I Will Build My Church, Part 3: Commissioned by Jesus | Cathy Duplantis (February 21, 2021)

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hi i'm kathy duplanus thanks for watching our youtube channel remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date with all things jesse duplantis ministries god bless well how many bibles i have in the house let me see them wonderful wonderful i love that you know more and more of you having digital which i have today as well because i'm reading from several translations we're gonna also put them on the screen today i'm so excited to be able to continue my message series called i will build my church so how many of y'all have been here for any of those let me see your hands this will be uh part three so we're going to get a little quick review and then we're going to go on to what the lord wants us to see today are you all excited about that you know those are the words of jesus and we're going to see that in our scripture we're going to read from matthew chapter 16 and we're going to start reading in verse 13 and we're going to read uh from the passion translation and they're going to put that on the screen for those of you who may have another translation it says in verse 13 when jesus came to caesarea philippi he asked his disciples this question what are the people saying about me the son of man who do they believe i am they answered some are convinced you are john the baptizer others say you are elijah reincarnated or jeremiah or one of the prophets verse 15 says but you who do you say that i am jesus asked simon peter spoke up and said you are the anointed one the son of the living god jesus replied you are favored and privileged simon son of jonah for you did not discover this on your own but my father in heaven has supernaturally revealed it to you i give you the name peter a stone and this truth of who i am will be the bedrock foundation on which i will build my church my legislative body excuse me legislative assembly and the power of death will not be able to overpower it isn't that powerful i just love that whole passage of scripture could just imagine that peter received it by revelation knowledge have y'all ever received something from heaven by revelation well you'll never forget it will you you may be reading the bible and it's been words on a page but all of a sudden it's revelation knowledge to you god breathed on it why because the word of god is living the bible says it's living it's alive and it's more powerful than any two-edged sword so it's a living word so it has life it's spirit and it's life so when you read it and you believe it by faith it comes light leaps off the page into your heart and when it goes into your heart it needs to come out of your mouth why because when it comes out of your mouth it's gonna go in your ears then it's gonna go back in your heart it's gonna come out of your mouth it's a cycle and that's how hearing the bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god that's continual process and we all need more faith right our stronger faith to be able to walk in the the days that we have ahead of us to believe that the next 10 years are going to be better than the last hundred years that any of us have heard about and i've heard a lot about a lot of great revivals over the in these past years my husband uh his family went to some of these tent revivals and things and he would tell stories and he didn't serve the lord but he was put in that position where he saw some miraculous things and him and his brother were just mischievous you know they would the people be running around the church and it was like not the church but around in the tent and it was like sawdust and and they would throw chairs in front of them just so they could see them fall and let the salt dust fly but he also saw a lot of miraculous things he told me how he saw someone a pa an evangelist lay hands on someone and he could hear the bones coming together and changing i mean physical manifestations and we're believing for creative miracles amen and we see them but i believe god wants to increase them and go on a higher and bigger scale than we've ever known i'm ready for that are you well in part one of our message if you were not here i listed four characteristics i'm going to do a little quick review of the church that jesus is building number one it's established on the rock solid foundational truth that jesus is the christ the son of the living god and then number two it was constructed with new creations of people that have been washed in the blood of jesus and called together to glorify him that's who we are we're called together to glorify him number three i said uh the church that jesus is building one of the characteristics a third characteristic it is empowered by its builder to function with full authority with invincible power over the over the gates of hell and even death itself and before i said it is a beacon of truth to the world throughout every generation brightly illuminating the only way of salvation for the lost so this gospel must be proclaimed and we have a responsibility for our generation to hear it amen and not just whatever age you may be and i'm looking here at jonathan he's got the responsibility of the the young generation coming up and melissa is not in here but she's in the children's department she has a responsibility for the younger ones coming up and all of us have a responsibility to proclaim the gospel of jesus that has affected and changed our lives to others amen so in part two just another quick review we looked at jesus's three-point plan for building a victorious church anybody was here for that one and that was also in january i believe and uh at number one his church will be built with people that are born again through a personal revelation of who he is and i spent time talking about nicodemus who was a very religious man who had to be born again and so if he needed it we all need it so i spent time talking about that and if you haven't seen heard all those messages and you need to you can get those in the in the cafe or go back