet i guess there wouldn't probably wouldn't be anything in there coming to a staircase stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office computer book the beige pages it's like some sort of oh my god what business strategy that's just killing oh that's just killing a wild panda stepping into his manager's office stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life shocked unraveled stanley wondered in disbelief who orchestrated this what dark secret what he could not have known was that the keypad behind the boss's desk guarded the terrible truth that his boss had been keeping from him and so the boss had assigned it an extra secret pin number two eight four five but of course stanley couldn't possibly have known this probably not this must have hidden it around here somewhere this would have hidden the pin stanley just sat around twiddling his thumbs trying to import anything on the device was useless since he could never possibly know that the combination was two eight four five i don't think there's any way he could two eight four five i know i'm looking for it um forgot but it turns out that the panel's emergency override kicked in and the door just opened all by itself and stanley got the hell along with the story well whoop dee doo i cracked the code what's in here descending deeper into the building stanley realized he felt a bit peculiar it was a stirring of him a little chest as though he felt more free to think for himself to question the question [Music] stanley walked straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility i i think i gotta call an emergency meeting for this i don't i don't like the look of that i don't i'm sorry i don't like the look of that i don't like the look of that i i um that's that's nope never mind stanley actually got back into the elevator and went back up silly me here we are stanley it's your boss's office exactly the way it was before you got onto the elevator no it's still just exactly what it is it's that keen eye for storytelling that you have an incisive rapid fire of critical plot points one after the other weaving a rich tapestry of uncompromising narrative i'm bolted to the edge of my seat yeah this is hardly a non-linear now he's getting back into the elevator and going down again ladies and gentlemen how does he keep coming up with all this it's my own thing okay let's don't make it weird [ __ ] you dude did you think we were going to go forward down the spooky corridor no it's time once again to go back up in the elevator is it the boss's office again or what if it's the boss's office this time the suspense is killing me as well i can't wait to find out oh my god it's the boss's office give me a timeout here for a minute while i process this i know this is big [Music] i'm ready and prepare to embrace this stunning revelation and to move forward no no wait no i need more time to process that's fair take yeah take i have fully come to terms with it are you sure i have made space in my worldview for this astonishing new reality as before i turn to your expert eye for gripping narrative master stanley stanley walked forward out of the boss's office and saw a small steel elevator curiously he pushed the red button labeled with a downwards arrow of course going back down in the elevator what kind of thing you're not anticipated i mean sure oh it's obvious but you have to understand that 30 seconds ago this kind of thing had never been attempted never will again have no frame of reference to even anticipated not afterwards about just how revelatory stanley's decision making is in a landscape of storytelling things are about stale and repetitive oh i need i should i need to upgrade you know what i need to level up in a bonfire hold on let's stop for a minute don't you realize it's the anticipation standing you and i we have no way of knowing what will be at the top of this elevator to be anything but the suspense the agony of waiting and anticipating and having to guess that's the real thrill you never know oh i simply don't want to let that feeling go it's so precious so fleeting why don't we take this elevator ride nice and slow there we go isn't this so much more exciting you know stanley it seems like nowadays the only thing that audiences want is to be shocked as loudly and frequently as possible they want big explosive moments flung right in their faces from the very moment that things get started but where's the tension where's the trust in the audience to build a slow and nuanced appreciation for the story the characters yes why aren't we given time to imagine the surprises i don't know do i have to think and to anticipate and then to marvel at the funny choice this is storytelling stanley yeah what you and i are doing right now this is the most exciting narrative to be developed in years thank you it's really all because of you no you're the one who took this bold step of revisiting the exact same locations over and over truly i mean it this is unique communication out there you see i want stories that surprise me stanley i want to have to think i want to be engaged and not pandered to we're being fed such unimaginative drivel all the time and we all know it which is why we're so staffed for content that makes us feel sharp and vital and alive that's why people like you so much stanley because you're not afraid to spit in the face of tradition you're a role model you know people look up to you thank you which is why though i didn't know when to spring this on you but well i've gathered a little press conference for you oh yo you didn't you didn't have to storytelling in your life okay yes i know you're not much for the public eye but i thought they especially mean a lot to the people who have been following you from the beginning they really look up to you stanley