and look at them i think they may still be either on facebook or on on youtube number two i said the gates of hell should not prevail against his church and number three he gave us the keys to the kingdom of heaven to his church so we we talked a lot about all of those things that's just the briefly the points of it so that we can move on because this is a message series right are you all ready to learn some more praise the lord today i'm going to continue we're going to look at matthew 28 so turn there for the continuation of our message series i will build my church part three is is titled commissioned by jesus and we're going to talk about that commissioned by jesus how many all realize that y'all are actually commissioned by jesus yourself okay well we got a good beginning here that's good you know after his resurrection jesus commissioned his church to continue building the kingdom by seeking him his kingdom his righteousness first of all and we learned a lot about that on friday night through brother copeland it was so good matthew chapter 28 we're going to start reading in verse 16 in the king james bible it says and then the 11 disciples went away into galilee unto a mountain where jesus had appointed them now jesus we know had already was dead so this left 11 instead of the 12 of the original number of those apostles and this appointment was recorded in matthew 26 just a few chapters of before which says after i'm risen again jesus told him this i will go before you into galilee so that's what he says he went he went they went into a mountain where jesus had appointed them verse 17. and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth now this word power is the same greek word that's translated authority and it's the mean it means delegated authority and liberty to exercise the full power of attorney in all of god's interests did anybody ever sign over a power of attorney to someone you know what that means i mean if i would sign a power of attorney over to you right now for my all my affairs you could sell things for me buy things for me it would be as though i was right there right and so this this is what we understand in in the business world but this ma this same power and authority meant it was delegated authority and liberty to exercise the full power of attorney in all of god's interests imagine that so christ's power was unlimited in doing the will and the works of god on the earth and um now he has all power and in heaven and in earth and he now promises to share his earthly power with his believers so jesus redeemed every believer subdued all of their enemies all of our enemies and made us more than a conqueror over the gates of hell itself that's what we have been entrusted with we're going to continue reading in verse 19. it says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always always even unto the end of the world amen powerful script this is often called the great commission most of you in here have heard of this we're going to talk about this today because jesus the best jesus basically said in view of the authority that i have that i've just done when i died on the cross and were and rose from the dead i commission you with full power of attorney to carry on the work that i started so when jesus declared that day when he was talking to peter right before he went to the cross he says thou art peter upon this rock meaning the rock of revelation i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against and he started something there when he declared that and it's continuing today through us through the church today here right here in 2021 can you imagine i mean we're part of the part of the building program the spiritual house that jesus is building right here in the earth and i remember i talked about in one of our lessons how important it is to realize that each one of us are building materials and every part of this building is so important i mean you the the you think you can't look at one part and see what part is more important than the other i mean the sheetrock is beautiful but it wouldn't even stay on the wall if the frame wasn't there the metal framing was there and it wouldn't stay in there if those rivets weren't in there in that steel structure every part of it is so very important they would not be very effective if we didn't take time to do a good foundation and pour this concrete slab which is massive in this place so every part of a building program and then it wouldn't be very gorgeous or comfortable if we didn't have our our our heating units which we love in the winter and our air conditioning especially in the summer all these things the lights are important now we're in the process of trying uh looking at changing all these tv lights into led which will make it a lot cooler up here on the platform but we're always uh looking at the infrastructure and upgrading because this facility has been here for 20 years but we have a responsibility to realize that not only did we build it we're continuing to maintain it so god establishes us and commissioned us with a great commission to keep this thing moving it's important that it continues to grow you know anytime you start something you want it to flourish right you didn't start something like building a house like ron and peter building a house they've talked to you about that oh and i just i'm just so excited every time i see ron and see what god has done in his life y'all how many were in here when we had that miracle in the house god touched him but i mean all of us are experiencing the power of god in some way or another but i just had to say that god is so good no wonder we want to laugh at the devil every time every chance we get how dare you think you can pull something over on us god's a good god but we've commissioned been commissioned by jesus with a holy convocation if you want to call it a holy uh uh directive to go into all the world and preach the gospel that world may be your world wherever it is that you're at you may be responsible for your family your business i'm looking at chris i'm here she's responsible for a lot of those prisons in jefferson parish as well as willie i hear that y'all are doing an awesome job there i talked to pastor rackey and she was saying how grateful she is that this church is helping them reach those the prisoners there in the in the jefferson parish prisons is that the right one so we're just so thankful for that and make they're making an impact and tearing down those walls that the enemy has put up in the lives of the people some people don't want to hear about the gospel when you bring somebody in their midst that loves god and that are commissioned to go in and build up his church you know god's the biggest church in the world in the prisons i mean there may be like two million at least at least last time i looked at us over two million just in the u.s alone i believe that are incarcerated there's a ministry that we support of mike barber and he used to i haven't looked at the site in a while but there used to be a running total of how many people are actually incarcerated that's why it's so important to get in there bring that message but people are in different worlds different places and all of us have our strategic place that god has positioned us to do that so it's so important to realize that jesus started a building program and it's made up of people and it's not a physical building although i talked about a building here the physical just to help us kind of relate and that's all important we're glad we don't have to be outside in the weather but more importantly the church is us its individuals each one of you are building materials and god is gathering together and and bringing us all together with people with like precious faith so that we can fulfill the plan that he has for us amen so his great commission is four-fold number one he said go think about that he said go you know jesse and i have a little a little carved wooden sign someone gave us years ago and it's all in one piece and it says go ye and we have it on the shelf in his office and we look at it reminds us of of the commission that god gave us you know years ago i never know where ye was i said lord let ye be hawaii go ye well i you know where where is this ye place you sent us we didn't know way back then when we stepped into the ministry and not back in 1978 and stepped out into evangelistic ministry and about 20 years later we launched this church so it's about 43 years this year i think it is that we have full-time ministry that we've been uh fulfilling the commission the great commission reaching people changing lives one soul at a time and all of you are helping us do that every single day and we appreciate that it's a team effort amen but i always wonder where is ye where it's not wasn't really a place on a map it was a place of obedience so no matter where ye is for you you need to step into your ye you need to step in there and realize that god if he's calling you there he's going to equip you he's going to provide for you he's going to give you the wisdom and the inside he's going to give you the anointing to fulfill that that calling and that that plan that he has for your life when i stepped into my ye my first field was my husband that was the biggest thing in my life that needed attention and i got born again and i remember i focused everything on him i wanted him to be born again then i went to my family and then i started going into other places start looking at other people or following god's direction about ye and and it and it continues to grow but if you don't take that first step you're not going to see the second one but god has a plan to get us to our ye amen so he says go that's the first uh part of his great commission it applies to all believers not only preachers and the invitation to salvation is for all alike so why should you uh not why should not the responsibility of getting the invitation to others be also for everybody let me say that again the invitation to salvation is for all alike so why should not the responsibility of getting the invitations to others be for all doesn't that make sense somebody brought the gospel to you was how many of y'all got born again because you were watching tv let me see your hands a few how many of you born again through an individual witness to you one on one many more in this house praise the lord how many of you got born again in a church service okay see god uses so many different methods we hear testimonies from people that are watching the social media uh posts that we put up and since uh about a year it's for about a year i think it's been over 16 million views of just the social media posts and things that we've put out uh and many of them are heared about the gospel for the very first time you know we're living in a day in an age where people are hungry for the truth they're looking for answers they're they're faced with difficult decisions and life challenges and so it's important that we strategically position ourselves in our ye wherever god is calling us so that we can be used by god to bring the same message that changed us to others so this goal applies to all believers not only preachers so it says go ye therefore why because all power is mine he says i can go he says because all power is mine he's telling us go he has all power and he called us to go so he says i can defend you when god is calling us to go he's telling you because he's going to go with you the world is placed under our control and it's redeemed god has given us that and he's given by promise and by the father and it was purchased with the death of jesus christ so we can say though i'm weak i'm strong sometimes we just do it afraid in the natural we're not sure our flesh may be quivering but we step out and we do what we know god is calling us to do and when we do step out he empowers us with his spirit to help us to go out and you know what when you do it that way he gets all the glory he gets all the honor he gets all the praise so even though we encounter troubles and dangers we know that god will defend us when we step out into our ye and do what he's calling us to do he said the though you die yet i live