i don't know if you realize the impact you have on them oh good we're here it's finally okay the rumor we're holding the press conference should be just around the corner here somewhere ah yes here it is just through this door that was the minecraft door opening sound did anyone else's brain like straight up get instantly fried by that welcome all right are you ready i've told them you're going to speak a little bit about the nature of surprise in storytelling and what it means to craft a truly unpredictable narrative oh don't worry you'll do great just be yourself and speak from the heart i'm i'm really proud of you stanley okay it looks like they're ready for you go get em thanks for showing me that little skateboard trick in the parking lot stanley me dad story for my son i gotta do this for my son remember where i came from it all started going up but sometimes you gotta stop and look down hello hey oh my god jessica from high school the [ __ ] way oh my god do you want do you guys want to try and make a new noise right now let me try and make a new noise let me i'm going to try and make a new noise no i've done that gulp i've done before oh that's new that is new that is new that is a new sound i've that is a new noise holy [ __ ] new content you don't think there could be some new sounds new content what does that mean new content i don't know and thank you for playing the stanley parable ultra deluxe as you may know the stanley parable was a video game released in 2013 on home computers after receiving critical and commercial success it was expanded upon in 2022 with the stanley parable ultra deluxe a reimagining of the game for consoles and home computers yeah that's great please step inside and see what controlling new adventures await in the stanley parable ultra deluxe oh well this sounds delightful i'm very excited to see the thrilling new ultra deluxe content okay so far it's an elevator nothing special yet but i'm sure it's feeling good about this thing of a mesmerizing adventure you guys love content don't you let's get some parks in the chat let's get some pogs i have to say initial impressions of stanley parable ultra deluxe it's good tedious it's as if them oh okay let's see the content give me the content stand there oh my god white guys no [ __ ] way all right let's see it's the jump circle oh my god they really put that in a circle is it oh my god it feels so good but every time i go in a circle i can jump right but am i still going to be able to jump when i run out of jumps in the circle chad i don't want to use the last jump you can't wait for your legs to leave the ground you gotta squat down first ah i can't no oh my god i'm impotent oh this is terrible oh this is terrible another elevator stanley i have to say initial impressions of this game are not positive it's just elevators and jumping is this what passes for exciting new content if this is new content then i could just read you the whole dictionary there's 20 hours of new content right there hell i could counter 30 trillion you could put that on the box the stormy parable ultra deluxe now with over a thousand hours of new content and if oh wait there's more very good yes i knew there had to be something else let's see it oh okay i you never know how much content you can get so you're gonna savor every second of it you gotta take it all in like it's precious listen them okay listen to how my feet sound on this carpet and now listen to how it [ __ ] it changed to a metal sound on this scaffolding that looks like it's put here in front of these blinds it's a good environment all around they have a plant over here in the corner that's it oh you've got to be kidding me you see stanley this is what happens when greedy video game developers with no respect for their fan base rush a cheap expansion to market for no reason other than to make an easy dollar and don't get me started on the level of craftsmanship that's gone into it in fact i'm looking right now at the game's achievements and it's hard to believe one of them actually says test achievement please ignore that is this quality assurance department signed off on this i'm infuriated and i'm offended and i i intend to find these people on twitter and hold them personally accountable that's back if you're still with me why don't we just reset the game and we'll try to get back to what the stanley parable is really about no frills no gimmicks just you and me having a great time together like always that was uh what the [ __ ] new content [Music] come over here in the fence okay you remember how cheap and unsatisfying the new ultra deluxe content turned out to be me thinking about the past and how much better the stanley parable used to be so i made something special and tucked it away here where the games developers won't find it i call it it's beautiful zone it's where i've been storing all my favorite memories so i can relive the peak experiences of my life whenever i want and not an imposter in sight you see stanley doesn't the memory zone remind you of how wonderful stanley parable was before it was solid with a cheap re-release remember back in october of 2013 when the game originally launched back then video games had integrity back then it all meant something oh the waste those were the times weren't they before and over here is where i keep reviews of the stanley parable like this stunning triumph of games journalism 10 out of 10 from destructoid.com james stephanie sterling writes and i quote we're so many games that aspire to be more than games end up less than any form of art stanley parable strives and then succeeds to be every game ever created did you hear that stanley every game ever created what does that even mean grand and all-encompassing the original stanley parable was it was literally every game ever created it was skyrim it was persona 3. it was awesome persona 3. here's another moving passage this time from gamespot.com the stanley parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice in games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable surprising and rewarding choices i've ever been confronted with in a game nine out of ten don't you get it stanley the game was perfect guess that's it these were simpler times stanley but i wouldn't give to go back oh to have it all over again oh what is this wait hang on what is this i don't recall this part of the memory zone before what's this what's down here oh no oh god no stanley it's a collection of reviews from haha the online video games yeah cereal people i haven't looked at these in years what do they have to say even imagine what's been collecting down here honestly i could not be bothered to play this game to full completion the narrator is obnoxious and unfunny with his humor and dialogue proving to be more irritating than entertaining i'm funny i'm not trying to be funny i'm trying to make a song funny no okay let's see what this one says while the idea for the game is good for someone who prefers non-linear games this preachiness gets annoying fast and unfunny and unfortunate i'm not preachy am i you wouldn't tell me if i'm preachy honestly you can what's this one got to say you constantly have to stop doing anything so the narrator can catch up with his long-winded explanations of what's happening i wish there was a skip button well yes yes i think we can do that if i'm truly too preachy then then maybe letting you skip ahead for just a moment surely it couldn't hurt not if it means we can strike these negative reviews from the record that's good there's no positive he's responding to criticism that's my motto today and it's always been my motto i'd do anything for the customer standing yes listen you really did catch me rambling on a bit didn't you but that's the power of the button the minute i start to go off on a thoughtless display of self-absorption it's right at your finger okay welcome back stanley now i should say that the amount of time the button has been skipping through is becoming longer and longer that last one was well i want to say maybe 30 45 minutes oh my god it's not unendurable by any means but it's well there's really only so much i can ramble on to myself about i know it's shocking isn't it but at any rate i do suggest that we not press the button again okay i think the skip button has been aptly demonstrated and we can say goodbye to it and just wait how do we get out of here where did the door go wasn't there a door that led into this room i do feel quite certain that there was one here before how else would we have gotten into the room in the first place i don't think one can enter a room without a door of some sort or a window or something like that stop no there's no window no there's no windows there's like a yeah what are you talking about stanley stanley stanley please don't push the button again it's been 12 hours oh my god you've just been frozen there i don't know why the skips are getting longer but they're really truly getting longer and my god there's no way out of the room oh stanley you're back you're back oh my goodness i have someone to talk to again what a fight i'm stanley i i think it's been a week or two weeks i've been sitting here all that time just sitting here not a single person to speak with and you'd think that that's just how it's always been right me talking and you saying nothing would you think that it's exactly the same as always doesn't that feel like what we've already been doing me just talking it does this isn't stanley it isn't the same at all it isn't even close because i know you can't hear me once you push that button that's what i'm realizing now stanley i'm realizing that i needed to know that someone was listening i needed there to be a vessel through which my words were moving it was the vessel i needed stanley not the outcomes not the story none of that matters anymore i'll give it all up i'll give up every brunching path i'll burn my story to the ground no one single oh hello it's you you're here again welcome i have had time to think about you and about us and about everything we've been through i've had so much time i stopped keeping track after a year have you ever sat down in one place and not moved for one entire year let me describe it for you to begin with there is only regret there is only the turning wheel of missed opportunities what's that sound do you hear that what is that sound what have i done uh what is that is that this what is that what is that stop ow there's beeping but they didn't understand the game was never meant to be funny it was meant to have a point it was meant to speak to the human condition but where are the jokes where are the jokes they bemoan they screamed they gnashed their teeth and said entertain us that wasn't enough they had to leave a pathetic little thumbs down review the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end never the end is never oh it worked it's all it's breaking down it's breaking down i knew it we just needed to give it a couple millennia light freedom yes give me more it's not enough holy [ __ ] i'm in the last of us too oh my god [Music] i'm free but i'm but i'm free it's just me oh it's yeah it's doing it's doing we gotta erratically move [Music] where are you all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo what the [ __ ] there's new new content no shot you noticed my sign no shot i have something very exciting to show you oh this is big guys this i was not sure about that new content but this new new content i think the narrator's really changed i think he's really changed you see stanley i've been reflecting on