and the work shall be accomplished that's a great promise so we were called the four-fold commission of jesus christ is number one go number two is teach and that greek word is matthew and it means to make disciples to enroll as a learner or a pupil so it's important that you when we go that we realize that god is calling us to make disciples and he says it's for all nations and this gracious commission was the foundation of the authority to go to the gentiles and i'm so glad they did the jews had expected that that that life under the the messiah would be confined to their own nation but jesus broke down the partition wall and commissioned his disciples to go everywhere and bring the world the knowledge of himself so we have a commission and it was it's just to our our family it's it's to the whole world it's not just to the jews it's for everybody amen this is such a powerful truth that we need to keep alive in our own heart and realize that god is calling us to work for him are you all ready to go to work he says first of all go and then he says go ahead and teach and then next he said baptize now this is referring to immersion in water to signify being buried buried with christ and raised with him to a new life by faith and we'll have something scheduled for water baptism on the church calendar betty and i are working on that right betty so work how many people in here have been water baptized let me see your hand see that was part of the great commission and you followed it there are others of you that may not have been water baptized you can contact the church office and we'll be letting you know pretty soon about when that's scheduled because that's so important i remember the day that i got water baptized i remember uh going to that little church at terrebonne full gospel in home of louisiana it was a very special now i will never forget it it was a very important part for me to follow the example of jesus that he did when he was water baptized and so it's it's an it's an unforgettable thing and it just just it seals it it doesn't save you salvation is first it's free you don't have to do anything other than accept jesus into your heart repent of your sins believe him amen abc accept him realize that he believe in him and confess him as lord but once you do that the next step is to be water baptized and we're going to do that here in the church because that's part of growing the church and sealing your salvation and then before he said teaching again teaching is another word it's a different word than he did in the first part when he said teach and it means give instruction and the idea here is more that of instructing than enrolling disciples to be taught after baptism they are still to be taught all that jesus commanded so sir this means he says go teach baptize and teaching so it's a continual process that we're always learning and that's why we have church on sunday and i'm so glad you're here today to real and because it shows that you realize the importance of putting the word in your heart and of course we read the word of god ourselves personally during the week and every day hopefully i mean i have a personal bible plan that you read the word every day it's so important that you do that but in addition to that this church is established so that you continually be baptized and uh taught the word of god and to be trained in the things of god we are commissioned to teach the baptized believers to observe all things whatsoever jesus commanded so that's a great thing all the things that jesus commanded can be learned in one lesson there's no way that i could teach you all of that today i don't claim to know all of it myself i'm a student as well you know but it's a it's a desire and a and a passion that i have in my heart to learn more about jesus every single day amen you know when brother copeland was talking on friday night i'm just so blessed he's talked about how he says that how you're just seek uh god first and he talked about don't be worrying about that what you're gonna wear what you're gonna eat all these things in matthew 6 he was saying how he says take no thought saying what shall i wear so that's how you take a thought by saying so you can take a negative thought and that's what that passage of scripture was worth focusing on is this take no thought saying what shall i wear what shall i eat you know all these things so i just was thinking about it after service and the and i just felt like it's so powerful to realize that we can also take a good thought and say it so why instead of taking a bad thought we can decide to take a thought saying by his stripes i am healed right and so when you come into the presence of god and you're open to hear from him he's going to teach you things beyond what was said so i believe that he's doing that even now beyond what i am saying i believe that god is opening up your heart so that you can learn to be self-feeders you know that's it's beautiful that you can have a baby and they can feed them but there comes a point where you want to teach them to hold that spoon right i mean they grab it maybe with their hands but they're going to have to come that to grow up and hold the spoon and then it comes a point where you want to teach them to cook for themselves and cook for you my daughter is the most amazing cook she cooks for me i didn't teach her this she she was a self-feeder i guess you'd say but she uh cooks beautifully and such delicious food but it's wonderful when you can see people grow up to full maturity and learn to feed for themselves you know you know what to do whenever the enemy hits whenever the enemy attacks you hit it in prayer and if you don't even know what to say you can hit it in tongues but god will show us exactly what to do and he he is cultivating a field right now he's dropping in spiritual seeds into your heart that will be lasting that gonna grow up and bring up fruit and one day you'll be just talking about something else and also god will bring a thought to your heart and and the word of god will come out of your mouth and you'll declare a thing that needs