the stanley parable and about how roundly disappointing this ultra deluxe version has turned out to be the original stanley parable was a landmark and any new content for it should live up to that legacy so forget this ultra deluxe nonsense i say we take it one step even further which is why i'm very proud to announce for the first time ever the stanley parable 2 [Music] yes you see isn't this far superior to a measly re-release with a few minor additions think of all the new territory we'll cover with a fully fledged sequel i'm feeling good about this guys ultra ducks what does it even mean but the stanley parable 2 now that's an artistic statement right there dude future oriented it screams progress and innovation and long-term franchising potential this is literally the dying light too now to be clear i haven't quite nailed down what exactly the stanley parable 2 is going to be but let's take a look at some of the features i've been developing for it here we are go on try out some of the new features they've got merch oh my god i need to spend all of my they've got a two i saw the new content two the end is never the end again this t-shirt is the best new feat they thought of everything man the button that says the name of the player that's playing the game no shot for the stanley parable 2 i asked myself what do players really want and of course the first and most obvious answer is that they want to be individually recognized and validated as people so with that in mind my first addition to the game is this button which speaks the name of the person playing the game don't say slime no clarified right now the button only says the name jim but of course in the final game this button will say your name whatever name that is here let's have you role players gym to really simulate the full experience of this feature just play along i promise you'll love it okay here we go let's take a deep breath clear your mind forget whoever you are and simply become a person named jim i want you to imagine yourself living with you sleeping falling in love and being heartbroken as jim seizing all of the world's possibilities as jim and his gym watching your dreams crumble into dust do you feel it deeply are you really truly gym right now if so then please step forward and press the button jim yes you see what a thrill what a rush that was you the button described you do it again do it again i'm a gym it hits even harder the second time if this were the only new feature in the stanley parable 2 it would still be worth the money let's take a break from the gym button i'm too emotionally drained from all of this personal validation you know what more oh there cowboy sometimes a person can be too much jim i'm putting the gym button away otherwise a common complaint of the stanley parable was that it was confusing and paradoxical that it engendered a chaotic sense of reckless despair in those who played it well i'm happy to say that after much consideration i've engineered a clever solution to this fundamental problem with the game it's the stanley parable reassurance bucket you see stanley anytime you're holding the bucket a sense of calm and ease will fill your mind and your heart it's true as long as you hold on to the bucket the many disorienting contradictions of the stanley parable will feel perfectly normal and perhaps even comforting you may even come to long for the gentle embrace of jarring cognitive dissonance while the bucket is in your arms and to be honest it's a much more convenient solution for me than actually redesigning the game to be less uncomfortable can you imagine what a pain in the ass that would be yes the bucket is the perfect solution come on give it a try [Laughter] can you feel it yes the glow of comfort oh that's good crushing despair must already be sweeping through your body can i say that i do believe the bucket lends you an air of charisma as well thank you thank you i think that just holding it has made you the slightest bit more attractive as well you know you don't have to say that infinite whole it won't end a free achievement now here's something special you remember that broken test achievement that got left in the game on accident well i'm developing a technology to simply give you the achievement yes you see you'll come to this lever and when you pull it the achievement will be given to you okay perhaps i should have clarified this is technology that will exist now the achievement is still fully broken i'm not a wizard stanley but i guarantee it will be fixed in the sequel to at last satisfy the hordes of ravenous fans all over the world who have been uproariously demanding this feature gamers we hear you and i promise again neighbors all right what else have we got see up here can you find the can you find whoa ah collectibles now it's a real video game in the stanley parable 2 you'll run around gathering up these miniature stanley figurines and what's truly innovative is that there will be no reward for collecting all of them i don't want to stifle the intrinsic joy of watching a number go up you'll simply collect all of them and then you move the hell on with your unremarkable my god [Music] yay let's just go to the infinite hole other exhibits haven't we seen yet infinite hole looks fine i'm sure it's great stanley here's an idea yeah look at this it's never been done before in a video game this is in fact a hole that you can fall down forever how right infinite falling now you can fall until the end of time if you like a stunning leap forward for video games is a meme oh jesus [ __ ] christ holy moly you see wow wonderful one of my more ingenious concoctions if i do say so now then since you've gotten to see the infinite hole you can press the teleport button to pop back up to the top and we can continue on okay stanley