to be said so god is raising up a spiritual army here his building up his church full of members that can stand in the gap when the enemy attacks you know we don't need to be part of a church that just falters and falls down and lays down i used to have this little dog named bojock precious little poodle dog and uh he was i he was a male but i still would put paint his toenails and get him groomed and put bows on his little ears and jesse didn't like that part but bojack was was always barking at things that would get on our yard he'd he just i don't remember if he'd be in the house but if he was outside and uh something something crossed across our yard i remember the day when this big old pit bull walked across our yard and bojock started out yapping at him and then when he got close to him that he laid back and he put both paws up he just terrified you went dog we were just so upset with him we don't need to be any wimps we need to be strong so when the enemy passes across our path we don't know how to stand firm and tell him where to go right you need to learn to tell them get your hand off of my family get your hand off of my finances get your hand off of my church god is doing a great work amen and he's calling us all to be strategically planted and feeding ourselves the word of god on a daily basis and when we come to church we're not just scrawny little enunciated uh looking like holocaust victims no we're coming through the doors full full of faith strong in him because we've been feeding self-feeding at home and then we're going to all get to a higher place you know treadmills are wonderful i watch my husband get on them five days a week and i see the results although i haven't been on them in quite a while myself but i mean it's one thing to watch somebody else do it and look at how toned his legs or and if i would do that maybe my legs wouldn't have so much cellulite or uh oh look at that looks he's lifting those weights yeah that's his skin is not hanging like mine is on my arm she's so i look at it sometimes and i get inspired and other times i'd run away and and look in the back and go get another cup of coffee but we all know people who use those things look at ron he uses things you don't have to have equipment right here to to stay toned you can do this lift and do things with your own body i've heard these things but uh but the point is is that we all know what to do many times we just don't do it but if we really have a goal to want to be stronger in god to be used by him in his kingdom be really a strong part of the building you know not the physical structure but the building of jesus christ the church of jesus christ i want to be a full standing i want to be what they call the pillar of the church how many want to be the pillar of the church and you know the bigger this church gets and i'm just talking about this this local church i'm talking about the global church jesus christ has launched and and uh is growing and building the more the bigger is the more we need pillars i believe this church is a pillar if you want to think of it that way of the church of jesus christ we stand for truth we stand for the fact that his word will not return void if he's uttered it out of his lips it will happen we believe that that god has we you know he has launched this church he's birthed this church and he's called you to work together with us and together we form part of the body of christ this is a great great honor and it's not to be struck that it's not just something that's just flashy it's something that requires work it's something that requires uh attention and it's something that has a great responsibility to it because when you look at eternity you're going to realize how important it is like today we all get caught up in day-to-day things that happen but god wants us to realize that eternity is at stake and when we stand together as a local congregation we're walking in love helping each other none of us are a perfect i'm not perfect you're not perfect if you think you're perfect i'm sorry to tell you you're not i think you all know that but we know that we serve the one who is perfect and because of him we can come together as a body and glorify him and lift him up and give him glory and let it let the people of this whole region know there is a god in heaven amen uh just thinking about the great uh proclamation that david had when he was facing goliath and all of the israelites were hiding in caves and they were hiding away from the enemy and that that terrible giant was was just screaming out uh attacks and wanting to destroy the whole nation and here he is he comes in teenage boy trying to bridge just bring cheese to his family because under the instruction of his father and when he gets there he hears what's going on and and he's and he just gets he's he gets he gets strong in spay in faith it stirs him up to want to do something about this don't you want don't touch you want to be like david when you hear what the devil's doing you want it stirs you up to want to do something about it and he got up and he went got his little stones and uh he he started with his sling and he said this declaration which i just love he says that the whole world may know that there is a god in heaven he remembered his covenant and so what we do every single day when we stand up and take our rightful place as part of the body of christ built up as part of his glorious church we have to realize that our stand declares to the whole world that there is a god in heaven and he lives right here in this place and he lives in me and he lives in you give him a great shout in this house [Applause] this is a perpetual commission of the church you know the early church received this commission under the leadership of the lord jesus himself and through the presence and power of the holy spirit jesus continues to direct and empower his church it was established on the foundational truth that jesus is the christ the anointed one the son of the living god and jesus is still building his church upon the rock of revelation knowledge now let's look again