i don't know quite how to say this tactfully but it's possible that i slightly exaggerated the infinite nature of the hoe no okay well good for you you found the bottom of the hole you found me out stanley i'm a liar in a cheat and you're so clever look i think the issue here is just that you're unusually fascinated by falling but a whole person actually wants to fall infinitely i figured the whole was as deep as anyone would actually need don't you put this on me maybe you're the problem [Music] [Laughter] you're in hell all right that's good i'm done i wonder if they're leaving me the same as the first time oh for heaven the problem is that you like holes too much would have said yep that's an infinite hole right there goes on forever till the end of time don't need to see it all but not you oh no no no no you have a weird sort of oh did the hole seem even shorter to you this time i couldn't help but feel like you spent a little less time in there than you did before i mean admittedly i didn't make an infinite hole i didn't think it was that not infinite well i suppose once again there's nothing to do here if you decide you've had enough of the hole you can hit the teleport button and come wow okay yes i'm starting to become extremely certain that the hole is not only not infinite but that it's growing steadily less and my echo i suspect that i'm starting to hit it's so unimpressive no longer feasible to call the hole infinitely deep even by the lacks overall standards for accountability and marketing what's going on here here let's try something let's pop back up to the top and we'll see if it gets any shorter well there it is the shame of my liars oh not only is the hole not infinite but it's barely even a hole how is this still appealing to you i know you're obsessed with holes i'm ready for this depth i just can't see this scratching the image this does it for me man this is a troll righty it is a troll you just do like whatever it is you're here to do it teleport button when you're ready to move on i'm ready hmm is the um teleport button not working oh no you sure well i suppose i i suppose there is one thing i can do to fix this i'm out goodbye stanley you couldn't bear to be away from the hole and now you'll get more time with it than you could ever have asked no it's a win for everyone you get to win i get to do literally anything else take care stanley i hope you in the hole have a wonderful rest of it my jump my chop i was saving the [ __ ] oh i was saving it oh no well i guess it's just me [Music] yes could it be could this be true my echo [Music] is it returning to me [Music] yes my echo my reverb [Music] it's back [Music] [Music] is waiting for me oh my god look at that [ __ ] hug that's me [Music] further i don't know if i can but i know i have to whoa got a bucket in a hole let's see another town baby in a hole go in hell see a soul see another soul of a guy who went into a hole another try let's keep going down whoa what the [ __ ] is i don't like this [Music] okay i can work with this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] is he going up stanley stanley stanley no good you're awake it seems you had sort of dozed off there drifting away into greenland but we can't have that stanley because this hole is just so darn fascinating that i want you to be wide awake for every second of it you don't want to miss a single moment so how about if i just pop in from time to time and wake you up to keep you really truly focused on the whole from the looks of things you and i will have many many years here in this hole and i'm looking forward to it and i'm gonna love every second of them i'll be back it's sinking time come on i know what this hole do i know what that hole no no put me back that was my that is unironically my favorite part of the game is the whole okay i'll be honest i haven't decided on this one i think that in the new version the office could use a bit of decoration like balloons but i'm undecided on get well someday and happy 12th birthday yes which would you go with you know sometimes when you solicit another person's opinion it makes you realize that you knew which one you actually really wanted all along get well someday it is you know what let's bring the jump circle back for stanley parable two as well wait you already spent all your jumps the first time we saw the judgment oh well oh epilogue would be fun wouldn't it stanley yes yes it would go at the end of the um well we'll figure that out later settings world champion hang on come on let me in i need the achievement okay the settings world champion achievement set all setting sliders in the menu to all available numbers i'm gonna need to set every single slider to every number yes in for y yes vibration off yes on next one this is the story i'm inverted and i can't hear anything the sound effects volume you missed a few i'm gonna throw up there's more it scrolls francis italiano espanol espanol perfecto what am i what am i missing what is in here main menu it's in the main that was on the wrong screen the entire time oh good you'll notice my side do i have it i don't have to why don't i have the achievement why don't i have the achievement um i was on the i didn't refresh the achievement page oh aha i can see you've gotten the settings world champion achievement well done you've experienced every setting travel to all corners of the settings menu there's nothing you haven't seen so just for you in the stanley parable too i'm including an entirely new setting something called bump scarcity what exactly is bump scarcity well i haven't quite figured that part out yet but i just know that you'll be able to adjust it on some sort of slider and that it'll be available from the settings menu we'll sort the rest of the details out later i hope you're looking forward to trying out every level of bumpscalcity in the stanley parable too oh my god this it really makes a difference guys i wonder i mean do you think a hole could be bump scotious you don't think the hole could be bump scotia still keep your eyes peeled ah deep in a hole looking for a secret i find a key i'm gonna keep it looking for a treasure chest trying to be the very best because i'm going deep i'm going hard i'm going long i'm going hard i'm long logging hard hang on hang on gotta reset the hole whoa beige hole red hole bone hole dog hole what do you think do you like all of the new features yes i know it's not exactly clear yet how exactly these features will come together as one single coherent video game but i can feel it in my soul it's going to work there's definitely a good game in there somewhere say let's do an experiment i'll arrange these new features together and we'll see whether or not it coheres into a meaningful gameplay experience okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay are you ready here it is i give you the stanley parable too the hole um well um i mean there's potential here right this is good okay never mind hold on let me do a different arrangement okay yes yes this is much better i feel good about this here we go version two who am i kidding stanley this isn't a coherent video game at all it's a lot of gags and i do very much enjoy creating gags but they don't add up to anything i wanted more than anything to create a sequel that would capture all the magic of the first game i wanted fans to love it no matter how good these gags are they wouldn't stand on their own they would need the structure in the gameplay of the original wait maybe that's it i can take the original stanley parable and simply well insert a few of my new features into it tastefully of course with respect with care for the vision and integrity of the original the whole would it possibly work i suppose it could but it would need a really really tremendous title screen a title screen that says with bold and uncompromising conviction this is the stanley parable too yes yes let's see if i can whip something up are you idk for the reason all right perfect go ahead take a look whoa now that is some pump scarcity oh my god co-workers were gone what could it mean they did it stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a minute they really did it and he picked up the bucket stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest and entered the door on his left i know you're hiding a hole somewhere here all in the bathroom no you found one of them one of the miniature stanley figurines remember no reward for collecting all of these only the intrinsic pleasure of a job well done you can't buy that sort of happiness stanley god knows i've tried so i implore you to savour each and every moment you'll come across one of these beautiful figurines oh another miniature stanley figurine this um you know there really is a name for these things what about mini stands stanley figs um what about stan marines yes i think i like that another stan marine under your belt stepping into his manager's office stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life crushed by the weight of this revelation stanley may have broken down into an emotional dumpster if not for the soothing presence of the butt i love the bucket list well now in his darkest of hours did the bucket's warmth and guiding light pierce the dark clouds of confusion and chaos at this point stanley was so absorbed in the tender spiritual but stanley guessed the correct code by sheer luck was it the bucket knew all along yes was the bucket guiding yes yes this is certainly the most you told me it whispered to me standing time okay i'm going back to the name they call me stanley and now i'm torn between stan marines and figlis what do you think stanley i like fig leaves i'm a fan of fig leaves not gonna lie the elevator raced downward plummeting towards an unknown fate it would be all stanley could do to keep himself together if not for the bucket soothing him comforting him reassuring that in this darkest the only hole i have anymore right stanley and the bucket walk straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility the lights rose on an enormous room packed with television screens what horrible secret did this place hold stanley and the bucket both wondered to themselves wait a second hole but just as stanley was about to proceed further into the mind control facility he tripped and fell over the railing and into the dark void below thankfully he fell directly onto the bucket which safely cushioned his fall now what to do next stan cut the bucket i can could find no way out of this enormous pit and so eventually they decided that the best thing to do would be to simply get comfortable down here so they set up a little couch and relaxed it really wasn't so bad down here a bit cold perhaps after some time had gone by they installed a few shells as well and a sort of kitchenette that was useful for when the bucket was craving panini oh bucket but it wasn't until the rugs and the standing lamps came in that it really started to feel like a home in fact after some time stanley realized that it had been ages since he had even thought of the mind control facility at all never gotten to fully expand what was up never been able to unearth the many mysteries of the mind control facility this lack of closure began to eat at him soon he was dwelling on his regression no i've got something good it slowly decayed as stanley became withdrawn and neglected the cleaning it unsettled the bucket deeply stanley wasn't usually like no the bucket tried to reach out to him again and again but to no avail sorry all stanley could think about all he could talk about was going