at matthew chapter 16 verse 18 and i want to read in that passion translation again he says i give you the name peter a stone give you the name peter a stone and this truth of who i am will be the bedrock foundation on which i will build my church my legislative assembly and the power of death will not be able to overpower it so we are building his church on the bedrock foundation of who jesus is and it will not be shaken jesus destroyed the work of the works of the devil and gave his church supreme ruling authority over the gates of hell you need to take a look in the mirror and realize the word of god and realize how strong you really are i'm not talking about a physical marriage your house i'm talking about the mirror of the word of god it talks about how the word is a mirror and see just who you are in him and you will be impressed because it's not about what you can do but it'll be what god himself is living within you so jesus destroyed the works of the devil and gave his church supreme ruling authority over the gates of hell and this this is a strategic moment for each of us to rise up in faith and shine with the glory of the lord the lord gave me that this morning and i just want to declare that to you again i'm going to say this this right now this moment this is a strategic moment for each one of us to rise up in faith and shine with the glory of the lord because it's in there so often we just keep it closed up and we don't we don't nourish that or let it come out but god is inside of us and he wants to come out and touch the world around us we are commissioned to go and teach all nations the gospel and as we go we have the assurance of his continual presence will be with us so his continual presence is the promise and we read that earlier in matthew chapter 28 verse 20 and we're going to close with this verse matthew chapter 28 again verse 20 but this time i want to close with the reading it in the amplified bible because it's so powerful it says teaching them to observe everything that i have commanded you and behold i am with you all the days perpetually uniformly and on every occasion to the very close and consummation of the age amen so let it be so that is how he is with us he is with us all of our days even if it we don't it doesn't matter whether we feel it or not we know it because his word says it amen he says he is with us perpetually uniformly and on every occasion no matter what the instance when the enemy attacks you can shout out and say devil get your hands off my husband devil get your hand off of my finances you can rise up and speak with the authority that god has given you because he has given you delegated authority to use his name anytime anywhere for anything you have been supernaturally gifted by god with divine authority to walk in the earth as though jesus himself was walking in that room whether that be a hospital room a prison cell or a house that's sick with every other kind of other disease god isn't commissioning us to step into the place that he's called us he says it's time for you to just get off off of that seat and get up and step into the army step into your position step into your ye and go he's commissioning you today to go and there's a field before you that is ripe and ready with harvesting jesus said look the fields are already ripe for harvest he says pray ye therefore the labors of the harvest that he'll send forth laborers into his harvest because it's ready god is is he's ripening the field out there and he just wants us to open our eyes and realize that there that souls are in lying in the balance ready to be reached for jesus christ and all we need to do is let our light shine let the glory of the lord that's already been deposited within us the moment we got born again let it come on out and i'm telling you when it comes out it's going to transform lives jesse was saying this just this week and i never realized that that my life had had an impact on him because he was we were married in 1970 and we weren't born again and about a year and a half after that i got born again and i started praying for him to get saved and witnessing to him and he was always telling me kathy he'd say you don't have anything to give up because we were we were so opposite so opposite i mean he wanted to be a nightclub entertainer i wanted to be a third grade school teacher and i don't know why he was attracted to me but i was attracted to him god put us together and it's been a whirlwind it's been over 50 years now and it gets better every single day and i remember he even tells a story that he knows for a fact that the the holy spirit moved his father here to their home with the little town where i lived so that he could meet me now isn't that precious yeah he doesn't write his he doesn't write note cards but he sends me flowers with a little white one right in the middle we have our own methods in our own ways so it's good but i remember that he told me he says kathy i always was amazed that you thought that you really needed god because you looked like you were a good person to me so i told him i remember i had the revelation early on even though i had never read the bible that it didn't really matter how good of a person i was whether i actually did what he would consider sin yeah sure i didn't do the drugs i didn't do the the other things that he was doing i did do one thing he was always trying to get me to steal he's always wanted me to be bad kathy come on i was working at this little store and i worked actually in this it's like a little uh walmart or something but it had a little jewelry counter it wasn't expensive jewelry but he kept looking at this one watch and he kept telling me kathy you need to steal that watch i said i don't want it i wasn't saved of course and so i said i don't want to i don't want to do that i was a good person i didn't steal but he wanted to corrupt me that was his ambition and so i mean every day i mean he wouldn't give up he said kathy did you steal it today no i'm not going to steal that watch he would be after me and like a month two months go by he still asked kathy and he wouldn't give up that's what the devil is sometimes he's always after you that's where jesse learned it and so and so he one day i just gave in i gave up i said i'm tired of fighting him i'm just gonna take that watch and so i did i took the watch i brought it home and he was so happy he says okay he thought i was like my ultimate expression of love and respect for him i just still felt bad the whole time i never they never got away from me i got born again maybe a few months later and we were traveling all over the country and i remember we went back to that little town where we were that that had happened where i was working at that little store and i found my way to that little store and i went to the the office and i went to the office and i think the value of the watch was like 25 it wasn't a lot at that time to me that was a lot of money but probably more like 200 today but i i brought it to the girl at the counter i said hello do you remember me when i worked here she says oh yeah how are you doing i said well i just want to let you know that when i worked here i stole a watch i couldn't get away from it i just i i got god had forgiven me this wasn't anything about that but i just said lord i just want to do this for you and so i remember going to that little store and i talked to her i remember her face like it was yesterday and i said when i was here when i worked here i stole a watch and that wasn't right and i've gotten born again since then and i want to make it right so here's the money for that watch it's called making restitution and um i and i just want to give it back to the company i'm sorry and i just walked away and i remember that look on her face and suggest when i came back and told jesse he's just laughing at me saying they laugh and adjust i don't care if they're laughing i'm doing that for me and i'm doing that for the lord so he used to tell me cathy you didn't have anything to give up but i did have a few things i didn't matter what i did though even if it was the stealing or whatever it was is that i needed to accept jesus personally it's like nicodemus was a good man he was a theologian he did everything right he came to jesus at night he says you must be born again you must accept personally him into your life you have to repent of your sin you say lord forgive me come into my life i give my life to you and i did that and when i did that it changed my life forever that was way back in may of 1973 and i'm telling you it's getting better every single day it is you know because god wants us to realize that he's bringing bringing us all to a place now i didn't tell that story so that you can be convicted by what i say and go try to fix something you know you god forgives and god's gonna lead you and guide you in your pathway i don't want anybody to get under condemnation about a guy because it's not that's not all that's not what the purpose of the story was just to show you that god will direct and god our steps and it'll lead us to the place that we need to be so he says teaching them to observe everything that i have commanded you and behold i am with you all the days perpetually uniformly and on every occasion no matter where you're at in your life he is with you he never leaves you he will guide the steps that you have to take for your life for your journey for your ye wherever he's calling you to do to go and he will position you in a strategic place that will have maximum impact for his kingdom and his glory why because jesus is building his church by asking everyone the timeless question who do you say that i am you know it's not enough to know what others say about jesus you must know understand and accept for yourself that he is the messiah the christ the anointed one the son of the living god you must move from curiosity to commitment from admiration to adoration and your response to this question will determine your eternal destination amen praise the lord let everybody bow your heads father i thank you that we all have had to come to that point in our life where we ask who you are in our lives lord we declare that you i declare lord that you're my lord my savior you are the anointed one the son of the living god lord i pray that there's anyone in here today that has never made that commitment or that declaration that they will do that today and everyone watching as well online if you've never done that you can do that today and it's as simple as saying that in your heart let's say it together church father i come to you in the name of jesus and i declare that jesus is the messiah the christ the anointed one the son of the living god and i ask him to cleanse me forgive me of all my sins and lord i thank you that you're writing my name in the lamb's book of life lord and today is my god day lord i thank you that you've forgiven me of all my sins and i'm walking in a new day with you as my lord and my savior lord make me the building material that you need for your church lord i take my position as part of your body and lord use me to reach someone else with the wonderful gospel that has changed my life i pray this to the father in the mighty name of jesus amen amen give the lord a great handclap today glory to god hallelujah hallelujah how many of y'all excited to be part of the church of the living god you know this is where we are today and on earth but one day we're going to all be in heaven gather together and rejoicing for eternity about all the great things that god is doing and has done in the earth i'm like i'm getting ready for those next 10 years how about you so when we have a responsibility to pray for it we have a responsibility to get to a place where god can speak to our hearts and and we can speak out what he's telling us to do as well we're gonna we're gonna get to be strongly mean fight machines for jesus not fat lazy sheep right god has a plan
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 1,893
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Church, Jesus
Id: D5Pm8FryLE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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