back doing it over again staying on the path it was a mistake to leave the path it was a mistake it was a mistake i need to do what the narrator says i need to see the true ending it's okay this made no sense at all to the bucket which was simply trying to live its life down here as comfortably as possible yet stanley was unconsolable this isn't an ending this is just a hole in the ground the bucket side that's all the bucket is man it wasn't an end but it's where we happen to be and maybe possibly if we accept the reality of things maybe this will become an ending eventually it's what the bucket was counting on the two of them waited for a very long time well all right that wasn't the hole guys that wasn't the hole stanley clutched the bucket tightly to his chest and entered the door on his left no figly's in there can you feel it the broom closet it wants the bucket you can feel that can't you the aura of jealousy it's as clear as day this broom closet believes it deserves the buck now good for you stanley don't give him don't hand over the bucket i know how you don't deserve her given the pressure that the broom closet is putting on your shoulders right now but you have to be strong this is your bucket this is your companion and lifelong friend and wait now the broom closet has the goal to imply that you and the bucket are not truly deep and lasting friends that your relationship is purely superficial and convenient we have life together we have a lot of meaningless that you'd feel the same sort of kinship towards any inanimate object which happened to lay in your path in an even partially enticing manner well like never go on stanley lay into it really tell the broom closet off for its demeaning comments expand on the wide variety of experiences you and the bucket have shared together i will go through each of them point by point okay once and for all here we go there now no more debate no more discussion take a hike broom club that's my baby stanley and the bucket walk straight ahead through the large door that read mind control facility the fake hole escape although this passageway had the word escape written on it the truth was that at the end of this hall stanley and the bucket would both meet a violent death jesus christ holy [ __ ] but of course stanley and the bucket fell better of it and realized they simply had too much to live for that's awful man listen if it was just me it's fine but i got a bucket to worry about okay yes jim the monitors jumped to life and stanley nearly dropped the bucket in shock everyone in the office was being taped monitored like guinea pigs the bucket oh my god like this and it very nearly burst into tears don't don't don't fill reassuring it that everything would be fine jim was the bucket under the mind control facility's influence as well no had the bucket been told to do things it didn't wish to do no what kinds of things does a bucket want to do or not want to do in the first place these questions raised furiously in stanley's feeble mind he wouldn't that buck in the bucket would never no he screamed into the bucket he couldn't accept it his own life in someone else's control never he squeezed the bucket tighter his one friend in the entire world at this point he could trust no one except for the bucket but here was the proof the heart of the operation controls labeled with emotion happy or sad or content walking eating working all of it monitored and commanded from this very place stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life for he and the bucket would dismantle the controls for good two best friends stanley in the bucket up against the world they high-fived in a really cool way not whole that was whole nother sassy comment about taking down the system we can't make this bucket do something it doesn't want to do turn it off and the bucket waited in blackness was it over [Music] yes they had done it stanley and the bucket had defeated their greatest and darkest enemy freed themselves from the tyrannical grip of the evil minds machine free moments away excitedly the two of them began to discuss the kind of life they wanted to live once they stepped through this message i want kids i won't buy our kids stanley wanted to sneeze in every country on earth both of them wanted to begin watching a movie any movie but then stop it halfway through and begin watching it in reverse from the air psychotic true it was a simple life they envisioned but it was one they'd lived together with one another to lean on to trust to support what wait what was happening why had the door stopped was stanley and the bucket not about to be freed an unbearable silence filled the room lingering in uncertainty until finally the truth hit stanley square in the face this building did not want the bucket to leave what even the facility itself recognized the incredible calming presence of the bucket needed the soothing warmth of the bucket now stanley can't leave this place not while he has such a precious bucket in his arms not while this building has anything to say about it stanley realized he would never again leave this very room but at least at least he has the bucket to be trapped eternally in darkness isn't really so bad stanley thought to himself as long as i have my bucket with me right i'll be okay won't i stanley goat very soon now he was about to find out i can't believe the bucket turned on me man that was my bucket that was my hole we got the bad ending oh my god the sequel holy [ __ ]
Channel: Slmccl
Views: 600,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slmccl, slimecicle, slimecicle twitch, stanley parable, meta
Id: I5MpFpK0yZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 7sec (4567 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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